39 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. May 2024
  3. Apr 2024
    1. Children's needs are increasingly recognized in the UI/UX design industry. Important sectors – education, gaming, and healthcare – are now seeking designers specializing in creating interactive solutions for children.

      THIS IS DRAGONS DEN GOLD - if I can make a good application I can get more work which I need because I am not rich and want lego.

  4. Jan 2024
  5. Aug 2023
  6. Nov 2022
  7. Oct 2022
  8. Apr 2022
    1. Ontario health officials are reporting 807 people in hospital with COVID-19 Thursday, including 166 patients in intensive care, as the provincial positivity rate continues to rise. Thursday’s hospitalizations case count marks an increase over the 778 reported on Wednesday. Of Thursday’s hospitalizations, 182 patients are unvaccinated and 495 are fully vaccinated. The vaccination status of the remaining patients is unknown.

      This is irresponsible journalism. It implies that vaccinated people are more than twice as likely as unvaccinated people to be hospitalized for COVID.

      This totally ignores the fact that more than 4 out of 5 Ontarians are vaccinated.

  9. Feb 2022
  10. Mar 2021
    1. The Indonesian government should study and follow the DORA recommendation. By moving away from pushing academics to chase journal-based scores and creating a meaningful way to evaluate research, Indonesia will have a better chance of genuinely building and strengthening its research sector and take an active part in advancing science and providing solutions.

      ini bukan masalah sulit atau mudah tapi masalah mau atau tidak mau. tentunya perlu ada upaya kreatif untuk dapat menggunakan metrik dengan bertanggungjawab (responsible metric).

  11. Feb 2021
  12. parsejournal.com parsejournal.com
    1. he pop-up store plays with the ways in which companies of all kinds use ethical responsibility and sustainability as part of their branding of consumer goods.
  13. Dec 2020
  14. Sep 2020
    1. I took the same approach with _layout.svelte and not just for the svelte-apollo client. Except I put all of that setup into another module (setup.js) and imported from _layout. I just couldn't stomach having all that code actually in my _layout file. It's for layout, supposedly, but it's the only component that is a parent to the whole app.
    1. The RFC is more appropriate because it does not allow a parent to abritrarily control anything below it, that responsibility still relies on the component itself. Just because people have been passing classes round and overriding child styles for years doesn't mean it is a good choice and isn't something we wnat to encourage.
    2. margin, flex, position, left, right, top, bottom, width, height, align-self, justify-self among other is CSS properties that should never be modified by the child itself. The parent should always have control of those properties, which is the whole reason I'm asking for this.
    1. Often, allowing the parents to compose elements to be passed into components can offer the flexibility needed to solve this problem. If a component wants to have direct control over every aspect of a component, then it should probably own the markup as well, not just the styles. Svelte's slot API makes this possible. You can still get the benefits of abstracting certain logic, markup, and styles into a component, but, the parent can take responsibility for some of that markup, including the styling, and pass it through. This is possible today.
  15. May 2020
  16. Apr 2020
    1. It is not the browser's responsibility to auto-login to websites. This is the responsibility of the website you are accessing. The browser can remember form data and auto-fill for you, as can various extensions like LastPass.
  17. Aug 2019
    1. I was so fed up of the mega amounts of boilerplate with Redux and the recommendation of keeping your data loading at view level. It seems to me that things like this, with components being responsible for their own data, is the way to go in the future.
  18. Apr 2019
    1. “The primary goal of our recommendation systems today is to create a trusted and positive experience for our users,” the document reads. “The YouTube company-wide goal is framed not just as ‘Growth’, but as ‘Responsible Growth.’”
  19. Aug 2018
    1. He with his whole posteritie must dye, Dye hee or Justice must; unless for him [ 210 ]

      We, Indians can't understand how "his whole posteritie must dye"? We believe in the theory of rebirth and therefore have infinite scope to be liberated. Above all one does not suffer due to others fault. Scripture does not contradict reason.

  20. Jun 2018
    1. Citation frequency may reflect a journal’s value, authority, and use.

      Sepertinya ini berkebalikan dengan bagian lain dari artikel ini yang menyebutkan bahwa jumlah sitasi sangat rawan dan mudah untuk "dimainkan". Sitasi adalah hanya masalah seseorang, menuliskan artikelnya (baik milik orang lain atau miliknya sendiri) ke dalam Daftar Pustaka. Bagaimana mekanisme penghitungan metrik seperti ini dapat digunakan untuk menilai kualitas karya atau kepakaran seseorang secara langsung?

    2. Citation performance of Indonesian scholarly journals indexed in Scopus from Scopus and Google Scholar

      Salam dan terima kasih untuk Tim Penulis.

      Secara umum artikel ini patut dihargai, karena penulis telah meluangkan waktu dan tenaga untuk menuangkan hasil penjaringan informasi sitasi dari Google Scholar (GS) dan Scopus yang telah diagregasi SINTA.

      Artikel ini bersifat deskriptif, yang mana artikel jenis ini sering terlupakan, padahal fakta-fakta menarik akan muncul setelah data dan grafik terpampang rapih dalam bentuk artikel. Semoga artikel ini dapat menggugah banyak pendapat yang bersifat argumentatif yang kemudian dapat melahirkan artikel-artikel baru.

      Perkenankan saya meninggalkan beberapa catatan untuk artikel ibu dan bapak ini.

  21. May 2017
  22. Sep 2016
    1. Responsible Use

      Again, this is probably a more felicitous wording than “privacy protection”. Sure, it takes as a given that some use of data is desirable. And the preceding section makes it sound like Learning Analytics advocates mostly need ammun… arguments to push their agenda. Still, the notion that we want to advocate for responsible use is more likely to find common ground than this notion that there’s a “data faucet” that should be switched on or off depending on certain stakeholders’ needs. After all, there exists a set of data use practices which are either uncontroversial or, at least, accepted as “par for the course” (no pun intended). For instance, we probably all assume that a registrar should receive the grade data needed to grant degrees and we understand that such data would come from other sources (say, a learning management system or a student information system).

  23. May 2015
    1. The book would need to be set up on a website first

      Not necessarily, if PDF is in the mix, it can be the medium for annotations that might later anchor to a website -- even if PDFs are distributed to participants and used locally as mentioned above.