1,256 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2017
    1. This is one subject where it might be wise not to rely on the reflexive media narrative.

      Did they not ask for lists of scientists working on climate change during transition? Did they not wipe any mention of climate change from whitehouse.gov on a day one? Did they not put a gag order on science?

    1. how it uses zones

      Does anyone have an authoritative link for this concept of zones and how they work? It'd be much appreciated.

  2. Jan 2017
    1. philosophy is to improve languag

      From what I've read so far, it seems that for Locke improvement in language means that language would more accurately convey knowledge. But I also wonder about how language changes over time. Language has certainly changed over time; for example, there are many new terms because of computer technology and social media. Language changes because of cultural/technological context, but it seems that no amount of change in language can remove language's distance from reality (language represents ideas which represent the essence of things).

    1. The larger point that this argument and false dichotomy misses is that we need to speak to the racial realities of the entire American electorate—the fears of most whites and the hopes and dreams of people of color and progressive whites.

      This is true for all outreach and initiatives offered to people. We can no longer live in black and white, men and women, children and adults. The false dichotomies miss the specificity which is needed to speak to the racial realities of the American people. In order or force collective change, we need to move away from notions and ideas of individualism and recognize that until all are free, no one is. And in order to ensure this change spurs lasting impact and unites our people, we need solutions that respect and cater to the fears of most whites as well as the hopes and dreams of people of color, progressive whites, and all intersecting identities.

      How does change like this happen? You got to want it. You got to want it even though you know it means pain, suffering, sacrifice. You got to want it badly enough to do something; to fight back; to question and ask why; to educate yourself; to educate others; to lose friends; to lose jobs; to unlearn the lies you've lived by; to remain hopeful despite it all. Learn to use the pain as fuel and find joy in the struggle because it's constant.

    1. ‘Books,’ declared Thomas Edison in 1913, ‘will soon be ob-solete in the public schools. Scholars will be instructed through the eye. It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed inside of ten years.’57

      Thomas Edison. Love his quotes

  3. Dec 2016
    1. You are preparing to be a contributor in a new set of circumstances. You must have great confidence in your own experience in order to prepare because there will be little agreement around you. Perhaps you cannot define your intent, but that is okay because Knowledge is working within you. You are the forerunner of great change, but the great change will come in the next century, and it will be greater than what you experience now.
    2. There are three factors that will generate the forging of a world community. The first factor is that this is the stage in history where your world emerges into the Greater Community of Worlds, which it is destined to do, both from its own explorations and from the timely visits of many cultures from beyond. The second factor is that your environment will deteriorate to a very great degree, bringing about international crisis. This will require cooperation and will require citizens everywhere to become actively engaged in the maintenance-indeed, even the rescue-of your planet. The third factor is the integration of world economy. These three factors more than anything else will bring about a world community.
    3. The change that must be forged in the next century and indeed in the centuries to come-for it will take several hundred years to bring it about successfully-is that the world must unite into one community. Now, if you think about that, it can arouse both great expectation and considerable anxiety because it holds the promise of a greater ability for humanity and also the reality that humanity will lose much of the heritage, identity and meaning that it has brought with it from the past.
    4. new world order
    5. You are all very fortunate to live at this period of time.
  4. Nov 2016
    1. Yet, as a rebel fronts a king in state, I stand within her walls with not a shred Of terror, malice, not a word of jeer.

      This sounds more hopeful than ambivalent, and shows an ability to confront injustice without shame or fear.

  5. Oct 2016
    1. He who was living is now dead We who were living are now dying

      These two lines indicate that the wheels are always turning. The circle of life. The only thing constant is change!

  6. remikalir.com remikalir.com
    1. (Holden, 2016a; Kalir, forthcoming)

      Might be a good time to ask about the name change. Hope it’s not too indiscreet.

