99 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. for - economic growth - physical limits to - reductio ad absurdum - physical absurdity of continuing current energy and waste heat trends into the near future

      paper details - title - Limits to Economic Growth - author - Thomas W. Murphy Jr. - date - 21 July, 2022 - publication - Nature Physics, comment, online - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-022-01652-6

      summary - Physicist Thomas W. Murphy employs reductio ab adsurdium logic to prove the fallacy of the assumptions of his argument - In this case, the argument is that we can indefinitely continue to sustain economic growth at rates that have held steady at about 2-3% per annum since the early 1900s. - Using both idealistic and simplified energy and waste heat calculations of energy and waste heat compounding at 2-3% per annum (or 10x per century), Murphy shows the absurd conclusions of continuing these current trends of energy and waste heat emissions on a global scale. - The implications are that physics and thermodynamics will naturally constrain us to plateau to a steady state economy in which the majority of economic activity needs to not depend on physically intensive

      from - Planet Critical podcast - 6th Mass Extinction - interview with science journalist Peter Brannen - https://hyp.is/66oSJD-AEe-rN08IjlMu5A/docdrop.org/video/cP8FXbPrEiI/

  2. Jun 2024
    1. I think important in this moment of trying to get out of orientation to these structures and habits 00:07:14 semantics um and and and epistemological patterns that that lock us into the kind of thinking that is the source of the 00:07:27 colonial violence and the industrial violence that we're living within

      for - quote - unconscious patterns locking us into colonial and industrial violence - Nora Bateson

      quote - unconscious patterns locking us into colonial and industrial violence - Nora Bateson - (see below) - It's actually I think important in this moment of trying to get out of orientation to these - structures and - habits, - semantics and - epistemological patterns - that that lock us into the kind of thinking - that is the source of - the colonial violence and - the industrial violence - that we're living within

  3. May 2024
  4. Apr 2024
    1. 火星軍情局  · odsStpenro c6064g M:43Ahpt04tmr2 lc134f89A8l17a ilut98652g4g  · Shared with Public還在考慮要不要看騰訊版的《三體》嗎?和Netflix版哪個好?會這麼想的人真是時間太多,騰訊版是30集連續劇啊!而我看完了。呃~其實是1.75倍快轉再不時跳著看啦。這是個有趣的「一書各表」的體驗:一本快20年前的中國科幻小說,現在由東西方截然不同的文化來表述,兩者的差距頗大且極具意義。哪個版本好?那要看各人對“好”的定義。我比較喜歡Netflix,但能完全理解支持騰訊的觀點。下面是我對騰訊版抓的重點:1) 三十集連續劇呀!現在誰有這種美國~不~中國時間。2)對「原著黨」來說這是唯一選擇,大部分原封不動來自小說。3) 但這也是問題,有些地方書寫得很有趣,但是演出來就乏味。比如:小說中主角汪淼發現底片竟然在倒數計時的過程懸疑而有張力,但是演出來就很脫戲。主角照相、沖洗照片、嚇一跳、繼續照相、沖洗照片、嚇一跳、繼續照相…半集就沒了。4)看完Netflix以後再看騰訊版,會覺得騰訊虛擬世界的電腦動畫的品質欠佳,讓人出戲,畢竟騰訊的成本只是Netflix的零頭。(但Netflix未免太會花錢了!)5)騰訊版似乎沒有要求演技,每個演員都面無表情地念台詞,只有一個例外:警官大史,他一出現可看性就陡升一個數量級。6)騰訊版也並非完全遵照原著,小說裡中共的黑歷史都不見了。葉文潔的故事開始於響應知識青年下鄉而到大興安嶺,之前爸爸被鬥死的部分似乎沒發生。我不是愛黑中共,而是那段歷史對葉文潔的動機有很深的影響,沒那段就讓故事有些莫名其妙。7)還有一個例子:小說裡有一位法官去找苦牢裡冷得發抖的葉文潔,看似非常慈祥,勸葉文潔簽署一份控告葉父的文件,但葉文潔拒絕。騰訊版就演到這裡,但看過小說或Netflix版的人都知道後來法官大怒,倒桶冰水在葉文潔身上害她差點冷死。看騰訊版會覺得法官人很好,是葉文潔不識抬舉。


