319 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. upport cross-divisional thinking and that the best ideas are already in a company and it's just a matter of sort of um getting people together

      for - neuroscience - validation for Stop Reset Go open source participatory system mapping for design innovation

      neuroscience - validation for Stop Reset Go open source participatory system mapping for design innovation - bottom-up collective design efficacy - What Henning Beck validates for companies can also apply to using Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping within an open space to de-silo and be as inclusive as possible of many different silo'd transition actors

    2. a good projects always benefit from cross-divisional from cross-divisional cooperation from asking some guys from outside not because they are showing the better um the better solution but usually they they give a good they give a good question they ask questions that nobody ever asked before and thereby giving you some kind of some kind of New Perspective

      for - Indyweb - Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping - benefits of open source - Henning Beck - neuroscience support

      Indyweb - Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping - benefits of open source - Henning Beck validates the importance of an open source design of the Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping - By developing an open source graph for many silo'd actors to participate, they mutually desilo each other - The sharing of diverse perspectives helps to mitigate progress traps

  2. Jul 2024
    1. for - paper review - building a system-based Theory of Change using Participatory Systems Mapping - participatory systems mapping - SRG / Indyweb dev - system mapping - participatory approach

      summary - I'm reviewing this paper because the title seems salient for the development of our own participatory Stop Reset Go system mapping tool within Indyweb ecosystem. - The building of - a systems-based Theory of Change using - Participatory Systems Mapping - is salient to our own project and aligns to it with different language: - Theory of Change with uses theory to perform an evaluation and propose an intervention - The Stop Reset Go framework focuses on the specific type of process called "improvement", or - transforming a process to make it "better" in some way

      to - Indyweb project info page - https://hyp.is/RRevQk0UEe-xwP-i8Ywwqg/opencollective.com/open-learning-commons/projects/indy-learning-commons

    2. recommends that ToC construction should be participatory, involving stakeholders who represent different perspectives and roles within the intervention

      for - ToC construction - recommendation - should be participatory

      comment - Stop Reset Go process using Trailmark mark-in notation within Indyweb people-centered, interpersonal software ecosystem is inherently designed: - to be participatory - to mitigate progress traps - In fact, - the greater the diversity of perspectives, - the greater the efficacy in mitigating progress traps - For this reason, open source is necessary to achieve the optimal transformations of improvement

    1. for - progress traps - interview - Ronald Wright

      summary - In this more recent interview, Ronald Wright, author of "A Short History of Progress" and advocate of the idea of "progress traps", offers his cogent take on the world today, as refracted and reflected through an archeological lens - Wright sheds light on the relevance of history and especially archeology on our contemporary polycrisis, illustrating how, while different in details, are very similiar to the same mistakes our ancestors of every age have made - The archeology lessons of Sumeria, Stone age humans, Easter Island and more illustrate that it is dangerous to romanticize our ancestors as their mistakes cost them their civilizations, as much as the current mistakes we are now making may cost ours - I would add that our own Stop Reset Go and Deep Humanity research compliments Wright's superb work on Progress Traps with ideas borrowed from the East - specifically, Shunyata or Emptiness - Complimenting progress traps with Emptiness reveals another dimension of the perennial problem our species face since time immemorial, and in every generation henceforth - Deep Humanity integrates Progress with Emptiness, the individual with the collective, friends with enemies and proposes that we are approaching a singularity in our species, - in which all past civilizations are converging in one heterogenous entity in modernity - and the future of our species will depend on whether we can culturally adapt quickly enough to the multiple existential risks we now face - Our future as a viable evolutionary species may depend on the collective direction we move in in the next few years, of resolving the age-old quagmire of the holographic unnamable present in every one of us born into a living and dying body, continually fractures itself into violently polarized pieces. - Do we have the collective foresight to penetrate our own ignorance?

  3. Jun 2024
    1. I think one of the things that you're describing is what it looks 00:44:00 like to try to do something without breaking something else

      for - progress traps - Nora Bateson - response to interviewer's comment on everyday example of complexity - parent encouraging children to go to school - example of mitigating progress traps - complexity is hard!

    2. like when it's time to go to school and it's okay let's put your boots on it's time to go to school no no 00:43:09 I don't want to

      for - podcast - Entangled Worlds - interviewer comment - dealing with complexity - everyday example - mother encouraging child to go to school

    3. you can take a lot more than you are and have a lot more information

      for - adjacency - open source - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping - objective - Nora Bateson comment on more information - diversity - Indyweb/Indranet - progress trap mitigation

      adjacency - between - Nora Bateson comment - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping<br /> - open source - progress trap mitigation - Indyweb/Indranet

