- Nov 2024
blog.ayjay.org blog.ayjay.org
So look for this blog to become something like Cory Doctorow’s Memex Method, a commonplace book as a public database — though I prefer to call it the Mathom-house Method. There will be more posts here, I think. But for heaven’s sake if you don’t like, or don’t agree with, or otherwise disapprove of something I quote, don’t send me an email about it.
I always thought that Alan Jacobs blogging practice was a method of commonplacing and digital publishing all rolled up into one. Nice to see him lay out some of his thinking and method here.
- Jun 2024
Probably not. But it would do us good to remember that machines are supposed to make our lives better, not faster. Perhaps we should unplug just a little before we become undone. Such decompression is why we think so many Levenger customers savor the pensive pause of the fountain pen (which David McCullough also uses).
- Apr 2024
Laptops are ideal forwhen I research and write at the sametime, or when I work on several storiesat once, going back and forth amongwindows. But for everything else, Iseek a departure from my primaryworld. It’s a different type of writing,so I need a different tool.
- Feb 2024
bloqueneon.uniandes.edu.co bloqueneon.uniandes.edu.co
For digital tools themain concern has been with developing software that enables the accessing, manipulation, andtransformation of these digital archives for the use of scholars, particularly in the fields of Englishand History, with the emphasis on augmenting scholarly work through larger dataset analysis,sometimes called “distant reading”
Enfoque Herramientas Digitales. En cambio, con las Herramientas Digitales se evidencia esa interactividad entre datos, visualizaciones, mapeo, colecciones no estáticas.
"Se centra en el desarrollo de Software que permiten el acceso, la manipulación y la transformación, particularmente en los campos de inglés e historia".
digital archives and digital tools.
Dos enfoques: Archivos Digitales y Herramientas Digitales.
- Jan 2024
quartz.jzhao.xyz quartz.jzhao.xyz
The goal of Quartz is to make hosting your own public digital garden free and simple. You don’t even need your own website. Quartz does all of that for you and gives your own little corner of the internet. https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz
Quartz runs on top of Hugo so all notes are written in Markdown .
- Nov 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Do digital note taking tools extend the ranges of affordances versus their analog counterparts with respect to the SAMR model?
On the augmentation front, they allow one to capture things faster, but may do so at the loss of understanding due to the lack of active learning (versus passive as the tool may be robbing them of the interaction with the material).
There may be some workflow modification, but it's modest at best. Is it measurably better?
I'm unaware of anyone talking about technological redefinition of digital note taking affordances, though some of the surface level AI-related things may emerge here.
In some sense, I still think that the ease of remapping and rearranging/linking/relinking/outlining ideas in digital spaces doesn't exist, so digital note taking tools aren't doing very well even at the root substitution level.
I suspect that some people weren't exposed to the general process of good note taking and their subsequent use for linking, developing, and then creating and as a result of learning this, they're attributing their advances to the digital nature of their tools rather than the original analog process which was always there and isn't necessarily improved measurably by the digital modality.
- Oct 2023
www.thenewatlantis.com www.thenewatlantis.com
Links are associative. This is a huge deal. Links are there not only as a quick way to get to source material. They aren’t a way to say, hey here’s the interesting thing of the day. They remind you of the questions you need to ask, of the connections that aren’t immediately evident.
links can be used for search
links remind you of questions you need to ask
links can suggest other future potential links of which one isn't yet aware or which haven't fully manifested, this is some of the "magic" of the zettelkasten—it creates easy potential for future links not yet manifest.
- Apr 2023
A project of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media https://rrchnm.org/portfolio-item/tropy/
- Feb 2023
wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com
In addition to specific operations such as rewriting, there are also controls for elaboration and continutation. The user can even ask Wordcraft to perform arbitrary tasks, such as "describe the gold earring" or "tell me why the dog was trying to climb the tree", a control we call freeform prompting. And, because sometimes knowing what to ask is the hardest part, the user can ask Wordcraft to generate these freeform prompts and then use them to generate text. We've also integrated a chatbot feature into the app to enable unstructured conversation about the story being written. This way, Wordcraft becomes both an editor and creative partner for the writer, opening up new and exciting creative workflows.
The interface of Wordcraft sounds like some of that interface that note takers and thinkers in the tools for thought space would appreciate in their
Rather than pairing it with artificial intelligence and prompts for specific writing tasks, one might pair tools for though interfaces with specific thinking tasks related to elaboration and continuation. Examples of these might be gleaned from lists like Project Zero's thinking routines: https://pz.harvard.edu/thinking-routines
Local file Local file
Ippolito, Daphne, Ann Yuan, Andy Coenen, and Sehmon Burnam. “Creative Writing with an AI-Powered Writing Assistant: Perspectives from Professional Writers.” arXiv, November 9, 2022. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2211.05030.
See also: https://wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com/learn
A Google project entering the public as ChatGPT was released and becoming popular.
