187 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. s we have often said before, paper is so cheap thatthere is no need for such economy.

      Compare this with the reference in @Kimmerer2013 about responsibility to the tree and not wasting paper: https://hypothes.is/a/pvQ_4ofxEe-NfSOv5wMFGw

      where is the balance?

  2. Sep 2024
    1. a set of policies and mechanisms that allow competent subunits to form together into some kind of a an emergent Collective that's more than the sum of its parts

      for - definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin

      definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin - a set of policies and mechanisms that allow competent subunits to form together into some kind of an emergent Collective that's more than the sum of its parts

      Adjacency - between - cognitive glue - multi scale competency architecture - human species - Jordan Hall - cognitive glue destresses goal seeking activities - adjacency relationship - Cognitive glue is a general concept that applies to the entire spectrum of the biosphere - Michael goes on to give examples with rats and other biological contexts like cells - This is an important question for humans at two levels: - first, at the level of the individual human - second, at the level of human groups - Jordan Hall brings the conversation to the cognitive glue at the human social level in which - anyone who has worked in a group context knows that when there is a flow, there is signaling taking place - that is at a higher group level not present at the level of the individual that destresses goal seeking activity

    2. I think it's really important for us to develop a science of that like CR like critically important

      for - answer - Micheal Levin - adjacency - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - critically important to develop a science of this

      adjacency - between - multi scale competency architecture - cognitive light cone - hyperobject - awakening / enlightenment - adjacency relationship - At every stage of the multi scale competency architecture, - the living entities at a particular stage may maintain - feedback and - feedforward signals - with any - higher or - lower level systems. - Human INTERbeCOMings and other consciousness are no different - We exist at one level but are both - composed of lower level living parts and - compose larger social superorganism - Indeed, the spiritual acts variously described as - awakening - enlightenment - can be interpreted as transcending level cognitive light cone

    3. the inside and the outside

      for - adjacency - inside / outside - complexity / simplicity - multi scale competency architecture - black box - example - human consciousness

      adjacency - between - inside / outside - black box - multi scale competency architecture - complexity / simplicity - adjacency relationship - inside / outside complexity /simplicity relationship articulates - the black box phenomenal prevalent in design and also - what Michael has been talking about with the complexity naturally found at lower levels of multi scale competency architectures - As he noted earlier, in this lab experiments, - it's practical to make use of the higher level signals in the living system - and virtually impossible to make use of trying to manage the lower level system signals - I like to think of human consciousness in the same terms - What appears to consciousness are signals like intero-ception signals of hunger that creates the thought ' I'm hungry, I want to get some food ' - whilst countless lies level signals that operate all the cells in our body are invisible

    1. Cities and businesses are key actors driving anthropogenic pressures, but have received less attention in sustainability assessments than countries. The unique challenges associated with these actors need to be understood and resolved in translation methods, and approaches that reflect the specific environmental, social, and economic contexts of cities and businesses need to be developed

      for - Earth system boundaries - importance of developing cross scale translation for cities and businesses as key actors

    2. approaches for translating each ESB to cities and businesses via the sequential steps of transcription, allocation, and adjustment.

      for - cross-scale translation - via transcription - allocation - adjustment

    3. We focus on cities and businesses because of the magnitude of their impacts on the Earth system, and their potential to take swift action and act as agents of change.

      for - rapid whole system change - leverage point - cities - cross-scale translation

    4. for - earth system boundaries - safe and just earth system boundaries - cross translated - to cities and business - planetary boundaries - downscaled planetary boundaries - urban planetary boundaries - Johan Rockstrom - Xuemei Bao - Lancet paper - just and safe earth system boundaries - Earth Commission report

      paper details - title: A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations - authors: - Joyeeta Gupta - Xuemei Bao - Johan Rockstrom - Diana M Liverman <br /> - Dahe Qin - Ben Stewart-Koster - et al - publication: Lancet 2024, Sept 11


  3. Aug 2024
    1. I think it's it's critical for us uh when for for for for people to realize that when we reimagine what the self is and take away take take us away from this this notion of a of a subst you know some kind of monatic substance and all that um it's different than what you said before which is uh that well it's you know every everything is equally illusory I mean there's there's nothing at that point well if it's that that's a deeply destabilizing concept for a lot of people

      for - question - what would Federic Faggin think of this? - question - multi-scale communication - question - are Tibetan Rainbow body and knowing time of death examples of multi-scale communications? question - what would Federic Faggin think of this? - He comes from an experiential perspective, not just an intellectual one.

      question - what would Federic Faggin think of this? - I don't think Michael Levin provides a satisfactory answer to this and this is related to the meaning crisis modernity finds itself in - when traditional religions no longer suffice, - but there is nothing in modernity that can fill the gap yet, if mortality salience is a big issue - I don't think an intellectual answer can meet the needs of people suffering in the meaning crisis, although it is necessary, it is not sufficient - I think they are after some kind of nonverbal, nondual transformative experience

      question - multi-scale communication - This is also a question about multi-scale communication - I've recently used a metaphor to compare - the unitary, monatic experience of consciousness to - an elected government - The trillions of cells "elect" consciousness" as the high level government to oversea them - but we seem to be in the situation of the government being out of touch with the citizens - At one time in our history, was it common to be able for - high level consciousness to communicate directly with - low level cells and subcellular structures? - If so, why has this practice disappeared and - how can we re-establish it?

      question - Are Tibetan Rainbow body and knowing time of death examples of multi-scale communications? - In some older spiritual traditions such as found in the East, it seems deep meditative practitioners are able to achieve a degree of communications with parts of their body that is unconventional and surprising to modern researchers - For example, Tibetan meditators report of having the abiity to predict the time of their death by recognizing subtle bodily, interoceptive signals - Rare instances also occur of the Rainbow Body, when great meditators in the Dzogchen tradition whose body at time of death can disappear in a body of light

    1. Aurora Serverless packs a number of database instances onto a single physical machine (each isolated inside its own virtual machine using AWS’s Nitro Hypervisor). As these databases shrink and grow, resources like CPU and memory are reclaimed from shrinking workloads, pooled in the hypervisor, and given to growing workloads

      Oh, wow, so the workload themselves are dynamically scaling up and down "vertically" as opposed to "horizontally" - I think this is a bit like dynamically changing the size of Docker containers that are running the databases while they're running