      • adjacency relationship
        • When Nora talks about the
          • oversimplified,
          • reductionist
        • problem-solving approach that most of modernity employs to tackle wicked problems,
        • it boils down to oversimplification.
        • There are usually far more causes and conditions to a problem than are known to construct the solution
        • In Deep Humanity praxis, this is how we get into progress traps, the shadow side of progress
        • The Stop Reset Go complexity mapping system is designed to reveal greater information by
          • creating a space for diverse perspectives to systematically engage in addressing the same wicked problem
        • This system must be open source in order to create the space for maximum diversity
        • The Stop Reset Go process is specifically designed as a workspace for diversity for the purpose of
          • mitigating progress traps and
          • helping find more effective ways to address wicked problems
        • This is done by using Trailmark Markin notation within the Indyweb/Indranet people-centered, interpersonal software ecosystem
    4. there are many um and that that pulls us into 00:00:26 reaction mode that has been long steeped in industrial responsiveness which is to the first order

      for - quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson

      quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - (see below) - it's really easy to get distracted by the alarms that are ringing - and like you said, there are many that pulls us into reaction mode - that has been long steeped in industrial responsiveness - which is to the first order - that is, if something is happening we want to stop that thing from happening - whatever it is, whether it's - a refugee crisis or - a nuclear war threat or a this or a that - and that first order response does not take into account - the next and the next and the next order of consequences - so it's a kind of thinking that is very much appropriate for - engineering, - for building machines - but it's not appropriate for complex living systems

      adjacency - between - Nora Bateson comment on first order industrial responsiveness - progress trap - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping - Deep Humanity - progress trap - emptiness/shunyata - adjacency relationship - What Nora is saying is articulated within the Deep Humanity praxis using the language of progress traps - Dan O'Leary - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=dan+o%27leary - Ronald Wright - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=ronald+wright - which are the unintended consequences of progress - Deep Humanity praxis relates progress traps to the intertwingled Eastern philosophical ideas of - emptiness (shunyata) - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=emptiness - dependent arising and - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=dependent+arising - interdependent origination - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=interdependent+origination - In the context of the Stop Reset Go complexity mapping process, - to be integrated into the Indyweb / Indranet web 3 software ecosystem, - is designed to map multiple perspectives of how to solve a problem - so that we can see the many different solutions and avoid simply adopting a first order response solution - in so doing, it integrates complexity into our problem solving process and helps to mitigate - future progress traps in our solutions - The Indyweb / Indranet is a technology ecosystem designed to reflect the two pillars of emptiness: - (evolutionary) change and - interdependent origination / intertwingularity, - reflecting a universe that is fractally connected in all - dimensions and - scales - Stop Reset Go will be integrated into the Indyweb/Indranet as a specific Markin notation.

  4. May 2024
    1. Der Bezos Earth Fund wird bis zum Ende des Jahrzehnts 10 Milliarden Dollar für den Kampf gegen die Klima und die Biodiversitätskrise zur Verfügung stellen. Die Mittel des Fonds geben ihm enormen Einfluss. Viele in der NGOs Szene sehen die Politik des Fonds als Gefährdung für die Unabhängigkeit der von ihm geförderten Organisationen. Der Guardian berichtet anlässlich einer Preisverleihung kritisch vor allem über das Engagement des Fonds für CO2 Kompensationen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/jeff-bezos-earth-fund-carbon-offsets-climate-sector-uneasy-aoe

  5. Apr 2024
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240409122434/https://www.henrikkarlsson.xyz/p/go

      • In the decades before AI beat Go-worldchampion, the highest level of Go-players was stable.
      • After AI beat the Go-worldchampion, there is a measurable increase in the creativity and quality of Go-players. The field has risen as a whole.
      • The change is not attributable to copying AI output (although 40% of cases that happened) but to increased human creativity (60%).
      • The realisation that improvement is possible, creates the improvement. This reminds me of [[Beschouw telkens je adjacent possibles 20200826185412]] wrt [[Evolutionair vlak van mogelijkheden 20200826185412]]
      • Also the improvement coincides with the appearance of an open source model and tool, which allowed players to explore and interact with the AI, not just play a Go-game against it.
      • Examples of plateau-ing of accomplishments and sudden changes exist in sports
      • There may also be a link to how in other fields one might see the low end of an activity up their game through using AI rather than be overtaken by it.

      Paper 2022 publication in Zotero

  6. Mar 2024
    1. Likewise, we “trusted the process,” but the process didn’t save Toy Story 2 either. “Trust theProcess” had morphed into “Assume that the Process Will Fix Things for Us.” It gave ussolace, which we felt we needed. But it also coaxed us into letting down our guard and, in theend, made us passive. Even worse, it made us sloppy.

      Compare "trust the process" as a guiding principle with "let go and let God" which has a much more random and chaotic potential set of outcomes.

    1. Notice how you know where you are in the book by the distribution of weight in each hand, and the thickness of the page stacks between your fingers. Turn a page, and notice how you would know if you grabbed two pages together, by how they would slip apart when you rub them against each other.

      Go ahead and pick up a book. Open it up to some page. Notice how you know how much water is left, by how the weight shifts in response to you tipping it.


