- Feb 2021
michaelbox.net michaelbox.net
discursive.adamprocter.co.uk discursive.adamprocter.co.uk
wiobyrne.com wiobyrne.com
mxb.dev mxb.dev
via Michael Beckwith in IWC chat
I was thinking about logic a bit this evening and looked up an old professor. Saddened to hear he's passed away.
miriamposner.com miriamposner.com
Mobirise looks like an interesting IndieWeb-ish sort of tool for relative beginners. It also looks like it dovetails with Github Pages.
I'm curious how a model like Homebrew Website Club or regular DoOO meetups might be similar to or borrow from a teaching model like this class?
granta.com granta.com
miriamposner.com miriamposner.com
This seems like the sort of thing Greg McVerry would appreciate.
deadline.com deadline.com
Tyson was married to jazz legend Miles Davis for several years during the 1980s
deadline.com deadline.com
werd.io werd.io
Glad to have you back Ben!
Interesting to hear the results of the experiment. Knowing that it only made you $10 on their platform is an interesting data point.
I can't wait to see what you come up with on the community front. Healthier competitors to Facebook's pages/communities is a problem we need more work on.
kimberlyhirsh.com kimberlyhirsh.com
I identify with this a lot and I feel like I'm failing while working on an even easier "difficulty setting" than Kimberly.
Take care of yourselves people!
www.tree.fm www.tree.fm
adactio.com adactio.com
maggieappleton.com maggieappleton.com
Tim Ingold's short but beautiful introduction Anthropology: Why It Matters.
This could be an interesting read.
view.connect.americanpublicmedia.org view.connect.americanpublicmedia.org
marinagerner.com marinagerner.com
www.kickscondor.com www.kickscondor.com
epeus.blogspot.com epeus.blogspot.com
cubicmuse.com cubicmuse.com
epeus.blogspot.com epeus.blogspot.com
This is the Caliban's mirror effect again. I find intelligent dicourse on the web. Chernin finds pornography and worthless content. All human life is there. What you find is what you look for.
I like the phrasing of Caliban's mirror to describe this phenomenon
www.buzzfeed.com www.buzzfeed.com
myemail.constantcontact.com myemail.constantcontact.com
proxy.vulpes.one proxy.vulpes.one
tobykurien.com tobykurien.com
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
sre.google sre.google
We were especially excited to see Dorsey cite Mike Masnick's excellent Protocols, Not Products paper.
I don't think I've come across this paper before...
Looking at the link, it's obvious I read it on December 11, 2019.
fivethirtyeight.com fivethirtyeight.com
fivethirtyeight.com fivethirtyeight.com
The idea of bellwether counties seems to be disappearing.
Are there indicators here that could be leveraged to help pull people to the middle rather than being so heavily polarized or to prevent future gerrymandering?
www.irishtimes.com www.irishtimes.com
whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.comDay 61
whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.comDay 31
- Jan 2021
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
Group Rules from the Admins1NO POSTING LINKS INSIDE OF POST - FOR ANY REASONWe've seen way too many groups become a glorified classified ad & members don't like that. We don't want the quality of our group negatively impacted because of endless links everywhere. NO LINKS2NO POST FROM FAN PAGES / ARTICLES / VIDEO LINKSOur mission is to cultivate the highest quality content inside the group. If we allowed videos, fan page shares, & outside websites, our group would turn into spam fest. Original written content only3NO SELF PROMOTION, RECRUITING, OR DM SPAMMINGMembers love our group because it's SAFE. We are very strict on banning members who blatantly self promote their product or services in the group OR secretly private message members to recruit them.4NO POSTING OR UPLOADING VIDEOS OF ANY KINDTo protect the quality of our group & prevent members from being solicited products & services - we don't allow any videos because we can't monitor what's being said word for word. Written post only.
Wow, that's strict.
onezero.medium.com onezero.medium.com
scriptingosx.com scriptingosx.com
draveness.me draveness.me
a book on Golang
aeon.co aeon.co
In his classic text, Thought as a System (1992), the US physicist and philosopher David Bohm
I have his QM text, but didn't know(?) he did philosophy like this.
www.thefxck.com www.thefxck.com
a story for production Positioning?
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
www.cigionline.org www.cigionline.org
Sarah Roberts’s new book Behind the Screen: Content Moderation in the Shadows of Social Media (2019)
www.vice.com www.vice.com
www.michaelseibel.com www.michaelseibel.com
via david
www.ruanyifeng.com www.ruanyifeng.com
startupclass.samaltman.com startupclass.samaltman.com
startup class
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
Four Channel Multivariate Coherence Training: Development and Evidence in Support of a New Form of Neurofeedback
tags:: [[neurofeedback]], [[coherence]], [[neuroscience]] [[EEG]] #[[to read]]
www.martinfowler.com www.martinfowler.com
- Dec 2020
zhuanlan.zhihu.com zhuanlan.zhihu.com
kubevela, ali, kalm
tools.ietf.org tools.ietf.org
RFC 3463 [25], specifies further structuring of the reply strings, including the use of supplemental and more specific completion codes (see also RFC 5248 [26]).
