55 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. let's start with host capitalism and recognize that the way that we're using this is not as simple linearity of a transition out of an old system into a new system. We're using it in a way as a conceptual container to hold multiple values and ways of being and knowing that are rooted in reciprocity, solidarity, compassion, empathy, reverence for life.

      for - summary - explaining the paradox of Post Capitalist Philanthropy - a conceptual container - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      summary - explaining the paradox of Post Capitalist Philanthropy - a conceptual container - Using this idea of Post Capitalist Philanthropy not as a simple linear vehicle for transition from old to new system - It is a conceptual container that holds multiple values and ways of being, including: - reciprocity - solidarity - compassion - reverence for life - Recognition of transitioning out of a system that is about: - extractionism - commodification of - humans - nature - our relationships - domination - exploitation - What does an alternative way of being look like?

  2. Aug 2024
    1. even those people who are deeply involved in introspection and find that they that their minds raise objections which prevent them going deeper into their experiential investigation and i feel that the work you're doing is making a very um significant contribution to those people as well

      for - recognizing true nature - validation of conceptual method - Rupert Spira

    2. i try to validate the effort i make by paying attention to a specific group of people people more or less like me that do not allow themselves to open up to the introspective path unless and until they have some kind of conceptual model that validates that that introspective path if if the head doesn't allow the heart to have the experience by direct acquaintance then in those people the heart doesn't get there the brain is the bouncer of the heart

      for - recognizing true nature - validation of conceptual approach - brain is the bouncer for the heart - Bernardo Kastrup

  3. May 2024
    1. In this chapter the various stylistic influences in Reddy’s African Funk for Felix, Ballad for Thomas, and Toccata for John Roos are traced and delineated. By shedding light on the stylistic features that Reddy brought to pianistic realisation, I provideinterpretative insightsbased on a stylistic study of these works. This study is conducted by way of an overview of the stylistic musical elements found within the harmony, melody, rhythm, texture, form and style of the three works.The structures of the compositions are analysedincludingthe form of the composition, improvisation sections, intros, outros, modulation, development, and specific stylistic structural qualities, for example the cyclic repetition within the mbaqangasection in African Funk for Felix(Allen 2001; Bennet 2002:4-8; Berg 2005:3; Harrison 2009:131-132).Furthermore, examples of Reddy's harmonic vocabulary are givenand concepts such as extended jazz chords, harmonic repetition, ostinato, tension versus resolution, modal harmony, accompaniment style, modulation, transitions between different sections, and stylistic harmonic characteristics form part of this discussion (Reddy 2005b; 2005c; 2007).Stylistic melodic structures and motifs are also delineatedwith specific focus onstylistic licks,5development of the melody, tension and release, melodic material in the left hand, walking bass patterns, and melodies borrowed or quoted from other compositions (Aebersold 1992:43; Berg 2005:7; Harrison 2009:91; Reddy 2005b; 2005c; 2007).The use (or sometimes even lack) of dynamic markings in Reddy’s worksis also investigated. In African Funk for FelixReddy did not include dynamic markings. There arerecordings(as discussed in the literature review) that can be used as a referencewhen studying the work, but if itis performed as a solo piano composition, the
  4. Nov 2023
    1. The conceptual framework for this study incorporated intersectionality theory and organisational psychodynamic theory, to explore the experiences of 10 black women senior managers working in the Ministry of Justice.
  5. Sep 2023
  6. Jul 2023
    1. Conceptual data model: describes the semantics of a domain, being the scope of the model. For example, it may be a model of the interest area of an organization or industry. This consists of entity classes, representing kinds of things of significance in the domain, and relationship assertions about associations between pairs of entity classes. A conceptual schema specifies the kinds of facts or propositions that can be expressed using the model. In that sense, it defines the allowed expressions in an artificial 'language' with a scope that is limited by the scope of the model.
  7. Mar 2023
    1. “The hardest thing I’ve learned over the years is that I’m getting paid a lot of money to produce a movie, but sometimes the best thing to do is nothing,” he told The New York Times in 1992, when he was making “Hoffa.” “I don’t need to impose myself.”Nonetheless, he knew he played a vital role.“It’s the creative urge that makes me work,” he told American Film magazine for a 1988 article. “The pleasure is, to some extent, vicarious, but it’s no less creative for that. It is creating a world by bringing together creative financing with creative filmmakers. In a sense, producing can be compared to conceptual art.”
  8. Jan 2023
    1. Premium feeds are rehosted by Apple and it's huge PITA because we have ad-supported public feeds and ad-free premium feeds and need to build them twice.

