- May 2024
github.com github.com
- Apr 2024
philofaxy.blogspot.com philofaxy.blogspot.com
- Feb 2024
www.primasoft.com www.primasoft.com
www.primasoft.com www.primasoft.com
Software for printing library catalog cards. Small Library Pro being replaced by Handy Library Manager
- Jul 2023
writing.bobdoto.computer writing.bobdoto.computer
Additional commentary at r/Zettelkasten - Using diaries and journals as source material for zettelkasten notes by Bob Doto
Bob lays out some basic ideas for citing one's personal journal, diaries, notebooks, and other non-published writing for use in a Luhmann-artig zettelkasten. While he focuses on the scale of the mechanics of citation of one's own notes in other forms, what he's really doing is giving people explicit permission to overlap traditions to more easily use their work from other places in their zettelkasten.
Compare this with Scott Scheper's related article on 2023-05-24 at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/13qzgjs/connecting_a_zettelkasten_to_a_commonplace_book/ (and the related YouTube video in which he talks about giving things an "address".
Unmentioned is that in many citation managers, one would likely use a "manuscript" format for citations here. Upon checking it looks like Zotero doesn't have data fields for page number, paragraph, or line numbers for their manuscript type.
- Mar 2023
blog.cmpxchg8b.com blog.cmpxchg8b.com
If you use a third party password manager, you might not realize that modern browsers have password management built in with a beautiful UX. Frankly, it’s harder to not use it.
If you’re a security conscious user... You don’t need SMS-2FA. You can use unique passwords, this makes you immune to credential stuffing and reduces the impact of phishing. If you use the password manager built in to modern browsers, it can effectively eliminate phishing as well.
not needed: password manager: 3rd-party
pt-br.facebook.com pt-br.facebook.com
Você pode criar somente duas contas no Gerenciador de Negócios
Verificar se é possível ter mais de DUAS CONTAS no Gerenciador de Negócios
Criar um Gerenciador de Negócios
pt-br.facebook.com pt-br.facebook.com
Central de Ajuda da Meta para Empresas
- Jan 2023
web.archive.org web.archive.org
- Dec 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
To Zotero or not to Zotero?
reply to: https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalKnowledgeMgmt/comments/zgvbg4/to_zotero_or_not_to_zotero/
I don't often add in web pages, but for books and journal articles I love Zotero for quickly bookmarking, tagging, and saving material I want to read. It's worth it's weight in gold just for this functionality even if you're not using it for writing citations in publications.
Beyond this, because of it's openness and ubiquity it's got additional useful plugins for various functions you may want to play around with and a relatively large number of tools are able to dovetail with it to provide additional functionality. As an example, the ability to dump groups of material from Zotero into ResearchRabbit to discover other literature I ought to consider is a fantastically useful feature one is unlikely to find elsewhere (yet).
- Nov 2022
discourse.devontechnologies.com discourse.devontechnologies.com
I work primarily on Windows, but I support my kids who primarily use Mac for their college education. I have used DT on Mac, IPOS, IOS for about a year. On Windows, I have been using Kinook’s UltraRecall (UR) for the past 15 years. It is both a knowledge outliner and document manager. Built on top of a sql lite database. You can use just life DT and way way more. Of course, there is no mobile companion for UR. The MS Windows echo system in this regard is at least 12 years behind.
Reference for UltraRecall (UR) being the most DEVONthink like Windows alternative. No mobile companion for UR. Look into this being paired with Obsidian
- Oct 2022
github.com github.com
apt-get upgrade -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold"
- Sep 2022
metalblueberry.github.io metalblueberry.github.io
Some people eventually realize that the code quality is important, but they lack of the time to do it. This is the typical situation when you work under pressure or time constrains. It is hard to explain to you boss that you need another week to prepare your code when it is “already working”. So you ship the code anyway because you can not afford to spent one week more.
- Aug 2022
German publishers send out so-called book cards to book shops along with their newreleases. On them, bibliographic information is printed. Those book cards are also in postcardsize, i.e. A6, and their textual structure allows for them to be included in the reference filebox.
Automatic reference cards!
When did they stop doing this!!!
- Jul 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
How to write a thesis, by Umberto Eco. Eco is very heavily opinionated, in a brash and amusing way. Naturally, the writing is stellar. He also dedicates a lot of the book to the use of index cards for managing a bibliography, which was very pertinent at the time it was written. Even though the physical medium of index cards is no longer current and we are all busy fighting the Mendeley/Zotero/Endnote wars, there is still much to be learned from this book about effectively managing a bibliography.
Anecdotal evidence of someone who thinks that digital bibliography managers are better than older manual methods of bibliographical and note taking methods.
This may be the case if the management of bibliography is wholly divorced from note taking, but one still needs to integrate the two pieces at some point.
Is there evidence that people use bibliographic tools like Zotero, Endnote, Mendeley as bookmark tools for things they intend to read?
What affordances do these tools provide beyond pulling reference markers from an article and simply spitting out a fully formed and formatted bibliography?
Zotero has recently updated with version 6 to make pulling in annotations from pdf files into their bigger enterprise much easier, so perhaps it's a step back toward integrating the older zettelkasten-like methods of note taking?
