- Oct 2016
groups.csail.mit.edu groups.csail.mit.edu
Thus, the message system acts nondeterministically, subject only to the condition that if receive( p) is performed infinitely many times, then every message (p, m) in the message buffer is eventually delivered. In particular, the message system is allowed to return 0 a finite number of times in response to receive(p), even though a message (p, m) is present in the buffer
Hard to follow. Explain please?
Also, why is this particular assumption made, that at infinity receives, every message is eventually delivered - how does not making this assumption change things?
Our system model is rather strong
Can we discuss the choices of models that we have and why this one might be particularly stronger than the others?
www.allthingsdistributed.com www.allthingsdistributed.com
State management then becomes the main component of a service’s SLA.
which are in general measured at the 99.9th percentile of the distribution.
what does this mean?
object versioning
What's this?
- Sep 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“But the question is ‘What are you?’ and the answer is I’m white.”
im white....?
they are wrestling with how to get more Latinos to pick a race. In 2010, they tested different wording in questions and last year they held focus groups, with a report on the research scheduled to be released by this summer.
Why do they want to force latinos to pick one race?? There are so many different microcultures and sub groups that latinos are included in, the Census would have to add so many more options.
docs.oracle.com docs.oracle.com
The name of a page
sites.google.com sites.google.com
1990, and who lay in a “persistent vegetative” state until her death in 2005,
how will someone live like this?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
harming workers, families, security and public finances in both countries.
Starting off with a darker image of the damage that has been done so that the reader may ask "What can be done?"
millercenter.org millercenter.org
It is an outdated burden on the Cuban people. It's a burden on the Americans who want to work and do business or invest here in Cuba. It's time to lift the embargo.
This a use of "Begging the Question", or circular reasoning because it asserts that [the embargo] is a burden on the Cuban people, and goes on to invoke that it likewise impedes Americans. But is the embargo actually burdensome to either populations? It is not addressed.
Who would have believed that back in 1959?
Obama uses a rhetorical question here to show the stark difference between the present and the 1950s in America. He calls people to reflect on the past and therefore to draw conclusions about the progress and change that has occurred since then. By reflecting on the past, he calls his audience to consider the future. He uses this strategy to engage his audience and invite them to participate.
- Aug 2016
newsela.com newsela.com
Which sentence BEST summarizes how Rio de Janeiro has been characterized by TV coverage of the Olympic games?
Read the following two paragraphs from the beginning of the article. This favela of concrete homes and corrugated roofs, with a trash-filled canal running through the middle and gang graffiti tagging its walls, hasn't shed its reputation. But with the 24-year-old judo master's win, Roberto said, "you forget about your own suffering a little bit." "For this community, her victory means everything," said Tony Barros, a photographer and community organizer in City of God. "What other legacy will we get from the Olympics?" How do the two paragraphs reflect a CENTRAL idea of the article?
learnyouahaskell.com learnyouahaskell.com
We can also use the deriving keyword with newtype just like we would with data. We can derive instances for Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show and Read.
What is the syntax that a derived
parses when reading a list?
h.readthedocs.io h.readthedocs.io
"uri": "http://example.com/"
The response code suggests the request succeeded, but the URI in the response is different from the URI in the request. And do I understand correctly that the update does not need the full object, but only changed fields are needed? (That sounds more like a
request, but I'm not sure what HTTP semantics are in this context.)
- Jul 2016
eskript.ethz.ch eskript.ethz.ch
Im E-Skript steht der Übergang vom Laufen zum Gehen hat eine Froude-Zahl von 0.4. Spielt es keine Rolle ob vom Gehen zum Laufen oder umgekehrt betrachtet wird? Bleibt die Froude-Zahl gleich gross?
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Create an account using the sidebar on the right of the screen.
Everyone gets their own annotation page, is that why no one else has marked this page up?
davidshariff.com davidshariff.com
i: 22
Q: i和arguments[0]是相互独立的吗?如果我修改arguments[0], i会保持原来的值么?
A: 下面Q&A部分有解释。i和arguments[0]应该reference to each other。
但是究竟什么是reference to each other? 如果是object,我可以理解它们都reference到同一个object。但是如果是primitive呢?
javascriptissexy.com javascriptissexy.com
Indeed, any object that uses the Fruit () constructor will inherit all the Fruit.prototype properties and methods and all the properties and methods from the Fruit’s prototype, which is Plant.prototype.
How this inheritance is implemented? Does it suggest that Fruit's prototype will hold a reference of Plant's prototye?
Q: Why Fruit's prototype is Plant.prototype instead of the Plant object? A: Because aBanana.showNameAndColor().
If Fruit.prototype is Plant.prototype, then shouldn't every object's prototype is just a reference of the Object.prototype?
- Jun 2016
www.bennadel.com www.bennadel.com
init: function( name ){
javascriptweblog.wordpress.com javascriptweblog.wordpress.com
The this keyword evaluates to the value of the ThisBinding of the current execution context.
那么在Execution Context里面存的究竟是this还是ThiBinding呢?
www.atlantamagazine.com www.atlantamagazine.com
Title: What is it? An oral history of Izzy, the mascot marketing snafu of Olympic proportions - Atlanta Magazine
Keywords: fantastic mascot—cobi, public appearances—, bob cohn, atlanta-based artist, york city, billy wanted, spanish art, children thought, vice president, senior director, blue blob, acog spokesperson, billy looked, easy character, olympic city, olympic games, olympic bid, question billy
Summary: <br>Bob Cohn, cofounder of public relations agency Cohn & Wolfe, member of Payne’s mascot committee: In Barcelona in 1992, they had a fantastic mascot—Cobi, who was typical of Spanish art and filled with creativity.<br>Some of them wrote us back letters [that essentially said] “The nerve!” or “We’re not doing anything for nothing.”<br>So it couldn’t be characters that existed in Georgia lore.<br>Somebody sent us a deer.<br>John Ryan, then senior director at DESIGNefx, the animation division of Crawford Communications: The basic job was to design something that would appeal to children and broadly on a world stage.<br>Photograph by Rich Mahan/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP<br>It wore five Olympic rings—two on its eyes and three on its tail—and oversized sneakers nearly half the size of its body.<br>Bob Brennan, then ACOG spokesperson: Billy Payne wanted to do something modern, reflective of the technological world we lived in.<br>You had movies like Jurassic Park, Total Recall.<br>Shuman: I received Hi-Rez right at the deadline, a Friday.<br>When Billy looked at that [proposal], he said, “Gee whiz, wow.<br>Payne: As CEO of the Olympic Games, I felt it was both our responsibility and within my authority to make whatever decisions needed to be made.<br>Shuman: By the time I got back on Monday afternoon, Ginger told me Billy had made his decision.<br>Were we raising enough money?<br>Shuman: You didn’t question Billy.