- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
And how one is gonna do that, one is gonna become not you. You're gonna become somebody else—specifically, you're gonna become a fully enlightened tantric deity, right? And you, with a sense of what's called dignity or pride, right, the, the... "lha’i nga rgyal," the "pride of being the deity."
for - Buddhism - TIbetan - Clear light meditation - purpose of - deity visualization - become the deity to practice giving up your ordinary thoughts and feelings - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
So what's the first thing to do? It's to stop being ordinary. So they say, "tha mal gyi rtog shes spang ba," "abandon ordinary thoughts and ordinary attitudes," ordinary experience.
for - Buddhism - TIbetan - clear light meditation - practice - how to practice simulation of Tukdam while still alive? - Stop ordinary thoughts and feelings - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
- Buddhism - TIbetan - Clear light meditation - purpose of - deity visualization - become the deity to practice giving up your ordinary thoughts and feelings - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
- Buddhism - TIbetan - clear light meditation - practice - how to practice simulation of Tukdam while still alive? - Stop ordinary thoughts and feelings - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
- Nov 2024
Interstitial journaling, a term and suggestion from Tony Stubblebine , is about writing down what you did after a task, how it felt or went, plus what you intend to do next.
Interstitial journaling predates and may have induced Ryder Carroll's suggestion of using "=" for emotion in Bullet Journaling.
See: https://hypothes.is/a/l12OgFD7Ee-LjAevth_Piw in the piece Carroll mentions interstitial journaling.
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
25:00 Why attend an art history class then when you are so sensitive of images being depicted (decent argument)? 27:00 cancel culture at college campuses (evolution being taught creationist becoming mad example) 29:25 Tension between intellectual discomfort and harm (notion of safe spaces as being a problem). 31:00 Illiberal left as sketching good vs evil and claiming moral superoprity. Here, leftist claim to be inclusive, but in fact, they are exclusive .
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
"We believe in academic freedom, but it should not and cannot be used to excuse away behavior that harms others." (STATEMENT FROM HAMLINE UNIVERSITY) The above statements shows the struggle that Hamline faced when deciding to fire Erika Lopez Prater. A tension between academic freedom and insulting others.
1:05 A good point by Safi is that the statements of the director was assuming that the freedom of speech was in direct opposition to the feelings of Muslims. This is not the case. A difference between iconical devotion within the Islamic tradition (both Sunni and Shia) and Charlie Hebdo examples.
03:00 Both to respect students and expand their horizons. Not everyone needs to agree with it.
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the people who has the power need to act faster
for - climate crisis - who has the power? - poverty mentality - leverage points - social tipping points - climate crisis - feelings of helplessness
climate crisis - who has the power? - There is still this assumption that policy-makers are the ones who have the power - There isn't yet a recognition of whether there is power within individuals sufficient to make a real difference. - Trying and failing, we grow weary of believing that we do have power to collectively effect the scale of change required - Unless we demonstrate leverage points within individuals that can lead to effective scale of collective action, we cannot jumpstart an effective movement - poverty mentality can keep us stuck
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi<br /> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086190/quotes/
Return of the Jedi is all about feelings. Having them, showing them, hiding them. Bad people use them against you. Good people have them for other good people.
You should "search your feelings" (Luke Skywalker).
Cross reference this with Ryder Carroll's method of tracking your feelings (moods) using the "=".<br /> https://hypothes.is/a/l12OgFD7Ee-LjAevth_Piw
bulletjournal.com bulletjournal.com
Moods: Indicated by the equals sign (=), are for logging feelings. These can be emotional or physical feelings like joy, pressure in the chest, butterflies, anxiety, fatigue, excitement, etc.
Ryder Carroll suggests using the symbol "=" as a way of logging your feelings or moods within your bullet journal.
- Jun 2024
coevolving.com coevolving.com
the language provides the framework for using the patterns as a program to create form. But he aims for semantics, allegory, and poetics, as well as the aspects of language that generate feelings, emotions, a sense of order — all of which extend beyond the structural, topological and syntactic aspects of his program.
- Jan 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
54:20 "was würden sie sagen, wie viele ein-und-zwei-personen haushalte haben wir in großstädten wie in köln und düsseldorf?" - "viele." - "anteil? prozent?" - "ich bin ganz furchtbar mit zahlen." - "75 prozent."
warum eskaliert die gleich von "weiss ich nicht" zu "ich bin ganz furchtbar mit zahlen"?<br /> und warum erinnert mich das an den kontrast zwischen religion und naturwissenschaft...?<br /> religion im sinn von "my feelings dont care about your facts!!"
