735 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2022
    1. ```sql FROM ZITGIST.MO.url as artist_url FROM ZITGIST.MO.artist as artist_artist FROM ZITGIST.MO.track as artist_track FROM ZITGIST.MO.album as artist_album

      FROM ZITGIST.MO.album as artist_album_creatorOf where (^{artist_album_creatorOf.}^.artist = ^{artist.}^.id) FROM ZITGIST.MO.track as artist_track_creatorOf where (^{artist_track_creatorOf.}^.artist = ^{artist.}^.id)

      FROM ZITGIST.MO.artistalias as artistalias text literal name where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{artistalias.}^."ref") FROM ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_url as l_artist_url where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{l_artist_url.}^.link0) where (^{artist_url.}^.id = ^{l_artist_url.}^.link1)

      FROM ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_artist as l_artist_artist where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{l_artist_artist.}^.link0) where (^{artist_artist.}^.id = ^{l_artist_artist.}^.link1)

      FROM ZITGIST.MO.l_artist_track as l_artist_track where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{l_artist_track.}^.link0) where (^{artist_track.}^.id = ^{l_artist_track.}^.link1) FROM ZITGIST.MO.l_album_artist as l_album_artist where (^{artist.}^.id = ^{l_album_artist.}^.link1) where (^{artist_album.}^.id = ^{l_album_artist.}^.link0)

      { create virtrdf:MBZ as graph iri ("http://musicbrainz.org/") option (exclusive) {

          # Track Composition Event
          mbz:composition_iri (track.gid)
              a mo:Composition as mbz:track_is_composition;
              dc:title track.name as mbz:title_of_track;
              mo:composer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist_creator.gid) as mbz:creator_composer_of_track;
              mo:composer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track2) as mbz:composer14_of_track;
              mo:producesWork mbz:musicalwork_iri (track.gid) as mbz:track_producesWork.
          # Track Musical Work
          mbz:musicalwork_iri (track.gid)
              a mo:MusicalWork as mbz:track_is_mw;
              dc:title track.name as mbz:name_of_mw;
              mo:productOfComposition mbz:composition_iri(track.gid) as mbz:mw_is_productOfComposition_of;
              mo:usedInPerformance mbz:performance_iri(track.gid) as mbz:mw_usedInPerformance.
          # Track Performance Event
          mbz:performance_iri (track.gid)
              a mo:Performance;
              dc:title track.name;
              mo:performer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist_creator.gid);
              mo:performer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_track2);
              mo:conductor mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_artist_track2);
              mo:usesWork mbz:musicalwork_iri (track.gid);
              mo:producesSound mbz:sound_iri (track.gid);
              mo:recordedAs mbz:signal_iri(track.gid).
          # Track Sound
          mbz:sound_iri (track.gid)
              a mo:Sound;
              dc:title track.name;
              mo:productOfPerformance mbz:performance_iri (track.gid);
              mo:usedInRecording mbz:recording_iri (track.gid).
          # Track Recording Event
          mbz:recording_iri (track.gid)
              a mo:Recording;
              dc:title track.name;
              mo:recordsSound mbz:sound_iri (track.gid);
              mo:producesSignal mbz:signal_iri (track.gid).
          # Track Signal (Musical Expression)
          mbz:signal_iri (track.gid)
              a mo:Signal;
              dc:title track.name;
              mo:remixer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_track2);
              mo:sampler mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_artist_track2);
              mo:djmixed mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 40) option (using l_artist_track2);
              mo:djmix_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 13) option (using l_track_track);
              mo:remix_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 6) option (using l_track_track);
              mo:remix_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_track_track);
              mo:mashup_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 8) option (using l_track_track);
              mo:mashup_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 4) option (using l_track_track);
              mo:remaster_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 3) option (using l_track_track);
              mo:compilation_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 10) option (using l_track_track);
              mo:compilation_of mbz:track_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_track_track);
              mo:medley_of mbz:record_iri (track_track.gid) where (^{l_track_track.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_track_track);
              mo:published_as mbz:track_iri (track.gid);
              mo:signalTime mbz:duration_iri(track.gid);
              mo:puid track_puid.puid option (using puidjoin).
          # Track duration
              a timeline:Interval;
              timeline:durationXSD mbz:duration(track.length).
              a mo:Track;
              dc:title track.name;
              mo:trackNum track_albumjoin.sequence;
              dc:creator mbz:artist_iri (track_artist_creator.gid);
              dc:creator mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track2);
                          mo:compiler mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 39) option (using l_artist_track2);
              mo:producer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_artist_track2);
              mo:publisher mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_artist_track2);
              mo:engineer mbz:artist_iri (track_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_track2.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_artist_track2);
              mo:licence mbz:url_iri(track_url.url) where (^{l_track_url.}^.link_type = 21) option (using l_track_url);
              mo:paiddownload mbz:url_iri(track_url.url) where (^{l_track_url.}^.link_type = 16) option (using l_track_url);
              mo:freedownload mbz:url_iri(track_url.url) where (^{l_track_url.}^.link_type = 17) option (using l_track_url);
              mo:olga mbz:url_iri(track_url.url) where (^{l_track_url.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_track_url);
              mo:musicbrainz mbz:mbz_track_url_iri(track.gid);
              mo:duration track.length.
          # Record Composition Event
          mbz:composition_iri (album.gid)
              a mo:Composition;
              dc:title album.name;
              mo:composer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist_creator.gid);
              mo:composer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:producesWork mbz:musicalwork_iri (album.gid).
          # Record Musical Work
          mbz:musicalwork_iri (album.gid)
              a mo:MusicalWork;
              dc:title album.name;
              mo:productOfComposition mbz:composition_iri(album.gid);
              mo:usedInPerformance mbz:performance_iri(album.gid).
          # Record Performance Event
          mbz:performance_iri (album.gid)
              a mo:Performance;
              dc:title album.name;
              mo:performer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist_creator.gid);
              mo:performer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:conductor mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:usesWork mbz:musicalwork_iri (album.gid);
              mo:producesSound mbz:sound_iri (album.gid);
              mo:recordedAs mbz:record_iri(album.gid).
          # Record Sound
          mbz:sound_iri (album.gid)
              a mo:Sound;
              dc:title album.name;
              mo:productOfPerformance mbz:performance_iri (album.gid);
              mo:usedInRecording mbz:recording_iri (album.gid).
          # Record Recording Event
          mbz:recording_iri (album.gid)
              a mo:Recording;
              dc:title album.name;
              mo:recordsSound mbz:sound_iri (album.gid);
              mo:producesSignal mbz:signal_iri (album.gid).
          # Record Signal (Musical Expression)
          mbz:signal_iri (album.gid)
              a mo:Signal;
              dc:title album.name;
              mo:djmix_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_album_album);
              mo:remix_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 7) option (using l_album_album);
              mo:remix_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 4) option (using l_album_album);
              mo:mashup_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 5) option (using l_album_album);
              mo:remaster_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 3) option (using l_album_album);
              mo:tribute_to mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 44) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:remixer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:djmixed mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 38) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:sampler mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:published_as mbz:record_iri (album.gid).
          # Record (Musical Manifestation)
          mbz:record_iri (album.gid)
              a mo:Record;
              dc:title album.name;
              dc:date mbz:created(album_release.releasedate);
              mo:image mbz:image_iri(album_amazon_asin.asin);
              #Empty for now.
              mo:compilation_of mbz:record_iri (album_album.gid) where (^{l_album_album.}^.link_type = 8) option (using l_album_album);
              mo:releaseStatus mbz:official_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseStatus mbz:promotion_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseStatus mbz:bootleg_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseType mbz:album_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseType mbz:single_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseType mbz:ep_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseType mbz:compilation_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseType mbz:soundtrack_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseType mbz:spokenword_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseType mbz:interview_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseType mbz:audiobook_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseType mbz:live_iri(album.attributes);
              mo:releaseType mbz:remix_iri(album.attributes);
              dc:creator mbz:artist_iri (album_artist_creator.gid);
              dc:creator mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:compiler mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 41) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:producer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:publisher mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:engineer mbz:artist_iri (album_artist.gid) where (^{l_album_artist2.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_album_artist2);
              mo:musicbrainz mbz:mbz_release_url_iri(album.gid);
              mo:musicmoz mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 25) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:discogs mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 24) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:wikipedia mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 23) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:discography mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 1) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:freedownload mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 21) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:discography mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 16) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:mailorder mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:imdb mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 27) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:paiddownload mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 20) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:licence mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 32) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:review mbz:url_iri(album_url.url) where (^{l_album_url.}^.link_type = 17) option (using l_album_url);
              mo:amazon_asin mbz:amazon_asin_iri(album_amazon_asin.asin);
              mo:has_track mbz:track_iri (album_albumjoin_track.gid) option (using album_albumjoin).
         # Music Group (Band)