<br>Payne: The logical question that you would ask on seeing it is “What is it?” I guess we just said, “Well, we should just put it into one word.”<br>Shuman: The name, Whatizit, was almost worse than the character itself.<br>Does it all run together?<br>Ryan: We had to have [final] designs submitted by March [1992], knowing it’d be debuted in August at the Barcelona Games.<br>It really looked funky.<br>In a huge stadium it can’t be little.<br>Shuman: To generate interest about the mascot, we did these billboards all over town saying, “Whatizit?” We built up this huge anticipation.<br>Ryan: It was made very clear that if secrecy was violated, Crawford could lose future contracts.<br>Photograph courtesy of Harry Shurman<br>Meanwhile an amorphous animated character filled the stadium’s video monitors.<br>Evans: I took the field with Gregg Burge, the famous New York [tap] dancer.<br>Joel Babbit, CEO of the Narrative Content Group, veteran ad exec who worked with Payne to promote the Olympic bid, and City Hall’s first-ever chief marketing and communications officer under Jackson: If Maynard had an opinion, he kept it to himself.<br>“How do you say ‘Whatizit’ in Mandarin?”<br>Like, this is it?<br>Completely and totally horrified.<br>They’re complaining: This is terrible.<br>But [ACOG] had a lot riding on the mascot financially from license sales.<br>Robert Hollander, then ACOG’s vice president of licensing: My heart dropped into my stomach.<br>Hula: It’s something that’s supposed to evoke an image of Atlanta, the host city, and it really didn’t do that at all.<br>We didn’t even think we were compelled to do something that would make somebody in Australia say, “That mascot must be from Atlanta, Georgia.” It never crossed our minds.<br>It was sort of like a bigger Charlotte.<br>Photograph courtesy of R. Land<br>Ronnie Land, an Atlanta-based artist, better known as R. Land, who has made Izzy-inspired art: This was our “Hey, world, we’re Atlanta” moment.<br>LaTara Smith (née Bullock), ACOG’s “project coordinator for Izzy appearances” during the Olympics: I’ve heard everything from toothpaste to blue blob.<br>Hiskey: People were going to focus on the crazy blue thing because there wasn’t a lot of other cool stuff here.<br>Bob Hope, president of Atlanta-based public relations firm Hope-Beckham Inc.: I thought [Billy] briefly lost his mind.<br>Kevin Sack, a New York Times reporter based in Atlanta, wrote in a 1996 story that “[i]t is precisely Izzy’s nothingness that has unwittingly made him an apt symbol for this Olympic city.<br>Whatizit’s costume made Mike Luckovich’s punchline.<br>People were embarrassed [by Whatizit].<br>You wish people would look at the good stuff instead of focusing on the minutiae and losing the big picture.<br>Campbell: I suspect I hurt some people’s feelings.<br>Photograph by Raymond McCrea Jones<br>ACOG officially retired Whatizit in October 1993.<br>It worked.<br>Babbit: I liked the name Izzy.<br>Jacqueline Blum, senior vice president of Film Roman, the animation studio behind The Simpsons, King of the Hill, and Garfield and Friends, which produced an Izzy cartoon for TV: Izzy was a character created by committee.<br>Ryan: You got into a scenario where you have multiple art directors and bosses.<br>Hope: [Izzy was] like New Coke.<br>Smith: Izzy developed a nose.<br>Shuman: We had these stars coming out of his tail at one point.<br>I raised my hand and said, “Maybe not?” They left the shoes the way they are.<br>The costume had to get softer.<br>Evans: Children loved the mascot.<br>I’d guess probably close to 15 percent.<br>Watkins: I’m guessing [the bestselling item] would be the doll that was 12 inches that could be carried under a kid’s arm.<br>Lounge chair pillows.<br>Shuman: Billy wanted to market the shoes.<br>Blum: It’s not a particularly easy character to animate.<br>Hollander: Our broadcast partner, NBC, had gotten out of the children’s program business.<br>Watkins: They created an Izzy balloon that flew in New York City in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.<br>Photograph by Caroline C. Kilgore<br>Evans helped create a mascot program that recruited volunteers through auditions.<br>Smith: By the time the Olympics came around, we had upwards of 20 Izzys that could be in different places at one time.<br>I asked [Izzy], “How does one become the mascot?” They were having tryouts the next weekend.<br>Don’t exclude children.<br>For example, Izzy loved everyone, so whether it was a critic or a fan, you didn’t show any negative emotion.<br>Izzy had a size 22 sneaker, so you had to fit your shoe inside Izzy’s shoe, inside another little pocket, and be able to walk around in his big feet.<br>Jay: You entered through the top of his mouth.<br>Smith: A lot of children thought it would be fun to swing on the tail.<br>Evans: The lighting bolt eyebrows and rings on the tail were prime targets for being pulled, punched, or ripped off for a souvenir.<br>Smith: Handlers began watching the perimeter.<br>Photograph courtesy of Harry Shuman<br>Is he still waiting for a shuttle bus?<br>Smith: We took over one of the Olympic headquarters offices.<br>Other times it would be outside as a crowd-pleaser.<br>Jay: We were instructed to wear the Izzy costume 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off, because you would sweat.<br>Wilsterman: There were two fans at the top of Izzy’s head [inside the costume].<br>I was able to whisper into a little microphone that went into the escort’s ear.<br>Smith: Izzy didn’t talk.<br>Izzy didn’t do public appearances—only [ones for] ticketed sponsors.<br>Brennan: I don’t think Izzy showed up at the closing ceremony.<br>Jay: When the flame went out, so did Izzy.<br>The question came up: Can someone dress up in the Izzy costume to greet visitors in the Atlanta History Center?<br>Photograph courtesy of LaTara Smith<br>Smith: I still have one of the Izzy costumes.<br>Payne: People didn’t like it.<br>I never lost my enthusiasm for Izzy.<br>Was it the greatest experience of my life?<br>Evans: I do appreciate the originality and willingness to do something different.<br>Land: Atlanta tries so hard to be what we think the world wants to view us as.<br>Shuman: Izzy was kind of like Colony Square—a little bit before his time.<br>Smith: It would’ve been easier to have a phoenix.<br>It didn’t say anything.<br>Babbit: It doesn’t matter what it was.<br>It was bizarre.<br>An image of Izzy?<br>Shuman: Usually everything Billy touched turned to gold.<br>This article originally appeared in our July 2016 issue.<br>Tags: 1996 Atlanta Olympics, 1996 Olympics, Atlanta Olympics, Billy Payne, Izzy, John Ryan, Olympics, R. Land, Whatizit<br>
aclweb.org aclweb.org
Thus, we basically need to re-train
... in order to achieve what? Statement doesn't seem complete.
Perhaps "when we need lower dimensional embeddings with d = D', we can't obtain them from higher dimensional embeddings with d = D."?
However, it is possible, to a certain extent, to obtain lower dimensional embeddings from higher dimensional ones - e.g. via PCA.
www.science.org www.science.org
We might keep them as public property, but allocate the right to enter them. The allocation might be on the basis of wealth, by the use of an auction system. It might be on the basis of merit, as defined by some agreed-upon standards. It might be by lottery. Or it might be on a first-come, first-served basis, administered to long queues.
After answering that question, the next question will be : for how long is the allocated right to enter the park valid ?
arxiv.org arxiv.org
remove second-order depen-dencies
What is it meant by this?
orthonormal matrix
is in meters and ̃xAis ininches.
Again, might be so - but quite ambiguous statement. Since we see a decreasing function on the plot.