- Jun 2022
www.hollywoodreporter.com www.hollywoodreporter.com
To organize his thoughts, Coppola made a “prompt book,” a theater trick he learned in college at Hofstra. Into a three-ring binder he stuffed his annotated copy of the novel, scene-by-scene breakdowns, notes on the times and setting, cliches to avoid and casting ideas.
Francis Ford Coppola created and used a prompt book to organize his notes and annotations on Mario Puzo's The Godfather to create the 1972 Paramount blockbuster.
Having learned the stage managers' technique of keeping a prompt book at Hofstra, his contained an annotated copy of the novel with scene-by-scene breakdowns, notes on setting, cliches to avoid, and even casting ideas.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- May 2022
www.cnblogs.com www.cnblogs.com
FastCGI是语言无关的、可伸缩架构的CGI开放扩展,其主要行为是将CGI解释器进程一直保持在内存,不是fork-and-execute,并因此获得较高的性能。FastCGI支持分布式部署,可以部署在WEB服务器以外的多个主机上。 PHP-CGI作为PHP自带的PHP FastCGI管理器对FastCGI的管理方式简单,也不够灵活高效。 PHP-FPM为了解决PHP-CGI的不足,为PHP FastCGI提供了一种新的进程管理方式,可以有效控制进程,平滑重载PHP配置,其master process是常驻内存的,worker process有static、dynamic、ondemand三种管理方式。PHP-FPM进程池中的CGI在接受并处理完pm.max_requests个用户请求后将会respawn,并不会保证单个CGI是long-live and always be running,而会以更加灵活高效的方式来保证客户端的连接请求可以被多个CGI处理。
- Mar 2022
github.com github.com
This plugin generates literaure notes from the source stored in your Zotero library, including both the metadata and the annotations that are stored within Zotero (extracted using the native PDF Reader or the Zotfile plugin). The settings of the plugin provide different tools to customize the format of the literature notes, as well as to perform different transformations to the text of the annotations.
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
his serves as a good example of apt-gets stability. In apt, the name was changed to be more user friendly, while in apt-get the name remains unchanged so as not to break compatibility with old scripts.
- Nov 2021
realtyassistant.in realtyassistant.in
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- Oct 2021
www.productheroes.it www.productheroes.it
Avere un limite su ogni colonna ti assicura che gli Item si spostino velocemente da una colonna all’altra, visto che questo è l’unico modo per inserire nuovi Item.
Quale è il vantaggio principale del #[[WIP limit]] nella metodologia #agilekanban ?
Sta nel fatto che determinando un numero limite di task da poter inserire nella colonna allora spostare i task da una colonna all'altra (quindi avanzare nello sviluppo) sarà il solo modo per poter inserire nuovi task dal #[[product backlog]] alla board
Il Pull system funziona in modo diverso, ovvero con un limite sul numero di elementi inseribili in ogni singola colonna della board, questo limite viene chiamato WIP Limit, ovvero Work in Progress Limit.
In che modo differisce il sistema di #pull tra metodologia #agilescrum e #agilekanban ?
La differenza principale emerge nel fatto che nella metodologia kanban su ogni colonna della board kanban c'è un numero limite di task che si possono inserire, questo numero limite viene chiamato #[[WIP limit]]
La principale differenza è che nel Kanban non esistono le sprint. Il processo di sviluppo è continuo.
Quale è la differenza principale tra #agilescrum e #agilekanban ?
La differenza principale è nelle tempistiche dello sviluppo, nella metodologia scrum il processo è di breve durate ed iterativo, in quella kanban invece lo sviluppo è continuo
Per tracciare i progressi si usa una board chiamata Scrum Board, Agile Board o per fare un po’ di casino Kanban Board.Di solito ci sono 4 colonne: To Do, Doing o Progress, Test o QA, Done. La premessa di tutto è che queste due metodologie non sono prescrittive per cui ogni team poi può decidere di aggiungere o rimuovere colonne in base alle proprie esigenze.Il Movimento ideale degli Item sulla scrumboard è da sinistra verso destra, se il movimento è al contrario c’è qualcosa che non va.
In che modo avviene il tracciamento dei progressi nei progetti di sviluppo, che siano #agilescrum o #agilekanban ?
Avviene tutto tramite delle board kanban divise in colonne e in cui si deve passare da sinistra a destra.
Questa parte è il Pull di cui stavamo parlando prima, ovvero gli item vengono “tirati” dal backlog e non “pushati” da qualcun altro.
In cosa consiste la parte #pull delle metodologie #agilescrum e #agilekanban ?
Essenzialmente si riferisce all'atto con cui i team prendono dal #[[product backlog]] i task su cui si devono concentrare e non vedono questi task essere imposti loro dall'alto e/o qualcuno di esterno.
Compito di #[[product owner]] e #[[scrum master]] è quello di fare di tutto per permettere al team di concentrarsi sullo sviluppo ed implementazione, nel minor tempo possibile e maggiore efficacia, sui task che sono stati inseriti nello #[[sprint backlog]]
Quello che accade tra il product backlog, ovvero la mega-lista di cose da fare, e il customer, ovvero l’utente che userà il tuo prodotto, è quello che distingue Scrum da Kanban.
Cosa sono, in una frase, le metodologie #agilescrum e #agilekanban ? Che funzione assolvono?
Essenzialmente portano tutto quello che c'è nel #[[product backlog]] da quella lista al customer.
