78 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. For Jake, the high school graduate applying for jobs, the application process shifts away from being agame of how to pick the perfect keywords for his resume. Instead, he is matched by the actual skillsacquired in his recent community college coursework and EdX certificate. Both Jake and the hiringmanager he will soon meet have a more equitable and accurate path through the noise of today’sonline hiring process.

      Simple, elegant explanation: it moves from clumsy proxies that screen out qualified people like Jake, to powerful and sophisticated matching that connect opportunities to people like Jake who have the verified skills to deserve those opportunities.

    2. This interconnected ecosystem allows for improvements that HR leaderswould most like to see: better whole-person evaluation, better leverage of candidate skills, bettercredential verification, and more reliable information on what makes a good candidate

      The value proposition, as presented here, is all about the wheel being more efficient, more effective, and less expensive in identifying, hiring, and retaining cogs. What might be magical is the rare nexus of what being best for the wheel also being good for the cogs, us humans who this work is hopefully really about.

    3. integrationswith the mission-focused LER wallet companies or the entrance of a few general-purpose walletproviders, such as ApplePay or GooglePay, into the hiring ecosystem. Both Apple and Google arealready experimenting with housing digital driver’s license information for a number of U.S. states, andexpansion into storing digital credential information may be a viable, incremental step for them

      Might some see this as a call to pay close attention, get involved, and push for public/public good solutions? Or will we default to leaning on FAANG to provide our "free" wallets and control or even own more of our data?

    4. Examples of these sources would include an established digital walletprovider, or an exhaustive catalogue of digital credentials that are available, such as the repositoryhosted by Credential Engine. Having the curricular data source, which has a connection to the parsingcompanies, also create a connection to credential information opens up a connection, albeit anindirect one, between the non-degree credential information and the parsing activity. Instead ofreceiving just a course name from the resume parser, the intermediary can also receive a non-degreecredential identifier that is sent to the credential data source to look up and return skills information

      Opportunity to go deep here. Bread crumb is to check out the issuer directory with Credential Engine, where they are inviting institutions to publish details about their credentials in a standardized format (CTDL) that will hopefully one day be consumed by connections like those hinted at here.

    5. One example of a curriculum data source is OpenSyllabus.org, a non-profit that hosts acomprehensive repository of higher ed course information. OpenSyllabus.org can serve as a value-added provider that sends skill information about specific college coursework to the parsers. This willexpand the potential skill information parsers can associate with a resume, going beyond what mightbe gleaned only from reading a course or degree title. They would now have access to informationderived from more detailed course catalog descriptions or even course syllabi information. Parserswill be able to send more extensive lists of skills over to companies’ HR platforms in a structuredformat they can immediately utilize. This integration also captures the skills from a particular type ofnon-degree credential - the coursework completed by the 40 million people in the U.S. who have somecollege, but no degree.

      This might catch the attention of HE people paying attention. It also hopefully connects to the participants who shared that they are not getting the information about the programs that they desire. If the data being consumed (by this vendor or others) is still rooted in describing the content of the learning and not the measurable, assessed outcomes, then it's utility is limited and, crucially, it could create trust issues that make consumer wary of all the data. On the other hand, if they can trust the high quality data, there will be a window of competitive advantage for HE institutions that choose to share the data that the consumers (largely employers) want to see.

    6. Ideas for More Actionable InformationIn discussion with HR leaders helping imagine process improvement, we learned that the informationcurrently curated for digital badges was helpful, but perhaps not quite hitting the mark. Workshopparticipants told us two things about the kind of information found in Figure 9: it was overwhelming,and it missed key facts they wanted to know.In their view, the sum of information presented on badge websites is a bit dense and very focused onthe nature and content of the training

      KEY FINDING: it's a problem if the context focuses on the nature of the content instead of the nature of what the credential is credentialing.

    7. Briana aims to enhance efficiency by leveraging technology to better manage andverify credentials, potentially exploring solutions that simplify the integration of professional socialmedia profiles that have been linked to government-recognized credentials. Briana’s main concern,however, is that she is unclear whether the company developing the platform she uses to store HRinformation is committed to supporting these kinds of integrations

      For these ecosystems to be healthy, the interconnected nodes. function in harmony. They are aware of the other nodes' desires and intentionally seek to meet those needs. A barrier to progress is technology solutions that can function to meet important needs yet do not. (Positive assumption here that the developers either don't properly understand their users' needs or don't properly understand how to capture ROI if they do design to meet those needs; not that they know the needs and choose not to address them)

    8. Stage Three: Expandingthe EcosystemLeverage new demand from end-usercompanies that have access to additionalinformation to justify more integrationsbetween data sources and HR tools

      Ecosystem expansion might rely on market incentives for additional parties to connect, synthesize, and operationalize data. Important to consider that this is not limited to HR vendors; it's also about their clients, as well as other vendors that may be better enabled to connect with (L)earners to market Navigation services, coaching, scholarship and lending programs, educational/training/upskilling opportunities, and more. In a future of direct admissions, there are multiple roles in this ecosystem. And, of course, there is much opportunity and value for the human (L)earners at the center of the ecosystem.

    9. Once these connections are established,expand data flow to include the additionalinformation about non-degree credentialsdesired by HR leaders

      KEY: data is what the Consumers desire, not necessarily what the learning providers want to describe.

  2. May 2024
  3. Feb 2024
    1. idl heeft zich in 2014 aangesloten bij het Europese Supply Chain Initiative. Hiermee engageert Lidl zich vrijwillig om de 10 principes voor eerlijke handelspraktijken in de leveringsketen van levensmiddelen na te leven.Het initiatief is opgebouwd rond drie bouwstenen:Altijd rekening houden met het belang van de consument en de duurzaamheid van de toeleveringsketen.Contractvrijheid: elke partij is vrij om te bepalen of zij al dan niet een overeenkomst sluit met een andere partij.Billijke / eerlijke behandeling van business partners Meer weten over het Supply Chain Initiative? Leer de 10 principes voor eerlijke handelspraktijken kennen op hun website.

      aangesloten bij Supply Chain Initiative. Niet duidelijk in hoeverre dit in praktijk ook de farmers helpt

    2. Sinds 2018 gebruikt Lidl Ecovadis als onderdeel van het verduurzamen van het aankoopproces. Ecovadis is een tool op maat van verschillende sectoren om de duurzaamheidsinspanningen van leveranciers te meten en te verbeteren. De leverancier krijgt eerst een vragenlijst rond vier thema’s: milieu, sociaal, ethiek en duurzaam aankopen. Op basis van de antwoorden krijgt de leverancier concrete verbetermogelijkheden en actieplannen. Eind 2018 waren twintig nationale leveranciers gescreend en hun doelstellingen gedefinieerd. Geen van hen bevindt zich in de rode Hoog-risico zone volgens Ecovadis. Ons doel is om tegen eind 2020 de leveranciers te screenen die samen 25% van ons aankoopvolume vertegenwoordigen en/of duurzaamheidsrisico’s hebben, met focus op nationale leveranciers.Lidl is de eerste Belgische retailer die zich bij dit sys­teem aansluit. Ook Lidl zelf is gescreend en kreeg een Silver badge: daarmee zitten we bij de 21% best scorende Ecovadis-screenings.

      Lidl geeft aan zakenpartners te controleren, registreren en evalueren in zake (o.a.) mensenrechten middels het platform EcoVadis.