"nearby" would make sense if the right-most plot of Fig. 3 shows the first diagonal, which it doesn't.
Or perhaps "nearby", but one of the cameras is upside down.
All in all, quite ambiguous statement.
New basis, right?
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
more student engagement beyond the walls of a school.
Guest users in Moodle - can we make it easier to get them into the space to engage with students? No more boring forums when the community members or guest speakers in a f-2-f class can contribute. What about a Google form for requests? Is there a way to limit guests to only one forum?
- May 2016
opensoundcontrol.org opensoundcontrol.org
Open Sound Control (OSC) is a protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is optimized for modern networking technology
- Apr 2016
www.lds.org www.lds.org
flexibility allows you to study what you need when you need it
This is likely true for any study system. Then comes my question, how do I balance that flexibility with having some sort of overarching direction and plan? I need to be open to be guided by the Spirit (especially since I don't even have a mission president LOL).
davidwalsh.name davidwalsh.name
since there's no exposed next() call, the for..of loop cannot be used in situations where you need to pass in values to the generator steps as we did above.
It may not be a good idea to rely on the return value from generators, because when iterating generator functions with for..of loops (see below), the final returned value would be thrown away.
- Mar 2016
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Is it okay to ask stupid questions? What is the consequence of asking a stupid question? How does it affect your interpretation of reality? How does it affect the conversation?
- Feb 2016
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
social and political advancement i
The racial system that was established in the new world was a racial hierarchy. The system worked based on the purity of ones blood. Then it was used as a status for political and social advancement.
www.gateway-africa.com www.gateway-africa.com
How does this creation story differ from the others you have read this week?
In this creation story many people were killed and the others it was peaceful because when humans came to earth they were welcomed by animals or other people offering help until they found somewhere to go.
- Jan 2016
ifsacop21.wordpress.com ifsacop21.wordpress.com
international law system
Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_legal_system
Does an International legal informatics database exist yet?
Interesting idea. The only thing is that the science is not where we would like it to be. Most of the accusing will need to be done in retrospect. In that case, many will have lost culpability due to insufficient knowledge. I just wonder how this will hold up in a court of law for most practical cases. For some large-scale cases, I can see it working, as long as the effects are enormous.
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
We shall thus lessen the inequalities.
How will society lessen the characteristics of inequalities when a society wants to destroy liberty?
It follows from what we have observed that it is the utmost folly to denounce capital. To do so is to under- mine civilization, for capital is the first requisite of every social gain, educational, ecclesiastical, political, aesthetic, or other.
Why is Sumner so strongly for a completely hands-off economy, does he have something to gain from the increasing wage gap?
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
association of poverty with progress is the great enigma of our times
Definition of enigma: A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand
Clarification: Some people find it difficult to understand why there is a correlation between poverty and progress
Question: Can there ever be a time when every person benefits from progress?
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
unlawfully assembling themselves together
in other words, if you are black or mixed-race you have to have permission to gather in a group. Did they have permission to gather in churches? Might this be one way they "legally" gathered and help explain the prominence of black churches in the Civil Rights Movement many years later?
- Dec 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Now, I want to correct a misconception on your part. Your ability to reason and think is not the equivalent of the three-dimensional frame of reference. Your thought processes and reasoning processes are not to be ignored. We would not be communicating at this very moment if you did not have the means to translate the meanings I am communicating into words and phrases. It is only by virtue of the fact that you have imagination, reason, perspicacity—all of the various capacities and functions of Consciousness—that you are able to correctly translate that which unfolds to you. This is true whether it is coming from me, or from that Place wherein you directly experience the Reality of Being. We run into trouble when we stand away from the Door, and begin our thinking or thought processes from their standpoint, and then extrapolate and come to conclusions without going within and being as Conscious Being. You see, Being unfolds Itself as meaning, not as language. It is through the function of Reason and Imagination that language is brought into play, for the purpose of verbalizing these infinite meanings which Being is unfolding. You do have a right to answers which will identify the Absolute Oneness of Being throughout your entire experience of Being.
Question: what is the best Tag to use when referring to challenges that arise in life - here, Raj, speaks of running into trouble when we begin our thought process apart from conscious Being.
Raj is correcting Paul's Belief, or misconception, regarding reason and thinking.
He also further describes Being.
christmind.info christmind.info
As I said yesterday, your Being is unfolding Itself infinitely in all Its perfection. This is the Fact which underlies everything that Is, as well as everything that seems to be. Do not get hung up on what seems to be the case. Your Being is capable of manifesting Itself as your conscious experience of being, and has never stopped doing so. It is this ongoing eternal, abiding Fact which needs to become an integral part of your conscious experience. Cultivate It and you will not be sorry.
What does he mean?
The unfolding of Being underlies everything that is and everything that seems to be (even Illusion [what seems to be]??).
You Being has never stopped manifesting Itself as your conscious experience of Being. Cultivate (Practice) this fact so it becomes an integral part of your experience and you will not be sorry.
christmind.info christmind.info
That which makes abundance appear to be lack is entirely in the standpoint. It depends entirely on which end of the binoculars you are looking through. As I have said before, you have a habit of switching ends quite frequently. This is what is frustrating you. When you receive a telephone call, or a statement in the mail, which claims that your Supply is not omnipresent—some part of your universe is coming up short—you must recognize this as being totally false. Your Being is omnipresently present and active. Since that is the Fact, then it would be foolish for you to go out and attempt to correct that illusion on the basis of the phone call or statement. The attempt is made on the basis of a false assumption.
This is an effective metaphor: what is perceived depends on which end of the binoculars you are looking through.
It is important to be aware of claims that what is false is true so they can be effectively addressed. This is why mindfulness or awareness is such an important component of the journey of awakening.
What tag to use?? An event has arisen that claims Paul is in lack when that is not possible in Truth - only in illusion. How best to tag things like this?
Nice metaphor, but I wonder how well it matches, because sand has inertia and would jump around the surface. Would the metaphor be more accurate if the sand has no inertia and would not jump? I am thinking of marbles being squeezed between two sheets, rolling downwards wherever the sheet is at an angle.
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
immortal Bird
Ok, so it would not be the bird that is immortal, but it's song? The bird sings all over the scale (pitch, tone, etc.), so the song would not be consistent trough time. The feeling upon hearing the birds sound however, may be the repeatable occurrence through the ages.
- Nov 2015
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
If the space doctor’s ideas were wrong, your phone wouldn’t be able to tell where it was.
If all of the space boats travel at the same velocity and the same distance from the Earth's surface, the time shift of the on-board clock due to relativity would be the same. The difference between the clocks would be almost the same. How would the trouble appear?
christmind.info christmind.info
The same old story which is going on is that Reality, the Actuality, Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being, is what is going on and is what has always been going on in Its Totality. You must be very strict in your observance of what you know Actually to be true. Be willing to act, think, and respond from that standpoint. The need is to see the Actuality, not to respond or react to the partiality. Right now you are geared to spontaneously react to the way things appear. You are beginning to perceive that the necessity is to spontaneously respond to the Actuality as though that were the urgent need, rather than the limited, finite, three-dimensional view. I realize what I am telling you is not something new, but it is, nevertheless, the step that needs to be taken. It is the needed thing.