              a mo:MusicArtist;
              a mo:MusicGroup;
              a foaf:Group;
              foaf:name band.name;
              foaf:nick bandalias.name;

      bio:event mbz:band_birth_event_iri(band.gid);

      bio:event mbz:band_death_event_iri(band.gid);

              bio:event mbz:artist_birth_event_iri(band.gid);
              bio:event mbz:artist_death_event_iri(band.gid);

      mo:similar_to mbz:band_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation);

              mo:similar_to mbz:artist_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation);
              mo:similar_to mbz:artist_iri(sim_artist.gid) option (using artist_relation);

      sim:link mbz:sim_link_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation);

      sim:link mbz:sim_link_iri(sim_artist.gid) option (using artist_relation);

              foaf:member mbz:artist_iri(band_member.gid) option (using band_l_artist_artist);
              # l_artist_url
              mo:myspace mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:musicmoz mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:discogs mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:wikipedia mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 10) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:discography mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 1) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:freedownload mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 8) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:fanpage mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 3) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:biography mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 4) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:discography mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 5) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:mailorder mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 15) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:imdb mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 17) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:paiddownload mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 7) option (using l_artist_url3);
              foaf:depiction mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_url3);
              foaf:homepage mbz:url_iri(band_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url3.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_url3);
              mo:musicbrainz mbz:mbz_artist_url_iri(band.gid);
              # l_album_artist
              mo:composed mbz:composition_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist3);
              mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist3);
              mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_album_artist3);
              mo:conducted mbz:performance_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_album_artist3);
              mo:compiled mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 41) option (using l_album_artist3);
              mo:djmixed mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 38) option (using l_album_artist3);
              mo:remixed mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_album_artist3);
              mo:sampled mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_album_artist3);
              mo:produced mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_album_artist3);
              mo:published mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_album_artist3);
              mo:engineered mbz:record_iri (band_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist3.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_album_artist3);

      # mo:creatorOfRecord mbz:record_iri(band_album_creatorOf.gid);

              foaf:made mbz:record_iri(band_album_creatorOf.gid);
              # l_artist_track
              mo:composed mbz:composition_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track3);
              mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track3);
              mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_track3);
              mo:conducted mbz:performance_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_artist_track3);
              mo:compiled mbz:record_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 39) option (using l_artist_track3);
              mo:djmixed mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 40) option (using l_artist_track3);
              mo:remixed mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_track3);
              mo:sampled mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_artist_track3);
              mo:produced mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_artist_track3);
              mo:published mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_artist_track3);
              mo:engineered mbz:track_iri (band_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track3.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_artist_track3).

      # mo:creatorOfTrack mbz:track_iri(band_track_creatorOf.gid).

          # Music Group (Band)'s Birth Event


              a bio:Birth;
              bio:date band.begindate.
          # Music Group (Band)'s Death Event


              a bio:Death;
              bio:date band.enddate.
          # Similarity link
          #    sim:relation mo:similar_to;
          #    sim:level band_relation.weight;
          #    sim:to sim_band.gid.
          # Music Artist
          mbz:artist_iri (artist.gid)
              # artist
              a mo:MusicArtist;
              a mo:SoloMusicArtist where (^{artist_untyped.}^.gid is not null) option (using artist_untyped);
              a foaf:Person where (^{artist_untyped.}^.gid is not null) option (using artist_untyped);
              foaf:name artist.name;
              foaf:nick artistalias.name;
              bio:event mbz:artist_birth_event_iri(artist.gid);
              bio:event mbz:artist_death_event_iri(artist.gid);
              mo:member_of mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_artist);
              # l_artist_artist
              rel:siblingOf mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 7) option (using l_artist_artist);
              rel:friendOf mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 5) option (using l_artist_artist);
              rel:parentOf mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 6) option (using l_artist_artist);
              rel:collaborated_with mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_artist);
              rel:engagedTo mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_artist_artist);
              rel:spouseOf mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 8) option (using l_artist_artist);
              mo:supporting_musician mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 13) option (using l_artist_artist);
              mo:supporting_musician mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_artist);
              mo:supporting_musician mbz:artist_iri(artist_artist.gid) where (^{l_artist_artist.}^.link_type = 15) option (using l_artist_artist);
              mo:similar_to mbz:artist_iri(sim_artist.gid) option (using artist_relation);

      mo:similar_to mbz:band_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation);

              mo:similar_to mbz:artist_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation);

      sim:link mbz:sim_link_iri(sim_band.gid) option (using band_relation);

      sim:link mbz:sim_link_iri(sim_artist.gid) option (using artist_relation);