    1. we do feel at least most of us, most of the time feel like some kind of unified, centralized inner perspective

      for - self - as unified, centralized inner perspective - Michael Levin - adjacency - self - as unified, centralized inner perspective - multi-scale competency architecture - Buddhism - spiritual practice - self actualization - illusory body - illusory self - enlightenment

      adjacency - between - self - as unified, centralized inner perspective - multi-scale competency architecture - self actualization - Buddhist practice - illusory body - illusory self - enlightenment - awakening - adjacency relationship - Indeed, from both the mundane and the spiritual, religious perspective, the unified self as a fundamental assumption - "self-development" and "self-actualization" are terms that are only meaningful if there is a unified self - Is the Buddhist ideas of - awakening - enlightenment and \ - penetrating the illusion of self - based on a kind of experiencing of the multi-scale competency architecture itself? - What does "spiritual awakening" mean in the context of multi-scale competency architecture? - For instance, WHO is it that actually awakens? - Is it consciousness from the SAME level, a lower level or ALL levels of the multi-scale competency architecture that a multi-cellular conscious, sentient being such as a human INTERbeCOMing? - If it includes consciousness from lower levels, then it may be billions or trillions of cellular consciousnesses that are awakening to the higher order consciousness it composes!

    1. boundaries between cells, creatures and ecosystems are real but permeable. The bi-directional exchange of energy, information and matter across these boundaries is the communication that makes life possible.

      for - adjacency - multi scale competency architecture - communication between levels - intrinsic to natural flows of life

  4. Jul 2024
    1. there are two crippling flaws with the existing multilevel governance architecture for the globe.

      for - governance - multi-scale - two problems

      governance - multi-scale - two problems -1. Some scales such as planetary scale lack institutions to deal with problems on that scale - 2. Smaller-scale, subnational governance institutions don’t have the authority or resources necessary - to address local challenges in a way that - satisfies and responds to constituent desires. - both problems have the same common source - the nation state level calls all the shots

    2. Managing problems at the scale the planet, therefore, requires creating governance institutions at the scale of the planet.

      for - key insight - governance - new planetary scale - NOT the UN

    1. if we fail to control our numbers and our appetites well then yes our society will start to to crash in a similar way to that of 00:35:32 easter island only on a worldwide scale and that means the whole industrial civilization will break down and 00:35:45 our descendants will essentially be uh savages to use that term very advisably and savages in the sense that they will have lost 00:35:58 the fruits of civilization and hate us

      for - progress trap - dark futures scenario - like Easter Island but on a global scale

      comment - The potential global breakdown of global industrialized society, rupturing supply chains so that our highly interdependent world becomes the very Achilles Heel that hastens its demise is chilling - It could mean a huge disruption to the most important aspect of civilization - the continuing accruing and inter-generational transmission of knowledge - It would be catastrophic to lose that, but it is entirely possible - As Wright himself famously said, to use a computer metaphor, we humans are like 50,000 year old hardware, running modern software - By that, he meant that our cognitive physiology (brain and sensory processing system) has not changed for tens of thousands of years, yet cultural evolution happens at exponentially faster rates, so much so that our biological systems are not adapted to keep up with the pace, and that spells disaster - When we no longer have the sensory or cognitive apparatus to sense danger, and we are offloading that to AI, we are in an extremely vulnerable situation

      progress trap - Gedanken - Think of our ancestors from 50,000 years ago. - What Wright is saying with his metaphor is that if that child from 50,000 years ago were transported by a time machine to modernity, (s)he would have little problem integrating into modern society - LIKEWISE, if we lose all the knowledge fruits of accumulated over so many thousands of years, it would be like being born into a human tribe 50,000 years ago. - We would likely still have language, but all our technology may have to start from scratch!

    1. for - personal health - metabolic disease - insulin resistance caused by mitochondria dysfunction - interview - Dr. Robert Lustig - health - dangers of sugar in our diet

      summary - Robert Lustig is a researcher and major proponent for educating the dangers of sugar as the root cause of the majority of preventable western disease - He explains how sugar and carbs are a major variable and root cause of a majority of these diseases - It is useful to look at these bodily dysfunctions from the perspective of Michael Levin, in which all these diseases of the body are problems with lower levels of the multi-scale competency architecture - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=michael+levin%2C+multi-scale+competency+architecture

  5. Jun 2024
    1. It's an interesting position and had me rethinking things a bit, but the way I look at it, the actions themselves are negative; it's their boundary conditions which are different. Take for instance embark/disembark. In pseudo-mathematical terms, I would tend to think they increment or decrement one's embarkedness, with an upper boundary of 1 (aboard), and a lower boundary of 0 (ashore). The non-existence of values >1 (super-aboard) or <0 (anti-aboard) shouldn't affect the relative polarity of the actions themselves. I think. Looking through the rest of the list, there's a variety of different boundary conditions. Prove/disprove would range from 1 to -1 (1=proven, 0=asserted but untested, -1=proven false), entangle/disentangle seems to range from 0 to infinity (because you can always be a little more entangled, can't you?), and please/displease is perhaps wholly unbounded (if we imagine that humanity has an infinite capacity for both suffering and joy).
    2. her first remark upon embarking would no doubt be "on a scale from one to on a boat, we're on a boat!
    1. I think that Noam chsky said exactly a year ago in New York Times around a year ago that generative AI is not any 00:18:37 intelligence it's just a plagiarism software that learned stealing human uh work transform it and sell it as much as possible as cheap as possible

      for - AI music theft - citation - Noam Chomsky - quote - Noam Chomsky - AI as plagiarism on a grand scale

      to - P2P Foundation - commons transition plan - Michel Bauwens - netarchical capitalism - predatory capitalism - https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Commons_Transition_Plan#Solving_the_value_crisis_through_a_social_knowledge_economy

    1. for - Anthropocene - cross-scale spatial and temporal connectivity of water - governance - water - Anthropocene - cross scale - complexity - water governance - Anthropocene - from - Linked In post - new publication alart - to - Linked In post - new publication alert - Moving from fit to fitness for governing water in the Anthropocene

      summary - This is a good review paper that summarizes findings from two decades of water research on river basins and watersheds, - It highlights how recent Anthropocene research shows the global interconnected nature of water systems, - which makes the traditional River Basin Organization form of local governance challenging since - variability in localities far from the governed river basin or watershed can have significant impact on it and vice versa - New governance systems must emerge to deal with this complexity

      from - Linked In post - new publication alert - to - Linked In post - new publication alert - Moving from fit to fitness for governing water in the Anthropocene - https://hyp.is/GdXo1ipKEe-_FbMMhZGIMQ/www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7207337444281659392-66RF/