Paul identifies a problem from his partial view of Being and Raj encourages him to change his perspective.
Be willing to think and respond from what you know Actually to be true rather than to be fooled into believing what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel is true.
What???? Ignore my experience? Ignore what is coming to me through my physical senses and be willing to act only on a theory - an idea that has not yet been experienced????
Question: We are taught two approaches, one, to live the truth and deny the illusion (5 minutes as Christ), and the other, to feel and embrace what we have always rejected and not wanted to even acknowledge. How does one do this? What does it even mean? The answer comes from living life and finding our way...
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
beaded bubbles
Strange, distilled and aged wines do not normally have bubbles formed once poured. The only thing I can think of that would be like a wine and bubbles is champagne. Is this intentionally added?
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
rather than learning by ‘practicing’, ‘constructing’ or ‘appropriating’, learning is achieved by expandingfrom a current ‘knowledge location’ and building outwards onthe basis of that knowledge while simultaneouslysolving tensions inherent in it to create previously non-existent knowledge. This focus on the generation of the ‘new’ distinguishes expansive learning from the prevailing metaphors of learning, namelyacquisition and participation [22].
is this possible with a teaching curriculum?
christmind.info christmind.info
Leave the “split experience” of Reality/unreality alone, as illustrated in the tares and the wheat parable.3 Let them appear to exist side by side. Let them appear to cause different consciousnesses. As long as there are two, you are not caught—deluded—into the three-dimensional-only frame of reference. This dual experience of consciousness is an affirmation or proof of your having crossed the change line. You are not in three-dimensional territory, although you can still see it and feel it. Take my word for it. Now, turn your back on the old territory and begin to look into the depths of your Being as Fourth-dimensional Man. As I said, once you cross the change line, clarification spontaneously begins to occur, and occur more rapidly. This is inevitable.
This reminds me where Raj has shared words to the effect that it is all happening at once.
Raj shares that be able to be aware of 3d and 4d at once means that Paul is not caught in 3d..
The 'change line'..... is this the 'shift' that Wayne Dyer speaks of ?
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Examples of non-peach faces and bodies
Did they vary in price or 'clams'? This would show direct variation with the 'value' of these body pieces and the implications it has in terms of racism.
your representation of who you are or desire to be
Is the author referring to representation in gameplay or in real life?
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
complicated and contingen
Lack of insight from their conclusion is underwhelming. What did they contribute to future researchers in this field of study?
yler (age 10) was a self-avowed user of cheatsand would sometimes announce his intention to “cheat.”
Is this during independent gameplay or two-player? These implications mean different things depending on the goal; are they cheating to beat a competitor or are they cheating for personal gain? And are both these things detrimental to their identity as a 'gamer'?
Ecological validity is about having a basis to credibly claim that our researchaccounts are about how and what people do, learn, and think in daily life, and not simplyabout what they do within the context of contrived laboratory tasks
Makes me think of all the articles on apprenticeship that we read about; what does learning entail? Is it the transfer of problem solving to real world contexts and careers, or are we using the basis of school curriculum? Here the author articulates that they will cover many types of learning and not just a translation to curricular learning.
heseparate worlds viewholds, in different waysfor different writers, that game play is a world apart of people’s other activities in everydaylife.
so what impact does this have on identity, community involvement, learning? so many questions....
Considerthe following thought experiment: imagine that a learning scientist definitely proved, allother things being the same, that a year spent immersed in a game-based curriculum betterprepared a young person for a successful life and career than that same year spent in atraditional high school curriculum? What sort of changes might a finding like that suggestto the way we conceive of education and to the future of learning? It is clear that a lot hangson the transfer question
I would love to know the answer to that. As someone who grew up not being allowed to play video games (and in turn, I think they're a huge waste of time), I would love to explore this possibility. More over, how do we decide what types of "out of classroom" learning are legitimate? Who decides this? Why is a trip considered immersive and important but a video game seen as a waste of time or not a valuable learning experience?
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
Is this avatar supposed to be inconspicuous?
are these types of settings similar to playing with Barbies and other dolls?
is it meaningful socializing if they never connect in person? can the relationships ever truly deepen?
new playplaces.
until what age is play considered a legitimate type of learning? forever?
n general, Whyvillians feltpositive about our presence;
This is an example of a time when someone joins a group or attempts LPP but will they ever get there? The hats immediately point out that they are not part of the group, really, and they never could be because of their age. The only way they could be would be by lying, and then even if they were really, really good liars, they would still be illegitimate, right? The only exception would be if they were so good at heir lies that they actually convince themselves that they belong there. Did that make sense...?
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
‘‘the best thing about having why-pox is havinglost of other people having it too because they know what you are going through.’’This is consistent with the 17.4%of Whyvillians who did not get Whypox butwanted to.
like when you're 12 and want braces because all of your friends have them despite having braces being a terrible experience ;)
in all seriousness, if you can't voluntarily participate in what is perceived as a significant communal experience, how do you legitimately participate?
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
t’s just more convenient
does this change the nature of relationships?
public-by-default, private-through-effort mentality.Because of this public-by-default framework, most teens won’t bother to limit the audience who can see what they consider to be mundane conversations on Facebook.
how does this shape identity? If your online personality is different than your in-person personality, how does that change your behavior, how you relate to others, etc?
hese services to meet strangers, failing to recognize the hypocrisy in their advice about talking to strangers
perhaps it would be worth it to explain to children that adults meeting strangers online is a little different than children given that adults are theoretically able to consent in different ways. I'm thinking about the problem of "stranger danger" online in the same way we think about it in person...
What’s at stake is not whether someone can listen in but whether one should
but shouldn't a parent be entitled to "listen in" on their child even if the child disagrees?
online journals
In contrast to a private journal passed between two friends at school (I totally did this) -- this option of secret/private communication isn't available to general public audience in the same way an online journal is. It's easier to keep private from parents, too probably. I feel like anyone posting online should know that it can be accessed by anyone so how private can it possibly be?
christmind.info christmind.info
As I said before, any attempt to avoid the fulfillment of your Being will result in discomfort far greater than you can imagine. It will be far greater than you care to experience, because you have graduated into the Fourth-dimensional frame of reference.
For Paul, the effect of avoidance is great discomfort. I wonder how this applies to me?
doc-0g-ag-prod-03-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.com doc-0g-ag-prod-03-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.com
to gain a deeper understanding of the multiple environments that shape people’s everyday experiences; and, as we return to below, studying, rather than taking for granted or simply treating as “context,” broader connections, ecologies, and historical and structural conditions.
How does situating these connections differ from contextualizing?