      Victor, B. (2011). A brief rant on the future of interaction design. Tomado de https://worrydream.com/ABriefRantOnTheFutureOfInteractionDesign/

  7. Jan 2024
    1. for - multi scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - evolutionary biology - rapid whole system change - adjacency - multi scale competency architecture - rapid whole system change - stop reset go - Deep Humanity - Indyweb - Indranet - major evolutionary transition in individuality - MET - superorganism - cumulative cultural evolution of individuality

      adjacency - between - multi scale competency architecture - rapid whole system change - progress trap - stop reset go - Deep Humanity - Indyweb - Indranet - major evolutionary transition in individuality - MET - superorganism - cumulative cultural evolution of individuality - adjacency statement - The idea of multi scale competency architecture can be extended to apply to the cultural level. - in the context of humanity's current existential poly /meta/ perma crisis, - rapid whole system change - (a cultural behavioural paradigm shift) - is required within a few short years - to avoid the worst impacts of - catastrophic, - anthropogenic - climate change, which is entangled with a host of other earth system boundary violations including - biodiversity loss - fresh water scarcity - - the driver of evolution through major evolutionary transitions in individuality has given rise to the level of cultural superorganisms that include all previous levels - progress and its intended consequences of progress traps play a major role in determining the future evolutionary trajectory of our and many other species - our species is faced with a few choice permutations in this regard: - individually regulate behaviour aligned with a future within earth system boundaries - collectively regulate behaviour aligned with a future within earth system boundaries - pursue sluggish green growth / carbon transition that is effectively tinkering at the margins of rapid whole system change - BAU - currently, there doesn't appear to be any feasible permutation of any of the above choices - There is insufficient worldview alignment to create the unity at scale for report whole system change - individual incumbent state and corporate actors still cling too tightly to the old, destructive regime, - creating friction that keeps the actual rate of change below the required - Stop Reset Go, couched within the Deep Humanity praxis and operationalized through the Indyweb / Indranet individual / collective open learning system provides a multi-dimensional tool for a deep educational paradigm shift that can accelerate both individual and collective upregulation of system change

    1. Instance methods Instances of Models are documents. Documents have many of their own built-in instance methods. We may also define our own custom document instance methods. // define a schema const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String }, { // Assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema through schema options. // By following this approach, there is no need to create a separate TS type to define the type of the instance functions. methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } }); // Or, assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); }; Now all of our animal instances have a findSimilarTypes method available to them. const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema); const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog' }); dog.findSimilarTypes((err, dogs) => { console.log(dogs); // woof }); Overwriting a default mongoose document method may lead to unpredictable results. See this for more details. The example above uses the Schema.methods object directly to save an instance method. You can also use the Schema.method() helper as described here. Do not declare methods using ES6 arrow functions (=>). Arrow functions explicitly prevent binding this, so your method will not have access to the document and the above examples will not work.

      Certainly! Let's break down the provided code snippets:

      1. What is it and why is it used?

      In Mongoose, a schema is a blueprint for defining the structure of documents within a collection. When you define a schema, you can also attach methods to it. These methods become instance methods, meaning they are available on the individual documents (instances) created from that schema.

      Instance methods are useful for encapsulating functionality related to a specific document or model instance. They allow you to define custom behavior that can be executed on a specific document. In the given example, the findSimilarTypes method is added to instances of the Animal model, making it easy to find other animals of the same type.

      2. Syntax:

      Using methods object directly in the schema options:

      javascript const animalSchema = new Schema( { name: String, type: String }, { methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } } );

      Using methods object directly in the schema:

      javascript animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };

      Using Schema.method() helper:

      javascript animalSchema.method('findSimilarTypes', function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); });

      3. Explanation in Simple Words with Examples:

      Why it's Used:

      Imagine you have a collection of animals in your database, and you want to find other animals of the same type. Instead of writing the same logic repeatedly, you can define a method that can be called on each animal instance to find similar types. This helps in keeping your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and makes it easier to maintain.


      ```javascript const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const { Schema } = mongoose;

      // Define a schema with a custom instance method const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String });

      // Add a custom instance method to find similar types animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };

      // Create the Animal model using the schema const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema);

      // Create an instance of Animal const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog', name: 'Buddy' });

      // Use the custom method to find similar types dog.findSimilarTypes((err, similarAnimals) => { console.log(similarAnimals); }); ```

      In this example, findSimilarTypes is a custom instance method added to the Animal schema. When you create an instance of the Animal model (e.g., a dog), you can then call findSimilarTypes on that instance to find other animals with the same type. The method uses the this.type property, which refers to the type of the current animal instance. This allows you to easily reuse the logic for finding similar types across different instances of the Animal model.

      Certainly! Let's go through each part and explain it in simple terms: ### 1. `this` in Mongoose: - **What is `this`?** In JavaScript, `this` refers to the current context or object. In Mongoose, particularly within methods and middleware functions, `this` represents the instance (document) the function is currently operating on. - **Why is it used?** `this` is used to access and modify the properties of the current document. For example, in a Mongoose method, `this` allows you to refer to the fields of the specific document the method is called on. ### 2. Example: Let's use the `userSchema.pre("save", ...)`, which is a Mongoose middleware, as an example: ```javascript userSchema.pre("save", async function (next) { if (!this.isModified("password")) { next(); } else { this.password = await bcrypt.hash(this.password, 10); next(); } }); ``` - **Explanation in Simple Words:** - Imagine you have a system where users can sign up and set their password. - Before saving a new user to the database, you want to ensure that the password is securely encrypted (hashed) using a library like `bcrypt`. - The `userSchema.pre("save", ...)` is a special function that runs automatically before saving a user to the database. - In this function: - `this.isModified("password")`: Checks if the password field of the current user has been changed. - If the password is not modified, it means the user is not updating their password, so it just moves on to the next operation (saving the user). - If the password is modified, it means a new password is set or the existing one is changed. In this case, it uses `bcrypt.hash` to encrypt (hash) the password before saving it to the database. - The use of `this` here is crucial because it allows you to refer to the specific user document that's being saved. It ensures that the correct password is hashed for the current user being processed. In summary, `this` in Mongoose is a way to refer to the current document or instance, and it's commonly used to access and modify the properties of that document, especially in middleware functions like the one demonstrated here for password encryption before saving to the database.




