- Jan 2025
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Le document met en évidence certaines critiques et points de tension autour des choix d'instruction alternatifs qui pourraient potentiellement conduire à des arguments fallacieux.
Voici quelques pistes à explorer:
L'idéalisation de l'enfant et de la parentalité:
Le document souligne une tendance à idéaliser l'enfant comme naturellement bon et à valoriser une parentalité intensive et protectrice.
Ce discours pourrait conduire à des arguments fallacieux en diabolisant l'école traditionnelle et en occultant les potentiels défis et difficultés de l'instruction alternative.
La critique institutionnelle de l'école:
Les parents interrogés mobilisent souvent des arguments issus de la psychologie et des neurosciences pour critiquer l'institution scolaire.
Cette critique, bien que légitime dans certains cas, peut parfois s'appuyer sur des "neuromythes" ou des théories controversées.
L'argument de "l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant":
Cet argument, souvent mobilisé par les parents pour justifier leur choix d'instruction alternative, est ambigu et sujet à interprétation.
Il peut être utilisé de manière fallacieuse pour imposer une vision particulière de l'éducation et discréditer les autres options.
La justification économique:
Le document note une tendance à euphémiser le coût réel de l'instruction en famille.
Certains parents minimisent les sacrifices financiers impliqués, ce qui pourrait constituer un argument fallacieux pour promouvoir l'IEF.
L'opposition entre "école traditionnelle" et "alternatives":
Le document met en évidence une tendance à opposer de manière simpliste ces deux modèles.
Cette dichotomie peut conduire à des arguments fallacieux en négligeant la diversité des écoles et des pédagogies.
- Jul 2024
(2:03) "The average man can't prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of. And still won't research and find the root of the truth that you seek of."
So true this quote. Dunning-Krueger. Ignorance. Stupidity.
Men should listen to Charlie Munger's advice: "I never allow myself to have [express] an opinion about anything that I don't know the opponent side's argument better than they do."
- Apr 2024
theconversation.com theconversation.com
And the evidence is coming back with unexpected results. A series of randomised controlled trials, including one looking at how to improve literacy through evidence, have suggested that schools that use methods based on research are not performing better than schools that do not.
This, too, is very logical. It is due to the nature of systems.
When one component, or even a lot, get "upgraded" this does not result in the overall results being improved. A system works best when all components work together to one or multiple goals in seemless harmony, creating emergence.
Therefore, if a component is out of place, even if it is better than its predecessor, it won't yield the correct results.
So for the methods to have a large, positive, impact, the entire system needs to be transformed.
This is why I don't want to upgrade a component of education at a time, but completely transform it once my theory of optimal education is complete. Like a phoenix, from the ashes we will rise. Burn it all down, and build it up again with an OODA loop at the core... The system needs to be in constant change, for without change, evolution cannot happen.
Observation Orientation Decision Action
This loop needs to be at the center of every system for "systems without the inherent capacity to change are doomed to die" -- Colonel John Boyd.
Of course, the system will need to be designed with utmost care and based on countless amounts of research, reviewed by a multitude of world-class experts in numeral areas.
But my research and that of others shows that incorporating strategies that have evidence backing them into teaching doesn’t always yield the results we want.
True, learning is complicated, so is the learner. In what ways does it not yield the results? Did the theory get applied correctly? Please give more detail.
Most schools have implemented reading programmes with significant amounts of evidence behind them. But, despite this, reading abilities have not changed much in the UK for decades.
How many is "most"? Did they apply the evidence correctly?
- Mar 2024
Samuel Hartlib was well aware of this improvement. While extolling the clever invention of Harrison, Hartlib noted that combinations and links con-stituted the ‘argumentative part’ of the card index.60
Hartlib Papers 30/4/47A, Ephemerides 1640, Part 2.
In extolling the Ark of Studies created by Thomas Harrison, Samuel Hartlib indicated that the combinations of information and the potential links between them created the "argumentative part" of the system. In some sense this seems to be analogous to the the processing power of an information system if not specifically creating its consciousness.
