62 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Although many projects and ideas share Elinor Ostrom's personal, cooperative and Earth-helping significance, they lack the chain reaction that keeps them going.

      for - quote - chain reaction - why good projects fail - (see below)

      • Although many projects and ideas share Elinor Ostrom's personal, cooperative and Earth-helping significance,
        • they lack the chain reaction that keeps them going.
      • On the contrary, this flame is extinguished by
        • the direct action (fakes), or
        • indirect action (ignoring or taking our attention elsewhere)
      • of the mainstream media that in a certain sense has lost that "code of ethics" of journalism that upheld values; such as
        • truthfulness,
        • independence,
        • objectivity,
        • fairness,
        • accuracy,
        • respect for others,
        • public accountability...
  2. Apr 2024
    1. InhaltsverzeichnisHinweise zur Zitation von Primärquellen und zu weiteren Konventioneninnerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit ......................................................................... 6

      !? Offenbar funktioniert die Verlinkung der einzelnen Textteile aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis heraus nicht (mehr?)! Führt zur Fehlermeldung "410 Gone This resource is no longer available. No forwarding address is given. It appears you have requested out of date content"!

      Die Navigation über das Menü links funktioniert aber noch.

  3. Feb 2024
    1. for - mass movements - how they fail - The Ecologist

      Summary - A good article exploring why mass movements fail, work for a journalist who has spent years writing about such movements. - In a nutshell, his observations are that modern history shows that leaderless movements are destined to fail because (social) nature abhors a vacuum.

  4. Dec 2023
    1. its easy to get lost in complexity here, but i prefer to keep it simple: our *only* problem is overpopulation, which is caused by pacifism = civilization. *all* other problems are only symptoms of overpopulation. these "financial weapons of mass destruction" (warren buffett) have the only purpose of mass murder = to kill the 95% useless eaters. so yes, this is a "controlled demolition" aka "global suicide cult". most of us will die, but we are happy...

      financial weapons of mass destruction: the useful idiots believe that they can defeat risk (or generally, defeat death) by centralization on a global scale. they want to build a system that is "too big to fail" and which will "live forever". they use all kinds of tricks to make their slaves "feel safe" and "feel happy", while subconsciously, everything is going to hell in the long run. so this is just another version of "stupid and evil people trying to rule the world". hubris comes before the fall, nothing new. their system will never work, but idiots must try... because "fake it till you make it" = constructivism, mind over matter, fantasy defeats reality, ...

      the video and soundtrack are annoying, they add zero value to the monolog.

  5. Sep 2023
  6. Jun 2023
  7. Mar 2023
    1. Statistics collected in hundreds of cities in the United States show that between a third and a half of the school children fail to progress through the grades at the expected rate; that from 10 to 15 per cent are retarded two years or more; and that from 5 to 8 per cent are retarded at least three years. More than 10 per cent of the $400,000,000 annually expended in the United States for school instruction is devoted to re-teaching children what they have already been taught but have failed to learn.

      I think this information is interesting because we are being told that more than 1/3 of school children fail to progress to the next grade. I think we need to incorporate different learning styles because what if the individual doesn't understand the concept the way it is being taught. Many people learn in different ways such as hands on learning, auditory learning, and visual learning. I think the reason 10% of $400,000,000 is going into teaching children what they have learned but have failed to learn is because there maybe something up head in learning that they might need to understand for the future. I have been retaught certain things when I moved up to the next grade level and I think it is to help refresh memory. I think another reason 10% goes to reteaching is because the students didn't understand the concept and needs to be retaught so they can understand for future uses.

  8. Feb 2023
    1. I at least, am not at all perturbed by the thought that I’m at least in part just a torrent of statistical inferences in some massively parallel matrix-multiplication machinery. Sounds kinda cool actually.

      There's the (circular argument) rub. Rao already believes personhood entails nothing more than statistical inferences (which we do not actually know, scientifically), so he suspends disbelief. Then he takes this belief as proof of personhood.