    1. dual-language programs

      making a change

    2. Now almost 17 years later, while the political tensions remain, a reversal is underway,

      Why after so long has nothing changed? Why don't people figure something out sooner

  7. Sep 2016
    1. Finally, in order for data-driven interventions to be wide-spread, institutions must sustain a culture that embraces the use of data, and create incentives for data-driven activities amongst administrators, instructors and student support staff. Large-scale, data-driven policy changes are implemented with minimal friction and maximal buy-in when leaders demonstrate a commitment to data-informed decision-making, and create multiple opportunities for stakeholders to make sense of and contribute to the direction of the change. Users not only need to be trained on the proper ways to use these tools and communicate with students, they also require meaningful incentives to take on the potentially steep learning curve.[40]

      Thankfully, this paragraph isn’t framed as a need for (top-down) “culture change”, as is often the case in similar discussions. Supporting a culture is a radically different thing from forcing a change. To my mind, it’s way more likely to succeed (and, clearly, it’s much more empowering). But “decision-makers” may also interpret active support as weaker than the kind of implementation they know. It’s probably a case where a “Chief Culture Officer” can have a key role, in helping others expand their understanding of how culture works. Step 1 is acknowledging that culture change isn’t like a stepwise program.

  8. Aug 2016
  9. Jun 2016
    1. “separate but equal”

      But isn't this also what Roberta Davenport is doing at P.S. 307? Not waiting for racism to disappear, but accepting that it will always be with us, and trying to build an educational environment that resists injustice, that teaches the students how and why they are in segregated schools, and what we can do about it -- but also a stance that rejects judging schools by test scores and other standard measures.

    2. “Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other ‘tangible’ factors may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities? We believe that it does.” The ruling made clear that because this nation was founded on a racial caste system, black children would never become equals as long as they were separated from white children.

      And I know that my giving up on integration basically denies the truth of this. When I say that we need to give the African-American and Latino students the best counter-education we can give them, I am accepting that they will always be separate and unequal. I don't accept that, but what can I do about it? This is inspiring: http://www.integratenyc4me.com/

    1. the third definition

      The definitions are not numbered. It would be nice to have them numbered.

    2. entails

      "entails" is an unfortunate choice of words. "implies" / "includes" / "requires" perhaps?

    3. orthonormal matrix
    4. bely

      What does "bely" mean?

    5. is in meters and ̃xAis ininches.

      Again, might be so - but quite ambiguous statement. Since we see a decreasing function on the plot.

    6. nearby

      "nearby" would make sense if the right-most plot of Fig. 3 shows the first diagonal, which it doesn't.

      Or perhaps "nearby", but one of the cameras is upside down.

      All in all, quite ambiguous statement.

    7. Figure 3

      The example for redundancy is not (or at least it doesn't seem to be) in the context of the example with the spring and the ball. Since there is no clear separation between the examples, this might be confusing to readers.

    8. does not lie along the basis of the recording(xA;yA)butrather along the best-fit line

      Ambiguous statement. A "direction" cannot lie along a "basis". Perhaps "basis vectors"?

      Also, if "best-fit line" usually refers to a line found via least-squares regression, which is not the case here (PCA versus linear regression).

    9. largest directionof variance

      "direction of largest variance" perhaps?

    10. variablex

      Unfortunate labelling of variable. x would be time, actually.

      To do: don't name the variable, it's not necessary.

  10. May 2016
  11. www.seethingbrains.com www.seethingbrains.com
    1. Quickly and with his eyes watering with satisfaction, he ate one after the other the cheese, the vegetables, and the sauce. The fresh food, by contrast, didn’t taste good to him. He couldn’t bear the smell and even carried the things he wanted to eat a little distance away.

