- Feb 2025
www.catholicculture.org www.catholicculture.org
Dreamt of learning Latin? Here’s how you’ll finally do it by [[Thomas V. Mirus]]
A non-specialist look at his Latin language acquisition with lots of resources around Hans Ørberg's Lingua Latin text.
Ranieri has an incredibly helpful playlist of videos on Latin pronunciation.
- Jan 2025
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Classical sources - Greek and Roman writerswith their references to Celti, Celtae, Keltoi, Celtici, Galli, Gallic,and Galatae -
- Dec 2024
www.edonnelly.com www.edonnelly.com
DownLOEBables<br /> http://www.edonnelly.com/loebs.html
- Nov 2024
Local file Local file
Dadalways griped that the railroad men in town got paid more than he did. Hecould read ancient Greek, but they had a union.
- Sep 2024
link.springer.com link.springer.com
The ontology derived by accepting consciousness as fundamental would be that objectivity and classical physics supervene on quantum physics, quantum physics supervenes on quantum information, and quantum information supervenes on consciousness.
for - quote - classical physics supervenes on quantum physics, which supervenes on quantum information, which supervenes on consciousness - Federico Faggin - Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
it's evolution of this state of this Quantum state in hilber space which then will allow us to compute the probabilities of what you might measure in space and time it will not tell you generally what you will measure he only tells you the probability what you can measure and that's crazy in a sense right because classical objects you can actually described trajectory so that at any point in time you can tell position momentum and so on but not for Quantum Quantum system so so this fundamental difference will will see that is essential to describe why the Consciousness and Free Will must be must be Quantum phenomena
for - consciousness - quantum explanation depends on - difference between - quantum physics - and classical physics
consciousness - quantum explanation depends on - difference between - quantum physics - and classical physics - quantum state evolves in Hilbert space - enables computation of probabilities of what one measures in space-time - but doesn't tell you what you will measure - This difference is critical for describing consciousness as a quantum phenomena
He recommends to read in the following order, because of thematic significance, I have to determine if I'll do the same.
Books: - A Defence of Classical Education, R. W. Livingstone - Weapons of Mass Instruction, John Taylor Gatto - The Republic, Plato - The Social Contract, Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Abolition of Man, C.S. Lewis - Discourse on Voluntary Servitude, Étienne de La Boétie - The Road to Serfdom, F. A. Hayek - The Political Theory of the American Founding, Thomas G. West
Fascinating. Rob Pierri mentions that there had been a shift in education from the development of the soul to the development of monetizable skills... Keep society manageable.
The question that remains for me is, what will ultimately leave society better and advance it? In the end, what matters more, the material or the immaterial? Why?
Rob Pirie argues that if one doesn't understand the foundational principles of their society, in the case of the American Republic, the ancient Greek and Roman history, with a consensus on the foundational virtues for society, the society cannot sustain itself.
Thus, he argues, there is a need for classical (self-)education
- Jul 2024
catholicliberaleducation.wordpress.com catholicliberaleducation.wordpress.com
- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
By prioritiz-ing a full longitudinal approach to Adler’s life, his intellectual cir-cle, and iterations of the great books idea, one can the see humanweaknesses of great books advocates even while acknowledging theirdreams, goals, and motivations.
the word "dreams" here along with great books and classical education reminds me of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s education on the classics as seen in his zettelkasten.
Surely his cultural up brining along with his religious training and his great books education empowered him to critically eye and change the culture around him.
- May 2024
- Apr 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
different 00:11:55 traditions in relation to these uh different styles of practice
for - classification table - types of Buddhist practice - nondual vs classical
two styles of mindfulness
for - two types of mindfulness
Buddhist classifcation - two types of mindfulness - classical - requires - memory of specific Buddhist teachings - dhammas mental framework<br /> - ethical consideraions - think of these things - don't think of those things - nondual - not distracted by anything - nothing in particular to focus on - no objject of attention
Buddhist scholar John Dunn
for - John D. Dunne - Buddhist scholar - paper - Buddhist Styles of Mindfulness - A Heuristic Approach - to - citation - John Dunne
to - citation - John Dunne website and paper - citation - https://hyp.is/N348dga5Ee-vq5-ZnnVD9Q/docdrop.org/video/BNAVYglundg/
- Mar 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Virtus (.mw-parser-output .IPA-label-small{font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .references .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .infobox .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .navbox .IPA-label-small{font-size:100%}Classical Latin: [ˈwɪrt̪uːs̠]) was a specific virtue in ancient Rome that carried connotations of valor, masculinity, excellence, courage, character, and worth, perceived as masculine strengths
Virtus as denoting valid, masculinity, courage, character, worth
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Gravitas (.mw-parser-output .IPA-label-small{font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .references .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .infobox .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .navbox .IPA-label-small{font-size:100%}Classical Latin: [ˈɡrawɪt̪aːs̠]) was one of the ancient Roman virtues[1] that denoted "seriousness".[2] It is also translated variously as weight, dignity, and importance and connotes restraint and moral rigor.[1] It also conveys a sense of responsibility and commitment to the task.[3]
Gravitas as denoting seriousness, weight, dignity, restraint, moral right, or responsibilities and commitment.
