- Oct 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
for - article - Why Human (Contributive) Labor remains the creative principle of human society - Michael Bauwens - PhD thesis - From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas (2016) - Benjamin Suriano - to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper
Summary - This is a review and high recommendation of the PhD dissertation of Benjamin Suriano by Michael Bauwens - The subject is the historical analysis of labour in medieval times, and - how Christian monasticism provided a third perspective on labour that was an important alternative to the false dichotomy of - cleric - warrior - that was inclusive of the alienated within class majority - a proposal for revival the spirit of this spiritual view of labour - as a means to mitigate modernity's meaning crisis as it relates to the lack of purpose usually associated with work in contemporary society
to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper - https://hyp.is/7PeMMIxtEe-NOmuU08T3jg/wiki.p2pfoundation.net/From_Modes_of_Production_to_the_Resurrection_of_the_Body
- to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper
- - meaning crisis - reviving a spiritual attitude towards labour
- Deep Humanity - mitigating meaning crisis - through reviving medieval Christian monasticism's spiritual attitude towards labour
- PhD thesis - From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas (2016) - Benjamin Suriano
- Sep 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas
for - PhD thesis - Benjamin Suriano - From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas" (2016).
- Dec 2023
Glossary of some important musical terms
- modes-pentatonic
- monophony
- articulation
- rhythm-class
- consonance
- phrase-climax
- modes
- modes-hexatonic
- dissonance-melodic
- phrase
- melodic-intonation
- diatonic-modes
- modality
- mode-ekmelic
- rhythm
- motif
- form
- mode-khasmatonal
- mode-timbral
- mode-rhythmic
- heterophony
- texture-polyphony
- consonance-melodic
- modal-harmony
- modes-tritonic
- modes-tetratonic
- hypermode
- melody
- modes-octatonic
- phrasing
- dissonance-harmonic
- tonal-gravity
- texture-part-vs-voice
- register
- mesotony
- source:nikolsky-glossary
- pitch-class
- texture
- AOEs
- tone-class
- multitony
- modes-heptatonic
- phrase-cadence
- tonicity
- texture-voluminousness
- tempo
- mode-hemiolic
- modes-diatonic
- meter
- modes-monotonic
- diatony
- melodic-inclination
- instrumentation
- monody
- tonality
- double-note
- dynamics
- dissonance
- harmony
- interval-class
- Nov 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- Sep 2023
www.dropbox.com www.dropbox.com
The Chord-Scale Theory and Jazz Harmomny Netles & Graf 1997 (not searchable)
blues progressions - p 101
- chord-voicing
- chord-symbols-voicing-specific
- reharmonisation-diatonic
- minor-key-harmony
- chord-scale-theory
- modes
- polychords
- blues
- phd-blues-harmony-progressions
- sequential-substitute-V
- substitute-V
- sequential-V
- source:nettles-graf
- voicing
- cliches
- nonfunctional-harmony
- blues-harmony
- modal-harmony
- harmony
- Jun 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I just can't get into these sort of high-ritual triage approaches to note-taking. I can admire it from afar, which I do, but find this sort of "consider this ahead of time before you make a move" approaches to really drag down my process.But, I do appreciate them from a sort of "aesthetics of academia" perspective.
Reply to Bob Doto at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/14ikfsy/comment/jplo3j2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 with respect to PZ Compass Points.
I'll agree wholeheartedly that applying methods like this to each note one takes is a "make work" exercise. It's apt to encourage people into the completist trap of turning every note they take into some sort of pristine so-called permanent or evergreen note, and there are already too many of those practitioners, who often give up in a few weeks wondering "where did I go wrong?".
It's useful to know that these methods and tools exist, particularly for younger students, but I would never recommend that one apply them on a daily or even weekly basis. Maybe if one was having trouble with a particular idea or thought and wanted to more exhaustively explore the adjacent space around it, but even here going out for a walk in nature and allowing diffuse thinking to do some of the work is likely to be just as (maybe more?) productive.
It could be the sort of thing to write down in your collection of Oblique Strategies to pull out when you're hitting a wall?
One of Dewey’s principal concerns was for the relationship between educationand democracy. He made the point that democracy is not just a form ofgovernment—it is, rather, ‘a mode of associated living, a conjoint communicated
experience’ (1916: 101).
docdrop.org docdrop.org
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Chapter 7 introduces seven diatonic modes from the major scale and seven chromaticmodes from the melodic minor scale
docdrop.org docdrop.org
What is Modal Jazz?
