39 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Oct 2024
    1. Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself.

      for - quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie

      quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - The problem with this reasoning is that it is circular - By rewarding oneself an extreme and unfettered amount of wealth for one's entrepreneurship skills creates inequality in the first place - Competition that destroys other corporations ends up reducing jobs - At the end of life, the rich entrepreneur desires to give back to society the wealth that (s)he originally stole - If one had reasonable amounts of rewarding innovation instead of unreasonable amounts, the problem of inequality can be largely mitigated in the first place whilst still recognizing and rewarding individual effort and ingenuity

    1. Zahnarzt / -ärztin oder Vorbereitungsassistent / -in gesucht Details anzeigen

      Zahnärzte am Tegeler Hafen Am Tegeler Hafen 2 13507 Berlin

    2. Zahnarzt (m/w/d) Details anzeigen

      DEIN DENTAL Medentes Berlin MVZ GmbH Oranienburger Str. 83 13437 Berlin

    3. ##entspannte und freundliche Paxis sucht Zahnarzt (m/w/d)## Details anzeigen

      Really-really far

    4. Assistenz Zahnarzt/Zahnärztin in Berlin Mitte gesucht Details anzeigen

      Praxisgemeinschaft am Kurt-Schumacher-Platz Kapweg 3 13405 Berlin

    5. Vorbereitungsassistentin/-en (m/w/d) in Mitte Details anzeigen

      Praxisgemeinschaft am Kurt-Schumacher-Platz Kapweg 3 13405 Berlin

  3. Aug 2024
    1. Silicon Valley’s pivot to Trump reveals just how uncoupled its own needs have become from the public’s

      for - silicon valley's far right turn

  4. Jul 2024
    1. they feel incredibly resentful that they have not benefited from the the wealth generated 00:38:07 from by this uh system that was once uh uh promised them so much uh and so i i i think you know there and that's just one example among many uh in in the less prosperous parts of the world you could 00:38:21 you'd see many more

      for - progress trap - inequality - resentment

      progress trap - inequality - resentment - rapid emergence of the far-right and populus - Indeed we see so much resentment everywhere. For example, the far-right and populus could only emerge so rapidly because of such resentment of being left behind.

    1. the erosion between whiteness andgainful employment that Davidson and Saul arguedled to a cultural backlash from white Americans andhas caused them to move from the left to the far-rightas a form of retaliation against the neoliberal cosmo-politan left.

      for - key insight - gainful employment of white working class led to cultural backlash and shift from left to far-right - to - Neoliberalism and the Far-Right: A Contradictory Embrace

      key insight - gainful employment of white working class led to cultural backlash and shift from left to far-right - source - Davidson and Saul

      to - Neoliberalism and the Far-Right: A Contradictory Embrace - https://hyp.is/8Hf0lDzqEe-KM9dQxJDxsw/core.ac.uk/download/pdf/84148846.pdf

    2. for - adjacency - Neoliberalism - rise of the Far-Right - paper summary

      paper summary - title: Backfire: How the Rise of Neoliberalism Facilitated the Rise of the Far-Right - author: Jacob Fuller - date: April 2023 - publication: The Compass: Vol.1: Iss. 10, Article 3 - download link: https://scholarworks.arcadia.edu/thecompass/vol1/iss10/3

      summary - A good paper that examines the root causes of the ascendency of the far-right in U.S. politics, based on harmonizing two theories - emergence of neo-liberalism - racialized economic anxieties

      • NAFTA is complex and is often oversimplified
      • See this article that discusses its complexities

      to - How Did NAFTA Affect the Economies of Participating Countries? - https://hyp.is/0j7PsjyUEe-LGOsFIWCyWA/www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/08/north-american-free-trade-agreement.asp

    3. The job losses described here are notupper management positions but rather jobs formerlyoccupied by the white working class.

      for - types of jobs lost to China - adjacency - job losses of white working class - far-right support for nationalism and protectionism

      types of jobs lost to China - mostly white working class - upper management jobs did not suffer much job loss

      adjacency - between decimated white working class - far-right - nationalism - protectionism - adjacency relationship - The decimated white working class are strong supporters of far-right politics - Pain and suffering of the white working class is a root cause for voting against perceived neoliberalism, which they blame for their loss of livelihood Protectionism and nationalism is a desire to bring the jobs back home

    4. he defines the far-right as expresslynationalistic groups, which focus heavily on homog-enization within the nation.