- Dec 2023
tgvaughan.github.io tgvaughan.github.io
The dimension of the configuration space is the smallest number of parameters that have to be given to completely specify a configuration. The dimension of the configuration space is also called the number of degrees of freedom of the system.4
Definition of degrees of freedom of a system
- Nov 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
If you want notes and commentary op you gotta pick up editions with the original language. I recommend Aris and Philips (publisher) for you since the commentary is pegged to the English not the original language.
- Sep 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
An object in object-oriented language is essentially a record that contains procedures specialized to handle that record; and object types are an elaboration of record types. Indeed, in most object-oriented languages, records are just special cases of objects, and are known as plain old data structures (PODSs), to contrast with objects that use OO features.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
For those interested in the history of classical education, manuscripts, books, and knowledge transfer, the University of Pennsylvania Libraries and the Shoenberg Institute have a potentially relevant ongoing zoom series called Coffee with a Codex in which they regularly bring out rare manuscripts, codices, incunabula, etc. from their collection to show and discuss.
Keep in mind that the presentation is done by library curators who may not be subject matter experts on the books they present, but the topics are nearly all relevant to classical education. Most attendees are academics, historians, medievalists, or regularly doing research in the areas of information studies and will often have thoughts, ideas, or experience with classical education, and may be able to answer questions about historical practices in the chat. Presentations are generally informal, short, and meant for a generalist audience. Quite often digital scans of the materials they present are available for browsing online or downloading for further study.
See the full schedule for Coffee with a Codex three weeks ahead at https://schoenberginstitute.org/coffee-with-a-codex/
To give folks an idea of the presentations, recordings of Coffee With A Codex since January 2022 are available at their YouTube Playlist. (To my knowledge they don't archive copies of their chat transcripts where the participants are usually fairly active, but some of the chat does make it verbally into the recorded discussion.)
Of particular interest this coming week is a presentation on a book which will touch on the recent conversation "Ancient Textbooks for Ancient Curriculums?" by u/psimystc with respect to the Carolingian educational program in the 9th-11th centuries.
Date: Thursday, September 7, 2023<br /> Time: 12:00pm - 12:30pm
Coffee with a Codex: Boethius and Aristotle <br /> On September 7, Curator Dot Porter will bring out LJS 101, a 9th and 11th century copy of Aristotle translated by Boethius, created as part of the Carolingian educational program. See the record: https://franklin.library.upenn.edu/catalog/FRANKLIN_9951865503503681
Free registration is required. https://libcal.library.upenn.edu/event/11148297
An informal lunch or coffee time to meet virtually with Kislak curators and talk about one of the manuscripts from Penn's collections. Each week we'll feature a different manuscript and the expertise of one of our curators. Everyone is welcome to attend. Welcome back for 2023-2024!
Syndication link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassicalEducation/comments/16a1oyi/coffee_with_a_codex_at_penn_libraries_recurring/
- Aug 2023
sourcebooks.fordham.edu sourcebooks.fordham.edu
Medieval Sourcebook: Robert de Courçon: Statutes for the University of Paris, 1215 The basic course was in the arts. Of the other faculties theology was best represented at Paris, law at Bologna, and medicine at Salerno. Robert de Courçon's statutes lay down the course in arts and enumerate the books to be studied. Students were expect to be able to teach as well as learn.
Why did this education disappear? It was the education ofthe Founding Fathers. It held sway until fifty years ago. Nowit is almost gone. I attribute this phenomenon to two factors,internal decay and external confusion.
Hutchins attributes the loss of classical education to both internal decay and external confusion, but I would suggest that some of the shift was also the need for industrialization and expanded access.
