- Aug 2024
children for instance ask 500 2 000 questions a day and as you are grown up it's maybe 10 or 20 Questions per day
for - neuroscience - importance of maintaining curiosity - 1000 questions a day for children - 20 questions a day for adults
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
in the case of the new world the the the maize plant the wild maize plant had a little cob on it that was only about one centimeter long
for - corn - thousands of years to breed from 1 cm cob to present size - transition - stone age to agriculture - importance of women
- May 2024
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
You may be thinking that these suggestions seem like they are geared toward online or blended learning, but they are not (although it’s true that the strategies can cross modalities). Students are used to having access to information 24/7 and the lines between online, blended, and in-person learning are blurring a bit. Although you might not be delivering instruction online, students like to have online access to their course materials, assignments, grades, etc.
llms important to students - used to having 24/7 access to course materials, assignments, grades
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Managing online discussions of any kind can be a time-consuming endeavor, but it is the heart of a distance education course
importance of online discussions
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
One way in which students report experiencing the social presenceof an instructor is the immediacy of response and type of feedbackreceived
feedback - social presence
when there is a high level of trustbetween the instructors and students, the learning space fulfills a certainpurpose in students’ lives and increases the likelihood of learning;
student - instructor trust
suu.instructure.com suu.instructure.com
Failure to assemble an appropriate IEP team:
Feedback, an essential component of teaching presence in a community of inquiry in online spaces, requires time and commitment.
Importance of feedback
Feedback is used as a means to improve performance. The process or system of learning and teaching within an online course can be modified or controlled using feedback.
means to improve performance
digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu
Because students are physically separated from the instructorin an online class, communication and timely responses becomeincreasingly important for students and therefore this physical sep-aration also affects student perceptions of the online learning envi-ronment (Delaney et al., 2010
Importance of timely feedback in online courses
- Mar 2024
softwareengineering.stackexchange.com softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
Don't worry about performance too early though - it's more important to get the design right, and "right" in this case means using the database the way a database is meant to be used, as a transactional system.
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we need to build this this again this bridge and it's obviously not going to be written in the 00:50:41 same style or standard as your kind of deep academic papers if you think this is uh U unnecessary or irrelevant then you end up with is a scientific 00:50:56 Community which talks only to itself in language that nobody else understands and you live the general Republic uh uh prey to a lot of very 00:51:09 unscientific conspiracy theories and mythologies and theories about the world
for: academic communication to the public - importance, elites - two types, key insight - elites, key insight - science communication
key insight
- Elites are necessary in every society
- Historically, people who strongly believe that the current elites aren't necessary or are harmful often become the revolutionaries who become the new elites
- elites need to speak in their own specialist language to each other but there are two kinds of elites
- those who serve society
- those who serve themselves
- often, we have fox in sheep's clothing - elites who serve themselves but disguise themselves in the language of elites who serve others in order to gain access to power ,
- we normally think of wealthy people as elites, but Harari classifies scientists as also a kind of elite
- elites may be necessary but
- We are caught in a double bind, a wicked problem as elites are also the world's greatest per capita energy consumers and their outsized ecological, consumption and energy footprint is now a existential threat to the survival of our species
- Kevin Anderson: A Habitable Earth Can No Longer Afford The Rich – And That Could Mean Me And You
- The role of high-socioeconomic-status people in locking in or rapidly reducing energy-driven greenhouse gas emissions
- Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions
- Nov 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
you can see how powerful it was when my kid my oldest son was about 14 00:17:05 or 12 months I can't remember um he woke up he woke up at 4 in the morning every morning and I played with him till 10:00 a.m. when I left uh and I remember thinking one day you know I know him better than I've ever known 00:17:18 anybody and he's known me better than anybody's known me because I was so emotionally open and play and no words had crossed between us cuz he couldn't yet talk and yet there was a a deep bond 00:17:30 between us
- for: importance of play
- Oct 2023
bulletin.appliedtransstudies.org bulletin.appliedtransstudies.org
Highlights in para 1 build the case that trans/detransition is attracting public attention (i.e. it's an important, topical issue) Last sentence highlights an important gap in the coverage.
- Mar 2023
bitwarden.com bitwarden.com
We believe that being open source is one of the most important features of Bitwarden. Source code transparency is an absolute requirement for security solutions like Bitwarden.
