- Dec 2024
www.cmarix.com www.cmarix.com
In terms of monthly downloads, Telegram is the third-largest messenger app globally. Your Mini App can reach a ready and varied audience thanks to the community’s over 900 million monthly active users worldwide. This provides you with several chances to present your goods or services to a variety of interest groups.
Looking to enhance user experience with Telegram Mini Apps? These lightweight applications bring advanced functionality to the Telegram ecosystem. From bot integration to API utilization, Telegram Mini Apps Development Services streamline communication and engagement for businesses. They’re ideal for e-commerce, social interactions, and personalized services.
- Oct 2024
fathom.video fathom.video
People don't know what they ought to show up for. Well, there's bit of this going on over here. There's a bit of that going on over there.
So nto everyone has a telegram account so that is even a splinter group even though it was asked for by some members of the team So we still have an email list and a telegram grop and they are not synchrinised
- Jan 2023
docs.junction.space docs.junction.space
- 텔레그램 채널, 그룹 등에서 새 메시지를 한 곳에서 수집해서 보거나, 특정 유형의 메시지만 (원본 그대로 또는 수정해서) 내 채널로 보내는 서비스이다.
- 주식 정보 모을 때 유용할 듯 해서 이런 게 있나 찾아봤더니 있다.
- Nov 2022
t.me t.me
- Oct 2022
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
If the link is in a Proud Boys forum, would you not take any action against it, even if it’s like, “Click this link to help plan”?Are you asking if we have people out there clicking every link and checking if the forum comports with the ideological position that Signal agrees with?Yeah. I think in the most abstract way, I’m asking if you have a content moderation team.No, we don’t have that. We are also not a social media platform. We don’t amplify content. We don’t have Telegram channels where you can broadcast to thousands and thousands of people. We have been really careful in our product development side not to develop Signal as a social network that has algorithmic amplification that allows that “one to millions” amplification of content. We are a messaging platform. We don’t have a content moderation team because (1) we are fully private, we don’t see your content, we don’t know who you’re talking about; and (2) we are not a content platform, so it is a different paradigm.
Signal president, Meredith Wittaker, on Signal's product vision and the difference between Signal and Telegram.
They deliberately steered the product away from "one to millions" amplification of content, like for example Telegram's channels.
- Aug 2022
8 月 20 日晚上,Alexander Dugin 之女、阴谋论理论家 Darya Dugina 遇刺。数小时后,Telegram 频道 Utro Fevralya(意思为 February Morning 或二月之晨)率先报道称名叫 National Republican Army 的俄罗斯地下抵抗组织对此事负责。该频道由前俄议员 Ilya Ponomarev 创建和运营,他是 2014 年俄罗斯唯一一位投票反对吞并克里米亚的议员,投票之后他成为普京治下的俄罗斯不受欢迎的人,与家人逃到了乌克兰首都基辅。虽然 National Republican Army 参与暗杀无法获得证实,但这个运行在 Telegram 之上的新闻机构引起了《连线》杂志的兴趣。Telegram 审查较少,具有一定程度的匿名性,受到了乌克兰和俄罗斯的反战活动人士的欢迎。他们通过 Telegram 向受众报道不受审查的新闻,分享受到限制的材料。
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
MacFarquhar, N. (2021, March 26). Far-Right Extremists Move From ‘Stop the Steal’ to Stop the Vaccine. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/26/us/far-right-extremism-anti-vaccine.html
Meet the media startups making big money on vaccine conspiracies. (n.d.). Fortune. Retrieved December 23, 2021, from https://fortune.com/2021/05/14/disinformation-media-vaccine-covid19/
- Feb 2022
telegram.me telegram.meSci-Hub1
bilge.world bilge.world
On iOS, not even dedicated file managers like DEVONthink are capable (or willing might be a more accurate term) of handling the diversity of data Telegram will happily pass on for you, especially through the Share Sheet.
