- Nov 2024
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The criminal-legal system, Weaver has written, “trains people for adistinctive and lesser kind of citizenship.”[16]
- Nov 2023
docs.google.com docs.google.com
O’Byrne, W. Ian, Doug Belshaw, and Laura Hilliger. “Promoting Informed Citizenship in a Connected World: Advancing Media and Information Literacy.” Google Docs, November 10, 2023. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztAJGD-6KooF3ligI0H9DChpBdc-ROBdCLXJDbaTJm4/edit.
- Jul 2023
We believe that the reduction of the citizen to an object ofpropaganda, private and public, is one of the greatest dangersto democracy.
How would Robert Hutchins view the new millennium?
- Feb 2023
platform.openai.com platform.openai.com
student privacy, biased treatment, and development of unhealthy habits
I think that students also need broader education around digital citizenship. For example they need to know who are the companies and key investors behind AI platforms, how are they regulated and what are the key regulatory issues, what are the environmental impacts of creation of LLMs, how is potentially harmful content moderated and when does this become censorship, &c. I know these are challenging questions especially for children: we need to think how we can effectively communicate on many of these issues and not leave it to years and years later, as has happened with social media
- Jan 2023
humansandnature.org humansandnature.org
This larger perspective is offered by an analysis of citizenship and the common good. I begin with the idea of citizenship as being a practice entrusted with the preservation and conservation of the nexus of recognitional practices in a society. Then I move to the notion of the common good, interpreted not as a collective thing, a transcendent principle, or an abstract concept, but as the flourishing of the recognitional nexus itself.
!- interpretation of citizenship : from perspective of common good - common good as the flourishing of the nexus of recognitional practices in a society.
!- comment : salience of citizenship and common good - it's important to educate the public on what it means to be a citizen from the perspective of our empowering role in creating the society we want to live in
- Sep 2022
www.udacity.com www.udacity.com
The best courses will be global in design and contribution, offering multiple and multinational perspectives.
With technology, it is so much easier to be innovative and use all tools and pedagogies to cater for different learning styles of students. The one size fits all never worked before, however, it is possible with multinational perspectives.
Online learning has the potential to ensure that this right is a reality for a greater percentage of the world’s population than has ever been realizable before.
Everyone around the world has access to online learning, there is no limitation as long as you have internet access, you may improve your knowledge and access to information whether through formal qualifications, micro credentials, short courses or MOOCS. It is liberating to live in this era.
www.digitalcitizenship.net www.digitalcitizenship.net
The better educated or “digitally fluent,” students are, the more likely they are to make good decisions online, like supporting others instead of making negative comments
Empowering everyone to be digitally fluent is necessary to make every day better decisions to affects and influence everyone on daily basis. People will make informed and safe decisions.
Teachers can include Digital Etiquette as part of the classroom rules or academic goals. Whether in the classroom or online, being aware of others is an important idea for everyone
In my opinion Digital etiquette should be compulsory and included in the school curriculum from primary through to secondary education. I believe, it should serve as life skill learners need in today's world.https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1311721.pdf Additional reading.
Digital Communication and Collaboration
In this world of constant information change, it is vital to communicate and collaborate all the time. It includes teaching and learning, assessment and research where information is exchange every second. Peer and collaborative research and practices enhance and speeds up knowledge.[https://www.teachthought.com/technology/best-digital-collaboration/]
Digital Commerce
I'm personally involved in digital commerce; buying and selling goods online. One has to be very careful about some sites to buy from. Safety is sometimes guaranteed as long as you don't leave your personal details/banking online.
Digital Access
My view is that tertiary education students are generally fortunate in that they have access to internet/Wifi in the libraries and around campuses. All Universities offer access to technology as students needs to learn and submit assessments online. However, much still needs to be done at primary and secondary schools as most government schools don't even offer computer literacy let alone computer skills. Students in the present age need both, free access can also be offered at primary and secondary schools. Most parents cannot afford to have internet at home.