For additional experiences, see: https://www.robinsloan.com/newsletters/authors-note/
www.verzetteln.de www.verzetteln.desynapsen1
http://www.verzetteln.de/synapsen/<br /> Markus Krajewski's digital zettelkasten product.
ᔥ[[Frank Berzbach]] in Künstliche Intelligenz aus Holz - sciencegarden - Magazin für junge Forschung at 2001-06-30 (accessed:: 2023-02-10 06:53:55)
- Oct 2022
www.indxd.ink www.indxd.inkIndxd1
A digital, web-based index tool for your analog notebooks. Ostensibly allows one to digitally index their paper notebooks (page numbers optional).
It emails you weekly text updates, so you've got a back up of your data if the site/service disappears.
This could potentially be used by those who have analog zettelkasten practices, but want the digital search and some back up of their system.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>sgtstretch </span> in @Gaby @pimoore so a good friend of mine makes [INDXD](https://www.indxd.ink/) which is for indexing analog notebooks and being able to find things. I don't personally use it, but I know @patrickrhone has written about it before. (<time class='dt-published'>10/27/2022 17:59:32</time>)</cite></small>
www.val.town www.val.townval town1
Val Town is a collaborative notebook for APIs
- Sep 2022
www.styluslabs.com www.styluslabs.com
- Aug 2022
quarto.org quarto.org
Quarto® is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc
ljvmiranda921.github.io ljvmiranda921.github.io
Sometimes, I find digital apps urging me to integrate with another application or extension: connect to calendar, install this, install that (and sure, it may also be my own damn fault). They force me to get into a “system” rather than focus on what the tool provides. It’s overwhelming. Over-optimization leads to empty work, giving me a feeling of productivity in the absence of output, like quicksand. It hampers me from doing actual work.
- Jun 2022
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
MemoNote, an annotation-based personal knowledge management tool for teachers
- May 2022
wildland.io wildland.io
This looks intriguing... A client for abstracting data stores for use anywhere.
- Mar 2022
Research shows that people who are asked to write on complex topics,instead of being allowed to talk and gesture about them, end up reasoning lessastutely and drawing fewer inferences.
Should active reading, thinking, and annotating also include making gestures as a means of providing more clear reasoning, and drawing better inferences from one's material?
Would gestural movements with a hand or physical writing be helpful in annotation over digital annotation using typing as an input? Is this related to the anecdotal evidence/research of handwriting being a better method of note taking over typing?
Could products like Hypothes.is or Diigo benefit from the use of digital pens on screens as a means of improving learning over using a mouse and a keyboard to highlight and annotate?
- Feb 2022
insertlearning.com insertlearning.com
Referred to me by Mark Grabe.
- Nov 2021
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
PowerPoint, Word, YouTube, Canvas, Zoom, Padlet, Skype, Microsoft Teams, etc.), thereby enabling teachers to incorporate appropriate digital solutions into lectures and tutorials, given a number of subject-related factors and learning conditions.
assess the impact of the use of modern technologies on the quality of the education process
drive.google.com drive.google.com
technology devices in online English classroo
effectiveness of using technology devices in online English classrooms.
usage of the tool increased substantially at the start of lockdown, with the bulk of study activity occurring on weekday mornings.
infohist.fas.harvard.edu infohist.fas.harvard.edu
This looks like a fascinating series and who could go wrong with Ann Blair, Anthony Grafton, and Earle Havens?
Also interesting to see what sorts of things they will find interesting at the cutting edge of all these disciplines.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
were ready
both teachers and students were ready with digital skills and tools
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.theengineroom.org www.theengineroom.org
- Sep 2021
systemcrafters.cc systemcrafters.cc
thinkingabouttoolsforthought.com thinkingabouttoolsforthought.com
This didn't turn out too badly for a half an hour. As ever I dislike listening to my own voice.
thinkingabouttoolsforthought.com thinkingabouttoolsforthought.com
- Aug 2021
www.notesaboutnotes.com www.notesaboutnotes.com
Commonplace Book
Just noticed that Mark Bernstein, the writer of Hypertext Gardens: Delightful Vistas, has page about commonplace books on his site, which he wrote with his note taking cum digital gardening tool Tinderbox.
- Jul 2021
roam.garden roam.garden
There's apparently a product that will turn one's Roam Research notes into a digital garden.
Great to see a bridge for making these things easier for the masses, but I have to think that there's a better and cheaper way. Perhaps some addition competition in the space will help bring the price down.
- May 2021
maggieappleton.com maggieappleton.com
Think of it as a spectrum. Things we dump into private WhatsApp group chats, DMs, and cavalier Tweet threads are part of our chaos streams - a continuous flow of high noise / low signal ideas. On the other end we have highly performative and cultivated artefacts like published books that you prune and tend for years.Gardening sits in the middle. It's the perfect balance of chaos and cultivation.
There's something here that's reminiscent of Craig Mod's essay Post Artifact Books and Publishing.