To-do: look at the mentioned RFCs.
wizardforcel.gitbooks.io wizardforcel.gitbooks.io
www.indiehackers.com www.indiehackers.com
www.lesswrong.com www.lesswrong.com
www.inlander.com www.inlander.com
felt.dev felt.dev
github.com github.com
Treating the web as a compile target has a lot of implications, many negative. For example “view source” is a beloved feature of the web that’s an important part of its history and especially useful for learning, but Svelte’s compiled output is much harder to follow than its source. Source maps, which Svelte uses to map its web language outputs back to its source language, have limitations.
moderncto.io moderncto.io
doorDash CTO
zapier.com zapier.com
Why Zapier has always been 100% remote
Local file Local file
Ariela had written a book about the history of theeveryday law of slavery in the U.S. Deep South that emphasized localculture and law,
2019-12-30 12:12:53 AM
Martha S. Jones,Birthright Citizens: A History of Race and Rights in AntebellumAmerica
samczsun.com samczsun.com
price oracle
consensys.net consensys.net
intro of PoS
intro of ETH2
number-none.com number-none.com
coding style
John Carmack on coding style
www.apple.com www.apple.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
seems interesting
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
API Machinery SIG
github.com github.com
nice talks, especially from Daniel Smith
- Nov 2020
scholarship.claremont.edu scholarship.claremont.edu
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
make money?
www.scylladb.com www.scylladb.com
arxiv.org arxiv.org
github.com github.com
maybe a good reading material on k8s
github.com github.com
www.metabase.com www.metabase.comMetabase1
seems interesting
www.quora.com www.quora.com
What was it like to be a software engineer at NeXT?
What was it like to be a software engineer at NeXT?
www.sunypress.edu www.sunypress.edu
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
kafka.apache.org kafka.apache.org
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Life of a Kubernetes API Request by Daniel Smith, Google
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Kubernetes Design Principles: Understand the Why
medium.com medium.com
Bringing this back to filtering, not only am I saving time and preserving focus by batch processing both the collection and the consumption of new content, I’m time-shifting the curation process to a time better suited for reading, and (most critically) removed from the temptations, stresses, and biopsychosocial hooks that first lured me in.I am always amazed by what happens: no matter how stringent I was in the original collecting, no matter how certain I was that this thing was worthwhile, I regularly eliminate 1/3 of my list before reading. The post that looked SO INTERESTING when compared to that one task I’d been procrastinating on, in retrospect isn’t even something I care about.What I’m essentially doing is creating a buffer. Instead of pushing a new piece of info through from intake to processing to consumption without any scrutiny, I’m creating a pool of options drawn from a longer time period, which allows me to make decisions from a higher perspective, where those decisions are much better aligned with what truly matters to me.
Using read-it later apps helps you separate collection from filtering.
By time-shifting the filtering process to a time better suited for reading, and removed from temptations, you will want to drop 2/3 of the content you save.
This allows you to "make decisions from a higher perspective"
www.tuttlepublishing.com www.tuttlepublishing.com
uwapress.uw.edu uwapress.uw.edu
blog.readwise.io blog.readwise.io
How many times have you heard the cliché, for example, read between the lines? It turns out, the key to reading between the lines is actually to write between the lines. Once you start, you'll discover a whole new reading experience, elevated from that of a one-sided lecture to a two-sided conversation.
reading as a conversation between myself and the text.
restofworld.org restofworld.org
yalebooks.yale.edu yalebooks.yale.edu
www.beacon.org www.beacon.org
www.apollographql.com www.apollographql.com
benfoster.io benfoster.io
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
political scientists Keith Poole and Howard Rosenthal, who have long tracked historical trends in political polarization, said their studies of congressional votes found that Republicans are now more conservative than they have been in more than a century. Their data show a dramatic uptick in polarization, mostly caused by the sharp rightward move of the GOP.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
github.com github.com
they're in the svelte compiler: https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/blob/master/src/compiler/compile/nodes/Element.ts#L668 (search for the warning text)
medium.com medium.com
flash loan & hack
forum.makerdao.com forum.makerdao.com
flash loan & makerdao
arxiv.org arxiv.org
measure system call
- Oct 2020
rekt.ghost.io rekt.ghost.io
flash loans
dodoex.github.io dodoex.github.io
math is simple
nullprogram.com nullprogram.com
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
gitlab Tech stack
www.quantamagazine.org www.quantamagazine.org
nesslabs.com nesslabs.com
The idea of the hermeneutic circle is to envision a whole in terms how the parts interact with each other, and how they interact with the whole. That may sound a little bit out there, so let’s have a look at a concrete example.