      火星軍情局 · 還在考慮要不要看騰訊版的《三體》嗎?和Netflix版哪個好?會這麼想的人真是時間太多,騰訊版是30集連續劇啊! 而我看完了。呃~其實是1.75倍快轉再不時跳著看啦。 這是個有趣的「一書各表」的體驗:一本快20年前的中國科幻小說,現在由東西方截然不同的文化來表述,兩者的差距頗大且極具意義。 哪個版本好?那要看各人對“好”的定義。我比較喜歡Netflix,但能完全理解支持騰訊的觀點。下面是我對騰訊版抓的重點: 1) 三十集連續劇呀!現在誰有這種美國~不~中國時間。 2)對「原著黨」來說這是唯一選擇,大部分原封不動來自小說。 3) 但這也是問題,有些地方書寫得很有趣,但是演出來就乏味。比如:小說中主角汪淼發現底片竟然在倒數計時的過程懸疑而有張力,但是演出來就很脫戲。主角照相、沖洗照片、嚇一跳、繼續照相、沖洗照片、嚇一跳、繼續照相…半集就沒了。 4)看完Netflix以後再看騰訊版,會覺得騰訊虛擬世界的電腦動畫的品質欠佳,讓人出戲,畢竟騰訊的成本只是Netflix的零頭。(但Netflix未免太會花錢了!) 5)騰訊版似乎沒有要求演技,每個演員都面無表情地念台詞,只有一個例外:警官大史,他一出現可看性就陡升一個數量級。 6)騰訊版也並非完全遵照原著,小說裡中共的黑歷史都不見了。葉文潔的故事開始於響應知識青年下鄉而到大興安嶺,之前爸爸被鬥死的部分似乎沒發生。我不是愛黑中共,而是那段歷史對葉文潔的動機有很深的影響,沒那段就讓故事有些莫名其妙。 7)還有一個例子:小說裡有一位法官去找苦牢裡冷得發抖的葉文潔,看似非常慈祥,勸葉文潔簽署一份控告葉父的文件,但葉文潔拒絕。騰訊版就演到這裡,但看過小說或Netflix版的人都知道後來法官大怒,倒桶冰水在葉文潔身上害她差點冷死。看騰訊版會覺得法官人很好,是葉文潔不識抬舉。

    1. The small article does reflect however one very general feature 79in modern activity i.e. to treat the specific rather than thegeneral.
  5. Mar 2024
    1. Taichi Yamada (山田太一)  · Spootesndrr 4fr21cmuhyhFti010f1g fba22c41l027,3925165a199e17  · Shared with Public"與幽靈共度的夏天 " (Strangers) (Taiwan) 古早的淺草為孤獨的他帶來幸福的感覺,然而那卻是不該去的異人世界...   《與幽靈共度的夏天》是日本名作家山田太一1988年山本周五郎賞得獎小說,曾經由大林宣彥搬上銀幕,台灣上映時的片名為《異人們的夏天》。1934年次的山田太一除了創作,也寫出許多膾炙人口的電影劇本(他對電影的貢獻曾讓他拿下菊池寬獎),包括擔任知名電影劇集《男人真命苦》編劇,他對人在家族中所展現的情感有細膩的瞭解。   這部小說描寫一個與妻子分手、孤獨度日的劇作家,無意間在淺草遇見神似已過世的父母,因為太過懷念而不斷回去相見,以此為主軸所構成的整個夏天的神秘體驗。   故事彷彿中國聊齋,有著異世界詭異的氛圍,卻充滿令人動容的情感,道盡了陰間與陽世親子之間兩相眷念不捨、無法共享天倫的遺憾。

      昨晚剛剛看過,大推的 2023 英國電影 All of Us Strangers,改編自這一日本原著小說。YouTube上竟有完整有聲書: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74tEBMsJmlQ

      Taichi Yamada (山田太一)

      "與幽靈共度的夏天 " (Strangers) (Taiwan)

      古早的淺草為孤獨的他帶來幸福的感覺,然而那卻是不該去的異人世界...   《與幽靈共度的夏天》是日本名作家山田太一1988年山本周五郎賞得獎小說,曾經由大林宣彥搬上銀幕,台灣上映時的片名為《異人們的夏天》。1934年次的山田太一除了創作,也寫出許多膾炙人口的電影劇本(他對電影的貢獻曾讓他拿下菊池寬獎),包括擔任知名電影劇集《男人真命苦》編劇,他對人在家族中所展現的情感有細膩的瞭解。   這部小說描寫一個與妻子分手、孤獨度日的劇作家,無意間在淺草遇見神似已過世的父母,因為太過懷念而不斷回去相見,以此為主軸所構成的整個夏天的神秘體驗。   故事彷彿中國聊齋,有著異世界詭異的氛圍,卻充滿令人動容的情感,道盡了陰間與陽世親子之間兩相眷念不捨、無法共享天倫的遺憾。

