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- people of colour
- perception
- COVID-19
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- vaccine
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- risk
- homeschooling
- in-person schooling
- multigenerational family structure
- online learning
- transmission
- virtual learning
- Omicron
- children
- low-income
- white supremacy
- paediatric hospitalization
- mortality
- economy
- work from home
- remote learning
- ventilation
- race
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- social media
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- COVID-19
- vaccine
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- conspiracy theory
- pseudoscience
- news
- vaccine-safety
- wellbeing
- worldview
- discrimination
- policy
- fake news
- infodemic
- ideology
- scientific community
- science
- misinformation
- wellness
- negativity bias
- media
- stigma
- popular culture
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- COVID-19
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- vaccine
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- immunization
- risk
- data
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- speaking engagement
- anti-vaccine
- health information
- misconception
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- safety
- infodemic
- mortality
- young people
- misinformation
- online
- disinformation
- vaccine confidence
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- vaccine hesitancy
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- COVID-19
- statistics
- vaccine
- risk perception
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- infection rate
- adolescence
- side effects
- government
- herd immunity
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