      The author here makes it sound like they have to reach out and grab content stream chunks, stitch them together with their own hands, and then plonk them down on the assembly line for 14 hours a day or something.

      It's a program. You write a program that does the building.

  9. Nov 2022
    1. during an analytical reading, you will need to give answers to questions about the truthand significance of the book. The notes you make at this levelof reading are, therefore, not structural but conceptual.

      Conceptual notes are made during the analytical reading of a book and "give answers to questions about the truth and significance of the book."

  10. Oct 2022
    1. Junto a sus colegas de la Escuela lingüística de Praga, Jakobson había elabora-do un método de análisis que prometía dar a la lingüística una base científica fir-me. Jakobson partía de dos nociones claves. En primer lugar, planteaba que sepodía descubrir, bajo las variaciones superficiales aparentemente infinitas de losdistintos lenguajes, un cierto número de elementos claves o componentes. Porejemplo, para producir cualquier sonido, el individuo debe optar entre mantenerel tracto vocal abierto o cerrado, juntar o separar los labios, bloquear o dejar li-bre el conducto nasal. Las opciones efectuadas respecto de cada uno de estos po-cos "rasgos distintivos" determinan qué sonido de cuál lenguaje se emite

      El carácter lingüístico que se enuncia en el texto me dirige a la propuesta escultórica de Joseph Beuys. La construcción del lenguaje es la materia prima con la que busca modelar al individuo en sociedad. La construcción morfológica que se logra con el aparato fonador, desde la respiración hasta la articulación fonética es un acto escultórico. Por otra parte, no es únicamente producir sonidos también son la relaciones que se producen con este intercambio. Por ejemplo, en la pieza "Oficina Política Permanente de la Organización para la Democracia Directa a través del Plebiscito’’ de 1972. Joseph Beuys busca mediante un conjunto de acciones la participación de las personas para repensar la vida, las relaciones humanas y porque no la ecología.

  11. Aug 2022
  12. Jul 2022
  13. bafybeicuq2jxzrw7omddwzohl5szkqv6ayjiubjy3uopjh5c3cghxq6yoe.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeicuq2jxzrw7omddwzohl5szkqv6ayjiubjy3uopjh5c3cghxq6yoe.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. The very shift from bounded objects to boundary-forming processes became a new playground and my whole perspective gained anextra dimension of freedom.

      !- in other words : bounded objects, boundary-forming processes * The leap from the unknown to the newly known is a birthing process from the known to a synthesis and new convergence of disparate phenomena into a unitary whole motivated by a compulsion that brings it into existence * Forming a boundary is synthesizing many qualities and bundling into one new one that has some compelling utility * Once formed, the new boundary, the new concept is much like how biological evolution works, from an aggregation of simpler forms that combine and unite to form a new higher level form

