15 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
  2. Feb 2024
  3. Jun 2023
  4. Jan 2023
  5. Jun 2022
    1. The file is the smallest unit of storage and meaning.

      Effective note-taking: 1. effortless input 2. efficient retrieval

      Logseq is based all around "atomic-blocks" which are basically ideas that get nested (and thus related) to each other and then linked to other related blocks via hashtags or wiki-links.

    1. https://briansunter.com/graph/#/page/logseq-social

      Brian Sunter (twitter) using Logseq as a social network platform.

      What simple standards exist here? Could this more broadly and potentially be used to connect personal wikis, digital gardens, zettelkasten, etc?

      Note that in this thread Dave Winer asks about how it can be tied into other standardized pieces to interconnect?

      How can I hook my outlines into your net if I’m not running Logseq?

      — dave.rss (@davewiner) June 13, 2022
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  6. May 2022
  7. Apr 2022
    1. Referencebooks also typically offered a larger collection of excerpts than most individualscould amass in a lifetime.

      This makes me wonder if it would be a useful product to have a highly linked note collection to sell to others in a modern context? It could be done entirely in text files for compatibility with Roam Research, Obsidian, Logseq, et al. Ideally it would be done in a more commonplace way with quotes and interlinked and could be expanded upon by the purchaser.

  8. Jan 2022
  9. Nov 2021
    1. https://blog.viktomas.com/posts/slip-box-after-a-year/

      Tomas Vik discusses the path he took in looking at zettelkasten software to end up at Logseq. He specifically highlights (rightly) how much work/time is involved in doing it well, but as a result indicates he's seeing the value in the process.

  10. Oct 2021
  11. Sep 2021