- Sep 2021
wiki.gccollab.ca wiki.gccollab.ca
- Mar 2021
www.digitalcitizenship.net www.digitalcitizenship.net
When discussing the topic of digital citizenship, digital health, digital safety or whatever it may be called in your school or district there are certain universal themes that seem to surface and be at the heart of the issue. Whether it is through topics of cyberbullying, viewing (or posting) inappropriate content, or plagiarism these and other topics of concern that are discussed most among parents and educators. This section geared towards the “social” element defines the general topic of digital citizenship and its main elements of discussion. Humans are social by nature. People choosing to group with others like themselves in cities, states, and countries. As members of a community we tend to connect with those like us. This can be the difficult aspect of trying to interact with others online, everyone is given the opportunity to join this thing called the Internet and even though we try and stay with those most like us, it is almost impossible not to bump into others that want to try and change our minds, our beliefs.
In reflection, it’s astounding to have read how much we take for granted when it comes to digital access and privacy issues of this digital age. By taking a more proactive stance in the responsibility, continuous awareness and education of social, ethical laws and access related to digital use would ensure a continued lineage of digital citizens around the world in this era and beyond.
Protect Yourself/Protect Others
Learning to protect oneself and know the laws that govern internet activities because many laws and federal regulations apply to youth and online social technology which would require to explore approaches to teaching students about their role as responsible digital citizens. The past decade has seen an exponential increase in digital tools and opportunities, which carry the need for students to master a new set of life skills for behaving responsibly online.
Teachers and administrators need to be aware of their community and who may or may not have access, not only in school but at home as well.
Example.. students from low-income countries may not have reliable or affordable access to the internet in which the elements include digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and wellness, and digital security. Other examples like the prolific use of the internet in tertiary education advocates the responsible use of technology, in which practices and standards are essential informants on the importance of digital citizenship.
Digital citizenship is the continuously developing norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use.
In my opinion, I would describe ‘digital citizenship’ as having best practices of using technology appropriately for the benefit of all digital citizens. Where this encompasses the participative quality of a member to engage ethically in a digital community which finds attributes such as digital literacy, communication, education, etiquette, online safety are crucial, the understanding of how information is produced and valued are also of great importance.
www.opendemocracy.net www.opendemocracy.net
Unlike the latter, however, the neurosciences are extremely well funded by the state and even more so by private investment from the pharmaceutical industry.
More reasons to be wary. The incentive structure for the research is mostly about control. It's a little sinister. It's not about helping people on their own terms. It's mostly about helping people become "good" citizens and participants of the state apparatus.
- Feb 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
O’Dwyer, E. J., Beascoechea-Seguí, N., & Souza, L. S. (2020). Rehearsing post-Covid-19 citizenship: Social representations and social practices in UK mutual aid groups. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/v84mr
- Dec 2020
www.quora.com www.quora.com
Romans did a much more thorough job assimilating the peoples they conquered. Non-Romans could and did become citizens, even from very early times.
- Mar 2020
www.uscis.gov www.uscis.gov
Civics Test Updates
www.senate.gov www.senate.gov
Who is one of your State's U.S Senator now?
www.house.gov www.house.gov
Name your U.S Representative
www.usa.gov www.usa.gov
Who is the Governor of your State now?
- Jan 2020
darinbarneyresearch.mcgill.ca darinbarneyresearch.mcgill.ca
One Nation Under Google -- Citizenship in the Technological Republic
- Sep 2019
shorensteincenter.org shorensteincenter.org
Estimating the Effect of Asking About Citizenship on the U.S. Census March 21, 2019, 1:21 pm
This is a really interesting article in so many ways; it speaks to a larger political issue of our time, it uses an innovative method (an experiment!), and it follows a very generic and general structure of a social science research paper. Think of this as an ideal or prototype of social science research.
- Jul 2019
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
what it means to be British today
This question could be asked of other nationalities as well - the U.S., Germany, etc.
Local file Local file
I argue that digital literacies should notbe taught as a technical skill, but should be seen as a partof cultivating critical citizenship
This is an incredibly important point: too often explorations of digital practices focus on skills (often even then too narrowly defined, as when specific software programs are taught, rather than higher level skills about using an entire software category, like word processing, or spreadsheets), when they should be focusing on how digital practices fit in to wider human life, as in citizenship.