Interpretive research, therefore, involves working to un-derstand participants’ meaning perspectives on their own terms, rather than imposing external or normative categories
This is interesting. How does 'disciplined subjectivity' work?
www.karger.com www.karger.com
Learners need to figure out how to adapt their abilities, interests, and identities across a diverse set of locations on a routine basis as they attempt to accomplish their goals or respond to the interests of other social ac-tors. When they are successful, this allows learners, sometimes in collaboration with other social actors in the setting, to create connected and thereby extended learning pathways that learners can benefit from
This is similar to the multisited article in that it acknowledges that learning happens both within multiple setting and across them (and time). It also has me wondering something new that I didn't think of when I read the other paper and that is, how much of this "figuring out" is necessarily conscious? In what ways are we (in every setting) applying/adapting/repurposing knowledge from other settings (CoPs/islands of expertise) in order to be successful in the new setting (and thus to create new knowledge)?
christmind.info christmind.info
PAUL: Will I meet Maitreya before His announcing of His return? RAJ: No, Paul, you will not, unless for some reason His plans change. There is not that much time, and He is quite busy taking care of matters on a more worldwide scale in preparation for His announcement.
Question: I don't understand what Raj is saying here - playing along with Paul regarding the impending reappearance of Christ...
christmind.info christmind.info
PAUL: Do you still say that Maitreya is going to announce His presence tomorrow to the world? RAJ: I still say that He is going to announce His Presence as who He really is tomorrow, yes. PAUL: And do you still say that between now and that time we will be visited or contacted by someone in the flesh regarding these events, together with the clarification of what I and my family will be doing from now on?1 Also, will the financial means by which we are going to proceed be explained to us? RAJ: Yes, Paul, you will find my words taking place in your experience exactly as I have said. PAUL: Are you still here on the earth?
Question: Hmmm, I wonder where this is going? Seems incorrect from the perspective of the year 2015.
As you already know, the road will not be immediately smooth. But the overall burdens caused by misconceived theories and concepts will immediately begin to melt away upon Maitreya’s announcement. Mankind will begin to be able to rally around a central idea, a central purpose. It will not take long for man to put his energies behind that focal point and begin to move out of the dream of suffering, lack, starvation, and poverty.
Misconceived theories and concepts are a burden - they are a challenge.
Question: What is this talk of Maitreya and big changes coming?
- Oct 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
There is no reason for you to feel that you must be able to understand the new view before you see it. There is no way for Revelation to mean the revealing of what you already know, except in the Absolute sense. Your Being has always moved beyond your present concepts of Reality, and you have always recognized it as a sudden influx of inspiration and understanding which went beyond what you had previously been aware of. You have simply never been aware of the process before, only the result. This time you are aware of the process—of the breakdown of the old concepts and the appearing of the Revelation. In actuality, the whole process of breakdown and the new view is the One, Total Function of Being called Revelation. It is happening in slow motion, so to speak, and you are having the opportunity to observe the process. You are, indeed, the Answer. I would stick with this Fact as constantly as you are able, even if it appears not to be so, and not to be evident. You are going to stick with something, and it might as well be the Fact.
Being always moves beyond your present concept of Reality.
Revelation is the breakdown of concepts resulting in a new view of Reality. It is the One, Total Function of Being.
Question: is this saying that the function of Being is growth into a more expansive view of Reality? We call this Revelation.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Liquid argon is used as the target for neutrino experiments and direct dark matter searches.
Can someone explain to me why argon is used in these experiments and what they are for? I am working on a science project (I am in the 4th grade). Thank you!
christmind.info christmind.info
PAUL: Do these subtly balanced events have to do with me, within myself, or do they refer to events on a larger scale, out of the range of my immediate personal experience? RAJ: Paul, your development and growth has nothing to do with these events. Although you are on rough ground right now and are noticing the bumps, you are, nevertheless, moving across this territory quite steadily, and your fears and doubts are not hindering your progress at all.
Fear and doubt do not necessarily hinder growth.
Question: Ken asserts that if something is not moving in the direction of his desire, like Tina helping him set up his workshops, that Tina's resistance (his perception of) is actually in him and if he can find it and clear it then the block will be removed for Tina - at least this what I perceive him to be saying. This never resonated with me and I wonder about it.
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
Rich. expl�ins that the parems expect the dancing to teach the youth socmbthty, dtsctphne, cooperat10n, concentration. We don't intend to train them as dancers-most of the kids do not go on to do something specifically related to the music and dance training they get with us.
The physical and social demands of dancing provide the content with which more meta-cognitive skills can be acquired and practiced.
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
So this kind of "familiarized locale" is a kind of public space and has "ways of being" - which seems different that "ways of being produced"?
dtc-wsuv.org dtc-wsuv.org
Put simply, Electronic Literature is considered a "born digital" art form with unique approaches to thinking about and working with digital technologies for the purpose of creating literary art.
So, how would it be considered if I for example use pencil and paper to write down poetry or anything and then I type my diary entries into an electronic device for it to be displayed in digital platform such as a blog? Is it considered to be "born" on paper? Or is it considered to be "e-lit" because despite of the paper based start, it was thought to be published in a digital media?
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
Just what the object of interest-based participation is—that is, what fuelsengagement
This is where Nasir would say that a combo of material, relational, and ideational identity resources would enhance connections to the CoP, thus "fueling engagement," right?
the product of which he intendedto submit for the Astronomical League’s Sun Spotter Award. The project wasundoubtedly motivated by Mitchell’s growing curiosity about the Sun and theprospect of receiving the award.
So would Nasir say this is an example of ideational identity resources? Mitchell has set a goal for himself, as well as established what he believes is worthy to be learned (what he will hone and apply).
motivesfor engaging the practice in the long run
Interesting use of the word "motives" here. Not the word I would use when thinking about participating in a "hobby". How could this be read differently if the word 'goals' replaced it?
christmind.info christmind.info
In exactly the same way, this morning both of you are at the point of experiencing enlightenment. it is pressuring limited concepts to give up the ghost and burst, releasing the enlightenment out into the atmosphere of your experience and world, thus giving it new shades of meaning and understanding. You must be willing to stand radically with this Fact, and not consume yourself with fear and doubt based on old theological concepts and childish prattlings of the mind. Do not waste your energy on such idleness.
You must be willing to stand radically with the Fact... - what is he saying here?
To allow the emotions to arise and to recognize a shift in perception is occurring? To not waste time looking for the cause of the emotions?
As I mentioned to Susan yesterday morning, whenever she feels anxiety, tension, or fear she can know that Enlightenment is occurring. She can thus avoid going down endless alleys and byways in an attempt to find out the three-dimensional cause for these “negative” emotions.
Feelings of fear (anxiety, tension, etc) are indications that life is shifting, old beliefs are giving way to new perceptions - evolution is happening.
There is no need to discover the 3d cause of these emotions.
Some of us spend a lot of time identifying the cause of our fearful experience - the first 7 years of life. Raj seems to be saying this is not necessary.
es6-features.org es6-features.org
bar (x, y) { … }, *quux (x, y) { … }
So what's the difference between
christmind.info christmind.info
Very good, Paul. You have realized that to ask the question is to deny yourself the answer.
What does he mean by this? Read what follows and try to understand what is being shared.
gamberthompsonenglish.wordpress.com gamberthompsonenglish.wordpress.com
There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.
Discuss: What does this mean? Have you experienced an "open door moment" like this?
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
What we call “listening-in” has been referred to by other authors as“eavesdropping,” which suggests that the people listened to would object, or “over-hearing,” which suggests passive chancing to hear, rather than active listening.)