              # l_artist_url
              mo:myspace mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:musicmoz mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:discogs mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:wikipedia mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 10) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:discography mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 1) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:freedownload mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 8) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:fanpage mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 3) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:biography mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 4) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:discography mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 5) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:mailorder mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 15) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:imdb mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 17) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:paiddownload mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 7) option (using l_artist_url);
              foaf:depiction mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_url);
              foaf:homepage mbz:url_iri(artist_url.url) where (^{l_artist_url.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_url);
              mo:musicbrainz mbz:mbz_artist_url_iri(artist.gid);
              # l_album_artist
              mo:composed mbz:composition_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist);
              mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_album_artist);
              mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_album_artist);
              mo:conducted mbz:performance_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_album_artist);
              mo:compiled mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 41) option (using l_album_artist);
              mo:djmixed mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 38) option (using l_album_artist);
              mo:remixed mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_album_artist);
              mo:sampled mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_album_artist);
              mo:produced mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_album_artist);
              mo:published mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_album_artist);
              mo:engineered mbz:record_iri (artist_album.gid) where (^{l_album_artist.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_album_artist);
       #      mo:creatorOfRecord mbz:record_iri(artist_album_creatorOf.gid);
              foaf:made mbz:record_iri(artist_album_creatorOf.gid);
              # l_artist_track
              mo:composed mbz:composition_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track);
              mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 14) option (using l_artist_track);
              mo:performed mbz:performance_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 2) option (using l_artist_track);
              mo:conducted mbz:performance_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 9) option (using l_artist_track);
              mo:compiled mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 39) option (using l_artist_track);
              mo:djmixed mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 40) option (using l_artist_track);
              mo:remixed mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 11) option (using l_artist_track);
              mo:sampled mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 12) option (using l_artist_track);
              mo:produced mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 18) option (using l_artist_track);
              mo:published mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 35) option (using l_artist_track);
              mo:engineered mbz:track_iri (artist_track.gid) where (^{l_artist_track.}^.link_type = 19) option (using l_artist_track).
       #       mo:creatorOfTrack mbz:track_iri(artist_track_creatorOf.gid).
          # Music Artist''s Birth Event
              a bio:Birth;
              bio:date artist.begindate.
          # Music Artist''s Death Event
              a bio:Death;
              bio:date artist.enddate.
          # Similarity link
          #    sim:relation mo:similar_to;
          #    sim:level artist_relation.weight;
          #    sim:to sim_artist.gid.

      } ; ```

    1. xml <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:doap="http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#"> <doap:Project> <doap:name>Example project</doap:name> <doap:homepage rdf:resource="http://example.com" /> <doap:programming-language>javascript</doap:programming-language> <doap:license rdf:resource="http://example.com/doap/licenses/gpl"/> </doap:Project> </rdf:RDF>

    1. ```xml

      <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' xmlns='http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#' xmlns:xmpp='https://linkmauve.fr/ns/xmpp-doap#' xmlns:schema='https://schema.org'> <Project> <name>poezio</name>

      <shortdesc xml:lang='en'>Free console XMPP client</shortdesc>
      <shortdesc xml:lang='fr'>Client XMPP libre en console</shortdesc>
      <description xml:lang='en'>Free and modern console XMPP client written in Python with the ncurses library</description>
      <description xml:lang='fr'>Client console XMPP libre et moderne, écrit en Python avec la bibliothèque ncurses</description>
      <homepage rdf:resource='https://poez.io/'/>
      <schema:documentation rdf:resource='https://doc.poez.io/'/>
      <download-page rdf:resource='https://poez.io/#download'/>
      <bug-database rdf:resource='https://lab.louiz.org/poezio/poezio/-/issues'/>
      <developer-forum rdf:resource='xmpp:poezio@muc.poez.io?join'/>
      <support-forum rdf:resource='xmpp:poezio@muc.poez.io?join'/>
      <license rdf:resource='https://git.poez.io/poezio/plain/COPYING'/>
      <schema:logo rdf:resource='https://poez.io/img/logo.svg'/>
      <schema:screenshot rdf:resource='https://poez.io/img/screenshot.png'/>
      <category rdf:resource='https://linkmauve.fr/ns/xmpp-doap#category-client'/>
          <browse rdf:resource='https://lab.louiz.org/poezio/poezio'/>
          <location rdf:resource='https://lab.louiz.org/poezio/poezio.git'/>
      <implements rdf:resource='https://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6120.html'/>
      <implements rdf:resource='https://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6121.html'/>
      <implements rdf:resource='https://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6122.html'/>
      <implements rdf:resource='https://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc7590.html'/>
          <xmpp:xep rdf:resource='https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0030.html'/>
          <xmpp:note xml:lang='en'>The 'disco' plugin can be loaded to make manual queries.</xmpp:note>
          <xmpp:note xml:lang='fr'>Le plugin 'disco' peut être chargé pour faire des requêtes manuellement.</xmpp:note>
      <!-- And a lot more! -->
          <file-release rdf:resource='https://lab.louiz.org/poezio/poezio/-/archive/v0.13.1/poezio-v0.13.1.tar.gz'/>

      </Project> </rdf:RDF> ```

    1. <channel> Elements: <sy:updatePeriod> ( 'hourly' | 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'yearly' ) <sy:updateFrequency> ( a positive integer ) <sy:updateBase> ( #PCDATA ) [W3CDTF]
    1. ```turtle

      Employee schema version 2

      @prefix rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# . @prefix rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# . @prefix vcard: http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns# . @prefix emp: http://www.snee.com/schema/employees/ .

      emp:Person rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "person" .

      emp:Employee a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "employee" ; rdfs:comment "A full-time, non-contractor employee." .

      vcard:given-name rdf:type rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "given name".

      vcard:family-name rdf:type rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "family name" ; rdfs:label "apellido"@es .

      emp:hireDate a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "hire date" ; rdfs:comment "The first day an employee was on the payroll." .