      for - definition - far right

      definition - far right - The Far-right is defined as individuals and groups that they belong to which are expressly nationalistic, focusing heavily on homogenization within a nation. - defined by Arie Perlinger

    1. for - from - demographic trends - U.S. - people of color in majority of working class by 2032

      summary - These statistics show a major U.S. labor force trend of - people of color constituting the majority of the working class by 2032, -10 years earlier than predicted by the U.S. census bureau. - This is a source of racial tensions in the United States being fanned by the far-right - The bigger picture is that - the working class has universally been ignored and - class inequality has been the result of a complex set of variables that - are fundamental structural issues common to both major political parties

      from - Backfire: How the Rise of Neoliberalism Facilitated the Rise of The Far-Right - https://hyp.is/F6XYujyREe-TaldInE8OGA/scholarworks.arcadia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1066&context=thecompass

  5. Jan 2024
    1. If there’s a commonality between far Left and far Right,

      for - quote - commonality between far left and far right - key insight

      If there’s a commonality between far Left and far Right, says Lyons,

      • it’s a common opposition to the status quo
        • but one that’s based on fundamentally different reasons.
  6. Sep 2023
      • for: Christian nationalism, Christian national, far right politics, Christian right, political extremism, MAGA fuel
      • comment
        • the extreme right, MAGA Republican party is fueled by a movement composed of threatened Christian nationalists entering politics to assert power.
        • The extremism in the far right politics is in direct proportion to the high degree to which they perceive threat
        • Religious faith can inspire extremely powerful emotional responses and devotion. When combined with politics this can lead to extreme events, such as the Jan. 6 insurrection.
        • The mobilization of Christian nationals into local school boards has turned education into a political battleground.
    1. Steve Bannon I mean to my to my delight 00:25:29 and horror read an entire section of my book team human aloud on war room pandemic and it was a section of the book that I looked at and I still there's nothing I can really change in it to defend it from being used in that 00:25:42 context
      • for:Douglas Rushkoff, Steve Bannon quoting Douglas Rushkoff, recontextualize, misquote, disquote
      • new portmanteau meaning: disquote
        • quoting another person but with a context opposite to the original author's
          • from disinformation
      • comment
        • thinking of what Douglas Rushkoff felt about Steven Bannon's use of his writing in a way that is opposite to what Rushkoff aspires to and advocates for,
          • we could not use the word "misquote" because it was verbatim
          • the portmanteau "disquote" can imply disinformation but it has a meaning that means a fake attribution of a quote, which is not quite right here
          • however, Bannon used Rushkoff's book chapter in a polar opposite context, to resonate with the pain of the masses, but lead to an end result that is diametrically opposite to the ultimate wellbeing of the hurt masses
          • this suggests a new meaning for the word "disquote", a quote used for quite divergent context
        • From a "Team Human" perspective, far right propaganda can be seen as using the content generated by the left in order to justify authoritarianism position that further consolidate power of the elites
        • The left critiques the many failings of neoliberalism and destructive capitalism by pointing out the social and ecological harm it causes and the same critiques can be coopted by the far right to rally the masses harmed by neoliberal policies.
        • The failing of the elite neoliberal class breaks up team human into perceived polarized team left and team far right (populist), where team populist is now mis-perceived to be the standard bearer of social justice.
        • The far right is stepping in to fill the gap of reacting to the enormous harm caused by neoliberal policies, but their solutions come with their own serious problems.
        • Team human, in the wide sense of the term must reclaim the territory for humanity
  7. Nov 2022
  8. Feb 2022
  9. Jan 2022
  10. Dec 2021
  11. Jan 2021
  12. Nov 2020
  13. Oct 2020
    1. Incurring high-cost changes isn't evolutionary design-it's oscillation caused by poor planning and requirements specification on a high cost-of-change component-it tips the anticipation/adaptation balance too far towards adaptation.
  14. Apr 2020
    1. For instance, one recent blog entry from the Irish Data Protection Commission discussing events at schools borders on the absurd:“Take the scenario whereby a school wants to take and publish photos at a sports day ­– schools could inform parents in advance that photographs are going to be taken at this event and could provide different-coloured stickers for the children to wear to signify whether or not they can be photographed,” the Commission suggested. The post goes on to discuss the possibility of schools banning photographs at a high school musical, but suggests that might be unwieldy.
  15. Dec 2017
    1. Presenting your research

      i wish this was closer to the beginning of the book since we had to do papers before we covered this chapter.