74 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. integrationswith the mission-focused LER wallet companies or the entrance of a few general-purpose walletproviders, such as ApplePay or GooglePay, into the hiring ecosystem. Both Apple and Google arealready experimenting with housing digital driver’s license information for a number of U.S. states, andexpansion into storing digital credential information may be a viable, incremental step for them

      Might some see this as a call to pay close attention, get involved, and push for public/public good solutions? Or will we default to leaning on FAANG to provide our "free" wallets and control or even own more of our data?

  2. May 2024
    1. There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is the prop-erty right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and fur-niture. But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. Full owner-ship comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it.

      Apparently, the real ownership of a book, to make it a part of oneself, you need to mark it up. To make use of marginalia, according to Adler that is.

      I personally don't like Marginalia, as I want to keep my books clean, which is why I use Luhmann's bibliography card method, but perhaps Adler can convince me of the opposite. We shall see.

  3. Apr 2024
    1. Inthe case of good books, the point is notto see how many of them you can getthrough, but rather how many can getthrough you—how many you can makeyour own

      This is not only a nice quote by itself, but seems to be saying something deeper to me about productivity.

      There's a difference in productivity for it's own sake, but being both productive in the send of time spent efficiently and productive in the sense of producing something of greater value with your time than you might have spent doing something else which was less valuable, but which might still have been time well spent.

  4. Feb 2024
    1. I'm not sure if I should write it in the answer directly, but I could also say that when an OP simply rolls back an edit without preemptively stating any reasoning in a comment etc., that tends to create the impression that OP is misguidedly claiming "ownership" of the content or feels entitled to reject changes without needing a reason.
    2. In principle, therefore, everyone has a say in the editing of posts, including the author. However, authors do not "own" the content here; it is licensed irrevocably to the site under a permissive Creative Commons license, which enables those edits.
    1. Molly White on 'ownership' wrt digital stuff. Check for the various aspects she lifts out. wrt 'your data' Vgl [[On Selling Access to Your Data and Ownership of Data – Interdependent Thoughts 20220209114247]] and [[Saying My Data Is Too Imprecise]]. For (personal) data ownership is not a useful concept.

  5. Aug 2023
    1. So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data. So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.”
      • for: smart cities, doughnut cities, cosmolocal, downscaled planetary boundaries, cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, TPF, community data, local data, open data, community data ownership, quote, quote - Garth Graham, quote - community owned data
      • quote
      • paraphrase
        • Innovation in the creation and sustainability of social institutions acts predominantly at the local level.
        • In the Internet of Things, for those capacities to emerge in smart cities, communities need the capacity to own and analyse the data created that models what they are experiencing.
        • Local data needs to be seen as a common, pool resource.
        • Where that occurs, communities will have the capacity to learn or innovate their way forward.
        • So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data.
        • So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.
      • author: Garth Graham
        • leader of Telecommunities Canada
  6. May 2023
  7. Feb 2023
    1. Today’s students carry access to boundlessinformation that Eco’s students could not have begun tofathom, but Eco’s students owned every word they carried.

      This is a key difference in knowledge mastery...

  8. Nov 2022
    1. the front endpapers are oftenthe most important. Some people reserve them for a fancybookplate.

      Adler and Van Doren indicate that outlining the arguments and structure of a book on its endpapers is a better and higher measurement of one's ownership of a text compared to a bookplate which only indicates the lower level of "financial" ownership.

    2. . Full ownership of a bookonly comes when you have made it a part of yourself, and thebest way to make yourself a part of it-which comes to thesame thing-is by writing in it.
  9. Aug 2022
    1. Theowner of a resource is by definition the one hold-ing the private encryption keys.

      definition of "owner of a resource"



    1. The strongest clash in values between Indigenous knowledge systems and Western knowledge systems lies in who ‘owns’ the knowledge, who has the right to ‘transmit’ it and who has the right to ‘receive’ it.
  10. Jul 2022
    1. Many other investors are also working to broaden ownership of their companies. Insight Global, a staffing company owned by Harvest Partners and Leonard Green, gave each of its 4,500 employees a pathway to ownership: the quit rate fell from 45 per cent in 2017 to 14 per cent today. Similar results have been seen at SRS, a roofing products distributor owned by Berkshire Partners and Leonard Green. Ownership was broadened, employee engagement improved and the quit rate declined by three quarters.

      it seems like the benefits of employee ownership are the highest when... * engagement is low * you have a high cashflow / profitable business that someone would actually want to buy

    2. Ingersoll Rand shared ownership with all of its 16,000 employees across more than 80 countries. Over time, the company’s quit rate has dropped from 20 per cent to below 3 per cent. Employee engagement scores from internal company data rocketed from the 20th percentile to the 90th percentile
  11. Jun 2022
    1. “So I’m supposed to ask the Lakota Language Consortium if I can use my own Lakota language,” Taken Alive asked in one of many TikTok posts that would come to define his social media presence. 

      Based on some beyond the average knowledge of Indigenous cultures, I'm reading some additional context into this statement that is unlikely to be seen or understood by those with Western-only cultural backgrounds who view things from an ownership and capitalistic perspective.

      There's a stronger sense of identity and ownership of language and knowledge within oral traditions than can be understood by Westerners who didn't grow up with it.

      He obviously feels like we're stealing from him all over again. We need better rules and shared definitions between Indigenous peoples and non before embarking on these sorts of projects.

    2. “No matter how it was collected, where it was collected, when it was collected, our language belongs to us. Our stories belong to us. Our songs belong to us,” Taken Alive, who teaches Lakota to elementary school students, told the tribal council in April. 
    1. Capital and Ideology examines the creation of what Piketty terms “ownership societies” that valued and maintained high concentrations of private wealth, along with their brief reversal in the mid-20th century (aided by new instruments of social democracy, including the nationalization of key infrastructures and services, public education, health and pension reforms, and progressive taxation).

      Self preservation mechanisms of the elite capital class (ie. investment vehicles) keeps power in power.

  12. Apr 2022
    1. std::shared_ptr can be used when you need multiple smart pointers that can co-own a resource. The resource will be deallocated when the last std::shared_ptr goes out of scope. std::weak_ptr can be used when you want a smart pointer that can see and use a shared resource, but does not participate in the ownership of that resource.

      weak_ptr 的适用场景

  13. Mar 2022
  14. Dec 2021
    1. When the user stores his thoughts in his own filing cabinet, these thoughts are no longer his own but those of his filing cabinet.

      The definition of ownership here is at odds. The person invented the thought, they're just storing it somewhere else that isn't their own brain. This doesn't release ownership necessarily.

  15. May 2021
    1. I had always assumed – without realising the assumption – that the ancient knowledge keepers would have progressed around the henge posts or stones much as I do around a memory palace. It hadn’t occurred to me that there may be experts on each topic, ‘owning’ each post or stone and the knowledge it represented. Is there any way the archaeology could ever tell us if this is the case?

      Personally, I had assumed from Kelly's work that individual knowledge keepers may have done this. Particularly in the cases of the most advanced and protected knowledge based on the private spaces she discussed.

      The question about archaeology being able to tell us is a very good one. Nothing immediately comes to mind, but it's worthwhile to look at this. Could some artifacts indicate different artists through their own craft be a way of differentiation?

  16. Apr 2021
    1. Parks don't need predatory landlords either. They could be subdivided into individual plots and owned individually, or set up as a co-op. Local cities could even buy and lease homes on a social housing model, or just rent out the land, at whatever it costs to cover expenses.

      some good solid words, which i wasn't sure were coming. i am very interested in seeing some of these pursued actively.

  17. Mar 2021
  18. Feb 2021
    1. cultural capital

      Introduced by Pierre Bourdieu in the 1970s, the concept has been utilized across a wide spectrum of contemporary sociological research. Cultural capital refers to ‘knowledge’ or ‘skills’ in the broadest sense. Thus, on the production side, cultural capital consists of knowledge about comportment (e.g., what are considered to be the right kinds of professional dress and attitude) and knowledge associated with educational achievement (e.g., rhetorical ability). On the consumption side, cultural capital consists of capacities for discernment or ‘taste’, e.g., the ability to appreciate fine art or fine wine—here, in other words, cultural capital refers to ‘social status acquired through the ability to make cultural distinctions,’ to the ability to recognize and discriminate between the often-subtle categories and signifiers of a highly articulated cultural code. I'm quoting here from (and also heavily paraphrasing) Scott Lash, ‘Pierre Bourdieu: Cultural Economy and Social Change’, in this reader.