    3. Lidl heeft een eigen Code of Conduct opgesteld, gebaseerd op het internationale model van de Business Social Compliance Initiative. Hierin staan sociale en ecologische minimumstandaarden gedefinieerd die door elke leverancier moeten worden nageleefd. Onder andere de volgende onderwerpen worden opgenomen in de Code of Conduct:verbod op kinderarbeid,naleving van wettelijke voorschriften,goede en menswaardige arbeidsomstandigheden,milieubescherming.100% van onze leveranciers verbindt zich ertoe om onze Code of Conduct na te leven.

      The supermarket supports suppliers in implementing labour standards and human rights as described in a Supplier Code of Conduct.

      training & material support worden in de CoC niet benoemd

    1. idl wil elke werknemer gelijke kansen geven, ongeacht geslacht, afkomst, handicap, geloofsovertuiging of seksuele geaardheid. Daarom hebben we een objectieve sollicitatieprocedure waarbij alleen gekeken wordt naar het talent, de vaardigheden en de kennis van de kandidaat of medewerker.We willen jongeren ook bewust de kans geven om bij ons werkervaring op te bouwen en maken onze organisatie aantrekkelijker voor 45-plussers met een 45+-plan, dat meer planningsvrijheid biedt.

      Lidl discrimineert niet bij werving van eigen personeel.

      HR-4.1.3, Voorwaarde 1

  4. Oct 2023
    1. Now, you can add <hr> (horizontal rule) elements into the list of select options and they will appear as separators to help visually break up the options
      <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Code"> ```html <label for="major-select">Please select a major:</label> <br/> <select name="majors" id="major-select"> <option value="">Select a major</option>
      <option value="arth">Art History</option> <option value="finearts">Fine Arts</option> <option value="gdes">Graphic Design</option> <option value="lit">Literature</option> <option value="music">Music</option>
      <option value="aeroeng">Aerospace Engineering</option> <option value="biochemeng">Biochemical Engineering</option> <option value="civileng">Civil Engineering</option> <option value="compeng">Computer Engineering</option> <option value="eleng">Electrical Engineering</option> <option value="mecheng">Mechanical Engineering</option> </select> ``` </div>
  5. Feb 2023
    1. The 2022-23 Staff Performance Review Process is reviewing your work between March 1, 2022 – February 28, 2023.

      This is an important date to remember.

  6. Dec 2022
    1. nterne acceptatie bewerkstelligenMiddels de imbedding van mensenrechten in onze organisatie en interne trainingssessies,zorgen we ervoor dat alle betrokkenen in onze organisatie goed begrijpen wat een leefbaar loonof inkomen inhoud, en wat de urgentie is

      Vergroot begrijpelijkheid van leefbaar loon en de urgentie ervan bij alle betrokkenen

    2. Al in 2006 heeft Lidl zich met haar Code of Conduct uitgesproken voor eerlijke lonen en zetzich sindsdien in voor betere lonen, bijvoorbeeld door te kiezen voor Fairtrade gecertificeerdeproducten.

      sinds 2006 Code of Conduct voor eerlijke lonen

    3. Lidl erkent het als fundamenteel mensenrecht dat iedereen die werkt een eerlijk en adequaatinkomen ontvangt, waarmee zij kunnen voorzien in een menswaardige levensstandaard voorhenzelf en hun familie.

      Erkent belang eerlijk inkomen voor fundamenteel mensenrecht

    4. Om de implicaties van mensenrechten schendingen inonze productieketens beter te begrijpen, voeren wij in aanvulling op social audits jaarlijksdrie ‘Human Rights Impact Assessments’ uit. Deze zullen ook worden gepubliceerd

      Voert naast social audits jaarlijks 3 Human Rights Impact Assessments uit.

    5. Vanaf 2009-2019 hebben we samen met onze partner GIZ intensievefinancieringsprojecten uitgevoerd voor ongeveer 200 leveranciers in Bangladesh enChina, waarin milieu-, arbeids- en veiligheidsnormen werden gecommuniceerd. Ditstelde ons in staat de doelstellingen van de Greenpeace Detox-campagne te bereiken.Lidl heeft zich hier in 2014 aan verbonden. Om betere lange termijn verbeteringen voorveiligheid en brandbeveiliging te bereiken voor textielfabrikanten in Bangladesh, heeftLidl de internationale overeenkomst voor brand- en gebouwbescherming ondertekend,het zgn. ‚Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety‘. Daarnaast werken we ookaan de verbeteringen van het product om negatieve sociale en ecologische effectente verminderen: met onze cradle-to-cradle collectie hebben we volledig afbreekbaretextielproducten op de markt gebracht

      Concrete acties die afgelopen jaren zijn ondernomen om de doelstellingen van Greenpeace Detox-campagne te bereiken.

    6. Binnen ons non-food assortiment controleren wij regelmatig de naleving vanmensenrechten en voeren jaarlijks onafhankelijke amfori-BSCI-social audits uit bijalle producenten van onze eigenmerk producten in productielanden buiten Europa.De resultaten van deze audits worden altijd geëvalueerd en vormt de basis voor onzeinkoopbeslissing. Ook binnen dit deel van het assortiment communiceren wij onzeverwachtingen richting leveranciers. In ons beleid verwachten we dat kinder- endwangarbeid proactief wordt bestreden. Daarnaast zijn we binnen dit deel van hetassortiment ook betrokken bij verschillende projecten en initiatieven om de ecologischeen sociale uitdagingen aan te pakken, met name in de textielproductie: lage arbeids- enmilieucriteria, en een hoog verbruik van grondstoffen, chemicaliën, energie en water

      Voert onafhankelijke amfori-BSCI-social audits uit bij alle producten van eigenmerk producten.

    7. Zo voeren wijin de toeleveringsketen van ons food-artikelen social audits middels SEDEX uit om dearbeidsomstandigheden te controleren en op deze manier steeds verder te verbeteren.In het kader van vaak meerdaagse audits controleren onafhankelijke auditors ter plekkeof de voorschriften voor gezondheidsbescherming, de wettelijke arbeidstijden, dewerkgeversrechten en andere vereisten worden nageleefd. In onze leveringsketen voorgroenten en fruit werken we met GLOBALG.A.P GRASP samen. Door de evaluatie metexterne auditors hebben we inzichtelijk hoe onze leveranciers en telers scoren op basisvan sociale indicatoren

      Voert social audits middels SEDEX uit om arbeidsomstandigheden te controleren en te verbeteren.

    8. Wij weten ook datdeze controles als enige middel slechts beperkt geschikt zijn arbeidsomstandighedente verbeteren of verborgen mensenrechten schendingen te ontdekken, bijv.mensenschendingen door dwangarbeid.

      Bewust van beperkt geschiktheid van social audits om mensenrechten schendingen te ontdekken

    9. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat alleen in samenwerking met maatschappelijke organisaties,deskundigen en andere bedrijven wij een structurele verbetering in de productieketensvan ons assortiment kunnen bereiken. Vandaar dat wij samen werken met relevantepartijen, en betrokken zijn bij diverse multi-stakeholder platforms. Lidl is bijvoorbeeld lidvan het RTRS-bestuur, een actief lid van het World Banana Forum, een van de oprichtersen nog steeds lid van het bestuur van de Sustainable Cocoa Board, zit in het technischadviescomité van GLOBALG.AP GRASP en is lid van werkgroepen binnen de BangladeshAgreement, de ACT Initiatief en de RSPO. Lidl streeft ernaar om vóór april 2021 actief teworden bij een derde Multi-Stakeholder Initiatief dat zich op een relevante manier inzetom de rechten van arbeiders te verbeteren in hoge risico productieketens

      Samenwerking met maatschappelijke organisaties voor structurele verbetering in de productketens.