  8. Dec 2023
    1. Go语言程序员推荐使用 驼峰式 命名,当名字由几个单词组成时优先使用大小写分隔,而不是优先用下划线分隔


    1. 如果你想要相邻的几个case都执行同一逻辑的话,需要自己显式地写上一个fallthrough语句来覆盖这种默认行为。不过fallthrough语句在一般的程序中很少用到。


  9. Nov 2023
    1. ჩემს მიერ შერჩეული ბლოგი დაწერილია ქართველი და შვეიცარიელი სტუდენტების მიერ(ლუკა კაპიტანიო,სიმონე გიორზი და ნათია კეკენაძე) რომლის განხილვის საგანია თემზე დაფუძნებული მთის მმართველობა საქართველოში,სადაც აღწერილია მაღალმთიანი დასახლებების რისკები და მათი გამომწვევი მიზეზები,ასევე განხულილულია მათი სოციალურ-ეკონომიკური მდგომარეობა და მაღალმთიანი რეგიონების მომავალი.საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციების და საქართველოს მთავრობის მჭიდრო თანამშრომლობის შედეგად შექმნილია ადგილობრივი სამოქმედო ჯგუფები(LAG),რომელთა მიზანი კერძო,საჯარო და სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ადგილობრივ დონეზე დაკავშირება და მთის განვითარების პრიორიტეტების/საჭიროებების განსაზღვრაა.2020 წლიდან LAG-ები აქტიურად მუშაობენ საქართველოს თითქმის ყველა მუნიციპალიტეტში.მაგალითად ხულოს LAG აქტიურად იყო ჩართული 73-მდე ადგილობრივი განვითარების ინიციატივის დაფინანსებაში.LAG-ის დახმარებით დაფინანსდა ორი სამკერვალო მაღაზია,სადაც 15-მდე ადგილობრივი ქალი დასაქმდა(EU4GEORGIA,2020). "შესაბამისად,უაღრესად მნიშვნელოვანია ისეთი ინსტიტუტების შექმნა,რომლებიც შესაძლებელს გახდის შესანიშნავი კომუნიკაციის საშუალებას ადგილობრივ მთის თემებსა და შესაბამის პოლოტიკურ ინსტიტუტებს შორის,რათა შესაძლებელი გახდეს საუკეთესო მმართველობა". გიორგი ჟამიერაშვილი

  10. Oct 2023
    1. this Earth shot as we call it that we're aiming for at Earth species project is for machine learning to decode non-human communication and then that new knowledge and understanding that results 00:06:42 from that would reset our relationship with the rest of Nature and you know this is a to me a really compelling as a potential unlock in addressing the biodiversity and climate crisis that 00:06:56 we're saying to help us find new ways to Coexist on the planet with other species
      • for: quote, quote - ESP, quote - interspecies communication, quote - Katie Zacarian, interspecies communication, reconnecting with nature, Stop Reset Go

      • quote

        • this Earth shot as we call it that we're aiming for at Earth species project is for
          • machine learning to decode non-human communication and then
          • that new knowledge and understanding that results from that would RESET our relationship with the rest of Nature
        • and you know this is a to me a really compelling as a potential unlock in addressing the
          • biodiversity and
          • climate crisis
        • that we're saying to help us find new ways to Coexist on the planet with other species
  11. Sep 2023
  12. Aug 2023
    1. when we step into uncertainty, our bodies respond physiologically and mentally.
      • for: transition, uncertainty, uncertainty - neuroscience, ingroup, outgroup, letting go, lifetime student
      • paraphrase
        • Uncertainty brings
          • immune system deterioration
          • brain cells wither and even die
          • creativity and intelligence decrease
        • We often go from fear to anger because fear is a state of certainty.
        • We become morally judgmental, an extreme version of oneself.
          • conservatives become ultra-conservative
          • liberals become ultra liberal.
        • because we retreat to a place of safety and familiarity.
        • The problem is that the world changes.
        • Since we have to adapt or die, if we want to shift from A to B,
          • the first step is not B.
          • the first step is to go from A to not A
            • to let go of our biases and assumptions;
            • to step into the very place that our brain evolved to avoid;
            • to step into the place of the unknown.
            • to step into a liminal space
      • comment
        • Uncertainty is uncomfortable
        • and can drive us into our familiar, accepted, insular ingroup
        • In other words, lead to greater social polarization.
        • Adaptation requires us to step into the unknown.
        • Big changes in our lives therefore require us to go
          • from the familiar and comfortable space,
          • to the unfamiliar and uncomfortable
            • movement away from our comfort zone, as is happening as the polycrisis we face gains traction.
  13. Jun 2023
    1. By default the pure Go resolver is used, because a blocked DNS request consumes only a goroutine, while a blocked C call consumes an operating system thread. When cgo is available, the cgo-based resolver is used instead under a variety of conditions: on systems that do not let programs make direct DNS requests (OS X), when the LOCALDOMAIN environment variable is present (even if empty), when the RES_OPTIONS or HOSTALIASES environment variable is non-empty, when the ASR_CONFIG environment variable is non-empty (OpenBSD only), when /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/nsswitch.conf specify the use of features that the Go resolver does not implement, and when the name being looked up ends in .local or is an mDNS name.

