2,206 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2013
    1. Some of the popular orators say that offices should be assigned by lot

      Question of clarification: to "be assigned by lot" is a kind of pulling-names-out-of-a-hat method of assigning? I'm fairly certain this is what is meant, I just wanted some outside confirmation.

    1. A new pride taught me mine ego, and that teach I unto men: no longer to thrust one’s head into the sand of celestial things, but to carry it freely, a terrestrial head, which giveth meaning to the earth!

      is nietzsche (or zarathustra) teaching to overcome pedagogical limitations (i.e. other teachers?)

    2. the lion is needed for this capture

      cannot be camel/child?

  2. Aug 2013
    1. According to McLuhan, the “sheer inclusiveness” of information as a medium and as a concept expands both the field of battle and the semantic field of war. “Real, total war has become information war,” notes McLuhan in The Medium is the Massage, “it is being fought by subtle electric informational media—under cold conditions, and constantly” (138). Building on The Mechanical Bride and its critique of advertising as a declaration of war on human subjectivity, McLuhan traces the emergence of a new species of war that makes civil society itself the target of a covert, unceasing “guerilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation” (Culture is Our Business 66).

      Another question.

    2. Info War, however, makes civil society itself the center of gravity. Info War targets not only the physical infrastructure of information (nodes, cables, links, servers, towers, routers, electricity grids) but also the decision makers, “human or automated,” plugged into the grid.

      I missed the last couple of classes! What is info war again?