- Last 7 days
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Ein Hauptgrund für die Feuer in Los Angeles ist, dass die globale Erhitzung den Beginn der Regenfälle nach hinten verschoben hat. Dieses Phänomen war von Wissenschftlern vorausgesagt worden. Bisher gab es in Kalifornien um diese Zeit keine Waldbrände. Gespräch mit dem Forscher Eric Rigolo die Gründe der Katastrophe https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/incendies-a-los-angeles-nous-assistons-a-un-basculement-important-dans-la-saisonnalite-des-feux-20250115_2RPAYNV4HRDW7MAMEZQJBZT2YM/
- Jan 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
in the deserts the Southern California coastal region reaches some of its highest annual temperatures in Autumn rather than summer when these winds are going on frigid dry Arctic air from Canada tends to create the most intense Santa Ana winds
for - globally interconnected climate system - frigid dry Arctic air from Canada - Santa Ana winds - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
relative humidity decreases as the temperature increases and uh it often Falls below 10%
for - stats - Santa Ana winds dries to less than 10% relative humidity - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
the air warms adiabatically which means that it depends on the lapse rate as you as you go to lower and lower altitudes um the temperature increases so the lapse rate is actually the drop of temperature as you get further from the surface of the Earth in dry air the adiabatic lapse rate is n about 10° CS per kilometer or about a degree celsius per uh 100 MERS okay so the as the air is coming down it's warming about 1° cels for each 100 meters of desent
for - physics - adiabatic warming - lapse rate - Santa Ana winds - venturi effect through canyons increases wind speed - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10 - stats - Santa Ana winds warms 1 Deg C every 100 meter of descent due to adiabatic warming lapse rate - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
these winds um get compressed they increase in speed uh to often to near gale force winds or above and du to this Venturi effect where the winds get compressed into a smaller area so be for constant flow rate the velocity has to be much higher in this region than in this region just because there's less space for the air to be so it goes into these canyons and gets compressed and gets accelerated to very high speeds
for - physics - Santa Ana winds - venturi effect through canyons increases wind speed - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
a five-fold increase in summer burned area during 1996 to 2021 relative to 1971 to 1995
for - stats - 2025 Los Angeles fires - 5x increase in summer burned area - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
lots of homes right along the ocean completely torched so the question is why didn't they have hoses that they could put in the ocean and pump seawat onto the roofs and structures to keep the Cinders from uh setting the place light and burning It To The Ground just a thought
for - climate crisis - forest fires - home protection - outside rooftop sprinkler systems - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
// - COMMENT - Paul brings up a very good point. There is an existing low cost innovation that was pioneered and successfully deployed in Canada that could have prevented the destruction of many of the buildings that were destroyed, namely - rooftop sprinkler systems - There are many rooftop sprinker systems available now. They should actually be mandated into law to have one in high risk fire areas. - https://search.brave.com/search?q=canada+forest+fire+prevention+rooftop+sprinkler+system&source=desktop&summary=1&conversation=375a9992d731deff34143a
for - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
// - comment - Paul provides a climate analysis of the overarching climate conditions that enabled the 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Santa Ana winds are a natural occurrence in this area but the climate change induced abnormalities have brought about alternating cycles of heavy rain and drought conditions - The preceding heavy rain period resulted in enormous growth of vegetation - The last two months of extreme drought conditions dried up all this additional growth creating enormous amounts of fuel for a fire - It was interesting to learn that cold air from the arctic plays a critical role in the Santa Ana winds, but Paul did not provide an explanation - This is one example of how the earth system is so interconnected
- Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
- globally interconnected climate system - frigid dry Arctic air from Canada - Santa Ana winds - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
- stats - Santa Ana winds warms 1 Deg C every 100 meter of descent due to adiabatic warming lapse rate - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
- climate crisis - forest fires - home protection - outside rooftop sprinkler systems - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
- stats - 2025 Los Angeles fires - 5x increase in summer burned area - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
- stats - Santa Ana winds dries to less than 10% relative humidity - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
- physics - adiabatic warming - lapse rate - Santa Ana winds - venturi effect through canyons increases wind speed - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
- - rooftop fire sprinkler systems would have saved many building - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10s -
- physics - Santa Ana winds - venturi effect through canyons increases wind speed - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eric Holthaus sieht die Feuer in Los Angeles als Symbole einer neuen Ära komplexer Klimakatastrophen. Nie zuvor haben Bedingungen wie jetzt in Kalifornien geherrscht. So gab es in Kalifornien nach dem ersten tropischen Sturm der Geschichte die bisher längste Trockenphase. Zum jetzt ausgebrochenen Sturm trugen vermutlich auch Veränderungen des Jet Streams bei https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/09/los-angeles-wildfires-climate-disasters
Kapitel zu Compound Events im Climate Assessment der Biden-Administration 2023: https://nca2023.globalchange.gov/chapter/focus-on-1/
- Sep 2024
vocal.media vocal.media
hiking trails los angeles
Los Angeles is often known for its bustling urban environment, but it also boasts an impressive array of hiking trails that offer breathtaking views, diverse ecosystems, and a chance to escape the city's hustle and bustle.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
in the LA area for potential type-ins
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I visited the Supply Sergeant store on Hollywood Blvd yesterday, and for $15 they were selling a "regulator bag." This was 11 3/4" x 11 3/4" x 3". Perfect for carrying a Hermes Baby/Rocket! Here is another, but more expensive: https://www.akona.com/products/product?productId=11406
u/pbasch is in the LA area
- Jul 2024
anacostia.si.edu anacostia.si.edu
Based on the labels on typewriter ribbon donated by Octavia Butler, she got her ribbon from Office Machines Incorporated which had locations at 543 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA and 433 N. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA.