- Feb 2019
Local file Local file
As with neoliberalism more generally, New Public Management is invisible, part of a new “common sense” that has somehow become hegemonic, whereby the “entrepreneurial spirit” has infused the public sector, leading to “businesslike government”. As with the claims of neoliberalism more generally as to its positive outputs in terms of prosperity, NPM has never been shown to have been successful even in its own terms. NPM “introduced punishments and rewards to produce better services with lesser staff. Instead of having freed energies and creativity of employees formerly shackled by their bureaucratic turfs, NPM reforms have bound energies into theatrical audit performances at the cost of work and killed creativity in centralizing resources and hollowing out professional autonomy... Fundamental deprivation of the legitimacy of public employees . . .has traumatized many most-committed employees and driven others toward a Soviet-type double standard.” (Juha Siltala, New Public Management : The evidence-based worst practice?, Administration; Vol. 45, No. 4.; 2013 pp. 468-493) Sekera quotes Christopher Pollitt et al., who “after compiling a database of 518 studies of NPM in Europe, determined that “more than 90% of what are seen by experts as the most significant and relevant studies contain no data at all on outcomes” and that of the 10% that had outcomes information, only 44% of those, or 4% of the total, found any improvements in terms of outcomes.” But in the end, the point of NPM is less that of measureable outcomes, and more that of the ideological victory of turning the public and its good into customers exercising their “choices” (see tax revolt example in Duggan), along of course with the radical disempowering of public administration workers and their unions, instituting “cost savings” by cutting their real income and putting more and more of the public sector’s production directly into the profit-making market.
- Jan 2019
bookbook.pubpub.org bookbook.pubpub.org
You may not access or use the Site in any manner that could damage or overburden any MIT server, or any network connected to any MIT server. You may not use the Site in any manner that would interfere with any other party’s use of the Site.
Vamos a realizar pequeños scrapping, que no sobrecargarán el servidor, así que estamos cumpliendo con esta parte y de hecho, después de que trabajemos, permitiran repartir la carga del servidor, pues una copia estará en nuestros servidores.
- Feb 2018
maestriadesarrollo.com maestriadesarrollo.com
“la clave de la sustentabilidad radica en las verdades prácticas que cada uno de nosotros descubre en la vida cotidiana y que contribuyen a las actividades colectivas de nuestra cultura”
Estas verdades prácticas que nos reconfiguran a nosotros y nuestras instituciones, puede ser descubiertas también en espacios contrahegemónicos y conviviales, como los hackerspaces.
- Jan 2018
www.theedublogger.com www.theedublogger.com
I believe digital citizenship education is most beneficial when it is ongoing and authentic. A blogging program offers this.
maestriadesarrollo.com maestriadesarrollo.com
The Stack es el nuevo nomos o geografía política de la Tierra. Es la dimensión que necesitamos añadir a la tríada analítica del Estado, la sociedad civil y el mercado —así que ahora también tenemos la Plataforma o The Stack—. Dentro de ella la nube y el usuario operan una sub-estructura, que Bratton llama Black Stack, una ‘totalidad computacional’ de hardware y software que produce una geopolítica acelerada y que media y da forma a las economías como a las subjetividades, transformando el significado de lo humano mediante la proliferación de sus habitantes y usuarios no humanos. Más aún, para algunos activistas, las infraestructuras digitales son el ancla y medio esencial de las nuevas tecnologías de gobierno de las poblaciones, más allá de los estados y los mismos intereses económicos, y su propósito no es otro que el control, así se sea bajo la apariencia de la libertad de interacción (Invisible Committee 2014). Esta geo/biopolítica de lo digital tiene profundas implicaciones para el diseño.
davecormier.com davecormier.com
leading digital strategy for the K-12 system here in PEI
- Nov 2017
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Digital Pedagogy to Foster Digital Literacies
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[...] Our argument is that bills, charters, declarations, and manifestos would have stronger imaginary force if they also derived their performative force from everyday acts through the Internet: how people uptake positions as citizens of cyberspace, how they respond to callings to participate in cyberspace, how they create openings for constituting themselves differently, how they struggle for and against closings, and how they make digital rights claims in or by performing digital acts.[85] They would also have more performative if not legal force if they arose from not only a universal commitment but also regional commitments to understanding how the figure of the citizen is being articulated differently in cyberspace and how this figure is essential for bringing the force of law into being. The most significant space for thinking about the politics of the Internet and the political subject it has given rise to—the digital citizen—is the space between the inscription of rights and their enactment.
Hasta qué punto las criptodivisas y criptocontratos son una reiteración de este "yo, nosotros, ellos" y sus acuerdos a través de un algoritmo? La idea de inscribirse o excluirse son las únicas posibilidades. El resto de la política ocurre en repositorios de código y en "propuestas de mejora" técnicas.