What is Modal Jazz? Waters, K. 2000
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Mode Powers et al 2001
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Modal Harmony
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Modal Jazz Composition and Harmony
Modal Jazz Composition and Harmony Vol. 2 Miller, R 1996
List of All Usable Modes
docdrop.org docdrop.orgJazz2
Modal improvisation
- May 2023
www.nicksantalucia.com www.nicksantalucia.com
We have rooms and buildings full of young minds who want to learn how to learn, and instead we are giving them worksheets.
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
Diatonic Modes
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
Diatonic Modes
Relative darkness and brightness of modes
www.mendeley.com www.mendeley.com
Diatonic Modes
- Oct 2022
physicstoday.scitation.org physicstoday.scitation.org
An adviser should have their students explicitly practice decisions 25 and 26, test their solutions, and try to come up with the ways their decisions could fail, including alternative conclusions that are not the findings that they were hoping for. Thinking of such failure modes is something that even many experienced physicists are not very good at, but our research has shown that it can be readily learned with practice.
To help fight cognitive bias, one should actively think about potential failure modes of one's decisions and think about alternative conclusions which aren't part of the findings one might have hoped for. Watching out for these can dramatically help increase solution spaces and be on the watch out for innovative alternate or even better solutions.
- Dec 2021
thesephist.com thesephist.com
One of my greatest concerns about this field today is that almost all of the problem discovery happens by a kind of self-interested navel-gazing process, where product builders take the quote “build things you would want to use” a little too literally, and build products for the small niche group of people interested in note-taking tools and processes. This leads to products that seem useful to a small group of other people who are also working in this space and familiar with its vernacular and concepts, but are unusable or unapproachable by most people outside of that small community. I think this is a dangerous failure mode.
The level of complexity to using some of these tools is also a huge hurdle for the everyday user as well. Some require deep knowledge of the tool along with coding ability as well.
Perhaps this complexity barrier will come down over time, but some projects don't seem to be working toward making things easier and simpler for the end user.
- Oct 2020
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
15 Fall Scenarios
The authors, Edward J. Maloney and Joshua Kim, wrote a total of 15 articles describing various scenarios for the university learning environment during COVID-19. This article summarizes each of these more detailed plans including "normal" and moving the Fall term to the Spring. They also describe various learning models including HyFlex, modularity, virtual, and remote.
Rating: 7/10
opentextbc.ca opentextbc.ca
Online learning, blended learning, flipped learning, hybrid learning, flexible learning, open learning and distance education are all terms that are often used inter-changeably, but there are significant differences in meaning. More importantly, these forms of education, once considered somewhat esoteric and out of the mainstream of conventional education, are increasingly taking on greater significance and in some cases becoming mainstream themselves. As teachers and instructors become more familiar and confident with online learning and new technologies, there will be more innovative methods developing all the time.
The author, Anthony Bates, holds a BA in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Educational Administration. He holds over 40 years of teaching experience. In this chapter he proposes online learning is a mode of delivery versus a teaching method. In this chapter Bates compares teaching delivery methods, defines which mode students need, and weighs in on the choice between face-to-face and online teaching.
Rating: 10/10
- Sep 2019
www.texashighwayman.com www.texashighwayman.com
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
where by chance there arose a question, whether any liquor passed through the filaments of the nerves.
Whereby drunk rhetoric takes on mixed modes
mixed modes
I think I'm figuring out the mixed modes thing. For Locke, a "mixed mode" refers to abstraction, words that attempt to represent concepts not found in the natural world. Or at least, there's not a one-to-one, sign-to-signifier relationship in the natural world for concepts like good or bad.
- Dec 2018
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Apr 2018
www.archdaily.com www.archdaily.com
Boris Bikes
Boris Bikes were created by Boris Johnson as an alternative mode of transport that is eco friendly and promote the idea of healthy living. However, they cost money, money that many people cannot afford to splurge on.
- Mar 2018
s18.pdarrington.net s18.pdarrington.net
ltngu1stte, visual, aural, gestural, and spatial-which they found could be
In "Forty Years Later, the Golden Record Goes Vinyl" is an interesting article because it incorporates three of the five mutlimodal modes which are linguistic, visual, and aural. The Golden Record originally was not intended for human consumption but after several years later it was. The Golden Record was created in several different languages so that many people would be able to understand.
