- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
working group three is just Exxon in Disguise um you know there are good people in working group three but working group three and integrated assessment models good people working some of the people are good people there working in deeply subjective boundaries that have been set up by we mustn't Rock the political boat
for - climate crisis - IPCC - warning - working group 3 - Integrated Assessment Models - Some good people here but - It's just Exxon in disguise - Kevin Anderson
- Aug 2024
Local file Local file
But if it's a story, even in my head.I must be telling it to someone. You don't tell a story only to yourself.There's always someone else.Even when there is no one
This shows that even as alone, even when it seems there is nobody, there is ALWAYS someone else.
Repression is not the end of the world. Freedom is always in grasp. Even when one feels alone, there is always another, even if it is in you.
- Nov 2023
www.mountainapp.net www.mountainapp.net
ჩემს მიერ შერჩეული ბლოგი დაწერილია ქართველი და შვეიცარიელი სტუდენტების მიერ(ლუკა კაპიტანიო,სიმონე გიორზი და ნათია კეკენაძე) რომლის განხილვის საგანია თემზე დაფუძნებული მთის მმართველობა საქართველოში,სადაც აღწერილია მაღალმთიანი დასახლებების რისკები და მათი გამომწვევი მიზეზები,ასევე განხულილულია მათი სოციალურ-ეკონომიკური მდგომარეობა და მაღალმთიანი რეგიონების მომავალი.საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციების და საქართველოს მთავრობის მჭიდრო თანამშრომლობის შედეგად შექმნილია ადგილობრივი სამოქმედო ჯგუფები(LAG),რომელთა მიზანი კერძო,საჯარო და სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ადგილობრივ დონეზე დაკავშირება და მთის განვითარების პრიორიტეტების/საჭიროებების განსაზღვრაა.2020 წლიდან LAG-ები აქტიურად მუშაობენ საქართველოს თითქმის ყველა მუნიციპალიტეტში.მაგალითად ხულოს LAG აქტიურად იყო ჩართული 73-მდე ადგილობრივი განვითარების ინიციატივის დაფინანსებაში.LAG-ის დახმარებით დაფინანსდა ორი სამკერვალო მაღაზია,სადაც 15-მდე ადგილობრივი ქალი დასაქმდა(EU4GEORGIA,2020). "შესაბამისად,უაღრესად მნიშვნელოვანია ისეთი ინსტიტუტების შექმნა,რომლებიც შესაძლებელს გახდის შესანიშნავი კომუნიკაციის საშუალებას ადგილობრივ მთის თემებსა და შესაბამის პოლოტიკურ ინსტიტუტებს შორის,რათა შესაძლებელი გახდეს საუკეთესო მმართველობა". გიორგი ჟამიერაშვილი
- Aug 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
John Bye [@_johnbye]. (2021, October 6). The new covid sceptic All Party Parliamentary Group on Pandemic Response and Recovery is backed by Gupta and Heneghan’s Collateral Global to the tune of over £30,000. £5,000 in financial benefits plus £25,501—£27,000 benefits in kind (CG is acting as their secretariat). Https://t.co/qll20Sg9aA [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/_johnbye/status/1445867760819396608
- Sep 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
One last resource for augmenting our minds can be found in other people’s minds. We are fundamentally social creatures, oriented toward thinking with others. Problems arise when we do our thinking alone — for example, the well-documented phenomenon of confirmation bias, which leads us to preferentially attend to information that supports the beliefs we already hold. According to the argumentative theory of reasoning, advanced by the cognitive scientists Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber, this bias is accentuated when we reason in solitude. Humans’ evolved faculty for reasoning is not aimed at arriving at objective truth, Mercier and Sperber point out; it is aimed at defending our arguments and scrutinizing others’. It makes sense, they write, “for a cognitive mechanism aimed at justifying oneself and convincing others to be biased and lazy. The failures of the solitary reasoner follow from the use of reason in an ‘abnormal’ context’” — that is, a nonsocial one. Vigorous debates, engaged with an open mind, are the solution. “When people who disagree but have a common interest in finding the truth or the solution to a problem exchange arguments with each other, the best idea tends to win,” they write, citing evidence from studies of students, forecasters and jury members.
Thinking in solitary can increase one's susceptibility to confirmation bias. Thinking in groups can mitigate this.
How might keeping one's notes in public potentially help fight against these cognitive biases?
Is having a "conversation in the margins" with an author using annotation tools like Hypothes.is a way to help mitigate this sort of cognitive bias?
At the far end of the spectrum how do we prevent this social thinking from becoming groupthink, or the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Worth looking up the relationship of this to the creation of institutional racism and potential means of dismantling it.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The big thing that I want to talk about here is out groups. This is a phenomenon that we that we see, which is that it's very very easy for people to decide that someone else is not like them they're different and they should be shunned and talked about.
This is the minimal group paradigm. Thanks to Rashmi for giving that term. [It] says the smallest possible difference will be magnified into in group and an outgroup. Kevin Marks, Web 2.0 Expo NY 09: "...New Words You Need to Know to Understand the Web"
Perhaps we can decrease the levels of fear and racism in our society by tummelling? By bringing in outsiders, treating them with dignity and respect within your own group of friends, you can help to normalize their presence by decreasing the irrational fears that others have built up and carry with them about these supposed outsiders.
- Jun 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Gronfeldt, B., Cichocka, A., Cislak, A., Sternisko, A., & Irem. (2021). A Small Price to Pay: National Narcissism Predicts Readiness to Sacrifice In-group Members to Defend the In-group’s Image [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7fmrx
- May 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Imada, H., & Mifune, N. (2021). Pathogen Threat and In-Group Cooperation. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kebyd
- Feb 2021
advances.sciencemag.org advances.sciencemag.org
Stewart, A. J., McCarty, N., & Bryson, J. J. (2020). Polarization under rising inequality and economic decline. Science Advances, 6(50), eabd4201. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abd4201
- Sep 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Federico, Christopher, Agnieszka Golec, and Tomasz Baran. ‘Collective Narcissism, In-Group Satisfaction, and Solidarity in the Face of COVID-19’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 3 September 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/j6ut3.
- May 2020
Johnson, N.F., Velásquez, N., Restrepo, N.J. et al. The online competition between pro- and anti-vaccination views. Nature (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2281-1
- Apr 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
Our Right Minds
In contrast with “The Digital”, the Schutz-like we-ness coupled with “rightfulness” makes for thick layering.