      Whenever go detects an attempt has been made by the sysadmin to customize the behaviour of the DNS resolver, by setting the given ENV variables such ad RES_OPTIONS, it uses the resolver provided by the OS or sysadmin instead of the pure Go resolver.

  14. May 2023
  15. Feb 2023
  16. Jan 2023
    1. The posture of democratic citizenship is avowal of rights and obligations of membership in a civic community. The rationale for this is the moral and political goodness of a civic way of living and the shared promise of human self-realization through interdependence. As such it is the exemplary, most inclusive form of membership; it is a precondition for the sustainability in the modern secular era of other expressions of membership in our lives—social, economic, kinship, familial, and intimate.[17] Again, citizenship avows—makes a vow, takes on a trust—on behalf of a future of moral and political potential toward which it is reasonable to strive. Citizenship is iterative and ongoing; it provides continuity and provokes innovation; each generation of democratic citizens begins a new story of the demos and continues an ongoing one.[18]

      !- key finding : citizenship is a trusteeship - in which the individual takes on responsibility to participate in upholding the mutually agreed principles and promises leading to collective human self-realization - the individual works with others to collective realize this dream which affects all individuals within the group

      !- implement : TPF / DH / SRG -implement this education program globally as part of Stop Reset Go / Deep Humanity training that recognizes the individual collective entanglement and include in the Tipping Point Festival as well

    1. CollectionCho Chikun Encyclopedia of Life and Death - Elementary (350-499)Difficulty12 Kyu

      bent four is alive unless it bends at 1-1

  17. Dec 2022
    1. Goroutines run in the same address space, so access to shared memory must be synchronized.

      翻译:Goroutins 运行在相同的地址空间,所以访问共享内容必须是【协调的】?? synchronized, 翻译为“协调的”更为适合啊。

    2. You can only declare a method with a receiver whose type is defined in the same package as the method. You cannot declare a method with a receiver whose type is defined in another package (which includes the built-in types such as int).

      You can only declare a method with a receiver whose type is defined in the same package as the method.

    3. A method is a function with a special receiver argument.

      A method is a function with a special receiver argument.

    1. Time was good to the Go-Betweens: it vindicated them. They were not a popular group, but they were very much loved, and that was far more important. The gospel had spread. There were substantial inducements for the two songwriters to work together again – not least their faltering solo careers – and after they toured as a duo to promote a best-of release, there was a sense of inevitability that a second act was imminent, especially when both songwriters returned to live in Brisbane.

      Although 'time may have been good to them' in regards to their legacy and reputation, Robert Forster explains in his autobiography that they were still paying off the touring advance associated with 16 Lovers Lane for 25 years.

    2. HERE'S THE FIRST thing you should know about Grant McLennan: he wasn't a genius. Neither is his friend and songwriting partner Robert Forster, with whom he formed the Go-Betweens in late 1977. Rather, both were artisans of the first order: talented songwriters who worked diligently at their craft and believed completely in the value of what they were doing. Their aesthetics were finely tuned and they understood – first intuitively, then by experience – what it took to make great records.

      Maybe 'genius' is in the ability to keep going.

    1. type switches

      type switch 是一种固定的格式吗?还是基于 switch 条件控制的?

      A type switch is a construct ``` func do(i interface{}) { switch v := i.(type): case int:

      case string:


      } ```

    2. Type switches

      type switch 是一种固定的格式吗?还是基于 switch 条件控制的? A type switch is a construct ``` func do(i interface{}) { switch v := i.(type): case int:

      case string:


      } ```

    1. An interface type is defined as a set of method signatures.

      A method is a function with a special receiver argument.

      ``` // interface type Abser intreface { Abs() float64 } // method type Vertex struct { X, Y float }

      func (v Vertex) Abs() float64 { return math.Sqrt(v.X * v.X + v.Y * v.Y) }


    2. An interface type is defined as a set of method signatures.

      An interface type is defined as a set of method signatures.

      A method is a function with a special receiver argument.

      ``` // interface type Abser intreface { Abs() float64 } // method type Vertex struct { X, Y float }

      func (v Vertex) Abs() float64 { return math.Sqrt(v.X * v.X + v.Y * v.Y) }


    1. For example, this FindDigits function loads a file into memory and searches it for the first group of consecutive numeric digits, returning them as a new slice. ``` var digitRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("[0-9]+")

      func FindDigits(filename string) []byte { b, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) return digitRegexp.Find(b) } This code behaves as advertised, but the returned []byte points into an array containing the entire file. Since the slice references the original array, as long as the slice is kept around the garbage collector can’t release the array; the few useful bytes of the file keep the entire contents in memory. To fix this problem one can copy the interesting data to a new slice before returning it: func CopyDigits(filename string) []byte { b, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) b = digitRegexp.Find(b) c := make([]byte, len(b)) copy(c, b) return c } ```

    2. slice = slice[0:n]

      // 只取 m+n 位长度的slice,而不是返回整个扩展后的 newSlice

    1. The length of a slice is the number of elements it contains. ↳ The capacity of a slice is the number of elements in the underlying array, counting from the first element in the slice. ↳ The length and capacity of a slice s can be obtained using the expressions len(s) and cap(s).

      len(slice []type) cap(slice []type)

    1. The deferred call's arguments are evaluated immediately, but the function call is not executed until the surrounding function returns.


