- Aug 2022
Halstead, I., Lewis, G., & McKay, R. (2021). Opposition to Novel Biotechnologies: Testing An Omission Bias Account. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/4ef7m
- Oct 2021
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Understanding COVID-19 Registration Form. (n.d.). Google Docs. Retrieved March 31, 2021, from https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrC4krKVHcSm_Wi2VcXcGHa4F8l3cilL2xhbB62etcK4sy4w/viewform?usp=embed_facebook
- Apr 2021
investors.modernatx.com investors.modernatx.com
Moderna Provides Clinical and Supply Updates on COVID-19 Vaccine Program Ahead of 2nd Annual Vaccines Day. (2021, April 13). Moderna, Inc. https://investors.modernatx.com/news-releases/news-release-details/moderna-provides-clinical-and-supply-updates-covid-19-vaccine
- lang:en
- variant
- supply
- antibody
- global
- booster
- moderna
- is:webpage
- clinical
- efficacy
- vaccination
- dose
- biotechnology
- press release
- data
- COVID-19
- Dec 2020
investors.modernatx.com investors.modernatx.com
Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Meets its Primary Efficacy Endpoint in the First Interim Analysis of the Phase 3 COVE Study | Moderna, Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved 1 December 2020, from https://investors.modernatx.com/news-releases/news-release-details/modernas-covid-19-vaccine-candidate-meets-its-primary-efficacy/
- phase 3
- lang:en
- study
- vaccine
- analysis
- patient
- Moderna
- biotechnology
- safety
- vaccine efficacy
- is:webpage
- COVID-19
- Oct 2018
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
For the age of biotechnology is not so much about technology itself as it is about human beings empowered by biotechnology.
From this sentence, my personally understanding is that biotechnology really matters with human being. Biotechnology is "not about technology itself" but "about human beings empowered by biotechnology." In the later passages, author talked about "desire for better children, superior performance..." From this, I can get the message that biotechnology is nothing without making people's life have some changes. And at the same time, author talked about concerns from biotechnology. In fact, what people actually worry about is not just the technology, but the effects that the biotechnology will bring to the human beings based on this sentence I annotated.
- Sep 2018
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
For the age of biotechnology is not so much about technology itself as it is about human beings empowered by biotechnology
The author mentions a great argument surrounding modern technology which is not limited to biotechnology alone. when new technologies are invented the entire focus of humanity will be shifted towards the effects of that certain technology on human beings and not the technology itself therefore in the age of biotechnology we will be more concerned about the results that biotechnology brings rather than the biotechnology itself
keenest attachments, and whose natural gifts may be, if we do not squander or destroy them, exactly what we need to flourish and perfect ourselves—as human beings.
Kass' implications in the quote indicates the potential biotechnology has on the human psyche. Although biotechnology has the ability to forge new paths in curing feeble human (or in essence, any living thing) traits, such as sickness and suffering, it can be further exploited to enhance physical traits. However, Kass' tonality shines light that when this technology is fully developed, humans will lose sight of what they formerly relied on "keenest attachments" Therefore, it is of great significance that the limbs (keenest attachments) are used to "...perfect ourselves-as human beings." and not misused or ultimately destroyed.
“The food is contaminated, but why are my portions so small?”
This analogy stood out to me as a very effective means to explain what the author is trying to get at. The idea that regardless of how bad something is, if everyone has it and I don't, the question isn't if I should have it, it's why don't I. It's used fairly effectively here to get the point across, specifically with the idea of food, which is so necessary to us. We could even go further to draw the connection between food and technology as now completely essential to our lives that who cares if it's contaminated or dangerous, we still need it.
- dangerous
- Future
- More machine than man
- technology
- biotechnology
- Evolution
- equality
- analogy
- Biotechnology
- humanity
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
Sorry, but your soul just died . . .
It's interesting the use of the word "soul" here as a means to define the unquantifiable part of what makes us human taken from the article mentioned previously. Much of the author's argument has thus far been biotech based and "soul" is at first what the author describes as the chemicals that makes us feel, whereas "soul" is traditionally used as the essence of who we are while our body is just a vessel for that "soul" to live through.
- Dec 2014
www.gmofreeusa.org www.gmofreeusa.org
This can not occur in the natural world.
Genes from unrelated species may be incorporated in the wild by the process known as horizontal gene transfer.
For example, approximately 8% of the human genome originated in viruses.
Up to a quarter of the cow genome apparently originated in snakes, and was probably spread by ticks around the animal kingdom.