- Jan 2025
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Standard-Bericht über den Copernicus-Bericht zur globalen Temperaturentwicklung 2024. Miteinander abgestimmt haben gestern mehrere internationale meteorologische Institutionen Zusammenfassungen der Entwicklung im vergangenen Jahr veröffentlicht, das mit 1,6° über dem vorindustriellen Durchschnitt das wärmste der Messgeschichte war. In Wien lagen die Temperaturen 2,2° über dem Durchschnitt 1991-2020. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000251850/hitzerekord-mit-plus-16-grad-beschleunigt-sich-die-globale-erwaermung
Copernicus Global Climate Highlights 2024: https://climate.copernicus.eu/global-climate-highlights-2024
- May 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In einem Brief , dessen Text die New York Times erhalten hat, haben Nasawissenschaftler dagegen protestiert, dass drei für die Beobachtung der Erdatmosphäre und unter anderem die Analyse des Strahlungs-Ugleichgewichts essentielle Satelliten nach dem bevorstehenden Ende ihrer Lebenszeit nicht ersetzt werden sollen. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/climate/nasa-satellites-data.html
- Event/Protestbrief gegen die Nicht-Ersetzung von älteren NASA-Satelliten zur Erd- und Atmosphärenbeobachtung
- Nasa
- 2024-05-03
- Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES)
- Liz Moyer
- Norman G. Loeb
- Waleed Abdalati
- Strahlungsungleichgewicht
- Ross J. Salawitch
- William B. Gail
- Wolkenbildung
- Susan Salomon
- Jack Kaye
- by: Raymond Zhong
- Feb 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Intuitive Machines is one of several small companies that NASA has hired to transport instruments that will perform reconnaissance on the moon’s surface ahead of the return of NASA astronauts there, planned for later this decade.
Notable change.
- Sep 2023
www.inverse.com www.inverse.com
At about 10 a.m. Eastern, the space agency will receive its first collected samples from an asteroid, delivered to Earth over the Utah desert.
So cool!
- Aug 2023
NASA’s Perseverance rover has been diligently collecting rocky samples from Mars to stow them away on the planet’s dusty surface while engineers work to develop a rocket that can launch off of another world as a crucial step in the process of retrieving the samples.
So exciting!
- Feb 2023
www.nasa.gov www.nasa.gov
Engineers from those groups formed the core of the Space Task Group (STG), NASA’s first official foray into space research, and Katherine, who had worked with many of them since coming to Langley, “came along with the program” as the NACA became NASA later that year. While not a member of the STG, she developed an interest in calculating trajectories of spacecraft and satellites.
I loved that she had ambition, determination, and developed interests in the areas that she was curious about.
- Jul 2022
www.nasa.gov www.nasa.gov
NASA 公布了韦伯太空望远镜拍摄的首批图像。韦伯是 NASA 有史以来最昂贵最复杂的太空望远镜,它于 2021 年 12 月 25 日发射,停留在地日 L2 拉格朗日点上,在拍摄首批图像前经历了长达六个月的校准测试。目前公布的第一幅图像是星系团 SMACS 0723,其中包含了数以千计的星系,包括在红外线下观察到的最黯淡的天体。NASA 将在美国东部时间 7 月 12 日星期二上午10:30(世界协调时 14:30)举行发布会,公布更多图像。
- Jun 2022
www.nasa.gov www.nasa.gov
- Apr 2022
winnielim.org winnielim.org
It is always about the new The frontpage of any content-driven media is often geared towards the latest happenings. But what if there are old gems hidden beyond? A new user wouldn’t be able to discover them.
Older content may broadly be considered more valuable than newer content. The fact that it has been "tried and true" gives it enormously more value than newer and untested content.
Newer content is primarily valuable solely because it is new. How much of it will live on to become old content without falling off of the long tail of the value distribution?
Link this to the idea of imitation > innovation in Annie Murphy Paul's book The Extended Mind.