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
AIS at present they have intelligence but they don't have any Consciousness right there is a huge confusion in many places 01:04:06 between intelligence and Consciousness intelligence is the ability to solve problems to create new things whatever Consciousness is the ability to have feelings that okay you can beat me in 01:04:19 chess are you joyful when you win are you sad when you lose AIS and computers as far as we know they have a lot of intelligence they have zero Consciousness
- for: AI - lack feelings
- Nov 2023
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for: meme - violence, patriarchy, men - expressing feelings
- violence is the language of the inarticulate
- meaning
- men have been conditioned by society to shut down their feelings and the only way they can express it is through egoistic expression of violence, anger and control
- Oct 2023
The idea is the whole thing. If you stay true to the idea, it tells youeverything you need to know, really. You just keep working to make itlook like that idea looked, feel like it felt, sound like it sounded, andbe the way it was. And it’s weird, because when you veer off, yousort of know it. You know when you’re doing something that is notcorrect because it feels incorrect. It says, “No, no; this isn’t like theidea said it was.” And when you’re getting into it the correct way, itfeels correct. It’s an intuition: You feel-think your way through. Youstart one place, and as you go, it gets more and more finely tuned.But all along it’s the idea talking. At some point, it feels correct toyou. And you hope that it feels somewhat correct to others.
- Jun 2023
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
The key to hacking yourself is to increase your awareness of your emotional state. When you become aware that you are angry, the anger is losing the grip it has over you. When you are angry, you are sometimes doing things you would not have done if you were not angry. (Sometimes anger is healthy, it may also be a signal to us that our boundaries have been violated.)
Hacks around anger
- Jan 2023
www.imperial.ac.uk www.imperial.ac.uk
We know the information. But information is not changing our minds. Most people make decisions on the basis of feelings, including the most important decisions in life – what football team you support, who you marry, which house you live in. That is how we make choices.” “Thought is at the basis of our feelings, and before we have ideas we have feelings that lead to those ideas. So how do we change minds? A change in feelings changes minds.”
!- "So how do we change minds? A change in feeling changes minds" : Comment - Brian Eno's comment is very well aligned with Deep Humanity praxis, which can be summed up as: The heart feels, the mind thinks, the body acts, an impact appears in our shared reality. - Also see the related story: - Storytelling will save the Earth: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wired.com%2Fstory%2Fenvironment-climate-change-storytelling%2F&group=world
- Aug 2022
ljvmiranda921.github.io ljvmiranda921.github.io
I stole the title from this Substack post. I cannot put this much better than them: “we’ve chosen to optimize for feelings— to bring the quirks and edges of life back into software. To create something with soul.” Enjoyment is an important component of my day to day.
Optimizing for feelings seems to be a broader generational movement (particularly for the progressive movement) in the past decade or more.
https://browsercompany.substack.com/p/optimizing-for-feelings #wanttoread
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
If you ignore that inner voice of intuition, over time it will slowlyquiet down and fade away. If you practice listening to what it is tellingyou, the inner voice will grow stronger. You’ll start to hear it in allkinds of situations. It will guide you in what choices to make andwhich opportunities to pursue. It will warn you away from people andsituations that aren’t right for you. It will speak up and take a standfor your convictions even when you’re afraid.I can’t think of anything more important for your creative life—andyour life in general—than learning to listen to the voice of intuitioninside. It is the source of your imagination, your confidence, and yourspontaneity
While we have evolved a psychological apparatus that often gives us good "gut feelings" (an actual physical "second brain"), we should listen careful to them, but we should also learn to think about, analyze, and verify these feelings so we don't fall prey to potential cognitive biases.
- May 2022
mediapeanut.com mediapeanut.com
Another absurd page that suggests Alexa has feelings. In the strictest sense Alexa doesn't even qualify as a partial AI. It's just a glorified (although extremely helpful) lookup table. There is no reason to believe that even a true AI, such as a self-teaching, building and growing neural network (which Alexa is not), has feelings. Of what we know of feelings, the hard question of consciousness is only a prerequisite ... doesn't even guarantee having feelings, and even whether machines can be conscious is doubtful by many if not most experts of AI within existentialism. Even all the theories of consciousness are rooted in correlations that have little to do with scientific tenets, so to make the leap to an AI having feelings, let alone Alexa which isn't even a theoretical AI, is just a sad to see. At best we should not be "rude" to machine because it might be hard for some to distinguish between machine and a feeling thing. but in that case the problem is with the misperception that machines can feel, more than it is a problem with people being "rude" to machines.
- Jan 2022
repositories.lib.utexas.edu repositories.lib.utexas.edu
I have devised a lifestreaming system that encourages users to gain more control over personal advancement and deliberate decision-making.