  6. Apr 2024
    1. For platens 83-98 Shore A depending on the amount of copies being typed. From personal experience though 83A is super soft and the slugs sink into it a bit too much, the sweet spot is around 87-90 Shore A imo.
    1. for - rapid whole system change - Speed & Scale

      summary - hmmm....what's mssing? - They don't explicitly promote citizen led action - They are still using the net zero by 2050 story, - which in many critics eyes is actually far too little and too late - See Kevin Anderson's critique of net zero - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=net%2Bzero - They don't address inequality, decolonialization or climate justice issues - They don't identify meta or polycrisis

      from - https://hyp.is/J7oIeAEpEe-J1kuOInb20A/www.linkedin.com/posts/colinleduc_we-are-launching-our-speed-scale-2024-global-activity-7188309472837021696-SxSf/

    1. “Cells may not know civilization is possible.

      for - quote - multiscale competency architecture - quote - book - Emergent Strategy - Adrienne Maree Brown

      • Cells may not know civilization is possible.
      • They don’t amass as many units as they can sign up to be the same.
      • No — they grow until
        • they split,
        • complexify.
        • Then they interact and intersect and discover their purpose
          • I am a lung cell!
          • I am a tongue cell!
        • and they serve it. And they die.
      • And what emerges from these cycles are
        • complex organisms,
        • systems,
        • movements,
        • societies.

      adjacency - between - Adrienne Maree Brown quote - Michael Levin - adjacency statement - Adrienne's quote is the subsumed under Levin's term of multi-scale competency architecture (MSCA)

    1. From there, I've been thinking about just allocating a "next action" to that weekly goal (perhaps with a due date) and then moving forward on that goal by doing the action in the right context (e.g. @work, @home)

      This seems to be overkill and kinda goes against GTD? You could do your (reverse) goal setting and have weekly and daily goals which are independent of your next-actions.

      Use systems in parallel? I am reminded of Cal Newport who does multi-scale planning besides a more GTD-esque approach in his Trello.

    1. For larger collections of books it may be thought preferable to use a libraryclassification, such as Mr. Dewey's Decimal Classification, but I doubt very muchif the gain will be in proportion to the additional labour involved.

      Some interesting shade here, but he's probably right with respect to the additional work involved in a personal collection which isn't shared at scale.

      The real work is the indexing of the material within the books, the assigned numbers are just a means of finding them.

  7. Mar 2024
    1. science has transformed our understanding of time.
      • It’s not an exaggeration to say that
        • science has transformed our understanding of time.
      • But as well in conjunction with this
        • it has transformed- the concept of who we are.
      • From biology we have learned that
        • there is no such thing as race,
        • we are all fundamentally one species
          • (with contributions from a few other sister species, Denisovans and Neanderthals).
      • And from physics we can say that
        • we are literally the space dust of the cosmos
          • experiencing itself in human form.

      for - language - primacy of - symbolosphere - adjacency - language - science - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - complexity - social superorganism - major evolutionary transition - worldviews - scientific vs religious - Michael Levin - multi-scale competency architecture

      adjacency - between - deep time - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - social superorganism - complexity - major evolutionary transition - complexity - adjacency statement - Deep time narrative has potential for unifying polarised worldviews - but citing purely scientific evidence risks excluding and alienating large percentage of people who have a predominantly religious worldview - Language, the symbolosphere is the foundation that has made discourse in both religion and science possible - Due to its fundamental role, starting with language could be even more unifying than beginning with science, - as there are large cultural groups that - do not prioritize the scientific worldview and narrative, but - prefer a religious one.<br /> - Having said that, multi-scale competency architecture, - a concept introduced by Michael Levin - encapsulates the deep time approach in each human being, - which withing Deep Humanity praxis we call "human INTERbeCOMing" to represent our fundamental nature as a process, not a static entity - Each human INTERbeCOMing encapsulates deep time, and is - an embodiment of multiple stages of major evolutionary transitions in deep time - both an individual and multiple collectives - what we can in Deep Humanity praxis the individual / collective gestalt

    1. The platen was quite hard to begin with, around 100 on the Shore A hardness scale, though it would feed two sheets reliably. The platen was cleaned and treated with methyl salicylate, which brought the hardness down to about 92, and has remained at that hardness for several months.
  8. Feb 2024
    1. for - adjacency - microscopic biology - macroscopic ecology - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - Jonas Wickman - micro-to-macro

      paper details - title - Eco-evolutionary emergence of macroecological scaling in plankton communities - author - Jonas Wickman - Elena Litchman - date - feb 15, 2024 - publication - Science VOL. 383, NO. 6684

      reference - https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk6901

      summary - This is a very interesting finding that links rules in the micro world to behavior in the macro. - It is relevant to Michael Levin's research on multi-scale competency architecture

      question - how would this impact the micro relations between - the microscopic world of humans - the normal macroscopic world of humans

    1. Dubbed “litigation terrorism” by Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel prize-winning economist. ISDS is a corporate tribunal system

      for - litigation terrorism - ISDS - corporate tribunal system - Michael Levin - multi-scale competency architecture - example - adjacency - evolutionary biology - corporate law - climate crisis

      adjacency - between - corporate law - climate crisis - evolutionary biology - cultural evolution - adjacency statement - Biologist Michael Levin's multi-scale competency architecture of evolutionary biology seems to apply here - in the field of corporate law - Corporations can be viewed as one level of a social superorganism in a cultural evolution process - Governments can be viewed similiarly, but at a higher level - The ISDS is being weaponized by the same corporations destroying the global environment to combat the enactment of government laws that pose a threat to their livelihood - Hence, the ISDS has been reconfigured to protect the destroyers of the environment so that they can avoid dealing with their unacceptable externalizations - The individual existing at the lower level of the multi-scale competency architecture(the corporation) is battling to survive against the wishes of the higher level individual (the government) in the same multi-scale competency architecture

    1. partnership-domination scale, here is a quick summary

      for - definition - partnership-domination scale - definition - unified regressive frame

        1. Neuroscience shows that children’s early
        2. observations and
        3. experiences
      • directly affect the structure of our brains, and with this, how we
        • think,
        • feel, and
        • act
      • including how we vote.