    10. De implementatie van onze corporate due diligence aanpak is een dynamisch proces,waarvan wij de omvang en het ontwerp voortdurend controleren en verder ontwikkelenmet behulp van externe stakeholders en partners (bijv. maatschappelijke organisatiesen vakbonden).

      Beschrijving dynamisch proces due diligence aanpak

    11. Om eventuele negatieve effecten aan te kunnen pakken en de naleving vanmensenrechten binnen onze toeleveringsketen te garanderen, is het belangrijk dat allepartijen betrokken zijn. Daarom willen we bij alle relevante medewerkers en zakelijkepartners bewustzijn creëren voor de door ons gedefinieerde hoge prioriteit thema’s. Deduurzaamheidsafdeling traint de inkopers op de door ons gedefinieerde hoge prioriteitthema‘s. Dit is een onderdeel van de jaarlijkse evaluatiecyclus van het assortiment enhiermee borgen we dat onze inkopers bewust zijn voor bestaande en potentiële riscio‘s opmilieu en mensenrechtenschendingen, en dat tevens alle duurzaamheidsdoelstellingenworden nageleefd.

      Lidl traint relevante medewerkers en zakelijke partners om bewustwording te creëren voor hoge prioriteit thema's van mensenrechten.

    12. Bij de aanpak van risico’s in onze toeleveringsketen op het gebied vanmensenrechten en milieu richten wij ons in de eerste plaats op de productie van onzeeigenmerken. Deze zijn niet alleen verantwoordelijk voor het grootste deel van onzeomzet. Wij zijn ook rechtstreeks voor onze eigenmerk producten verantwoordelijk. Ookbij de inkoop van merk producten verwachten we dat er rekening wordt gehouden met deimpact van het productieproces op mens en milieu.

      Lidl richt zich op de eerste plaats op risico's van mensenrechten en milieu van de productie van eigenmerken

    13. we werken er continu aan om de kennis van onze inkopers op het gebiedvan sociale en ecologische kwesties te verbeteren. Via trainingen gericht op dezedoelgroep en gespecificeerd per productgroep, vergroten we de kennis van onzeinkopers en versterken we de centrale rol van duurzaamheid bij Lidl.

      Trainingen voor inkopers op het gebied van sociale- en ecologische kwesties

    14. Sociale risico‘sKinderarbeid: Werk door kinderen van de verplichte schoolleeftijd en ondergezondheidsbedreigende arbeidsomstandigheden.Dwangarbeid: Mensenhandel, dwang, bedreiging, inhouding van loon, opbouw vanschuldenlast (bijv. door hoge kosten bij bemiddeling van werk)Rechten van werknemers: Onvoldoende naleving van arbeidsrechten: onderbetaling,schade aan de gezondheid vanwege slechte arbeidsomstandigheden, beperking van devrijheid van vereniging, mensonwaardige werktijden, discriminatie, intimidatie ofmisbruik op de werkplek.Discriminatie: Misbruik of ongelijke behandeling op grond van geslacht, religie, etnische/ nationale afkomst, of seksuele geaardheid

      Identificeert risico's voor mens op basis van due diligence aanpak

    15. Binnen onze toeleveringsketen willen we eventuele risico’s systematisch identificeren.Hiervoor voeren we een uitgebreide en product overschrijdende risicoanalyseuit. We brengen in kaart wat de directe negatieve impact is van onze activiteitenop mensenrechten en houden daarbij ook rekening met de impact op het milieu,bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van watervervuiling of CO2-uitstoot. Een negatieve impact ophet milieu heeft mogelijk ook weer een negatieve invloed op mensenrechten. De analysevan risico’s in de toeleveringsketen bevat alle stappen; van grondstoffen tot de laatstefase van productie

      Risicoanalyse voor mensenrechtenschendingen

    16. De beoordeling van mogelijke risico’s voor onze eigenmerk producten wordt uitgevoerddoor middel van een systematische procedure die is gebaseerd op indices zoals deGlobal Rights Index van de ITUC en de Global Slavery Index, en is gecombineerd metgegevens van de Verenigde Naties Voedsel- en Landbouworganisatie (FAO) en deEnvironmental Perfomance Index. Daarnaast gaan we continu in gesprek met externestakeholders en winnen de expertise in van bijvoorbeeld maatschappelijke organisaties,vakbonden en andere deskundigen. Samen met deze verschillende experts kunnen wein kaart brengen waar de grootste uitdagingen zijn om mensenrechten schendingen tevoorkomen en kunnen we maatregelen ontwikkelen om deze obstakels te verminderen,bijvoorbeeld obstakels in relatie tot vrijheid van vereniging of het recht op collectieveonderhandelingen

      Systematische procedure voor risicoanalyse op mensenrechtenschendingen

    17. Met onze aanpak garanderen wij dat het duurzaamheidsbeleid binnen onze organisatiestructureel wordt geïmplementeerd en nageleefd. Wij analyseren systematisch welkebestaande risico‘s voor de schending van mensenrechten of het milieu bestaan of in detoekomst kunnen ontstaan in onze bedrijfsprocessen en bij de productie van onze eigenmerkproducten. Aan de hand van deze analyses bepalen wij concrete maatregelen die denegatieve effecten van onze activiteiten tegen gaan, vermijden of verminderen

      Implementatie van Due Diligence aanpak door Lidl

    18. Daarnaast vormt onze Code of Conduct sinds 2006 de basis voor ons handelen ininterne processen en maakt deze deel uit van de overeenkomsten met onze directeleveranciers. Wij delen de verantwoordelijkheid met onze leveranciers om risico’s in deproductieketens aan te pakken. Vandaar dat wij onze zakelijke partners verplichten ookin hun toeleveringsketen passende maatregelen te treffen en de Code of Conduct ookdoor te voeren bij hun leveranciers.

      Lidl deelt verantwoordelijkheid met directe leveranciers

    19. Als toonaangevende supermarktorganisatie zien wij het als onze verantwoordelijkheid ommensenrechten en het milie te beschermen en eventuele negatieve risico’s op mens enmilieu te voorkomen, aan te pakken of te verminderen. De Lidl groep baseert zich in dedue diligence aanpak op alle internationaal erkende mensenrechtenverdragen en Lidl zalwereldwijd de volgende principes ondertekenen en respecteren

      Lidl erkent verantwoordelijkheid voor mensenrechten

    20. Om deze redenen werkt Lidl samen met overheden, andere bedrijven, leveranciers enmaatschappelijke organisaties. Hiermee dragen we actief bij aan de samenleving en eenduurzamere toekomst

      Lidl rapporteert samenwerkingsverbanden

    21. We erkennen tevens dat schendingen vanarbeidersrechten kunnen plaatsvinden omdat overheden niet in staat zijn deze adequaatte beschermen, of omdat werknemers zich niet in vrijheid en effectief kunnen verenigen.

      Lidl erkent dat schendingen betreft arbeidsrechten kunnen plaatsvinden

    22. We voeren regelmatig risicoanalyses uit voor het volledige assortiment in onzetoeleveringsketen. De resultaten worden continu geëvalueerd en vanaf 2020gepubliceerd, daarnaast gaan wij jaarlijks het gesprek aan met onze stakeholders

      De supermarkt rapporteert ten minste eenmaal per jaar over de gesprekken die de operationele leiding voert over mensenrechten in productieketens

    23. Wij erkennen het respecteren en versterken vanmensenrechten als een fundamentele verplichtingvoor landen, bedrijven en individuen.