  19. Nov 2020
    1. I increasingly don’t care for the world of centralized software. Software interacts with my data, on my computers. Its about time my software reflected that relationship. I want my laptop and my phone to share my files over my wifi. Not by uploading all my data to servers in another country. Especially if those servers are financed by advertisers bidding for my eyeballs.
  20. Oct 2020
    1. you are granting us the right to use your User Content without the obligation to pay royalties to any third party
    2. You or the owner of your User Content still own the copyright in User Content sent to us, but by submitting User Content via the Services, you hereby grant us an unconditional irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully transferable, perpetual worldwide licence to use, modify, adapt, reproduce, make derivative works of, publish and/or transmit, and/or distribute and to authorise other users of the Services and other third-parties to view, access, use, download, modify, adapt, reproduce, make derivative works of, publish and/or transmit your User Content in any format and on any platform, either now known or hereinafter invented.
    1. By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed (for clarity, these rights include, for example, curating, transforming, and translating). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same.
    1. You’re giv­ing up far more than de­sign choice. Mr. Williams de­scribes Medium’s key ben­e­fit as res­cu­ing writ­ers from the “ter­ri­ble dis­trac­tion” of for­mat­ting chores. But con­sider the cost. Though he’s bait­ing the hook with de­sign, he’s also ask­ing you, the writer, to let him con­trol how you of­fer your work to read­ers. Mean­ing, to get the full ben­e­fit of Medium’s de­sign, you have to let your story live on Medium, send all your read­ers to Medium, have your work per­ma­nently en­tan­gled with other sto­ries on Medium, and so on—a sig­nif­i­cant concession.

      You're definitely not owning your own data.

  21. Sep 2020
  22. Aug 2020
  23. Jul 2020
  24. Mar 2020
    1. By choosing Matomo, you are joining an ever growing movement. You’re standing up for something that respects user-privacy, you’re fighting for a safer web and you believe your personal data should remain in your own hands, no one else’s.
    2. 100% data ownership
    3. With Matomo, the philosophy around data ownership is simple, you own your data, no one else.
    4. People believe in us for that reason, and we will continue to champion the right for people to be in control of their data.
    1. our values remain the same – advocating for 100% data ownership, respecting user-privacy, being reliable and encouraging people to stay secure. Complete analytics, that’s 100% yours.
    2. Due to that, you have 100% data ownership as Matomo is hosted on your own servers and we have absolutely no way of gaining access to your data.

      Technically impossible for them to get your data if the data doesn't pass through them at all.

    3. when you choose Matomo Cloud, we acknowledge in our Terms that you own all rights, titles, and interest to your users’ data. We obtain no rights from you to your users data. This means we can’t on-sell it to third parties, we can’t claim ownership of it, you can export your data anytime

      Technically impossible for them to sell your data if the data doesn't pass through them at all.

  25. www.graphitedocs.com www.graphitedocs.com
    1. Own Your Encryption KeysYou would never trust a company to keep a record of your password for use anytime they want. Why would you do that with your encryption keys? With Graphite, you don't have to. You own and manage your keys so only YOU can decrypt your content.
  26. Oct 2019
  27. Jul 2019
  28. Jun 2019
  29. Apr 2019
    1. The challenge of recovery is to reestablish ownership of your body and your mind — of your self. This means feeling free to know what you know and to feel what you feel without becoming overwhelmed, enraged, ashamed, or collapsed. For most people this involves (1) finding a way to become calm and focused, (2) learning to maintain that calm in response to images, thoughts, sounds, or physical sensations that remind you of the past, (3) finding a way to be fully alive in the present and engaged with the people around you, (4) not having to keep secrets from yourself, including secrets about the ways that you have managed to survive
    1. technology companies have made it work that way. Ebook stores from Amazon, Apple, Google, Kobo, Barnes and Noble all follow broadly the same rules. You’re buying a licence to read, not a licence to own.