- Jan 2023
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Finally, a culture that rewards big personal accomplishments over smaller social ones threatens to create a cohort of narcissists
That tends to be the biggest cop out excuse for libraries. Just do a major version release. The fact this library lies about the encodingis extremely problematic and causes numerous bugs. Any program currently using this library is already incorrect because of this behavior. Actually exposing the problem makes it easier for people to fix.
in reply to subject of https://hyp.is/VeTJlpN0Ee2mNKOVyQ-B5g/github.com/mikel/mail/issues/902
Agree, but we're stuck with API compatibility for a good while.
- Oct 2022
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
The third level of reading we will call Analytical Reading.
note that they're incorrectly capitalizing these types of reading to indicate their importance.
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
If you feel resistance to continuing with this project later, tryDialing Down the Scope.
Another example of [[self-important capitalization]] here. ugh...
This is possibly a better name for it...
blogs.oii.ox.ac.uk blogs.oii.ox.ac.uk
capitalization (in the case of names and pronouns) superficially empowers what might ultimately be thought of as just another adjective
www.danah.org www.danah.org
So, i started researching where the capitalization of said pronoun came from and was quite stunned to find that it was always capitalized because it always appeared as the first word in a sentence, never stuck in the middle. And then, when it started appearing in the middle, it started getting capitalized out of convention and because people worried that it would get lost in script. Of course, "It's odd, and a little unsettling, to reflect upon the fact that English is the only major language in which "I" is capitalized; in many other languages "You" is capitalized and the "i" is lower case" (journalist Sydney J. Harris).
If it's true that English is the only major language in which "I" is capitalized instead of the more commonly capitalized "you", does this help to underline some of the self-centeredness show by most of the English speaking West?
I was always bothered by the fact that the first person singular pronoun is capitalized in english - i always thought it was quite self-righteous.
www.lisabanks.com www.lisabanks.com
the author colloquially calls these errors “blips”...
By capitalizing words that shouldn’t be, it sounds as if the writer is trying to inflate the importance of those words artificially.
surely there is a name for this assinine practice?
- May 2022
gitlab.com gitlab.com
We should ask the PM to chime in and post it in #naming on Slack.
- Feb 2022
github.com github.com
Is the name "delegated type" up for review? I don't see any delegation happening in the code. It looks more like a "subtype", or "secondary type", or something like that.
- Dec 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Eric Topol. (2021, October 19). Just published @ScienceTM With blunting of the immune response, why it is so important for pregnant women to get a Covid vaccine https://science.org/doi/10.1126/scitranslmed.abm2070 w/ @ScienceVisuals https://t.co/aCY6LP4Taa [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1450475410328850435
- Sep 2021
vedabase.io vedabase.io
So from His very childhood the Lord began to preach the importance of the holy name.
github.com github.com
I feel like app/packs (or something like it) is a good name because it communicates to developers that it's not just JavaScript that can be bundled, it's also CSS, images, SVGs — you name it. I realize what can be bundled is wholly dependent on the bundler you use, but even esbuild supports bundling CSS. So couldn't this possibly be confusing?
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Lechien, J. R., & Saussez, S. (2021). Importance of epidemiological factors in the evaluation of transmissibility and clinical severity of SARS-CoV-2 variants. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00474-6
- Jul 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Leah McElrath 🏳️🌈. (2021, July 12). One reason the right-wing outrage machine is focused on attacking Biden’s plan for door-to door outreach isn’t because they actually fear confiscation of guns or Bibles. It’s because they don’t want poor people to have access to life-saving vaccinations. Https://t.co/GnZMmlBfqK [Tweet]. @leahmcelrath. https://twitter.com/leahmcelrath/status/1414660179061264388
- Jun 2021
hypothes.is hypothes.is
"Many North American music education programs exclude in vast numbers students who do not embody Euroamerican ideals. One way to begin making music education programs more socially just is to make them more inclusive. For that to happen, we need to develop programs that actively take the standpoint of the least advantaged, and work toward a common good that seeks to undermine hierarchies of advantage and disadvantage. And that, inturn, requires the ability to discuss race directly and meaningfully. Such discussions afford valuable opportunities to confront and evaluate the practical consequences of our actions as music educators. It is only through such conversations, Connell argues, that we come to understand “the real relationships and processes that generate advantage and disadvantage”(p. 125). Unfortunately, these are also conversations many white educators find uncomfortable and prefer to avoid."
