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  1. Last 7 days
  2. Jan 2025
    1. the death example actually points to something more primordial! It points to the fact that I can never make a focal object of my framing, my capacity for Relevance Realization. I mean, Perspectively. What I mean by that is whenever I am thinking or doing anything, [-] it's always framed because if I'm unframed, I'm facing combinatorial explosion, which is not intelligible to me.

      for - key insight / adjacency - relevance realization - I can never make a focal object of my framing, my capacity for relevance realization - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke - adjacency - focal object - framing - relevance realization - attention - intention - language - gestalt - infinite nesting - design - aspectualize - - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke

      adjacency - between - focal object - framing - relevance realization - attention - intention - language - gestalt - infinite nesting - design - aspectualize

      adjacency - between - focal object - framing - relevance realization - attention - intention - language - gestalt - infinite nesting - design - aspectualize

      adjacency - between - focal object - framing - relevance realization - attention - intention - language - gestalt - infinite nesting - design - aspectualize - adjacency relationship - As soon as we give attention to one aspect of our gestalt reality, we aspectualize, we frame - All of the below involve framing / aspectualizing - thinking - language use - design

    1. what science does is undermining or kind of challenging everything we believe to be right or all of our preconceptions about the world are challenged and sometimes completely reversed or revolutionised.

      for - adjacency - Deep Humanity - physiosphere - symbolosphere - language - science - preconceptions - hyperobjects - scientific model - prediction - YouTube - Beyond the perceptual envelope - Royal Institution - Deep Humanity BEing journeys - And, not or - example adjacency - between - preconceptions - concepts - scientific model - prediction - Deep Humanity - symbolosphere - physiosphere - language - science - adjacency relationship - Paradoxically, science overlays phenomenological reality with a constructed, symbolic layer - From a Deep Humanity perspective, the physiosphere is overlaid with the symbolosphere - The science narrative of - the deposition of animal remains over hundreds of millions of years make up - the cliffs we experience phenomenologically today - assumes the existence of hyperobjects we have no capacity to directly sense - Science is a process that - pays attention to our phenomenological reality - construct a story using specific concepts to explain the observed general class of phenomena in a consistent and repeatable - and most importantly, can predict new observable phenomena using the symbolic model Hence, science is a predictive activity which - begins in phenomenological reality, - the physiosphere - maps to symbols reality in a scientific model - the symbolosphere - makes new symbolic, predictions about phenomenological reality - and finally makes observations ink our phenomenological reality of the symbolically predicted phenomena to validate or refute - This process alternates between the two parallel worlds we seamlessly inhabit, - the physiosphere and - the symbolosphere - and this explains why achieve is - not either constructed OR discovered, but - is both constructed AND discovered

  3. Dec 2024
    1. We often discover that ANDs can easily take the place of BUTs.

      for - language awareness - And-Or-But - article - Medium - Happy andings! - In praise of "and" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2022

      // - comment - AND - expanding possibilities - OR - limiting possibilities - BUT - pointing out the shadow side / unintended consequences of an intention


    1. for - TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan - potential source - Deep Humanity - BEing journeys in language - appreciation of inhabiting the symbolosphere // - Summary - An interesting idea of teasing out the data structure behind language - This could be a rich area to explore for Deep Humanity language BEing journeys to help people gain deeper appreciation of their own amazing language abilities - as well as gain an appreciation for the enormous amount of time our life is spent in the (relative) symbolosphere

    2. supposing I was a writer, say, for a newspaper or for a magazine. I could create content in one language, FreeSpeech, and the person who's consuming that content, the person who's reading that particular information could choose any engine, and they could read it in their own mother tongue, in their native language

      for - freespeech can be used as an international language translator - data structure of thought - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan

    3. when you want to use Google, you go into Google search, and you type in English, and it matches the English with the English. What if we could do this in FreeSpeech instead? I have a suspicion that if we did this, we'd find that algorithms like searching, like retrieval, all of these things, are much simpler and also more effective, because they don't process the data structure of speech. Instead they're processing the data structure of thought

      for - indyweb dev - question - alternative to AI Large Language Models? - Is indyweb functionality the same as Freespeech functionality? - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan - data structure of thought - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan

    4. language is really the brain's invention to convert this rich, multi-dimensional thought on one hand into speech on the other hand.

      for - key insight - ideas are multidimensional - speech is one dimensional - language is one dimensional - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan

    5. the dream, the hope, the vision, really, is that when they learn English this way, they learn it with the same proficiency as their mother tongue.

      for - investigate - question - Does this other app that allows learning another language with the proficiency of a child exist? - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan

    6. there were a group of scientists that were trying to understand how the brain processes language, and they found something very interesting. They found that when you learn a language as a child, as a two-year-old, you learn it with a certain part of your brain, and when you learn a language as an adult -- for example, if I wanted to learn Japanese

      for - research study - language - children learning mother tongue use a different post off the brain then adults learning another language - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan

    7. if I wasn't an English speaker, if I was speaking in some other language, this map would actually hold true in any language. So long as the questions are standardized, the map is actually independent of language. So I call this FreeSpeech

      for - app - Free Speech - permutations of pictures that can created meaning without using language - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan

    8. grammar is incredibly powerful, because grammar is this one component of language which takes this finite vocabulary that all of us have and allows us to convey an infinite amount of information, an infinite amount of ideas. It's the way in which you can put things together in order to convey anything you want to

      for - the power of grammar - infinite permutations if meaning using a finite set of symbols - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan




    1. once I began to see in 3D, I realized how wrong I had been. My theoretical knowledge of stereopsis did not prepare me in the least for the experience of seeing in stereo. Dr. Sacks must have suspected that stereopsis would provide me with an astonishing new way of seeing, one that I could not even have imagined

      for - cliche - the finger pointing to the moon - the finger is not the moon - language is NOT the experience it describes - from Psychology Today website - article - What Oliver Sacks Taught Me - Susan R. Barry - 2024 - Jan. 23

    1. shi-ne

      for - definition - Shi-ne - Shamatha without object - open awareness - the Tibetan meditation practice of becoming aware of our habitual tendency to reify and essentialize phenomena, experiencing them as having independent, non-relational reality of their own, both for - inner phenomena (thoughts and emotions) - outer phenomena (sensations) - It also goes by two other names - Shamatha without object - open awareess - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7 - adjacency - Tibetan shi-ne meditation - insight into our habit of reifying reality into objects - object permanence in child psychology - feral children and role of language enculturation in our constructed reality - Deep Humanity BEing journeys to give insight into deeper layer of phenomenological experience

      adjacency - between - Tibetan shi-ne meditation - insight into our habit of reifying reality into objects - object permanence in child psychology - Dr. Oliver Sacks medical case histories - feral children and absence of enculturation on human experience of reality - potential Deep Humanity BEing journeys to penetrate early deep conceptual layer - new relationship - question - Is shi-ne, in one sense attempting to get us to penetrate our deep conditioning of object permanence in our early child development years? - Before we mastered object permanence, we essentially experienced really as an undivided whole, a gestalt - To understand how non-trivial construction of object permanence is, we can read the late Dr. Oliver Sacks writing on his medical case studies of patients whose medical conditions caused them to experience reality in the danger way ordinary people do - The study of feral children also provides important insights into linguistic conditioning's role in our construction of reality - This area can inspire many important Deep Humanity BEing journeys relating - our habitual propensity to reify - object permanence - Shi-ne meditation and to offer us a way to penetrate our early deep conditioning of object permanence - Doing so allows us to get in touch with a pure, unconditioned, more primordial experience of reality free from layers of deep conceptualisation