Link this to the fact that NASA uses 30+ year old software and systems in their outer-space program because all the glitches and bugs have been found and it's far more reliable.
Finding the older gems has generally been the sort of driving idea behind @peterhagen and his https://lindylearn.io/ site -- particularly his Hacker News tool.
- Mar 2022
api.nasa.gov api.nasa.gov
- Jan 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Comments are turned off.
At 1:41 in the video, almost everyone has masks on.
By the 2:00 mark in the video, nobody has masks on anymore.
Apparently "the science" says that you wear your masks for the photo op - but then take them off when you don't think anyone is looking anymore.
I don't think the Government should be allowed to post propaganda to social media platforms like YouTube with comments disabled.
The team expects dumping out the contents will be pretty straightforward, involving pointing the open end at the ground and letting gravity take over.
Glad they explained that... I was wondering how that might work.
_re_id["doi"] = re.compile(r"\b10\.\d{4,}(?:\.\d+)*\/(?:(?!['\"&<>])\S)+\b") _re_id["bibcode"] = re.compile(r"\b\d{4}\D\S{13}[A-Z.:]\b") _re_id["arxiv"] = re.compile(r"\b(?:\d{4}\.\d{4,5}|[a-z-]+(?:\.[A-Za-z-]+)?\/\d{7})\b")
github.com github.com
birnstiel commented on Mar 17, 2015 Thanks! The export script only returns the bibcodes, not the full entries. Is there a way to query all those bib codes? The ADS 2.0 search seems to support only one bibcode: search.
Solarsoft IDL
NOTE: the query part of URL (i.e., after "query?") is restricted to 1000 characters. This effectively limits the number of bibcodes you can specify in one query to about 40. The ADS API webpage mentions a "bigquery" alternative option, but I couldn't get this to work.
- ADS API: bigquery parameter
https://api.adsabs.harvard.edu/v1/search/query?bibcode=2015ApJ...799..218Y&fl=title However, it's necessary to specify your ADS key for this to work. With the Unix curl command, the query is: curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [KEY GOES HERE]" \\ "https://api.adsabs.harvard.edu/v1/search/query?bibcode=2015ApJ...799..218Y&fl=title"
- ADS API: needs API key!
guides.temple.edu guides.temple.edu
APIs for Scholarly Resources What is an API? API stands for application programming interface. An API is a protocol that allows a user to query a resource and retrieve and download data in a machine-readable format. Researchers sometimes use APIs to download collections of texts, such as scholarly journal articles, so they can perform automated text mining on the corpus they've downloaded. Here is a simple tutorial that explains what an API is. Below are some APIs that are available to researchers. Some are open to the public, while others are available according to the terms of Temple University Libraries' subscriptions. Many require you to create an API key, which is a quick and free process. How do I Use APIs? You can create a simple query in the address bar in a web browser. However, a more complex query generally requires using a programming language. Commonly used languages for querying APIs are Python and R. (R is the language used in the R software.) The examples given in the documentation for the APIs listed below typically do not include sample programming code; they only explain how the data is structured in order to help users write a query. List of APIs for Scholarly Research arXiv Content: metadata and article abstracts for the e-prints hosted on arXiv.org Permissions: no registration required Limitations: no more than 4 requests per second Contact: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/arxiv-api, https://arxiv.org/help/api/index Astrophysics Data System Content: bibliographic data on astronomy and physics publications from SAO/NASA astrophysics databases Permissions: free to register; request a key at https://github.com/adsabs/adsabs-dev-api Limitations: varies Contact: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/adsabs-dev-api, adshelp@cfa.harvard.edu BioMed Central Content: metadata and full-text content for open access journals published in BioMed Central Permissions: free to access, request a key at https://dev.springer.com/signup Limitations: none Contact: info@biomedcentral.com Chronicling America Content: digitized newspapers from 1789-1963, as well as a directory of newspapers published 1960 to the present, with information on library holdings Permissions: no