Alcune caratteristiche del Product Backlog:Ogni Item in Backlog deve aggiungere valore all’utente finaleIl Backlog deve essere ordinato e prioritizzatoIl Backlog è un documento vivente. Il processo di revisione e modifica giornaliera del Backlog da parte del Product Owner si chiama Backlog GroomingI dettagli di ogni Item dipendono tipicamente dalla loro posizione sul Backlog: in alto tanti dettagli, in basso pochi dettagli.
Quali sono alcune caratteristiche fondamentali del #[[product backlog]] ?
L'atto di pulizia e aggiornamento del backlog è definito come #[[backlog grooming]]
Il Product Backlog è la lista prioritizzata di tutto ciò che si vorrebbe fare (occhio a queste due parole!) all’interno del progetto. Qui sta una delle prime intuizioni semplicissime, ma geniali, dei due metodi.Il fatto che un Item sia in backlog non vuol dire che verrà sicuramente affrontato, sviluppato e rilasciato.
Cosa è il #[[product backlog]] e cosa è presente al suo interno?
Si tratta di una lista prioritizzata di tutto quello che si vorrebbe fare all'interno del progetto.
Importante è l'aspetto del "si vorrebbe", il fatto che qualcosa sia in backlog non significa necessariamente che sarà poi sviluppato e rilasciato.
All'interno di questo backlog si possono trovare #userstory oppure task tecnici oppure bug oppure knowledge task.
Secondo i principi dell’Agile, come abbiamo visto nel post precedente, il software viene consegnato al customer in piccoli pezzi che incrementano il valore del software progressivamente, inoltre il feedback dal customer viene preso costantemente in considerazione e diventa parte essenziale del ciclo di sviluppo.
Quale è la differenza principale tra metodologia #waterfall ed #agile ?
La differenza principale è nelle modalità di rilascio del prodotto: nella metodologia waterfall il rilascio avviene interamente e di blocco, nel caso invece di agile il rilascio avviene in fasi iterative e frequenti, piccoli rilasci e implementazioni ad ogni fase.
Nel metodo agile, ad ogni iterazione, il #[[product owner]] raccoglie i feedback di utenti e stakeholder e le utilizza per le prossime iterazioni, inserendole nel #[[product backlog]]
n una cascata (waterfall), infatti, l’acqua cade sempre dall’alto verso il basso e così funziona nello sviluppo software Waterfall:Il responsabile di prodotto definisce i requisiti di tutto il progettoIl team di sviluppo realizza il progetto per interoIl progetto viene consegnato al customer tutto in una voltaTutto va nella stessa direzione. Dall’alto verso il basso. Sempre
Come è caratterizzato il metodo #waterfall di sviluppo?
È il metodo classico di sviluppo, in maniera unidirezionale il responsabile di prodotto #[[product owner]] fornisce agli sviluppatori i requisiti di tutto il progetto, questi li implementano per intero, l'intero progetto viene fornito ai consumatori in un'unica volta.
- Sep 2021
ubuntuforums.org ubuntuforums.org
sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get clean sudo apt update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-missing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-broken sudo apt full-upgrade sudo apt -f install dpkg --configure -a
- Aug 2021
How do your reports respond to feedback? As managers, it’s our job to grow the people we work with. This is how we build a bench, and scale ourselves and the organization. Of course, this is easy to say and hard to do, and we’ve all encountered a spectrum of people: those with whom it’s easy to accelerate and have a real and lasting impact on, and those where the lasting impact is the relief we feel once we no longer work with them.
this is also why it is important to have a good culture of frequent feedback. Since it is key to growing the organization, feedback can't be saved for quarterly reviews only.
360learning.com 360learning.com
Empower managers to facilitate effective learning transfer As Fergal explains, managers have a key role to play in facilitating effective learning transfer. “Research shows that managers play the most critical role in learning transfer - especially in the post-training environment. Every learner needs a manager who understands them, and how they want to learn and grow. They need to have the right coaching style, and they need the right resources.”In most organizations, instructional design focuses on the needs of the learner. But as Fergal explains, focusing on the needs of your managers can pay dividends. “Ideally, you’d have the manager attend the same training as the learner. The problem is, managers are always stretched. So, what you can do instead is develop specific guidance for your managers.” Provide a script for managers to support their team’s learning
many managers are not used to the coaching-for development approach, or take a hands-off approach to supporting learning and development - managers need to be proactive, and can use support from the L&D team on how to facilitate effective learning transfer / discussions with their teams
- May 2021
github.com github.com
one of the following package repositories:
Installation via Package Manager
toraritte.github.io toraritte.github.io
The command nix-shell will build the dependencies of the specified derivation, but not the derivation itself. It will then start an interactive shell in which all environment variables defined by the derivation path have been set to their corresponding values, and the script $stdenv/setup has been sourced. This is useful for reproducing the environment of a derivation for development.