    1. we think of kindness and compassion in a way that's very similar to the way scci other scientists think about language

      for - comparison / key insight - compassion is like language (and also like genetics) - every infant has the biological capacity for these - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson

      comparison / key insight - compassion is like language (and also like genetics) - compassion, like language and genetics is intrinsic to our human nature. Every newborn comes into the world with the biological capacity for kindness/compassion, language and for genetic expression. However, - how we actually turn out as adults depends on what variables exist in our environment - If we have a compassionate mOTHER, our Most significant OTHER, she will teach us compassion - just like a child raised in a community of other language speakers in the environment will enable the child to cultivate the language capacity and - without a community of language speakers, a feral infant will grow up not understanding language at all - a healthy environment triggers beneficial epigenetic processes - Again, the chinese saying is salient: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture

      to - feral children - Youtube - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FTKaS1RdAfrg%2F&group=world - Chinese saying: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - https://hyp.is/TWOEYrlUEe-Mxx_LHYIpMg/medium.com/postgrowth/rediscovering-harmony-how-chinese-philosophy-offers-pathways-to-a-regenerative-future-07a097b237a0

    1. The Greeks took that material change and they mythologized it into the soul. And then, of course, Genesis—the creation of the world in Christianity—says, the world is here for humans. It was created for humans to use, to dominate, to exploit, you know, in their trial here to see if they’re righteous or not.

      for - key insight - roots of anthropomorphism - Greek and Christian narratives - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton - adjacency - existential polycrisis - roots of anthropomorphism in the written language - Deep Humanity BEing journeys that explore how language constructs our reality

      key insight / summary - roots of anthropomorphism - Greek and Christian narratives - The Greeks defined the soul - The Genesis story established that we were the chosen species and all others are subservient to us - From that story, domination of nature becomes the social norm, leading all the way to the existential polycrisis / metacrisis we are now facing - This underscores the critical salience of Deep Humanity to the existential polycrisis - exploring the roots of language and how it changes our perceptions of reality - showing us how we construct our narratives at the most fundamental level, then buy into them

    1. the first one is the paradox of pronouncement. And here we recognize that language is both incredibly useful for us and is evocative and helps us create and and see and be in this reciprocal exchange. And we also are trying to open to a non dual embodied cognition that is beyond the written word and beyond the hegemony of the written word, and indeed the hegemony of the English written word

      for - paradoxes - first one - pronouncement - the written word - evocative - but also hegemonic - especially the English language - there are other oral traditions - try to open nondual embodied cognition using English - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladna - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    2. we are all still performers of the dominant culture

      for - quote - power of language - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - 2023

      quote - power of language - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - 2023 - (see below) - We are still performers of the dominant culture

    1. Tim Ferris posting a text by Gabriel Wyner from 2014 on learning a new language in several steps 1) hear the novel sounds in the language and how to spell them 2) learn a list of basic words by connecting them to their image not their translatiojn 3) learn (simplified) grammar 4) continue the game (adding focused vocab, reading, listening speaking etc)

    2. My book, Fluent Forever: How to learn any language fast and never forget it, is an in-depth journey into the language learning process, full of tips, guidelines and research into the most efficient methods for learning and retaining foreign languages.

      [[Fluent Forever by Gabriel Wyner]] 2014. vgl [[7 talen in 7 dagen door Gaston Dorren]] which starts more with grammar and reading comprehension actually.

    3. Fluency in speech is not the ability to know every word and grammatical formation in a language; it’s the ability to use whatever words and grammar you know to say whatever’s on your mind. When you go to a pharmacy and ask for “That thing you swallow to make your head not have so much pain,” or “The medicine that makes my nose stop dripping water” – THAT is fluency. As soon as you can deftly dance around the words you don’t know, you are effectively fluent in your target language. This turns out to be a learned skill, and you practice it in only one situation: When you try to say something, you don’t know the words to say it, and you force yourself to say it in your target language anyways. If you want to build fluency as efficiently as possible, put yourself in situations that are challenging, situations in which you don’t know the words you need. And every time that happens, stay in your target language no matter what.

      speaking fluency comes from staying in the target language.

    4. Podcasts and radio broadcasts are usually too hard for an intermediate learner. Movies, too, can be frustrating, because you may not understand what’s going on

      suggests podcasts, movies, and radio are too hard to follow at intermediate level.

    5. Reading:  Books boost your vocabulary whether or not you stop every 10 seconds to look up a word. So instead of torturously plodding through some famous piece of literature with a dictionary, do this: Find a book in a genre that you actually like (The Harry Potter translations are reliably great!) Find and read a chapter-by-chapter summary of it in your target language (you’ll often find them on Wikipedia). This is where you can look up and make flashcards for some key words, if you’d like. Find an audiobook for your book. Listen to that audiobook while reading along, and don’t stop, even when you don’t understand everything. The audiobook will help push you through, you’ll have read an entire book, and you’ll find that it was downright pleasurable by the end.

      Reading to deepen understanding suggests any book and go through, find online chapter summaries in target langauge, listen to audiobook while reading it, as it forces you along.

    6. Vocabulary Customization:  Learning the top 1000 words in your target language is a slam-dunk in terms of efficiency, but what about the next thousand words? And the thousand after that? When do frequency lists stop paying dividends? Generally, I’d suggest stopping somewhere between word #1000 and word #2000. At that point, you’ll get better gains by customizing. What do you want your language to do? If you want to order food at a restaurant, learn food vocabulary. If you plan to go to a foreign university, learn academic vocabulary

      Adding to vocabulary has diminishing returns if you go by freq of usage after 1k-2k words. Use thematic lists for your purposes. E.g. [[% Interessevelden 20200523102304]] as starting point. Then go back to the flashcards w images used before. I can see building sets like these.

    7. Stage 4: The Language Game 3 Months (or as long as you want to keep playing)

      Stage 4 is the deepening / getting to fluency bit. Reinforced by actual usage. Either through adding more vocab, reading texts, listening to speakers etc.