    1. The descriptions of all three unidentified objects shot down Feb. 10-12 match the shapes, altitudes and payloads of the small pico balloons, which can usually be purchased for $12-180 each, depending on the type.

      It's funny how much the US is wasting on missiles to down $12 balloons. 🤣

      Too bad they just print more money and inflate the currency to pay for such ham-handed knuckle-dragging at the behest of their senile Commander in Chief.

    1. Sure, eagerly failing loudly would be better also. The outcome is still the same - you wouldn’t be able to do the thing you want, you just would be informed faster.
    2. deleting user files without being asked for is by far an "unsafe in nonzero scenarios" decision, no program should do it. The sane option is to refuse working and/or display a visible warning explaining why.
    1. This highlights one of the types of muddled thinking around LLMs. These tasks are used to test theory of mind because for people, language is a reliable representation of what type of thoughts are going on in the person's mind. In the case of an LLM the language generated doesn't have the same relationship to reality as it does for a person.What is being demonstrated in the article is that given billions of tokens of human-written training data, a statistical model can generate text that satisfies some of our expectations of how a person would respond to this task. Essentially we have enough parameters to capture from existing writing that statistically, the most likely word following "she looked in the bag labelled (X), and saw that it was full of (NOT X). She felt " is "surprised" or "confused" or some other word that is commonly embedded alongside contradictions.What this article is not showing (but either irresponsibly or naively suggests) is that the LLM knows what a bag is, what a person is, what popcorn and chocolate are, and can then put itself in the shoes of someone experiencing this situation, and finally communicate its own theory of what is going on in that person's mind. That is just not in evidence.The discussion is also muddled, saying that if structural properties of language create the ability to solve these tasks, then the tasks are either useless for studying humans, or suggest that humans can solve these tasks without ToM. The alternative explanation is of course that humans are known to be not-great at statistical next-word guesses (see Family Feud for examples), but are also known to use language to accurately describe their internal mental states. So the tasks remain useful and accurate in testing ToM in people because people can't perform statistical regressions over billion-token sets and therefore must generate their thoughts the old fashioned way.


  9. Nov 2022
    1. The subsequent decline in product quality was caused by advertising displacing genuine user feedback in creating demand for products, among other things (planned obsolescence).You no longer needed to create a great product that people would buy and recommend because it is great. Simply skip the loop and go straight from A to B via advertising (fake buzz).The Galbraith argument that advertising was a necessary technology that benefits consumers is a Big Lie. Advertising benefits large producers, while consumers suffer from losing their voice and declining product quality.


  10. Apr 2022
    1. I agree about documenting everything. But for me docs are a last resort (the actual text, anything beyond skimming through code examples) when things already went wrong and I need to figure out why. But we can do much better. During dev when we see _method and methodOverride is disabled we can tell the developer that it needs to be enabled. Same if we see _method with something other than POST. Same for all other cases that are currently silently ignored. If the method is not in allowedMethods arguable it should even return a 400 in production. Or at the very least during dev it should tell you. We have the knowledge, let's not make the user run into unexpected behavior (e.g. silently ignoring _method for GET). Instead let's fail as loud as possible so they don't need to open their browser to actually read the docs or search though /issues. Let them stay in the zone and be like "oh, I need to set enabled: true, gotcha, thanks friendly error message".
  11. Nov 2021
    1. Students are also going through trauma. That will go under the mental health issues. The three deaths of students. We are still in a pandemic. Not to mention Tabor walking on campus and scolding us and telling us what we are doing wrong that could also be traumatic or very entertaining. Not only should we do the pass fail thing. But we should have better security. We should have better police. We should also have therapy sessions that deal with traumatic things that have been happening to us. Not only would just make us better students. This would make a better safe campus. And a lot of things have been going on in this fall semester. You know I’m still working on myself. It should not only be pass fail it should be we should work on campus as a whole.