In tandem with @OlegWock’s Raindrop Telegram Bot, Telegram’s speedy share sheet makes for the fastest means of sending content to one’s Raindrop collection to date.
Telegram message IDs are purely chronological from their channel/group chat’s creation – the first message in a channel or group chat is 1 and the 15th is 15. Together with the simplicity of channel/group chat IDs, which are just their alphanumeric @ names, this format makes URL schemes for Telegram message links super malleable and easy to understand.
I’ve created a Siri Shortcut and TextExpander snippet that utilize this simplicity to make navigating to specific Telegram messages super easy.) and TextExpander snippet thathttp://insert-your-link-here.com utilize this simplicity to make navigating to specific Telegram messages super easy.
- Dec 2021
www.businessinsider.com www.businessinsider.com
Far-right lures recruits using COVID-19 conspiracy theories, alongside misogyny, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia, says study. (n.d.). Retrieved December 21, 2021, from https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/far-lures-recruits-using-covid-134548878.html
www.nbcnews.com www.nbcnews.com
American vaccine disinformation used as ‘Trojan horse’ for far right in New Zealand. (n.d.). NBC News. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/american-vaccine-disinformation-used-trojan-horse-far-right-new-zealan-rcna6423
- misinformation
- conspiracy theory
- far-right
- protection
- policy
- delta
- vaccine
- is:news
- misogyny
- Australia
- anti-vaccine
- vaccine hesitancy
- white supremist
- racism
- anonymity
- anti-vaxxer
- restrictions
- COVID-19
- government
- protest
- risk
- lang:en
- extremism
- vaccine mandate
- New Zealand
- social media
- anti-government
- disinformation
- Indigenous community
- ideology
- Telegram
- Maori
www.vice.com www.vice.com
How the Far-Right Is Radicalizing Anti-Vaxxers. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2021, from https://www.vice.com/en/article/88ggqa/how-the-far-right-is-radicalizing-anti-vaxxers
- right-wing
- anti-vaccine
- radicalization
- misinformation
- vaccine hesitancy
- online community
- anti-vaxxer
- COVID-19
- conspiracy theory
- anti-lockdown
- protest
- lang:en
- neo-Nazi
- extremism
- far-right
- mandate
- social media
- is:webpage
- UK
- anti-government
- British National Party
- disinformation
- moderation
- ideology
- Telegram
- nationalist
- vaccine
- antisemitism
- Oct 2021
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
CNN, R. K., Scott Bronstein, Curt Devine and Drew Griffin. (n.d.). They take an oath to do no harm, but these doctors are spreading misinformation about the Covid vaccine. CNN. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/19/us/doctors-covid-vaccine-misinformation-invs/index.html
techpreneurbold.com techpreneurbold.com
How Does The Telegram Secret Chat Work?
In such a case, you might have heard about the Telegram Messenger, right? It has a unique feature called “telegram secret chat” which provides end-to-end encryption between you and your buddy. Have you ever wondered how does it work? If not, read out this article soon!
- Jan 2021
beepb00p.xyz beepb00p.xyz
Can a full backup of my Telegram be used such that a message I forward to
Saved Messages
can link back to the context in which the message was forwarded?Do I have to forward the context of the video link I'm saving for later, or is there enough metadata to back-link to where it came from?
- Oct 2020
doubleloop.net doubleloop.net
Digital Gardeners telegram group:
Wait?! What?!! There's a telegram group for this? Let me in!
(just found details here: https://nesslabs.com/digital-gardeners)
- Jun 2020
- May 2020
Battiston, P., Kashyap, R., & Rotondi, V. (2020, May 11). Trust in science and experts during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/5tch8
- Apr 2020
telegram.org telegram.org
- Apr 2016
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Telegram's server-side software is closed-source and proprietary. Pavel Durov has said that it would require a major architectural redesign of the server-side software to connect independent servers to the Telegram cloud.[50]
Does that fact actually make Telegram a real alternative to WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger?