17 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. The United Nations and an incestuous network of academics, human rights groups, and international organization accuse M23 of looting Congolese resources, receiving support from Rwanda and/or Uganda, and various human rights abuses. Even as the groups amplify accusations that journalists uncritically report, core evidence remains sparse or exaggerated.

      The refutation of United Nations and journalistic evidence is very strange to me. On what evidence does the author make these claims ? Can he point to independent sources supporting the claim that "core evidence remains sparse or exaggerated." ?

  2. Nov 2023
    1. Ausstieg Deutschlands aus dem UN-Migrationspakt

      besser: ausstieg aus der UN

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7D_SnySls0<br /> Coin Bureau – Who Controls The World?

      7:02 die UN wird kontrolliert von den veto-mächten (frankreich, russland, china, USA, england)<br /> also deutschland ist nur eine kolonie der USA<br /> (dabei sollte deutschland eine kolonie von russland sein, weil russland ist viel näher…)

      23:31 countries that have imposed sanctions on russia: USA, canada, germany, UK, australia, japan, …

  3. Feb 2023
  4. Apr 2022
  5. Dec 2021
  6. Nov 2021
  7. May 2021
  8. Mar 2021
  9. Jul 2020
  10. Jun 2020
  11. May 2020
  12. Sep 2017
    1. : Trump's 2017 U.N. speech trans

      Advocates for strong nation states as a way to elevate the human conditions. Argues that the UN post-WWII has been continually rigged against America. Smaller nations have broken the international system.

      • Uses the word "sovereignty" 22 times — Voyant textual analysis.
      • Nationalist document.
    1. Advocates for strong nation states as a way to elevate the human conditions. Argues that the UN post-WWII has been continually rigged against America. Smaller nations have broken the international system.

      • Uses the word "sovereignty" 22 times — Voyant textual analysis.
      • Nationalist document.