Precisely what i was thinking about: having AI tell us if we are reasonable, advise us in relationships, digital emotional stewardship
- May 2021
gutenberg.net.au gutenberg.net.au
ut if the object was not to stay alive but to stay human, what difference did it ultimately make? They could not alter your feelings: for that matter you could not alter them yourself, even if you wanted to. They could lay bare in the utmost detail everything that you had done or said or thought; but the inner heart, whose workings were mysterious even to yourself, remained impregnable.
doesn't matter: only feelings matter. If they could make me stop loving you--that would be the real betrayal.'
only feelings matter
- Nov 2020
forge.medium.com forge.medium.com
Observations, on the other hand, cultivate connection by showing you’re paying attention, Braman explained in her post; that’s why she encourages parents to lead with statements like “You seem frustrated,” or “You’re full of smiles.”
Asking a kid "how was your day" can cause them anxiety because they still don't have the language to describe their feelings. This question usually don't lead to any good.
On the other hand, make observations! Say something like "you seem frustrated" or "You seem pretty happy today". This helps them develop a language to describe how they are feeling.
As I was writing this I thought about how important books are. They can describe the emotional language of someone and help the reader empathize with it and also adopt ways to express themselves.
- Oct 2020
studybreaks.com studybreaks.com
psychological nuance
Definition: excessively affected by emotion or feelings
- Apr 2019
www.brainpickings.org www.brainpickings.org
Securely attached kids learn the difference between situations they can control and situations where they need help. They learn that they can play an active role when faced with difficult situations. In contrast, children with histories of abuse and neglect learn that their terror, pleading, and crying do not register with their caregiver. Nothing they can do or say stops the beating or brings attention and help. In effect they’re being conditioned to give up when they face challenges later in life.
Agency starts with what scientists call interoception, our awareness of our subtle sensory, body-based feelings: the greater that awareness, the greater our potential to control our lives. Knowing what we feel is the first step to knowing why we feel that way. If we are aware of the constant changes in our inner and outer environment, we can mobilize to manage them.
- Oct 2018
scripting.com scripting.com
"In our work we have found that there are only a few core feelings. These are sadness, fear, anger, joy, excitement and sexual feelings. Other common feelings, such as guilt, boredom, anxiety and depression are actually mixtures of the basic feelings or responses to one of the core feelings. For example, the Gestalt therapist Fritz Perls said that anxiety is excitement without the breath. When people remember to breathe into their fear, their anxiety often turns into excitement. We often tell our clients that fear is frozen fun. People often get the most afraid just before they are about to step out into the creative unknown, into a new possibility. Fear mobilizes your body for action, but if you do not take action, the energy curdles in your body."
What is important hear, is fear is frozen fun.
- Oct 2017
This suggested that for this survivor, those feelings were the most powerful aspects of her experience.
This is an excellent use of SNA. I have never seen it used chronologically to map feelings. I love it!
- Mar 2017
brainblogger.com brainblogger.com
Basically, an organism experiences too much or too little of something either within them or around them in the environment (i.e. something deviates from neutrality or optimum balance), which is then detected by our brains (i.e. via neural maps of the body).
That reminds me of a complex-adaptive system and an external condition or intervention that makes the resilience of the system kick in to cope with the threat to have its system functions remain intact. So emotions could be the body-mind-soul complex's defense mechanism.
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Thus it ought to be no embarrassment to recognize the legitimacy of appeals to the feelings, especially in a cause about which one can have no doubts
- Jun 2016
pitchfork.com pitchfork.com
What is the difference between an energetic Sunday morning at church and the rapturous hours of dawn spent at the club? To him, they both aspire to the same physical and experiential ends.
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
You likewise possibly now can understand how in your Dream you became more and moreengrossed in and attached to this false Earth state, through first eating of this fruit and learning toknow Good and Evil, and after learning of the new and enticing world thus opened up to you,dying to the knowledge of the Reality back of it all; and how and why it was You learned thatYou were naked -- both the thinking and the feeling parts of You; and also why you grew afraidand tried to hide from Me, thus creating in your consciousness the sense of separation from Me
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
RAJ: Paul, do not resist that feeling, but simply do not invest too much attention in it. You can move away from it, where you will not be reached by the apparent dynamics of its meaning. Even if it does not appear to resolve anything from your present point of view, you will, nevertheless, be in the best position possible to have the answer be revealed as your conscious experience. I will ask you to do that this evening before you go to sleep, in preparation for the work we will do while you are sleeping.
To acknowledge our feelings yet to not 'go down the rabbit hole' with them.
And I guess I have a whole lot of different feelings: angry, hopeless, hopeful, discouraged, and so on.
Paul is acknowledging his feelings..
- May 2014
blog.carsieblanton.com blog.carsieblanton.com
"I love you. No big deal."