        1. These
        2. observations and
        3. experiences
      • are very different depending on the degree that our early environments orient to the
        • partnership or
        • domination
      • end of the partnership-domination social scale.
  9. Jan 2024
    1. for - multi scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - evolutionary biology - rapid whole system change - adjacency - multi scale competency architecture - rapid whole system change - stop reset go - Deep Humanity - Indyweb - Indranet - major evolutionary transition in individuality - MET - superorganism - cumulative cultural evolution of individuality

      adjacency - between - multi scale competency architecture - rapid whole system change - progress trap - stop reset go - Deep Humanity - Indyweb - Indranet - major evolutionary transition in individuality - MET - superorganism - cumulative cultural evolution of individuality - adjacency statement - The idea of multi scale competency architecture can be extended to apply to the cultural level. - in the context of humanity's current existential poly /meta/ perma crisis, - rapid whole system change - (a cultural behavioural paradigm shift) - is required within a few short years - to avoid the worst impacts of - catastrophic, - anthropogenic - climate change, which is entangled with a host of other earth system boundary violations including - biodiversity loss - fresh water scarcity - - the driver of evolution through major evolutionary transitions in individuality has given rise to the level of cultural superorganisms that include all previous levels - progress and its intended consequences of progress traps play a major role in determining the future evolutionary trajectory of our and many other species - our species is faced with a few choice permutations in this regard: - individually regulate behaviour aligned with a future within earth system boundaries - collectively regulate behaviour aligned with a future within earth system boundaries - pursue sluggish green growth / carbon transition that is effectively tinkering at the margins of rapid whole system change - BAU - currently, there doesn't appear to be any feasible permutation of any of the above choices - There is insufficient worldview alignment to create the unity at scale for report whole system change - individual incumbent state and corporate actors still cling too tightly to the old, destructive regime, - creating friction that keeps the actual rate of change below the required - Stop Reset Go, couched within the Deep Humanity praxis and operationalized through the Indyweb / Indranet individual / collective open learning system provides a multi-dimensional tool for a deep educational paradigm shift that can accelerate both individual and collective upregulation of system change

    1. So we're good with three-dimensional space, but imagine if we had a primary sense of our own blood chemistry.

      for - adjacency between - primary sense of cellular metabolism - experiences of deep contemplative practice of Rainbow Body - adjacency statement - As per Father Francis Tiso's research into the Tibetan deep contemplative Dzogchen phenomena of Rainbow Body at the time of death as well as rigpa, Trekcho and Togal, he speculates that - such deep contemplations can potentially result in a primary sense of cellular and even subatomic processes taking place within the human body. - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FsDyu39FCAMk%2F&group=world - It seems that the multi-scale competency architecture would be a good scientific framework to explore these questions.

      So we're good with three-dimensional space, - but imagine if we had a primary sense of our own blood chemistry. - If you could feel your blood chemistry - the way that you currently see and smell and taste things that are around you, - I think we would have absolutely no problem having an intuitive understanding - of physiological-state space - the way we do for three-dimensional space.

      claim - Lifetime practitioners of Tibetan meditation claim they have a primary sensation of their own impending death suggestion - Suggest to Michael Levin to investigate such phenomena from a multi-scale competency architecture perspective - What else can the expert meditators directly experience? And how do they achieve this? How can deep contemplative practice result in such profound experiences? Would expert meditators resonate with Levin's framework?

  10. Oct 2023
    1. these villages are so old, they are  working on the old patterns. And the old pattern,   which is the pattern that I am promoting, is  that land management is based on the watershed
      • for: redistrict cities - based on watersheds, watershed - urban permaculture, urban climate action, climate action - urban scale

      • summary

  11. Sep 2023
      • for: social tipping point, multi-scale competency architecture, MET, major evolutionary transition of individuality

      • Title: Using emergence to take social innovation to scale

      • Author: Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze
      • publisher: The Berkana Institute
    1. Emergence is how lifecreates radical change and takesthings to scale
      • for: multi-scale competency architecture, MET, major evolutionary transition of individuality
    1. How are the potentially selfish interests of individuals overcome to form mutually dependent cooperative groups? We can then ask whether there are any similarities across transitions in the answers to this problem.
      • for: key question, key question - multi-scale competency architecture, MET, major evolutionary transition
    1. biology uses a kind of multi-scale Competency architecture of nested problem solvers 00:03:24 and that navigation is a really Central concept
      • for: multi-scale competency architecture, quote, quote - multi-scale competency architecture
      • quote
        • biology uses a kind of multi-scale Competency architecture of nested problem solvers and navigation is a really Central concept
      • author: Michael Levin
      • date: 2022
      • for: Michael Levine, developmental biology, human superorganism, multi-scale competency architecture, eukaryote multi-cellular superorganism - interlevel communication, interoception

      • definition: multi-scale competency architecture

        • a complex living organism is not simply nested structurally in terms of cells which comprise tissues, comprising organs, and bodies, and then ultimately societies. Each of these layers has certain problem-solving competencies.
      • comment

        • The HUMAN interBEcomING is a multi-level system.
        • It would be insightful to learn if there are ways our human consciousness level can communicate to each level, including the social level
      • future work
        • literature review of research on specific areas related to the level of human consciousness communicating with other levels of the superorganism
          • perhaps called "interlevel communication of multi-level superorganism
          • interoception signals?
  12. Aug 2023
    1. the systemwide optimum population cohort for the climate action interventions is a community (P4) of 10 000 persons
      • for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point

      • stats

        • 10000 to 1 million is optimum size
      • question: investigate rationale
    2. We suggest that prioritizing the analyzed climate actions between community and urban scales, where global and local converge, can help catalyze and enhance individual, household and local practices, and support national and international policies and finances for rapid sustainability transformations.
      • for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point
      • key finding
        • suitable cohorts and cohort ranges for rapidly deploying climate and sustainability actions between a single individual and the globally projected ∼ 10 billion persons by 2050 is:
        • community scale between 10k and 100k
      • for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point
      • title: Powers of 10: seeking 'sweet spots' for rapid climate and sustainability actions between individual and global scales
    1. So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data. So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.”
      • for: smart cities, doughnut cities, cosmolocal, downscaled planetary boundaries, cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, TPF, community data, local data, open data, community data ownership, quote, quote - Garth Graham, quote - community owned data
      • quote
      • paraphrase
        • Innovation in the creation and sustainability of social institutions acts predominantly at the local level.
        • In the Internet of Things, for those capacities to emerge in smart cities, communities need the capacity to own and analyse the data created that models what they are experiencing.
        • Local data needs to be seen as a common, pool resource.
        • Where that occurs, communities will have the capacity to learn or innovate their way forward.
        • So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data.
        • So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.
      • author: Garth Graham
        • leader of Telecommunities Canada
  13. Jul 2023
    1. There are two ways of establishing a chord–scale relationship for ii 7 –V 7 or ii≤57–V 7progressions: either select a mode that works for V7 or select a mode that works for ii7or (ii≤57). As shown in Figure 18.4, mm. 2–4 feature a descending sequence of incompleteII–Vs connecting the tonic on I with the predominant on IV. Each II–V progressionestablishes a chord–scale relationship with the corresponding dominant 7th. Notice that,in m. 2, the use of Mixolydian ≤13 fits the underlying context much better than the diatonicMixolydian mode. The tonic note F4 functions as the ≤13th of Mixolydian ≤13 and isretained as a common tone in mm. 1–2. The second A section (mm. 9–16) demonstratesa different approach to chord–scale theory. The selection of modes for the II–V pro-gression in Figure 18.4 is based on the quality of the predominant chord. Thus, inm. 10, Emin7(≤5)–A7 uses E Locrian, while in m. 11, Dmin7–G7 establishes a chord–scalerelationship with D Dorian, etc