3M State of Science Index | How People Feel About Science (US). (n.d.). Retrieved 18 June 2021, from https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/state-of-science-index-survey/
- Feb 2021
hilton.org.uk hilton.org.uk
Naming matters for both idealogical and practical reasons.
educationinnovation.pressbooks.com educationinnovation.pressbooks.com
Innovative learning, on the other hand, refers to becoming familiar with unfamiliar situations that have no clear precedent for action, or with managing familiar situations in better ways, such as seeking alternative solutions to existing problems.
This innovative learning is clearly important for designers. I think that modifying an existing situation to try and make it better would be far easier than a completely unfamiliar one. This lends itself to more creativity due to no clear previous path.
educationinnovation.pressbooks.com educationinnovation.pressbooks.com
(1) gaining the attention of the learners, (2) demonstrating the relevance of the instruction to the learners, (3) instilling learners with confidence to succeed with the instruction, and (4) deriving satisfaction when they do.
This model is a great way to ensure engagement with learners. Specifically part 2 and 3 stuck out to me as key. The second point was that we must demonstrate relevance of instruction. This is fixes that question that always seems to come up, "Why are we doing this if I'll never use it in real life?". Any time I preface a lesson with why we are learning something and how it is necessary in our lives my students always seem to receive it better. Part 3 noted that we must instill confidence to succeed. Giving students the confidence to try hard things is vital to success.
- Jan 2021
linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io
This is a store we can’t audit, which contains software nobody can patch. If we can’t fix or modify software, open-source or not, it provides the same limitations as proprietary software.
Although it is open-source, Snap on the other hand, only works with the Ubuntu Store. Nobody knows how to make a Snap Store and nobody can. The Snap client is designed to work with only one source, following a protocol which isn’t open, and using only one authentication system. Snapd is nothing on its own, it can only work with the Ubuntu Store.
- proprietary protocol
- software freedom: ability to inspect/audit source code
- software freedom
- proprietary hosted services as a competitive advantage
- importance of open-source
- monopoly
- proprietary software
- proprietary software/service seeking broad support/integration/acceptance in/by other software/platforms/vendors
- use of proprietary hosted services
- Snap
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
Also agree that <svelte:slot> is perhaps a little confusing since it replaces the slot attribute rather than the slot element, so <svelte:fragment> would make more sense
github.com github.com
Just to reiterate the discussion on the RFC, there was a suggestion that we change <svelte:slot slot="foo"> to <svelte:fragment slot="foo">, since it's the counterpart to a <slot> rather than an equivalent to it
- Nov 2020
ux.stackexchange.com ux.stackexchange.com
However, in the all caps example the order of importance goes Title->Actions->Description (or even the actions before the title), while in the others this order is not as evident at first glance.
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
I'm still calling this v1.00 as this is what will be included in the first print run.
There seems to be an artificial pressure and a false assumption that the version that gets printed and included in the box be the "magic number" 1.00.
But I think there is absolutely nothing bad or to be ashamed of to have the version number printed in the rule book be 1.47 or even 2.0. (Or, of course, you could just not print it at all.) It's just being transparent/honest about how many versions/revisions you've made. 
tunnelgram.com tunnelgram.com
Tunnelgram is fully open source (server and client) and uses the Tunnelwire Encryption Scheme, so you can see all of the code it's built on.
- Oct 2020
Lei, Simon A., et al. "Strategies for improving reading comprehension among college students." Reading Improvement, vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2010, p. 30+. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A221203907/AONE?u=azstatelibdev&sid=AONE&xid=6ed72e73. Accessed 12 Oct. 2020.
Description: This article delves into the importance of comprehension and vocabulary for college level students. It outlines different tools students can use online to help them comprehend such as annotations and graphic organizers.
Rating: 9/10
Reasoning for the rating: This article uses many sources as it describes the methods to best comprehend complex texts. It also takes time to explain the importance of comprehension in English classes as well as outside. It supports each method with an example or explanation for the success of the model. Though it touches upon ineffective methods, it does not delve into why they fail.
www.emergingedtech.com www.emergingedtech.com
Description: Banner discusses the correlation between literacy blogs and reading comprehension in students. He outlines the relationship between socialization and motivation. Furthermore, he describes the steps a teacher can use to implement literature blogs in their classroom.