      emp:reportsTo a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "reports to" . ```

    1. ```sparql PREFIX rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# PREFIX i: http://learningsparql.com/ns/instrument/ PREFIX s: http://learningsparql.com/ns/schema/ PREFIX b: http://www.bobdc.com/ns/beatles/

      SELECT ?britishGroup WHERE { ?bassist b:favoriteBritishGroup ?britishGroup . SERVICE https://dydra.com/bobdc/beatles-musicians/sparql { SELECT ?bassist WHERE { ?song a s:Song ; rdfs:label "The Long And Winding Road" ; i:bass ?bassist . } } } ```

    1. ```sparql PREFIX rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# PREFIX skos: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# PREFIX schema: http://schema.org/ prefix owl: http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl# prefix rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#

      CONSTRUCT { http://schema.org/ a skos:ConceptScheme ; skos:hasTopConcept schema:Thing . ?child a skos:Concept ; skos:broaderTransitive ?parent ; skos:broader ?ancestors ; skos:prefLabel ?label ; skos:definition ?desc ; skos:inScheme ?ext . ?parent skos:narrowerTransitive ?child . ?ancestors skos:narrower ?child .<br /> } WHERE { ?child rdfs:subClassOf ?parent . ?child rdfs:subClassOf+ ?ancestors . OPTIONAL { ?child rdfs:label ?label } OPTIONAL { ?child rdfs:comment ?desc } OPTIONAL { ?child schema:isPartOf ?ext } } ```

    1. json { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ArchiveOrganization", "name": "Example Archives", "@id": "http://examplearchive.org", "archiveHeld": { "@type": ["ArchiveComponent","Collection"], "@id": "http://examplearchive.org/coll1", "name": "Example Archive Collection", "collectionSize": 1, "holdingArchive": "http://examplearchive.org", "hasPart": { "@type": ["ArchiveComponent","Manuscript"], "@id": "http://examplearchive.org/item1", "name": "Interesting Manuscript", "description": "Interesting manuscript - on loan to the British Library", "itemLocation": "http://bl.uk", "isPartOf": "http://examplearchive.org/coll1" } } }`

    1. json { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@graph": [ { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "@id": "http://hotexample.com/terms/sf1", "name": "Coal", "inDefinedTermSet": "http://hotexample.com/terms" }, { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "@id": "http://hotexample.com/terms/sf2", "name": "Coke", "inDefinedTermSet": "http://hotexample.com/terms" }, { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "@id": "http://hotexample.com/terms/sf3", "name": "Biomass", "inDefinedTermSet": "http://hotexample.com/terms" }, { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "@id": "http://hotexample.com/terms/sf4", "name": "Peat", "inDefinedTermSet": "http://hotexample.com/terms" }, { "@type": "DefinedTermSet", "@id": "http://hotexample.com/terms", "name": "Solid Fuel Terms" } ] }

      json { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@graph": [ { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "@id": "http://hotexample.com/terms/sf1", "name": "Coal", "inDefinedTermSet": "http://hotexample.com/terms" }, { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "@id": "http://hotexample.com/terms/sf2", "name": "Coke", "inDefinedTermSet": "http://hotexample.com/terms" }, { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "@id": "http://hotexample.com/terms/sf3", "name": "Biomass", "inDefinedTermSet": "http://hotexample.com/terms" }, { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "@id": "http://hotexample.com/terms/sf4", "name": "Peat", "inDefinedTermSet": "http://hotexample.com/terms" }, { "@type": "DefinedTermSet", "@id": "http://hotexample.com/terms", "name": "Solid Fuel Terms" } ] }

    1. Summary of Attributes

      • about: Specifies the subject of a relationship. If not given, then the subject is the current document.

      • rel : Defines a relation between the subject and a URL given by either href or resource. The subject is either specified by the closest about or src attribute, @@

      • rev : The same as the the rel attribute, except that subject and object are reversed.

      • property : Defines a relationship between the subject and either a string (if the content attribute is present) or a piece of markup otherwise (the content of the element that the property attribute is on).

      • content : Specifies a string to use as an object for the property attribute

      • href : Specifies an object URI for the rev and rel attributes. <mark>Takes precedence over the resource attribute</mark>.

      • resource : Specifies an object URI for the rev and rel attributes if href is not present.

      • src : Specifies the subject of a relationship.

      • datatype : Specifies a datatype of the object of the property attribute (either in the content attribute, or the content of the element that the datattype attribute is on.) By default, data in the content attribute is of type string, and data in the content of an element has type xml:Literal. If datatype="" is used, then for the RDF the element content is stripped of markup, and is of type string.

      • typeof : Creates a blank node, which becomes the subject, and asserts that the current element contains relationships that match the given RDF type.

    1. ``` HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/ld+json Link: http://api.example.com/doc/; rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/core#apiDocumentation"

      { "@context": "http://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/context.jsonld", "@graph": [{ "@id": "http://api.example.com/people", "@type": "hydra:Collection", "api:personByName": "api:PersonByNameTemplate" }, { "@id": "http://api.example.com/events", "@type": "hydra:Collection", "api:eventByName": "api:EventByNameTemplate" } } ```

    1. The GS1 Web Vocabulary collects terms defined in various GS1 standards and data systems and made available for general use following Linked Data principles. It is designed as an extension to schema.org and, where relevant, mappings and relationships arising from that vocabulary are made explicit. The initial focus of the GS1 Web Vocabulary is consumer-facing properties for clothing, shoes, food beverage/tobacco and properties common to all products.
    1. This specification, Open Annotation in EPUB, defines a profile of the W3C Open Annotation specification [OpenAnnotation] for the creation, distribution and rendering of annotations for EPUB® Publications.

      This appendix is informative

      All examples use the same hypothetical publication of Alice in Wonderland, and are given in the collection structure with a single annotation.