      Bear in mind that this "ownership" is common practice with Amazon, Apple, Google, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and other ones as well.

      It's not this way with non-DRM books, that you can download, and reuse as with physical books.

    2. There’s bad news for users of Microsoft’s eBook store: the company is closing it down, and, with it, any books bought through the service will no longer be readable.To soften the blow, the company has promised to refund any customers who bought books through the store (a clue that there may not have been that many of them, hence the closure. Microsoft did not offer further comment).

      How about this for posterity and owning what you buy?

  30. Feb 2019
    1. We refer to a way of life

      I view that through the lens of mindsets; I get there by learning that, when confronted with a life-threatening diagnosis, taking full ownership of the dx can save lives. I map that to strategies for preventing life-threatening diagnoses (think: all the complex, urgent issues about which Douglas Engelbart spoke).

  31. Aug 2018
    1. this possibility of increased ownership and agency over technology and a somewhat romantic idea I have that this can transfer to inspire ownership and agency over learning
  32. Jul 2018
    1. Young people learn best when actively engaged, creating, and solving problems they care about, and supported by peers who appreciate and recognize their accomplishments

      Motivate students through ownership.

    1. Newspaper Joe took the side of Brewer. He endorsed Brewer in the Southern Star.

      In Wallace Brewer fight paper took side of Brewer

    2. Joseph A. Adams, a Confederate veteran with no journalism experience, started the paper.

      Paper started by Joseph Adams, confederate soldier

    3. His family has owned the Southern Star since 1867.

      Adams family owns Southern Star since 1867

  33. Apr 2017

      A good primer in digital rights, privacy, ownership, etc.

    2. The ability to establish ownership claims to digital assets — of well-understood forms of intellectual property such as music, movies and books but also for emergent and increasingly critical ones such as computer code, digital art, user-generated data and metadata — will transform many of the 21st century’s largest negative externalities into a new asset class capable of powering the next economic revolution.
    3. What is needed is a trustworthy, secure, and enduring property system that is flexible enough to incorporate digital properties into any community’s broader property rights traditions
    4. a property is an asset plus a property title
    5. A valid ownership claim functions as a “bundle of rights” for a specific property and can include such rights as:the right to exclusive possessionthe right to exclusive use and enclosurethe right to transfer ownership (conveyance)the right to use as collateral to secure a debt (hypothecation)the right to subdivide (partition)
  34. Mar 2017
    1. With the dissemination of large textual data- bases via media such as disks, authors and editors lose control over their work: users can generate subsets, modify them according to their own sense of what constitutes improvements, and even change them so as to avoid charges of plagiarism and copyright infringement.

      Interesting how this sense of loss of control always comes back. I think nowadays we wouldn't say this. Cf. Shapiro et al 1985.

  35. Feb 2017
    1. gentlemen's kitchens.

      Im interested in this phrase simply because in most literature of this time the kitchen was truly the one thing women owned. It seems to me like this is a praise to African American men but still a stab at men in general. As if only men get the ability to own anything.

  36. Feb 2016
    1. o offset this state of emotional neutrality in classrooms, teachers must thoughtfully re consider how reading instruction may be reor ganized to rekindle a sense of joy and ownershi

      Yes! This sense of joy and ownership connected to literature is intended to create interest in literature that will last. Students would hopefully be proud of the book they read and as they grow up, be proud of books they own and can recommend to others. I know this is true for me.

  37. Nov 2015
    1. Companies that open source a project and then abandon it need to publicly acclaim the people taking over the project and make a clear change in ownership.
  38. Mar 2015
    1. You can expect to pay 50 cents a day. Or try DIY. This is where you will own your content.

      Rent to own?

      There is no ownership while we rent.

      We either own or increase our freedom of movement in and out of rental environments...or both.

  39. Jan 2015
    1. Make no mistake, in today's digital age, we are most definitely "renters" with virtually no rights—including rights to our data.
    2. The Internet of Things promises to create mountains upon mountains of data, but none of it will be yours.
    1. The big question, of course, is whether that player has to be a private capitalist corporation, or some federated, publicly-run set of services that could reach a data-sharing agreement free of monitoring by intelligence agencies.

      So there we are. It is pretty straight forward really.