    1. what happens um when we're thinking about our inner states one of the things that we need to recognize is that our introspection when 00:22:54 we we become aware of our beliefs our desires and our hopes and our fears and so forth is all done through language and on the model of language when i decide that i believe that john dunn 00:23:07 gave a great talk this morning when i believe that hal roth is a great scholar of zen and when i believe that alan wallace gave us a beautifully inspirational talk about the role of practice and contemplation in the 00:23:19 understanding of the self and i introspect that way i'm using those sentences alan gave that great talk john gave us a great talk about pramana and so forth as models for my inner states and i'm not 00:23:32 doing that because i looked inside and saw little english sentences in my brain i'm looking i'm doing that by using language as a kind of introspective model that's a matter of self-interpretation 00:23:44 it's easy to forget that because it feels so immediate so language gives us the concepts that we use to think about the world but it is also the model for the concepts of our propositional attitudes like belief 00:23:58 desire knowledge and so forth and as a model we have to recognize that the model the map isn't the reality to go back to what john uh reminded us of he reminded us of earlier introspection in 00:24:11 terms of language gives us an interpretation it doesn't give us an independent reality that is being interpreted and when we think about the madhyamaka 00:24:23 of nagarjuna and chandrakiri we remember that to be empty is to be empty of any intrinsic nature and if we follow chandra charity as i suggested earlier that means that it is to exist only 00:24:37 dependent on conceptual imputation and what i am suggesting now is that all of our inner cognitive states that we introspect we encounter only through a conceptual imputation only through 00:24:50 interpretation only through language and that is they exist conventionally not intrinsically even though they might appear to us to exist just as we see 00:25:02 them and to do so intrinsically

      Another key point:

      Language is the tool we use for introspection and as Nagarjuna and Chandrakirti hold, are empty of intrinsic nature. All inner cognitive states that we introspect are attained only through linguistic conceptual imputation so can only exist conventionally and not intrinsically.

      This underscores the importance of the symbolosphere, of symbols and language.

  14. Jun 2022
    1. 人们总是抗拒变革,为什么?詹姆斯·亚当斯(JamesAdams)在《概念障碍》(ConceptualBlockbusting)一书中指出,在面对变革时共有四种障碍,分别是感知障碍(Percep-tualblocks)、情感障碍(emotionalblocks)、文化和环境障碍(culturalandenvironmentalblocks)、知识和表达障碍(intel-lectualandexpressiveblocks)。感知障碍主要是指让人无法清楚认知问题本身造成的障碍,这主要是认知方式造成的,对环境、问题、事件本身缺乏充分的了解,无法从不同角度看问题等等;情感障碍主要是影响变革的情绪、情感障碍,比如说人们害怕风险和失败,害怕不确定性,不喜欢打破习惯,对新观点过早下判断等;文化和环境障碍是来自于外部环境,社会常常会强加一些抑制变革过程的严格准则,对传统的依赖也会阻碍创造性思维;知识障碍主要是因为缺乏解决问题相应的知识基础,或者使用错误的策略解决问题,缺乏灵活性,表达障碍主要是无法有效交流造成的。

      Conceptual Blockbusting

  15. Nov 2021
  16. Sep 2021
    1. Creating a community network ontology is therefore about much more than just knowledge representation. It also requires us to think about how this conceptual knowledge model affects real-world knowledge creation and application processes, in our case concerning participatory community network mapping. Its participatory nature means that we need to think hard about how to explicitly involve the community in the construction, evolution, and use of the ontology.
  17. Aug 2021
    1. theory is often conflated with “conceptual”. So people talk about having a theoretical or conceptual framework.

      See Varpio, L., Paradis, E., Uijtdehaage, S., & Young, M. (2020). The Distinctions Between Theory, Theoretical Framework, and Conceptual Framework. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 95(7), 989–994.

  18. Jul 2021
  19. May 2021
    1. fter nearly a century of debate between these two schools of thought (withlittle conciliation), I believe it is time to look for an alternative approach. Whatmakes the rich different, I propose, is not the productivity of their property or theirexploitation of workers. I

      The nuance with Marxist interpretation is very hard to get. If income derives from hierarchical power rather than productivity, how is it not economic extraction ? How is top-down control not alienation ?

  20. Feb 2021
  21. Jan 2021
    1. Exercise Guidelines

      I've found these exercises work best with time limits.

    2. faculty designer.

      I think I need more. I'm not a faculty designer, so...where does that leave me? Also, do you mean course designer?

    1. probing questions and the faculty needs to ask design question

      This mighjt be a good place to supply examples of what a course-design question might look like and what a subject-matter question might be.

    1. workshop engagements

      not sure what this means yet.

    2. This text is a less about Going Further and more about Getting Started: By using (or even better, adapting and remixing) this text as the floor plan for enrichment or development, we can and ought to be critical of our work under the guise of improving student experiences.

      move up? feels top-line.