      • Commentary Annotation on Publication with URI json-ld { "@context": "http://www.idpf.org/epub/oa/1.0/context.json", "@id": "http://example.org/epub/annotations.json", "@type": "epub:AnnotationCollection", "annotations": [ { "@id": "urn:uuid:E7E3799F-3CD5-4F69-87C6-5478B22873D6", "@type": "oa:Annotation", "hasTarget": { "@type": "oa:SpecificResource", "hasSource": { "@id": "http://www.example.org/ebooks/A1B0D67E-2E81-4DF5/v2.epub", "@type": "dctypes:Text" } }, "hasBody": { "@type": "dctypes:Text", "format": "application/xhtml+xml", "chars": "<div xml:lang='en' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>I love Alice in Wonderland</div>", "language": "en" }, "motivatedBy": "oa:commenting" } ] }

      • Commentary Annotation on Publication without Identifying URI json-ld { "@context": "http://www.idpf.org/epub/oa/1.0/context.json", "@id": "http://example.org/epub/annotations.json", "@type": "epub:AnnotationCollection", "annotations": [ { "@id": "urn:uuid:E7E3799F-3CD5-4F69-87C6-5478B22873D6", "@type": "oa:Annotation", "hasTarget": { "@type": "oa:SpecificResource", "hasSource": { "@type": "dctypes:Text", "uniqueIdentifier": "isbn:123456789x", "originURL": "http://www.example.com/publisher/book/", "dc:identifier": "urn:uuid:A1B0D67E-2E81-4DF5-9E67-A64CBE366809", "dcterms:modified": "2011-01-01T12:00:00Z" } }, "hasBody": { "@type": "dctypes:Text", "format": "application/xhtml+xml", "chars": "<div xml:lang='en' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>I love Alice in Wonderland</div>", "language": "en" }, "motivatedBy": "oa:commenting" } ] }

      • Collection Metadata json-ld { "@context": "http://www.idpf.org/epub/oa/1.0/context.json", "@id": "http://example.org/epub/annotations.json", "@type": "epub:AnnotationCollection", "dc:title": "Alice in Wonderland Annotations", "dc:publisher": "Example Organization", "dc:creator": "Anne O'Tater", "dcterms:modified": "2014-03-17T12:30:00Z", "dc:description": "Anne's collection of annotations on Alice in Wonderland", "dc:rights": [ { "@value": "Quelques droits en Français", "@language": "fr" }, { "@value": "Some Rights in English", "@language": "en" } ], "annotations": [ { "@id": "urn:uuid:E7E3799F-3CD5-4F69-87C6-5478B22873D6", "@type": "oa:Annotation", "hasTarget": { "@type": "oa:SpecificResource", "hasSource": { "@type": "dctypes:Text", "uniqueIdentifier": "isbn:123456789x", "originURL": "http://www.example.com/publisher/book/", "dc:identifier": "urn:uuid:A1B0D67E-2E81-4DF5-9E67-A64CBE366809", "dcterms:modified": "2011-01-01T12:00:00Z" } }, "hasBody": { "@type": "dctypes:Text", "format": "application/xhtml+xml", "chars": "<div xml:lang='en' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>I love Alice in Wonderland</div>", "language": "en" }, "motivatedBy": "oa:commenting" } ] }

      • Annotation with Ancillary Resources in the Zip json-ld { "@context": "http://www.idpf.org/epub/oa/1.0/context.json", "@id": "http://example.org/epub/annotations.json", "@type": "epub:AnnotationCollection", "annotations": [ { "@id": "urn:uuid:E7E3799F-3CD5-4F69-87C6-5478B22873D6", "@type": "oa:Annotation", "hasTarget": { "@type": "oa:SpecificResource", "hasSource": { "@type": "dctypes:Text", "uniqueIdentifier": "isbn:123456789x", "originURL": "http://www.example.com/publisher/book/", "dc:identifier": "urn:uuid:A1B0D67E-2E81-4DF5-9E67-A64CBE366809", "dcterms:modified": "2011-01-01T12:00:00Z" } }, "hasBody": { "@type": "dctypes:Text", "format": "application/xhtml+xml", "chars": "<div xml:lang='en' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>I love Alice in Wonderland! <img src='/imgs/heart.jpg'/></div>" }, "motivatedBy": "oa:commenting" } ] }

      • Styling of Selection

      json-ld { "@context": "http://www.idpf.org/epub/oa/1.0/context.json", "@id": "http://example.org/epub/annotations.json", "@type": "epub:AnnotationCollection", "annotations": [ { "@id": "urn:uuid:E7E3799F-3CD5-4F69-87C6-5478B22873D6", "@type": "oa:Annotation", "styledBy": { "@type": "oa:CssStyle", "format": "text/css", "chars": ".red { border: 1px solid red; }" }, "hasTarget": { "@type": "oa:SpecificResource", "hasSelector": { "@type": "oa:FragmentSelector", "value": "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4[body01]/10[para05]/3:10)" }, "hasSource": { "@type": "dctypes:Text", "uniqueIdentifier": "isbn:123456789x", "originURL": "http://www.example.com/publisher/book/", "dc:identifier": "urn:uuid:A1B0D67E-2E81-4DF5-9E67-A64CBE366809", "dcterms:modified": "2011-01-01T12:00:00Z" }, "styleClass": "red" }, "hasBody": { "@type": "dctypes:Text", "format": "application/xhtml+xml", "chars": "<div xml:lang='en' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>I love this part of the text</div>", "language": "en" }, "motivatedBy": "oa:commenting" } ] }

    1. bash $ curl -I 'https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.944307' HTTP/2 200 server: nginx/1.21.6 date: Tue, 17 May 2022 22:20:09 GMT content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8 content-length: 49033 Path=/; Domain=.pangaea.de; Secure; HttpOnly vary: Cookie, Authorization, Accept cache-control: public x-cid: 46ac5408249e9724e81cb2964e712475 link: <https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.944307>;rel="cite-as", <https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.944307?format=zip>;rel="item";type="application/zip", <https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6414-6293>;rel="author", <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8923-0827>;rel="author", <https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9823-1373>;rel="author", <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6512-0770>;rel="author" ```bash $ curl -H 'Accept: application/ld+json' 'https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.944307' | jq '.'