QUESTION: What exactly does
execute from the Nix expression (i.e.,shell.nix
, etc.)?ANSWER: Based on my current understanding, the answer is everything. It calls
(see annotation below) to set up the most basic environment variables (TODO: expand on this), and "injects" the most common tools (e.g.,gcc
) into it.It also defines the phases (TODO: verify this) and builder functions, such as
. For example, the default builder is just two lines:source $stdenv/setup genericBuild
is a mystery though.QUESTION: Once dropping into
, how do I know what phases to execute by looking at adefault.nix
? (E.g.,[..]freeswitch/default.nix
)ANSWER: As far as I can tell, one can override the phases in their Nix build expression (to build the derivation, see at the bottom), but they won't get executed as only the
(see above) will get sourced, and no builders are called that, in return, invoke the phases (again, see above).So if one is using
to create/hack on a package, the person has to manually invoke the builder or phases (TODO: still fuzzy on this subject)
to set up an environment, then one doesn't even have to worry about builders/phases because we just use
to clear the environment and to inject tools that we need for a given task
QUESTION: When dropping into
, is this Nix expression (i.e.,freeswitch/default.nix
) executed? Or just parts of it?ANSWER: As stated above, all of the input Nix expression is evaluated, but no builders and build phases are called; although, nothing prevents one to override the phases, in case they are creating/hacking on a package.
The command
will build the dependencies of the specified derivation, but not the derivation itself.What is the "derivation" here exactly? I know that it is a build expression, but does that mean the
(or other Nix expression)nix-shell
is invoked with?<sup>This statement also seems like a contradiction with how `nix-shell` works (i.e., if one issues `nix-shell -p curl`, then `curl` will be available in that sub-shell), but `-p` acts like a shortcut to as if `curl` had been listed in `buildInputs` so this is not the case.</sup>
ANSWER: I have the feeling my confusion comes from the fact that the term "derivation" is used ambiguously in the manuals, sometimes to mean multiple things (see list below).
TODO: Substantiate this claim, and make sure that it not coming from my misunderstanding certain topics.
Nix build expression (such as
) whose output is going to become the store derivation itself (see last item at the bottom about the Nix manual's glossary definition)store derivation.
Had multiple cracks at unambiguously define what a derivation is, and here's a list of these:
What is the purpose of nix-instantiate? What is a store-derivation? (probably the best try yet)
What is a Nix expression in regard to Nix package management? (feels sloppier, but commenter mentions
, adding the possibility of making it very specific)Closure vs derivation in the Nix package manager (very short, and will have to be re-written, but adds closures to the mix)
There is now a glossary definition of a derivation in the Nix manual; see this annotation why I find it problematic
QUESTION: What is the difference between
nix-shell -p
invoked with a Nix expression ofmkShell
(or other that achieves the similar effect)?QUESTION:
does not create a sub-shell, so what does it do? (clarification: sonix-shell
indeed does it; I confused it withnix shell
- Apr 2021
scrumguides.org scrumguides.org
The Scrum Master is accountable for establishing Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide. They do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory and practice, both within the Scrum Team and the organization. The Scrum Master is accountable for the Scrum Team’s effectiveness. They do this by enabling the Scrum Team to improve its practices, within the Scrum framework. Scrum Masters are true leaders who serve the Scrum Team and the larger organization.
This is the section in the Scrum Guide that defines the Scrum Master as Leader first. Servant later (below.) The explicit mentioning of accountable and true leaders emphasises the new focus on leadership in a Scrum Master.
Does this support the ongoing discussion between Scrum Masters and Line Managers?
Who’s responsible for coding standards? Who is holding the team accountable when they do not adhere to the DOD? What about quality standards? The role of the QA lead? Yes to all who answer: The Team. They are collectively accountable. What if team dysfunction that a SM can’t solve on his own disrupt performance and quality? He has got no disciplinary status/power, and should not, in order to not restrict his coaching attitude?
There is an article on scrum.org that states that servant leadership is still useful.
Further consider the self-managing / self-governing ideas https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/scrum-team-self-managing This article enables each organisation to create shared understanding on how much power lies within the team.
Since the Scrum master is accountable for the effectiveness of Scrum, he must facilitate shared understanding and agreement within the team and within the teams organisation.
www.scrum.org www.scrum.org
more emphasis on leadership
Where and how does it place more emphasis on leadership? (need to explore!)
Leading what? Quality goals? Coding standards? Dysfunctional behaviour? → Role of the manager working with a scrum team, within a scrum team, managing people that are part of a scrum team.
- Mar 2021
superuser.com superuser.com
You can use apt-cache search -n vim to search only package names instead of piping the output into grep
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
echo "firefox hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
toraritte.github.io toraritte.github.io
A Nix expression describes everything that goes into a package build action (a “derivation”)
Come up with an ultimate definition for what a "derivation" is.
So round up all the places where it is mentioned across Nix* manuals, and check out these:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58243554/what-is-a-nix-expression-in-regard-to-nix-package-management (this also needs to be edited)
look for more online
From Nix Pills section 6.1. The
function (see annotation):A derivation from a Nix language view point is simply a set, with some attributes. Therefore you can pass the derivation around with variables like anything else.
So there is clearly an ambiguity between what derivations are perceived to be and what is stated in the Eelco Dolstra's PhD thesis. Or maybe I'm having issues with reading comprehension again...
For each output declared in outputs, the corresponding environment variable is set to point to the intended path in the Nix store for that output. Each output path is a concatenation of the cryptographic hash of all build inputs, the name attribute and the output name. (The output name is omitted if it’s out.)
QUESTION: So when I see
in a builder script, it refers to the default output path because theoutput
attribute in the Nix expression has never been explicitly set, right? -
A derivation causes that derivation to be built prior to the present derivation; its default output path is put in the environment variable.
