- Aug 2023
baijiahao.baidu.com baijiahao.baidu.com
那么,如何让发起请求的时候,使用我们小号的私钥呢?我们先来看一下执行 clone 代码时候,仓库源那个以 git 开头的链接是什么意思:
- Jun 2021
www.fudco.com www.fudco.com
an isolated population with unique selective pressures resulting in evolutionary divergence from the mainland population
I would suggest a different understanding: Much of what's happened in critical theory (especially the parts more visible to "outsiders") is deeply embedded in "mainland" contexts, including, most importantly for critical theory, being embedded in the expansion of higher education in the USA after the GI Bill and the long tradition of "pragmatic" thinking in mainstream US thought that may find its roots in Protestantism and flower in the mythic "American" "everyman".
- Mar 2021
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
Both Prof Wu and Ms Truong cited the 1875 Page Act, one of the earliest pieces of federal law restricting immigration to the US. On paper, the legislation barred the entry of any woman from China, Japan "or any Oriental country" for "lewd and immoral purposes", including prostitution.In reality, the law blocked virtually all immigration from Asian women, who were collectively presumed to be sex workers or prostitutes.This racist and sexist stereotype that they "were bringing their immorality to the US", Ms Truong explains, has lingered.
le bruh moment.
The message is that these men are innocent, except for that one bad day
this might be true but i still hate this sentence.
Notice how all the violence happening is towards women.
jangawolof.org jangawolof.orgPhrases5
Fibar bi jàngal na taawan bu góor ni ñuy dagge reeni aloom.
Le guérisseur a appris à son fils aîné comment on coupe les racines du Diospyros.
fibar -- (fibar bi? the healer? as in feebar / fièvre / fever? -- used as a general term for sickness).
bi -- the (indicates nearness).
jàngal v. -- to teach (something to someone), to learn (something from someone) -- compare with jàng (as in janga wolof) and jàngale.
na -- pr. circ. way, defined, distant. How? 'Or' What. function indicator. As.
taaw+an (taaw) bi -- first child, eldest. (taawan -- his eldest).
bu -- the (indicates relativeness).
góor gi -- man; male.
ni -- pr. circ. way, defined, distant. How? 'Or' What. function indicator. As.
ñuy -- they (?).
dagg+e (dagg) v. -- cut; to cut.
reen+i (reen) bi -- root, taproot, support.
aloom gi -- Diospyros mespiliformis, EBENACEA (tree).
Dafa ànd ak moroom yi àll ba, fori aloom.
Il est allé dans la brousse ramasser des fruits de Diospyros avec ses camarades.
dafa -- he/she.
ànd v. / ànd bi -- to be together, to go together; copulate; going together, fellowship; placenta.
ak -- and, with, etc.
moroom mi -- comrade of the same age group, equal, companion, neighbor.
yi -- the (plural).
àll bi -- large expanse of uninhabited land, bush; distant, as opposed to home.
ba -- the (indicates distance).
for+i (for) v. -- to pick up.
aloom bi -- edible fruit of Diospyros mespiliformis (aloom gi for the tree).
Fexeel ba kër gi bañ ñàkk alkol.
Veille à ce qu'il ne manque pas d'alcool à la maison.
fexe+el (fexe) v. -- search/seek by all means.
ba -- the (?).
kër gi -- house; family.
gi -- the (indicates nearness).
bañ v. -- refuse, resist, refuse to; to hate; verb marking the negation in subordinate clauses.
ñàkk v. / ñàkk bi -- vaccinate / vaccine (not sure exactly how this fits in the sentence if it's even the right translation -- perhaps it has to do with surgical alcohol rather than drinking alcohol).
alkol ji -- (French) surgical alcohol. (I'm certain this is also used for the type of alcohol you drink -- but sangara is probably the most used term).
Sér bi aju na ci caru garab gi.
Le pagne s'est accroché à la branche.
sér bi -- loincloth. 🩲
bi -- the.
aju v. -- hang on.
na -- (?).
ci -- close; at @, in, on, inside, to.
car+u (car) bi -- twig, branch. 🎋
garab gi -- tree 🌲, plant 🪴; medicine 💊, remedy.
gi -- the.
Aju ren gi tàng na lool.
Le pèlerinage de cette année a été très pénible.
aj+u (aj) gi -- pilgrimage to Mecca. 🕋
ren ji -- current year; this year. 🗓
gi -- the.
tàng v. -- be hot 🥵; be cranky, be snappy 😡.
na -- has been (?).
lool adv. -- very, much, too much.
- roots
- house
- na
- góor
- ñàkk
- healer
- they
- first
- mespiliformis
- taproot
- -e
- of
- no
- seek
- shortage
- sure
- what
- aju
- fever
- hate
- àll
- bu
- gi
- is
- has
- bi
- feebar
- ñuy
- man
- been
- his
- moroom
- taawan
- refuse
- very
- make
- ji
- cut
- janga
- loincloth
- fexe
- hung
- lool
- year's
- for
- how
- into
- kër
- pilgrimage
- uninhabited
- sangara
- vaccine
- ebenacea
- teach
- learn
- branch
- fibar
- comrade
- sickness
- equal
- vaccinate
- reeni
- ci
- ba
- dagg
- jàngale
- the
- resist
- dagge
- home
- taught
- together
- sér
- as
- at
- land
- ni
- support
- copulate
- pick up
- with
- fièvre
- fori
- search
- surgical
- -i
- ren
- he
- comrades
- bañ
- garab
- this
- alkol
- collect
- fruit
- fellowship
- dafa
- on
- painful
- to
- there
- ànd
- ak
- aloom
- tree
- -an
- bush
- son
- -el
- she
- distant
- reen
- male
- caru
- placenta
- neighbor
- tàng
- jàng
- went
- wolof
- companion
- child
- feexeel
- taaw
- and
- family
- mi
- yi
- alcohol
- eldest
- jàngal
- diospyros
- Feb 2014
www.shirky.com www.shirky.com
That changed with the end of WWII. Waves of discharged soldiers subsidized by the GI Bill, joined by the children of the expanding middle class, wanted or needed a college degree.