20 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. So what is the central meaning of the word ‘reflexive’ in ‘reflexive moderniz- ation’? 4 ‘Reflexive’ does not mean that people today lead a more conscious life. On the contrary. ‘Reflexive’ signifies not an ‘increase of mastery and consciousness, but a heightened awareness that mastery is impossible’ (Latour, 2003).

      for - definition - reflexive (in reflexive modernity) - not more conscious but increased awareness that mastery is impossible - SOURCE - paper - The Theory of Reflexive Modernization: Problematic, Hypotheses and Research Programme - Ulrich Beck, Wolfgang Bonss and Christoph Lau - 2003

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Reviews Learning Tools Resources Login

      Two links are broken here - Reviews and Help and Support and that makes me so suspicious because those are such important links. Also the free stuff is a headache to download I am so tired of creating accounts just do download a free image and I hate giving out my data.

    1. Youtube Kids is an example of how the product designed for kids differs from the one targeting adults. It’s much easier to navigate thanks to bigger buttons and fewer content boxes on the page. Plus the security settings on the platform make sure that younger users are safe and have access to appropriate content. Those all are parts of a thought-through design interface for children.

      Just an observation here but I remember my godchild using You tube kids whilst they stayed here and we had to double check because it wasn't all good content, you tube is kind of notorious with their bad content checks and algorithms. Elsa Gate Scandal comes to mind.

  3. Mar 2024
  4. Mar 2022
  5. Sep 2021
  6. Jul 2021
  7. Jun 2021
  8. Jun 2020
  9. Apr 2020
  10. Feb 2018
    1. Will she who has a jot of discernment think to satisfy her greedy desire of Plea∣sure, with those promising nothings that have again & again deluded her? Or, will she to obtain such Bubbles, run the risque of forfeiting Joys, infinitely satisfying and eternal? In sum, did not ignorance impose on us, we would never lavish out the greatest part of our Time and Care, on the decoration of a Tenement, in which our Lease is so very short, and which for all our indust∣ry, may lose it's Beauty e're that Lease be out, and in the mean while neglect a Page  44 more glorious and durable Mansion! We wou'd never be so curious of the House, and so careless of the Inha∣bitant, whose beauty is ca∣pable of great improvement, and will endure for ever without diminution or de∣cay!

      The house analogy here refers to the absurdity of caring of physical beauty over one's mind (and soul). It also strangely maintains women's interests within the realm of the domestic.

  11. Oct 2017
    1. Emma’s multiplicity of subplots, andits preoccupation with the reading, rereading and misreading of writing within,and events internal to, the text, renders the novel a manifesto for Austen’sapproach to the‘‘judicious’’, critical reading necessary to understanding thefunction of literary influence in her fiction

      The author makes it clear that she will be explicating her thesis via the example of Emma. In this sentence, she connects Austen's approach to reading, writing, and readership to the notion of literary fiction. Again, I'm not sure if the following paragraphs do live up to the expectation she sets up here.

    2. The figure of the Quixote*from the seventeenth-century Don Quixote of la Mancha to Emma’s namesake Emma Bovary*isessential to the development and evolution of the novel as a genre, promotingthe self-reflexivity, promiscuous intergeneric and intrageneric allusion, andmeditations on realism and reality that are the genre’s hallmarks

      Another test to run - Emma as compared to other quixotic novels, especially The Female Quixote!

    3. Inthe first, Emma uses the fact of Harriet Smith’s illegitimacy as a springboardfor the birth-mystery plot beloved of sentimental novelists.

      Another possible tie for DH work - running comparisons on these sentimental novels and Emma.

    4. Charlotte Lennox’sTheFemale Quixote(1752) and even Eaton Stannard Barrett’sThe Heroine(1813) arecases in point.

      I would like to perform quantitative analysis on Emma and these texts, in addition to other 18th century texts such as Evelina.

    5. Emmais unique in Austen’s adult oeuvre in its obsession not only withother texts, but with the unspecific stock elements of the eighteenth-centuryand Romantic-era novel.

      Once again, here is another point that I believe it could almost be irresponsible to make without quantitative analysis. I don't know that it is empirically true that Emma is "unique" in its "obsession" with other texts and "stock elements of the eighteenth-century and Romantic-era novel."

    6. Austen’s expectation of readerly ingenuity is ultimately what sets her apartfrom other novelists of the Romantic period. As generations of critics havefound, Austen’s work is deliberately, at times even maddeningly, puzzling toreaders.

      The author claims that Austen has high expectations of "readerly ingenuity." I am not sure that the evidence here from a mystery writer quite supports the claim. I would have preferred that Murphy perform a close reading of a passage that is "deliberately, at times even maddeningly, puzzling to readers" to demonstrate her point here.

    7. artistic influence

      After learning about the concept of measuring literary influence with DH tools, it is difficult for me to read any scholarship on influence without automatically thinking what the "data" would say.

  12. Apr 2017
    1. problematiccategory

      Translation: they do not see the audience as a problem to be addressed, but an assumed set of factors. Now I will continue to talk about the problem for a few more pages and only respond with an answer at the very end.