    2. I think it’s unfair to think that this would be a smooth transition. The grading system is unfair as well some teachers grad on a curve some don’t believe in grades and some are nit picky heavy graders. For us to be in school we have to have the high scores if not probation and then getting kiked out of school. Students have other jobs, kids, learn different disabilities, and mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

  12. Sep 2021
    1. All too often a Sprint Review is nothing more than a team saying they did a bunch of stuff with no actual feedback happening. The same can be said of Retrospectives, where the team produces many stickies, but no change manifests. The Daily Scrum Is a daily feedback mechanism, but all too often reduced to merely a task status update.

      Seems to be a pretty common pattern ... :/ I observe it, too, all day. And I wonder how to change that. Every time we decide to talk about obstacles and challenges instead of just give a status update in the daily we don't do it at the end. In reviews we hardly get any feedback. This is not just not agile but de-motivating as well. And then I realize, that we are not in a lifecycle state where Agile is the right framework for us ...

  13. Jul 2021
    1. Finally, Real America has a strong nationalist character. Its attitude toward the rest of the world is isolationist, hostile to humanitarianism and international engagement, but ready to respond aggressively to any incursion against national interests.

      Humanitarianism and international engagement are definitely important, but their value is often made invisible to "Real America" or "middle America".

      How can this value be made more apparent? How could we account for it to make it easier to see?

      The issue is compounded when large corporations receive massive bailouts as it's an additional cost weighing down the system. Would humanitarianism and international engagement be easier to uphold if we left off corporate costs? Do most of the value of humanitarianism and international engagement redound to corporations as an additional value primarily to them rather than everyday people? Is their perceived problem that they're another method of privatizing profits to major corporations and elites and socializing the losses to the average person?

  14. datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
    1. When an endpoint is to interpret a byte stream as UTF-8 but finds that the byte stream is not, in fact, a valid UTF-8 stream, that endpoint MUST _Fail the WebSocket Connection_. This rule applies both during the opening handshake and during subsequent data exchange.
  15. Jun 2021
  16. May 2021
    1. Before introducing the KPIs, a majority of polish science was basically people milking the system and doing barely any (valueable) research. It was seen as an easy, safe and ok paying job where the only major hassle is having to teach the students. You often needed connections to get in. It was partially like that because of the communist legacy, where playing ball with the communist party was the most important merit for promotion, which, over the course of 45 years (the span of communism in Poland), filled the academia management ranks with conformist mediocrities.Now, after a series of major reforms, there's a ton of KPIs, and people are now doing plenty of makework research to collect the required points, but still little valueable work gets done. Also, people interested in doing genuine science who would be doing it under the old system are now discouraged from joining academia, because in the system they're expected to game the points system and not to do real work.What is the lesson from this is? Creating institutionalized science is hard? It requires a long tradition and scientific cultural standards and can't be just wished into place by bureaucrats? Also, perhaps it's good to be doing the science for some purpose, which in the US case are often DoD grants, where the military expects some practical application. This application may be extremely distant, vague and uncertain (they fund pure math research!), but still, they're the client and they expect results. Whereas the (unstated) goal of science in Poland seems to be just to increase the prestige of Polish science and its Universities by getting papers into prestigious journals, whereas the actual science being done doesn't matter at all - basically state-level navel gazing.