      { "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Dataset", "url": "https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.944307", "creator": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "Sergio Trias-Navarro", "familyName": "Trias-Navarro", "givenName": "Sergio", "email": "sergio.trias@unipa.it" }, { "@type": "Person", "name": "Maria de la Fuente", "familyName": "de la Fuente", "givenName": "Maria", "email": "mdelafuente@ub.edu" }, { "@id": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6414-6293", "@type": "Person", "name": "Leopoldo D Pena", "familyName": "Pena", "givenName": "Leopoldo D", "identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6414-6293", "email": "lpena@ub.edu" }, { "@id": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8923-0827", "@type": "Person", "name": "Jaime Frigola", "familyName": "Frigola", "givenName": "Jaime", "identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8923-0827", "email": "jfrigola@ub.edu" }, { "@id": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9823-1373", "@type": "Person", "name": "Antonio Caruso", "familyName": "Caruso", "givenName": "Antonio", "identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9823-1373", "email": "antonio.caruso@unipa.it" }, { "@id": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6512-0770", "@type": "Person", "name": "Isabel Cacho", "familyName": "Cacho", "givenName": "Isabel", "identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6512-0770", "email": "icacho@ub.edu" }, { "@type": "Person", "name": "Fabrizio Lirer", "familyName": "Lirer", "givenName": "Fabrizio", "email": "fabrizio.lirer@uniroma1.it" } ], "name": "Surface hydrology characterization at western flank of Sicily Channel during the last 15 kyr BP, through planktic foraminifera ecology, stable oxygen isotopes and elemental geochemical measurements", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "PANGAEA", "disambiguatingDescription": "Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science", "url": "https://www.pangaea.de/" }, "includedInDataCatalog": { "@type": "DataCatalog", "name": "PANGAEA", "disambiguatingDescription": "Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science", "url": "https://www.pangaea.de/" }, "datePublished": "2022-05-16", "description": "In this study, we present a new detailed characterization of past surface hydrography in the western edge of the Sicily channel in order to identify potential variations in the water exchange between the western and eastern Mediterranean sub-basins through the Sicily channel. For this purpose, we use a sediment core currently located in the main pathway of the Modified Atlantic Surface Water (MAW) towards the Strait of Sicily. Here we present a multi-proxy approach combining planktic foraminifera ecology with δ18O records of Globigerina bulloides as well as Globigerinoides ruber and with elemental geochemical measurements as Ti/Al, K/Al, Ba/Ti.", "abstract": "In this study, we present a new detailed characterization of past surface hydrography in the western edge of the Sicily channel in order to identify potential variations in the water exchange between the western and eastern Mediterranean sub-basins through the Sicily channel. For this purpose, we use a sediment core currently located in the main pathway of the Modified Atlantic Surface Water (MAW) towards the Strait of Sicily. Here we present a multi-proxy approach combining planktic foraminifera ecology with δ18O records of Globigerina bulloides as well as Globigerinoides ruber and with elemental geochemical measurements as Ti/Al, K/Al, Ba/Ti.", "citation": { "@id": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103582", "@type": [ "CreativeWork", "PublicationIssue" ], "identifier": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103582", "url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103582", "creator": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "Sergio Trias-Navarro", "familyName": "Trias-Navarro", "givenName": "Sergio", "email": "sergio.trias@unipa.it" }, { "@id": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6512-0770", "@type": "Person", "name": "Isabel Cacho", "familyName": "Cacho", "givenName": "Isabel", "identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6512-0770", "email": "icacho@ub.edu" }, { "@type": "Person", "name": "Maria de la Fuente", "familyName": "de la Fuente", "givenName": "Maria", "email": "mdelafuente@ub.edu" }, { "@id": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6414-6293", "@type": "Person", "name": "Leopoldo D Pena", "familyName": "Pena", "givenName": "Leopoldo D", "identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6414-6293", "email": "lpena@ub.edu" }, { "@id": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8923-0827", "@type": "Person", "name": "Jaime Frigola", "familyName": "Frigola", "givenName": "Jaime", "identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8923-0827", "email": "jfrigola@ub.edu" }, { "@type": "Person", "name": "Fabrizio Lirer", "familyName": "Lirer", "givenName": "Fabrizio", "email": "fabrizio.lirer@uniroma1.it" }, { "@id": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9823-1373", "@type": "Person", "name": "Antonio Caruso", "familyName": "Caruso", "givenName": "Antonio", "identifier": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9823-1373", "email": "antonio.caruso@unipa.it" } ], "name": "Surface hydrographic changes at the western flank of the Sicily Channel associated with the last sapropel", "datePublished": "2021", "issueNumber": "204", "pagination": "103582", "isPartOf": { "@type": "CreativeWorkSeries", "name": "Global and Planetary Change" } }, "spatialCoverage": { "@type": "Place", "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": 38.007388999999996, "longitude": 11.795789000000005 } }, "temporalCoverage": "2016-06-25T05:19:44", "inLanguage": "en", "conditionsOfAccess": "access rights needed", "isAccessibleForFree": false, "keywords": "elemental geochemistry; Mediterranean Sea; planktic foraminifera; Sicily Channel; stable oxygen isotopes", "size": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "value": 4, "unitText": "datasets" }, "distribution": { "@type": "DataDownload", "encodingFormat": "application/zip", "contentUrl": "https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.944307?format=zip" } } ```