Observation versus listening-in : one is done intently while the latter is sort of just picked up. Why is it important for the author to emphasize that listening-in is usually against the subjects' will? Does it suggest the types of things these children are learning through listening in shouldn't be learnt?
www.nationalreview.com www.nationalreview.com
will do
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
Faustus' custom is not to deny The just requests of those that wish him well
Is this really a just request?
Is it significant that Helen has no lines? Is she even real, or just an idealized (and thus silent) version of femininity?
nodejs.org nodejs.org
// give it a kick whenever the source is readable // read(0) will not consume any bytes source.on('readable', function() { self.read(0); });
- Sep 2015
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
he called them "hurdlers" or"sprinters" or "jumpers." Over time, they came to refer to themselves and oneanother by their events as well
Really important step in identity formation. Can you ever fully identify as something if you and others don't refer to that identity marker?
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edufw_5.pdf1
was maintained in the context of interaction with others
In other words...peer pressure? And desire to be part of the in-group?
accuratescholarship.com accuratescholarship.com
May recognize PAMPs directly
Need a clear definition of "microbe." Presume indirect recognition of PAMPS is via the antibody/antigen mechanism described earlier. Worth asking.
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
We learn how to control our-selves from the outside, so to speak
So while we may be told, for example, that blue is for boys and pink is for girls, eventually we will be able to realize that this was just a social construct? And we can make decisions for ourselves?
They are the means by coUec-nveiyuevelopea, individually learned, and made sociaUy powerful
Does this mean artifacts are the way we can visualize figured worlds? For example, the clothing a person wears is the artifact may be a hint to the figured world this person belongs in?
She shows how she herself inadvertently entered the practice of witchcraft by the simple act of questioning,
So it is possible to be placed in a figured world without our own intentions? Then the figured worlds we belong to are not only ones we intentionally belong to, but ones that others believe us to be belonging to?
slack-files.com slack-files.comfw_3.pdf1
JSqq~]qq¤s=;;S ¤Sh]X¤iS¤k|XkkXSq¤qk]¤kz¤~qX¤iS¤S]¤VqSqq¤X]f|]X¤S|X¤|X]S|X¤i]x]q]¤kz¤]qSk}|¤}¤i]]¤~qX1¤
Can you live any other way?
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Elbows and legs, people trying to get out of the way and then out of the room.
So did anyone actually survive this? (Other than that adminstrator and the assistant?)
- Aug 2015
localhost:8899 localhost:8899
Is this the first chapter?
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Dynamic languages such as JavaScrip
substack.net substack.net
npm install tap or npm install tape for modules I want to test in the browser. I like simple, imperative tests that I can adapt from simple examples.
More info please.
Local file Local file
distance between to identifiers is defined as the bitwise exclusive or (XOR) interpreted as an integer. The XOR is symmetric and allows nodes to receive lookup queries from the samedistribution of nodes contained in their routing tables. This property makes the system learn useful routing information from the received queries.
when a download is completed we use a new choking algorithm which unchokes the peers with the highest upload rate
How is it determined how much/fast peers upload?
alt.js.org alt.js.org
With this approach you get isomorphism for free, without having to worry about flushing your stores, since each request will generate its own instance.
cycle.js.org cycle.js.orgCycle.js1
Observables and immutable data structures (such as from mori or Immutable.js) allow you to slice your program wherever you wish.
BitSwapnodes exchange their ledger information. If it does notmatch exactly, the ledger is reinitialized from scratch, losingthe accrued credit or debt. It is possible for malicious nodesto purposefully \lose" the Ledger, hoping to erase debts. Itis unlikely that nodes will have accrued enough debt to war-rant also losing the accrued trust; however the partner nodeis free to count it as misconduct, and refuse to trade.
Local file Local file()1
github.com github.com
filesystem-level encryption + signing support
botbot.me botbot.me
remind me to tell you about internet-wide multicast idea i had a long time ago. (we may be able to hack it up with cjdns)
www.html5rocks.com www.html5rocks.com
if(!$('#nav-anchors a').hasClass('active')) {
Why this check?
mercurial.selenic.com mercurial.selenic.com
The respective command for pulling is incoming $ cd ../project $ hg incoming ../feature1
How to do this with Git?
mercurial.selenic.com mercurial.selenic.com
a three-way merge
github.com github.com
Split targets
- Jul 2015
formatjs.io formatjs.io
When running internationalization code in the browser it is best if the locale used is the same as was used when the page was generated on the server.
Local file Local file
www.e-flux.com www.e-flux.com
horizontal loop geometry of the modern state system
Anyone have any clue what this means?
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
Curiously, I couldn't see this service in the above comparison table. Is it hidden and grouped under "ResearchGate &..."?
- Jun 2015
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Such structural technological changes can ensure access to basic privacies beyond borders, insulating ordinary citizens from the arbitrary passage of anti-privacy laws, such as those now descending upon Russia.
Most interesting comment. I'm curious which laws are now descending upon Russia!
- May 2015
www.opensourceshakespeare.org www.opensourceshakespeare.org
Gratiano. I have a wife, whom, I protest, I love: 2235 I would she were in heaven, so she could Entreat some power to change this currish Jew.
nfllabor.files.wordpress.com nfllabor.files.wordpress.com
During the first half of the game, a question was raised by the Colts con cerning the inflat ion level of the footballs being used by the Patriots.
This has proven to be inaccurate. The Colts informed the NFL prior to the game. http://www.businessinsider.com/new-england-patriots-deflategate-balls-indianapolis-colts-2015-5
Further, the Colts players have denied they raised concerns. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/12213533/dqwell-jackson-indianapolis-colts-says-one-noticed-ball-was-inflated
Who then raised the issue during the first half of the game?
Also, Goodell has claimed he was "personally" unaware of the Colts complaint before the game.
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
threaded conversations
Are they threaded, or just a series of comments? That is, do comments form a tree?
- Apr 2015
birminghameastside.com birminghameastside.com
PHD candidate Alex Wood,
What else has this guy researched?
- Mar 2015
peerj.github.io peerj.github.io
Is there data that shows the preferred temperature range of these cells, for optimum growth?
cs231n.github.io cs231n.github.io
only training for 1 epoch or even less
only training for 1 epoch or even less .. so we check only in several layers of the network or maybe for all of them during the first epoch?
Therefore, a better solution might be to force a particular random seed before evaluating
Don't understand. What is the random seed used for? Selecting drop-out nodes whose back prop will be checked?
If your gradcheck for only ~2 or 3 datapoints then you will almost certainly gradcheck for an entire batch.
Just to confirm: if I am using a batch of 10 data points to update the gradient, I need only 2 to 3 of those data points. And this is true irrespective of the size of the batch?
- Feb 2015
jonudell.net jonudell.net
Annotations show in stream
Which stream? The public one? or a custom one?
- May 2014
tendermint.com tendermint.com
Bonded coins cannot be used in any transaction except for an unbonding transaction, afterwards the coins remain locked in the unbonding period of X blocks.
Is an unbonding period necessary? What falls apart?
- Apr 2014
www.newschallenge.org www.newschallenge.org
it empowers the entire scientific community by enabling new advancements and tools for scholarly communication.
What kind of advancements?
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
fifty to sixty per cent of the list price of a book goes to Amazon or to another retailer. When he was starting out, in the eighties, that figure was more like thirty or forty per cent.
I wish there was a link to this research. Does any one have additional information about this? I am writing a paper on this.
- Feb 2014
localhost:3000 localhost:3000Unswot1
This is just a test paragraph. Remove it directly from skeleton.template when done.
Why not put any paragraphs directly in skeleton.template?
ubuntuone.com ubuntuone.com
Community is a funny beast. Most people—the kind who watch talent shows on television and occasionally dip bread in oil in an expensive restaurant—don’t understand people like Neil. Why on earth would this guy decide to open his home, free of charge, to a collection of strangers who met on the Internet? Why would he want to spend an evening drinking tea and making jokes about something called “Emacs”?
s3.amazonaws.com s3.amazonaws.com
On one hand, there are infinite ideas, and so the taking of one idea as private property clearly leaves “enough,” and debatably “as good” for others (Locke, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: POLICY FOR INNOVATION 8 1690, Chap. V, Sect. 27).
This statement seems to me a stretch-- a very far stretch.
What does it mean to have "infinite ideas"? And how do you arrive at the judgments "enough" and "as good" here?
Ideas don't exist in isolation; they are not individual fruits to be plucked from the world of thought. Ideas are built upon other ideas. They are embedded within each other, juxtaposed one next to the other, stacked, remixed; varied one from the other, sometimes as a derivation, sometimes an inspiration.
And in the face of this, what is the notion of "creation"? Given a certain base of knowledge, there are some natural next steps that can be built from those basic building blocks.
Here we have to disentangle the notion of discovery from creation. I think maybe that, in part, is the notion of patents vs copyright, but in the land of software we seem to have a tangled mess.
Here, there is disagreement about whether intellectual property violates the Lockean Proviso.
Does the notion of intellectual property violate the Lockean Proviso?
www.justinhughes.net www.justinhughes.net
A universal definition of intellectual property might begin by identifying it as nonphysical property which stems from, is identified as, and whose value is based upon some idea or ideas. Furthermore, there must be some additional element of novelty. Indeed, the object, or res, of intellectual property may be so new that it is unknown to anyone else. The novelty, however, does not have to be absolute. What is important is that at the time of propertization the idea is thought to be generally unknown. The re
Intellectual property cannot be common currency in the intellectual life of the society at the time of propertization.
What constitutes society at this point; do small groups and communities suffice or does it have to be popularly known beyond a small few?
- Jan 2014
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
In addition, the results imply that there is a lack of awareness about the importance of metadata among the scientific community –at least in practice– which is a serious problem as their involvement is quite crucial in dealing with problems regarding data management.
Is there any reasonable agreement about what the term metadata means or includes? For example, how important is the unit of measure to scientists (feet vs meters) and is that information considered metadata or simply an implied part inherent in the data itself?
Less than half (45%) of the respondents are satisfied with their ability to integrate data from disparate sources to address research questions
The most important take-away I see in this whole section on reasons for not making data electronically available is not mentioned here directly!
Here are the raw numbers for I am satisfied with my ability to integrate data from disparate sources to address research questions:
- 156 (12.2%) Agree Strongly
- 419 (32.7%) Agree Somewhat
- 363 (28.3%) Neither Agree nor Disagree
- 275 (21.5%) Disagree Somewhat
- 069 (05.4%) Disagree Strongly
Of the people who are not satisfied in some way, how many of those think current data sharing mechanisms are sufficient for their needs?
Of the ~5% of people who are strongly dissatisfied, how many of those are willing to spend time, energy, and money on new sharing mechanisms, especially ones that are not yet proven? If they are willing to do so, then what measurable result or impact will the new mechanism have over the status quo?
Who feel that current sharing mechanisms stand in the way of publications, tenure, promotion, or being cited?
Of those who are dissatisfied, how many have existing investment in infrastructure versus those who are new and will be investing versus those who cannot invest in old or new?
10 years ago how would you have convinced someone they need an iPad or Android smartphone?
www.dataone.org www.dataone.org
Although data management plans may differ in format and content, several basic elements are central to managing data effectively.
What are the "several basic elements?"
The goal of data management is to produce self-describing data sets. If you give your data to a scientist or colleague who has not been involved with your project, will they be able to make sense of it? Will they be able to use it effectively and properly?
www.alexandria.ucsb.edu www.alexandria.ucsb.edu
In the course of your research or teaching, do you produce digital data that merits curation? 225 of 292 (77%) of respondents answered "yes" to this first question, which corresponds to 25% of the estimated population of 900 faculty and researchers who received the survey.
For those who do not feel they have data that merits curation I would at least like to hear a description of the kinds of data they have and why they feel it does not need to be curated?
For some people they may already be using well-curated data sets; on the other hand there are some people who feel their data may not be useful to anyone outside their own research group, so there is no need to curate the data for use by anyone else even though under some definition of "curation" there may be important unmet curation needs for internal-use only that may be visible only to grad students or researchers who work with the data hands-on daily.
UPDATE: My question is essentially answered here: https://hypothes.is/a/xBpqzIGTRaGCSmc_GaCsrw
Responsibility, myself versus others. It may appear that responses to the question of responsibility are bifurcated between "Myself" and all other parties combined. However, respondents who identified themselves as being responsible were more likely than not to identify additional parties that share that responsibility. Thus, curatorial responsibility is seen as a collaborative effort. (The "Nobody" category is a slight misnomer here as it also includes non-responses to this question.)
This answers my previous question about this survey item:
Awareness of data and commitment to its preservation are two key preconditions for successful data curation.
Great observation!
Which parties do you believe have primary responsibility for the curation of your data? Almost all respondents identified themselves as being personally responsible.
For those that identify themselves as personally responsible would they identify themselves (or their group) as the only ones responsible for the data? Or is there a belief that the institution should also be responsible in some way in addition to themselves?
Researchers may be underestimating the need for help using archival storage systems and dealing with attendant metadata issues.
In my mind this is a key challenge: even if people can describe what they need for themselves (that in itself is a very hard problem), what to do from the infrastructure standpoint to implement services that aid the individual researcher and also aid collaboration across individuals in the same domain, as well as across domains and institutions... in a long-term sustainable way is not obvious.
In essence... how do we translate needs that we don't yet fully understand into infrastructure with low barrier to adoption, use, and collaboration?
www.yale.edu www.yale.edu
This suggests that peer production will thrive where projects have three characteristi cs
If thriving is a metric (is it measurable? too subjective?) of success then the 3 characteristics it must have are:
- modularity: divisible into components
- granularity: fine-grained modularity
- integrability: low-cost integration of contributions
I don't dispute that these characteristics are needed, but they are too general to be helpful, so I propose that we look at these three characteristics through the lens of the type of contributor we are seeking to motivate.
How do these characteristics inform what we should focus on to remove barriers to collaboration for each of these contributor-types?
Below I've made up a rough list of lenses. Maybe you have links or references that have already made these classifications better than I have... if so, share them!