  17. Apr 2021
    1. P.S. We deleted your old achievements & gave you new ones to obtain!It's nice to see a developer wanting to improve, unfortunately i took it as a slap in the face since the hours spent obtaining the previous achievements were thrown in the trash and replaced with new ones. Which isn't the most horrible thing in the world but feels like a hidden agenda to push you towards buying Lollipops with the new limited lives and waiting for them to regenerate.
    1. It's really kind of sad that I want to play the game and form a better opinion of it and I can't because I have to wait for lives to regenerate.
    1. Piano Cat is a challenging rhythm-based platformer game where you [...] jump to the beat [...].No, no, no, just no. This game has nothing to do with rhythm or doing something in sync to the music. If you try to do that, you will fail, a lot. In order to beat the stages you have to mute or ignore the music, ignore the obstacles and only look out for the buttons you have to press. When they light up green, you press the button. This means that you have to press them always too early to the action, ahead of time. If you try to time it to the music, it will be too late and not count. If you are good in these kind of games, this will totally throw you off here.The graphic are nice, the music is ok, but it does a terrible job in having rhythm based gameplay.
    1. I love puzzles.I love detective games.I love story rich adventures.I love point and click games.Somehow this title FAILED in all four departments.The gameplay is Painfully broken.
  18. Feb 2021
    1. So, where did J.C. Penney go wrong? Well, while we admire their attempt to change, they attempted to destroy over a century’s worth of price conditioning consumers have been through with department stores and pricing in general. They weren’t completely off base, as consumers with more and more access to information (comparison shopping engines, consumer reports, etc.), are beginning to realize that the value of products is determined much differently than a sticker would suggest. Yet, assuming that most soccer moms (and dads) wouldn’t fall prey to the colorful print ads tucked within the comics section in the Sunday paper, overlooks how much the majority of consumers value “winning” the retail game. Simply, deflating the perceived value causes customers to value the actual product less.
  19. Nov 2020
    1. Chevy tried an all-emoji press release about a new car that came across as very forced, proving that less is more when it comes to using emojis in emails. Not to mention, it’s almost impossible to decipher the message they’re trying to communicate.
    1. It took us a long time for everyone to get on the same page about the requirements spanning frameworks, tooling and native implementations. Only after pushing in various concrete directions did we get a full understanding of the requirements which this proposal aims to meet.
  20. Oct 2020
    1. Poor iterative development involves flailing around randomly searching for a solution-and mistaking this oscillation for iteration.
  21. Sep 2020
    1. Technically this question was asked about 5 months before the one referenced as "This question already has an answer here". That one is the duplicate as it came after this one.
  22. May 2020
  23. Mar 2020
    1. These cookie disclosures are also a symptom of one of the internet’s ongoing and fundamental failings when it comes to online privacy and who can access and resell users’ data, and by extension, who can use it to track them across the internet and in real life.
  24. Feb 2020
    1. Market competition provides a mechanism for weeding out those who underperform.

      Note how this has failed in the current guilded age of the United States where it is possible for things to be "too big to fail".

  25. Nov 2019
    1. I always prefer strictness, bad behavior should be uncovered as soon as possible or you are effectively encouraging it, which means they'll soon be back asking why it doesn't work for X and Y. Fix the problem at the source. I don't really care, but IMHO doing this seems like a charitable thing but it's actually the opposite.
    1. These four things lead to a near total loss in the intended utility of integrated/functional tests: as the code changes make sure nothing is broken.
  26. Oct 2019
    1. the first female Wiggle, Emma Watkins

      Wow, that's a very big influential name in showbiz there. When others in Fairfax regurgitated this story, they regurgitated her quotes on the Queen Quest's value.

      You may have missed that, but here's what niche womens issue publication 'Womens Agenda' said in its article titled 'This councillor wanted to debate beauty pageants. They called him a wanker' - here's the relevant section:

      *But can these pageants actually be a positive platform to build a career?

      Emma Watkins, also known as the Yellow Wiggle, thinks so. Ryde City Council has run these pageants for 30 years and several famous names have emerged as prior festival queens, with Watkins being one who won not one but 2 pageants, in both 2005 and 2009.

      Watkins said that winning is more focused on community involvement than beauty.

      “As a little girl I just aspired to be a Granny Smith Festival Queen,” said Watkins, now age 25. “[Judging is] definitely all about contestants’ involvement in the community.

      Watkins says that the pageant improved her self-confidence, instead of the popular belief that it is harmful for young girls self esteem: “Winning improved my confidence and pubic speaking and self-esteem in the middle of those teenage years.”

      • That article even got the basic context right: * "Simon proposed the motion to debate the Council’s support for beauty pageants after reading – week after week – stories in the local paper about the competitions.........

      "It wasn’t the debate he got."*

    2. This year's Miss Eastwood winner, 17-year-old PLC Pymble student Lucy Fang of Marsfield, said she would use the $1000 prize money from Yuhu Group to restart a local reading program for young children. She also gets to lead Saturday's Granny Smith Festival parade. "I'm so excited to use this opportunity to give back to my community," she said.