That is, if an input attribute is a reference to a derivation in the Nix store, then
- that derivation is built first (after a binary substitute is not found, I presume), and
- the path to the built package (for a better word) is handed to the shell build script.
derivationA description of a build action. The result of a derivation is a store object. Derivations are typically specified in Nix expressions using the derivation primitive. These are translated into low-level store derivations (implicitly by nix-env and nix-build, or explicitly by nix-instantiate).
Organically related to the annotation regarding my
confusion.The dissection of this definition to show why I find it lacking:
A description of a build action.
The first (couple) time(s) I read the manuals, this description popped up in many places, and I identified it with Nix expression every time, thinking that a derivation is a synonym for Nix expression.
Maybe it is, because it clearly tries to disambiguate between store derivations and derivation in the last sentence.
The result of a derivation is a store object.
Is this store object the same as a store derivation?
Derivations are typically specified in Nix expressions using the `derivation primitive. These are translated into low-level store derivations (implicitly by nix-env and nix-build, or explicitly by nix-instantiate).
QUESTION: So, the part of the Nix build expression (such as
) where thederivation
primitive is called (explicitly or implicitly, as inmkDerivation
) is the derivation, that will be ultimately be translated into store derivations?ANSWER: Start at section 15.4 Derivation.
QUESTION: Also, why is typically used here? Can one define derivations outside of Nix expressions?
ANSWER(?): One could I guess, because store derivations are ATerms (see annotation at the top), and the Nix expression language is just a tool to translate parameterized build actions into concrete terms to build a software package. The store derivations could be achieved using different means; e.g., the way Guix uses Guile scheme to get the same result))
I believe, that originally, derivation was simply a synonym to store derivation. Maybe it still is, and I'm just having difficulties with reading comprehension but I think the following would be less misleading (to me and apart from re-writing the very first sentence):
Derivations are typically the result of Nix expressions calling the
derivation primitive explicitly, or implicitly using
mkDerivation`. These are translated into low-level store derivations (implicitly by nix-env and nix-build, or explicitly by nix-instantiate). -
QUESTION: Does this refer to
? According to 6.5 Phases in the Nixpkgs manual?ANSWER: I'm pretty sure it does. It sets up the environment (not sure how yet; I see the env vars, but not the basic commands - sed, awk, etc. - that are listed below) and defines a bunch of functions (such as
) but it doesn't call these functions! -
The function mkDerivation in the Nixpkgs standard environment is a wrapper around derivation that adds a default value for system and always uses Bash as the builder, to which the supplied builder is passed as a command-line argument. See the Nixpkgs manual for details.
"Documented" in the Nixpkgs manual under 6.1 Using
.Used the double-quotes above because I don't consider it well documted. Will give it a try too; worst case scenario is that I'll fail as well.
C.12. Release 1.6 (2013-09-10)In addition to the usual bug fixes, this release has several new features:The command nix-build --run-env has been renamed to nix-shell.
See annotations with the
Why are the build phases not enumerated in the Nix manual? If the instructions on how to create a derivation (and thus, a package) then why not go all in instead of spreading out information in different manuals, making the subject harder to grasp?...
(By the way, it is documented in the Nixpkgs manual under 6.5 Phases; not sure why it is not called build phases when every page refers to them like that.)
Chapter 14. A Simple Nix Expression
This such a stupid move to go through a derivation example before introducing the language.
Add the package to the file pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix. The Nix expression written in the first step is a function; it requires other packages in order to build it. In this step you put it all together, i.e., you call the function with the right arguments to build the actual package.
In addition to this rant, step 3. should be more generic, instead of tying it to Nixpkgs; at least, either show how to build your own Nix expression repo, or don't add this step, but it is not at all necessary to write a derivation. There is a Nixpkgs manual for a reason.
$ nix-env -i firefox --substituters ssh://alice@avalon This works similar to the binary cache substituter that Nix usually uses, only using SSH instead of HTTP
So a substitute is a built binary for a given derivation, and a substituter is a server (or binary cache) that serves pre-built binaries, right?
Update: in the next line it says that "it will fall back to using the binary cache substituter", so I guess that answers it.
this is another key topic. Also:
- substitute vs. substituter => this (I think)
See annotations with the
tag -
When you ask Nix to install a package, it will first try to get it in pre-compiled form from a binary cache. By default, Nix will use the binary cache https://cache.nixos.org; it contains binaries for most packages in Nixpkgs. Only if no binary is available in the binary cache, Nix will build the package from source. So if nix-env -i subversion results in Nix building stuff from source, then either the package is not built for your platform by the Nixpkgs build servers, or your version of Nixpkgs is too old or too new.
binary caches tie in with substitutes somehow; get to the bottom of it. See annotations with the
tag.Maybe this?
Another gem: who knows what a "closure" is.
[This highlight] (a couple lines below) implicitly explains it though:
The command nix-copy-closure copies a Nix store path along with all its dependencies to or from another machine via the SSH protocol. It doesn’t copy store paths that are already present on the target machine.
or this, also just a couple lines below:
the closure of a store path (that is, the path and all its dependencies)
the closure of a store path (that is, the path and all its dependencies)
The command nix-copy-closure copies a Nix store path along with all its dependencies to or from another machine via the SSH protocol. It doesn’t copy store paths that are already present on the target machine. For example, the following command copies Firefox with all its dependencies:
subscribes you to a channel that always contains that latest version of the Nix Packages collection.