registration required Limitations: none Contact: http://www.loc.gov/rr/askalib/ask-webcomments.html CORE Content: metadata and full-text of over 100 million OA research papers Permissions: free to access for non-commercial purposes, request a key at https://core.ac.uk/api-keys/register Limitations: One batch request or five single requests every 10 seconds. Contact CORE if you need a faster rate. Contact: theteam@core.ac.uk CrossRef Content: metadata records with CrossRef DOIs, over 100 million scholarly works Permissions: no registration required Limitations: guidelines to avoid overloading the servers at https://github.com/CrossRef/rest-api-doc#meta. "We reserve the right to impose rate limits and/or to block clients that are disrupting the public service." Contact: labs@crossref.org Digital Public Library of America Content: metadata on items and collections indexed by the DPLA Permissions: request a free key; instructions here https://pro.dp.la/developers/policies Limitations: none, however, "The DPLA reserves the right to limit or revoke access to the API if, in its discretion, a user engages in abusive conduct, conduct that materially degrades the ability of other users to query the API." Contact: codex@dp.la Elsevier Content: multiple APIs for full-text books and journals from ScienceDirect and citation data from Engineering Village and Embase Permissions: free to register; click 'Get API Key" to request a personal key: https://dev.elsevier.com/ Limitations: "Researchers at subscribing academic institutions can text mine subscribed full-text ScienceDirect content via the Elsevier APIs for non-commercial purposes." Usage policies depend on use cases; see list at https://dev.elsevier.com/use_cases.html Contact: integrationsupport@elsevier.com HathiTrust (Bibliographic API) Content: bibliographic and rights information for items in the HathiTrust Digital Library Permissions: no registration required Limitations: may request up to 20 records at once. Not intended for bulk retrieval Contact: feedback@issues.hathitrust.org HathiTrust (Data API) Content: full-text of HathiTrust and Google digitized texts of public domain works Permissions: free to access, request a key at https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/kgs/request Limitations: "Please contact [HathiTrust] to determine the suitability of the API for intended uses." Contact: feedback@issues.hathitrust.org IEEE Xplore Content: metadata for articles included in IEEE Xplore Permissions: must be affiliated with an institution that subscribes to IEEE Xplore. Temple is a subscriber. Limitations: maximum 1,000 results per query Contact: onlinesupport@ieee.org JSTOR Content: full-text articles from JSTOR Permissions: free to use, register at https://www.jstor.org/dfr/ Limitations: Not a true API, but allows users to construct a search and then download the results as a dataset for text-mining purposes. Can download up to 25,000 documents. Largest datasets available by special request Contact: https://support.jstor.org/hc/en-us National Library of Medicine Content: 60 separate APIs for accessing various NLM databases, including PubMed Central, ToxNet, and ClinicalTrials.gov. The PubMed API is listed separately below. Permissions: varies Limitations: varies Contact: varies Nature.com OpenSearch Content: bibliographic data for content hosted on Nature.com, including news stories, research articles and citations Permissions: free to access Limitations: varies Contact: interfaces@nature.com OECD Content: a selection of the top used datasets covering data for OECD countries and selected non-member economies. Datasets included appear in the catalogue of OECD databases with API access Permissions: no registration required, see terms and conditions Limitations: max 1,000,000 results per query, max URL length of 1,000 characters. Contact: OECDdotStat@oecd.org PLOS Search API Content: full-text of research articles in PLOS journals Permissions: free to access, register at http://api.plos.org/registration/ <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Limitations: Max is 7200 requests a day, 300 per hour, 10 per minute. Users should wait 5 seconds for each query to return results. Requests should not return more than 100 rows. High-volume users should contact api@plos.org. API users are limited to no more than five concurrent connections from a single IP address. Contact: api@plos.org PubMed Content: information stored in 38 NCBI databases, including some