      Rapportage van Lidl beschrijft dat operationele leiding respect voor mensenrechten borgt

  7. Nov 2022
    1. In HR, * MRN -- begginings of dsDNA resection. * The PARP1 protein is active on ssDNA. * Free 3' ends made available, crucial for later DNA pol binding. * RPA binds, coats, the ssDNA.<br /> * Rad51 searches for strand for invasion. * Strand invasion carried out by sister chromatid, etc. * D-loop formation.

      May have. * DSBR * SDSA * BIR

  8. May 2022
    1. Remote HR Jobs

      Find the latest remote HR jobs from the most people-centric companies. Whether you’re looking for recruiter jobs, talent acquisition jobs, or anything related to benefits coordination, people operations, or employee relations, we've got you covered.

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      Remote HR Jobs

      Find the latest remote HR jobs here. Whether you’re looking for recruiter jobs, talent acquisition jobs or anything related to benefits coordination, people operations or employee relations, we make sure to list the best remote offers around for HR professionals.

      You know what else? Remote HR jobs cover everything from basic administration like file organisation and data input to jobs to more senior remote HR jobs like handling a company’s entire backroom operations! Whether you’re looking to help a startup soar to new heights or you’re looking to use your previous experience in remote HR jobs to help an enterprise go to the next level of growth, you’re sure to find something you like on our remote HR jobs board. So why not take a look, assess your options, and apply. In no time at all you’ll find the kind of work you’re looking for. Need any help? Don’t hesitate to check our blog to point you in the right direction for remote HR jobs.

      Click to know more about remote hr jobs.

  9. Feb 2022
    1. Rund 80 Prozent der im Jahr 2021 Befragten in Deutschland gaben an, Digitalisierung als wichtiges Thema zu betrachten. Jedoch sahen nur rund ein Fünftel der Befragten in der Digitalisierung einen Investitionsschwerpunkt.

      Digitalisierung wird von 80 Prozent der Befragten als das Schwerpunktthema für das Personalwesen im Handel im Jahr 2022 angesehen.

    2. Rund 80 Prozent der im Jahr 2021 Befragten in Deutschland gaben an, Digitalisierung als wichtiges Thema zu betrachten. Jedoch sahen nur rund ein Fünftel der Befragten in der Digitalisierung einen Investitionsschwerpunkt.

      50 Prozent der Befragten gaben an, dass der Einsatz einer HR-Software im Jahr 2022 von entscheidender Bedeutung für das Personalwesen im Handel sei.

  10. Jul 2021
  11. Dec 2020
    1. productivity gains for our highest value workers has been immense. The typical time-sucks and distractions of in-office work have been eliminated, as have their personal time investments like physically visiting the grocery store or running errands. Mental focus on productive efforts is near constant. Perhaps most importantly, work *travel* is not happening. Valuable collaborations with colleagues, customers, regulators or other partner companies aren’t delayed by the vagaries of the various groups’ availability to meet in person, navigating being in different cities, flights, hotels, etc. Collaboration happens as soon as you have the idea to meet via Zoom. And a lot *more* collaboration happens as a result. It may be lower productivity collaboration than meeting in person around a whiteboard (maybe), but the sheer quantity of it means on net there’s perhaps been a boom in cross-pollination of ideas

      Benefits of remote working, according to one executive

  12. Oct 2020
    1. Conclusiones

      Tratando de encontrarle una utilidad real al HR analytics, pudieran considerarse las siguientes:

      1. conocer los ingresos promedio que genera cada empleado, como una medida de la eficiencia de una organización
      2. conocer la tasa de aceptación de ofertas, es decir, el número de ofertas de trabajo formales aceptadas entre el número total de ofertas de trabajo, para redefinir la estrategia de adquisición de talento de la empresa.
      3. conocer los gastos de formación por empleado, para reevaluar el gasto de capacitación por empleado.
      4. conocer la eficiencia de la formación, analizando la mejora del rendimiento, para evaluar la eficacia de un programa de formación.
      5. conocer la tasa de rotación voluntaria e involuntaria, para identificar la experiencia de los empleados que lo conducen a la deserción voluntaria o para desarrollar un plan para mejorar la calidad de las contrataciones para evitar la rotación involuntaria.
      6. conocer el tiempo de reclutamiento y de contratación, para reducir este tiempo.
      7. conocer el absentismo, que es una métrica de productividad, o como un indicador de la satisfacción laboral de los empleados.
      8. conocer el riesgo de capital humano, para identificar la ausencia de una habilidad específica para ocupar un nuevo tipo de trabajo, o la falta de empleados calificados para ocupar puestos de liderazgo.
    2. Los Modelos HR Analytics

      Existe una gran variedad de software para HR analytics, entre otros Sisense, Domo, Clic data, Domo, Activ trak. Pero para utilizarlos un departamento de RRHH debe estar capacitado específicamente en ello.

    3. Lecciones aprendidas

      para utilizar esta herramienta se requiere que participen personas que conozcan los procesos organizacionales de la empresa, además de expertos en psicometría y analítica estadística.

    4. Human Resources Analytics (HR Analytics

      HR Analytics es una metodología para obtener datos de los empleados para analizarlos y hallar evidencias para la toma de decisiones estratégicas.

  13. Jul 2020
    1. How HR Consultancy Services works? Posted by yunicsolutions on July 28th, 2020Business organizations advance compelling unforeseen development, blend, and utilization of the work power. Because of the difficulties of the current work markets, they are wrestling with a ceaselessly befuddling degree of issues—from steady joblessness or underemployment to partition shifts and the effect of automated and innovative unforeseen development.Open business administrations are one of the tremendous conductors for acknowledging work and work exposes draws near. The HR business is experiencing terrific changes over the extent of HR associations, including determination, preparing and movement, action, assessments, preferences and prizes, HR Consultancy, HR improvement, HR re-appropriating, and HR directing.As section blocks are insignificant, the HR association space in India has an enormous number of players and the market is remarkably apportioned. Several associations are making in each HR association space. A couple of new kinds of organizations are ascending in India, including impermanent staffing, action preparing, foundation check, social picking, reward the board and ESOPs, and outplacement associations. Eventually, like never before, more grounded business organizations accept a verifiably huge activity in work planning, improving employability, and watching out for capacity puzzles and partner support plainly to chairmen and laborers through working differing exceptional work show programs. There are a couple of sorts of work organizations which are given by selection workplaces which are according to the accompanying;-PERMANENT STAFFINGPermanent delegates work for a business and are paid genuinely by that business. Suffering workers don't have a fated end date for business. Permanent Staffing is enrolment done on the general level. The up-and-comers are chosen for a principal level development; the competitors are generally new in the business.Different affiliations offer various kinds of organizations to draw in and hold workers. These organizations offer help to delegates in an assortment of approaches to manage to improve their work and individual life. Close by standard fortuitous focal points, for example, therapeutic organizations and managed time, different associations are making more approaches to manage keep workers fulfilled. A noteworthy bundle of these organizations can be executed in free associations at low expenses.LATERAL HIRINGAs the most enlisting boss and HR masters know, beguiling a top applicant away from their present work to one with a practically identical compensation and title can require a scramble of cleverness. Flat enlisting is somebody used "from the side", which suggests at a relative encounter and pay level as their past development. The lateral enlistment process invites on the table appropriate specific and fragile aptitudes. Also, this occupant would in like way be a lot of headings with industry accomplices. This is the clarification this is one of the most overwhelming enlisting practices.For a convincing Lateral Hiring, it's important that the following interest limits are clearly seen and portrayed explanation association objective and industry best practices.IT EnrollmentIT Administration is one of the most critical and huge associations that a business need. This time is the PC time span and you can't develop your business beside if you change as per the market turn which requests a specific technique to deal with the business.