      By this stage you would have been lamenting this disastrous assignment.

      It started out an quick and easy regurgitation to help a mate that only needed a few omissions and some unbalanced assertions and some of the cheaper of the available background paragraphs.

      And now you were hearing this year's winner would reinvest her cash prize into a community initiative. It wasn't what you signed up for.

      Where was the sinister, evil ingredient to be included in one line to top off your pre-written story?

    3. But what this pageant lacks in size it makes up in spirit. For 32 years, young women of the Ryde shire have vied for the title of Granny Smith Queen. And despite the changing times - and some local councillors' attempts to shut the whole thing down - organisers persevere.

      One day you too will make it to 32 - and all these mistakes as a work experience student will serve you well, by embarrassing you and reminding you not to get manipulated by sneaky pollie types. Even if they have offered you a cosy gig for which you don't really have the skills, using members money.

    4. The following year he was cleared of giving false evidence to an Independent Commission Against Corruption inquiry.

      This one's a double edged sword. You may think it's a no brainer to achieve a bit of smear, but by including it, you reveal that you're not aware of the shambolic inquiry it was attached to or the matters of public importance the SMH had failed to report when it all took place.

  27. Mar 2019
    1. WorkIt comes first. 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View work From Fast Company: "Wieden+Kennedy just keeps doing it"The largest remaining independent agency strives to make advertising that transcends branding and drives the pop-culture conversation.Read the story Play VideoPlayCurrent Time 0:00/Duration Time 0:14Loaded: 0%Progress: 0.00%Non-Fullscreen+SHNike: Shanghai's Never Done Nike’s “Shanghai's Never Done” celebrates the never-satisfied spirit of Shanghai athletes by centering on a man who seems stuck in the past.View work +LDNDeliveroo: Food FreedomOur debut campaign for Deliveroo celebrates the freedom to have what you want, when you want it, where you want itView work Play VideoPlayCurrent Time 0:00/Duration Time 0:09Loaded: 0%Progress: 0.00%Non-Fullscreen+NYCFord: Built Ford Proud Our first Ford work spotlights the innovation and manufacturing might of America’s favorite automotive brand.View work Play VideoPlayCurrent Time 0:00/Duration Time 0:06Loaded: 0%Progress: 0.00%Non-Fullscreen+PDXNike: Dream CrazyDon’t ask if your dreams are crazy. Ask if they’re crazy enough.View work Play VideoPlayCurrent Time 0:00/Duration Time 0:07Loaded: 0%Progress: 0.00%Non-Fullscreen+AMSInstagram: Parent ToolsA series of online videos showcasing the instant power of Instagram’s tools.View work +AMSThe Case For ChaosW+K Amsterdam's Martin Weigel breaks down the difference between what the corporation wants and what creativity needs.Read the story Play VideoPlayCurrent Time 0:00/Duration Time 0:08Loaded: 0%Progress: 0.00%Non-Fullscreen+SPNike BrasileiragemFor the 2018 World Cup, we celebrated a new generation while throwing back to an iconic spot.View work Play VideoPlayCurrent Time 0:00/Duration Time 0:12Loaded: 0%Progress: 0.00%Non-Fullscreen+LDNThree: Phones Are GoodThree takes on the phone cynics with a new brand campaign.View work Play VideoPlayCurrent Time 0:00/Duration Time 0:06Loaded: 0%Progress: 0.00%Non-Fullscreen+NYCBud Light: Dilly DillyA cultural phenomenon starts with two simple words.View work <div class="video-react-controls-enabled video-react-paused video-react-user-active video-react-workinghover video-react content__preview__image__video_preview " style="width:100%px;height:100%px;" tabindex="-1"><video class="video-react-video content__preview__image__video_preview " muted="" preload="auto" loop="" playsinline="" src="//videos.ctfassets.net/ckso4uqg4vio/4JxXPjosgwW6Iiw4Ea2gCc/ef88449c842f6ff4300dc88cdd3f7578/Shiseido-previewvideo.mp4"></video><div