  6. Feb 2024
  7. Jan 2024
    1. once an avascular or bloodless cancer 00:22:48 is able to get vessels to touch it that moment that touch is that the cancer can grow 16 000 times in two weeks

      for - avascular (bloodless) cancer - angiogenesis creates malignancy - stats - angiogenesis and avascular cancer

      stats - angiogenisis and avascular cancer - During research, the research lab that William Li worked in discovered that once blood vessesl touch a harmless avascular (bloodless) cancer - it transforms it into a deadly, malignant tumor that grows 16,000x in two weeks

    1. Classification is the process of grouping organisms together either based on features they have in common, or based on their ancestry, or sometimes both. This results in the arrangement of living things into groups.
  8. Sep 2023
    1. "Surrendering" by Ocean Vuong

      1. He moved into United State when he was age of five. He first came to United State when he started kindergarten. Seven of them live in the apartment one bedroom and bathroom to share the whole. He learned ABC song and alphabet. He knows the ABC that he forgot the letter is M comes before N.

      2. He went to the library since he was on the recess. He was in the library hiding from the bully. The bully just came in the library doing the slight frame and soft voice in front of the kid where he sit. He left the library, he walked to the middle of the schoolyard started calling him the pansy and fairy. He knows the American flag that he recognize on the microphone against the backdrop.

      • for: doppleganger, conflict resolution, deep humanity, common denominators, CHD, Douglas Rushkoff, Naomi Klein, Into the Mirror World, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, conspiracy culture, nonduality, self-other, human interbeing, polycrisis, othering, storytelling, myth-making, social media amplifier -summary
        • This conversation was insightful on so many dimensions salient to the polycrisis humanity is moving through.
        • It makes me think of the old cliches:
          • "The more things change, the more they remain the same"
          • "What's old is new" ' "History repeats"
        • the conversation explores Naomi's latest book (as of this podcast), Into the Mirror World, in which Naomi adopts a different style of writing to explicate, articulate and give voice to
          • implicit and tacit discomforting ideas and feelings she experienced during covid and earlier, and
          • became a focal point through a personal comparative analysis with another female author and thought leader, Naomi Wolf,
            • a feminist writer who ended up being rejected by mainstream media and turned to right wing media.
        • The conversation explores the process of:
          • othering,
          • coopting and
          • abandoning
        • of ideas important for personal and social wellbeing.
        • and speaks to the need to identify what is going on and to reclaim those ideas for the sake of humanity
        • In this context, the doppleganger is the people who are mirror-like imiages of ourselves, but on the other side of polarized issues.
        • Charismatic leaders who are bad actors often are good at identifying the suffering of the masses, and coopt the ideas of good actors to serve their own ends of self-enrichment.
        • There are real world conspiracies that have caused significant societal harm, and still do,
        • however, when there ithere are phenomena which we have no direct sense experience of, the mixture of
          • a sense of helplessness,
          • anger emerging from injustice
        • a charismatic leader proposing a concrete, possible but explanatory theory
        • is a powerful story whose mythology can be reified by many people believing it
        • Another cliche springs to mind
          • A lie told a hundred times becomes a truth
          • hence the amplifying role of social media
        • When we think about where this phenomena manifests, we find it everywhere:
  9. Aug 2023
    1. For context, I don't use a traditional Zettelkasten system. It's more of a commonplace book/notecard system similar to Ryan HolidayI recently transitioned to a digital system and have been using Logseq, which I enjoy. It's made organizing my notes and ideas much easier, but I've noticed that I spend a lot of time on organizing my notesSince most of my reading is on Kindle, my process involves reading and highlighting as I read, then exporting those highlights to Markdown and making a page in Logseq. Then I tag every individual highlightThis usually isn't too bad if a book/research article has 20-30 highlights, but, for example, I recently had a book with over 150 highlights, and I spent about half an hour tagging each oneI started wondering if it's overkill to tag each highlight since it can be so time consuming. The advantage is that if I'm looking for passages about a certain idea/topic, I can find it specifically rather than having to go through the whole bookI was also thinking I could just have a set of tags for each book/article that capture what contexts I'd want to find the information in. This would save time, but I'd spend a little more time digging through each document looking for specificsCurious to hear your thoughts, appreciate any suggestions

      reply to m_t_rv_s__n/ at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/164n6qg/is_this_overkill/

      First, your system is historically far more traditional than Luhmann's more specific practice. See: https://boffosocko.com/2022/10/22/the-two-definitions-of-zettelkasten/

      If you're taking all the notes/highlights from a particular book and keeping them in a single file, then it may be far quicker and more productive to do some high level tagging on the entire book/file itself and then relying on and using basic text search to find particular passages you might use at a later date.