This is a general concept, the rest of the article extrapolates the idea to the act of reading. This may be a stretch, since it implies that whatever can be broken into parts will belong to the hermeneutic circle, while this only applies to interpreting (text)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.qikqiak.com www.qikqiak.com
via david
blog.golang.org blog.golang.org
worth reading
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
seems a good article/paper explaining zk-Snark
might be useful for Kalm Resource Quota
github.com github.com
via david, OAM
github.com github.com
via david, mentioned by OAM guys in Ali
www.python.org www.python.org
code is read much more often than it is written.
birthday.play-with-docker.com birthday.play-with-docker.com
docker interactive course, seems interesting
www.baeldung.com www.baeldung.com
With or Without ‘export’
shell, With or Without ‘export’
github.com github.com
Tables are not yet supported. If you love impossible to read regular expressions, submit a PR!
A reasonably clean alternative would be to map a function over the array and use destructuring in the each loop: {#each [1, 2, 3, 4].map(n => ({ n, sqr_n: n * n })) as { n, sqr_n }} {sqr_n} {sqr_n / 2}<br> {/each}
helm.sh helm.sh
more about helm, and how to create a helm chart
eriktorenberg.substack.com eriktorenberg.substack.com
via ruanyifeng http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2020/09/weekly-issue-127.html
漫画家斯科特·亚当斯(Scott Adams)曾经提过一种建立个人护城河的方法,就是找到自己最擅长的2个~3个事物的交集。比如,他既不是最好的漫画家,也不是最好的作家,也不是最好的企业家,但他可以是最好的商业类漫画短文作者,这就是他的护城河。
bookbook.pubpub.org bookbook.pubpub.org
Safiya Noble, Algorithms of Oppression (New York: New York University Press, 2018). See also Mozilla’s 2019 Internet Health Report at https://internethealthreport.org/2019/lets-ask-more-of-ai/.
www.jeremycherfas.net www.jeremycherfas.net
This is exactly the sort of thing that makes me happy about the IndieWeb!
One person tinkers around with an idea and posts about how they did it. Someone else sees it and thinks it's cool and wants it for themselves. They then modify it for their system, maybe with some changes or even improvements, and post the details on their site.
They've both syndicated copies to IndieWeb news or to the IndieWeb wiki, so that in the future, others looking for that sort of UI research or examples can find them and potentially modify them for their own personal use.
And the cycle begins anew...
jamesg.blog jamesg.blog
When I think about it, likes and bookmarks are somewhat difficult to distinguish for my purpose. A bookmark inherently implies that I liked a post because I usually only bookmark posts on Pocket that I like and want to save for later. I use Firefox bookmarks to track the articles that I have not yet read and want to come back to later. There is a distinction. A like is clearer. It’s my way of saying that I did like your content. Not everybody will know my policy on bookmarks, so having a like feature is useful.
My general heirarchy is that bookmarks are things I want to come back to (and usually read) later, reads are things that I've read, like are things I've read and want to send appreciation for, and replies are things that usually are both read, liked, and needed even a bit more.
Here's more on how I've thought about it before: https://boffosocko.com/2018/03/10/thoughts-on-linkblogs-bookmarks-reads-likes-favorites-follows-and-related-links/
indieweb.org indieweb.org
2011-06-23 at OSBridge2011 having lunch with Ward, Tantek exclaimed: The Read Write Web is no longer sufficient. I want the Read Fork Write Merge Web. #osb11 lunch table. #diso #indieweb
This is what I want too!
www.economist.com www.economist.com
“INFORMATION RULES”—published in 1999 but still one of the best books on digital economics—Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian, two economists, popularised the term “network effects”,
I want to get a copy of this book.
In the Ars memorandi noua secretissima, published in 1500 or 1501,20 Jodocus Weczdorff de Triptis (Weimar) inserted an alphabetical list of words, similar to that of Celtis, but he simply suggested that it could be used as a memory house without any scope for our private associations. Moreover, the alphabetic table of Celtis was included in the famous Margarita philosophica nova of Gregor Reisch, which was probably the most popular handbook of the artes scholars in the fi rst two decades of the 16th century.
Books on memory that used Celtes' trick
“The Art of Memory in Late Medieval East Central Europe (Bohemia, Hungary, Poland): An Anthology,” co-written by Lucie Doležalová, Rafał Wójcik and myself.
In 1945 Jacques S. Hadamard surveyed mathematicians to determine their mental processes at work by posing a series of questions to them and later published his results in An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field.
I suspect this might be an interesting read.