      The bridge of “Confirmation” (mm. 17–24) features two four-bar phrases with ii7 –V7 tonicizations of the IV and ≤VI key areas. The chord–scale relationship for the bridge in Figure 18.4 includes a different selection of modes: Dorian, Mixolydian, and Ionian for Cmin7–F7–B≤Maj7, and Dorian, Altered, and Lydian for E≤min7–A≤7–D≤Maj7. Tonal and contextual considerations are particularly evident with the choice of Altered mode in m. 22, which accommodates notes from the tonic key and prepares the arrival of FMaj7 in m. 25. The last A section (mm. 25–32) features a much bolder selection of modes. The choices of A Altered in m. 26 and F Locrian in m. 28 are particularly poignant. The former injects chromatic notes into the structure of dominant 7th chord. The choice of F Locrian over Cmin7–F7 in m. 28 might seem out of place because neither chord (at least not in the present form) establishes a convincing relationship with this mode. But, the F Locrian mode forms a chord–scale relationship with F7(≤9≥9)sus, which is an effective harmonic substitution for Cmin7–F7. While the selection of modes in Figure 18.4 is overcrowded with different options, an improvisation may focus on only a few modes. In fact, each A section contains a selection of modes that could be implemented in the course of an entire solo. In establishing a successful chord–scale relationship for the tune, be mindful of three important con- siderations: (1) modal hierarchy, (2) chromatic treatment, and (3) voice leading. Chromatic modes, for instance, contain notes that might need preparation. This preparation usually takes place anywhere from one beat to one measure before the chromatic notes occur. The succession of modes in mm. 5–6—B≤ Mixolydian and D Mixolydian ≤13—illustrates such a case. The latter mode contains the chromatic ≤13th that was introduced as ≤7th of B≤7 in m. 5. “CONFIRMATION” 239

  14. Jun 2023
    1. An Alternate Chord–Scale Relationship for the A Section
    2. The A Section: A Two-Scale Approach
    3. A Single-Scale ApproachThe chord structure of the A sections of rhythm changes can be reduced to the fundamentalframework shown in Figure 19.5.While mm. 1–4 of any A section feature a tonic prolongation, mm. 5–8 are morecomplicated even at the background level. For instance, the predominant in mm. 6, 14,and 30 can take the form of major 7th or dominant 7th chords. Also, the tonally closed256 INTERMEDIATEFIGURE 19.5 Fundamental Harmonic Frameworks
    4. FIGURE 19.6 A Basic Chord–Scale Relationship for the A Section
    5. Figure 18.5 provides a chord–scale relationship for “Confirmation” using bebop scalesonly.The selection of bebop scales is analogous to the use of modes from Figure 18.4. Inm. 2, for instance, Emin7 (≤5)–A7 uses A Mixolydian ≤13, which accommodates ^1 in itspitch structure, as does A dominant bebop ≤13, making them much better choices thantheir diatonic counterparts.Demonstrating slightly different and more advanced organization of bebop scales, the lastA section alternates between ascending and descending scalar patterns. In addition, thelast note of each measure forms a stepwise connection with the first note of the next,thereby ensuring effective voice leading between different scales. Thus the last note ofm. 26, C≥4, resolves up to D4, which begins the G dominant bebop scale on 5. Similarly,the use of B≤3 in m. 31 is a consequence of the C4 in m. 30 resolving down to the ≤7thof C7
    6. any melodic line can be represented by a chord and/or harmonicprogression and, conversely, any chord or harmonic progression can be horizontalizedwith a melodic line
    7. Chapter 18 provides an analysis of Charlie Parker’s “Confirmation” as a representativecomposition from the Bebop Era. It offers a transcription of the solo by the pianist HankJone
    8. The progression shown in Figure 9.9 exemplifies the structure of a minor blues.4The chord structure of the minor blues is characterized by the presence of traditionaltonal progressions. For instance, the tonicization of iv in m. 4 uses a secondary dominant7th, V7/iv, and the motion to V 7 in m. 10 is prepared by the ≤VI7 chord. This particularpreparation of the dominant 7th, ≤VI7–V7, is one of the harmonic trademarks of the minorblues.
    9. Figure 9.8 establishes a couple of chord–scale relationships for the basic blues progressionin the key of B≤. Figure 9.8a uses major and minor blues scales and Figure 9.8b combinesblues scales and modes
    10. Chapter 9 discusses the most important form in jazz, the blues, examines the structureof the blues scale, and provides chord–scale relationships for the basic and minor bluesprogressions
    11. The intermediary category contains three modes: Dorian, Locrian, and Locrian Ω2
    12. Chapter 8 establishes a relationship between the vertical and horizontal dimensions injazz. The diatonic and chromatic modes are revisited, and chord–scale relationships withfour-, five-part chords, and the II–V–I progressions are established.
    1. Diminished Scales and Harmony
    2. Like the diminished chord, the diminished scale is symmetrical, an eight-note (octotonic)collection of alternating whole and half steps, or half and whole steps.21 As Stefan Koskastates, “The octotonic scale is a rich source of melodic and harmonic material. It containsall of the intervals, from minor 2nd up to major 7th. All of the tertian triads except for theaugmented triad can be extracted from this scale, as can four of the five common 7th-chord types (the major-7 th cannot). 22Diminished scales and patterns derived from them are now part of modern jazzharmonic vocabulary and are used primarily to complement altered dominant chords. Forexample, a half-whole diminished scale over a G7 chord will include most of thecommon extensions and alterations:  9, 11, and 13
    3. Another common hybrid scale, thediminished-whole tone, is usually implied by the “alt” chord symbol. This scale includesa 9, both major and minor thirds (also referred to as a 9), and a 5. It starts out like ahalf-whole diminished scale and ends like a whole-tone scale. A diminished-whole tonescale in C would be C, D, E, E, G, A, B
    4. Diminished Scales and Harmony
  15. May 2023
  16. Mar 2023
    1. There are two main reasons to use logarithmic scales in charts and graphs.
      • respond to skewness towards large values / outliers by spreading out the data.
      • show multiplicative factors rather than additive (ex: b is twice that of a).