info from PubMed. Will retrieve a PubMed ID when citation information is input. Permissions: API key required starting May 1, 2018 Limitations: After May 1, 2018, with an API key a site can post up to 10 requests per second by default. Large jobs should be limited to outside 9-5 weekday hours. Higher rates are available by request (see contact information below) Contact: eutilities@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Springer Content: full-text of SpringerOpen journal content and BioMed Central, as well as metadata from other Springer resources <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Permissions: free to access, request a key at https://dev.springer.com/signup Limitations: noncommercial use Contact: tdm@springernature.com World Bank APIs Content: APIs for the following datasets: Indicators (time series data), Projects (data on the World Bank’s operations), and World Bank financial data (World Bank Finances API) Permissions: no registration required Limitations: See Terms & Conditions of Using our Site Contact: data@worldbankgroup.org Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge API guides created by the Libraries at MIT, Berkeley, Purdue and Drexel that informed our work on this guide. Librarian Gretchen Sneff I'm offline, chat with another librarian jQuery.getScript("https://api3.libcal.com/js/myscheduler.min.js", function() { jQuery("#mysched_8635").LibCalMySched({iid: 1621, lid: 0, gid: 0, uid: 8635, width: 500, height: 450, title: 'Schedule an Appointment with a Librarian - ', domain: 'https://api3.libcal.com'}); }); Schedule Appointment #mysched_8635 { background: #2A609A; border: 1px solid #2A609A; border-radius: 4px; color: #FFFFFF; font: 14px Arial, Helvetica, Verdana; padding: 8px 20px; cursor: pointer; } #mysched_8635:hover, #mysched_8635:active, #mysched_8635:focus { opacity: 0.6; } Contact: gsneff@temple.edu Charles Library(215) 204-4724 Subjects: Earth & Environmental Science, Engineering, Mathematics Librarian Karen Kohn Email Me Contact: Paley Library, Room 101215-204-4428 Last Updated: Dec 15, 2021 9:13 AM URL: https://guides.temple.edu/APIs Print Page Login to LibApps Report a problem. Tags: API, Application Programming Interface, research methodology, scraping
- GOOD LIST in legible format
github.com github.com
karnesky commented on Sep 1, 2013 A few things to note here: arXiv does have preprints, but a lot of these are linked to journal articles & some people use it as a reprint server. If an arXiv record has a DOI, I would suggest (strongly) that it should be typed as a journal article. We may even just use the ADS link, which seems to have a great BibTeX-formatted record for most eprints (though I'm torn on doing that). NASA ADS and most others classify arXiv eprints as journal articles anyway. Zotero will import any of those as journal articles, so there might be a case to import all arXiv eprints as if they were journal articles
- ok
forums.zotero.org forums.zotero.org
According to the biblatex manual ftp://bay.uchicago.edu/CTAN/macros/latex/exptl/biblatex/doc/biblatex.pdf section 3.11.7, arxivprefix is an alias for eprinttype and primaryclass is an alias for eprintclass.
- BIBLATEX: extended fields
- the are alias
uses in general the fields archivePrefix, eprint and primaryClass
- ATTENCION: these fields are "exported" by ADS:
- https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/v1/export/bibtexabs/{Bibcode} [GET] with Bearer
- SEE: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/help/api/api-docs.html#post-/export/bibtexabs
- Dec 2021
ui.adsabs.harvard.edu ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Adstex (Github, PyPI), written by Yao-Yuan Mao, allows you to bypass downloading BibTeX or other paper metadata to a master local database. Instead, you write your paper using TeX and cite commands as normal, then run adstex on the TeX document. The tool checks your paper for any cite commands, queries ADS, and downloads the necessary BibTeX entries to a .bib file for the paper.
github.com github.com
For first author + year citation keys, by default adstex would only search the astronomy database on NASA ADS. However, you can use --include-physics to include the ADS physics database.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
As it seeks answers about the cosmos and what they mean for Earth’s origins, NASA on Friday announced a slew of discoveries about Jupiter. And scientists brought home an interstellar tune from the road.