    3. even better, adapting and remixing

      hmmm. why is adapting and remixing "even better"?

    4. With the future in flux for all of higher ed, especially in more marginalized settings such as all-women and historically black colleges and universities, this type of collaboration is not only a positive step, but highly encouraged.

      I think I'd move this up to your intro.

    5. oward an efficient, effective, appealing, engaging and inspiring acquisition of knowledge.

      I think here I'd like to see a concrete example.

    6. Teaching in 2021, in the midst of a pandemic that is causing serious and widespread disruption to student attention,

      Is that just in 2021? Or does 2020-2021 just underscore what you have known for a long time?

  22. Dec 2020
    1. If you look at the same graph with distance 2, the layer of additionally visible nodes show how my new Notion might be connected to things like online identity, using the environment to store memory and layered access to information. This triggers additional thoughts during the writing process.

      Lovely. This is such a great insight that I can already see is going to help me a lot.

    2. Usually while writing a Notion, I show the graph of how it connects to other Notions/Notes alongside it. I set the graph to show not only the 1st level links, as that only shows the links already apparent from the text I have in front of me. I set it to show 3 steps out at the start, and reduce to two steps when there are more links.

      This is a great idea that hasn't occurred to me before. When looking for non-obvious relationships between concepts (something that I think forms part of creativity), it makes sense to have the graph view open alongside the note you're working on.

  23. May 2020
  24. Apr 2020
  25. Nov 2019
    1. Although educators may use technology for personal use, technology may not be used to supportlearningor prepare students for thecurrent digital culture.

      This article focused on how K-8 and K-5 classrooms fail to use the technology in their classrooms. In the first section of this article, the author defines the problem and provides a conceptual framework for the problem. In the second section of this article, the author presents the research, data that was collected during the study, and the participants that were involved. In section three, the project description and the projected goal was shared. Along with the literature that was reviewed, obstacles that were encountered, evaluation, and changes that were made to change the predicted outcome. The last section, section four concluded with the strengths, limitations, other approaches that were encountered during the project. The project closed out with the analysis, changes that effected the project/social change, and future research. Rate: 4/5

  26. May 2019
  27. Apr 2019
    1. The ITL department at The Ohio State University at Mansfield has six primary themes: (a) developmentally appropriate practice, (b) integrated curriculum, (c) literature-based instruction, (d) classroom-based inquiry, (e) diversity and equity issues, and (f) technology integration. The goal for technology integration, like the other themes in the program, is to integrate the theme into each course of the program, when appropriate. For example, instructors find ways to integrate children’s literature into each of the methods courses, whether it is a mathematics, science, or social studies methods course. The goal is to integrate the common themes of the program throughout the methods courses and the other graduate courses leading up to student teaching.
  28. Jan 2019
    1. This kind of system approach to human intellectual effectiveness does not find a ready-made conceptual framework such as exists for established disciplines. Before a research program can be designed to pursue such an approach intelligently, so that practical benefits might be derived within a reasonable time while also producing results of longrange significance, a conceptual framework must be searched out—a framework that provides orientation as to the important factors of the system, the relationships among these factors, the types of change among the system factors that offer likely improvements in performance, and the sort of research goals and methodology that seem promising.
  29. May 2018
    1. Ratto wanted the term to act as glue between conceptual and linguistic-oriented thinking and physical and materially based making with an emphasis on introducing hands-on practice to scholars that were primarily working through language and texts, such as those in the fields of communication, information studies, and science and technology studies
  30. Mar 2017
    1. Der zweite Teil ist noch problematischer als der erste. Im Grunde betreiben die beiden mit dem zweiten Teil einen Etikettenschwindel: Sie schreiben "case study" drüber, weil das gut passt, ein Theorieteil und ein Fall. Aber was sie als Fallstudie verkaufen wollen ist alles andere, aber keine Studie. Für mich liest sich der zweite Teil wie eine Mischung aus Stadt(verwaltungs)marketing, Regierungsprogramm und Flugblatt einer idealistisch technophilen NGO. Analytisch und kritisch ist da nichts. In den Begrifflichkeiten lassen sich grundsätzliche Inkompatibilitäten zum ersten Teil finden (z.B. S. 35).