via https://anacostia.si.edu/collection/object/acm_2004.0007.0002
john.philpin.com john.philpin.com
The myth of California right? You are who you say you are.
- Jun 2024
www.rehabvintage.net www.rehabvintage.net
- Apr 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.typewriterconnection.com www.typewriterconnection.com
- Mar 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Über 25 Städte haben sich inzwischen dem plant based treaty angeschlossen, darunter Edinburgh Amsterdam und Los Angeles und eine Reihe indischer Städte. Viel ist nicht die völlige Eliminierung von Fleisch und Milch aus der lokalen Küche sondern ihre Klima- und gesundheitsfreundliche konsequente Reduzierung. Vorbild ist die Initiative für den fossil fuel non poliforation pretty. .https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/28/climate/plant-based-treaty-climate.html
- New York
- Los Angeles
- alimentation
- Animal Save Movement
- Edinburgh
- by: Cara Buckley
- Anita Krajnc
- Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative
- Amsterdam
- 2024-02-28
- Plant Based Treaty
- cities
- Vegans, vegetarians, fish-eaters and meat-eaters in the UK show discrepant environmental impacts
- Feb 2024
www.lapl.org www.lapl.org
The smallest collection of card catalogs is near the librarian’s information desk in the Social Science/Philosophy/Religion department on lower level three. It is rarely used and usually only by librarians. It contains hundreds of cards that reflect some of the most commonly asked questions of the department librarians. Most of the departments on the lower levels have similar small collections. Card catalog behind the reference desk on lower level three, photo credit: Tina Lernø
The surname Index for the library’s genealogy includes 315 drawers of about 750 cards each for a total of more than 236,250 cards patrons can use when they visit the History/Map/Travel section, photo credit: Diana Rosen
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Owners Paddy Calistro and Scott McAuley donated their publishing company Angel City Press to the Los Angeles Public Library in 2024.
- Dec 2023
www.revivalhubla.com www.revivalhubla.com
- Oct 2023
extras.overdrive.com extras.overdrive.com
lapl.org lapl.org
ArtistWorks provides world-class instruction for the most popular string and band instruments through self-paced video lessons from professional musicians.
Under "Extras" in the Libby app: https://libbyapp.com
- May 2023
www.bobdornberger.com www.bobdornberger.com
kingsroost.com kingsroost.com
- Apr 2023
COVID-19 has remained the leading infectious cause of death in L.A. County
L.A county still being infected with lots of cases is crazy. There are still cases being made and it's still very dangerous especially with people who don't even have their vaccines or boosters. Its especially dangerous for older people.
- Mar 2023
www.consumerreports.org www.consumerreports.org
Los Angeles Public Library Proxy: https://laplca.patronpoint.com/r/ffaea26f523272f96d2969d76?ct=YTo1OntzOjY6InNvdXJjZSI7YToyOntpOjA7czo1OiJlbWFpbCI7aToxO2k6MjQzO31zOjU6ImVtYWlsIjtpOjI0MztzOjQ6InN0YXQiO3M6MjI6IjYzZmZiYzM1Nzk5ZmQ0MTg1OTc2MjYiO3M6NDoibGVhZCI7czo2OiIyMzE2MDUiO3M6NzoiY2hhbm5lbCI7YToxOntzOjU6ImVtYWlsIjtpOjI0Mzt9fQ%3D%3D&
- Feb 2023
Local file Local file
The two sections of the index, then, went different ways: when Marcus opened‘branches’ of his archive in Los Angeles, New York, and Jerusalem, he microfilmedportions of his archival collections and also the Americana part of Deutsch’s cards. Bycontrast, the remaining cards were left to languish at Hebrew Union College’s Cincinnatilibrary.