    8. On its surface, Google Images is a humble image search engine. But hiding beneath that surface is a language-learning goldmine: billions of illustrated example sentences, which are both searchable and machine translatable

      Suggest that google image headlines are a good source of additional example sentences for grammar learning, as it includes machine translation in the search results on mouse over. Grabs those sentences for flash cards. I think the time used to make the cards may well be the key intervention.

    9. How do you learn all the complicated bits of “My homework was eaten by my dog”? Simple: Use the explanations and translations in your grammar book to understand what a sentence means, and then use flashcards to memorize that sentence’s component parts, like this:

      Suggests making flashcards for each of the three types of changes, in any given example. allows speeding up compared to the book, as you do them w visuals on flash cards, and the spaced rep takes out most examples in a grammar book, leaving you with the repetition you need only.

    10. n every single language, grammar is conveyed using some combination of three basic operations: grammar adds words (You like it -> Do you like it?), it changes existing words (I eat it -> I ate it), or it changes the order of those words (This is nice -> Is this nice?). That’s it. It’s all we can do. And that lets us break sentences down into grammatical chunks that are very easy to memorize.

      Boils grammar down to adding words, changing existing words, changing the order of words. Allows [[Chunking 20210312215715]] that makes it easier to memorise.

    11. 2-3 months Now it’s time to crack open your grammar book. And when you do, you’ll notice some interesting things: First, you’ll find that you’ve built a rock-solid foundation in the spelling and pronunciation system of your language. You won’t even need to think about spelling anymore, which will allow you to focus exclusively on the grammar. Second, you’ll find that you already know most of the words in your textbook’s example sentences. You learned the most frequent words in Stage 2, after all. All you need to do now is discover how your language puts those words together.

      3rd stage is the grammar. Suggests using a book, but with the advantage of already knowing the words and spelling of any examples, allowing focus on the grammar. Takes 2-3 months.

    12. To begin any language, I suggest starting with the most common, concrete words,

      Suggestion to start learning words with a basic list. Author compiled a list of 625. See [[A Base Vocabulary List for Any Language 20241208160954]]

      Suggests the basic list takes about 1-2 months

    13. These are words that are common in every language and can be learned using pictures, rather than translations: words like dog, ball, to eat, red, to jump. Your goal is two-fold: first, when you learn these words, you’re reinforcing the sound and spelling foundation you built in the first stage, and second, you’re learning to think in your target language.

      Use flashcards with images to learn words in a new language. Skip the translation part. Also reinforces the visual/spatial brain connection. Search images in the target language not with the translation, so subtle diffs in meaning are maintained.

    14. Spelling is the easiest part of this process. Nearly every grammar book comes with a list of example words for every spelling. Take that list and make flashcards to learn the spelling system of your language, using pictures and native speaker recordings to make those example words easier to remember.

      To learn spelling find a grammar book that has lists of examples. Turn those into flashcards for spelling.

      Flashcards are the primary mnemonic tactic in this article.

    15. This gives you a few super powers: your well-trained ears will give your listening comprehension a huge boost from the start, and  your mouth will be producing accurate sounds. By doing this in the beginning, you’re going to save yourself a great deal of time, since you won’t have to unlearn bad pronunciation habits later on. You’ll find that native speakers will actually speak with you in their language, rather than switching to English at the earliest opportunity.

      Hearing and pronunciation tackled upfront makes you sound more fluent. Prevents the effect of never getting a chance to use it bc others switch to your language.

    16. Once your ears begin to cooperate, mastering pronunciation becomes a lot easier.

      listening precedes pronouncing. Vgl how I 'suddenly' heard the begin and end of words in Vorarlbergerisch and then quickly learned to speak it too.

    17. to rewire your ears to hear new sounds, you need to find pairs of similar sounds, listen to one of them at random (“tyuk!”), guess which one you thought you heard (“Was it ‘gyuk’?”), and get immediate feedback as to whether you were right (“Nope! It was tyuk!”). When you go through this cycle, your ears adapt, and the foreign sounds of a new language will rapidly become familiar and recognizable.

      this sounds like an impossible step if you are indeed foreign to a language. How would you ever find such pairings? The vid doesn't say other than describe a feedback system to learn to hear new nuances. I think perhaps using DeepL or some such to read texts to me would help.

    18. If I had rushed ahead and started learning words and grammar immediately, I’d have been at a severe disadvantage whenever I learned words with those letter combinations, because I’d be missing the sound connection when trying to build memories for those words

      being familiar with the sound of pronunciation will help better memorise the words later. Adding a sense to the memory. Vgl [[Fenomenologie Husserl 20200924110518]]

    19. Spelling and Sound: Learn how to hear, produce and spell the sounds of your target language

      Create a foundation for spelling and sounds, to get a feel/sense of it, making it less 'other'.

    1. Vid of learning to hear diff in novel sounds in foreign language you can't easily tell apart. Find them in a language. Have a script play them to you randomly and choose an answer. Feedback will bring you up from random to about 80% being right. Rewiring your brain to hear the differences. I bet non-anglo speakers wiill find this easier as they are never accomodated outside their own country.

  4. Nov 2024
    1. However, these rankings rely on indicators that cannot be fully implemented in Indonesia and other similar countries, such as utilizing English as the main academic publishing language, thereby perpetuating the dominance of traditional Western ranking metrics.

      Language of publication is such an important attribute, and it is not mentioned enough. I wonder if AI translations will start to change the bias towards English?

    1. when this technology meets it that we're not that our Interiors are not completely taken over because this technology is so potent when it you know it be very easy to lose our souls right to to to to decondition to be so conditioned so quickly by the dopamine whatever these you know whatever is going to happen when we kind of when this stuff rolls

      Very important. This is why we are meeting AI as it evolves. We are training it in our language and with our QUALIA

    2. when I'm referring when we refer to the fourth turning of the Dharma we're we're kind of we we're really using a a Buddhist model but it can be but it's a but it's a universal model

      for - Buddhist language, but used for a universal model - John Churchill

    1. “There are a lot of people who mistakenly think intelligibility is the standard. ‘Oh, you knew what I was saying.’ Well, that’s not the standard. That’s a really bottom-of-the-barrel standard,” he says. “People who are concerned with English usage usually want to have their words taken seriously, either as writers or as speakers. And if you don’t use the language very well, then it hard to have people take your ideas seriously. That’s just the reality.”
    2. Some linguists would argue that there’s no point fighting against slips like that—that language is forever unfixed and deviations should simply be observed and even appreciated—or that it’s silliness to tell people to follow rules that are as arbitrary as the meaning assigned to a certain jumble of letters. But Garner is not one of them.
    3. These days someone might even try to correct you if, in an attempt to note someone was being (overly) humble, you said they were self-depreciating.
    4. But the corruption has become so common that using the original today might not only stop a conversation in its tracks but cause unpleasant face-scrunching. Per Garner, spitting image is now 23 times more commonly used than its precursor.
    5. Have you ever said you felt nauseous? In the traditional sense that would mean you felt like you were capable of causing others to woof cookies, not that you were feeling sick to your own stomach—much along the lines of how poisonous and poisoned work.
    6. Young people today, he says, are now dropping the “from” and simply saying they “graduated college,”
  5. Oct 2024
    1. The AI’s statements were more clear, logical, and informative without alienating minority perspectives

      This shows the importance of language Yet, the language can come FROM the group rather than be PUT TO the group

  6. Sep 2024
    1. And cloistered in these living walls of jet.

      "cloistered" (religious) referring to the seclusion of monks or nuns in a monastery "Walls of jet" (flea), hard dark exterior of flea, shows a physical and symbolic barrier that contains their union

    1. Coughlan

      Tim Coughlan, University at Bath; work is focused on the design and evaluation of systems that support inclusion, creativity, and openness in learning.