El caracter recurrente del Data Week es una manera de hacer enactivos los compromisos que nos juntan como comunidad. La página es un acto de enunciación que es reiterado a través del Data Week
differentiated experiences, and it should guide our understanding of digital citizens.
Esto me recuerda la objeción hecha en el seminario de saberes otros. ¿Es la ciudadanía un concepto que sólo ocurre dentro de tradiciones Anglo Europeas? Particularmente si es el estado nación el que condiciona la noción de ciudadano (una forma regulada de habitar un territorio), qué otros territorios se configuran desde los saberes otros? Cuál es el territorio indígena, cuál el territorio hacker?, por ejemplo
It is also tempting to interpret them as hacktivists. But when we interpret their digital acts through the Internet, they embody all the characteristics of citizen subjects: they enact citizenship as subjects of power with responsibility in ways that are instantly recognizable and yet cannot be bounded by their identity as military or security personnel. If the performative force of their code is louder than their words, the imaginary force of their words is not so weak, either.
So the question of ‘who’ the subject is of digital rights is both an analytical but also an urgent political question that requires addressing. If we use ‘citizen’ as the subject of these rights, clearly it does not capture how both the enactment of the political subject and of cyberspace cut across national borders and legal orders. Today, the citizen functions as a member of a nation-state, and there are no corresponding rights and obligations beyond the nation-state that can govern subjects whose acts traverse international spaces. [...] What we gather from Rancière and Derrida is the importance of refusing to make a choice between the citizen and the human as the subject of digital rights. Instead, we anticipate a new figure of a citizen yet to come as the subject of digital rights.
- Oct 2017
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El Estado Nación no tiene un monopolio sobre la noción de ciudadano (sujeto de derechos y deberes) y por el cotrario, puede estar impidiendo dicha noción. Incluso, si otros no se ven como sujetos o desde la perspectiva de los derechos, esto puede marcar un diálogo sobre los puntos en común que se tienen con ellos, por el simple hecho de que otros hemos heredado dicha noción.
Recuerdo un capítlo de Mr Robot en el que, Darlene, la hermana de Eliot, alegaba ser un sujeto de derechos y sus interlocutores del FBI le decían que no lo era bajo una nueva ley (Patriot Act?).
En mi caso, mi renuencia a participar de Mastodon tiene que ver con que no conozco mucha gente que esté allí y que no está conectada con la red de microblogging de la que ya participo (Twitter). Otra gente ve la misma dificultad en otras redes y tecnologías, como Telegram o el mismo Grafoscopio. En la medida en que una tecnología no le aporta valor al cotidiano, es difícil probarla, apropiarla y reapropiarla. Esto quiere decir que para aquellos a quienes nos aporta valor, es necesario construir y explicitar esos valores diferenciales para otros y alentar una comunidad dinámica (así sea pequeña) alrededor de dichas tecnologías emergentes.
¿Cuáles son las fronteras del ciberespacio invisibles para nosotros? Hay burbujas que se aplican sin que lo sepamos, independientemente de si usamos o no un motor de búsqueda que construya dichas limitaciones, como Google, que lo hace ampliamente o DuckDuckGo, que lo restringe a la ubicación geográfica?. ¿Puede ese filtro se deconstruido desde lo que nos muestra el cliente web?
Hackers are ordinary
Hay simplemente datos que no registramos y tenemos la tendencia dejar una sobra digital pequeña en lugar de una grande. Los data selfies son maneras de reapropiar las narrativas sobre los datos y pensarnos de otras maneras desde ellos, en lugar de dejar esas lecturas sólo a quienes nos mercantilizan.
¿Cómo las infraestructuras legales y tecnológicas soportan la bifurcación y recombinación? ¿Cómo esto empodera otras prácticas ciudadanas?
[...] But to do so also demands vigilance in maintaining and re-equipping oneself in terms of both skills and infrastructures in the face of constant change: ‘System outages, constant software updates, platform redesigns, network upgrades, hardware modifications, and connectivity changes make netizenship in the bitstream a rather challenging way of life.
Muchos de los llamados que hace el Gobierno presuponen un tipo de ciudadano que participa de manera predefinidas por el mismo Gobierno, usualmente complacientes e inactivas o asociadas exclusivamente a modos neoliberales/capitalistas de participación vía el "emprendimiento".
Una de las cosas que hemos hecho es apropiarnos de los ciclos de actualización tecnológica para ponerlos en nuestras manos sin andar corriendo detrás de la última actualización.