Rating: 7/10
Reason for the rating: Banner uses multiple sources to support his theories and methods. The examples given in the text are well-thought out, but focus on middle school and high school students. Additionally, the website "Emerging Ed Tech" is designed to be a space where educators can discuss how to integrate technology effectively in their classrooms.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Queen stresses need for trusted news sources during Covid crisis. (2020, October 4). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/oct/05/queen-elizabeth-stresses-need-for-trusted-news-sources-during-covid-crisis
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
remaining: 0, callbacks: [] r: 0, // remaining outros c: [], // callbacks p: outros // parent group
Ugh. Why did he change this?
Similar question here: https://hyp.is/kayb_AN1EeuCb5OkL5-Yqg/github.com/sveltejs/svelte/pull/3209
Answer here: https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/pull/3209
github.com github.com
Why the obfuscation of remaining to r and callbacks to c? This is fine for function-local variables but in this instance makes the code significantly harder to reason about? There is no notion of what c and r mean.
While there is some precedence in other frameworks for using as, the word doesn't fit well. Since you are adding functionality to elements I like the word add better (and it only has 1 more character).
github.com github.com
one problem with 'behavior' is that's the terminology we use to describe all of a component's encapsulated logic — methods, transitions, etc.
ojs.uwindsor.ca ojs.uwindsor.ca
Hahn, U., & Oaksford, M. (2006). A Normative Theory of Argument Strength. Informal Logic, 26(1), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.22329/il.v26i1.428
- Aug 2020
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
Sellgren, K. (2020, August 5). Schools “should be first to open, last to close.” BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/education-53650648
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
We mustn’t understate the importance of anyone’s life when it comes to Covid deaths | Matt Beard. (2020, August 26). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/aug/26/we-mustnt-understate-the-importance-of-anyones-life-when-it-comes-to-covid-deaths
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Lin, Z., & Meissner, C. M. (2020). Health vs. Wealth? Public Health Policies and the Economy During Covid-19 (Working Paper No. 27099; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27099
- Jun 2020
telegra.ph telegra.ph
Unlike Telegram, WhatsApp is not open source, so there’s no way for security researchers to easily check whether there are backdoors in its code. Not only does WhatsApp not publish its code, they do the exact opposite: WhatsApp deliberately obfuscates their apps’ binaries to make sure no one is able to study them thoroughly.
- May 2020
www.digitalocean.com www.digitalocean.com
We believe in the power of open source software. That’s why we participate in, contribute to, and support the open source community so strongly.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"linked data" can and should be a very general term referring to any structured data that is interlinked/interconnected.
It looks like most of this article describes it in that general sense, but sometimes it talks about URIs and such as if they are a necessary attribute of linked data, when that would only apply to Web-connected linked data. What about, for example, linked data that links to each other through some other convention such as just a "type" and "ID"? Maybe that shouldn't be considered linked data if it is too locally scoped? But that topic and distinction should be explored/discussed further...
I love its application to web technologies, but I wish there were a distinct term for that application ("linked web data"?) so it could be clearer from reading the word whether you meant general case or not. May not be a problem in practice. We shall see.
Granted/hopefully most use of linked data is in the context of the Web, so that the links are universal / globally scoped, etc.
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
This change was made because GitLab License Management is now renamed to GitLab License Compliance. After review with users and analysts, we determined that this new name better indicates what the feature is for, aligns with existing market terminology, and reduces confusion with GitLab subscription licensing features.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ballew, M. T., Bergquist, P., Goldberg, M., Gustafson, A., Kotcher, J., Marlon, J. R., … Leiserowitz, A. (2020, April 20). American Public Responses to COVID-19, April 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/qud5t
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
generic-sounding term may be interpreted as something more specific than intended: I want to be able to use "data interchange" in the most general sense. But if people interpret it to mean this specific standard/protocol/whatever, I may be misunderstood.
The definition given here
is the concept of businesses electronically communicating information that was traditionally communicated on paper, such as purchase orders and invoices.
limits it to things that were previously communicated on paper. But what about things for which paper was never used, like the interchange of consent and consent receipts for GDPR/privacy law compliance, etc.?
The term should be allowed to be used just as well for newer technologies/processes that had no previous roots in paper technologies.
extensionworkshop.com extensionworkshop.com
If the add-on is a fork of another add-on, the name must clearly distinguish it from the original and provide a significant difference in functionality and/or code.
