16 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. One of the biggest lessons of the Occupy movement was that you can't only have a demonstration. Demonstrations are great. Demonstrations are important to bring attention to certain critical issues. But if you lack mobilization and organization and a political strategy, then you're just basically engaging in a performative act. You're indulging in a performance. You aren't really changing the course of history.

      for - key insight - occupy movement - occupy wallstreet - key insight - Robert Reich - 10 year anniversary

  2. Oct 2024
    1. After three years of costly fighting, the insurrection was finally brought to an end when, in a daring operation on March 23, 1901, led by Gen. Frederick Funston, Aguinaldo was captured in his secret headquarters at Palanan in northern Luzon. Aguinaldo took an oath of allegiance to the United States, was granted a pension from the U.S. government, and retired to private life.

      With the overwhelming forces of the United States, it's reasonable for Aguinaldo to surrender by taking an oath of allegiance to his captors. From the start until the end of the insurrection, Aguinaldo was courageous to serve his motherland. Although this may seem he's surrendering the country and his honor also, this was a courageous act for honor's sake. Aguinaldo admits that the United States overwhelmed them, and to continue fighting will only lead to more lives lost to a losing battle. Aguinaldo's courageous act to preserve his men is courage in itself and an honor to their lives. He knew the condemnations he will receive, yet to courageously act in fear of them is not honoring what could've been lost and a courageous act to begin with.

      For although brave men are passionate, nevertheless they choose courageous acts (in part) for honor's sake, knowing the perils which lie ahead (Aristotle: Nichomachean Ethics, book 3).

    2. By the morning of February 5 the Filipinos, who had fought bravely, had been defeated at all points. While the fighting was in progress, Aguinaldo issued a proclamation of war against the United States, which immediately sent reinforcements to the Philippines. The Filipino government fled northward. In November 1899 the Filipinos resorted to guerrilla warfare.

      The "courage" of the citizen-soldier, who faces danger because he is ashamed of the reproach of his peers and wants to win honor (Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics).

      Aguinaldo demonstrated the courage of a citizen-soldier by facing a superpower, United States, to avoid the shame of being a subject of it. Due to the firepower of the United States, the Filipino government, led by Aguinaldo, had to flee northward and resort to guerrilla warfare. This course of action was not a cowardly one but a wise decision to keep their numbers and prepare to fight the Americans through guerilla warfare.

      At times courageous soldiers do not stand their post but withdraw to attack later, as the Spartans at Platea (Plato, Laches, 191c).

  3. Jun 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:06][^1^][1] - [00:39:58][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo est un webinaire de Sportsregions sur les adhésions, présenté en juin 2024. Elle explique comment gérer les adhésions en ligne via la plateforme SP région, en mettant l'accent sur la préparation du site, l'organisation du processus d'adhésion, l'ouverture des adhésions et le suivi des demandes. Le présentateur détaille les étapes pour activer les saisons, définir les catégories d'âge, créer des équipes, préparer les formulaires d'adhésion, ajouter des produits d'adhésion, définir les moyens de paiement et gérer les adhésions reçues.

      Points forts: + [00:00:06][^3^][3] Introduction au webinaire * Présentation du but et du déroulement du webinaire * Annonce d'une session de questions-réponses à la fin + [00:01:33][^4^][4] Gestion des adhésions en ligne * Avantages de gérer les adhésions en ligne * Gain de temps et centralisation des informations + [00:03:32][^5^][5] Préparation du site pour les adhésions * Activation des saisons et définition des catégories d'âge * Création des équipes et préparation des formulaires + [00:13:11][^6^][6] Organisation du processus d'adhésion * Construction du formulaire avec champs principaux et complémentaires * Ajout de produits d'adhésion et gestion des moyens de paiement + [00:25:06][^7^][7] Exemple de formulaire complexe * Présentation d'un formulaire plus détaillé avec des exemples concrets * Variété des options et personnalisation des produits d'adhésion + [00:39:20][^8^][8] Session de questions-réponses * Invitation aux participants à poser des questions supplémentaires * Précision sur le support technique pour les cas spécifiques

  4. Feb 2024
  5. Dec 2022
    1. important works like Galen’s On Demonstration, Theophrastus’ OnMines and Aristarchus’ treatise on heliocentric theory (which mighthave changed the course of astronomy dramatically if it hadsurvived) all slipped through the cracks of time.
  6. Aug 2022
  7. Sep 2021
  8. Aug 2021
  9. Jul 2021
  10. Mar 2021
    1. Preliminary results from the first year are tantalizing for anyone interested in solutions to address rising inequality in the United States, especially as they manifest along racial and gender lines. Within the first year, the study’s participants obtained jobs at twice the rate of the control group. At the beginning of the study, 28 percent of the participants had full-time employment, and after the first year, that number rose to 40 percent.

      This is what happened when 125 participants were given $500/month over two years to see what would happen.

  11. Sep 2020
  12. Aug 2020
  13. Mar 2017
    1. Much instructional practice concentratesprimarily on the demonstration phase and ig-nores the other phases in this cycle of learning.

      Yes, and also demonstration which is decontextualized, has not audience, no stakeholders...

  14. Sep 2013
    1. It is clear, then, that rhetorical study, in its strict sense, is concerned with the modes of persuasion. Persuasion is clearly a sort of demonstration, since we are most fully persuaded when we consider a thing to have been demonstrated. The orator's demonstration is an enthymeme, and this is, in general, the most effective of the modes of persuasion.

      rhetoric vs. persuasion?

    2. Persuasion is clearly a sort of demonstration, since we are most fully persuaded when we consider a thing to have been demonstrated.

      Rhetoric = persuasion = demonstration