- Jul 2023
blackwells.co.uk blackwells.co.uk
Blackwell's seems to have Loeb Classical Library titles on perma-sale and includes shipping to the United States, so perhaps one of the least expensive means of collecting them.
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- Apr 2023
archive.org archive.org
- Feb 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
| physics/mathematics | Classical Physics | Quantum Mechanics |<br /> |---|---|---|<br /> | State Space | fields satisfying equations of laws<br>- the state is given by a point in the space | vector in a complex vector space with a Hermitian inner product (wavefunctions) |<br /> | Observables | functions of fields<br>- usually differential equations with real-valued solutions | self-adjoint linear operators on the state space<br>- some confusion may result when operators don't commute; there are usually no simple (real-valued) numerical solutions |
Principle (The Born rule). Given an observable O and two unit-norm states|ψ1〉 and |ψ2〉 that are eigenvectors of O with distinct eigenvalues λ1 and λ2O|ψ1〉 = λ1|ψ1〉, O|ψ2〉 = λ2|ψ2〉the complex linear combination statec1|ψ1〉 + c2|ψ2〉will not have a well-defined value for the observable O. If one attempts tomeasure this observable, one will get either λ1 or λ2, with probabilities|c21||c21| + |c22|and |c22||c21| + |c22|respectively.
- Jan 2023
[Cicero], and Harry Caplan (1896-1980). Ad C. Herennium de Ratione Dicendi (Rhetorica Ad Herennium). Loeb Classical Library, 403. Harvard University Press, 1964.
www.simplypsychology.org www.simplypsychology.org
This means that it does not allow for any degree of free will in the individual.
Conditioning is appropriate in some cases - military training, athletics. Does it have a place in schools? If a behavior is conditioned, it is learned, but is that learned response able to push the learner to use it in next contexts?
Are some instances of conditioning more okay because they can be transferred? Or is all conditioning as learning mechanism dubious?
It is more likely that behavior is due to an interaction between nature (biology) and nurture (environment).
Environment and experiences!
The stimuli that have become associated with nicotine were neutral stimuli (NS) before “learning” took place but they became conditioned stimuli (CS), with repeated pairings. They can produce the conditioned response (CR).
We have no bearing toward or away from nicotine on it's own. It's the pairing of nicotine (via the cigarette) and the release of dopamine that our body learns to crave.
and these cues can trigger a feeling of craving
Step 1 of the habit cycle.
the conditioned stimulus acts as a type of signal or cue for the unconditioned stimulus
A stimulus that does not cause a response is paired with a stimulus that does cause a response, linking those to stimuli.
therefore is a natural response which has not been taught
Reflexes, natural responses to stimuli. Blinking in sunlight, yawning when tired, etc.
www.verywellmind.com www.verywellmind.com
learning method in which a specific behavior is associated with either a positive or negative consequence.
Instead of feeling anxious and tense in these situations, the child will learn to stay relaxed and calm.
Conditioning is often presented as a way to achieve behaviors automatically. If those behaviors are things like self-regulation and awareness, is that a bad thing?
If we condition students to calm themselves at a sound (like the meditation bowl thing) have they learned self-regulation? Or are they simply responding to a stimulus out of habit?
Am I interested in forming habits which take over in specific situations or forming students who are aware of themselves and then choose the habits they want to develop?
However, if the smell of food were no longer paired with the whistle, eventually the conditioned response (hunger) would disappear.
Is this another method of learning? Or is it the same method - the same mechanism - just in the other direction?
If we remove conditioned stimuli from our schools, would students unlearn those conditioned responses?
the whistle sound would eventually trigger the conditioned response.
This makes it sound like it is an inevitable process. If we are aware of the conditioning, are we able to work against it somehow?
The conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually comes to trigger a conditioned response.
Is this a cue that can be interrupted with a new routine?
Behaviorism assumes that all learning occurs through interactions with the environment and that environment shapes behavior.
There is no self with behaviorism - all learning is due to the environment and the physical responses.
Holland JG. Behaviorism: Part of the problem or part of the solution. J Appl Behav Anal. 1978;11(1):163-74. doi:10.1901/jaba.1978.11-163
This learning process creates a conditioned response through associations between an unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus.
The key is learned association. Conditioning is obviously important, but what role does it have in the context for formal schooling?
Wolpe J, Plaud JJ. Pavlov's contributions to behavior therapy. The obvious and not so obvious. Am Psychol. 1997;52(9):966-72.