    2. Gabora

      cognitive scientist Lee Gabora's work looks at how culture changes over time, how people come up with new ideas, and how this helps culture change.

    3. “an associative mode of perceiving metaphoric connections between correlating items in memory, and an analytic mode that is conducive to understanding cause and effect relationships”

      there are two ways of thinking: the first assists in seeing creative links between ideas and the second assists in understanding how one idea leads to another (i.e cause and effect).

    4. Becoming sensitized to these epistemological differences enables us to discern which aspects of creative work is emphasized more than others and see how hierarchies of knowledge get constructed.

      in exploring how our foundations of knowledge are built, we can dissect how we assign value or rank to knowledge - or generally accepted assumptions.

    5. tools for ideation are frequently distinct from tools for implementation, often lacking the capability to seamlessly transfer data between them

      this is often seen in common design tools; is it a product of capitalism? Is the market afraid of standardization? In the transfer of one product to another?

    6. This perpetuates seeing the “support staff” as merely a resource (rather than central to the creative process), whose work can be replaced.

      designs solely generated by models are not informed by the complex human interaction in the design process, by designers.

    7. This emphasis on “acting through the interface” [19] sees technology as acting as an extension of the artist or designer using the tool.

      tech is integral to creative process - well designed tech is about ease of use and integration.

    8. The third wave or the third paradigm [70] shares many of the same assumptions as the second wave – i.e. the centrality of the physical world in our construction of meaning – with a stronger focus on the various abilities of the human body.

      focus on physical abilities / senses shape novelty in interaction.

    9. The shift in perspective toward the social in psychology covered in the previous embodied action view of creativity resembles an analogous trend in HCI’s “second wave theories”.

      focus on group work and social contexts of digital environments.

    10. The tool-mediated expert activity view of creative work focuses on supporting (expert) creative practices through tools. Activity theory

      There are many philosophical theories that explore computers as a tool that are extensions of humans. In some circles, humans have become cyborgs in that sense - they cannot be separated from the tools they use every single day.

    11. Since the 1980s, creativity research in psychology has moved away from “univariate, positivist research paradigms” to “more complex, constructivistic, systems-oriented research models” [56].

      creativity research has evolved from simple, individual-focused approach to an increasingly complex, systems-oriented approach that centers social interactions and artifacts. This has attracted sociologists.

    12. In other words, moment-to-moment creative actions draw from a large pool of embodied resources, relying on tacit analysis of the fit between the resource and the situation at any given moment.

      In the moment, creativity relies on constant adjustments based on intuition - an intuition that is formed based on prior experience.

    13. In addition to the primacy of interacting with the physical world through our bodies, the embodied view of creative work also highlights the role of the body in partnership with the dynamic situation, i.e. the moment-to-moment actions people take in response to different contingencies.

      Creativity benefits from interacting with the environmental and adapting to environmental changes.

    14. Creative work as reflective practice focuses on the “importance of physical and artifact-centered action in the world to aid thought”

      Artifact interaction enriches design processes by grounding it in real world experience.

      But what of the bias toward familiar materials? Asking a blacksmith to prototype a house and you might find yourself living in a tin can.

    15. That view of creativity neglects the role the body and the physical world play during the creative process as well as the social context in which creativity takes place.

      As mentioned earlier, creativity doesn't happen in a vacuum - there is a plethora of societal and culture context which any designer exists in.

    16. They do not subscribe to the thinking that “geniuses use cognitive processes that are radically different from those employed by most individuals and that may not be accessible to the methods of cognitive science”

      Creativity comes from common mental processes that everyone uses - all creativity (aka problem-solving) relies on the same basic principles. Creativity is, then, accessible to anyone, because it just depends on how you mix and match those principles.

      Intertwined within each person are emotional, cultural, and experiential factors that inform and, at times, limit their creativity.

    17. “Most opinion among design methodologists and among designers holds that the act of designing itself is not and will not ever be a scientific activity; that is, that designing is itself a nonscientific or a-scientific activity”.

      design isn't scientific but concedes that scientific methods can formalize design.

    18. Proponents of this movement stood on the spectrum with regards to how close they placed design next to science. On the looser end, design is viewed simply as “systematic design”, or, “the procedures of designing organized in a systematic way”

      asks is creativity connected to science or science?

    19. In other words, creative work is about “devis[ing] courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones”

      In creativity, problem solvers choose the best tool for the job using their own foundational knowledge they've acquired over their education or career. Building upon this, what tool an individual selects to solve a problem may be based on prior values and assumptions.

    20. a precise definition will adequately circumscribe creative work, marking out the part(s) of creative process or levels of expertise technology should support

      current research looks to define creativity in hopes of understanding what parts of creation (iteration, design, execution) tech should help enhance, as well as which level of skill (beginner, intermediate, etc) tech should be catered towards.

    21. Identifying this vagueness, Remy et al. [112] point out that creativity can simultaneously refer to the “creativity of the outcome”, “the usability of the tool itself”, or “the productivity of the process [as mediated through] CST”.

      creativity can mean different things at the same time.

    22. Simply put, creativity is a noun performing the work of an adjective.

      to further simplify, creativity is used as a noun (a thing) but functions as an adjective (a descriptive word).

    23. When evaluating computer-mediated creative work, should we ask if technology is enhancing the creative person(s) –perhaps pointing toward an adoption of CST definitions such as “[computational techniques that] mak[e] people more creative more often” [124]– or should we examine how technology is facilitating the creative activity –thus suggesting the need to develop evaluation metrics for CST that are comparable to usability principles

      in evaluating computer-mediated creative work, does one focus on whether tech enhances the creator or that it facilitates the creative action?

    1. It's you and me upagainst the wall, baby.

      Foreshadowing the existence of the Wall, where they are hung up. Play of language

    2. They had notyet reached the level of words

      Again how language can be subversive and deceptive in comparison with the pure and multifaceted nature of desire and the senses.