      Spending time reviewing over all of your notes and tagging/indexing them individually may be beneficial for some basic review work. But this should be balanced out with your long term needs. If your area is "sociology", for example, and you tag every single idea related to the topic of sociology with #sociology, then it will cease to have any value you to you when you search for it and find thousands of disconnected notes you will need to sift through. Compare this with Luhmann's ZK which only had a few index entries under "sociology". A better long term productive practice, and one which Luhmann used, is indexing one or two key words when he started in a new area and then "tagging" each new idea in that branch or train of though with links to other neighboring ideas. If you forget a particular note, you can search your index for a keyword and know you'll find that idea you need somewhere nearby. Scanning through the neighborhood of notes you find will provide a useful reminder of what you'd been working on and allow you to continue your work in that space or link new things as appropriate.

      If it helps to reframe the long term scaling problem of over-tagging, think of a link from one idea to another as the most specific tag you can put on an idea. To put this important idea into context, if you do a Google search for "tagging" you'll find 240,000,000 results! If you do a search for the entirety of the first sentence in this paragraph, you'll likely only find one very good and very specific result, and the things which are linked to it are going to have tremendous specific value to you by comparison.

      Perhaps the better portions of your time while reviewing notes would be taking the 150 highlights and finding the three to five most important, useful, and (importantly) reusable ones to write out in your own words and begin expanding upon and linking? These are the excerpts you'll want to spend more time on and tag/index for future use rather than the other hundreds. Over time, you may eventually realize that the hundreds are far less useful than the handful (in management spaces this philosophy is known as the Pareto principle), so spending a lot of make work time on them is less beneficial for whatever end goals you may have. (The make work portions are often the number one reason I see people abandoning these practices because they feel overwhelmed working on raw administrivia instead of building something useful and interesting to themselves.) Naturally though, you'll still have those hundreds sitting around in a file if you need to search, review, or use them. You won't have lost them by not working on them, but more importantly you'll have gained loads of extra time to work on the more important pieces. You should notice that the time you save and the value you create will compound over time.

      And as ever, play around with these to see if they work for you and your specific needs. Some may be good and others bad—it will depend on your needs and your goals. Practice, experiment, have fun.

      Meme image from Office Space featuring a crowd of office employees standing in front of a banner on the wall that reads: Is this Good for the Zettelkasten?

  10. May 2023
  11. Mar 2023
    1. If you use a third party password manager, you might not realize that modern browsers have password management built in with a beautiful UX. Frankly, it’s harder to not use it.
    2. If you’re a security conscious user... You don’t need SMS-2FA. You can use unique passwords, this makes you immune to credential stuffing and reduces the impact of phishing. If you use the password manager built in to modern browsers, it can effectively eliminate phishing as well.

      not needed: password manager: 3rd-party

  12. Feb 2023
  13. Dec 2022
    1. One dominant way that people think about poverty, both in scholarship and in publicdiscourse, is to focus on demographic characteristics. This explanation assumes thatthere is something wrong with poor people’s individual characteristics: that they aremore likely to be single parents, they are not working enough, they are too young, orthey are not well-educated. So, the way to attack poverty, from this perspective, wouldbe to reduce single-parenthood or reduce the number of people with low education. Thisexplanation concentrates on the individual characteristics of the poor people themselvesand how they are different from nonpoor people.The problem with this explanation is that it does not adequately explain thebig differences in poverty between countries. For example, think about the big fourindividual risks of poverty—single parenthood, becoming a head of household at anearly age, low- education, and unemployment. These are indisputably the four bigcharacteristics that predict your risk of poverty. If the demographic explanation iscorrect, then the United States should have very high levels of single-parenthood, youngheadship, low educational attainment, and unemployment. That would explain why wehave high poverty: We have a large number of people with those four characteristics.The reality, however, is that the United States is actually below average in these areascompared with other rich democracies.
  14. Oct 2022
    1. i was a bit unsure what to think of it, as i wished to go into this 100% blind. And boy am i glad i did.
    1. The final lecture of the course considers Christianity as “the ever-adapting religion,” asking what elements remain constant within allits historical changes.