      ``` func main() { defer fmt.Println(time.Now()) time.Sleep(time.Second * 2) fmt.Println(time.Now()) }


    1. Compose V2 has been re-written in Go, which improves integration with other Docker command-line features, and allows it to run natively on macOS on Apple silicon, Windows, and Linux, without dependencies such as Python.
    1. For now, because you haven't published the module yet, you need to adapt the example.com/hello module so it can find the example.com/greetings code on your local file system.

      现在来说,因为尚没发布模块(example.com/greeting),你须要调整 example.com/hello模块,使得它(example.com/hello)可以在本地文件系统中找到 example.com/greetings 代码。

      步骤: To do that, use the go mod edit command to edit the example.com/hello module to redirect Go tools from its module path (where the module isn't) to the local directory (where it is).

      From the command prompt in the hello directory, run the following command:

      $ go mod edit -replace example.com/greetings=../greetings

      The command specifies that example.com/greetings should be replaced with ../greetings for the purpose of locating the dependency. After you run the command, the go.mod file in the hello directory should include a replace directive:

    2. For now, because you haven't published the module yet, you need to adapt the example.com/hello module so it can find the example.com/greetings code on your local file system.
  18. Nov 2022
    1. This year my intention was to have fun, to not plan anything in advance and to just see what would emerge organically.

      I believe you were able to do that precisely because you were prepared. The more you prepare, the more beneficial letting go of the plan is .

    1. go commands

      go run, compile and running a program when you are frequent changes, it doesn't generate a binary executable.

      go build, compiles the packages, along with their depencies, but it doesn't install the result.

      go install, compiles and installs the packages.

    1. Second, the range of the function must be efficiently computable, and it must be efficiently computable by you.

      taking too long to compute if a user is a good fit is the same as not being able to.

    1. 变量所绑定的内存区域是要有一个明确的边界的


    1. 导入路径是用户用来导入软件包的字符串。它指定软件包源代码所在的目录(相对于 $GOROOT/src/pkg 或 $GOPATH/src)。 导入路径应该是全局唯一的,因此请使用源存储库的路径作为基础。例如,来自 go.net 子存储库的 websocket 软件包的导入路径为 “ golang.org/x/net/websocket”。 Go 项目拥有路径 “ github.com/golang”,因此该路径不能被其他作者用于其他软件包。由于存储库 URL 和导入路径是相同的,因此 go get 命令可以自动获取并安装软件包。 如果您不使用托管源存储库,请选择一些唯一的前缀,例如域,公司或项目名称。例如,所有 Google 内部 Go 代码的导入路径均以字符串 “ google” 开头。 导入路径的最后一个元素通常与包名称相同。例如,导入路径 "net/http" 包含程序包 http。这不是必需的 - 您可以根据需要使它们有所不同 - 但出于可预测性的考虑,应遵循约定:用户可能会惊讶 import"foo / bar'' 将标识符 quux 引入包名称空间。 有时人们将 GOPATH 设置为源存储库的根目录,并将其程序包放在相对于存储库根目录的目录中,例如 “"src / my / package"。一方面,这使导入路径保持较短(“"my / package" 而不是 " github.com/me/project/my/package"),但另一方面,它破坏了 go get 并迫使用户重新设置他们的 GOPATH 以使用该软件包。不要这样。
    1. A command determines whether it is in a workspace context by first examining the GOWORK environment variable. If GOWORK is set to off, the command will be in a single-module context. If it is empty or not provided, the command will search the current working directory, and then successive parent directories, for a file go.work. If a file is found, the command will operate in the workspace it defines; otherwise, the workspace will include only the module containing the working directory. If GOWORK names a path to an existing file that ends in .work, workspace mode will be enabled. Any other value is an error. You can use the go env GOWORK command to determine which go.work file the go command is using. go env GOWORK will be empty if the go command is not in workspace mode.

      Go workspace mode

    2. A workspace is a collection of modules on disk that are used as the main modules when running minimal version selection (MVS).

      A workspace is a collection of modules on disk that are used as the main modules when running minimal version selection (MVS).