      How HR Consultancy Services works? You might have came across many HR Consultancy services but do you want to know how they function? This article deals with the functioning of an HR Consultancy Firm.

  14. Jun 2020
    1. Human Resource is a part that has changed step by step. Everything from an individual’s examination, the recruiting procedure to programming frameworks, has developed. Since HR patterns continue transforming, it is fundamental for you to keep awake to-date on the present patterns. Throughout the previous 10 years, the consideration of HR has been on worker fulfillment and representative commitment. Today, there are a few instruments just as must-have assets that help you to fabricate an illuminate HR culture. The following are seven developing HR trends. Audit Culture & Ceaseless Input One of the most anticipated HR patterns is the way of life of audits and ceaseless input in the working environment. The techniques that individuals use to give criticism have changed throughout the years. As an HR chief or an administrator, you should concentrate on improving your specializations by giving continuous and productive input. As indicated by a few examinations, most workers would incline toward constant audits or input rather than the yearly execution surveys. This is on the grounds that the training encourages them to know where they may be turning out badly, and offer them an opportunity to address themselves before the yearly assessment. They don’t need to trust that a year will realize where they turned out badly. Ceaseless criticism will likewise enable the association to develop and stay away from huge losses. Review Culture & Continuous Feedback We have come to discover that activity fulfillment and execution go together. Both appear to create whenever representatives have a chance to investigate their inventiveness. Most driving endeavors apply this information to offer the development of their workers. By creating frameworks that gauge and furthermore oversee execution, you can have the option to accelerate development and notice the noteworthy change. It is indispensable to elevate the solid execution of the executive hiring to both individual-level and hierarchical level on the off chance that you need your organization to succeed. Digitized Prizes & Acknowledgment Probably the best spark for most workers has been getting applause and acknowledgment from their chiefs. Each individual anticipates that the pattern should progress. We as a whole plan to see digitized prizes and acknowledgment. Consequently, to make your representatives beneficial, advanced acknowledgment is a pattern you have to execute. Another HR pattern expected is shared acknowledgment. Start by utilizing the social stages and offer a reasonable stage for your representatives to perceive and remunerate their commitment. HR Bots (AI Driven HR) Another intriguing HR pattern to the center is AI-driven HR. Despite the fact that it isn’t required to dispense with the standard human HR, it will change and help to investigate the information. It will likewise aid the essential redundant HR assignments. At the point when you utilize Artificial knowledge in selecting the workforce, you will have the option to kill inclination. It will assist with getting to the competitors dependent on their requirements without partiality. Learning the Executives Frameworks The requirement for aptitudes advancement is significant for every one of your representatives regardless of which phase of the profession they are right now. Steady learning is required to be among the most well known and developing HR inclines. It is basic for any association that needs to develop to give learning chances to all representatives. Through learning, your representatives can have the option to improve their abilities and have the option to give the best while working. Your association can have to learn the board frameworks that will assist you with checking and track your workers learning process precisely, and furthermore help to advance cooperation between different offices in your organization. Increment in Low Maintenance Business & Unexpected Workforce The Board In most progressive nations, there is a standard pattern where in excess of 40 percent of representatives are being employed on an unforeseen premise. This implies you have to become familiar with your workforce structure and whether you can reevaluate organizing it. You have to learn and comprehend the sort of frameworks and advances that can be actualized in your association. Despite the fact that it isn’t down to earth for any association to receive another workforce structure in a flash, it is fundamental to know about the rising HR patterns. Remember that your workforce is the most basic resource in your association. Utilization of Online Expertise Evaluations Online evaluations have likewise gotten progressively famous as a successful ability to the executive’s device. Representative evaluation is not, at this point pretty much agreeing to an association’s rules. It is presently an indispensable piece of the executive system. In the present profoundly serious worldwide economy, an association must have a grasp of what precisely the workforce knows, or doesn’t have the foggiest idea. Online appraisals including tests, overviews, tests, and tests have been utilized to alleviate the dangers of depending on negligible self-evaluation. Wellness & Health Applications to Create Representative Commitment Another essential HR functions pattern that most associations are required to concentrate on is wellness and wellbeing applications. Most organizations nowadays are concentrating on making life and work balance. In the event that you need your representatives to be beneficial, and to have the option to assemble a practical workforce, you have to adjust work and life. To accomplish this target, you can present health and wellness application for your workers. The applications will assist with making harmony between their expertise and their own lives. For instance, your representatives can approach dietary directing, yoga, and work and life advising among numerous others. From People Analytics to Analytics For The Individuals An absence of trust can impact numerous workforce investigation endeavors. On the off chance that the emphasis is fundamentally on productivity and control, workers will question if there are any advantages for them. In general there is a move to more worker driven associations, albeit now and again you can question how real the endeavors are to improve the representative experience. Posing the inquiry: “By what method will the representatives profit by this exertion?” is a decent beginning stage for a great many people examination ventures. It additionally assists with making purchase in, which turns out to be progressively significant. Simply estimating the “disposition” of workers, and other key individuals markers (efficiency, residency) doesn’t really carry advantages to representatives. It may really reverse discharge: workers feel that they are controlled, and their voice isn’t heard. Learning In the Progression of Work It has any kind of effect if a representative must look effectively for a learning module that the individual needs, or if that the small scale learning module is offered at a suitable second in the work process, in light of on-going perceptions of the conduct the worker. In the event that there is a gathering with organization X in your journal, your own learning help may ask: “Would you like to study organization X?”. In the event that you are stuck in structuring a troublesome Excel large scale, the Excel chatbot asks you: “Would I be able to assist you with designing the full scale?”. On the off chance that you have a gathering planned with a representative with a low presentation rating (the PC gets this data in the HRIS), you are offered a short module “how to manage to fail to meet expectations workers”. During your online deals call, you get recommendations in your screen on the most proficient method to improve the discussion (“Ask a few inquiries”, “Attempt to close”), and thereafter your discussion is contrasted and top tier models, bringing about some learning focuses. Comprehensive authority The desires workers and different partners have of authority, are frequently excessively high. Frequently you hear: “Change needs to begin at the top”, and “Pioneers need to show others how its done”. These kinds of articulations can be deadening. On the off chance that workers are sitting tight for directions from the top and get debilitated if their pioneers are not immaculate people, associations will be in an awful shape. Changing initiative into progressively comprehensive administration can be gainful to associations. Comprehensive initiative has been centredaround the attributes of the comprehensive head. It is additionally about the attributes of the association and the way to deal with initiative turn of events. I despite everything see numerous administration improvement educational plans that are develop customarily: a restrictive program for the best, a program for centre administrators and the leader program for high possibilities. Set-ups like this don’t strengthen comprehensive authority. Time for HR to start new methodologies. Efficiency In the most recent years, there has not been a great deal of spotlight on efficiency. We see a moderate change at the skyline. Generally, limit issues have been fathomed by enlisting new individuals. This has prompted a few issues. I have seen this multiple times in quickly developing scale-ups. As the development is constrained by the capacity the find new individuals, the choice rules are (regularly unknowingly) brought down, the same number of individuals are required quick. These new individuals are not as gainful as the current group. Since you have more individuals, you need more directors. Lower quality individuals and more administrators brings down profitability. Another methodology is, to concentrate more on expanding the profitability of the current representatives, rather than recruiting extra staff, and on improving the choice measures. Utilizing individuals examination, you can attempt to discover the qualities of top performing individuals and groups, and the conditions that encourage top execution. These discoveries can be utilized to build efficiency and to choose competitors that have the attributes of top entertainers. At the point when profitability expands, you need less individuals to convey similar outcomes. Corporate & Representative Activism Numerous associations are still deep down centered. The key inquiry is more “How might we take care of our issues?” than “how might we take care of issues in our general public?”. Taking responsibility for corporate social duty can be more than offering representatives the chance to do great on one day out of every year. Research by Povaddo indicated that the greater part of those working in America’s biggest organizations feel that corporate America needs to assume a progressively dynamic job in tending to significant cultural issues. There are sufficient issues to handle. Representatives are eager to contribute. HR can assume a significant job in encouraging and invigorating corporate/representative activism. Main concern While no individual can determine what HR patterns 2018 will offer, specialists and various examinations focuses towards representative fulfillment and advanced devices. In any case, one thing to be certain is that innovation will affect the HR office, and how they work. To remain on top of things, you should begin setting up your association at the earliest opportunity. Be that as it may, however the above HR patterns guarantee astounding occasions ahead, you ought to be mindful.You ought to think about computerized instruments as a help for your association procedures, and not for them to drive your association completely. It is urgent to be open and adaptable before grasping new innovations to help your HR office. Likewise, don’t dismiss the master plan in view of the accessibility of apparatuses and rising patterns. You have to learn, comprehend, break down and counsel generally before responding to any of the rising patterns. For instance, AI is a phenomenal device that is the eventual fate of HR and different offices. Notwithstanding, you have to become familiar with the advantages and the issues that can’t be unravelled by the Bots. Today, the HR office is not, at this point a help work. Henceforth, it is important to have appropriate framework this basic office