- Apr 2020
bitwarden.com bitwarden.com
We believe that being open source is one of the most important features of Bitwarden. Source code transparency is an absolute requirement for security solutions like Bitwarden.
cdb.reacttraining.com cdb.reacttraining.com
It’s true that there are two hard problems in computer science and one of them is naming things. Why? Because good names are important. A good name teaches about purpose and responsibility, so you have to spend some time thinking about it.
security.stackexchange.com security.stackexchange.com
You don't "sanitize your output" you encode it for proper context within the application it is being presented. You encode the output for HTML, HTML Attribute, URL, JavaScript
I would call this output encoding instead of sanitization
forums.tomsguide.com forums.tomsguide.com
And most important: No proprietary encryption software can be fully trusted
If you are concerned about privacy and looking for a bullet-proof solution then the only way to go is open-source software. For example, there was another incident with a proprietary file "encrypter" for Android/iOS which used the simplest possible "encryption" on earth: XORing of data that is as easy to crack a monkey could do that. Would not happen to an open-source software. If you're worried about the mobile app not being as reliable (backdoors etc.) as the desktop app: compile it yourself from sources. https/github.com/MiniKeePass/MiniKeePass You can also compile the desktop version yourself. Honestly, I doubt most people, including you and me, will bother.
keepass.info keepass.info
Open Source prevents backdoors. You can have a look at its source code and compile it yourself.
support.1password.com support.1password.com
1Password wasn’t built in a vacuum. It was developed on top of open standards that anyone with the right skills can investigate, implement, and improve. Open tools are trusted, proven, and constantly getting better. Here’s how 1Password respects the principles behind the open tools on which it relies:
I found it ironic that this proprietary software that I have avoided using because it is proprietary software is touting the importance of open tools.
- Mar 2020
github.com github.com
Don't be discouraged when you get feedback about a method that isn't all sunshine and roses. Facets has been around long enough now that it needs to maintain a certain degree of quality control, and that means serious discernment about what goes into the library. That includes having in depth discussions the merits of methods, even about the best name for a method --even if the functionality has been accepted the name may not.
about: merits
- Feb 2020
loadimpact.com loadimpact.com
We commit to build the load testing tool with the best developer experience, k6, and developing it in the open with the community, read our document on stewardship of the OSS k6 project. We believe this is key and the necessary foundation to build great developer tooling.
we believe that developer tools should be open source to allow for a community to form and drive the project forward through discussions and contributions. Hence why we built k6, the load testing tool we’ve always wanted ourselves!
k6.io k6.io
To never block or remove features from k6 in order to make them exclusive to Load Impact’s SaaS productStrive not to delay introduction of new features in the k6 OSS tool, if the feature was planned to appear both there and in Load Impact’s SaaS productTo never introduce into the k6 OSS tool any artificial limits designed to promote conversion to Load Impact’s SaaS productTo work with the community, participating in and prioritize building the functionality the k6 community wants, making it the prefered tool for load testing
With k6, our goal has always been to create the best load testing tool for the modern working developer and that we do this in collaboration with the k6 community. Our revenue will not come from k6 directly, but from premium value creating offers based on k6. These offers will be made available at https://loadimpact.com. Load Impact premium offers will have focus on providing further simplicity, productivity and ease to use functionality.
We believe the key to Load Impact’s long-term success as a Company is to foster an active community of users around k6 as an open source project. To achieve this long-term goal, it is vital that we do not withhold new features from k6 based on whether or not they compete with our SaaS offering.
- Dec 2019
babeljs.io babeljs.io
Therefore, it's easy to search around for tweets/blog posts/talks that say "ES7 Decorators" and find that it's become the accustomed name for it.
- Jul 2019
livebook.datascienceheroes.com livebook.datascienceheroes.com
However, the gain ratio is the most important metric here, ranged from 0 to 1, with higher being better.
en: entropy measured in bits mi: mutual information ig: information gain gr: gain ratio
rdrr.io rdrr.io
Feature predictive power will be calculated for all features contained in a dataset along with the outcome feature. Works for binary classification, multi-class classification and regression problems. Can also be used when exploring a feature of interest to determine correlations of independent features with the outcome feature. When the outcome feature is continuous of nature or is a regression problem, correlation calculations are performed. When the outcome feature is categorical of nature or is a classification problem, the Kolmogorov Smirnov distance measure is used to determine predictive power. For multi-class classification outcomes, a one vs all approach is taken which is then averaged to arrive at the mean KS distance measure. The predictive power is sensitive towards the manner in which the data has been prepared and will differ should the manner in which the data has been prepared changes.
www.scholarpedia.org www.scholarpedia.org
Mutual information is one of many quantities that measures how much one random variables tells us about another. It is a dimensionless quantity with (generally) units of bits, and can be thought of as the reduction in uncertainty about one random variable given knowledge of another. High mutual information indicates a large reduction in uncertainty; low mutual information indicates a small reduction; and zero mutual information between two random variables means the variables are independent.
