- Nov 2021
www.menshealth.com www.menshealth.com
Caulfield, T. (2021, October 18). The Golden Age of Junk Science Is Killing Us. Men’s Health. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a37910261/how-junk-science-and-misinformation-hurt-us/
- discrimination
- pseudoscience
- infodemic
- ideology
- trust
- wellbeing
- vaccine-safety
- worldview
- media
- popular culture
- conspiracy theory
- policy
- stigma
- lang:en
- vaccine
- science
- is:webpage
- scientific community
- misinformation
- health
- fake news
- news
- wellness
- COVID-19
- vaccine hesitancy
- social media
- negativity bias
- May 2021
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
Betsch, C., Korn, L., Sprengholz, P., Felgendreff, L., Eitze, S., Schmid, P., & Böhm, R. (2020). Social and behavioral consequences of mask policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(36), 21851–21853. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2011674117
- Mar 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Anderson-Carpenter, K. D., & Tacy, G. S. (2021). Predictors of Social Distancing and Hand Washing among Adults in Five Countries during COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zy82h
- Saudi Arabia
- India
- health measures
- rural states
- predictors
- social distancing
- adults
- social determinants
- mitigations
- systematic investigations
- Qualtrics
- Spain
- suburban
- stigma
- international
- lang:en
- education
- is:preprint
- UK
- employment status
- COVID-19
- US
- Italy
- sexual minority
- hand washing
- urban
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @PsyArXivBot: Predictors of Social Distancing and Hand Washing among Adults in Five Countries during COVID-19 https://t.co/DHAjYHoS3a’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 2 March 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1366708059175849988
- Saudi Arabia
- India
- respiratory conditions
- health measures
- rural states
- predictors
- social distancing
- adults
- social determinants
- non-pharmaceutical
- mitigations
- public health
- systematic investigations
- Qualtrics
- Spain
- suburban
- stigma
- international
- lang:en
- education
- is:tweet
- UK
- employment status
- COVID-19
- US
- Italy
- sexual minority
- hygiene
- hand washing
- urban
- Aug 2020
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Yu, X. (n.d.). Opinion | I’m from Wuhan. I got covid-19—After traveling to Florida. Washington Post. Retrieved 17 July 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/15/im-wuhan-i-got-covid-19-after-traveling-florida/
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Weinberger-Litman, S. L., Litman, L., Rosen, Z., Rosmarin, D. H., & Rosenzweig, C. (2020, June 8). A look at the first quarantined community in the United States: Response of religious communal organizations and implications for public health during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ujns9
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Youngstrom, E. A., Ph.D., Hinshaw, S. P., Stefana, A., Chen, J., Michael, K., Van Meter, A., … Vieta, E. (2020, April 20). Working with Bipolar Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Both Crisis and Opportunity. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wg4bj
- bipolar disorder
- psychiatry
- social distancing
- resilience
- mental health
- mental illness
- vulnerable groups
- self-care
- risk
- stigma
- lang:en
- telehealth
- social connection
- assessment
- medical service
- is:preprint
- quarentine
- COVID-19
- comorbidity
- infection
- complication
- physical distancing
- treatment
- lockdown