Agregar la gráfica de la manera en la cual se puede hacer al gobierno:
Escoger un conjunto de competencias sobre las cuáles ejercer la ciudadanía.
Nosotros hablábamos de deliberación, implementación y seguimiendo sobre las decisiones, como forma de participación. Desde el Data Week estamos yendo del seguimiento a las primeras.
[...] This is the sense in which the rights of a subject are obligations on others and the rights of others function as obligations on us.
Grafoscopio también permite esos pasos de lo individual a lo colectivo, desde la imaginación y lo legal.
Acá los actos futuros guían la acción presente y le dan permiso de ocurrir. Del mismo modo como el derecho a ser olvidado es un derecho futuro imaginado que irrumpe en la legislación presente, pensar un retrato de datos o campañas políticas donde éstos sean importantes, le da forma al activismo presente.
La idea clave acá es hacer algo diferente, que ha sido el principio tras Grafoscopio y el Data Week, desde sus apuestas particulares de futuro, que en buena medida es discontinuo con las prácticas del presente, tanto ciudadanas, cono de alfabetismos y usos populares de la tecnología.
- diario de campo
- tesis
- apertura vs clausura
- data selfies
- subversión
- tesis: gráficas
- enactive citizenship
- digital rights
- bifurcación
- digital acts
- diálogo de materialidades
- modificación recíproca
- performance
- gentrificación
- digital shadow
- self empowerment
- soberanía de datos
- speech acts
- artesanía
- data activism
- infraestructura
- callings
- digital citizenship
- idea clave
- data week
- emprendimiento
- cosificación
- participación
- infraestructuras de bolsillo
- sumisión
- transparencia
- grafoscopio
www.hewlett.org www.hewlett.org
Public presentations of their work. Students routinely have to describe and defend their thinking with peers, teachers, and the community. Students say that such public presentations reinforce their sense of accountability and make them be more careful with their work.
Moving annotation from a private practice with little accountability to something shared with the immediate social group of the classroom and finally to the larger public of the annotated web with students making interventions as digital citizens.
- Sep 2017
Local file Local file
¿A qué somos llamados y cómo respondemos a ello? Esta pregunta ha sido parte tácita de lo que hacemos en el Data Week.
Es curioso que los autores también se hayan enfocado en esta plataforma, como lo hemos hecho en los Data Week de manera reiterada.
Estas definiciones instrumentales de ciudadanía se presentaban en proyectos del gobierno orientados al desarrollo instrumental de competencias computacionales (particularmente en la ofimática) y no en clave de derechos. Un lenguaje desde los derechos, podría no estar vinculado a la idea de estado nación.
-> But the figure of cyberspace is also absent in citizenship studies as scholars have yet to find a way to conceive of the figure of the citizen beyond its modern configuration as a member of the nation-state. Consequently, when the acts of subjects traverse so many borders and involve a multiplicity of legal orders, identifying this political subject as a citizen becomes a fundamental challenge. So far, describing this traversing political subject as a global citizen or cosmopolitan citizen has proved difficult if not contentious.
[...] This absence is evinced by the fact that the figure of the citizen is rarely, if ever, used to describe the acts of crypto- anarchists, cyberactivists, cypherpunks, hackers, hacktivists, whistle-blowers, and other political figures of cyberspace. It sounds almost outrageous if not perverse to call the political heroes of cyberspace as citizen subjects since the figure of the citizen seems to betray their originality, rebelliousness, and vanguardism, if not their cosmopolitanism. Yet the irony here is that this is exactly the figure of the citizen we inherit as a figure who makes rights claims. It is that figure that has been betrayed and shorn of all its radicality in the contemporary politics of the Internet. Instead, and more recently, the figure of the citizen is being lost to the figure of the human as recent developments in corporate and state data snooping and spying have exacerbated.
La crítica hecha a la perspectiva hacker por estar definida en oposición a lo gubernamental, no considera estos espacios donde lo hacker se ha adelantado al estado (Ley De Software Libre), pensando derechos nuevos y nuevos escenarios de lo convivial en nuestra relación mediada por la tecnología. Por supuesto, no podemos deshacernos del contexto urbano en el que nos desemvolvemos y de la presencia totalizante del estado y las instituciones, por lo cual interactuamos con él, pero no estamos definidos exclusivamente como personas, en dicha interacción (por afirmación u oposición).