- Nov 2017
engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu
The use of tools too in the manual arts is worthy of encouragement, by facilitating, to such as choose it, an admission into the neighbouring workshops. To these should be added the arts, which embellish life, dancing music & drawing; the last more especially, as an important part of military education. These innocent arts furnish amusement & happiness to those who, having time on their hands, might less inoffensively employ it; needing, at the same time, no regular incorporation with the institution, they may be left to accessory teachers, who will be paid by the individuals employing them; the university only providing proper apartments for their exercise.
In an article I found about the importance of arts being included in education states that “Arts experiences boost critical thinking, teaching students to take the time to be more careful and thorough in how they observe the world”. I found this segment of the report to be interesting because it is the only segment that regards the university attitude towards the arts. The language of this segment is very passive, and does not imply its importance, rather it finds these activities to be more of an optional pass time. The authors of the report refer to the arts as "innocent," implying that they are childish and not the foundation of a mature job. However, I am not surprised that this was the view towards arts in that time period because their society, especially for men, was to get an education and job to provide for their family and community and arts was never involved with that idea. That being said, these days we are getting much better in recognizing its importance in actually helping “critical thinking”, this boosting achedemivc education as well as happiness and morality. I find that arts education produces well-rounded students that think holistically, contradicting the reports depiction of the arts being more extraneous.
- Oct 2017
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
it does not finally matter who wrote what, but rather how a work is written and how it is read.
I think that this is true to the extent that the content of the work is very important. Prestige of the author does not always mean that the work has importance. I believe that you can find merit in most work even if the author isn't well known as an intellectual or a scholar. I think Said is trying to emphasize the fact that we need to focus more on the content of the paper than the person who wrote the paper.
- May 2017
enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu
Vasiliy “Yermak” Timofeyevich Alenin was a Cossack who started the conquest of Siberia under the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
Forsyth, James. A history of the peoples of Siberia: Russia's north Asian colony, 1581-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
the skill which produces belief and therefore establishes what, in a partic-ular time and particular place, is true, is the skill essential to the building and maintaining of a civ-ilized society.
Putting this quote in my back pocket the next time someone asks me 1) "Why are you majoring in English?" or 2) "What are you going to do with a degree in English?". My answer will be: "To make you heathens more civilized by revealing the highest truth of the world through rhetoric, something that is centrally important to society. Thanks, Fish!!
- Jul 2016
books.google.ca books.google.ca
Page 47
Communication is the essence of scholarship comment as many observers have said in many ways. Scholarship is an inherently social activity, involving a wide range of private and public interactions within the research Community. Publication comment as the public report of research, is part of a continuous cycle of Reading, Writing, disgusting, searching, investigating, presenting, submitting, and reviewing. No scholarly publication stands alone. Each new work in a field his position relative to others through the process of citing relevant literature.
- Jun 2016
Local file Local file
uthorship (and therecognition that flows therefrom) is the undisputed coin ofthe realm in academia: it embodies the enterprise of schol-arship (Bourdieu, 1991; Cronin, 1984, 2000; Franck, 1999
Authorship "is the coin of the realm in academia"; "it empbodies the enterprise of scholarship.
o state the obvious, public affirmation of au-thorship is absolutely central to the operation of the aca-demic reward system, whether one is a classicist,sociologist, or experimental physicist.
Authorship is central to the operation of the academy, whether classicist or physicist
books.google.ca books.google.ca
"Students' perceptions of a mastery classroom goal structure were associated with a lower level of help avoidance whereas their perceptions of a performance classroom goal structure were associated with a higher level of help avoidance. In classrooms where students perceived that the focus was on understanding, mastery, and the intrinsic value of learning, compared to classrooms where the focus was on competition and proving one's ability, students were less likely to avoid seeking help with their work when they needed it."