class="video-react-loading-spinner content__preview__image__video_preview "></div><button class="video-react-big-play-button video-react-big-play-button-left content__preview__image__video_preview big-play-button-hide" type="button" aria-live="polite" tabindex="0"><span class="video-react-control-text">Play Video</span></button><div class="video-react-control-bar video-react-control-bar-auto-hide content__preview__image__video_preview "><button class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-play-control video-react-control video-react-button video-react-paused" type="button" tabindex="0"><span class="video-react-control-text">Play</span></button><div class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-volume-menu-button-horizontal video-react-vol-3 video-react-volume-menu-button video-react-menu-button-inline video-react-control video-react-button video-react-menu-button" role="button" tabindex="0"><div class="video-react-menu"><div class="video-react-menu-content"><div class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-slider-horizontal video-react-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="volume level" aria-valuenow="100.00" aria-valuetext="100.00%" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"><div class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-volume-level" style="width:100.00%;"><span class="video-react-control-text"></span></div></div></div></div></div><div class="video-react-current-time video-react-time-control video-react-control content__preview__image__video_preview "><div class="video-react-current-time-display" aria-live="off"><span class="video-react-control-text">Current Time </span>0:00</div></div><div class="video-react-time-control video-react-time-divider content__preview__image__video_preview " dir="ltr"><div><span>/</span></div></div><div class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-duration video-react-time-control video-react-control"><div class="video-react-duration-display" aria-live="off"><span class="video-react-control-text">Duration Time </span>0:00</div></div><div class="video-react-progress-control video-react-control content__preview__image__video_preview "><div class="video-react-progress-holder content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-slider-horizontal video-react-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="video progress bar" aria-valuenow="NaN" aria-valuetext="0:00" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"><div data-current-time="0:00" class="video-react-play-progress video-react-slider-bar" style="width:NaN%;"><span class="video-react-control-text"><span>Progress</span>: NaN%</span></div></div></div><button class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-icon-fullscreen video-react-fullscreen-control video-react-control video-react-button video-react-icon" type="button" tabindex="0"><span class="video-react-control-text">Non-Fullscreen</span></button></div></div>+TYOShiseido WASO: All Things Beautiful Come From NatureTo launch a new product for a new audience, we created a digital/mobile campaign that fused nature, technology and art.View work It’s Not (All) Rocket Science: How Brand Mission Guided KFC’s TurnaroundHow the Colonel became the King of branded everything. Read the story <div class="video-react-controls-enabled video-react-paused video-react-user-active video-react-workinghover video-react content__preview__image__video_preview " style="width:100%px;height:100%px;" tabindex="-1"><video class="video-react-video content__preview__image__video_preview " muted="" preload="auto" loop="" playsinline="" src="//videos.ctfassets.net/ckso4uqg4vio/gRmHQGU4QoYIKooaUsCGY/4a4ef51b1efa473aef02399ab7067d64/Nike-dadading-previewvideo.mp4"></video><div class="video-react-loading-spinner content__preview__image__video_preview "></div><button class="video-react-big-play-button video-react-big-play-button-left content__preview__image__video_preview big-play-button-hide" type="button" aria-live="polite" tabindex="0"><span