      HR Practices are very essential for your business to organize your business. In this article, we bring you top 10 Trending HR Practices In Organization.

    1. Recruitment Process Outsourcing An Extension of Business HR Needs Recruitment Process Outsourcing or RPO service is a  service where a business outsource their HR needs to a professional HR firm like Yunic solutions.  Let's Talk We Hire the Best For You!! Recruitment Process Outsourcing Explore to get exclusive RPO services Head Hunting Recruitment Head Hunting is a process of recruiting a prospecting employee, who offers an exceptional experience in the industry you serve. Having an experienced employee on your side instead of your competitors can turn tables and make your business grow exponentially. Find More Manpower Recruitment Manpower Recruitment is a recruitment where a recruitment of manpower is done by determining the requirement of the organization.  Find More Sales Outsourcing Sales outsourcing is a process where an organization outsource their sales processes to a sales professional firm like Yunic Solutions.  Find More Corporate Training Providing training and education to your team is essential to make your business profitable. Developing your employee skills ensures they are up to date with the industry. Yunic Solutions helps your team in learning new skills and improve their performance.  Find More Let’s Make Awesome Things, Together Tell Us About Your Business. Get Free Consultation Get in touch with us Hire an Expert Address: B4, 238, Pocket 4, Sector 7, Rohini, Delhi, PIN-110085 hr@yunicsolutions.com +91-90575 36218 Find Us Follow Us Facebook Linkedin Twitter Instagram Send us a message We Solve your query asap! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Business Name *Website linkContact Number *MessageCheckboxessubscribe to newsletterPhoneSubmit Yunic Solutions Yunic Solutions is a complete HR, Recruitment and Staffing solution firm based in Delhi. We provide end to end Recruitment. We strive to place the right candidate for the right job, so that they are able to create a niche for themselves and give the best to the Employer . Stay Updated-Newsletter(function() { window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { listeners: [], forms: { on: function(evt, cb) { window.mc4wp.listeners.push( { event : evt, callback: cb } ); } } } })(); Email address: Leave this field empty if you're human: Important LinksHome About Our Services Lateral Hiring Executive & Leadership Search Permanent Staffing Contract Staffing IT Recruitment Recruitment Process Outsourcing Additional Services Contact Resources Blog Follow Us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Instagram Cop

      Yunic Solutions is considered the best RPO consultancy in India helping many businesses with RPO recruitments in India and delivering the best RPO Services.

  15. May 2020
    1. Contact Big and successful businesses are built on a talented workforce this is not just a saying but a solid fact. Hiring an employee is one of the most important tasks for a business and it becomes even more critical when it comes to hiring the right employee.  From Mark Zuckerberg to Richard Brandson every billionaire has similar thoughts when it comes to building the team and every one of them has one thing in common, they always seek quality, punctuality, and skills in an employee. Hiring an employee could be challenging also it may seem like a play of fate and this is a very common feeling but, having a guide or tips on how to hire the right employee could help you in tons. So, here is the list of 7 best tips on hiring the right employee. Make a Plan No matter what you do, planning is the very first step when it comes to achieving a goal. A written plan which contains essential components of the hiring like job descriptions, a skill required, Pay grade, timing, etc. is needed to hire a person. The plan that you make for hiring must contain various details regarding the requirement of the job. The details that would want to add in the plan is as follows-  Title  The post or title of the job that you’re looking for should also be given clearly. Someone who’s educated enough to be a CEO wouldn’t want to be a normal worker. Hence, the specifications of the position while looking for a new candidate should be clear.  Pay Grade  For hiring the new employees, you should first and foremost be true about the pay grade. Pay grades facilitate the employment process by providing a fixed framework of salary ranges, as opposed to a free negotiation. So, you should just align with the grading system to let your company work smoothly.  Reporting Person Reporting Person means the person who prepares reports on updates, progresses, accomplishments, etc. of the employees as well as the company in total. While hiring new employees, you should first submit their resumes to this person so that he can well-prepare a report and it gets easier for you to decide.  Timings You should also clearly mention the shift timings while looking out or hiring new employees. The working hours, the holidays, the relaxations should be clearly told to them and see if they can work with it or not.  Department Name You should also clearly defined the department for which you’re trying to hire the new employees. Human resource departments are often organized along with functions and may be hierarchical in nature. Common units in human resource departments include recruiting, training and development, compensation and benefits administration, health and safety, and employee and labor relations.  Job Summary, Purpose/Value A job summary is a brief, general statement regarding the important functions and responsibilities that comes with a job. Job summaries hold a huge role in enticing a qualified candidate to apply for the position and an employee’s performance of his or her responsibilities.  Challenges With a job, comes its challenges. So you should explain the kind of challenges that your newly appointed employee is going to face and mentally prepare. If your plan contains details like these then it becomes easy for you to post job requirements on job portals as well so, having a written plan on the hiring process is very important. Internal Job Rotation When we talk about hiring, we always think about finding a new person and use his services but, internal job rotation is something that no one thinks of and in certain conditions the best choice. If someone from your Department “A” has skills and talent to handle Department “B” then why not promote him/her to department “B”. There are many reasons why internal job rotation is better than hiring a new person, but to name a few- employee retention encourages development, eliminates boredom, and much more. Culture Fit If you want to hire the right employee, you need to make sure that they’ll fit in the company culture, your team, as well as the job. The best way to do that is by setting up a good interview panel. The interview panel is the one who asks questions and reviews the profile of the person to be hired. So asking a few cultural questions, liking, interest, hobbies, etc. helps the interview panel in deciding whether they’ll be a good match for our business or not. Go Beyond the Resumes Resumes are the best-foot-forward of a person. You need to go beyond that. A resume contains a person’s experiences, education, the last job is done, and much more but a person is much more than a piece of paper so, analyzing a person on the bases of personality, attitude, and style of speaking should also be analyzed thoroughly. Background reference Background reference is a very critical part of the hiring process. It is done to ensure that whoever you are hiring has a clean record. You can use the information provided by the employee like aadhaar card, social security number, etc. we can identify whether the person seeking a job is criminal or not. You can get police verification done along with enquiring with the previous employer. Competency Mapping Competency mapping is a process of identifying the competencies of an employee based on education and skills. When a person does a job basically he is using his skills and experiences in the job to get a favorable outcome. As a business manager or CEO, your job is to help your employee in bringing the best out of them and that can be easily done by working on their skills, education, and experience. Many business hire special corporate training specialists to train their employees and motivate them to achieve a better result in the job they do. When you are hiring a person it becomes hard for you to identify the competency of a person, at such situations you need to look at their previous work, question them on technical grounds, and watch their skill in action by conducting a test. Choose a Good Employment Agency Many small businesses often hire an employment agency to make their recruitment easy but they often miss out on key information on identifying a good employment agency. Basically, there are three types of recruitment agencies which are as follows- General Recruitment AgencyStaff Recruitment AgencyExecutive Recruitment AgencyAll in one agency Genera Recruiting Agency helps you find industry-based staff meaning this agency focuses on a niche industry like healthcare, engineering, etc. A staff recruitment agency is focused on temporary staffing solutions, this type of recruiting is done for seasonal businesses or project-based hiring. Executive Recruitment Agency is the agency that helps businesses in recruiting in executive positions like CEO, CFO, and Managers, etc. You can categorize the top-level position to C-level positions in this type of recruiting. As the name suggests, All in one recruitment agency is the agency that provides all these services like Yunic Solutions, We provide multiple recruitment services in every industry. After selecting the type of agency, you can decide your budget and go about researching the best recruitment agencies. Hiring the right employee in a nutshell Hiring the right employee is all about the experience. For some people, the first employee could be the right employee and for some people no employee is the right employee.But in general, Hiring is a core HR process that is essential for business and requires dedicated time and effort.