La idea de que estamos imbrincados en arreglos socio técnicos y que ellos son deconstriuidos, estirados y deconstruidos por los hackers a través de su quehacer material también implica que existe una conexión entre la forma en que los hackers deconstruyen la tecnología y la forma en que se configuran las ciudadanías mediadas por dichos arreglos sociotécnicos.
These connected devices generate enormous volumes of data about our movements, locations, activities, interests, encounters,and private and public relationships through which we become data subjects.
www.thesociologicalreview.com www.thesociologicalreview.com
While much attention is reserved for whistleblowers and hactivists as the vanguards of Internet rights, there are many more anonymous political subjects of the Internet who are not only making rights claims by saying things but also by doing things through the Internet.
Such a conception moves us away from how we are being ‘liberated’ or ‘controlled’ to the complexities of ‘acting’ through the Internet where much of what makes it up is seemingly beyond the knowledge and consent of citizen subjects. To be sure, one cannot act in isolation but only in relation to the mediations, regulations and monitoring of the platforms, devices, and algorithms or more generally the conventions that format, organize and order what we do, how we relate, act, interact, and transact through the Internet. But it is here between and among these distributed relations that we can identify a space of possibility—a cyberspace perhaps—that is being brought into being by the acts of myriad subjects.
The problem is that popular critics have become too concerned about the Internet creating obedient subjects to power rather than understanding that it is also creating submissive subjects of power who are potentially and demonstrably capable of subversion. I believe that addressing the question I posed at the beginning requires revisiting the question of the (political) subject. By reading Michel Foucault, Etienne Balibar conceived of the citizen as not merely a subject to power or subject of power but as embodying both. Balibar argued that being a subject to power involves domination by and obedience to a sovereign whereas being a subject of power involves being an agent of power even if this requires participating in one’s own submission. However, it is this participation that opens up the possibility of subversion and this is what distinguishes the citizen from the subject: she is a composite subject of obedience, submission, and subversion where all three are always-present dynamic potentialities.
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democratization of hacking itself. This claim, however, threatens to unrealistically situate hackerspaces as paragons of learning and overly central to hacker culture at large, and democracy as a panacea. As discussed, GeekSpace was not without exclusion that operated in spite of its official ideology. Further, GeekSpace was constantly being re-built around individual conflicts, organizational collaborations, and cultural shifts. Returning to revisit the question of collectivity itself, the emphasis of the collective is on maximizing perceptions of individual agency through material and social encounters. This harkens back to Thomas' (2011) observation that "collectives provide tools for the unique and individual expression of identity within the collective itself'' (p. 2) and is why "community," which works quite oppositely, is likely the wrong form of social structure at work. HMSs provide a context for a negotiated sociality -sometimes warm conversations, frequently simply co-working. This provides a physical example of Turkle's (1985) observation that, online, "hacker culture is a culture of loners who are never alone" (p. 196). The failure of the first incarnation of GeekSpace was, in the eyes of members, an abundance of socialization.
Esta preferencia por la soledad también se ha visto en HackBo, así como la tensión entre lo individual y lo colectivo. Los proyectos hacen que el hackerspace funcione, pero no está claro como lo proyectan más allá de su estado actual, particularmente en lo que se refiere a ayudar a su sostenibilidad en el tiempo.
La existencia de un hackerspace no democratiza la noción de hacking, a pesar de hacerla cotidiana. La democracia, de hecho no es cotidiana, si se piensa que cristaliza sólo cada 4 años con las votaciones y de resto consiste en la queja generalizada sobre lo que hacen los gobernantes, sin vigilancia, ni control por parte de los ciudadanos. Nuevas formas de ciudadanía podrían ser articuladas en espacios como estos, desde el cotidiano.
dl.dropboxusercontent.com dl.dropboxusercontent.com
The discussion of the rich social life of data behind the scenes stimulated a discussion for a spin-off project on aggregating geographic data about environmental issues in city. The apparently rote task of transcribing the presence of open data was an inroad to broader questions about how data was constructed behind the scenes and ways residents might add to it.
Esta idea de juntar la discusión a la acción, si bien está mediada por el código, es permanente en el Data Week.