    1. bash $ curl -H 'Accept: application/ld+json' 'https://scigraph.springernature.com/pub.10.1007/978-0-387-89976-3_10' { "@context": "https://springernature.github.io/scigraph/jsonld/sgcontext.json", "about": [ { "id": "http://purl.org/au-research/vocabulary/anzsrc-for/2008/08", "inDefinedTermSet": "http://purl.org/au-research/vocabulary/anzsrc-for/2008/", "name": "Information and Computing Sciences", "type": "DefinedTerm" }, { "id": "http://purl.org/au-research/vocabulary/anzsrc-for/2008/0806", "inDefinedTermSet": "http://purl.org/au-research/vocabulary/anzsrc-for/2008/", "name": "Information Systems", "type": "DefinedTerm" } ], "author": [ { "affiliation": { "alternateName": "Counseling, Educational, Psychology, and Special Education Department, Michigan State University, 461 Erickson Hall, 48824-1034, East Lansing, MI, USA", "id": "http://www.grid.ac/institutes/grid.17088.36", "name": [ "Counseling, Educational, Psychology, and Special Education Department, Michigan State University, 461 Erickson Hall, 48824-1034, East Lansing, MI, USA" ], "type": "Organization" }, "familyName": "Reckase", "givenName": "Mark D.", "id": "sg:person.01166264366.27", "sameAs": [ "https://app.dimensions.ai/discover/publication?and_facet_researcher=ur.01166264366.27" ], "type": "Person" } ], "datePublished": "2009-05-22", "datePublishedReg": "2009-05-22", "description": "Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is a methodology for constructing a test, administering it to an examinee, and scoring the test using interactive computer technology. This methodology has a history that is as long as that of interactive computing. An early summary of CAT methods is given in Weiss (1974). A detailed description of the development of an operational application for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is given in (Sands 1997). There are also several books available that describe the basic components of CAT procedures (Wainer, Dorans, Flaugher, Green, Mislevy, Steinberg and Thissen 1990; Parshall, Spray and Davey 2002; van der Linden and Glas 2000) so the basic details of the methodology are not presented here. A review of that literature will show that most of the current CAT methodology is based on the assumption that a unidimensional IRT model accurately represents the interaction between persons and test items. In this chapter, the generalization of the CAT methodology to the multidimensional case is considered. To provide a framework for this material, a brief summary of the conceptual basis for CAT is provided.", "genre": "chapter", "id": "sg:pub.10.1007/978-0-387-89976-3_10", "inLanguage": "en", "isAccessibleForFree": false, "isPartOf": { "isbn": [ "978-0-387-89975-6", "978-0-387-89976-3" ], "name": "Multidimensional Item Response Theory", "type": "Book" }, "keywords": [ "interactive computing", "computer technology", "interactive computer technology", "computerized adaptive testing", "Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery", "adaptive testing", "operational applications", "basic components", "computing", "unidimensional IRT model", "CAT methodology", "methodology", "test items", "IRT models", "CAT procedure", "technology", "basic details", "framework", "detailed description", "applications", "conceptual basis", "multidimensional case", "generalization", "testing", "examinees", "model", "items", "method", "description", "brief summary", "detail", "persons", "MIRT", "batteries", "test", "CAT method", "components", "assumption", "development", "chapter", "summary", "basis", "literature", "book", "procedure", "interaction", "Weiss", "cases", "review", "history", "materials", "Earlier summaries" ], "name": "Computerized Adaptive Testing Using MIRT", "pagination": "311-339", "productId": [ { "name": "dimensions_id", "type": "PropertyValue", "value": [ "pub.1046349288" ] }, { "name": "doi", "type": "PropertyValue", "value": [ "10.1007/978-0-387-89976-3_10" ] } ], "publisher": { "name": "Springer Nature", "type": "Organisation" }, "sameAs": [ "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-89976-3_10", "https://app.dimensions.ai/details/publication/pub.1046349288" ], "sdDataset": "chapters", "sdDatePublished": "2022-05-10T10:51", "sdLicense": "https://scigraph.springernature.com/explorer/license/", "sdPublisher": { "name": "Springer Nature - SN SciGraph project", "type": "Organization" }, "sdSource": "s3://com-springernature-scigraph/baseset/20220509/entities/gbq_results/chapter/chapter_412.jsonl", "type": "Chapter", "url": "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-89976-3_10" }

    1. schema:ScholarlyArticle is used to describe journal articles; schema:Chapter is used to describe book chapters; schema:Book is used to describe books; schema:Periodical is used to describe journals; schema:Person is used to describe researchers (e.g. authors, editors, grant recipients) schema:MonetaryGrant is used to describe awarded research grants; schema:MedicalStudy is used to describe clinical trials; sgo:Patent is used to describe patents.

    1. The simplest way to publish a description of your dataset is to publish DCAT metadata using RDFa. RDFa allows machine-readable metadata to be embedded in a webpage. This means that publishing your dataset metadata can be easily achieved by updating the HTML for your dataset homepage.


      <html prefix="dct: http://purl.org/dc/terms/ rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# dcat: http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat# foaf: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"> <head> <title>DCAT in RDFa</title> </head> <br /> <body> <div typeof="dcat:Dataset" resource="http://gov.example.org/dataset/finances">

      Example DCAT Dataset

      25th October 2010

      10th March 2013

      This is the description.

      <div property="dct:license" resource="http://reference.data.gov.uk/id/open-government-licence"> <span property="dct:title">UK Open Government Licence (OGL)</span> </div> <div property="dct:publisher" resource="http://example.org/publisher"> <span property="foaf:name">Example Publisher</span> </div> <div> <span property="dcat:keyword">Examples</span>, <span property="dcat:keyword">DCAT</span> </div> <div> Weekly </div> <div property='dcat:distribution' typeof='dcat:Distribution'> <span property="dct:title">CSV download</span>

      • Format <span content='text/csv' property='dcat:mediaType'>CSV</span>
      • Size <span content='240585277' datatype='xsd:decimal' property='dcat:byteSize'>1024MB</span>
      • Issues <span property='dct:issued'>2012-01-01</span>

      Download the full dataset

      </div> </body>

      </html> ```

    1. Abstract GeoDCAT-AP is an extension of the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP) for describing geospatial datasets, dataset series, and services. Its basic use case is to make spatial datasets, dataset series, and services searchable on general data portals, thereby making geospatial information better findable across borders and sectors. For this purpose, GeoDCAT-AP provides an RDF vocabulary and the corresponding RDF syntax binding for the union of metadata elements of the core profile of ISO 19115:2003 and those defined in the framework of the INSPIRE Directive of the European Union.
    1. DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. This document defines the schema and provides examples for its use. DCAT enables a publisher to describe datasets and data services in a catalog using a standard model and vocabulary that facilitates the consumption and aggregation of metadata from multiple catalogs. This can increase the discoverability of datasets and data services. It also makes it possible to have a decentralized approach to publishing data catalogs and makes federated search for datasets across catalogs in multiple sites possible using the same query mechanism and structure. Aggregated DCAT metadata can serve as a manifest file as part of the digital preservation process.
    1. 2014-07-15 <jmvanel> Hi I wonder if there is a vocab' for bug reports and enhancement requests ( probably in relation with DOAP) <tobyink> jmvanel: http://ontologi.es/doap-bugs <jmvanel> Thanks tobyink ; added in http://prefix.cc/dbug Asked on ##linux Hi I'd like a tool to watch a directory and record the file sizes and timestamps , so that later I can draw a plot of my activity <vlt> jmvanel: inotify tools <jmvanel> thanks , vlt ; that's rather low level , but can be certainly used ... overbusy today with my Specifications for semantic hosting
    1. COCI, the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI citations

      COCI, the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI citations, is an RDF dataset containing details of all the citations that are specified by the open references to DOI-identified works present in Crossref, as of the latest COCI update*


      Open Citation Identifiers

      Each Open Citation Identifier [[OCI]] has a simple structure: the lower-case letters "oci" followed by a colon, followed by two numbers separated by a dash (e.g. https://w3id.org/oc/index/coci/ci/02001010806360107050663080702026306630509-02001010806360107050663080702026305630301), in which the first number identifies the citing work and the second number identifies the cited work.