      Hiring the right employee is very important for any business. You can use these 7 tips on hiring the right employee to ensure you get the best quality team.

    1. Contact We Hire Best For you! Best HR Recruiting Agency Finding well-qualified team members for your business is essential to make your business grow. Yunic Solutions is the human resource consulting firm that helps businesses in finding the best team. We become an extension for your organization, providing expert guidance, proven strategies, and recommendations. Our consulting sessions has several layers and processes to suit the various need of your organization. Let's Talk How We Can Help You? Yunic Solution ranks among the best HR recruitment firm helping businesses in getting quality team members. We provide you with highly talented and dedicated individuals how can offer your business their greatest service. We provide you various services like: Recruiting quality employees Quality is better than quantity and Yunic Solutions believes in that, therefore, we help you get only the quality employees with an amazing set of skills that helps your business to grow. High Performing TeamTeam performance is the matrices that differentiate between the best and the worst. In this competitive world, having a high performing team helps your business in standing out from your competitors. Reduce Turnaround timeTime is very important for any business and we understand that so our service saves your precious time and effort by only recruiting quality team members. Services Executive & Leadership Search As the name suggests, the hiring in done for high level positing on the corporate ladder. Here we recruit highly qualified candidates for senior-level and executive-level jobs like CEOs, CFOs, Business Heads, and VPs. Read More Lateral Hiring Lateral Recruitment is the process of recruiting an industrial expert for a high-level job to compete in the highly competitive industry. The industrial expert is a pioneer in their field making it very profitable for you to hire. Read More Permanent Staffing Permanent Staffing is the recruitment done on the common level. Here, the candidates are recruited for a basic level job, the candidates are relatively new in the industry. Read More More Services What’s our process? Tell us about yourself To serve you better, we call you and try to learn about your organization and understand the requirements.  Let's make it formal This step is very important as this helps us in making everything official and contribute efforts towards common the goal. Benchmarking Benchmarking is done to ensure we offer the best and quality service to you. We value your time so, we only accept qualified candidates. Approaching candidates We approach a variety of candidates based on their skills, qualification, and experience along with the benchmark you set and schedule an appointment. Interview process Your dedicated account manager coordinate with you and schedule an appointment for the candidate.  Candidate selection We seal the deal by approaching candidates and negotiate your offering with them and resolve any issue that arises. About Us Yunic Solutions is an HR recruitment firm providing effortless and quality employment services. The goal was simply to find the most talented people and make them our client’s team members. We know how important it is to have a high performing team that focuses on business growth and expansion, therefore, we offer our clients seamless and amazing HR solutions for their firm. Inspired By Innovation Innovation leads to higher productivity, exponential growth and this is what we know for. We always try to improve ourselves by taking an innovative approach. Powered By Passion Human Resource is our passion and we believe that every human has the potential to reach greater heights all they need is the right guidance. Experiment By Exploring It is one of our belief that exploring always leads us to discovery and this philosophy has been a game-changer for us as it leads us to find many valuable opportunities. Delight By Deliverables We take delight when our customer gets delivered the best that far exceeds their expectation. We try to deliver the highest value possible to our clients and helps them reach their goals. Nominated for India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2020 Yunic Solutions is honored to tell you that our firm is nominated for India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2020. Founded by research group of benchmark trust it is one highly recognized awards. Why Partner with us? We Love Startups Most of the time employment services agency aims for a well established business to make more money but here at Yunic Solutions, we view every business as an equal opportunity to help business grow. We are Process Oriented Processes are very important as they helps you in designing your way to success. Our innovative processes are customized based on the requirements of the businesses and they industry they serve in. Best Employment Services We are one of the best employment services in the market this is not what we say, it's our clients who refers us as the best employment agencies in India. What our Customers say I have worked very closely with the Yunic Solutions HR team and they have helped us to close many niche hires. I find the team committed to quality service delivery and open to feedback. Akshay Ahuja Founder and CEO Robochamps India Professionalism at its best. Yunic Solutions helped me getting a quality team and professional people who helped me taking my business to a new height. Nikhil Dua Founder Nedge Technologies I recommend Kush and his team at Yunic Solutions for their strong client focus and professionalism in understanding, researching and iterating for the right fitment and sharing the urgency for successful closure of search assignments. Mukul Dhall CEO & Founder, Smart School Education Yunic Solutions have always shown sincere interest in the deliverable for skills across levels. Their participation in requirement understanding commendable. I have always relied on their round the clock availability. Anish Kumar CIO, TechChef

      Get the best HR Consultancy services from the best HR consultants in India. We offer end-to-end recruitment solutions across various industries.