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
Horwitz argued a fairly radical point, which I think never received wide enough recognition due to the subject matter and his extremely difficult (dense and dry) style. He said, “I seek to show that one of the crucial choices made during the antebellum period was to promote economic growth primarily through the legal, not the tax, system, a choice which had major consequences for the distribution of wealth and power in American society”
I'll have to add this book to my to read stack.
longviewoneducation.org longviewoneducation.org
Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice by Meyer, Rose, and Gordon (a book recognized as the core statement about UDL, which you can read for free) walks us through how educators actively change their practice to become more inclusive and helps us weigh choices in terms of how we create unnecessary barriers:
atomicdesign.bradfrost.com atomicdesign.bradfrost.com
www.ouest-france.fr www.ouest-france.fr
L’étude montre également une répartition géographique inégale des types de familles, avec notamment une grande part de familles traditionnelles en France métropolitaine, a contrario des Dom-Tom (
This part of the articles is showing us graphs and statistics of the different types of families in France(such as single parent, traditional two parent households etc.) and how many of each of them represent families in different parts of France.
outline.com outline.com
“every courageous and incisive measure to solve internal problems of our own society, to improve self-confidence, discipline, morale and community spirit of our own people, is a diplomatic victory over Moscow worth a thousand diplomatic notes and joint communiqués. If we cannot abandon fatalism and indifference in the face of deficiencies of our own society, Moscow will profit.”
Perhaps the best defense against active measures is a little bit of activism of our own
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
The Pianist: The Extraordinary True Story of One Man's Survival in Warsaw, 1939-1945 Paperback – Illustrated, September 2, 2000
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
a more in-depth dive into Envoy from the Author
rjlipton.wordpress.com rjlipton.wordpress.com
www.quantamagazine.org www.quantamagazine.org
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
I don't read comments as I think they are dangerous
Why does he think they are dangerous?
Why the obfuscation of remaining to r and callbacks to c? This is fine for function-local variables but in this instance makes the code significantly harder to reason about? There is no notion of what c and r mean.
github.com github.com
remaining: 0, callbacks: [] r: 0, // remaining outros c: [], // callbacks p: outros // parent group
Ugh. Why did he change this?
Similar question here: https://hyp.is/kayb_AN1EeuCb5OkL5-Yqg/github.com/sveltejs/svelte/pull/3209
Answer here: https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/pull/3209
lukeplant.me.uk lukeplant.me.uk
nedbatchelder.com nedbatchelder.com
medium.com medium.com
Personally for me, this is incredibly hard to read. Regex everywhere, nested objects with different rules and configurations that are very intuitive, multiple loaders that resolve backwards, built in loaders having obscure issues that require using third party loaders in between, separation of plugins and loaders, and so on.
www.texastribune.org www.texastribune.org
ICE deported a key witness in investigation of sexual assault and harassment at El Paso detention center
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
to read
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
Materialism and the Dialectical Method
to read
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Circe by Madeline MillerThis magnificent story of the famous witch goddess from Homer’s Odyssey was shortlisted for the 2019 Women’s prize for fiction. It is both hugely enjoyable, showing the very male classical epic from a female point of view, and profoundly affecting in its depictions of the trials of immortality. This book is the closest you can get to experiencing what it might really be like to be a goddess, with all its benefits and sacrifices.
readit.plus readit.plus
It’s harder to read code than to write it
ncase.me ncase.me
There are other mathematical models of institutionalized bias out there! Male-Female Differences: A Computer Simulation shows how a small gender bias compounds as you move up the corporate ladder. The Petrie Multiplier shows why an attack on sexism in tech is not an attack on men.
Schelling's model gets the general gist of it, but of course, real life is more nuanced. You might enjoy looking at real-world data, such as W.A.V. Clark's 1991 paper, A Test of the Schelling Segregation Model.
www.vox.com www.vox.com
Figures like Kenneth Hagin, his protégé Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts, and, of course, Osteen himself built up individual followings: followings that often grew as a result of cross-promotion (something religious historian Kate Bowler points out in her excellent Blessed, a history of the prosperity gospel movement). One preacher might, for example, feature another at his conference, or hawk his cassette tapes.
Some of this is the leveraging of individual platforms for cross-promotion here, which helped in a pre-social media space and which now happens regularly online, particularly in the "funnel" sales space.
www.ft.com www.ft.com
James Suzman’s ‘Work: A History of How We Spend Our Time’ is published next month by Bloomsbury.
- Aug 2020
pdf.sciencedirectassets.com pdf.sciencedirectassets.com
future gamification research should investigate specific elements of gamification rather than as an over-arching concept so that the effectiveness of different mechanics can be parsed out.
see Chapman and Rich (2018), which examined this very thing.
- Jul 2020
blog.cloudflare.com blog.cloudflare.com
developers.google.com developers.google.com
dropbox.tech dropbox.tech
via tianfang
In our series, learning linked data, we've covered several topics related to querying linked data using several SPARQL features and techniques, producing linked data using RDFa and working with JSON-LD.
I don't see a link to the other articles in this series...