  19. Sep 2022
    1. Supervisord

      sonic 用的就是 supervisord 来管理进程 go daemon 是否可以用 docker 和 docker-compose 来管理

    1. For example, whereas C programmers have argued for years about where to put their brackets, and whether code should be indented with tabs or spaces, both Rust and Go eliminate such issues completely by using a standard formatting tool (gofmt for Go, rustfmt for Rust) which rewrites your code automatically using the canonical style. It’s not that this particular style is so wonderful in itself: it’s the standardisation which Rust and Go programmers appreciate.
  20. Aug 2022
    1. 编译器在执行完语法分析之后会输出一个抽象语法树,这个抽象语法树会辅助编译器进行语义分析


  21. Jul 2022
    1. Pointer receivers You can declare methods with pointer receivers. This means the receiver type has the literal syntax *T for some type T. (Also, T cannot itself be a pointer such as *int.) For example, the Scale method here is defined on *Vertex. Methods with pointer receivers can modify the value to which the receiver points (as Scale does here). Since methods often need to modify their receiver, pointer receivers are more common than value receivers. Try removing the * from the declaration of the Scale function on line 16 and observe how the program's behavior changes. With a value receiver, the Scale method operates on a copy of the original Vertex value. (This is the same behavior as for any other function argument.) The Scale method must have a pointer receiver to change the Vertex value declared in the main function.
    1. we term these individually constructed networks by the aggregate namepersonware. Serving as a medium between the individual and the social world, personware provides aself-reinforced and self-cohered narrative of the individual and its relationships with society. It is boththe sense-maker and the sense being made of social reality entangled into an interactive autopoieticconstruct. It maintains a personal line of continuity that interfaces with the broader societal threads bymeans of concrete intentional cognitive selections. These cognitive selections determine how individualminds represent (encode) the state of affairs of the world in language, how they communicate theserepresentations and how they further decode received communications into an understanding of thestate of affairs of the world that eventually trigger actions in the world and further cognitive selections.At moments of decision, that is, attempting to make a choice to affect the world, the human is thusmore often than not symbolically pre-situated. He enacts a personal narrative of which he is hardlythe author and to which almost every decision is knitted in.

      !- definition : personware * individually constructed network of relationships and social systems that * provides self-reinforced, self-cohered narrative of the individual and its relationship with society * Metaphorically conceive of personware as a suit we don based on years and decades of social conditioning "Personware" is a good word to use in SRG / DH framework that views the individual human organism's life journey as a deeply entangled individual AND collective journey or entangled individual/civilzational journey * From SRG/DH perspective the individual human organism is always on an entangled dual journey - from birth to death within a biological body and as part of a much longer civilizational journey since the beginning of modern humans (or even further back) * Individuals make intentional cognitive selections * Individual minds encode state of affair of the world via a combination of cognitive experience and language * Individual minds share their understanding of the world through outgoing language communication * Individual minds decode incoming information and store

    2. Consequently, theshape of the gridlock [9], in which further progression towards an ever-greater executive capacity givento a selected group of institutions has become nearly impossible, is not an anomaly to be overcome.The gridlock is the only configuration in which the global system could have settled. It isthe configuration any system is bound to adopt when it is composed of a multitude of differentlypositioned, differently oriented, heterogeneous decision-makers, operating in different dimensionsand scales, none of which universally dominant and all are co-dependent and constrained by others.

      !- question : governance gridlock of disparate actors

    3. The Human Takeover: A Call for a Venture into anExistential Opportunity
      • Title: The Human Takeover: A Call for a Venture into an Existential Opportunity
      • Author: Marta Lenartowicz, David R. Weinbaum, Francis Heylighen, Kate Kingsbury and Tjorven Harmsen
      • Date: 5 April, 2018
  22. bafybeihfoajtasczfz4s6u6j4mmyzlbn7zt4f7hpynjdvd6vpp32zmx5la.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeihfoajtasczfz4s6u6j4mmyzlbn7zt4f7hpynjdvd6vpp32zmx5la.ipfs.dweb.link
  23. bafybeicyqgzvzf7g3zprvxebvbh6b4zpti5i2m2flbh4eavtpugiffo5re.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeicyqgzvzf7g3zprvxebvbh6b4zpti5i2m2flbh4eavtpugiffo5re.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. The Life We Live and the Life We Experience: Introducing theEpistemological Difference between “Lifeworld” (Lebenswelt) and “LifeConditions” (Lebenslage)
      • Title:The Life We Live and the Life We Experience: Introducing the Epistemological Difference between “Lifeworld” (Lebenswelt) and “Life Conditions” (Lebenslage)
      • Author: Bjorn Kraus
      • Date: 2015
      • Source: https://d-nb.info/1080338144/34
      • Annotation status: incomplete
    1. Is our planet doubly alive? Gaia, globalization, and the Anthropocene’s planetary superorganisms

      Title: Is our planet doubly alive? Gaia, globalization, and the Anthropocene’s planetary superorganisms Author: Shoshitaishvili, Boris Date: 25 April, 2022

    1. Menu Workshops Mortality Awareness Preparedness Project About Us Mission History People Contact About Becker Biography Becker’s Synthesis Books Related Works Becker Fans Resources Terror Management Theory Webinars Educator Resources Book & Film Reviews Interviews Lecture Texts Audio Recordings Video Resources This Mortal Life Becker in the World Death Acceptance Religion and Death Anxiety Art and Artists Climate Talk Discrimination and Racial Justice See All Blog Store The Denial of Death and the Practice of Dying
      • Author: Huges, Glenn
      • Date:?
    1. randomFormat starts with a lowercase letter, making it accessible only to code in its own package (in other words, it's not exported).

      function name starts with a lowercase

    1. Any Go function can return multiple values. For more, see Effective Go.

      function can return multiple values.