That is a misleading statement. The latest version is where the
branch points, isn't it?So a channel points to a Nixpkgs commit (on a branch named after the channel) where all packages inside are deemed stable, and all packages are built to have available binary substitutes by a (hydra) build farm.
A Nix channel is just a URL that points to a place that contains a set of Nix expressions and a manifest.
garbage collector roots
Definitely avoid this, when a term is used but only introduced formally way later. (There is also a reference to "garbage collector roots" almost at the beginning as well.)
$ nix-env --switch-profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/my-profile $ nix-env --switch-profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/default These commands switch to the my-profile and default profile, respectively. If the profile doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically.
learn more about profiles; creating new profiles was new info
Chapter 10. ProfilesProfiles and user environments are Nix’s mechanism for implementing the ability to allow different users to have different configurations, and to do atomic upgrades and rollbacks.
user environment
Explain the shit out of this one with tons of examples.
In Nix, different users can have different “views” on the set of installed applications. That is, there might be lots of applications present on the system (possibly in many different versions), but users can have a specific selection of those active — where “active” just means that it appears in a directory in the user’s PATH. Such a view on the set of installed applications is called a user environment, which is just a directory tree consisting of symlinks to the files of the active applications.
nix-env -qas
... and it takes AGES to complete
4.3.1. Change the Nix store path prefix
There is a lot of place in this manual (and probably in the others as well) where the prefix is referred to (usually with italics, such as "prefix/store"), so in the book
this should be linked to this section (or the one in the book), and
establish a clear and well-communicated notation to convey this
At the same time, it is not possible for one user to inject a Trojan horse into a package that might be used by another user.
Answer is below in the manual: https://hyp.is/qRSFdnCJEeueY8NWtMIeHw/toraritte.github.io/saves/Nix-Package-Manager-Guide-Version-2.3.10.html
Chapter 6. SecurityNix has two basic security models. First, it can be used in “single-user mode”, which is similar to what most other package management tools do: there is a single user (typically root) who performs all package management operations. All other users can then use the installed packages, but they cannot perform package management operations themselves.Alternatively, you can configure Nix in “multi-user mode”. In this model, all users can perform package management operations — for instance, every user can install software without requiring root privileges. Nix ensures that this is secure. For instance, it’s not possible for one user to overwrite a package used by another user with a Trojan horse.
Would have been nice to link these to the install chapter where single- and multi-user modes were mentioned.
How would this look in a topic-based documentation? I would think that his chapter would be listed in the pre-requisites, and it could be used to buld different reading paths (or assemblies in DocBook, I believe) such as
(if there are people like me who want to understand everything first), etc. -
You can uninstall Nix simply by running: $ rm -rf /nix
Yeah, I there are several tickets and posts about how this is not entirely true.
- https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1623
- https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1402
- https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/458
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51929461/how-to-uninstall-nix
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/443699/how-do-you-uninstall-in-nix
- https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/170000/how-to-completely-remove-nix-package-manager
$ mkdir /nix $ chown alice /nix
Traditionally, when a command should be invoked with
, it is either included in the example, or the shell indicator is#
instead of$
. -
To explicitly select a single-user installation on your system:
It should be noted in this section also that since nix 2.1.0, single user install is the default.
nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A pan
What is happening here exactly?
's syntax synopsis always bugged because it looks like thisSYNOPSIS nix-shell [--arg name value] [--argstr name value] [{--attr | -A} attrPath] [--command cmd] [--run cmd] [--exclude regexp] [--pure] [--keep name] {{--packages | -p} packages... | [path]}
and the canonical example is
nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A pan
; what tripped me up is thatpath
is usually the first in examples, and I thought that the position of arguments are strict. As it turns out,nix-shell -A pan '<nixpkgs>
is just as valid.Side note<br> Apparently there is no standard for man pages. See 1, 2.
path is the one specified in theNIX_PATH
environment variable, and-A pan
looks up thepan
attribute inpkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
in the Nixpkgs repo. -
since packages aren’t overwritten, the old versions are still there after an upgrade. This means that you can roll back to the old version:
Wouldn't hurt to tell folks that this is a convenience layer, and one could also just use the old package from the
, even though that path would be long and obscure; one could use symlinks of course.Or, onc could just use
nix-shell -p
that specifies a specific version (that's already in the store), but, of course, it's not that simple...
docdrop.org docdrop.org
We assume that the people who are in the bestposition to accurately assess the degree of bullshit in their organizations arethe people who work there; therefore, we set out to develop a reliable andvalid scale to measure employees’ perceptions of the extent to which bullshitexists in their organizations. Next, we turn to how we developed theOrganizational Bullshit Perception Scale (OBPS).
Applying the logic of Petrocelli (2018), leaders will be driven to bull-shit when the social and professional expectations to have an opinion are high,and when they expect to get away with it. These two conditions are subject tohow (un)knowledgeable their audience is. Similarly, if leaders exhibit high levelsof overconfidence, and believe they are popular amongst their peers, this willmake them likely to engage in more bullshit-related behavior (Jerrim et al.,2019).
ll respondents assessed their overallperceived bullshit in their organization on a simple 4-point scale ranging from 1indicating ‘there is no bullshit in our organization’, through 2 indicating ‘there isa little bullshit in our organization’, through 3 indicating ‘there is some bullshitin our organization’ to 4 indicating ‘there is a lot of bullshit in our organization’.The overall perceived bullshit in the organization was regressed on the threeperceived bullshit scale factors. The R2value of 0.36 indicates convergencebetween the OBPS and the overall bullshit perception measure, withregardfor truthandthe bossbeing significant predictors of the overall bullshitperception.