- Feb 2024
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
#!/bin/sh if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then set -- /dev/stdin fi for pathname do gawk -f awk_prac.awk "$pathname" done
github.com github.com
Its a bit tricky because of the ambiguity of how the args get presented. You can see through the little demo the args are presented the same way whether its a straight kwargs or a hash, but the assignment of the args to parameters is different. def foo(*args) puts args.inspect end def bar(x=1, a:2) puts "x:#{x} a:#{a}" end foo(:a => 1) # [{:a=>1}] foo({:a => 1}) # [{:a=>1}] bar(:a => 1). # x:1 a:1 bar({:a => 1}). # x:{:a => 1} a:2
github.com github.com
“…” would be cool, but (unless I’ve missed something in Ruby 3.2+), it can only delegate all args, and foo(1, …) is impossible.
github.com github.com
my_func(1, 2, 'foo' => 1, :kw => true) # ArgumentError: unknown keyword: "foo" even though Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash?(args.last) returns true.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Do not pass arguments right into subshell, it's as unsafe as eval.
vimeo.com vimeo.com
watched Tinderbox Meetup 2023-12-03 featuring Jorge Arango
Attendees: Mark Bernstein, Michael Becker, Jorge Arango,
Introductions: Rolf Huber (Information Architect)
- many different definitions of notes (types...)
- Damien Newman scribble drawing as a representation or diagram of the design process (22:42)
- 2x2 grid matrix of evergreen versus transient and mnemonic versus generative.(27:00)
contacts, recipes, book highlights and marginalia in the mnemonic/evergreen quadrant; to do lists, grocery list, appointments in the mnemonic/transient quadrant; sticky notes, mind maps, project plans, tinderbox in the generative/transient quadrant; knowledge gardens, zettelkasten, pkm systems in the generative/evergreen;
What does the structure of containers in each of these spaces look like? How simple or complex are they?
There can be growth from one space into others, (especially from the mnemonic into generative).
Chuck Wade mentions that email fits into all four of the quadrants.
Cathy Marshall used "information gardening" in Xerox Park setting... (source?) It may have been mentioned in Arango's interview of Mark Bernstein on The Informed Life.
Arango came to knowledge gardening via Brian Eno essay on architecture and gardening metaphor.
Three Rules of Knowledge Gardening
- Make short notes; create enough context to help out your future self
- Connect your notes
- Nurture your notes; revisit, build, feedback
Dave Rogers - we should challenge our notes rather than "nurturing them";
JA: Perhaps we could use AI/GPT to "steel man" our arguments?
Hookmark: https://hookproductivity.com/
Gordon Brander's Noosphere - protocol to define the problem of linking things quickly at internet scale.
- Sep 2023
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
ryanholiday.net ryanholiday.net
The colors represent categories, you are correct. So, for instance, with the War book, blue cards would be about politics, yellow strictly war, green the arts and entertainment, pink cards on strategy, etc. I could use this in several ways. I could glance at the cards for one chapter and see no blue or green cards and realize a problem. I could also take out all the cards of one color to see which story I liked best, etc. It also made the shoebox look pretty cool.
Robert Greene used a color code for his index cards which also helped him to realize gaps in certain areas. He also liked them because "It also made the shoebox look pretty cool."
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
What are your four main arguments about power?
- four main arguments about power
- worse people get power, corruptible people seek power
- power makes people worse, power corrupts
- 3 we are drawn to the wrong kinds of leaders for all the wrong reasons
- 4 we can design systems to make better people end up in power
- four main arguments about power
activerecord-hackery.github.io activerecord-hackery.github.io
args: [:parent, :ransacker_args] do |parent, args|
- Apr 2023
What has been shown, instead, is that each of these types of argumentationis tentative and inconclusive-open to critical questioning-while still being strongenough, in many cases, to have some degree of bindingness or logical correctnessin transferring acceptance from the premises to the conclusion. However, thebindingness is not of an unconditional or absolute kind-like deductive validity.Instead, it is a kind of tentative or provisional acceptance that is involved, (i.e.,"Now I have accepted these premises, I am bound to tentatively accept the conclusion, for the sake of argument or discussion,
- Informal Arguments
- Tentative or Plausible Reasoning Structure rather than definitive. Bound to evidential contestation.
- Dec 2022
The deferred call's arguments are evaluated immediately, but the function call is not executed until the surrounding function returns.
``` func main() { defer fmt.Println(time.Now()) time.Sleep(time.Second * 2) fmt.Println(time.Now()) }
- Nov 2022
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
Milton,for example, wrote more or less lengthy headings, or "Arguments," as he called them, for each book of Paradise Lost.
- Oct 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
opts = method(__method__).parameters.map(&:last).map { |p| [p, eval(p.to_s)] }.to_h SomeOtherObject.some_other_method(opts)
that's right, we don't want to do params = { ... } because then we're hardcoding the implementation and it becomes very coupled. The benefit of doing it like in my examples is that you can change the method signature and still automatically capture all keyword parameters.