Roughly here are the classifications of the types of relationships to open source projects that I commonly see:
core developers: either hired by a company, foundation, or some entity to work on the project. These people care most about integrability.
ecosystem contributors: someone either self-motivated or who receives a reward via some mechanism outside the institution that funds the core developers (e.g. reputation, portfolio for future job prospects, tools and platforms that support a consulting business, etc). These people care most about modularity.
feature-driven contributors: The project is useful out-of-the-box for these people and rather than build their own tool from scratch they see that it is possible for the tool to work they way they want by merely contributing code or at least a feature-request based on their idea. These people care most about granularity.
The above lenses fit the characteristics outlined in the article, but below are other contributor-types that don't directly care about these characteristics.
the funder: a company, foundation, crowd, or some other funding body that directly funds the core developers to work on the project for hire.
consumer contributors: This class of people might not even be aware that they are contributors, but simply using the project returns direct benefits through logs and other instrumented uses of the tool to generate data that can be used to improve the project.
knowledge-driven contributors: These contributors are most likely closest to the ecosystem contributors, maybe even a sub-species of those, that contribute to documentation and learning the system; they may be less-skilled at coding, but still serve a valuable part of the community even if they are not committing to the core code base.
failure-driven contributors: A primary source of bug reports and may also be any one of the other lenses.
What other lenses might be useful to look through? What characteristics are we missing? How can we reduce barriers to contribution for each of these contributor types?
I feel that there are plenty of motivations... but what barriers exist and what motivations are sufficient for enough people to be willing to surmount those barriers? I think it may be easier to focus on the barriers to make contributing less painful for the already-convinced, than to think about the motivators for those needing to be convinced-- I think the consumer contributors are some of the very best suited to convince the unconvinced; our job should be to remove the barriers for people at each stage of community we are trying to build.
A note to the awesome folks at Hypothes.is who are reading our consumer contributions... given the current state of the hypothes.is project, what class of contributors are you most in need of?
en.wikioffuture.org en.wikioffuture.org
The project will develop an analysis package in the open-source language R and complement it with a step-by-step hands-on manual to make tools available to a broad, international user community that includes academics, scientists working for governments and non-governmental organizations, and professionals directly engaged in conservation practice and land management. The software package will be made publicly available under http://www.clfs.umd.edu/biology/faganlab/movement/.
Output of the project:
- analysis package written in R
- step-by-step hands-on manual
- make tools available to a broad, international community
- software made publicly available
Question: What software license will be used? The Apache software license is potentially a good choice here because it is a strong open source license supported by a wide range of communities with few obligations or barriers to access/use which supports the goal of a broad international audience.
Question: Will the data be made available under a license, as well? Maybe a CC license of some sort?
intra-individual concordance
Are there examples of this kind of data product at scale?
github.com github.com
Realtime updating
How often does it update now?
www.ascd.org www.ascd.org
How we meet this challenge depends on how we address the following fundamental question about teaching our digital-age children: Should we teach our children as though they have two lives, or one?
two lives or one? Also, what about two names? A public name and a private name, as some cultures already have where only your friends call you by a certain name that others might not know.
- Dec 2013
petrolia-inc.com petrolia-inc.com
Pétrolia a d’une part mis de l’avant des travaux de suivi hydrogéologique avec l’Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) en vue de caractériser le système hydrogéologique régional et d’assurer le suivi des travaux d’exploration
Où peut-on avoir plus d'informations au sujet de ces travaux? Je ne trouve rien sur le site de l'INRS: http://www.inrs.ca/search/node/p%C3%A9trolia%20anticosti
- Nov 2013
www.enbridge.com www.enbridge.com
Nous continuons de solliciter la participation du public à des discussions significatives au sujet de l'inversion proposée de la canalisation 9.
Cette citation a-t-elle une valeur légale?
- Oct 2013
www.knightfoundation.org www.knightfoundation.org
Knight Foundation’s $250,000 grant will enable us to spend six to nine months trying out the model established by the London-based Open Data Institute to determine how to best work with the many actors in this space. In collaboration with the Aspen Institute, Knight held an event in Aspen, Colo., this summer to bring together leaders in the open data community to discuss if there was a need for a new organization and whether the Open Data Institute’s model was a good one to replicate. That event led to the plan that we’re now executing.
How does one get invited/apply to get invited to the very intriguing event in Aspen, CO?
www.voyager.co.jp www.voyager.co.jp
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
the key chemical evidence needed to confirm its distance
What is this key chemical evidence?
www.sunnewsnetwork.ca www.sunnewsnetwork.ca
MONCTON, NB - Mounties say Native protesters at a shale gas exploration site in New Brunswick were armed to the teeth.
Is there documentary evidence?
- Sep 2013
www.scribd.com www.scribd.com
What means does civilization employ in order to inhibit theaggressiveness which opposes it, to make it harmless, to get rid of it, perhaps?
history of the development of the individual--
animals, not exhibit any such cultural struggle?
what is "struggle"? "culture"? is filiocide and the like, as performed to maintain social infrastructure, something with which animals are confronted, not a struggle?
civilization is a process in the service of Eros, whose purpose is to combine single human individuals, andafter that families, then races, peoples and nations, into one great unity, the unity of mankind. Why this hasto happen, we do not know
agree? what of cultures?
aggression is an original, self-subsisting instinctual disposition in man
selfish gene?
Since the assumption of the existence of the instinct is mainly based on theoretical grounds,we must also admit that it is not entirely proof against theoretical objections. But this is how things appearto us now, in the present state of our knowledge
research on instinct?
Is it "self-evident"? Once something surfaces from the unconscious into consciousness, it seems intuitively "self-evident"
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
Some of the popular orators say that offices should be assigned by lot
Question of clarification: to "be assigned by lot" is a kind of pulling-names-out-of-a-hat method of assigning? I'm fairly certain this is what is meant, I just wanted some outside confirmation.
ebooks.adelaide.edu.au ebooks.adelaide.edu.au
A new pride taught me mine ego, and that teach I unto men: no longer to thrust one’s head into the sand of celestial things, but to carry it freely, a terrestrial head, which giveth meaning to the earth!
is nietzsche (or zarathustra) teaching to overcome pedagogical limitations (i.e. other teachers?)
the lion is needed for this capture
cannot be camel/child?
- Aug 2013
localhost:8080 localhost:8080
Robert J. Glushko et al
This is an annotation.
www.enculturation.net www.enculturation.net
According to McLuhan, the “sheer inclusiveness” of information as a medium and as a concept expands both the field of battle and the semantic field of war. “Real, total war has become information war,” notes McLuhan in The Medium is the Massage, “it is being fought by subtle electric informational media—under cold conditions, and constantly” (138). Building on The Mechanical Bride and its critique of advertising as a declaration of war on human subjectivity, McLuhan traces the emergence of a new species of war that makes civil society itself the target of a covert, unceasing “guerilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation” (Culture is Our Business 66).
Another question.
Info War, however, makes civil society itself the center of gravity. Info War targets not only the physical infrastructure of information (nodes, cables, links, servers, towers, routers, electricity grids) but also the decision makers, “human or automated,” plugged into the grid.
I missed the last couple of classes! What is info war again?