  16. Apr 2020
    1. Duration from onset of symptoms to radiological confirmation of pneumonia, days5 (3–9)5 (3–7)Duration from onset of symptoms to ICU admission, days9 (6–12)11 (7–14)Heart rate, beats per min89 (20)89 (15)Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg133 (20)140 (21)
    1. Heart rate, respiratory rate, and mean arterial pressure did not differ between patients who received ICU care and patients who did not receive ICU care. These measures were recorded on day of hospital admission for all patients, then divided into those who were later admitted to the ICU or not.
  17. Dec 2019
    1. Из чего же складывается бренд? Из зарплат и ожиданий, рабочего окружения и настроенных процессов, культуры компании и разговоров у кулера.
    2. И если к вам все же попала звезда (настоящая, а не фейковая), трудностей будет много. Во-первых, одна звезда не будет работать за всю команду, вкалывать придется по-прежнему. Во-вторых, звездному сотруднику нужны полномочия и свобода принятия решений, а это понравится не всем. В-третьих, сильному работнику нужно сильное руководство. А есть еще и в-черветрых, и в-пятых. Так что звезда — это, конечно, хорошо, но это точно не волшебная палочка для бренда.
    3. Многие таланты работают настолько ярко, что становятся настоящими звездами. Когда работодатель хочет нанять звездного сотрудника, то чаще всего ищет золотую таблетку, которая поможет от всего и сразу.
    4. С талантами тяжело всегда: начиная с ситуации, когда его нужно привлечь (а чем вы его заинтересуете?), заканчивая тем, что его придется удерживать. Талантливому человеку нужно не только материальное вознаграждение, хотя без награды даже начать работу не получится — таланты знают себе цену, а если их недооценивать, начинают чахнуть и теряют хватку. Сверхпродуктивным людям (а именно сверхпродуктивность и определяет талант) всегда нужно показывать цель, ставить сложные задачи и вызовы. Вообще, построить отношения с талантом — это искусство, которое требует времени и щедрости.
    5. Экспертов можно нанять — но это рискованный процесс. Вдруг окажется, что методы работы и ценности такого стороннего эксперта не совпадают с методами и ценностями компании. Будет больно и безрезультатно. Экспертов можно мотивировать. Ведь те, кто работает в компании, эксперты в своем деле (не зря же их наняли), другой вопрос, как их привлечь к формированию HR-бренда. Система мотивации у каждого своя, но не надо бояться использовать бонусы, привилегии, рейтинги и награды.
    6. Хорошо, когда компанию представляют эксперты. Но вот найти их — одна из самых сложных задач.
  18. Aug 2019
    1. Mr.S.hasgivenrepeatedassur—anceofhisentireapprobationoftheobjectoftheBoardinsend-ingmissionariestotheseIndians,andhasconstantlyexpressedawillingnesstoaideverywayinhispowerinadvancingthework.WecannotbutregarditasfavourableindicationondivineProvidence,thatheentertainsanopinionsofavourabletomissionaryoperationsher

      Schoolcraft wants a Mission



    1. sdesirousofaschoolatornearhisgoat,&lof£er§<$odéVall,inhispowertoaidinoaae.apersonissenthere

      Schoolcraft wants a school in this area and will work with Boutwell to make it happen (at Red Lake over Sandy Lake because of the land is better at Red Lake)

    2. r8.heredistributedpresentstotheInde.mostofthemhavesidedusincarryin

      Schoolcraft gave gifts to the male and female Natives who helped carry supplies

  19. Jun 2019
    1. ObjectsconnectedwiththepoliticalconditionoftheChippewaysinhabitingtheupperMississippi,haveinducedtheDepartmentofWartonotifymethatitisdeemedimportantIshouldvisitthesebands,duringtheensuingseason.Theopportunitywillbefavourableforinquiringintotheirmoral,aswellaspoliticalnecessities.Andtheregionis,onseveralaccounts,averyattractivefieldofevangelicalobservation.HavingbeeninformedthattheAmericanBoardhavedirectedtheirattentiontothishithertoneglectedquarter,andthatitisinaccordancewiththeirwishestoprocureauthenticinformationrespectingit,IhaveinvitedtheRev'dMrBoutwelltoaccompanyme,feelingpersonally,adeepinterestinthesuccessoftheireffortstobettertheconditionoftheChippewanation

      Board sent HR Schoolcraft to "neglected" Chippeway territory to gather information about the area (viability of missionaries?)



  20. Aug 2018
    1. Patreon Engineering Levels

      Engineering focus, but a very detailed rubric of how to rank different personnel levels. Could maybe be generalized/adapted for other fields.

  21. Feb 2017
    1. Oakwood International offers the best HR Consultancy Services, training and coaching in the UK and UAE with 15 years’ experience in Middle East Oakwood. For further details visit them now.

  22. Dec 2016
    1. We noticed that this increment in productivity was a consequence of the student s’ involvement in the planning, estimation and controlactivities in each sprint. This practice reinforced the commitment and the responsibility of each student and favored the leaders’ development, which also contributed to motivate the team.

      This is gold to keep your employees. We moved away from giving foosball and pool tables, remote work or shares. Millennials are transcending the vertical hierarchy. The Age of Information requires respect of the intellectual self.

  23. Aug 2015
    1. Workday, a human resources software company, makes a similar product called Collaborative Anytime Feedback that promises to turn the annual performance review into a daily event.
    2. data that allows individual performance to be measured continuously, come-and-go relationships between employers and employees
  24. Jan 2014
    1. Here’s a simple test: If your company has a performance bonus plan, go up to a random employee and ask, “Do you know specifically what you should be doing right now to increase your bonus?” If he or she can’t answer, the HR team isn’t making things as clear as they need to be.
    1. We also believed in market-based pay and would tell employees that it was smart to interview with competitors when they had the chance, in order to get a good sense of the market rate for their talent. Many HR people dislike it when employees talk to recruiters, but I always told employees to take the call, ask how much, and send me the number—it’s valuable information.
    1. HR people can’t believe that a company the size of Netflix doesn’t hold annual reviews. “Are you making this up just to upset us?” they ask. I’m not. If you talk simply and honestly about performance on a regular basis, you can get good results—probably better ones than a company that grades everyone on a five-point scale.
    1. Instead, we tried really hard to not hire those people, and we let them go if it turned out we’d made a hiring mistake.
    2. One day I was talking with one of our best engineers, an employee I’ll call John. Before the layoffs, he’d managed three engineers, but now he was a one-man department working very long hours. I told John I hoped to hire some help for him soon. His response surprised me. “There’s no rush—I’m happier now,” he said. It turned out that the engineers we’d laid off weren’t spectacular—they were merely adequate. John realized that he’d spent too much time riding herd on them and fixing their mistakes. “I’ve learned that I’d rather work by myself than with subpar performers,” he said. His words echo in my mind whenever I describe the most basic element of Netflix’s talent philosophy: The best thing you can do for employees—a perk better than foosball or free sushi—is hire only “A” players to work alongside them. Excellent colleagues trump everything else.
    3. Despite her work ethic, her track record, and the fact that we all really liked her, her skills were no longer adequate. Some of us talked about jury-rigging a new role for her, but we decided that wouldn’t be right. So I sat down with Laura and explained the situation—and said that in light of her spectacular service, we would give her a spectacular severance package. I’d braced myself for tears or histrionics, but Laura reacted well: She was sad to be leaving but recognized that the generous severance would let her regroup, retrain, and find a new career path. This incident helped us create the other vital element of our talent management philosophy: If we wanted only “A” players on our team, we had to be willing to let go of people whose skills no longer fit, no matter how valuable their contributions had once been. Out of fairness to such people—and, frankly, to help us overcome our discomfort with discharging them—we learned to offer rich severance packages.