- Sep 2022
Ruby's keyword args work a little differently than similar implementations (selectors in Objective C, for instance). The value on the right-hand side of the colon is the default, not the local name.
- Jul 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Aristotle actually identified a third form of argumentthat may surprise you: narrative.
In addition to deduction and induction, narrative, as identified by Aristotle, can be a form of argument.
- Jun 2022
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Alito relies on sources such as Hale without acknowledging their entanglement with legalized male supremacy. The men who cited Hale as they constructed the early American legal order refused to give women the right to vote or to otherwise enjoy full citizenship. Relying on that history of injustice as a reason to deny modern women control over their own lives is a terrible argument but apparently the best Alito can do.
Relying on a history of injustice to continue to deny justice to any person is a predatory argument.
- May 2022
Some universities have restructured programs to emphasize the ability to work, socialize and research across languages, offering dual degrees in which students’ language education is directly tied to its application in their other fields of study. Georgia Tech, for example, has devised programs aimed at developing language skills that allow them to work more effectively in, and to be more attractive to, international companies and organizations.
"Appeal to the people," the fallacy of popular, (argumentum and populm) by making an argument that something is the right or correct thing to do because a lot of people agree with doing it.
- Feb 2022
human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
An argument is a swarming cluster of words.
Arguments can be a very complex process and it takes a lot of patience to make these arguments clear. They can help clarify issues and arrive at consensus or agreement.
Local file Local file
Also, we shouldn’t underestimate the advantages of writing. In oralpresentations, we easily get away with unfounded claims. We candistract from argumentative gaps with confident gestures or drop acasual “you know what I mean” irrespective of whether we knowwhat we meant. In writing, these manoeuvres are a little too obvious.It is easy to check a statement like: “But that is what I said!” Themost important advantage of writing is that it helps us to confrontourselves when we do not understand something as well as wewould like to believe.
In modern literate contexts, it is easier to establish doubletalk in oral contexts than it is in written contexts as the written is more easily reviewed for clarity and concreteness. Verbal ticks like "you know what I mean", "it's easy to see/show", and other versions of similar hand-waving arguments that indicate gaps in thinking and arguments are far easier to identify in writing than they are in speech where social pressure may cause the audience to agree without actually following the thread of the argument. Writing certainly allows for timeshiting, but it explicitly also expands time frames for grasping and understanding a full argument in a way not commonly seen in oral settings.
Note that this may not be the case in primarily oral cultures which may take specific steps to mitigate these patterns.
Link this to the anthropology example from Scott M. Lacy of the (Malian?) tribe that made group decisions by repeating a statement from the lowest to the highest and back again to ensure understanding and agreement.
This difference in communication between oral and literate is one which leaders can take advantage of in leading their followers astray. An example is Donald Trump who actively eschewed written communication or even reading in general in favor of oral and highly emotional speech. This generally freed him from the need to make coherent and useful arguments.
“I had [...]during many years followed a golden rule, namely, that whenever apublished fact, a new observation or thought came across me, whichwas opposed to my general results, to make a memorandum of itwithout fail and at once; for I had found by experience that such factsand thoughts were far more apt to escape from the memory thanfavorable ones. Owing to this habit, very few objections were raisedagainst my views, which I had not at least noticed and attempted toanswer.” (Darwin 1958, 123)
Charles Darwin fought confirmation bias by writing down contrary arguments and criticisms and addressing them.
- Jan 2022
hackmd.io hackmd.io
Argument quality and fallacies. (n.d.). HackMD. Retrieved January 17, 2022, from https://hackmd.io/@scibehC19vax/argumentquality
- slippery slope
- bias
- vaccine data
- causation
- vaccine hesitancy
- factual error
- arguments
- standards
- statistical fallacies
- evidence
- self-contradiction
- fallacies
- source reliability
- argument quality
- norms
- claim
- is:article
- vaccination debate
- ad hominem argument
- inconsistency
- Simpson's paradox
- ignorance
- lang:en
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
Still, persuasiveness need not take the form of logicalargumentation; it can just as easily involve appeal to sentiment,whipping up passions, deploying poetic metaphors, appealing tomyth or proverbial wisdom, employing irony and indirection, humour,insult, or appeals to prophecy or revelation; and the degree to whichone privileges any of these has everything to do with the rhetoricaltradition to which the speaker belongs, and the presumeddispositions of their audience.