        The data values are spread out better with the logarithmic scale. This is what I mean by responding to skewness of large values.

      In Figure 2 the difference is multiplicative. Since 27 = 26 times 2, we see that the revenues for Ford Motor are about double those for Boeing. This is what I mean by saying that we use logarithmic scales to show multiplicative factors

    1. Legal affordances arise from relations within and between bodies of law at different scales, where questions of definition, jurisdiction and applicability configure the legal space of NAPFs’ strategy and the physical space of operations. We highlight how a focus on legal affordances as comprised of absences, ambiguity and arbitrage allows us to see how NAPFs use legal and spatial scaling to connect the local to the transnational. We also suggest that social activism concerned with property, labor, and public thoroughfare rights can challenge legal affordances. These challenges can then be pushed at different scales where adjudication may be on offer, but are also limited given that NAPFs have considerable resources to spend in fending off legal challenges.

      Interesting - but misses the 'alternative positive construction' of these affordances. The absences and ambiguity can be deployed regeneratively as well as in the form of resistance. This is building in the cracks rather than litigating the ugly new buildings.

    2. NAPFs combine the opportunistic use of bodies of law, the spatial demarcation of the firm's corporate structure, and economic activities occurring in bounded local spaces. These firms do not use bodies of law as external resources, but integrate legal and spatial scaling into their everyday operations. Legal affordances are a privilege supported by a transnational interpretative community of professionals that promotes their widespread recognition through “embedded spaces of social practice” (Faulconbridge, 2007; Harrington and Seabrooke 2020). Legal affordance differs from legal provision, which is a granted right and commonly viewed as fixed and static external resources. As we clarify below, NAPFs use legal affordances to construct what David Harvey (1973, 2006) referred to as relational space that empowers their capacity to exploit other people's assets and avoid regulatory burdens.

      Distinction between legal provision and legal affordance is useful at a general level - although the opportunistic use is not as distinct from legal provision as they say, given that no law is in practice ever really static. But the construction of 'relational space' for extractive purposes is paradoxical and disturbing.

  17. Feb 2023
    1. Scaling a single VCS to hundreds of developers, hundreds of millions lines of code, and a rapid rate of submissions is a monumental task. Twitter’s monorepo roll-out about 5 years ago (based on git) was one of the biggest software engineering boondoggles I have ever witnessed in my career. Running simple commands such as git status would take minutes. If an individual clone got too far behind, it took hours to catch up (for a time there was even a practice of shipping hard drives to remote employees with a recent clone to start out with). I bring this up not specifically to make fun of Twitter engineering, but to illustrate how hard this problem is. I’m told that 5 years later, the performance of Twitter’s monorepo is still not what the developer tooling team there would like, and not for lack of trying.
    2. In very large code bases, it is likely impossible to make a change to a fundamental API and get it code reviewed by every affected team before merge conflicts force the process to start over again.
  18. Dec 2022
    1. Thisraises questions about the mechanisms to coordinate andmonitor change across scales, as well as the challenge ofmaintaining coherence over time while wider prioritiesand goals may shift. Given this, and the plethora of localgovernance institutions and arrangements that exist,successfully deploying the doughnut will require re-newed attention to coordination across multilevel gov-ernance regimes [5,53].

      !- challenges of : cross scale coherence - coordination of different government layers will be critical for a coherent strategy

    1. To put any of these ideas into practice requires the involvement of diverse actors across scales from the local to global (Ostrom et al., 1999). While cross-scale translation is necessary to inform decisions by such actors at sub-global scales, translation is complicated by the spatial heterogeneity of pressures and impacts (Biermann & Kim, 2020) and the value-laden (Biermann & Kalfagianni, 2020; Häyhä et al., 2016) and potentially iterative (Pickering & Persson, 2020) judgments involved in the allocation of these targets.

      !- challenges of : cross scale translation - spatial heterogeneity of pressures and impacts - value laden judgments in allocation of the targets

    1. The fundamental departure point of this working group is that there are missing links between the planetary level targets and local actors such as business and cities. There is a need to conduct a systematic review on some of the challenges and methodologies of cross-scale translation,

      !- quotable statement : cross scale translation - Xuemei Bai is expert on cities and one of the co-leaders of the working group

    2. what are the challenges of translating global scale targets into concrete and actionable targets for local actors?

      !- key question : what are the challenges of translating global scale targets into concrete and actionable targets for local actors? - in other words, how do we downscale global indicators such as planetary boundaries?

    3. New Earth Commission Working Group to Focus on the Challenges of Cross-Scale Translation

      !- title : New Earth Commission Working Group to Focus on the Challenges of Cross Scale Translation

  19. Nov 2022
    1. the platform’s reliability is entirely dependent on which one you sign up for.

      It's been fine for years! I understand the intention behind informing readers of what the onboarding experience is like at this very moment, but if you're going to be part of this absurdly latent, dense wave of folks suddenly giving Mastodon a try, I think it's important you be very explicit about your lack of experience before the most intense influx of users in the history of the Fediverse.

  20. Oct 2022
    1. Additionally, make sure to use both forward and side scatter on log scale when measuring microparticles or microbiological samples like bacteria. These types of particles generate dim scatter signals that are close to the cytometer’s noise, so it’s often necessary to visualize signal on a log scale in order to separate the signal from scatter noise.
  21. Sep 2022
    1. grating to come across people talking about how to create a community for their tech to help it scale.

      This is the wrong way around, positioning the tech corp's perspective as more imporant than society's. It's insulting to position community as a means, similar to talking about users which limits the view one has of people and what they try to achieve to only their interaction with a tool.

    2. Scaling is in our human structures. Artists don’t scale, road building doesn’t scale but art and road networks are at scale. Communities don’t scale, they’re fine as they are, but they are the grain of scale, resulting in society which is at scale. Don’t seek to scale your tech, seek to let your tech reinforce societal scaling, our overlapping communities, our cultures. Let your tech be scaffolding for a richer expression of society.