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Yet, the natural equating of “openness” or government transparency (Hood and Heald, 2006) with accountability increasingly became dubious (Tkacz, 2012). The move to “open data” was often an imperative that didn’t make clear where the levers were for social change that benefited citizens (Lessig, 2009). Still, I argue that civic hackers are often uniquely positioned to act on issues of public concern; they are in touch with local communities, with technical skills and, in many cases, institutional and legal literacies. I conclude by connecting the open data movement with a specific set of political tactics—requesting, digesting, contributing, modeling, and contesting data.
Transparencia y reponsabilidad no son lo mismo y no hay vínculos entre lo uno y lo otro directos. Los ofrecimiento gubernamentales de datos son sobre "emprendimiento" y no sobre reponsabilidad y trazabilidad.
Sin embargo, los saberes locales que ponen datos como una forma de acción política ciudadana, que incluye la contestación han sido evidenciados en HackBo, con el Data Week y las Data Rodas.
In each case data was framed as repressive of notions of civil society or enforcing an impoverished or constrictive notion of citizenship. The perspectives of Tufekci and Cheney-Lippold provide valuable insight into how algorithms and data are powerful shapers of modern life. Yet, they leave little room for a different form of algorithmic citizenship that might emerge where indi-viduals desire to reform technology and data-driven processes. As Couldry and Powell (2014) note, models of algorithmic power (Beer, 2009; Lash, 2007) tend to downplay questions of individual agency. They suggest a need to “highlight not just the risks of creating and sharing data, but the opportunities as well” (p. 5). We should be attentive to moments where meaningful change can occur, even if those changes are fraught with forces of neoliberalism and tinged with technocracy.
I conclude civic hackers are utopian realists involved in the crafting of algorithmic power and discussing ethics of technology design.
In the process, civic hackers transgress established boundaries of political participation.
Successive waves of activists saw the Internet as a tool for transparency. The framing of openness shifted in meaning from information to data, weakening of mechanisms for accountability even as it opened up new forms of political participation. Drawing on a year of interviews and participant observation, I suggest civic data hacking can be framed as a form of data activism and advocacy: requesting, digesting, contributing to, modeling, and contesting data
- Mar 2017
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
What’s Your (Digital) Activism?
- Oct 2015
elpais.com elpais.com
El tema es que el 8% de la población dominicana es extranjera, o sea, unas 800.000 personas, en números redondos, la mayoría en una situación de precariedad jurídica. En tal virtud se dictó la ley 169/14, que regularizó a 55.000 personas, hijos de padres extranjeros pero con algún documento dominicano de residencia, y a y 9.000 que no contaban con ninguna documentación.
A discussion of some of the differences between Haiti and the Dominican Republic as realities to the current situation involving non-citizen Haitians in the Dominican. Article argues that the problems of immigration and citizenship cannot be resolved by the Dominican alone, and that then Haitian government must take responsibility for its own citizens in order to ameliorate the crisis.
- Jun 2015
blog.mahabali.me blog.mahabali.me
So it’s easy to say you don’t have to do everything in a MOOC to be part of it – some MOOCs offer different options to choose from, to help people find something they like. Some people will just think they’re supposed to do it all (poor them). More interestingly, though, is this: sometimes the “cool” people (and it’s really a perception more than anything) choose to all get together and do a particular “thing” and if you’re not into that particular “thing” you might feel excluded. They may have issued an open invitation, but you may have missed it, or didn’t realize you could join, or didn’t think you were talented enough, or didn’t know how to introduce yourself. Not everyone can do those things, you know… But it’s ok… as long as there are multiple opportunities, open invitations, eventually, someone will find something somewhere with some group. If they hang in there long enough.
Might this not be a kind of test of "digital citizenship": the ability to negotiate the barriers posed by such unintentional, perhaps even illusionary, cliques and groups in order to substantially participate in these open spaces?
education.msu.edu education.msu.edu
95% of students between 12 - to 17 - year - old go online regularly,
Need source for that.
Web annotation engages students where they already are: on the Internet. And gives them a powerful tool for being thoughtful, engaged citizens therein.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
This digital citizenship acknowledges that online experiences are as much a part of our common life as our schools, sidewalks, and rivers—requiring as much stewardship, vigilance, and improvement as anything else we share.
I really like the argument of this article. But I have some issues with the analogy between the online world and what are mostly public physical spaces.
Unlike, rives and sidewalks, online space has little to no regulation, whether from the government or NGOs.
Also, most of our public interactions online take place in private spaces, that is, places owned and operated by private corporations.
operation of online platforms?
Or the Net itself...