A list of means of persuasiveness:
- use of logical argumentation
- appeal to sentiment
- whipping up passions
- deploying poetic metaphors
- appeal to mythology, proverbial or ancient wisdom
- irony
- indirection
- humor
- insult
- prophecy/revelation
- appeal to the rhetorical tradition to which the speaker belongs (pathos, ethos, etc.)
- presumed disposition of the audience
What others are there?
Certainly Donald Trump didn't use logical argumentation. He didn't even frame things as being for something so much as being against other things.
Enlightenment texts took the form of dialogues; mostcultivated an easy, transparent, conversational style clearly inspiredby the salon. (It was the Germans, back then, who tended to write inthe obscure style for which French intellectuals have since becomefamous.)
Through the Enlightenment texts took the form of dialogues and it was the Germans of the time who began writing in a more obscure argumentative style which changed the form of the discourse.
- Dec 2021
writing.fletom.com writing.fletom.com
underscores are better than dashes for representing spaces
- Nov 2021
github.com github.com
Calling a software convention "pretty 90s" somewhat undermines your position. Quite a lot of well-designed software components are older than that. If something is problematic, it would be more useful to argue its faults. When someone cites age to justify change, I usually find that they're inexperienced and don't fully understand the issues or how their proposed change would impact other people.
- Oct 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, October 27). I must confess I do not understand these arguments. Testing would not cause anxiety if it weren’t discovering lots of cases [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1453323966093873152
- Aug 2021
Provides empty Module#ruby2_keywords method, for the forward source-level compatibility against ruby2.7 and ruby3.
www.ruby-lang.org www.ruby-lang.org
3. The no-keyword-arguments syntax (**nil) is introduced You can use **nil in a method definition to explicitly mark the method accepts no keyword arguments. Calling such methods with keyword arguments will result in an ArgumentError. (This is actually a new feature, not an incompatibility)
This is useful to make it explicit that the method does not accept keyword arguments. Otherwise, the keywords are absorbed in the rest argument in the above example.
If you extend a method to accept keyword arguments, the method may have incompatibility as follows: # If a method accepts rest argument and no `**nil` def foo(*args) p args end # Passing keywords are converted to a Hash object (even in Ruby 3.0) foo(k: 1) #=> [{:k=>1}] # If the method is extended to accept a keyword def foo(*args, mode: false) p args end # The existing call may break foo(k: 1) #=> ArgumentError: unknown keyword k
If your code doesn’t have to run on Ruby 2.6 or older, you may try the new style in Ruby 2.7. In almost all cases, it works. Note that, however, there are unfortunate corner cases as follows:
Ruby 2.6 or before themselves have tons of corner cases in keyword arguments.
ruby2_keywords allows you to run the old style even in Ruby 2.7 and 3.0.
- Jul 2021
iep.utm.edu iep.utm.edu
We may assume that Anaximander somehow had to defend his bold theory of the free-floating, unsupported earth against the obvious question of why the earth does not fall. Aristotle’s version of Anaximander’s argument runs like this: “But there are some who say that it (namely, the earth) stays where it is because of equality, such as among the ancients Anaximander. For that which is situated in the center and at equal distances from the extremes, has no inclination whatsoever to move up rather than down or sideways; and since it is impossible to move in opposite directions at the same time, it necessarily stays where it is.” (De caelo 295b10ff., DK 12A26) Many authors have pointed to the fact that this is the first known example of an argument that is based on the principle of sufficient reason (the principle that for everything which occurs there is a reason or explanation for why it occurs, and why this way rather than that).
principle of sufficient reason
: for everything which occurs there is a reason or explanation for why it occurs, and why this way rather than that
The first example in Western culture is that of Anaximander explaining why the Earth does not fall.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Minto is the originator of the MECE principle pronounced "ME-see",[6][3] a grouping principle for separating a set of items into subsets that are mutually exclusive (ME) and collectively exhaustive (CE).[7] MECE underlies her Minto Pyramid Principle,[3] which suggests that people's ideas should be communicated in a pyramid format in which summary points are derived from constituent and supporting sub-points:[8] Grouping together low-level facts they see as similar Drawing an insight from having seen the similarity Forming a new grouping of related insights, etc. Minto argues that one "can’t derive an idea from a grouping unless the ideas in the grouping are logically the same, and in logical order.”[3]
Saw this mentioned/described in the first session of Roam Book Club 5 [video].