The second dimension,the boss, confirms that employees believe that theirsuperiors are key players in the dissemination of bullshit. Bullshit aims only toserve an immediate end – whether to puff up one’s reputation or to advancetheir point of view or argument (Gibson, 2011). Further, employees are likely tohave to take action based on any bullshit communicated by their bosses. As aresult, employees are likely to be acutely aware when their superiors use bullshitto advance their own self-interests.
The final dimension,bullshit language,considers some of the commonly usedtypes of language employed by bullshitters, namely the excessive use of acro-nyms and jargon. The finding that employees perceive that the excessive use ofsuch language is a form of bullshit confirms that they are not oblivious to its usein the workplace. They may share the opinion of McCarthy et al. (2020, p. 258),who argued that “if a statement is riddled with meaningless language, acronyms,buzzwords, and jargon, then it is likely to be bullshit.” It is possible that theexcessive use of acronyms and jargon may occur to employees as an exclusion-ary mechanism in the workplace, whereby those unfamiliar with the terminologymay not be able to meaningfully contribute to the conversation or voice theirconcerns.
- Jan 2021
internals.rust-lang.org internals.rust-lang.org
Explained: Reason for the “The following packages have been kept back” error and how it was fixed The above suggested fix should solve the problem for you. But are you curious what caused the error and how was it fixed? Let me explain that to you. Normally, when you run the sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade commands, it updates all the installed packages to their available newer versions. However, if the dependencies of an installed package have been changed such that it requires installation of new packages, the installed package won’t be upgraded with the system update and you’ll see package kept back error.
Fixing “The following packages have been kept back” Error The fix for this error is really simple. All you have to do is to use the apt install command with package or packages in the question: sudo apt install package_name If you use apt install on an already installed package, it gets updated. In my case, fwupd package was kept back. So, here’s what I tried: sudo apt install fwupd As you can see in the below screenshot, it suggests two packages that will be installed and then those packages are installed as well.
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
A more aggressive solution is to run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, which will force the installation of those new dependencies. But dist-upgrade can be quite dangerous. Unlike upgrade it may remove packages to resolve complex dependency situations. Unlike you, APT isn't always smart enough to know whether these additions and removals could wreak havoc.
but you're probably better off learning a bit more about APT and resolving the dependency issues "by hand" by installing and removing packages on a case-by-case basis. Think of it like fixing a car... if you have time and are handy with a wrench, you'll get some peace of mind by reading up and doing the repair yourself. If you're feeling lucky, you can drop your car off with your cousin dist-upgrade and hope she knows her stuff.
- Dec 2020
www.atlassian.com www.atlassian.com
As we advocate in our Agile Product Management overview, the more involved that a product manager is with the development team, the better. That involvement should be along the lines of a product owner who champions customer needs, the "why" of the product. When the involvement blurs into tasking, the "how" for a team, then there is a problem. Even with the best of intentions, this kind of utilization mindset tends to hide problems: defects, hand-offs, and unknowns. Interleaving scope and process tends toward locking scope, schedule, and quality. That's a recipe for failure.
- The [[Product Manager answers the why]]
- The [[Scrum Master answers the how]]
- May 2020
www.managers.org.uk www.managers.org.uk
A new psychology of work: Workplaces in the post-Coronavirus era. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2020, from https://www.managers.org.uk:443/insights/news/2020/may/a-new-psychology-of-work-workplaces-in-the-post-coronavirus-era
agilevelocity.com agilevelocity.com
managing yourself and others.
Authors promote two ideologies.
- Managing Self: The Five Eds (well, first Three) from Agile Leadership by B. Joiner
- Managing Others: at its base is Dave Pink's Drive model: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. Authors then go to explain some ways of achieving each of previous.
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
We believe everyone deserves to report to exactly one person that knows and understands what you do day to day. The benefit of having a technically competent manager is easily the largest positive influence on a typical worker’s level of job satisfaction. We have a simple functional hierarchy, everyone has one manager that is experienced in their subject matter.
- Apr 2020
www.popularmechanics.com www.popularmechanics.com
Take a moment to consider the alternative. No, not the IT department's fantasy world, that never-gonna-happen scenario where you create a strong, unique password for every account, memorize each one, and refresh them every few months. We both know it's not like that. The reality is that in your attempts to handle all those passwords yourself, you will commit the cardinal sin of reusing some. That is actually far more risky than using a password manager. If a single site that uses this password falls, every account that uses it is compromised.