- Jul 2017
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
f class relations between owners of property and non-owners of property is essentially the same as in the earlier class-based modes of produc
This resembles the ancient mode of production where there are only two classes, the ones that own property and the ones that doesn't
The ancient mode of production
The main structure of ancient modes of production splits people into masters and slaves.
n the ancient, feudal and capitalist modes -there are just two classes that matter. These are the class that owns the means of production -it is their property -and the class that does not own it.
This defines what separates people in different classes. In the Ancient modes of production, classes are separated by owning property.
theprimitive communist, ancient, feudal, capitalist and communistmodes
According to Marx, these are the five modes of production. However, Marx believes that there are actually only 2 modes of production, which is communism and non-communism. He believes that all non-communism modes of production are in the process of becoming modes of production.
These different ways of producing goods Marx called modesofproduction.Thefiveare(inchronologicalorder):theprimitive communist, ancient, feudal, capitalist and communistmodes
successive stages in a society's developmen known as modes of production
t one of five different ways of organiz- ing production. These different ways of producing goods Marx called modesofproduction.Thefiveare(inchronologicalorder):theprimitive communist, ancient, feudal, capitalist and communistmodes
The way that society is organized to produce goods, categorized based on social relations between consumers, producers and owners of the means of production (machinery, raw material, human labor etc.). Marx imagined early production systems as early versions of communism -- thereby imagined a reversion of society to a previous organization of labor -- while the stages in between are characterized by the exploitation of labor between classes.
cole2.uconline.edu cole2.uconline.edu
Modes of Production
Socities developmental stages that are successive: Primitive Communism, Slave Society (ancient), Feudalism, Capitalism, Communism
this a type of economic system, that is about all the different ways humans produce the means of survival (the needs) and enhance socialness. history is then characterized by predominant methods production. there then will be succesive socities in evolving patterns formed
these are the ideas and culture of a given stage which are derived from the modes of production
Classes, Class Exploitation, Class Struggle
Marx proposes that history is made of up stages driven by class conflict where there is an ownership class which controls the means of production and a lower class that thus provides labor for production. One class is thus exploiting another class. When these two come into conflict it leads to social change.
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
One can imagine a man who is totally deaf and has never had a sensation of sound: and music.
Locke identifies a similar problem in his own writing, but unlike Nietzsche, refuses to address it further: "Words having naturally no signification, the idea which each stands for must be learned and retained, by those who would exchange thoughts, and hold intelligible discourse with others...Those [words] which are not intelligible at all, such as names standing for any simple ideas which another has not organs of faculties to attain; as the names of colours to a blind man, or sounds to a deaf man need not here be mentioned...for if we examine them, we shall find that the names of mixed modes are most liable to doubtfulness and imperfection."
Although Locke doesn't delve much deeper into this, I do like how he notes that some words are used to describe "mixed modes" like music and color. Nietzsche addresses this concept below, saying that although a man might be deaf, he can still "feel" music (via vibrations) and therefore might understand sound in a way that is divergent from the conventional manner. I'm also reminded of Rickert's piece, in which he noted that Homer could never identify the color "blue" as we understand it today, instead calling the color of the sea "purple" or "wine red."
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Rhetoric conveys the re-sults of thought, but it is not itself a form of thought. Hill relies on the modes of dis-course-narration, description, and argumentation-and he wishes to focus rhetoric on iL'i proper subject, excluding all that is peripheml.
Like Enlightenment thinking, this suggests that knowledge and truth is objective, separate from social interaction. We don't actively create truth through communication, but rather passively gain and disseminate truth through three modes "narration, description, and argument" (Hill) (or four modes if you're Bain).
- Jan 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
mixed modes,
"Mixed modes" comes up quite a few times throughout this excerpt, so I went looking for a definition...
Here's a breakdown of "complex ideas" that might be helpful with some of the terminology used throughout this excerpt (modes, substances, and relations).
Also, when I got to Book III, 18-20, I kind of wished those were earlier. They give a quick (and maybe useful?) explanation of simple ideas, simple modes, mixed modes, and substances.
psgt.earth.lsa.umich.edu psgt.earth.lsa.umich.edu
See Crack Modes Slide for examples and modes of cracking.