      This passage depicts one of the pivotal moments in the Metamorphosis in which Gregor loses another piece of his humanity. An important image in the book is that of Gregor’s sweet bowl of milk. After Gregor’s transformation he longs for the bowl of milk as a way to hold on to his humanity as this is one of the symbols of his lost self. This is something that Gregor the working man enjoyed and symbolizes what Gregor no longer is. Therefore this quote is important because it shows that Gregor slowly becoming inside what his outside has already transformed into. The refusal of fresh food that he would have quickly indulged in as a human shows that Gregor is conforming to his shell. By eating the rotten vegetables and spoiled food because he enjoys the smell and it has become appealing to him, it shows that Gregor is losing sight of himself. He is also far less introspective, a prevalent literary element in the rest of the story. The moment he realizes he is vermin the story is riddled with Gregor’s almost comical deadpan description and reflection on his newfound condition. However, this passage is lacking that aspect; it is mainly the omniscient narrator who tells of this event, despite it’s importance; suggesting Gregor would have a lot to say on the subject.

    1. identifying who or what body in the community has power to make the change;

      THIS is something I could learn more about.

  12. Feb 2016
    1. the personal, social, and emotional transformations that adolescents and adults who are at risk experience as they develop resilience and shift from disengagement to engagement, and/or academic failure to success in schools.

      I think it's important to be able to identify the changes in attitude, relationships and moods that we can see when at-risk teenagers begin to be self-directed learners. If we could see what these changes look like and agree on them, then we might be able to assess students better. Currently none of the ways we move or prevent students from moving through school make sense to me: social promotion (advancement because of age), testing (usually of a small subset of math and reading skills), or even portfolio assessment (because at-risk students usually don't have a body of "mastery" level work).

  13. Jan 2016
  14. Dec 2015
    1. IPCC: Solar & biomass produce 3.5 - 21 times more carbon emissions (eq.) per kilowatt-hour than nuclear & wind.

      Is this right? If so, that's disappointing for solar. But it shows wind as lower CO2 than nuclear. (And the chart doesn't show fossil fuels. Is solar favorable compared to them?)

    1. How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpTHi7O66pI

      Science is such a funny thing.

      Ruminant for a healtherier world, https://youtu.be/MwbdDqq7HMI

      Science is not simple, less than 1% of bacteria can be grown in a petri dish, https://goo.gl/Y0LY7O

      Freeman Dyson: A Global Warming Heretic, https://youtu.be/Pou3sGedeK4

    1. How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpTHi7O66pI

      Science is such a funny thing.

      Ruminant for a healtherier world, https://youtu.be/MwbdDqq7HMI

      Science is not simple, less than 1% of bacteria can be grown in a petri dish, https://goo.gl/Y0LY7O

      Freeman Dyson: A Global Warming Heretic, https://youtu.be/Pou3sGedeK4

  15. Oct 2015
    1. RAJ: [Addressing Susan.] Susan, nothing is going on of the sort you are looking at and reacting to. I cannot tell you what is going on. But, I have told Paul that what is going on Actually in your experience is not destructive and will not be experienced that way. You are both caught up in your past conceptualizations and what has worked. But, what governed those appearances is no longer in force. They are not in force for anyone any longer. You and Paul are being led through this change. In a way, you both have an advantage, in that Paul chose to speak to his Guide just prior to this occurring. So, you are getting information that most do not have. This is simply because they were not listening, and did not ask to speak with someone who could do what I am doing with you. If others are not aware of this change having occurred yet, they will soon. And you have an opportunity to be grateful for the information you have at this point. I understand that it is not easy to believe this because, based upon your prior concepts, the whole process by which you are becoming aware of it is not “usual” or “normal” as you understand it. It is, nevertheless, true. Paul is being guided and pressured to move along a new path because he desires it and asked for it. You, Susan, are at the point where you are capable of understanding exactly what is going on. But both of you are hanging onto patterns which are no longer in force, and trying to make these appearances fit in. I can do no more than advise you of these facts, and guide you as long as you are looking for help in understanding what is available to you to understand.

      Paul and Susan are fearful of their current situation. Raj says that what they are looking at and reacting to is *not what is going on.

      What is actually going on in your experience is not destructive - you cannot see that because you are caught up in past concept and experience.