    3. It's impossible to say a thing exactly the way it was,because what you say can never be exact, you always have to leave somethingout, there are too many parts, sides, cross currents, nuances; too manygestures, which could mean this or that, too many shapes which can never befully described, too many flavors, in the air or on the tongue, half-colors, toomany

      She admits her own unreliability by using the physical sensory imagery and therefore showing that language is often insufficient and incapable of fully describing the human experience of the senses.

    4. Nor does rape cover it: nothing is going on here that I haven'tsigned up for. There wasn't a lot of choice but there was some, and this iswhat I chose.

      The fact that none of these words except the word "fucking" can describe it shows that all humanity is taken out of the equation, only beastiality is left. Anything to describe a human experience of sex cannot be used (copulation, rape, making love). No emotion. Just the act itself



    1. I've been a UK resident for over 70 years, have two degrees from a very well known university, and find both zeros and zeroes quite acceptable as the plural form. So our perceptions are different. Do we toss a coin, or see who can shout the louder? ... Dictionaries are less open to subjective bias than individuals because of the averaging effect of carefully controlled large surveys (and acceptability is usage driven). It's good to realise that personal preferences may not be the best basis for judging correctness.
  7. Aug 2024
    1. Margaret Atwood implies that language is the tool of humanity and the tool of survival. They assimilate information through the use of stories, most importantly, an adaptation from long ago, as a melting pot of rationality and feeling, thought feeling machines/ entities are human.

    2. Regarding storytelling, it serves as a form of escape from the repression. Though it is hard to achieve (the level of focus) it is still there -- and it defies laws in the sense that even when there is nobody, a story has to be told to somebody. This abstractness also with language shows that restriction cannot exist because of these paradoxical loopholes

    3. There is more than one kind of freedom, said Aunt Lydia. Freedom toand freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you arebeing given freedom from. Don't underrate it

      This is ironic and very important. Freedom to and freedom from -- playing with language, a form of manipulation. Gilead is more than for its birth rate purposes... A form of gaslighting.

      Shows the role of language in perception, in reality, and yet also shows that there is a limit that the mindset can do for you. It is still suffering, without duty.

    1. self-sufficient, pre-given referent. Both the Freudian andthe Lacanian unconscious, as it were, put external reality outof play.

      Even though Lacan objects and states that the unconscious is made of a chain of signifiers (language), he actually in some sense agrees with Freud in the sense that language is not connected to reality. It constructs reality.

    2. language and the thing about which itspeaks

      Language shapes the world experience or reality because of our signifiers that create distinctions (the other/ the symbolic) and in turn we are shaped by our world experience (truth), and therefore shaped by language and the symbolic in itself.

    3. Lacan’s terms, these distinctions come to us from the order ofsignifiers, and they must therefore be understood as an activelystructuring principle.

      Distinctions between subjects is purely a matter of language, when discernible things are usually gradual and not ordered. This connects to Hume's bundle theory where the human mind chooses where the boundary lies between continuity and discontinuity even when all should be gradually discontinuous -- the continuity is simply an illusion, a phantasy.

    4. we will never find anything morethan gradual differences. Yet we are not a bit “man” and a bit“woman” (or vice versa), but either “man” or “woman”—we areone or the other. This absolute difference does not exist in (lived)reality, which knows only gradual distinctions.

      This is an example of how language or symbolic signifiers alter the lived experience more than the lived experience does simply to the real. Does this mean that as one grows up and is exposed to more of the symbolic world and language, one is indulged more in the phantasy and is further from accessing the "real"?

    5. hat clearly cannot bedirectly derived from the facts of experience.

      Language shapes the experience of reality in a way that simply experiencing cannot. Like performativity. Is there a signifier that articulates this way of experience? this is created in the symbolic order, rather than any other.

    6. it is a question of whether there is a signifier inthe symbolic system that articulates this connection.

      The concept of fatherhood relies directly on the notion and connection between procreation and fatherhood which is passed through language, which articulates it.

    7. For Freud, this means that language does notyet function as language in the proper sense here: the uncon-scious does not know language, and nor therefore does it knowthe test of reality.

      Language = reality even for freud

    8. he connection between trompe andtromper arises simply on the basis of the material similarity be-tween the words. If the dream thus employs language t

      This is why the Freudian slip exists (the reasoning behind the freudian slip) -- since words can only exist in the unconscious in a purely material way, mistakened meanings between words are due to sound and appearance alone.

    9. o that the hidden “logos” ofwhich they are the expression can be brought to light. ForLacan, moreover, the fact that the unconscious “logos” at workin those experiences can be brought to light by way of languageimmediately implies that the unconscious, too, also belongs tothe order of language in one way or another.

      Lacan states that the unconscious is made of language because the states of knowledge within the unconscious can only be understood by way of language? through articulation?

    1. Anglophonic monoculture which renders certain dimensions of life invisible and therefore impossible to address
      • for
      • English language - makes invisible salient aspects off reality vital for rapid whole system change
    2. Shifting our linguistic habits towards ecological communication would require learning to pay attention to “motion and mystery of the interrelatedness and entanglement of everything” which entails deactivating the old habits and reactivating “capacities that have been exiled by these habits.”

      for - rapid whole system change - salience of shifting language habits - planetary emergency - salience of shifting language habits - question - shifting language habits

      question - shifting language habits - from industrial, goal oriented - to ecological - how? Watch Great Simplification Interview

    3. relationship to language and how it might lead to miscommunication

      for - language - miscommunication

    4. while our predicament is eco-logical (“let it live”), our thinking remains techno-logical (“fix it”). The monoculture's fixation on what I call algorithmic rationality (linear, sequential, goal-oriented problem-solving),

      for - adjacency - ecology of communication - progress traps - intentionality - language

      adjacency - between - ecology of communications - progress traps - intentionally - language - emptiness - adjacency relationship - human intentionally focuses it attention on only a few select aspects of the entire gestalt of any moment of our phenomenological reality - It creates our salience landscape - What we choose to focus on and know more about it always coupled with and complimented by a vast ignorance of what we choose NOT to know - Indeed, the use language itself is the telling of a very specific story - Of all the stories we can tell, - Of the infinite stories we can construct now, -we settle on one - So the use of language already betrays the complexity inherent in each and every one of our ecological moments - We plant the seeds for progress traps as soon as we - manifest an intention - attempt to communicate - Hence, it is not avoidable and the best we can do is - recognize our situation - manage it - It is the relationship between - human nature (perceived as limited) - nature nature (infinite) - What springs to mind if the Zen koan - The elbow does not bend backwards

  8. Jul 2024
    1. Whoosh provides methods for computing the “key terms” of a set of documents. For these methods, “key terms” basically means terms that are frequent in the given documents, but relatively infrequent in the indexed collection as a whole.