www.politico.com www.politico.com
LA City Council members walk out as embattled colleague tries to return amid outrage over leaked audio<br /> by Lara Korte and Alexander Nieves<br /> 12/09/2022 04:18 PM EST
read on Fri 2022-12-09 5:16 PM
- Nov 2022
www.lainternationalpenshow.com www.lainternationalpenshow.comHome1
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Genealogy Garage: Researching at the Huntington Library
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0f2j2K6JWGg" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>- Julie Huffman jhuffman@lapl.org (host)
- Stephanie Arias
- Anne Blecksmith
- Li Wei Yang
- Clay Stalls cstalls@huntington.org
- Early California Population Project: Database of Baptism, Marriage, and Burial Records from California Missions
- Family Histories: A guide to resources for family history research at The Huntington Library
Huntington Library
Visit checklist
- Create a library account via Aeon: https://aeon.huntington.org
- Request rare materials via Aeon: https://researchguides.huntington.org/aeon
- Review Reading Room policies and Conditions of Use: https://researchguides.huntington.org/usingthelibrary/usingthelibrary
- Schedule an appointment: https://huntingtonlibrary.libcal.com
laist.com laist.com
He outspent Bass by very wide margins, largely using his own money (see below).
What the hell is Rick Caruso doing spending over $100M!! to defeat Karen Bass? He put in $101,477,500 of his own money along with $3.4M from a group opposing Bass compared to Bass's roughly $18M raise.
So many better things he could have done with that money, if in fact, people really think that he's got ideas that will actively make the city better.
Caruso outspent Bass 5 to 1.
Caruso spent $400 per vote for the 252,476 votes he got (as of 2022-11-09 9:24 AM).
- Jun 2022
www.kcet.org www.kcet.orgLost LA1
This is a stunningly excellent little series! It started auto streaming last night after I watched PBS News Hour and I watched it in the background all evening.
I'd seen at least one episode previously, but definitely worth re-watching in its entirety. So much history hiding around us...
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
via mention of the bar in "Lost LA" Coded Geographies Season 2, Episode 6
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
- Apr 2022
laist.com laist.com
Viper Room to become a mixed-use property... ugh...
- Jan 2022
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
The mansion sits on the same land where Sharon Tate and four others were murdered by the Manson family in the summer of 1969.Back then, the property’s address was 10050 Cielo Dr., but in 1994, real estate investor Alvin Weintraub demolished the house and changed the address to 10066 Cielo Dr. in an attempt to separate the estate from its dark past.
- Mar 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Tompkins, Lucy, and Carl Zimmer. ‘As the U.S. Surpasses 24 Million Cases, Los Angeles Confronts a More Contagious Variant.’ The New York Times, 18 January 2021, sec. U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/18/us/as-the-us-surpasses-24-million-cases-los-angeles-confronts-a-more-contagious-variant.html.
- Aug 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter: “Breaking: Los Angeles and San Diego school districts will be remote-only in the fall. California’s 2 largest public school districts said instruction will be remote-only in the fall, citing concerns that surging coronavirus infections pose too dire a risk for students & teachers. https://t.co/E6DTBeb2RF” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved July 17, 2020, from https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1282741042186518534
- Jul 2020
www.nationalgeographic.com www.nationalgeographic.com
Residents of L.A.’s ‘Skid Row’ seek hope as coronavirus worsens. (2020, April 7). History. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/04/residents-of-skid-row-seek-hope-as-coronavirus-worsens/
ph.ucla.edu ph.ucla.edu
UCLA (n.d.). Novel Coronavirus information page. https://ph.ucla.edu/news/fsph-news/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-information-page
www.businessweddings.com www.businessweddings.com
Wedding Directory
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- Sep 2019
boryanabooks.com boryanabooks.com
- Aug 2018
ita.lacity.org ita.lacity.org
Data Scientists Build Pothole Dashboard
Pothole Dashboard Los Angeles
innovation.luskin.ucla.edu innovation.luskin.ucla.edu
Near-infrared photography captures, in pictures, reflected light that lies outside the visible light spectrum, or what humans can see Near-infrared light on the electromagnetic spectrum has wavelengths that are longer than visible light but slightly shorter than mid- or far-infrared11 Photosynthesizing plants absorb most visible light and reflect near-infrared light Thus, a near-infrared photograph can visually show areas with high or low degrees of photosynthesis, an indicator of plant health (Figures 46 and 47)12 The photographs can be taken with a near-infrared camera or by purchasing a kit to alter a traditional digital camera Post-processing software can be used on the photograph to analyze plant health1
Near Infrared Photography
www.laparks.org www.laparks.org
Los Angeles Park Management