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
fear, uncertainty, and doubt are not an argument
If you want to understand why I’ve made these arguments, you first need to recognize that for decades, right-wing thinkers and judges have argued that policies that lead to racial inequities are “not racist” or are “race neutral.” That was the position of the conservative Supreme Court justices who recently upheld Arizona’s voting-restriction policies. Those who wish to conserve racial inequity want us to focus on intent—which is hard to prove—rather than the outcome of inequity, which is rather easy to prove.
What happens when a politician falsely proclaims what you think, and then criticizes that proclamation? Is she really critiquing your ideas—or her own? If a writer decides what both sides of an argument are stating, is he really engaging in an argument with another writer, or is he engaging in an argument with himself?
Over the past few months, I have seldom stopped to answer the critiques of critical race theory or of my own work, because the more I’ve studied these critiques, the more I’ve concluded that these critics aren’t arguing against me. They aren’t arguing against anti-racist thinkers. They aren’t arguing against critical race theorists. These critics are arguing against themselves.
How does this compare with the idea of sealioning?
Could the versions of argument be broken down into sub categories based on who is participating in the argument? Perhaps the way that IndieWeb has broken down syndication into sub-categories based on which direction the syndication is going: POSSE, PESOS, etc.?
- Jun 2021
github.com github.com
'set-cookie': response.headers.get('set-cookie')
If you do need to passthrough your mydomain.com cookies to a thirdparty.com domain, you can technically already do that now by implementing it as an endpoint and calling fetch('/my-endpoint')
I don't really want to re-implement all of my api endpoints to make this work. Is there a way to "mask" the thirdparty endpoints to pass through the cookies?
- May 2021
history4today.com history4today.com
librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com
Prominence as a critic tends to reinforce itself. The person who appears on news shows is the person who gets to star in a documentary is the person who gets to testify before the Senate is the person who gets invited back onto the news shows, and so forth.
Another specific example of this has been noted by Zeynep Tufekci of an economist becoming the face of criticism of the education space being open or closed during the coronavirus pandemic. The woman, who had no background in public health or epidemiology, became the public face of the argument about whether schools should be open or closed.
- Feb 2021
www.gingrich360.com www.gingrich360.com
As Miller explained, it is central to the radical Left’s foundation to destroy Americans’ faith in ourselves, our past, and our present. Because this destruction is the prerequisite for changing America into a dramatically different country, which is less free, less safe, and less successful.
Why are Republicans always trying to use the "radical Left" as the boogeyman and painting the entirety of the Democratic party with it? Gingrich knows full well that there are marginal voices on the far left just as there are on the far right. Why are Republicans always painting with such a broad brush and not supporting their arguments with actual facts?
I'm curious just which specific things Gingerich thinks they're doing that will make us "less free" or "less safe"? For comparison, maybe we should look at decades of "trickle down economics" and see if those work? I suspect Gingrich and Miller would say yes, but mountains of evidence indicate we're not measurably better off. (See also: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/107919/1/Hope_economic_consequences_of_major_tax_cuts_published.pdf)
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Keyword arguments allow to define particular parameters as required. Should the parameter be missing, they also provide a way to set a default value. This is all done with pure Ruby.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
You may use keyword arguments in your filters for type safety and better readable code.
www.nybooks.com www.nybooks.com
Sharpe claims that Englishmen “were able to…constitute themselves as political agents” by reading, whether or not they read about state affairs; for politics was “a type of consciousness” and the psyche “a text of politics.” “The Civil War itself became a contested text.” So reading was everything: “We are what we read.”
The argument here is that much of the English Civil War was waged in reading and writing. Compare this with today's similar political civil war between the right and the left, but it is being waged in social media instead in sound bites, video clips, tweets, which encourage visceral gut reactions instead of longer and better thought out arguments and well tempered reactions.
Instead of moving forward on the axis of thought and rationality, we're descending instead into the primordial and visceral reactions of our "reptilian brains."
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
It's difficult because it's a case-by-case basis - there is no one right answer so it falls into subjective arguments.
- Jan 2021
github.com github.com
allow <slot> to be part of a slot
I want to make some add-ons or wrappers on components e.g BigButton.svelte <script> import Button from './Button.svelte' </script> <Button fz="16" h="64" {...$$props}> <slot slot="prepend" name="prepend" /> <slot /> <slot slot="append" name="append" /> </Button>
Related to #1824, can do <svelte:component this={Bar}> <slot></slot> <slot name="header" slot="header"></slot> </svelte:component> <script> import Bar from './Bar.svelte'; </script> as a forwarding workaround
I am trying to implements this usecase (a generic lazy loader component which forwards slots/events to the "real" component).
github.com github.com
In 3.29.0 you can now use <slot slot='...'> to forward slots into a child component, without adding DOM elements.