      Very interesting method, and way of looking at the signal. "What makes a document exceptional because something is common within itself and uncommon without".

  9. Jun 2024
    1. Save this question. Show activity on this post. I'm from South East Asia, and in here, it's very common to use "kindly" as a written polite request to other people, and I often see it on the internet as well. But I've just discovered that from this website, "kindly" is regarded as a "low-brow, patronizing, and overly sensitive". Other people are recommending that you use the word "kindly". Please, never use the word "kindly" when interacting with Americans. In the view of Americans, only English-speaking Indians use this word. It comes across as low-brow, patronizing, and overly sensitive. Oh wow, I never know that. But coming from a non native western background and culture, I have nobody here I can crosscheck information with. Maybe someone here with the appropriate culture background knowledge can give some insight? Is this a general view, or just a partial view of Americans about this word? Should I stop using this word from now on, or I just overly worried over nothing? Thanks.


      I didn't know that most people (outside of Asia) consider "kindly" to be patronizing. The many quirks of language!

    1. If you disprove something, you haven't necessarily proved the opposite. If you disprove something, you have indeed proved its negation. If you disapprove of an action, you do indeed approve of not doing that action (so, disapproving X is approving not-X).
    2. (That is, when you disprefer that George be elected, you prefer the negation, that George not be elected, rather than just you do not prefer that George be elected, which is compatible with indifference.)
    3. Who says it's not a word? Not a word, simply because lexicographers have not recognized it? When a lexicographer recognizes it, it has already been in use! Even Mr. Fiske says it is a word, although he obviously disprefers it.

      by the time a lexicographer recognizes it, it has already been in use

    1. At the entry for irregardless, we provide a paragraph in which we note that the use of the word is still met with considerable objection, and we even go so far as to advise the reader to use regardless instead—which is about as close as we get to offering a usage prescription in our dictionaries.
    1. Thus, as in the case of natural languages, the pattern language is generative. It not only tells us the rules of arrangement, but shows us how to construct arrangements as many as we want which satisfy the rules.
    2. the language provides the framework for using the patterns as a program to create form.  But he aims for semantics, allegory, and poetics, as well as the aspects of language that generate feelings, emotions, a sense of order — all of which extend beyond the structural, topological and syntactic aspects of his program.
    1. I'm no longer truly an individual I'm always parasitic on this 00:13:10 larger relationship

      for - adjacency - symbolic language - no longer individual - parasitic on larger relationship - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt

      adjacency - between - Terrence Deacon explanation of symbolic language - symbolic language - no longer individual but parasitic on collective - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt - adjacency relationship - Deacon asserts that the successful use of symbolic language implies we are no longer truly individual, that is - isolated, but rather are dependent on the collective - The Deep Humanity praxis recognizes the same intertwingledness in defining the individual/collective gestalt

    2. how was it that our symbols became so dislocated 00:09:34 from physical uh materiality and the biophysical reality that we've created an economy that's destroying the biosphere

      for - question - Planet Critical podcast - What is the role of language in creating an ecocidal economy?

    1. what life might be that baby could be 00:38:31 born in an era 10,000 years ago and would be coming into its World learning to make sense of the relationships and the way that you 00:38:45 survive in this world

      for - Nora Bateson - response to interview question - Is English language more separating? - Gedanken - Entangled Worlds podcast

      response - Nora Bateson - Entangled Worlds podcast question - Is English more separating than other languages? - yes - Gedanken - Nora responds by posing a Gedaken that shows how culturally relative our worldviews are - Our enculturation plays a major role in shaping our worldviews - Ronald Wright's famous quotation about how the human brain has not substantially changed in the past 50,000 years implies that - between the present and anytime less than 50,000 years ago, - if we were transported back in time, we would simply adapt the same culturally norms at that time

      epiphany - time travel and a clue to the deepest part of nature within human nature - This Gedanken suggests something important, namely that - if the seemingly immovable worldviews we adopt are a consequence of enculturation - then perhaps that which is the most fundamental aspect of our nature is not dependent on culture? - In other words, if we remove our enculturation, what is left is the most profound set of qualities of being human, - one that transcends all relative cultural perspectives

      reference - Ronald Wright computer metaphor on progress traps - Ronald Wright's computer metaphor helps us see how fluid the enculturation of a neonate is - https://hyp.is/6Lb6Uv5NEe2ZerOrftOHfA/www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/321797-a-short-history-of-progress

    2. it's really 00:40:26 important to to to tickle that to loosen it to to start to approach things in really different ways because they you get really different 00:40:40 responses and then things are shifting

      for - Nora Bateson - response to interview question - Is English language more separating? - loosen up!

    1. The more inventive and fecund a great mind is, the more it will shape thelanguage it uses to fit its thought. To express a new idea or insight, a new word isinvented or an old word given a novel meaning. Sometimes in the development ofhis own characteristic vocabulary, a great writer uses a new word for an old ideawhich he has appropriated and assimilated to his own thought. Sometimes theopposite occurs; the traditional word is appropriated or borrowed, but the ideawhich it long expressed is replaced either by a totally new, or at least by a variant,conception.

      Language is essential for the expression of thought, be it novel or ancient.

  10. May 2024
    1. for - Denis Noble - Ready Noble - evolutionary biology - critique of Richard Dawkins Selfish Gene theory - critique of gene centrism - book - Understanding Living Systems - human agency

      summary - In this informative interview, brothers Denis and Ray Noble discuss their new book - Understanding Living Systems, and - dispel the 70 year old narrative of Gene centrism and the selfish gene as determining the high level behaviour of living organisms

    1. Theoretically interested readers should therefore follow the advice of learning as many languages as possible in such a way that they have at least passive mastery of them and thus can read and understand them.

      Interesting, Luhmann recommends to know many languages so as to prevent the pitfalls of translational errors in conveying meaning when it is to read translated books. So read books in their original language.

    1. LLMs, by their very nature, don't have a concept of "source". Attribution is pretty much impossible. Attribution only really works if you use language models as "search engine". The moment you start generating output, the source is lost.
    1. Our core assumption is that foundational models, having been extensively trained in English texts, possess a substantial level of understanding and reasoning capabilities. Transferring these capabilities from English to another language, such as Korean, could be more efficient than developing performance from standalone Korean pre-training.