class="video-react-control-text">Play Video</span></button><div class="video-react-control-bar video-react-control-bar-auto-hide content__preview__image__video_preview "><button class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-play-control video-react-control video-react-button video-react-paused" type="button" tabindex="0"><span class="video-react-control-text">Play</span></button><div class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-volume-menu-button-horizontal video-react-vol-3 video-react-volume-menu-button video-react-menu-button-inline video-react-control video-react-button video-react-menu-button" role="button" tabindex="0"><div class="video-react-menu"><div class="video-react-menu-content"><div class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-slider-horizontal video-react-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="volume level" aria-valuenow="100.00" aria-valuetext="100.00%" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"><div class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-volume-level" style="width:100.00%;"><span class="video-react-control-text"></span></div></div></div></div></div><div class="video-react-current-time video-react-time-control video-react-control content__preview__image__video_preview "><div class="video-react-current-time-display" aria-live="off"><span class="video-react-control-text">Current Time </span>0:00</div></div><div class="video-react-time-control video-react-time-divider content__preview__image__video_preview " dir="ltr"><div><span>/</span></div></div><div class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-duration video-react-time-control video-react-control"><div class="video-react-duration-display" aria-live="off"><span class="video-react-control-text">Duration Time </span>0:00</div></div><div class="video-react-progress-control video-react-control content__preview__image__video_preview "><div class="video-react-progress-holder content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-slider-horizontal video-react-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="video progress bar" aria-valuenow="NaN" aria-valuetext="0:00" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"><div data-current-time="0:00" class="video-react-play-progress video-react-slider-bar" style="width:NaN%;"><span class="video-react-control-text"><span>Progress</span>: NaN%</span></div></div></div><button class="content__preview__image__video_preview video-react-icon-fullscreen video-react-fullscreen-control video-react-control video-react-button video-react-icon" type="button" tabindex="0"><span class="video-react-control-text">Non-Fullscreen</span></button></div></div>+DLNike: DaDaDingWe made a music video to show the power of women in sport. And it was FIERCE. AS. (You Know)View work +NYCLyft: StaycationGetting New Yorkers off their block and into an exotic (local) destination.View work The work comes f |WorkWorkingNewsAboutContactPortland224 NW 13th AvePortland, OR 97209USA503 937 7000New BusinessMaggie Jenningsmaggie.jennings@wk.com1 503-937-7838AmsterdamHerengracht 258-2661016 BV AmsterdamThe Netherlands+31 20 712 6500New BusinessBen Proutben.prout@wk.com+316 52 86 71 49New York150 Varick StNew York, NY 10013USA917 661 5200New BusinessJacqueline Steelejacqueline.steele@wk.com1 917-661-5265Tokyo1-7-13, KamimeguroMeguro-ku, TokyoJapan 153-0051+81 3 5459 2800New BusinessRyan Fisherryan.fisher@wk.com81-80-4753-8114London16 Hanbury StLondon E1 6QRUK+44 20 7194 7000New BusinessZoe Mitchellwklondon.newbiz@wk.com+44 207 194 7000Shanghai1035 Changle RoadShanghai 200031ChinaNew BusinessBryan Tilsonbryan.tilson@wk.com86 21 5158 3975Delhi314, DLF South CourtSaketNew Delhi 110017 India+91 11 4200 9595 New BusinessGautham Narayanannewbizdelhi@wk.com+91 11 4200 9595São PauloRua Natingui, 442 Vila MadalenaSão Paulo – SP 05443-000Brazil+55 11 3937-9400New BusinessFernanda Antonellifernanda.antonelli@wk.com+55 11 3937 9401© Wieden Kennedy 2018 · Legal StuffFollow us onFacebookTwitterInstagram