Shear cracks are NOT faults, the rotate into mode 1 orientation ("Wing cracks")
- Jul 2016
journals-openedition-org.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr journals-openedition-org.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr
les effets de profondeur, d’opacité, d’éclatement, de persistance et de calculabilité qui font tout l’enjeu des modes d’existence numériques
- May 2014
nsfcac.rutgers.edu nsfcac.rutgers.edu
Specifically, we explore three key usage modes (see Figure 1): • HPC in the Cloud , in which researchers out - source entire applications to current public and/ or private Cloud platforms; • HPC plus Cloud , focused on exploring scenarios in which clouds can complement HPC/grid re - sources with cloud services to support science and engineering application workflows—for ex - ample, to support heterogeneous requirements or unexpected spikes in demand; and • HPC as a Service , focused on exposing HPC/grid resources using elastic on-demand cloud abstrac - tions, aiming to combine the flexibility of cloud models with the performance of HPC systems
Three key usage modes for HPC & Cloud:
- HPC in the Cloud
- HPC plus Cloud
- HPC as a Service
- Feb 2014
euro.ecom.cmu.edu euro.ecom.cmu.edu
Ho w to R ead a Judicia l Opin ion: A G uid e for N ew L aw Stu den ts Professor Orin S. Kerr George Washington University Law School Washington, DC Version 2.0 (August 2005) This essay is desig ned to help entering law students understand ho w to read cas es for class. It explains what judicial opinions are, how they are structured, and what you should look for when you read them. Part I explains the various ingredients found in a typical judicial opinion, and is the most essential section of the essay . Par t II discusses what you should look for when you re ad an opinion for class. Part II I con clu des with a brief discussion of why law schools use the case method.
I need a way to add tags to a document that will apply to all annotations in a particular document (except where explicitly canceled).
The problem is that I often want to query all annotations related to a specific document, collection of documents, or type of activity.
Type of activity requires further explanation: Given a document or collection of documents I may annotate the document for different reasons at different times.
For example, while annotating the reading materials, video transcripts, and related documents for the CopyrightX course there are certain types of annotations that may be "bundled together" so that when I search for those things later I can easily narrow my searches to just that subset of annotations; but at the same time I need a way to globally group things together.
While reading judicial opinions the first activity/mode of interaction with a particular document may be to identify the structure of the judicial opinion (the document attached to this annotation describes the parts of the judicial opinion I might want to identify: *caption, case citation, author, facts of the case, law of the case, disposition, concurring and/or dissenting opinions, etc).
The above-described mode I may use for multiple documents in one session related to the course syllabus for the week.
To connect each of these documents together I might add the tags: copyx (my shorthand for the name of the course, CopyrightX), week 1 (how far into the course syllabus), foundations (the subject matter in the syllabus which may span week 1, week 2, etc), judicial opinions (the specific topic I am focused on learning at the moment (may or may not be related to the syllabus).
Later on another day I might update my existing annotations or add new ones when I am preparing to study for an exam. I might add tags like to study, on midterm, on final to mark areas I need to review.
After the exam I might add more tags based on my test score, especially focusing on areas that received a poor score so I can study that section more or, if I missed some sections so didn't study and it resulted in a poor score in that area, add tags to study for later if necessary.
I have many more examples and modes of interaction in mind that I can explain more later, but it all hinges on a rich and flexible tagging system that:
- allows tagging a document once in a way that applies to all annotations in a document
- allows tagging a session once in a way that applies to all annotations in all documents connected to a particular session
- allows tagging a session and/or a document that bundles together new tags added to an annotation (e.g. tags for grammar/spelling, tags for rhetological fallacy classification, etc)
- fast keyboard-based selection of content
- batch selection of annotation areas with incremental filling-- I may want to simply select all the parts of a document to annotate first and then increment through each of those placeholders to fill in tags and commentary
- Mark multiple sections of the document at once to combine into a single annotation
- Excerpting only parts of a text selection, but still carry the surrounding textual context with the excerpt to easily expose the surrounding context when necessary
- A summary view of a document that is the result of remixing parts of the original document with both clarifications or self-containing summary re-writes and/or commentary from the reader
- structural tagging vs content tagging
- Sep 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
[1356a] Of the modes of persuasion furnished by the spoken word there are three kinds. The first kind depends on the personal character of the speaker; the second on putting the audience into a certain frame of mind; the third on the proof, or apparent proof, provided by the words of the speech itself.
Modes of persuasion: character of speaker, appeal, proof
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
It is not right to pervert the judge by moving him to anger or envy or pity -- one might as well warp a carpenter's rule before using it.
In favor of modes of persuasion over emotional appeal, distinguishing proper and improper methods.
The modes of persuasion are the only true constituents of the art: everything else is merely accessory.
modes vs. accessory