      Hipótesis: Transferencia de conocimientos de Ingles a nuevo lenguaje

  11. Apr 2024
    1. search - Google - https://www.google.com/search?q=penetrating+the+circularity+of+language&sca_esv=f3a10901b51afbdb&sxsrf=ACQVn09m0Xq0UJifhB2MGXO1HNWdkYPGjA%3A1714198161525&ei=kZYsZsTQH_GVxc8P7O2K2AM&oq=penetrating+the+circularity+of+language&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIidwZW5ldHJhdGluZyB0aGUgY2lyY3VsYXJpdHkgb2YgbGFuZ3VhZ2UyBBAjGCdI1DBQryFY6iRwAXgBkAEAmAGIA6AB1AqqAQMzLTS4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgKgAuMCwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR5gDAIgGAZAGBJIHBTEuMy0xoAfkCw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp search results returned - Very few salient results returned, - indicating little research in this field - try this:

      search - Google - Nagarjuna penetrating the circularity of language - https://www.google.com/search?q=nagarjuna+penetrating+the+circularity+of+language&sca_esv=f3a10901b51afbdb&sxsrf=ACQVn082tuUJX8gz-CjpZ6AF3wXPxbGK6Q%3A1714197263134&ei=D5MsZvLhB56Jxc8Ph-CH0A0&oq=nagarjuna+penetrating+the+circularity+of+language&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIjFuYWdhcmp1bmEgcGVuZXRyYXRpbmcgdGhlIGNpcmN1bGFyaXR5IG9mIGxhbmd1YWdlSPPEDFCx_gtY0akMcAN4AZABAJgBqwSgAbQgqgEHMy01LjMuMrgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCqACpxfCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgIHECMYsAIYJ8ICCBAAGIAEGKIEwgIEEB4YCpgDAIgGAZAGBJIHBzMuMy00LjOgB9Ab&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#ip=1

      search results returned of interest - › logic...PDF Logic and Philosophy of Language Language and languages—Philosophy. 4 ... pupil Alexander had, after all, penetrated to India in the course ... Nagarjuna's system . Philosophy East and West, vi ... - https://dokumen.pub/download/logic-and-philosophy-of-language-2nbsped-0815336101-0815336098-081533608x-081533611x-0815336128-9781136773440-1136773444.html - › Lang... Saying what Cannot Be Said With Western and Confucian Ritual ... This dissertation addresses one of the classical philosophical and theological problems of religious language, namely, how to speak meaningfully about ... - https://www.academia.edu/41159976/Language_as_Ritual_Saying_what_Cannot_Be_Said_With_Western_and_Confucian_Ritual_Theories - https://www.academia.edu/41159976/Language_as_Ritual_Saying_what_Cannot_Be_Said_With_Western_and_Confucian_Ritual_Theories - collectionscanada.gc.ca https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca › ...PDF A Comparative Study of Nagarjuna and Derrida - https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/thesescanada/vol2/002/MR46971.PDF - Monoskop https://monoskop.org › Var...PDF Varela_Thompson_Rosch_The_... recurrent patterns (in Piaget's language, "circular reactions") of sen- sorimotor activity. Piaget, however, as a theorist, never seems to have doubted the - https://monoskop.org/images/2/21/Varela_Thompson_Rosch_The_Embodied_Mind_Cognitive_Science_and_Human_Experience_1991.pdf -

    1. for - search - Google - penetrating the essence of language - https://www.google.com/search?q=penetrating+the+essence+of+language&oq=penetrating+the+essence+of+language&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigAdIBCTk1ODVqMGoxNqgCAbACAQ&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#sbfbu=1&pi=penetrating%20the%20essence%20of%20language

      Source - Reading Ernest Becker - The birth and death of meaning - listening to David Loy - https://youtu.be/UGEbXdFWfPA?si=ksPZePFzTrfS_gq. <br /> - https://youtu.be/ajwH-5YhxBc?si=y-Z9CFn09PvMfdUA - need to find someone for Deep Humanity work - Common human denominator of language

      results returned of interest

      by FH Lapointe · 1973 · Cited by 5 — child. Language is revelatory of being and existence. If we would grasp fully the meaning of language we must - https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED085799.pdf - Merleau-ponty's conceptions stand in opposition ts, Saussure's linguistic postulations and Korzybski's scientism. That is, if language is studied phenomenologically, the acts of speech and gesture take on greater importance than language as currently viewed in structural linguistics and general semantics. - Universidad de Granada https://www.ugr.es › Langu...PDF Language and Mind, Third Edition language to language. ... guages – that defines the “essence” of human language. ... rationalist view that Peirce outlined, we must penetrate the mysteries of - https://www.ugr.es/~fmanjon/Language%20and%20Mind.pdf - University of Pennsylvania - School of Arts & Sciences https://www.sas.upenn.edu › ...PDF 32 Relations Between Language and Thought by L Gleitman · Cited by 91 — If so, the suggestion is that labeling practice is penetrating to the level of nonlinguistic cognition. Roberson and colleagues adopt this - https://www.sas.upenn.edu/~gleitman/papers/Gleitman%20&%20Papafragou%202013_Relations%20between%20language%20and%20thought.pdf - Academia.edu https://www.academia.edu › The_I... (PDF) The Instruction of Imagination: Language as a Social ... While all other systems of communication in the biological world target the interlocutors' senses, language allows speakers to systematically instruct their - https://www.academia.edu/35571744/The_Instruction_of_Imagination_Language_as_a_Social_Communication_Technology - PhilArchive https://philarchive.org › MU...PDF The Essence of Language: Wittgenstein's Builders and Bühler's ... by K Mulligan · 1997 · Cited by 45 — I compare what Wittgenstein says about language and reference at the beginning of his Philosophical Investigations with some - https://philarchive.org/archive/MULTEO-3

    1. real life community

      I would change this to "physical community" to avoid implying that online communities are "less real".

    2. AMYPA

      Explain what AMYPA stands for and its relevance to all readers, or provide a local equivalent for international audiences.

    3. Giving the possibility to start the first contact behind the keyboard can help the most timid people, first observing 👀 before encouraging them to take the first step.

      Allowing initial contact to be made behind the keyboard not only helps the most timid individuals by letting them observe before participating, but it also caters to people with disabilities and those who prefer text-based communication, making it easier for everyone to engage confidently from the start.

    1. Children are struggling to master the most basic reading skills in their home language in the foundation phase (grades 1-3).

      My app addresses this I hope - or assists in some way to address this.