      Religions are ever-evolving ideas and practices, and like rivers, which are broadly similar and recognizable even over spans of time, can never be practiced or experienced the same way twice.

  15. Sep 2022
    1. Or, take the case of unemployment as described by sociologist C. WrightMills:When, in a city of 100,000, only one man is unemployed, that is his per-sonal trouble, and for its relief we properly look to the character of theman, his skills, and his immediate opportunities. But when in a nation of50 million employees, 15 million men are unemployed, that is an issue, and

      we may not hope to find its solution within the range of opportunities open to any one individual. The very structure of opportunities has collapsed. Both the correct statement of the problem and the range of possible solutions require us to consider the economic and political institutions of the society, and not merely the personal situation and character of a scatter of individuals.16

      1. C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination (New York: Oxford University Press, 1959), p. 9.

      I love this quote and it's interesting food for thought.

      Framing problems from the perspectives of a single individual versus a majority of people can be a powerful tool.

      The idea of the "welfare queen" was possibly too powerful because it singled out an imaginary individual rather than focusing on millions of people with a variety of backgrounds and diversity. Compare this with the fundraisers for impoverished children in Sally Stuther's Christian Children's Fund (aka ChildFund) which, while they show thousands of people in trouble, quite often focus on one individual child. This helps to personalize the plea and the charity actually assigned each donor a particular child they were helping out.

      How might this set up be used in reverse to change the perspective and opinions of those who think the "welfare queen" is a real thing instead of a problematic trope?

    1. PRs will introduce various mechanisms step by step. Some of these have issues already. A possible breakdown could be: Annotation collection using instance values (links also does this) Defining annotations to which multiple keywords contribute (this is new, see Need more details of annotation collection #530) Defining subschema and keyword processing results to include annotations Processing sequence for keywords that dynamically rely on the results of static keywords The actual definition of unevaluatedProperties An example of unevaluatedProperties
    1. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3641225-mcconnell-throws-shade-on-grahams-proposed-national-abortion-ban/

      I've recently run across a few examples of a pattern that should have a name because it would appear to dramatically change the outcomes. I'm going to term it "decisions based on possibilities rather than realities". It's seen frequently in economics and politics and seems to be a form of cognitive bias. People make choices (or votes) about uncertain futures, often when there is a confluence of fear, uncertainty, and doubt, and these choices are dramatically different than when they're presented with the actual circumstances in practice.

      A recent example was a story about a woman who was virulently pro-life who when presented with a situation required her to switch her position to pro-choice.

      Another relates to choices that people want to make about where their children might go to school versus where they actually send them, and the damage this does to public education.

      Let's start collecting examples of these quandaries at all levels of making choices in the real world.

      What is the relationship to this with the mental exercise of "descending into the particular"?

      Does this also potentially cause decision fatigue in cases of voting spaces when constituents are forced to vote for candidates on thousands of axes which they may or may not agree with?

  16. Jul 2022
    1. We read different texts for different reasons, regardlessof the subject.

      A useful analogy here might be the idea of having a conversation with a text. Much the way you'd have dramatically different conversations with your family versus your friends, your teachers, or a stranger in line at the store, you'll approach each particular in a different way based on the various contexts in which both they exist and the contexts which you bring to them.

    1. 5.11 Convert your principles into algorithms and have the computer make decisions alongside you.

      5.11 Convert your principles into algorithms and have the computer make decisions alongside you.

    2. 4.2 Meaningful work and meaningful relationships aren’t just nice things we chose for ourselves—they are genetically programmed into us.

      4.2 Meaningful work and meaningful relationships aren’t just nice things we chose for ourselves—they are genetically programmed into us.

  17. Jun 2022
    1. If you want to write a book, you could dial down the scope andwrite a series of online articles outlining your main ideas. If youdon’t have time for that, you could dial it down even further andstart with a social media post explaining the essence of yourmessage.

      This does make me wonder again, how much of this particular book might be found in various forms on Forte's website, much of which is behind a paywall at $10 a month or $100 a year?

      It's become more common in the past decades for writers to turn their blogs into books and then use their platform to sell those books.

  18. May 2022
  19. Apr 2022
    1. Every work of art can be read, according to Eco, in three distinct ways: the moral, the allegorical and the anagogical.

      Umberto Eco indicates that every work of art can be read in one of three ways: - moral, - allegorical - anagogical

      Compare this to early Christianities which had various different readings of the scriptures.