- Dec 2022
Local file Local file
Plato. Euthyphro. Apology. Crito. Phaedo. Phaedrus. Translated by Harold North Fowler. Loeb Classical Library 36. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1914. https://www.loebclassics.com/view/LCL036/1914/volume.xml.
- Oct 2022
Local file Local file
modern education concentrates onteaching subjects, leaving the method of thinking, arguing, and expressingone’s conclusions to be picked up by the scholar as he goes along;
Compared to classical education, modern education concentrates on teaching only "subject" areas and relying on one to osmose the methods for thinking, arguing, and properly expressing one's ideas as they proceed, if in fact they do at all.
- Jul 2022
- Apr 2022
Under the impact of the Carolingian Renaissance, flori-legia included classical authors as well, often arranged haphazardly in the order in which they were read.
Florilegia began to include classical authors in addition to biblical passages and those of church fathers due to the influence of the Carolingian Renaissance.
- Mar 2022
niklasblog.com niklasblog.com
Get the popular south asian classical music
south asian classical music are a sort of South Asian music, the other being film, different groupings of pop, local society, extreme and aware music. In south asian classical music, the raga and the tala are two fundamental parts. The raga structures the outer layer of a melodic turn of events, and the tala keeps the time cycle. Both raga and tala are open structures for imagination and award an incredibly gigantic number of potential outcomes, regardless, the preparation of a few hundred ragas and talas as key. Raga is really identified with tala or course about "division of time", with every unit called a matra (beat, and term between beats).
south asian classical music are the classical music of the Indian subcontinent. These customs were not explicit until about the fifteenth century. During the hour of Mughal rule of the Indian subcontinent, the customs disengaged and advanced into explicit developments. Hindustani music underlines extemporization and assessment of all bits of a raga, while Carnatic introductions will generally speaking be short blueprint based. Regardless, south asian classical music and two frameworks keep having more run of the mill highlights than contrasts.
The foundations of sufiscore south asian classical music of India are found in the Vedic piece of Hinduism and the old Natyashastra, the laudable Sanskrit text on execution explanations by Bharata Muni.
south asian classical music have two essential parts, raga and tala. The raga, considering a changed collection of swara (notes including microtones), structures the outer layer of an essentially bewildering melodic arrangement, while the tala evaluates the time cycle. The raga gives an expert a scope to assemble the song from sounds, while the tala gives them an innovative structure for musical extemporization utilizing time. In sufiscore south asian classical music the space between the notes is in many cases more tremendous than the genuine notes, and it all things considered avoids Western classical contemplations like congruity, separation, harmonies, or change.
Get the best classical video song
The explanation of Best classical video song in old India is found in the Vedic piece of Hinduism. As these fields were made, sangeeta changed into an obvious sort of workmanship, in an arrangement indistinguishable from contemporary music. The charming piece of the Best classical video song is alloted "sahityam" and sahityam is truly similar to singing the swaras by a wide margin in any case utilizing the bits of the tune. The songs of Samaveda contain melodic substance, progression, beat and metric affiliation. This arrangement is, regardless, not stick out or bound to Samaveda. Best classical video song is the classical music of the Indian subcontinent. It has two huge practices: the North Indian classical music custom is called Hindustani, while the South Indian verbalization is called Carnatic. These practices were not certain until about the fifteenth century. Best classical video song underlines spur of the moment creation and evaluation of all bits of a raga, while Carnatic presentations will generally speaking be short affiliation based. In any case, the two designs keep on having more standard elements than contrasts.
The crucial establishments of the Best classical video song of India are found in the Vedic piece of Hinduism and the old Natyashastra, the model Sanskrit text on execution clarifications by Bharata Muni. The thirteenth period Sanskritic language text Sangita-Ratnakara of Sarangadeva is seen as the persuading substance by both the Hindustani music and the Carnatic music customs.
Best classical video song has two focal parts, raga and tala. The raga, considering a moved game plan of swara (notes including microtones), structures the outside of a basically unusual melodic course of action, while the tala surveys the time cycle. The raga gives a specialist a compass to encourage the song from sounds, while the tala outfits them with an innovative framework for cadenced unconstrained creation using time. In Best classical video song music, the space between the notes is continually more fundamental than the genuine notes, and it everything considered avoids Western classical contemplations like concordance, inconsistency, harmonies, or change.