Reminder to self: revisit this idea.
www.stempen.org www.stempen.orgSTEMPEN1
digitalbookhistory.com digitalbookhistory.com
One of the flaws of using Digital Mappa for projects like this appears to be that it acts more as a viewer (as a result of it's original use with maps) than as something for text. As a result, when looking at various pages, the URL of the page and it's attendant resources doesn't change, so one can't link to particular resources within the work, nor can one easily use digital tools (Hypothes.is for example), to anchor and annotate portions of the text.
www.digitalmappa.org www.digitalmappa.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>whitney trettien</span> on Twitter: "I'm excited to share a digital edition of Susanna Collet's 17th-century commonplace book, held at @morganlibrary. @zoe_braccia & I made it using @digitalmappa. It features a full transcription/facsimile & a searchable library of Collet's source texts. https://t.co/VSCMmBhMS6 https://t.co/fyrbwS9kk1" (<time class='dt-published'>04/09/2021 10:49:31</time>)</cite></small>
vbd.humnet.unipi.it vbd.humnet.unipi.it
This is a facsimile and diplomatic edition of Codex Vercellensis CXVII, Archivio e Biblioteca Capitolare di Vercelli.
An interesting example of a digitized version of a book.
- Apr 2021
www.digitalmappa.org www.digitalmappa.org
- Feb 2021
www.peardeck.com www.peardeck.com
voyant-tools.org voyant-tools.org
Voyant Tools is a web-based reading and analysis environment for digital texts.
- Jun 2020
This integration of digital tools and automated technologies into building practices has become ever-more urgent in light of the agility that will be required to cope with the effects of climate change, including the increased mobility of people and reduction in material and human resources. Architecture that could accommodate more people in the event of mass migration, or construction practices that could efficiently utilise local resources instead of relying on global supply chains, are possible results of digitising the production of the built environment.
As long as the tools are made freely available to the public, lest the control shift to those who own/control such tools (proprietary software in the hands of large digital coroporations).
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kozyreva, A., Lewandowsky, S., & Hertwig, R. (2019, December 4). Citizens Versus the Internet: Confronting Digital Challenges With Cognitive Tools. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ky4x8
- technocognition
- online manipulation
- boosting
- attention economy
- artificial intelligence
- decision aid
- disinformation
- internet
- behavioral policy
- digital
- online behavior
- misinformation
- nudging
- lang:en
- self-nudging
- reasoning
- cognitive tools
- AI
- fake news
- is:preprint
- decision autonomy
- algorithm
- choice architecture
- Nov 2019
teachonline.asu.edu teachonline.asu.edu
Integrating Technology with Bloom’s Taxonomy
This article was published by a team member of the ASU Online Instructional Design and New Media (IDNM) team at Arizona State University. This team shares instructional design methods and resources on the TeachOnline site for online learning. "Integrating Technology with Bloom's Taxonomy" describes practices for implementing 6 principles of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy in online learning. These principles include Creating, Evaluating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding, and Remembering. The purpose of implementing this model is to create more meaningful and effective experiences for online learners. The author guides instructors in the selection of digital tools that drive higher-order thinking, active engagmenent, and relevancy. Rating 9/10
digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu
The site provides an explanation of digital storytelling, an outline of the uses in education, and a foundation of web tools to implement digital storytelling as a means of instruction. The 7 elements of digital storytelling serve as a guide for instructors and students.
- Nov 2018
edutechwiki.unige.ch edutechwiki.unige.ch
List of web 2.0 applications
EDUTECH wiki is a site that contains a variety of links to lists to hep educators with web 2.0 applications improving productivity Caution: some of the links are not active!
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
www.yammer.com www.yammer.com
Yammer is Web 2.0 software which integrates with Microsoft 360 and allows users to communicate together and across the organization. It essentially functions as social networking software for corporations with the ability to collaborate on projects, maintain task lists, store files, documents and pictures all within a private enterprise network. In addition Yammer allows for the sharing of feedback and the management of group projects. Yammer is freemium software with a variety of custom add-ons. Licenses are currently issued for all learner participants and at this time no custom add-ons are necessary.
RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
25 Important Apps And Digital Learning Tools For University Students
Excellent article offering 25 important apps to help University students and digital learning.The best part is that they are all free (so easily fits into a students' budget.
From note taking to keeping track of grades, this list of the best apps will help improve classroom success and student engagement.
RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
Top 10 Tools For The Digital Classroom
This article presents a variety of new tools and apps that will enhance the digital classroom experience. Some of the new tools mentioned are Socrative, Scratch, Prezi, Google classroom and more!
Excellent list to get your digital room started!
RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- Mar 2018
ryancordell.org ryancordell.org
accelerated growth of undergraduate classes that explicitly engage with digital humanities methods.
This is important! I think that many classes are starting to use digital tools to asses and accelerate learning in their classrooms and it would be important to take a class in digital humanities in order to get a background into the different tools/methods presented.
- Oct 2017
www.wordsinspace.net www.wordsinspace.net
Scalar helpful hints