      The aim of scaling tech is again a tech company's limited view of the world, that should not be adopted by people using a tech tool. Individual acts scale to community to society/culture, but that's a different type of scaling. One through sideways copying and adoption. Not to scale a tool but to amplify/scale an effect or impact. Tech is a scaffold for enriching society, society is not there to scale tech corps.

  22. Aug 2022
  23. Jun 2022
  24. May 2022
    1. Who can integrate bidi links into a larger system, expand in concentric circles, and take them to their logical conclusion — ubiquity across all information surfaces. ... Across Closed Worlds (Chat, Notes, Projects) to Open Worlds (Twitter, Blogs, Feeds) & everything in between The [[wiki link]] is just like #'s and @'s — public-domain innovations in hypertext. But just cause your social app has @'s and #'s doesn't mean people will use it.

      This is a fine sentiment, but a networked version of wikilinks is bound to cause conflicts in folksonomies and issues with sourcing and verifiability. The potential for context collapse is potentially too great to have these scale for this type of knowledge production. One would need to have trusted groups to create usefulness. Search at scale for these is likely to be at issue as well.

      Are the affordances beyond the local scale really any better than current web technologies? What about the potential effects on the commons?

    1. We've had three things happen simultaneously: we've moved from an open web where people start lots of small projects to one where it really feels like if you're not on a Facebook or a YouTube, you're not going to reach a billion users, and at that point, why is it worth doing this? Second, we've developed a financial model of surveillance capitalism, where the default model for all of these tools is we're going to collect as much information as we can about you and monetize your attention. Then we've developed a model for financing these, which is venture capital, where we basically say it is your job to grow as quickly as possible, to get to the point where you have a near monopoly on a space and you can charge monopoly rents. Get rid of two aspects of that equation and things are quite different.

      How We Got Here: Concentration of Reach, Surveillance Capitalism, and Venture Capital

      These three things combined drove the internet's trajectory. Without these three components, we wouldn't have seen the concentration of private social spaces and the problems that came with them.

  25. Apr 2022
    1. Best Ways to Scale a Startup or Business Successfully

      Your dream project is no longer merely a concept. It's now a reality. You've successfully launched your product, and it's gradually growing in popularity. You might be wondering now, "How does one scale a startup?"

      However, there is another critical question to consider: Is your project ready to scale?

      According to the Startup Genome Report, up to 90% of all startups fail because they try to scale too quickly. You risk a lot if you make a mistake and start scaling a business before you're ready.

      It's not easy, but you can avoid those dangers. In this blog post, we'll show you how to tell if your startup is ready for scale, and if it isn't, how to get ready. We’ve

  26. Mar 2022
  27. Feb 2022
    1. If you put a bunch of research into designing a really great product and it succeeds but gets effectively copied by low-cost clones, you’ll be sad. I am not sure how to defend this, and I think it is probably the weakest point of this business model;

      By getting to economies of scale faster than other people can?

  28. Jan 2022
    1. And protecting life-supporting cooperation requires suppressing certain kinds of selfishness. Biologists, unlike many economists, grasp when the “greed is good” ethos gets deadly.

      At what scale might such cooperative efforts fail?

      Look at the scale of the bitcoin bros using crypto and bitcoin as a completely selfish endeavor. Has this reached a scale for social failure? (Separate from the end date at which the bitcoin/crypto system completely fails and collapses?)

  29. Dec 2021
    1. economic realities will ultimately drive adoption curves on a global level. 

      There are alternative models to global capitalism to rapid scaling, and a lot more equitable. Elore cosmolocal production: https://clreader.net/. This model could disrupt the Speed and Scale model.

  30. Nov 2021
  31. Sep 2021
    1. We don't need the threat of repo men to keep you paying your car note – miss a Tesla payment and your car will phone home and lock its doors. When the tow arrives, it will flash its lights, honk its horn and back out of its parking space for repossession.

      The technology in advanced cars like the Tesla can be used for repossessing them. Is this an intended or unintended consequence?

    1. Such scaled-up communication and collaboration processes would also require meta-design principles to collaboratively construct the required design rationale, media and environments [23].
    2. Etzioni astutely observed that all communities have a serious defect: they exclude. To prevent communities from over-excluding, they should be able to maintain some limitations on membership, yet at the same time greatly restrict the criteria that communities may use to enforce such exclusivity. He therefore proposed the idea of “megalogues”: society-wide dialogues that link many community dialogues into one, often nation-wide conversation [7].
  32. Aug 2021
    1. What the Internet has done to date is expand the potentiality formore widespread, instantaneous awareness of activity and consequences on aglobal scale. This means that verifiability need not be personal—so long asreliable information can be retrieved from information systems. But havingretrieved the information or having it instantaneously available does not meanthat we have the capacity to act upon it.
  33. Jul 2021
  34. Jun 2021
    1. One thing that should be learned from the bitter lesson is the great power of general purpose methods, of methods that continue to scale with increased computation even as the available computation becomes very great. The two methods that seem to scale arbitrarily in this way are search and learning

      This is a big lesson. As a field, we still have not thoroughly learned it, as we are continuing to make the same kind of mistakes. To see this, and to effectively resist it, we have to understand the appeal of these mistakes. We have to learn the bitter lesson that building in how we think we think does not work in the long run. The bitter lesson is based on the historical observations that 1) AI researchers have often tried to build knowledge into their agents, 2) this always helps in the short term, and is personally satisfying to the researcher, but 3) in the long run it plateaus and even inhibits further progress, and 4) breakthrough progress eventually arrives by an opposing approach based on scaling computation by search and learning. The eventual success is tinged with bitterness, and often incompletely digested, because it is success over a favored, human-centric approach.

  35. May 2021
  36. Mar 2021
    1. Occasionally, like with search engines, #2 occurs because the incumbents gain massive economies of scale (classic Microeconomics), where by virtue of their being large, the cost to produce each incremental good or service at scale becomes much lower.
  37. Feb 2021
  38. Jan 2021
  39. Dec 2020
    1. SoulCycle was never built to be for the masses. Keeping people out was, it seems, just as important to the business as loyal riders. The bigger SoulCycle got, the less desirable it became. The less desirable it became, the less people had tolerance for the culture it fostered. The minute the company became mainstream, the magic dissolved. It’s impossible to scale exclusivity.
  40. Oct 2020
  41. Sep 2020
  42. Aug 2020
  43. Jul 2020
  44. Jun 2020
  45. May 2020
  46. Apr 2020
  47. Aug 2019
    1. tate it.Whenever an annotation was added to a Madison document, a few technical features helped to further facilitate conversation. First, the document’s sponsor was automatically notified of a new annotation. Second, the annotation also appeared in-line as marginalia that could be responded to, liked, or flagged by others. And third, the annotation was displayed as a “comment” along with others at the end of the document. This process was described as “the future of crowdsourced legislation,” and illustrated how social and collaborative annotation could contribute to and improve civic life.Among noTroy Hicks1 week agoIt seems that these technical features were ones that, I am assuming, where only known and used by a very few of the users. Again, speaking to power and access, what does that mean for the kinds of democratized annotation experiences that we aspire to? How is this (entirely) dissimilar from conversations on social media, perhaps even off-putting or inaccessible to average users?