    2. Das Papier hantiert mit zwei Etiketten für die Stadt: neoliberal und rebellisch. Daraus ergibt sich ein Widerspruch, den es nicht weiter problematisiert oder gar bearbeitet: Sie wird als neoliberal etikettiert, soll aber dem datenbasierten Neoliberalismus 2.0 widerstehen (z.B. S. 23). Warum sie das tun sollte, wird nicht weiter erläutert, dass sie es nicht tut und dass das eben keinen Widerspruch bildet, fällt also auch nicht auf. Da ist die kritische Stadtsoziologie mit ihrem Konzept der "Unternehmerischen Stadt" analytisch klarer und erklärungsmächtiger.

    3. Das Problem mit dem ersten Teil (Morozov) ist m.E.: "City" ist sowas wie ein Subjekt in der Betrachtung.

      • Sie wird nicht weiter analytisch zerlegt, etwa als Akkumulation sozialer Räume, die sich vielfach verschränken und in denen unterschiedlichste Akteure mit unterschiedlichsten Interessen und Ressourcen in wechselnden beabsichtigten und zufälligen Kooperationen und Gegnerschaften sich bewegen.
      • Stattdessen wird sie in einer eigenartig monolitschen Gestalt an mehreren Stellen moralisch verteidigt.
      • Der Versuch der Analyse und Kritik der smarten City kann ohne die Einbeziehung von Smart Home und Smart Self nicht gelingen. Der Text belegt das durch seine Andeutungen in diese Richtung und versäumt aber die Ausarbeitung des Zusammenhangs dieser ganzen Smartheit, die uns als je getrennte verkauft werden, in der Ausbeutungs- und Herrschaftslogik jedoch untrennbar miteinander verschränkt sind.
    4. using a different legal and economic model,

      Weil diese notwendige Bedingung ("using a different legal and economic model") hier so knapp eingeschoben ist, statt zentral thematisiert und ausgearbeitet zu sein, klingt das wieder so nach "Umdrehen" der Technologie zu besseren Zweck. Und dazu vgl. die Anmerkung auf S. 21.

    5. s. To think that cities can reclaim such sensors seems ridiculous, which makes these firms even less susceptible to dialogue with city leaders

      Hier rächt sich aber auch die konzeptionelle Leerstelle Smart Home/Smart Self beim Versuch des Policy Makings für die "Smart City von unten". Die Technologien dieser Felder werden dann nämlich hinterrücks zu Sachzwängen und "Naturphänomenen".

      Grob formuliert: Wer nicht über die Smartphone-freie Stadt zumindest nachdenkt, der sollte über die Smart City schweigen.

    6. They can be roughly split into several groups

      Geht es hier um Idealtypen? Oder um real existierende Beispiele irgendwo in irgendwelchen Städten?

      In jedem Fall wären hier Einzelheiten und Beispiele interessant. Das wäre dann ein guter Ausgangspunkt für dieses Kapitel und würde tatsächlich zu dem ja ganz und gar nicht falschen Fazit führen, das der nächste Absatz formuliert.

    7. nb,   it   seemsunfair   to   be   blaming   c

      Wieder so ein Symptom der Subjektivierung und Idealisierung der "City": Hier wird sie moralisch in Schutz genommen.

    8. waterboarded  by  austerity  measures,

      Bei so starkem Bild muss ich doch einwenden: Sind die Städte denn die Guten?

      Die Unternehmerische Stadt presst die Daten ihren Bürgern ab und verkauft sie dann. Aber der Bürger kommt ja hier nur als machtlos (weil seine Rolle als Smart Self ausgeblendet bleibt) und als neoliberales Subjekt (mit Hilfe smarter Technologie immer auf der Jagd nach dem billigsten Angebot) vor. Die Stadt hingegen wird gefoltert und ist offensichtlich das Opfer.