    2. A child needs at least two kinds of skills before they can comprehend what they’re reading. These are oral language skills (listening, speaking and knowing how spoken words sound) and decoding skills (knowledge of letter-sound relationships to turn a written word into a spoken word).
    1. HOW TO IMPROVE TO MOTHER TONGUE LEARNING Begin literacy teaching in mother tongueA curriculum, rooted in the child’s known language, cultureand environment, with appropriate and locally-developedreading and curriculum materials, is crucial for earlylearning success. Using the home language in the early stagesof schooling in multilingual contexts supports child-centricpolicies. It starts with what is familiar and builds in newknowledge. It creates a smooth transition between home andschool; it stimulates interest and ensures greaterparticipation and engagement. This prepares children for theacquisition of literacy and encourages fluency andconfidence in both the mother tongue and, later, in otherlanguages, where this is necessary. Ensure availability of mother-tongue materialsChildren need to be engaged in and excited about readingand learning and this can only be done if the materials areones which they will understand and enjoy. In mostdeveloping countries, the only reading material children seeare school textbooks, which are often in very short supply.Other materials to support learning are hardly everavailable. Without access to good materials, children struggleto become literate and learn. In most low- and middle-income countries, the majority of primary schools have nolibrary, and books are luxuries which families cannot afford.For children from minority language communities, thesituation is even more dismal. Textbooks are rarely availablein local languages. Provide early childhood education in mother tongueLiteracy development starts early in life, and the homeenvironment is an important factor in children’s learningachievement. It helps build the knowledge and skills childrenneed for learning to read. Where parents and the communityare supporting literacy development, results show a markedimprovement. The earlier children are exposed to stories thebetter their reading is: reading for only 15 minutes a day canexpose children to one million written words in a year,thereby helping them to develop a rich vocabulary. Childrenwith access to materials at home are more likely to developfluency in reading
    1. class children and their teachers. There are two elements of the critique. Thefirst element focuses on the linguistic resources of children and teachers. Thecritique is that the knowledge project implicitly works from an English speakingnormative social universe and starting points, and does not field test or generateenough research placing African language children and teachers at the centre. Assuch, our ideas about literacy and mathematics do not build upon the languageresources of African language speaking children and teachers. The secondelement focuses on social class and its relation to education. The critique isthat the knowledge project implicitly works from a more middle class schoolingcontext, underestimating the exigencies of the poor and working class, deeplyrooted in historic neglect and the marginalisation of communities and schools

      Research reflecting back to the idea that the mother tongue is critical.

    1. Adults do not perceive accessibility of reading materials in appropriate languages as a primary barrier to reading with children. Only 5% of adults who do not read with children said it wasbecause they did not have materials in the right languages (most said it was a lack of time). On the other hand, 79% of adults also report that they would read more with children if theycould access more materials in their preferred languages. This suggests that adults who are strongly motivated to read with children will do so, irrespective of materials access, but thatincreasing accessibility to reading materials in the right languages may increase the quality and amount of reading.71Figure 49

      Language barriers for home language vs second.

    1. which is the national curriculum,emphasises the importance of student proficiency in at least two languages and being ableto communicate in others. The language-specific curricula follows an additive approach tomultilingualism, namely, all students learn a language on a “home language” level (which formost would be their home language) and at least one additional offi cial language, and becomecompetent in their additional language on a second-language level, while the home languageis maintained and developed.

      Why home language is important to learn first

  12. Mar 2024
    1. science has transformed our understanding of time.
      • It’s not an exaggeration to say that
        • science has transformed our understanding of time.
      • But as well in conjunction with this
        • it has transformed- the concept of who we are.
      • From biology we have learned that
        • there is no such thing as race,
        • we are all fundamentally one species
          • (with contributions from a few other sister species, Denisovans and Neanderthals).
      • And from physics we can say that
        • we are literally the space dust of the cosmos
          • experiencing itself in human form.

      for - language - primacy of - symbolosphere - adjacency - language - science - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - complexity - social superorganism - major evolutionary transition - worldviews - scientific vs religious - Michael Levin - multi-scale competency architecture

      adjacency - between - deep time - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - social superorganism - complexity - major evolutionary transition - complexity - adjacency statement - Deep time narrative has potential for unifying polarised worldviews - but citing purely scientific evidence risks excluding and alienating large percentage of people who have a predominantly religious worldview - Language, the symbolosphere is the foundation that has made discourse in both religion and science possible - Due to its fundamental role, starting with language could be even more unifying than beginning with science, - as there are large cultural groups that - do not prioritize the scientific worldview and narrative, but - prefer a religious one.<br /> - Having said that, multi-scale competency architecture, - a concept introduced by Michael Levin - encapsulates the deep time approach in each human being, - which withing Deep Humanity praxis we call "human INTERbeCOMing" to represent our fundamental nature as a process, not a static entity - Each human INTERbeCOMing encapsulates deep time, and is - an embodiment of multiple stages of major evolutionary transitions in deep time - both an individual and multiple collectives - what we can in Deep Humanity praxis the individual / collective gestalt

    1. My belief is that societies cannot organize effectively to cope with the impacts of climate change without a shared understanding of the future that awaits.

      quote - shared futures - climate crisis and appropriate language - (quote below)

      • My belief is that
        • societies cannot organize effectively
        • to cope with
        • the impacts of climate change
        • without a shared understanding of
        • the future that awaits.
      • Currently, representations of the net-zero future
        • don’t do that.
      • They are a denial of the best of human nature.
      • They shut down the possibility of
        • imagining something different
        • in favor of a fantasy of more of the same,
          • minus catastrophic climate change.
      • With a better, shared understanding of the world we’re moving toward,
        • we can better organize ourselves to live in that world,
          • whatever that might mean,
          • whatever that might look like.
    1. This morning I ran across a copy of Jane Austen's novel Emma with some of the keywords on each page translated into Welsh as footnotes at the bottom of the page. Apparently it's part of a series of classic books published by Icon into a variety of different languages and meant for language learners.

      The full list of their titles with Welsh can be found here: Webster's Welsh Thesaurus Editions

      I'm curious if anyone has used these before, and if so, how helpful they've found them for building their Welsh vocabulary as they read English language works.

      Is anyone aware of Welsh language books that have this sort of English vocabulary cross listed on the page? (Sort of the way in which lingo.360.cymru has news stories in Welsh with English translation help along the way?)

      syndication link: https://en.forum.saysomethingin.com/t/websters-welsh-thesaurus-editions/40131

    1. Actually, ChatGPT is INCREDIBLY Useful (15 Surprising Examples) by ThioJoe on YouTube, 8-Feb-2024

      • 0:00 - Intro
      • 0:28 - An Important Point
      • 1:26 - What If It's Wrong?
      • 1:54 - Explain Command Line Parameters
      • 2:36 - Ask What Command to Use
      • 3:04 - Parse Unformatted Data
      • 4:54 - Use As A Reverse Dictionary
      • 6:16 - Finding Hard-To-Search Information
      • 7:48 - Finding TV Show Episodes
      • 8:20 - A Quick Note
      • 8:37 - Multi-Language Translations
      • 9:21 - Figuring Out the Correct Software Version
      • 9:58 - Adding Code Comments
      • 10:18 - Adding Debug Print Statements
      • 10:42 - Calculate Subscription Break-Even
      • 11:40 - Programmatic Data Processing
  13. Feb 2024
    1. While the language of oppression is still with us, new words continue to emerge that are more accurate and descriptive, and allow us to be more successful in ameliorating oppression and more productive in our interactions with each other. If humankind can relearn the language of diversity, then we can relearn how to respect and treat each other with honor, dignity and love