Where to find classical music video song
Classical music video song is the classical music of the Indian subcontinent. It has two gigantic practices: the North Indian classical music custom is called Hindustani, while the South Indian articulation is called Carnatic. Classical music video song underlines spur of the moment creation and assessment of all bits of a raga, while Carnatic showcases will generally speaking be short affiliation based. Notwithstanding, the two frameworks keep having more common provisions than contrasts. The essential foundations of the Classical music video song of India are found in the Vedic arrangement of Hinduism and the obsolete Natyashastra, the model Sanskrit message on execution enunciations by Bharata Muni. The thirteenth period Sanskritic language text Sangita-Ratnakara of Sarangadeva is viewed as the indisputable substance by both the Hindustani music and the Carnatic music customs.
Classical music video song has two central parts, raga and tala. The raga, considering a changed collection of swara (notes including microtones), structures the outer layer of a fundamentally intricate melodic arrangement, while the tala assesses the time cycle. The raga gives an expert a compass to foster the song from sounds, while the tala outfits them with an inventive system for cadenced unconstrained creation utilizing time. In Classical music video song music, the space between the notes is routinely more basic than the authentic notes, and it overall dodges Western classical contemplations like concordance, irregularity, harmonies, or change.
The reason of Classical music video song in old India are found in the Vedic arrangement of Hinduism. The earliest Indian idea joined three explanations, syllabic show (vadya), melos (gita) and dance (nrtta). As these fields were made, sangeeta changed into an unquestionable kind of workmanship, in a plan indistinct from contemporary music.
The wonderful piece of the Classical music video song is relegated "sahityam" and sahityam is truly similar to singing the swaras by a wide margin at any rate utilizing the areas of the tune. The songs of Samaveda contain melodic substance, development, beat and metric association. This arrangement is, regardless, not stick out or restricted to Samaveda.
- Jan 2022
Local file Local file
His Venetian wife Antonia is cited as the sole heir to his property
Ah, there's his wife. How long had they been married? Also, considering the hellenistic/greek culture which Leonello was emulating, having wives was not neccessarily a proof against queer relationships between men- they co-existed in different spheres, and it seems that classically marriages were secondary to the male-male relationships.
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
This is not the plot of the latest horror film from A24 but the unfortunate tale of Steven Spielberg’s efforts to remake “West Side Story,” the movie musical about love and ethnic rivalry among New York City gangs.
this is the classical oration structure where the speaker is stating his opinion and will give further reasons as to why he is correct.
- Mar 2021
www.eyebrowhairs.com www.eyebrowhairs.com
www.eyebrowhairs.com www.eyebrowhairs.com
www.sitepoint.com www.sitepoint.com
For instance, those who prefer classical inheritance may enjoy the addition of the class keyword, while others may reject it as conflicting with the idea of a prototypical inheritance model.
- Sep 2020
The Chinese garden underwent a significant period of development during the Six Dynasties. In addition to the continuation of the imperial park, the private garden (in the form of either a retreat in a sizable country estate or a scholar’s small garden attached to a residence) and the garden that was part of a Buddhist or a Daoist temple also greatly flourished in this period. The scholar’s garden, which developed from the Eastern Jin period onward, was particularly significant as its aesthetics influenced both the imperial and the temple gardens. The art of garden design and construction became increasingly sophisticated. And the functions of the garden went through some significant changes as well. The Six Dynasties period was indeed important in the history of the Chinese garden because it witnessed a number of developments that remained conventional throughout the subsequent imperial dynasties. Let us now turn to the most important developments in the garden during the Six Dynasties that bear special relevance to the topic of this chapter.
The Chinese view of nature and its aesthetics have been influenced by a culture of distinctive spiritual and philosophical currents such as Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. The traditional Chinese landscape and the conceptions of the garden are a compilation of successive dynasties, social models, architecture, and techniques with also an understanding of the beauty of nature and the ability to symbolize it.
The triad of human beings, earth, and heaven is part of nature. A continuous cosmos of universal, dynamic, self-creative, spontaneous, and unpredictable order, The Dao. The basic and most pure expression of a patterned and harmonious act of nature.
In The Six Dynasties period, the motivations of garden creation were drawn by a spirit of evocation, the search, and capture of “essence” and “spirit resonance” of nature. Where the function of gardens pursues an aesthetic of contemplation and enjoyment, where people gather together in a representational scenario of nature.
