16 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
  2. Jan 2022
    1. Budak, C., Soroka, S., Singh, L., Bailey, M., Bode, L., Chawla, N., Davis-Kean, P., Choudhury, M. D., Veaux, R. D., Hahn, U., Jensen, B., Ladd, J., Mneimneh, Z., Pasek, J., Raghunathan, T., Ryan, R., Smith, N. A., Stohr, K., & Traugott, M. (2021). Modeling Considerations for Quantitative Social Science Research Using Social Media Data. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3e2ux

    1. The Notetab-Zettelkasten has several major advantages over the paper-implementation: 1. It is much more difficult to misplace slips 1. It has a powerful search function

      Most digital note taking systems have two major advantages of paper versions:

      • It's harder to misplace material unless one's system has major flaws or one accidentally deletes content
      • Digital search is far more powerful and efficient than manual search
  3. May 2021
  4. Mar 2021
    1. a data donation platform that allows users of browsers to donate data on their usage of specific services (eg Youtube, or Facebook) to a platform.

      This seems like a really promising pattern for many data-driven problems. Browsers can support opt-in donation to contribute their data to improve Web search, social media, recommendations, lots of services that implicitly require lots of operational data.

  5. Aug 2020
  6. Jul 2020
  7. Jun 2020
  8. May 2020
  9. Apr 2020