Would love to see passthrough slots to create superset components, for example Table and TableWithPagination (table slots for TableWithPagination could be passed through to Table).
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
All standard UI events are forwarded on components, input events ("input" and "change") are forwarded on input components, and all MDC events are forwarded.
You can add props to lower components and elements with things like input$maxlength="15".
You can add actions to the components with use={[Action1, [Action2, action2Props], Action3]}.
github.com github.com
All standard UI events are forwarded.
class: '' - A CSS class string.
use: [] - An array of actions and/or action/property arrays.
- Oct 2020
andrewdeandrade commented on Jul 30, 2015
andrewdeandrade commented on Jul 31, 2015
locked issues that I would comment on if I could: Can't react to comment because locked. Want to thumb up.
github.com github.com
In a later major, we'd stop extracting key from props and therefore props is now just passthrough.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
There are usually very little amount of properties that a component relays on
github.com github.com
The point of the feature is to not rely on the third-party author of the child component to add a prop for every action under the sun. Rather, they could just mark a recipient for actions on the component (assuming there is a viable target element), and then consumers of the library could extend the component using whatever actions they desire.
- component/library author can't consider/know ahead of time all of the ways users may want to use it
- flexibility
- extensibility
- run-time dynamicness/generics vs. having to explicitly list/hard-code all options ahead of time
- pass-through arguments/props/options
- Svelte: action (use:)
svelte.dev svelte.dev
If you want to listen to an event on some deeply nested component, the intermediate components must forward the event.
We should also allow passing unrecognised props to the rendered component. eg: tabindex might be required on some instances of a component, and not all. Why should developers have to add tabindex support to their components just that it may potentially be used
Glad to hear this is solved now: $restProps
You could do something like this instead while maintaining complete control of where different props go. <div class="wrapper> <div {...$$props} > ... </div> </div>
- Aug 2020
github.com github.com
All of the components should allow passing MUI configuration properties to them so that they can be easily customized. In the case of RFF and MUI components with deeply nested structures of multiple subcomponents, you can pass the properties in with sepecial top level properties. This is very hard to document fully without making a mess, so please refer to the source code and demos for examples.
- May 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I have used this bash one-liner before set -- "${@:1:$(($#-1))}" It sets the argument list to the current argument list, less the last argument.
Analogue of
built-in. Too bad there isn't just apop
- Apr 2020
slack-files.com slack-files.com
If this is the sort of dialectic we’re after in Nietzsche, thenwe will have a very hard time finding it,
Since Deleuze misunderstands Hegel's dialectic, Cole can dismiss Deleuze's claim that Nietzche opposes Hegel's dialectic . . ..
- Feb 2020
blog.saeloun.com blog.saeloun.com
The **nil argument was added in Ruby 2.7 to explicity mark that the method accepts no keyword arguments.
- Nov 2019
gist.github.com gist.github.com
github.com github.com
- Oct 2018
www.washingtonexaminer.com www.washingtonexaminer.com
There should be a broad understanding of all disciplines. We shouldn't expect the next great novelist to be good at math?
First Argument: It is irrational to blindly promote STEM because not all children have an affinity for it. We should all choose jobs that we have a natural affinity for.
- Feb 2017
www.csicop.org www.csicop.org
Having long flourished in politics and religion, they have also spread into science and medicine
Convincing arguments are based upon reasoning, of which, says Campbell, there are two kinds: scientific and moral.
hokament.teamhokama.com hokament.teamhokama.com
we’re both so focused on what the other is saying or doing that’s wrong that we barely hear anything else. There may have been a time when we might listen to what the other has to say politely, but those days are long gone.
I believe this statement can sum up many if not almost all of the arguments we have with friends. We just focus on what they are doing wrong or saying wrong at the moment that we forget how much we actually have in common thus making us FRIENDS. I believe the author puts it greatly that the time to be polite is long gone. Could this because of the growing trend of social media?
- Aug 2016
www.romper.com www.romper.com
Credibull score = 3.22 / 10
To provide feedback on the score fill in the form available here
What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
- Jun 2016
www.science.org www.science.org
Experience indicates that it can be accomplished best through the mediation of administrative law
Which experience indicate that ?
- Mar 2016
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Page 1www.storyofstuff.comDo you have one of these