1,016 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2016
    1. the LMS’s institutionally friendly attributes have an important role in shaping our thinking about teaching and learning.

      But should it?

  2. May 2016
  3. Apr 2016
  4. Feb 2016
    1. You needn’t look further than how many books and websites exist on Git to realize that you are looking at something deeply mucked up.
  5. Jan 2016
    1. Set Semantics¶ This tool is used to set semantics in EPUB files. Semantics are simply, links in the OPF file that identify certain locations in the book as having special meaning. You can use them to identify the foreword, dedication, cover, table of contents, etc. Simply choose the type of semantic information you want to specify and then select the location in the book the link should point to. This tool can be accessed via Tools->Set semantics.

      Though it’s described in such a simple way, there might be hidden power in adding these tags, especially when we bring eBooks to the Semantic Web. Though books are the prime example of a “Web of Documents”, they can also contribute to the “Web of Data”, if we enable them. It might take long, but it could happen.

    1. export books as apps

      On top of the whole debate between native apps and the Open Web, there’s a debate between apps and books. We might not reach the “Write Once, Publish Everywhere” dream, but there’s something to be said about having building blocks which are easy to adapt to different contexts.

  6. Dec 2015
  7. Oct 2015
    1. The confrontation with technology at the level of creation is what distinguishes electronic literature from, for example, e-books, digitized versions of print works, and other products of print authors “going digital.”

      Confrontation with technology as a way to elaborate and create literature differs widelly from just using tecnological devices to display literature.

    1. In other words, for the foreseeable future, the urbandisenfranchised are trapped in the structural web of the current capitalistsystem and the states that uphold it.

      Instead of reading the authour just restate questions and paraphrase, I'd like to read his proposal of solutions or an argument of how these questions could be answered/issues fixed.

    1. The right to the city, as it is now constituted, is too narrowly confined, restricted in most cases to a small political and economic elite who are in a position to shape cities more and more after their own desires.

      Does everyone deserve a right to the city?

    2. establishing democratic management over its urban deployment constitutes the right to the city.

      easier said than done.. but what are some suggestions for how this could succeed?

  8. Aug 2015
    1. “I believe that the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.”

      this is fascinating to me - i had no idea of his connections with education. Makes me wonder about Tesla's thoughts on education now. And how he'd feel about filmstrips, which are in essence super cheap motion pictures.

  9. Apr 2015
    1. One of the bigger changes going from engineer to manager was to redefine what I meant by the question: how are we going to do this? As an engineer I would deconstruct that question to ask what is the software we need to build, and the technical barriers we need to remove, to achieve our goals. As a manager I would deconstruct that question to ask what is the process by which we achieve our goals.

      Nice characterization of "engineer vs scientist" divide as well. Add to the scientist persona the idea of constant experimentation and thinking out loud, and, perhaps too, a tolerance for failure that the engineer cannot afford.

  10. Feb 2014
    1. I t i s t h i s b e d r o c k p r i n c i p l e o f c o p y r i g h t t h a t m a n d a t e s t h e l a w ' s s e e m i n g l y d i s p a r a t e t r e a t m e n t o f f a c t s a n d f a c t u a l c o m p i l a t i o n s . " N o o n e m a y c l a i m o r i g i n a l i t y a s t o f a c t s . " I d . , § 2 . 1 1 [ A ] , p . 2 - 1 5 7 . T h i s i s b e c a u s e f a c t s d o n o t o w e t h e i r o r i g i n t o a n a c t o f a u t h o r s h i p . T h e d i s t i n c t i o n i s o n e b e t w e e n c r e a t i o n a n d d i s c o v e r y : T h e f i r s t p e r s o n t o f i n d a n d r e p o r t a p a r t i c u l a r f a c t h a s n o t c r e a t e d t h e f a c t ; h e o r s h e h a s m e r e l y d i s c o v e r e d i t s e x i s t e n c e . T o b o r r o w f r o m B u r r o w - G i l e s , o n e w h o d i s c o v e r s a f a c t i s n o t i t s " m a k e r " o r " o r i g i n a t o r . " 1 1 1 U . S . , a t 5 8 . " T h e d i s c o v e r e r m e r e l y f i n d s a n d r e c o r d s . " N i m m e r § 2 . 0 3 [ E ] .

      No one may claim originality to facts because facts do not owe their origin to an act of authorship. The distinction is one between creation vs discovery.

  11. Jan 2014
    1. These large-scale quantitative data provide new insights that could not have been gained through qualitative analyses.

      Quantitative Data vs Qualitative Analysis