So gorgeous!
- Aug 2021
www.hebrew4christians.com www.hebrew4christians.com
annotating this page, it is the hebrew4christians site with the "broken vav" that I repeatedly quote
Sacred Consciousness and "the matrix jack" are connecting to llowell and eschatology at this time where we had betterr start fearing god fearing shit because there's no way we are going to bere4shit.
the Universe is closed; per the Holy of Holies etc @VGA
on the legatus and the idea that something per az per azrael perun and per adranus links the "blood rite" of being "made" with knowledge that we are in fact a created bride apparently in the midst of a mating cycle.
CELO, EPT; ANNUIT COEPTUS; "god is with us"
OLLY, NORTH BY NINTENDO--HEART OF NEC AND I. NAGAMOTO AND SATOSHI'S SEE, OUR RB IN THE BARK IS ... "an entire world reading sche-b-chol, hay LAY LOT .. and believing the display of synchronicity has something to do with the obvious plugging of google or baidu into our matrix jacked "minds"
think fast--the lack of discussion of elon's version of illustrious "why love lace?" ADA @MFC
- Mar 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Witze, Alexandra. ‘What NASA Missions Can Teach Us about Teamwork’. Nature 587, no. 7834 (16 November 2020): 359–60. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-03222-3.
- Jul 2020
www.whitehouse.gov www.whitehouse.gov
Dr. Greg Autry
- Jan 2019
e.edim.co e.edim.co
Scientist finding water on the planet Mars could lead to a huge change in the human beings living.
- Dec 2018
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
High-priority missions will continue, including a close encounter with a distant object called Ultima Thule, scheduled for 33 minutes past midnight on New Year’s Eve.
Learn more about Ultima Thule here--the farthest object to be explored by the New Horizons spacecraft.
Frank Borman
www.nasa.gov www.nasa.gov
- Apr 2017
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
An asteroid more than a quarter mile (400 meters) wide will pass close to Earth on Wednesday, zooming by at a distance of just over a million miles (1.8 million km), but with no chance of impact, according to NASA scientists.
That could have been in the headline!
- Jan 2017
- Oct 2016
sites.google.com sites.google.com
The topic was strong and to the point, and had plenty of background information. However, there were some contradictions in the essay, like when he said every president so far has discussed benefits of NASA and supports it, but then states that Obama cut some of its funding. Obama actually did this to focus on other current issues, but he now fully supports the manned mission to Mars. https://capitalresearch.org/2016/07/nasa/
- Jul 2016
books.google.ca books.google.ca
Page 137
Borgman discusses hear the case of NASA which lost the original video recording of the first moon landing in 1969. Backups exist, apparently, but they are lower quality than the originals.
- May 2016
history.nasa.gov history.nasa.gov
lesh, the engineering manager, and Dubusker drew on all of McDonnell's experience with shingled-skin structures around jet afterburners for heat protection.
Simulation tests indicate that manual control of the capsule attitude during retrograde firing will be a difficult task requiring much practice on the part of the pilot. By changing the command function from acceleration to rate, the task complexity will be greatly reduced and the developmental effort on display and controller characteristics can be reduced accordingly
There is a natural reluctance to relinquish the mechanical linkage to the solenoid valves but the redundant fly-by-wire systems offer mechanical simplification with regard to plumbing and valving hydrogen peroxide
- Apr 2016
www.jpl.nasa.gov www.jpl.nasa.gov
"Using visible wavelengths of light, it is difficult to tell if an asteroid is big and dark, or bright and small, because both combinations reflect the same amount of light," said Carrie Nugent, a NEOWISE scientist at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at California Institute of Technology, in Pasadena. "But when you look at an asteroid in the infrared with NEOWISE, the amount of infrared light corresponds with how big the asteroid is, and with some thermal models on a computer, you can figure out how big the asteroids are."