This cache of passwords is, of course, protected by a super-password of its own—one you obviously need to choose wisely. More from Popular Mechanics Handmade whistles from England Video Player is loading.Play VideoPrevious VideoPlayNext VideoMuteCurrent Time 0:00/Duration 3:52Loaded: 2.59%0:00Stream Type LIVESeek to live, currently playing liveLIVERemaining Time -3:52 1xPlayback RateChaptersChaptersDescriptionsdescriptions off, selectedCaptionscaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selectedEnglishAudio Trackdefault, selectedQuality1080p540p720p360p270pauto, selectedPicture-in-PictureFullscreenThis is a modal window.Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.TextColorWhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanTransparencyOpaqueSemi-TransparentBackgroundColorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanTransparencyOpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparentWindowColorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanTransparencyTransparentSemi-TransparentOpaqueFont Size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400%Text Edge StyleNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDropshadowFont FamilyProportional Sans-SerifMonospace Sans-SerifProportional SerifMonospace SerifCasualScriptSmall CapsReset restore all settings to the default valuesDoneClose Modal DialogEnd of dialog window. Replay "ACME Whistles | MADE HERE | Popular Mechanics" Up Next 01:29 First Look: 2020 iPhone SE 01:29 04:05 Clean your dishes in seconds 04:05 03:04 Easy Car Roof Access 03:04 Yes, this does pose a risk of its own, as you might already be screaming at your screen.
www.techrepublic.com www.techrepublic.com
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Some password managers will automatically import passwords from your browser
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Google Tag Manager allows you to avoid tagging scripts as described below, although this is limited to a certain category of scripts – scripts that are not positional/do not define a position. It, therefore, does not handle embed scripts such as those related to advertising banners, youtube video widgets, facebook like buttons etc.
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Comment manager en confiance ? Doit-on libérer ses collaborateurs des contraintes de l’ancien monde ? Ou faire usage des outils de transparence numérique pour mieux les piloter à distance – tout en les surveillant – afin de produire plus de résultats ?
La problématique exprime la question argumentative c'est-à-dire que l'autrice se demande quel management est le plus judicieux : le management basé sur la confiance ou l'utilisation des outils numériques pour "surveiller" le travailleur en vertu d'une amélioration de la production.
Libérer, délivrer… et surveiller ? Les tensions vécues par le manager dans les organisations entre nouveau et ancien monde
Le titre de l'article nous indique le point de vue de l'autrice : le management actuel au travail induit des tensions pour le manager
github.com github.com
OPVault is an almost perfectly documented format. This makes it highly improbable to come across a file that will fail to be imported. If it ever happens, a bug in the plugin is probably to be blamed.
github.com github.com
thehackernews.com thehackernews.com
While KeeFarce is specifically designed to target KeePass password manager, it is possible that developers can create a similar tool that takes advantage of a compromised machine to target virtually every other password manager available today.
KeeFarce obtains passwords by leveraging a technique called DLL (Dynamic Link Library) injection, which allows third-party apps to tamper with the processes of another app by injecting an external DLL code.
forums.tomsguide.com forums.tomsguide.com
As for the syncing: I think BitTorrent Sync should do it. It's p2p, meaning there're no servers inbetween. Maybe there're even open alternatives already. TL;DR: KeePass <-> BitTorrent Sync for database transfer <-> MiniKeePass
And most important: No proprietary encryption software can be fully trusted
If you are concerned about privacy and looking for a bullet-proof solution then the only way to go is open-source software. For example, there was another incident with a proprietary file "encrypter" for Android/iOS which used the simplest possible "encryption" on earth: XORing of data that is as easy to crack a monkey could do that. Would not happen to an open-source software. If you're worried about the mobile app not being as reliable (backdoors etc.) as the desktop app: compile it yourself from sources. https/github.com/MiniKeePass/MiniKeePass You can also compile the desktop version yourself. Honestly, I doubt most people, including you and me, will bother.
support.1password.com support.1password.com
github.com github.com
keepass.info keepass.info
keepass.info keepass.info
By default: no. The Auto-Type method in KeePass 2.x works the same as the one in 1.x and consequently is not keylogger-safe. However, KeePass features an alternative method called Two-Channel Auto-Type Obfuscation (TCATO), which renders keyloggers useless. This is an opt-in feature (because it doesn't work with all windows) and must be enabled for entries manually. See the TCATO documentation for details.
haveibeenpwned.com haveibeenpwned.com
Password reuse is normal. It's extremely risky, but it's so common because it's easy and people aren't aware of the potential impact.
support.1password.com support.1password.com
haveibeenpwned.com haveibeenpwned.com
- Mar 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
This method has the advantage of being quite fast but with the limit of working only for scripts that don’t require a specific position. Google Tag Manager is therefore not effective for all scripts that display a specific element in a specific position of the page (such as the Facebook Like button).
- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
- Jul 2019
www.snowsoftware.com www.snowsoftware.com
5.3 New version (2017-05-16) NEW - New Office 365 connector for retrieving information from Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Services
- Nov 2018
Why Managers Should Understand Adult Learning Theory
The article explains why managers should understand adult learning theory and how thinking of their employees as adult learners and providing the correct framework in the work environment will encourage employees to improve. Rating: 4/5
- Mar 2017
www.researchinformation.info www.researchinformation.info
In addition, Neylon suggested that some low-level TDM goes on below the radar. ‘Text and data miners at universities often have to hide their location to avoid auto cut-offs of traditional publishers. This makes them harder to track. It’s difficult to draw the line between what’s text mining and what’s for researchers’ own use, for example, putting large volumes of papers into Mendeley or Zotero,’ he explained.
Without a clear understanding of what a reference managers can do and what text and data mining is, it seems that some publishers will block the download of fulltexts on their platforms.
- Oct 2016
www.mulesoft.com www.mulesoft.com
API Manager