    1. Growth, itself, is like this, in that there are times of changing speed, and there are times of not changing speed, and yet speed is everpresent. The change lines are as natural to life as the spaces in between. And you can see this.
    1. Paul, I know I am relentless with you on these points, but if I were not, you would not make the shift. Yet the shift must be made. The shift must be made, because it is the unfoldment of your Being, and because it is the unfoldment in a more universal aspect—it is a change line for your world. It is the age old question of whom you are going to serve. The question is being put before you by your very own Being. Do not mistake what is happening and feel that it is I who is making these demands. I am bound to support only that which your Being is bringing to the level of your conscious experience. I can only help facilitate you in overcoming your ingrained fears, and your habits and patterns of limited thought. I cannot make you give them up. I cannot make you drop them. And, I cannot make you make the shift. You will make it, come hell or high water, because that is where your Being is. But, if you are willing to continue to follow the leadings of your own “upward, individual convictions,“1 as Mrs. Eddy so beautifully put it, then you will continue to experience this shift with no more dissonance or suffering than you have so far. It is finally up to you.

      Many important points here.

      1. I must decide what I want
      2. It is worthwhile to honestly question what I think and feel.
      3. Suffering and dissonance is not necessary
    2. find myself questioning, from the standpoint of a gut-level, non-conceptual feeling, whether this is “right.” Yet, by the same token, I find that by relinquishing my awareness of myself as a separate identity with a will of its own, there is this tremendous influx of understanding and enlightenment, together with a greater experience of peace, which seems far more valid than any sense of relaxation I have experienced before. RAJ: Paul, I realize this is a difficult shift to make, especially since the concept of “individuality” has been so prized—the concept of the “self-made man,” et cetera. I can only suggest Paul, nothing more, that you take a look within your Self. Ask your Self whether the way you have been living for the last two and a half years, as an “individual,” brought with it anything of the sort that you are experiencing now, after having relinquished your “individuality.” I ask you to seriously consider which you find more satisfying, and I suggest you literally make a choice.

      Feeling like a puppet

    1. I know you have heard this before. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s True. To whatever degree we identify ourselves with that which Life, Itself, is moving beyond—to that degree (as the fire consumes it) we feel as though something destructive is happening to us. We forget that this fire is constituted of the energy of Spirit. We focus our attention on that small portion of our experience which is being outmoded, closing ourselves off to our Universality. We thereby feel ourselves into believing that the Totality of us is being destroyed.

      Description of why change causes fear.

    1. our conference about fair ladies

      What do scholars sit around talking about? Cute girls. Image Description

    2. To glut the longing of my heart's desire

      Faustus, despite all he's been given, is still missing one thing: Image Description

    3. let us see that peerless dame of Greece

      Faustus has incredible powers, and his friends want him to use them to show him a cute girl. Image Description

    1. A ‘Financial Katrina’ is unfolding, which conveniently (for the developers) threatens to wipe out low-income neighbourhoods on potentially high-value land in many inner-city areas far more effectively and speedily than could be achieved through emi-nent domain.

      unplanned change that will allow the government to overcome initial resistance

  16. Sep 2015
    1. The benefits of increased consumption were greater for fruits than for vegetables and strongest for berries, apples/pears, tofu/soy, cauliflower, and cruciferous and green leafy vegetables. Increased satiety with fewer calories could be partly responsible for the beneficial effects of increasing fruit and vegetable intake. These findings may not be generalizable—nearly all the participants were well-educated white adults.
  17. Aug 2015
    1. The right-wing base has a coherent position on climate change: It's a hoax, so we shouldn't do anything about it. The left-wing base has a coherent position: It's happening, so we should do something about it. The "centrist" position, shared by conservative Democrats and the few remaining moderate Republicans, is that it's happening but we shouldn't do anything about it. That's not centrist in any meaningful ideological sense; instead, like most areas of overlap between the parties, it is corporatist.

      The worst possible outcome.

  18. Feb 2014
    1. That changed with the end of WWII. Waves of discharged soldiers subsidized by the GI Bill, joined by the children of the expanding middle class, wanted or needed a college degree.