      Das kann nur suggerieren, wer sie a) monolithisch konzeptionalisiert und b) idealisiert. Beides durchgehend problematische Tendenzen in diesem Text.

    9. etition. Customers, as long as they are promised low rates, do not seem to mind.

      Die Absätze hier sind geprägt von so einem untergründigen "alles wird billiger und deshalb machen alle mit".

      Erstens stimmt der erste Teil nicht (Kosten werden externalisiert) und zweitens der zweite auch nicht (nur eine bestimmte Klientel macht mit).

      Da der Text aber Smart Self ausklammert, kann er diesen Feinheiten nicht auf die Spur kommen. Dass das dann zu verkehrten Schlussfolgerungen führt (die non-neoliberal city im "double bind", S. 17), ist das dramatische an der Sache.

    10. privatized Keynesianism

      Hier kommt er jetzt schon ohne die Anführungszeichen. Daher äußere ich auch in Unkenntnis des Crouch-Papiers meine Skepsis: Keynesianismus bezeichnet wirtschaftspolitische Ansätze, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, die Nachfrage nach Gütern und Dienstleistungen zu steuern und bei Bedarf die Wirtschaft durch vermehrte Staatsausgaben und durch expansive Geldpolitik zu beleben. Ein "privatisierter" Keynesianismus ist also contradictio in adjecto. Wie gesagt: Ich weiß nicht, wie das bei Crouch trägt. Das hier so vorauszusetzen und davon auszugehen, dass der Begriff hier trägt, finde ich falsch.

    11.  heating,  ventilation,  lighting  and  air  conditioni

      Das ist Smart Home! Die konzeptionelle Abtrennung und Privatisierung des Komplexes Smart Home ist eine Strategie der Herrschenden. Die Smart City ist ohne die Techniken des Smart Home (und Smart Self) nicht realisierbar. Den Konzernen ist das klar, ihre Produktpaletten kennen die Trennung nicht, ihre Technologien von Smart City, Smart Home und Smart Self lassen sie nahtlos ineinander greifen. Das ahnt auch der Text, deshalb benennt er die Technikbereiche hier im Kasten. Er versäumt aber die Kritik am Dreiklang Smart Home-Smart City-Smart Self.

    12. designed

      Die Designprinzipien sind nicht Ursache, sondern Folge. Folge der real existierenden Eigentums-, Kräfteverhältnisse und Kämpfe innerhalb der Stadt. Da die Stadt in dem Text jedoch recht monolitisch konzeptionalisiert ist, kommt dies nicht in den Blick.

    13. should begin by investigating how it fits into the broader set of neoliberal precepts that have constrained the autonomy of citie

      Das leistet die stadtsoziologische Kritik an der "Unternehmerischen Stadt" schon spätestens seit Beginn der 0er Jahre, die hier nicht wahrgenommen wird.

    14. geopolitics of the smart city agenda

      Die Geopolitik der Smart City hat der Text auf dem Schirm. Was fehlt ist eine Abgrenzung oder besser noch: eine Problematisierung der Zusammenhänge mit Smart Home und Smart Self. Dass diese beiden Konzepte gar keine Rolle spielen, fällt dem Text noch auf die Füße, dazu weiter hinten mehr (z.b. S. 25).

    15. informing and shaping the work of urban planners, architects, infrastructure operatorsand real-estate developers, transportation officials, as well as mayors and entire

      Dieser Satz ist beispielhaft für die Art und Weise, wie in dem Text ein "Konzept" oder hier konkret "Signifikant" zum quasi handelnden Subjekt formuliert wird. Das ist natürlich Quatsch. Das wissen LeserInnen auch. Aber es entnennt nebenbei die wirklich Handelnden und verstellt den Weg zu einer weiteren Erörterung der Bedingungen der Handlungsfähigkeit. Letzteres wäre aber genau wichtig und tatsächlich interessant, wenn der Text als Fazit mehr liefern sollte als "man" "müsste" und "sollte"...

  31. Sep 2015
    1. This research has been important in breaking down conceptual boundaries between tradi- tional disciplinary approaches to the built environmen

      Example that challenging tradition can be a good thing