    1. Currently, DataCite is the de facto standard for data citation. Therefore, the ability to transform metadata records from and to the DataCite metadata schema would enable, respectively, the harvesting of DataCite records, and the publication of metadata records in the DataCite infrastructure (thus enabling their citation).
    1. ```html

      <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": ["MathSolver", "LearningResource"], "name": "An awesome math solver", "url": "https://www.mathdomain.com/", "usageInfo": "https://www.mathdomain.com/privacy", "inLanguage": "en", "potentialAction": [{ "@type": "SolveMathAction", "target": "https://mathdomain.com/solve?q={math_expression_string}", "mathExpression-input": "required name=math_expression_string", "eduQuestionType": ["Polynomial Equation","Derivative"] }], "learningResourceType": "Math solver" }, { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": ["MathSolver", "LearningResource"], "name": "Un solucionador de matemáticas increíble", "url": "https://es.mathdomain.com/", "usageInfo": "https://es.mathdomain.com/privacy", "inLanguage": "es", "potentialAction": [{ "@type": "SolveMathAction", "target": "https://es.mathdomain.com/solve?q={math_expression_string}", "mathExpression-input": "required name=math_expression_string", "eduQuestionType": ["Polynomial Equation","Derivative"] }], "learningResourceType": "Math solver" } </script>


    1. The paper describes four ontologies for representing workflows in Research Objects, and includes examples and motivation scenarios.

      The ontologies developed make use of and extend existing well known ontologies, namely the Object Reuse and Exchange (ORE) vocabulary, the Annotation Ontology (AO) and the W3C PROV ontology (PROVO). We illustrate how the ontologies can be utilized using a real-world scenario, in which scientists created a Workflow Research Object for an investigation on the Huntington's disease. We also present the tools we developed for managing Workflow Research Objects.

      A sketch depicting the main steps that the bioinformatician followed for manipulating and analyzing datasets, and the workflows that were used in each step

  2. Apr 2022
  3. Mar 2022
    1. Abstract This document defines two new HTTP headers "Content-Profile" and "Accept-Profile" that enable User Agents and hosts to indicate and negotiate the profile used for representing a specific resource. In this context, a profile is a description of the structural and/or semantic constraints of a group of documents in addition to the syntactical interpretation provided by more generic MIME types. Examples of profiles include Dublin Core Application Profiles, XML Schemata, and RDF Shape Expressions. This document further defines and registers the "profile" parameter for the HTTP "Link" header and suggests a best practice for the use of the new headers together with the "Link" header for the purposes of performing content negotiation and pointing clients to alternate representations.
  4. Feb 2022
    1. Zusätzlich bietet die Abfragesprache SPARQL die Möglichkeit,RDF-kodierte semantische Daten strukturiert abzufragen, wobei bereits (beschränkter)Gebrauch der Möglichkeit logischer Schlussfolgerungen gemacht werden kann.

      SPARQL = Abfragesprache von RDF

    2. Allgemeinwerden Fakten im Semantic Web mit Hilfe des Resource Description Frameworks (RDF)formuliert und ausgetauscht, das über die im Technologiestapel darunterliegenden Ko-dierungsformate (XML, Turtle, RDFa, etc.) serialisiert werden kann.

      RDF = Fakten formuliert und ausgetauscht

    1. Employing theLinked Data paradigm for enterprise data integration has anumber of advantages:
      1. Identifizierung mit URI/IRIs

      Unternehmen, Konzepte, Daten und Metadaten können über Abteilungen, Abteilungen, Niederlassungen, Tochtergesellschaften.

      1. Zugang - dereferenzierbar URI/IRIs bieten einen einheitlichen Datenzugriffsmechanismus.

      2. Integration

      3. Das triple-basierte RDF-Datenmodell erleichtert die Integration und das Mapping zwischen verschiedenen anderen Datenmodellen (z.B. XML, RDB, JSON). Kohärenz - Schema, Daten und Metadaten können über System- und Organisationsgrenzen hinweg nahtlos miteinander verknüpft werden Grenzen.

      4. Provenienz

      5. ist gewährleistet, da der Ursprung der Informationen Herkunft der Informationen in den Bezeichnern kodiert ist. Governance - Identifikatoren, Metadaten und Schema können inkrementell und dezentral verwaltet und dezentralisiert verwaltet werden.

      6. Agilität

      7. Vokabulare, Vokabularelemente Vokabulare, Vokabularelemente und Datenquellen können schrittweise und nach dem Prinzip "pay-as-you-go" hinzugefügt werden.
    1. ```xml <iq to='crschmidt@crschmidt.net/sparql' type='get' id='2'> <query xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/09/xmpp-sparql-binding'> SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a &http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/nick> "crschmidt". } </query> </iq>

      <iq to='crschmidt@crschmidt.net/sparql' type='result' id='2' from='crschmidt@crschmidt.net/sparql'> <query xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/09/xmpp-sparql-binding'> <meta /> <sparql xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rf1/result'> <head> <variable name='a'/> </head> <results> <result> </result> <result> </result> <result> </result> </results> </sparql> </query> </iq> ```

  5. Jan 2022
    1. The metadata that we use for OCX is a profile of schema.org / LRMI,  OERSchema and few bits that we have added because we couldn’t find them elsewhere. Here’s what (mostly) schema.org metadata looks like in YAML:
          - "http://schema.org"
          - "oer": "http://oerschema.org/"
          - "ocx": "https://github.com/K12OCX/k12ocx-specs/"
      "@id": "#Lesson1"
          - oer:Lesson
          - CreativeWork
      learningResourceType: LessonPlan
        "@id": "#activity1-1"
          "@type": Person
          name: Phil Barker
    2. I’ve been experimenting with ways of putting JSON-LD schema.org metadata into HTML created by MkDocs. The result is a python-markdown plugin that will (hopefully) find blocks of YAML in markdown and insert then into the HTML that is generated.
    1. Don't know if it helps, but we got a markdown processor at InLinks.net that automatically build Schema.org/WebPage elements including about/sameAs and mentions/SameAs properties for entities discovered in HTML pages. Examples shown in the image below

    1. What if we could embed semantic annotations in a markdown document ? We would get Semantic Markdown ! imagine the best of both worlds between human readable/writable documents and machine-readable/writable (RDF) structured data. We could feed an RDF knowledge graph that is coupled with our set of MD documents, and we would have an easy way to put structure in content.
    1. HyperGraphQL is a GraphQL interface for querying and serving linked data on the Web. It is designed to support federated querying and exposing data from multiple linked data services using GraphQL query language and schemas. The basic response format is JSON-LD, which extends the standard JSON with the JSON-LD context enabling semantic disambiguation of the contained data.