Zhou (1999) talks about the Chinese thinking of "nature and principle of man and things" and how the conception of a unitary cosmos and the understanding of selves and parts acting by patterns is the strongest driving force that shaped the Chinese tradition in terms of ethics, politics, religion but also architecture and landscape form. What shaped the Chinese landscape was the integration of the object's understanding in terms of opposition, integration, harmony, and relationships.
Zhou, Weiquan (1999). Chinese classical landscape history. Beijing. Qing-Hua University Publishing.
- Jul 2020
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Argument Quality in Real World Argumentation. (2020). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(5), 363–374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2020.01.004
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
since the matter is of Infinite Consequence is it equitable to deny 'cm the use of any help?
Another classic Christian move, making education of not just earthly, but eternal importance.
whereby they might enlarg e their prospect, rectify their false Ideas , form in their Minds adequate conceptions of the End and Dignity of their Natures, not only have the Name and common Principles of Religion floating in their Heads and sometimes running out at their Mouth�, but understand the design and meaning of it, and have a just apprehension, a lively sentimenL of its Beauties and Excellencies: know wherein the Nature of a true Christian consists;
This is a very rigid curriculum which tells us much about what Astell believes the human (or perhaps here just the woman, but I think it applies to humanity generally) to be. In particular, the wretchedness of a sinner, left unchecked, will lead to false ideas and bad beliefs and habits. "A true Christian" will need to have falsity and sin constantly called out and checked as she gradually learns to prefer what is really good, true, beautiful, etc.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
hree stages
These three stages are not the same as the Trivium, but they do seem to pair nicely, particularly if you understand the Trivium in a sort of developmental way as explained by Dorthy Sayers that is all the rage in classical education these days.
- Mar 2017
wilsonquarterly.com wilsonquarterly.com
Li Delun, one of the Chinese musicians trained in the West whose career survived the Cultural Revolution, helped lead the revival with a new ideological line, declaring, “People need this product of the West to liberate their cultural thinking from 2,000 years of feudalism.” By the early 1990s, the Chinese government was deliberately encouraging the study of music through its education policy. Students and their parents were keenly aware that musical training could be an advantage in China’s brutal competition for slots at top universities. Knowledge of Beethoven was something to show off, and President Jiang Zemin (in office 1993–2003) enjoyed doing just that, taking the baton to conduct orchestras at state banquets and playing the piano for Western leaders.
www.slate.com www.slate.com
“Whenever I play in Korea, I feel like I’m at a rock concert,” says Bell. If there’s any irony to the most quintessentially Western music tradition being kept alive by the East, by now it’s a moot point. Classical music is as Asian as tempura and Spam. Even if it eventually dies in the West, it will have an Asian afterlife, much in the way washed-up American rock bands can still pack stadiums in Manila.
And in contrast to celebrity musicians like Yo-Yo Ma and Lang Lang, Asians haven’t made much headway into conducting or composing. Asian music education is not famous for its music theory. The Suzuki method, Asia’s most successful classical music export, is a highly mechanical training regimen based on drills and rote memorization, with no emphasis on “feeling” the music
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
but this edu-cation did not include classical learning, literacy in Greek and Latin, or formal training in rhetoric, except in a few elite schools for boys destined for the univer-sity
I do wonder what the reasoning was for this (I mean, besides the blatant "women and the lower class are too stupid to understand our Great Books and/or will lead lives that do not require a 'polite' education"). We've already read arguments that the "polite" education supposedly improved the virtues as well as the mind, right? Wouldn't all of society benefit if women and the lower class were virtuous, as much as possible?
- Oct 2016
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- May 2016
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
she could not write sonnets, she brought herself to read them; and though there seemed no chance of her throwing a whole party into raptures by a prelude on the pianoforte, of her own composition, she could listen to other people’s performance with very little fatigue. Her greatest deficiency was in the pencil — she had no notion of drawing
This description of Catherine sounds similar to the description given in Pride and Prejudice of Elizabeth Bennett, who also has no great talent on the pianoforte or with a pencil. Austen consistently portrays the heroines of her novels in contrast to the women in the novels famous during her own life. These characteristics as mentioned in the Broadview edition of "Northanger Abbey" in appendix C.3 included musical accomplishments, artistic skills, and care for small creatures.
- Dec 2015
cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.netACT IV1
The third wife of the Roman emperor Claudius, notorious for her debauchery and infidelity; A nickname for a licentious, lascivious, or scheming woman. (OED)
- May 2015
dspace.mit.edu dspace.mit.edu
Solved Exams and Problems in advanced classical mechanics. Great Source!