      I applied for an internship here 3 years in a row after graduating from portfolio school. Never got an interview. This is me failing harder.

  28. Jan 2019
    1. 计算机领域在分布式处理过程中追求高效、一致。对错误数据记录的修复和更正,通常会另行设计一套机制来保证。相对传统数据库,区块链由于需要保证事后数据的不可篡改,引入了共识机制,为错误的出现和修复提供更多的容忍度。这一重要思想通常被许多区块链设计者所忽略,众多项目纷纷追求提高短交易及确认速度,这会导致弱化甚至牺牲其他节点对数据的验证过程。同时,更早更快的确认也会带来问题。参与生成数据的节点需要满足生成数据不能出错等更严苛要求,导致现在很多区块链项目的在落地过程中出现困难。因为系统使用方会背上了数据必须一次性正确输入的包袱,需要非常保守和谨慎地选择上链数据。最终,区块链落地应用范围的狭窄,许多存在出错可能性的数据难以结合区块链的优点参与业务升级改造。

      <big>评:</big><br/><br/> 传统数据库与区块链式处理,哪个才是更佳的业务模式?这个问题的回答早已在我们的日常工作中得以体现,但却迫于某种难以逾越的权力边界而成了难言之隐。「事中容错,事后一致」是一种颇为崇高的境界,甚至可以从中一窥理想社会的光耀图景,但人们目前尚未能大规模应用这套 workflow,究其原因,并非目标遥远,而是由于决策权被少部分人掌控着,和数据打交道的主体只是把数据当作本职工作,并未主动贡献、积极参与。系统使用方背上的不是「数据必须一次性正确输入」的包袱,他们直面的,是将权利拱手让人后的自责,是与民主开放的理想世界背道而驰的困惑。

  29. Aug 2018
    1. Then I noticed, each of the records in his queue had a set of codes in the Salutation field. He explained that there wasn't a way to see the current status from this view of their system. So, to avoid having to open each record, he used the Salutation field (which wasn't really used in the system) to store his own personal status codes.

      Work around for a design fail

    2. Neither the project sponsor or the development lead for the project were aware of this activity.

      What a surprise! The higher ups didn't have a clue...

    3. Once she finished, there was basically a cross-reference table of items that were actual business aspects and how they translated into the items required to use this system. In short, the last system that was delivered by the IT group required a change in the business process to use the application.

      In other words, the customer/user had to make changes (process, use of fields, etc) due to the defects of the design.

    4. Without obtaining feedback from aspects of the entire user community, situations like those noted above are likely to exist. In each case, there were significant losses to the business from what was a bad application design.

      Try getting administration/management in healthcare to acknowledge the lack of productivity caused by poor design. Not. Going. To. Happen.

  30. Jan 2018
    1. This article quickly describes how we handled the transit of external-generated customers events toward our internal Kafka cluster and how we built a reliable failover system using Flume-NG.
  31. Dec 2016
    1. The Bureau cannot share responses, addresses or personal information with anyone including United States or foreign government and law enforcement agencies such as the IRS or the FBI or Interpol.

      The Bureau cannot share info with the government like they did during WWII

  32. Jun 2016
  33. Apr 2016
    1. Sanders Is Right About Busting Up the Big Banks By:  Robert Reich

      "Oh, and yes, the episode also showed that making the breakup of big banks the be-all and end-all of reform misses the point."

  34. May 2015
    1. How does it work? Practitioners claim homeopathy can help women with a variety of fertility problems from blocked tubes and endometriosis to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

      "Practitioners claim..." They have to claim this because they don't actually know. What they also won't tell you is that there are no good quality studies that support homeopathy having any effect at all.

    2. Homeopathic remedies - made from animal, minerals and plants - are diluted down thousands of times so that each remedy contains only a hint of the original essence.

      Actually diluted so much that there is so little it would be not inaccurate to say there is literally nothing left of the original source material. They forgot to mention the ritualistic "succusion" of the solution or, as I like to refer to it, "spanking the water".

  35. Feb 2015
    1. At a World Cancer Day symposium, Shripad Naik, Minister of State for AYUSH, asked scientists to look to traditional Indian medicines to treat the disease.

      The Minister of State for Ayush is an idiot. They should be the one asking scientists for advice, not the other way around.

  36. Feb 2014
    1. As intellectual property lacks scarcity, and the protection of it fails the Lockean Proviso, there is no natural right to intellectual property. As such, the justification for intellectual property rights arises from the social con tract, and in the case of the United States, the Constitution.

      The justification for intellectual property from the social contract established by the US Constitution; it otherwise has no justification by natural right because it fails the Lockean Proviso.

    2. Property Status Conclusions and Implications Intellectual property is neither ‘scarce,’ nor does the taking of it leave “enough, and as good, left in comm on for others” (the Lockean proviso) (Long, 1995, n. pag.; Locke, 1690, Chap. V, Sect. 27).

      Intellectual property is neither scarce nor leaves enough for the common good. It is not property in the Lockean sense.

    3. Invention is a process that builds on prior thought, which is why the patent process INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: POLICY FOR INNOVATION 9   requires disclosure of means and methods. For this reason, this paper will accept that intellectual property fails the Lockean Proviso, as suggested by Menell (1999, p. 129 ).