      Relate this also to the idea of Heraclitus and the not stepping into the same river twice as a viewer can view a work multiple times in different physical and personal contexts which will change their mood and interpretation of the work.

  20. Mar 2022
    1. The while(true) is not a problem because the loop contains sleep 0.5 which relinquishes half a second of CPU time in each of the loop's iterations. Because of that (and the lightweightness of the xsel command invocation which comprises the other part of the loop), the CPU resources taken up by the loop will be exceedingly tiny even on the slowest of Ubuntu machines.
    1. In 1994, The Unix-Haters Handbook was published containing a long list of missives about the software—everything from overly-cryptic command names that were optimized for Teletype machines, to irreversible file deletion, to unintuitive programs with far too many options. Over twenty years later, an overwhelming majority of these complaints are still valid even across the dozens of modern derivatives. Unix had become so widely used that changing its behavior would have challenging implications. For better
  21. Nov 2021
    1. After Alexi McCammond was named editor in chief of Teen Vogue, people discovered and recirculated on Instagram old anti-Asian and homophobic tweets she had written a decade earlier, while still a teenager.

      Should people be judged by statements made in their youth or decades prior? Shouldn't they be given some credit for changing over time and becoming better?

      How can we as a society provide credit to people's changed contexts over time?

      This can be related to Heraclitus' river.

    2. You would think it would be a good thing for the young readers of Teen Vogue to learn forgiveness and mercy, but for the New Puritans, there is no statute of limitations.
    3. Nobody is perfect; nobody is pure; and once people set out to interpret ambiguous incidents in a particular way, it’s not hard to find new evidence.

      Wouldn't it be better for us to focus our efforts and energies on people who are doing bigger mass scale harms on society?

      Surely the ability to protect some of these small harms undergird ability to build up protection for much larger harms.

      Why are we prosecuting these smaller harms rather than the larger (especially financial and) institutional harms?

      It is easier to focus on the small and specific rather than broad and unspecific. (Is there a name for this as a cognitive bias? There should be, if not. Perhaps related to the base rate fallacy or base rate neglect (a form of extension neglect), which is "the tendency to ignore general information and focus on information only pertaining to the specific case, even when the general information is more important." (via Wikipedia)

      Could the Jesuits' descent into the particular as a method help out here?

  22. Aug 2021
  23. Jul 2021
    1. Seems as if Slavitt has translated a lot of modernity into an ancient text which likely didn't have many of our modern references. This seems to be the sort of reading into a text that many moderns do to the Bible. Better would be to read it as the author intended to the audience to which it was intended rather than reading additional meanings into the text.

  24. Jun 2021
    1. "Many North American music education programs exclude in vast numbers students who do not embody Euroamerican ideals. One way to begin making music education programs more socially just is to make them more inclusive. For that to happen, we need to develop programs that actively take the standpoint of the least advantaged, and work toward a common good that seeks to undermine hierarchies of advantage and disadvantage. And that, inturn, requires the ability to discuss race directly and meaningfully. Such discussions afford valuable opportunities to confront and evaluate the practical consequences of our actions as music educators. It is only through such conversations, Connell argues, that we come to understand “the real relationships and processes that generate advantage and disadvantage”(p. 125). Unfortunately, these are also conversations many white educators find uncomfortable and prefer to avoid."

  25. Mar 2021
    1. Dafa ànd ak moroom yi àll ba, fori aloom.

      Il est allé dans la brousse ramasser des fruits de Diospyros avec ses camarades.

      dafa -- he/she.

      ànd v. / ànd bi -- to be together, to go together; copulate; going together, fellowship; placenta.

      ak -- and, with, etc.

      moroom mi -- comrade of the same age group, equal, companion, neighbor.

      yi -- the (plural).

      àll bi -- large expanse of uninhabited land, bush; distant, as opposed to home.

      ba -- the (indicates distance).

      for+i (for) v. -- to pick up.

      aloom bi -- edible fruit of Diospyros mespiliformis (aloom gi for the tree).