      Or additionally consider the vast amounts of un-curated noise that annotations may make in instances like these when they hit larger scale. How can these systems better delineate the authority of the individual authors?

      As a foil, consider how often people may read the several thousands of comments on a particular New York Times article? How many readers delve into these conversations and interact with them—particularly when they aren’t moderated or are overpopulated by trolls? We need better UI to indicate those annotating with some authority (or provide their background and expertise) or who may even be the original author responding to questions.

  48. Mar 2019
    1. Scaling In: The Community Dimensions of Innovation

      Great reading for answers to the question "yes, but does it scale?"

    2. To solve the problem of ‘scaling up’ requires ‘scaling in’ –by this we mean developing the designs and infrastructure needed to support effective use of an innovation.

      On "scaling-in" rather than "scaling-up".

    3. special thanks to Nate Angell

      Whoa! Thanks Robin! I don't remember what I might have contributed, but super-honored to be mentioned in such an awesome work!

  49. Jan 2019
    1. For large-scale software systems, Van Roy believes we need to embrace a self-sufficient style of system design in which systems become self-configuring, healing, adapting, etc.. The system has components as first class entities (specified by closures), that can be manipulated through higher-order programming. Components communicate through message-passing. Named state and transactions support system configuration and maintenance. On top of this, the system itself should be designed as a set of interlocking feedback loops.

      This is aimed at System Design, from a distributed systems perspective.

  50. Oct 2018
    1. 51 x 36 cm

      This drawing is fairly small, but many of Voigt's pieces are quite large - certainly as tall as she is. Scale does seem to have a place in the field of objects For Boredom is concerned with. Not all written works are long, but a lot of them are decidedly overwhelming, and certainly some of the novels are, too. Voigt’s are a bit different because you can visually take it all in at once, but still, they are large-scale and highly detailed.

    1. All  hypotheses  confirmed  •Engaging  in  discussion  leads  to  more  correct  answers.  •  The  bonus  incentive  leads  to  more  correct  changed  answers.  •The  participants  have  substantive  discussio

      Interesting finding based on MTurk experiments. Discussion and incentive matter.

    2. MOOC  Collaboration  Today  •Forums  •Really  Q&A  Tools  •Low  participation  •Participants  do  well:  correlation  or  causation?  •Informally  Organized  Groups  •Google  Hangous,  Facebook  groups,  in-­‐person  meetings  •Formal  Project  Groups  •NovoEd  •Peer  Assessment  (anonymous,  asynchronous)  •Kulkarni,  Klemmer  et  al.  TOCHI  2

      These activities are arguable cooperative. Also, they are mostly defined by the instructor.

  51. Aug 2018
    1. Contemporary thinkers from a wide range of fields arrived at an understanding that recognises the implication of our past in the present; in other words, that our personal and social history forms an ineradicable part of us. I can find no good reason why we should exlude our biological and cosmic past from the acceptance of this general principle.

      Adam contests Gidden's perspective on time-scale because he does not integrate biological or cosmic evolution into the influence that personal and social history can have on how people experience the present through the past.

  52. Jun 2018
    1. 51 x 36 cm

      This drawing is fairly small, but many of Voigt's pieces are quite large - certainly as tall as she is. Scale does seem to have a place in the field of objects For Boredom is concerned with. Not all written works are long, but a lot of them are decidedly overwhelming, and certainly some of the novels are, too. Voigt’s are a bit different because you can visually take it all in at once, but still, they are large-scale and highly detailed.

  53. Sep 2017
  54. Aug 2016
    1. Page 6

      Borgman on the importance of scale in information retrieval. It's an interesting question for the humanities not only does large-scale introduce new methods for example just reading it also makes traditional methods more difficult EG challenges close reading. It is not enough to say (as color and others do) that they don't like distant reading. They also need to say how they propose doing the reading in a million book environment.

      data and information have always been both input and output of research. What is new is the scale of the data and information involved. Information management is notoriously subject to problems of scale [bibliography removed]. Retrieval methods designed for small databases declined rapidly ineffectiveness as collections grow in size. For example a typical searcher is willing to browse a set of matches consisting of one percent of a database of 1000 documents (10 documents), maybe willing to browse a 1% set of 10,000 documents (100), rarely is willing to browse 1% of 100,000 documents (1000), and almost never would browse 1% of 1 million or 10 million documents.

  55. Jul 2016
    1. Page 16

      guessing domain names declined in Effectiveness as the ww.w grew in size, which is another example of the scaling problems of information retrieval.

      I wonder if this is true. Did people really get domain names?

  56. Mar 2016
    1. And this leads me to another thought- it seems like in our field there is this desire to go big, to scale, to teach hundreds of thousands, to affect an entire sector. Scale at the dimension is really only achieved by a process of mass duplication where the level of heart-felt connectivity is probably low.
  57. Dec 2015
    1. It is possible to achieve a more humane and personal education at scale

      Important claim, probably coming from the need for reports which answer the “But does it scale?” question.

  58. Oct 2015
    1. you can never slow down too much. It’s impossible todisconnect. Right now I’ve got a ferry to catch from Swartz Bay to the GulfIslands, and Tony has a plane to catch at the airport. The idea of islandtime is all about trying, this is the keyword,trying, to slow down.

      Again the idea of being "in time" as a scale. People living with the island state of mind must still take outside influences into account, such as flight departures.

  59. Jan 2014
    1. The creation and exploitation of large-scale quantitative atlases will lead to a more precise understanding of development.

      large-scale quantitative atlases lead to more precise understanding

    2. Just as comprehensive datasets of genomic sequence have revolutionalized biological discovery, large-scale quantitative measurements of gene expression and morphology will certainly be of great assistance in enabling computational embryology in the future. Such datasets will form the essential basis for systems level, computational models of molecular pathways and how gene expression concentrations and interactions alter to drive changes in cell shape, movement, connection, and differentiation. In this review, we discuss the strategies and methods used to generate such datasets.