- Sep 2021
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Dehghan, S. K. (2021, September 23). More than 100 countries face spending cuts as Covid worsens debt crisis, report warns. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/sep/23/more-than-100-countries-face-spending-cuts-as-covid-worsens-debt-crisis-report-warns
- lang:en
- developing country
- education
- inequality
- global south
- COVID-19
- spending cut
- is:news
- debt crisis
- social protection
- health
- Mar 2021
Wolf, Martin. ‘Ten Ways Coronavirus Crisis Will Shape World in Long Term’, 3 November 2020. https://www.ft.com/content/9b0318d3-8e5b-4293-ad50-c5250e894b07.
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- monetary policy
- high-debt countries
- need for transformation
- resilience
- resource reallocation
- Europe
- recovery trajectory
- post-crisis economy
- is:webpage
- Next Generation EU
- uneven recovery
- lang:en
- climate-friendly recovery
- market rigidity
- fiscal policy
- COVID-19
- coronavirus crisis
- Apr 2020
papers.ssrn.com papers.ssrn.com
Ramelli, S., & Wagner, A. F. (2020). Feverish Stock Price Reactions to COVID-19 (SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3550274). Social Science Research Network. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3550274