    1. Suppose that the validate task was getting quite complex and bloated. When writing “normal” Ruby, you’d break up one method into several. In Trailblazer, that’s when you introduce a new, smaller activity.
  26. Feb 2021
    1. My only concern with this approach is that if someone calls #valid? on the form object afterwards, it would under the hood currently delete the existing errors on the form object and revalidate. The could have unexpected side effects where the errors added by the models passed in or the service called will be lost.
    2. My concern with this approach is still that it's somewhat brittle with the current implementation of valid? because whilst valid? appears to be a predicate and should have no side effects, this is not the case and could remove the errors applied by one of the steps above.
    1. These two mistakes, especially the second one, plant worries in your customers mind before they’ve even had time to think of them.
    2. Stop warning people – no contract, no obligations, cancel anytime – companies can’t resist saying this on every pricing page but by using negative words they’re just putting ideas into people’s heads.
    1. cultural capital

      Introduced by Pierre Bourdieu in the 1970s, the concept has been utilized across a wide spectrum of contemporary sociological research. Cultural capital refers to ‘knowledge’ or ‘skills’ in the broadest sense. Thus, on the production side, cultural capital consists of knowledge about comportment (e.g., what are considered to be the right kinds of professional dress and attitude) and knowledge associated with educational achievement (e.g., rhetorical ability). On the consumption side, cultural capital consists of capacities for discernment or ‘taste’, e.g., the ability to appreciate fine art or fine wine—here, in other words, cultural capital refers to ‘social status acquired through the ability to make cultural distinctions,’ to the ability to recognize and discriminate between the often-subtle categories and signifiers of a highly articulated cultural code. I'm quoting here from (and also heavily paraphrasing) Scott Lash, ‘Pierre Bourdieu: Cultural Economy and Social Change’, in this reader.

  27. Dec 2020
  28. Nov 2020
  29. Oct 2020
    1. Industrialization: You can easily chop your form validations into smaller independent pieces that can be developed by separate teams in paralell with no dependencies.
    1. When I say that my experience is that it means it's time to split up your components, I guess I mean that there tends to be a logical grouping between all the things that care about (for example) sqr_n, and in Svelte, logical groupings are expressed as components.
  30. Sep 2020
    1. Many people recently are complaining about bundler performance. But I don’t think any tool is going to solve performance problems. Bundlers can try innovative ideas such as multi-threading and improved caching, but you’re always going to hit a limit. If you’re having performance problems, it’s more likely because you’re not keeping tabs of what you’re importing, and haven’t considered splitting your project into multiple projects.
    1. Developing software is usually easier if you break your project into smaller separate pieces, since that often removes unexpected interactions and dramatically reduces the complexity of the problems you'll need to solve
  31. Aug 2020
    1. Safari sends following order application/xml (q is 1) application/xhtml+xml (q is 1) image/png (q is 1) text/html (q is 0.9) text/plain (q is 0.8) \*/\* (q is 0.5) So you visit www.myappp.com in safari and if the app supports .xml then Rails should render .xml file. This is not what user wants to see. User wants to see .html page not .xml page.
  32. Jul 2020
    1. In the Set class we already called this - and difference, which it is ok but not really accurate because of the previous explanation, but probably not worthwhile to change it.

      Is this saying that the name difference is inaccurate?

      Why is it inaccurate? You even called it the "theoretic difference" above.

      Is that because "relative complement" would be better? Or because the full phrase "theoretic difference" [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/set-theoretic_difference] is required in order for it to be accurate rather than just "difference"?

  33. Apr 2020
    1. Suddenly even linking to data was an excuse to get raided by the FBI and potentially face serious charges. Even more concerning is that Brown linked to data that was already public and others had already linked to.
    2. Having said all that, I think this is completely absurd that I have to write an entire article justifying the release of this data out of fear of prosecution or legal harassment. I had wanted to write an article about the data itself but I will have to do that later because I had to write this lame thing trying to convince the FBI not to raid me.
    3. I could have released this data anonymously like everyone else does but why should I have to? I clearly have no criminal intent here. It is beyond all reason that any researcher, student, or journalist have to be afraid of law enforcement agencies that are supposed to be protecting us instead of trying to find ways to use the laws against us.
    4. The key change here is the removal of an intent to defraud and replacing it with willfully; it will be illegal to share this information as long as you have any reason to know someone else might use it for unauthorized computer access.It is troublesome to consider the unintended consequences resulting from this small change.
    5. The problem is that it is that the laws themselves change the very definition of a criminal and put many innocent professionals at risk.
  34. Dec 2019
    1. Basically, the standard said something, interpreters ignored it because the standard seemed illogical, but now interpreters like Bash have really confusing semantics, and no-one wants to fix it.
  35. Oct 2019
  36. Nov 2018
    1. Create opportunities to apply knowledge immediately after a video.

      I really liked this idea and I have already applied it to my upcoming online lesson plan for an online course.

  37. Nov 2017
    1. Home

      Since interviews is no longer a tab on your site, maybe introduce them on the home page and explain how you used that content throughout the site?