      func Hello(name string) (string, error) { return name, nil }

    1. so this is white light passing through a dispersive prison and this is a visible spectrum from about 420 nanometers in the violet through 500 nanometers and 00:00:18 the green 580 yellow 610 and orange and 650 red and some of the slides that have this along the bottom axis so how dependent I'll be in color what do you 00:00:30 think we depend on color a lot a little lots okay
      • Title: How do we see colours?
      • Author: Andrew Stockman
      • Date: 2016

      Many different color illusions Good to mine for BEing Journeys

    1. use the go mod edit command to edit the example.com/hello module to redirect Go tools from its module path (where the module isn't) to the local directory (where it is).

      step #1:

      go mod edit -replace */=/

      step #2:

      go mod tidy

    2. go mod edit -replace example.com/greetings=../greetings

      模块(module)路径修改 如何修改模块的路径,将线上的路径指向本地。

    1. I want to start with a game. Okay? And to win this game, all you have to do is see the reality that's in front of you as it really is, all right? So we have two panels here, of colored dots. And one of those dots is the same in the two panels. And you have to tell me which one. Now, I narrowed it down to the gray one, the green one, and, say, the orange one. 00:00:41 So by a show of hands, we'll start with the easiest one. Show of hands: how many people think it's the gray one? Really? Okay. How many people think it's the green one? And how many people think it's the orange one? Pretty even split. Let's find out what the reality is. Here is the orange one. (Laughter) Here is the green one. And here is the gray one. 00:01:16 (Laughter) So for all of you who saw that, you're complete realists. All right? (Laughter) So this is pretty amazing, isn't it? Because nearly every living system has evolved the ability to detect light in one way or another. So for us, seeing color is one of the simplest things the brain does. And yet, even at this most fundamental level, 00:01:40 context is everything. What I'm going to talk about is not that context is everything, but why context is everything. Because it's answering that question that tells us not only why we see what we do, but who we are as individuals, and who we are as a society.
      • Title: Optical illusions show how we see
      • Author: Beau Lotto
      • Date: 8 Oct, 2009

      The opening title is very pith:

      No one is an outside observer of nature, each of us is defined by our ecology.

      We need to unpack the full depth of this sentence.

      Seeing is believing. This is more true than we think.Our eyes trick us into seeing the same color as different ones depending on the context. Think about the philosophical implications of this simple finding. What does this tell us about "objective reality"? Colors that we would compare as different in one circumstance are the same in another.

      Evolution helps us do this for survival.

    1. so here's a straightforward question what color are the strawberries in this photograph the red right wrong those strawberries are gray if you don't 00:00:12 believe me we look for one of the reddest looking patches on this image cut it out now what color is that it's great right but when you put it back on 00:00:25 the image it's red again it's weird right this illusion was created by a Japanese researcher named Akiyoshi Kitaoka and it hinges on something called color constancy it's an incredible visual 00:00:39 phenomenon by which the color of an object appears to stay more or less the same regardless of the lighting conditions under which you see it or the lighting conditions under which your brain thinks you're seeing it

      Title: Why your brain thinks these strawberries are red Author: WIRED Date:2022

      Color Constancy

      Use this for BEing journey

  24. bafybeibbaxootewsjtggkv7vpuu5yluatzsk6l7x5yzmko6rivxzh6qna4.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeibbaxootewsjtggkv7vpuu5yluatzsk6l7x5yzmko6rivxzh6qna4.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. func Hello(name string) string { // Return a greeting that embeds the name in a message. message := fmt.Sprintf("Hi, %v. Welcome!", name) return message }

      func Hello(name string) string {} Hello - Function name string - Parameter type string - Return type

    2. the := operator is a shortcut for declaring and initializing a variable in one line (Go uses the value on the right to determine the variable's type). Taking the long way, you might have written this as: var message string message = fmt.Sprintf("Hi, %v. Welcome!", name)

      declare and initialize a vairable in one line. 声明和初始化一个变量

    3. Declare a greetings package to collect related functions.

      Declare a package to collect related functions.

    1. 1)声明在函数内部,是函数的本地值,类似private 2)声明在函数外部,是对当前包可见(包内所有.go文件都可见)的全局值,类似protect 3)声明在函数外部且首字母大写是所有包可见的全局值,类似public

      (1)声明在函数内部; (2)声明在函数外部; (3)声明在函数外部,且首字母大写;

    1. cognitive illusion and immediate experience perspectives 00:01:44 from buddhist philosophy

      Title: cognitive illusion and immediate experience perspectives from buddhist philosophy Author: Jay L. Garfield Year: 2022

      This is a very important talk outlining a number of key concepts that Stop Reset Go and Deep Humanity are built upon and also a rich source of BEing Journeys.

      In brief, this talk outlines key humanistic (discoverable by a modern human being regardless of any cultural, gender, class, etc difference) concepts of Buddhist philosophy that SRG / DH embeds into its framework to make more widely accessible..

      The title of the talk refers to the illusions that our own cognition produces of both outer and inner appearances because the mechanisms that produce them area opaque to us. Their immediacy feels as if they are real.

      If what we sense and think is real is an illusion, then what is real? "Real" in this case implies ultimate truth. As we will see, Nagarjuna's denial of any argument that claims to be the ulitmate is denied. What is left after such a complete denial? Still something persists.