    1. History

      Increase in use of telecommunications seems a little unnecessary to be featured in the timeline and is also a little confusing with the layout of the timeline since it's a large period of time to cover, whereas other items are more like moments in time.

  38. Oct 2017
  39. Sep 2017
    1. Someone had to do a better job of explaining to citizens that they were in danger of losing rights they didn't know they possessed.

      This makes me think of Mark Zuckerberg's claim that Internet connectivity is a human right. What do statements like this mean to people who aren't already technologically literate? I have grown up alongside the modern Internet and I still don't understand such a statement. It feels like there is a steep hierarchy of access to information about how to use computers in beneficial ways. Those with a college education in computer science, an already privileged group, are positioned at a further advantage because of their increased control of online resources.

    2. "Imagine a television that talks to you, enables you to communicate with the kids who go to bed before you get home, and that helps you select a movie."

      You mean Alexa?

    1. With digital cash, it is possible to build an electronic economy where the seller can verify that the buyer's credit is good, and transfer the correct amount of money, without the seller knowing who the buyer is.


    2. You use the services and contents of the magazine or television network (or online service) to draw a large population of users, who give you detailed information about their demographics, and then you sell access to those users to advertisers

      ... and, what FB does

    3. people aren't all that interested in information on screens, if that is all you have to sell--unless you also offer a way for people to interact with one another

      What Facebook has been able to do.

    1. I'm not so sure myself anymore that tapping away on a keyboard and staring at a screen all day by necessity is "progress" compared to chopping logs and raising beans all day by necessity.

      Ah, THIS highlights a common discussion among IC people.

    2. Hierarchy in the Usenet sense means not a chain of command but a way of simplifying large complex groups of information by branching them as subcategories of fundamental categories. For example, here is how the rec.auto hierarchy works:

      Note the similarity to how Reddit is organized.

    3. They were surprised at how hungry people were for all kinds of conversations on a worldwide basis, once they caught on to this strange new idea of a conversation in text that floated from campus to campus around the globe.

      How has the evolution of online communities been shaped by the fact that the "product" of the earliest communities, the thing they "grew," was conversation? Correspondingly, what role has conversation played in the development of geolocated communities? How are utopian visions and speech connected to one another?

    4. single collective brain may

      Compare H.G. Wells' idea of a "world brain".

    1. more information became available to me than I could handle in a hundred lifetimes.

      Also mind boggling, and perhaps the main thing that separates Paul and I from the rest of you. When we were in college, we didn't have this access. Now you do. The best fictional account of this is the novel Snowcrash, by Neal Stephenson. I highly recommend it.

    2. Another Net visionary by the name of Brewster Kahle conceived of a powerful text-finder that will literally hunt through hundreds of databases and libraries on the Net for text that contains specific information. The tool, developed jointly by Kahle and Dow Jones, Thinking Machines, Apple Computer, and KPMC Peat Marwick, is freely available to Net users as WAIS--Wide Area Information Servers

      Brewster Kahle is also the founder of the Internet Archive.

    3. If they control the conduits for information, the fiber-optic networks and high-speed routers, and they also compete to provide commercial services through that conduit, what effect will that have on their smaller competitors?

      The essence of the net-neutrality question.

    4. in a publicly available document known as an RFC (Request for Comment)
    5. the hacker ethic was that computer tools ought to be free.
  40. Aug 2017
    1. List of Public Conferences on the WELL

      This reminds me of how Craigslist looks today. The same sort of organization but localized to regions

    1. Because we cannot see one another in cyberspace, gender, age, national origin, and physical appearance are not apparent unless a person wants to make such characteristics public

      There are still social markers that come across in "cyberspace," from vocabulary to language to names to assumptions. I'm not convinced that this is a real distinction that can be made.

    2. there are three essential places in people's lives : the place we live, the place we work, and the place we gather for conviviality.

      Oldenburg's argument is that these are three essentially distinct places. Considering that many people now work online, it is worth asking whether this model holds up when the Internet serves as both workplace and "third place."

    3. we were meeting in the sacred space of Parenting, not the bloody arenas of WELL policy or politics.

      This seems somewhat idealistic and based in the assumption that parenting can be separated from politics, which is not necessarily true. I don't believe that this is a barrier that is inherently easier to handle online than in in-person community.

  41. Sep 2015
  42. www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
    1. Him the Almighty Power Hurled headlong flaming from th' ethereal sky, With hideous ruin and combustion, down To bottomless perdition, there to dwell In adamantine chains and penal fire,