- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
why do our journalists feel they' got to fly to other parts of the world with the camera crew to film some disaster that's elsewhere that's occurred elsewhere why can't those people be training to use the cameras and Report you we we've embedded this sort of colonial view of the world and this Elite view of the world and we like to think of ourselves as good people in this and there's something deeply problematic in all of this and we have to start to unpick this if we're going to be serious about climate change
for - climate crisis - hypocrisy - example - colonialism - journalists in Global North fly to Global South with full film crew - alternative - hire journalists in Global South to do the film work - Kevin Anderson
why is it when colleagues do field work they feel they have to fly backwards and forwards to do their field work often say in the southern hemisphere
for - climate crisis - hypocrisy - example - colonialism - scientists in Global North fly to Global South - alternative - hire scientists in Global South to do the field work - Kevin Anderson
- climate crisis - hypocrisy - example - colonialism - journalists in Global North fly to Global South with full film crew - alternative - hire journalists in Global South to do the film work - Kevin Anderson
- climate crisis - hypocrisy - example - colonialism - scientists in Global North fly to Global South - alternative - hire scientists in Global South to do the field work - Kevin Anderson
- Oct 2024
rmi.org rmi.org
The research finds
for - stats - green growth - 2024 - Global South vs Global North
stats - green growth - 2024 - Global South has - 60% of world population - 20% of fossil fuel production - fossil fuel production in decline - 70% of global renewable resource potential - In 2024, 87% of capex of electricity generation is renewable - From 2019 to 2024, renewable energy has grown 23% annually and now supplies 9% of its electricity - 17% of Global South has already overtaken Global North in % of renewable electricty generation
for - Report - Powering Up the Global South - Rocky Mountain Institute - RMI - 2024 - Vikram Singh - Kingsmill Bond
Summary - This report shows that the Global South is adopting cleantech faster than the Global North
- Dec 2023
sonec.org sonec.org
for: SoNeC impacts, local north local south collaboration, local north local south partnership
Implement a community-to-community partnership between SoNeCs in wealthy communities and SoNeCs in neighbouring disenfranchised communities
The basic SoNeC framework is designed with European values, e.g. tolerance, mutual respect,non-discrimination, solidarity and gender equality in mind.
for: SONEC - expanding globally, Global North South sister city program
- For globally expanding SONEC, it is also important to consider other cultural values outside the European lens and to also address the structural inequalities of colonialism
- For a globalized SONEC, one suggestion is to create a sister city program based on reparation from colonial injustice and integrating a climate justice component
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
There is now as big a disparity in carbon emissions within countries as there is between them
for: carbon emissions - within and between countries, Southern-North, Northern-South, Local North, Local South, Global North - Global South terminology - improving
- The wealth and carbon inequality both between and within countries can be better articulated using terminology developed by Stop Reset Go
- Southern-North
- Northern-South
- Local North
- Local South
- The wealth and carbon inequality both between and within countries can be better articulated using terminology developed by Stop Reset Go
- Expanding and Improving the Global North / Global South Terminology with Nuances of Post-Colonialism Realities in an Existential Climate Justice Context
- Mar 2023
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Some scholars argue that in the Global North, the view tends to be ‘no humanity without nature’, while in the Global South, the focus is on ‘no nature without social justice’
- Differences between Global North and Global south perspectives on earth system justice:
- Some scholars argue that in the Global North, the view tends to be ‘no humanity without nature’,
- while in the Global South, the focus is on ‘no nature without social justice’.
- Feb 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
people on low incomes within developed countries are contributing less to the climate crisis, while rich people in developing countries have much bigger carbon footprints than was previously acknowledged.
= comment - It has been a research claim for SRG for years that this is the case, - and is also rather obvious that - carbon inequality exists wherever there is wealth inequality - our more interesting analysis is the historical connection between colonialism and capitalism - As the explicit form of colonialism began to disappear for to progressive action, globalised, industrial capitalism began to emerge - the North/South divide created by colonialism began to plant the seed of the extractive logic of democratically into opportunist minds of every creed - in effect, the traditional colonialist perpetrator club, swung their doors wide open, inclusive now of non-white exploiters - there is now a North /South divide within each country
- May 2022
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
Accordingly, to allow for a peaceful solution, payment in the form of reparations or a substantial commitment to support the global hyper-response burden on the part of the Western world may hasten a geopolitical shift toward an era of cooperation around the shared threat.
A bottom up approach can be tried instead in which trust bonds are automatically stronger - form citizen sister city groups between the global north and the global south of each state as well as local north and local south within each city
- Nov 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
um kevin anderson 00:12:43 if you can talk more about this issue both you and george assad raymond and so many other climate activists talking about this issue of wealth 00:12:55 you say per capita is a flawed metric as most polluting industries have been moved to developing nations so it's not reflective of the rich nation's emissions take all of this on 00:13:09 yeah i mean that's a really key issue and i think if i focus in here on the uk where i know it's a place obviously i know much better that what we've done in the uk we've closed down a lot of our industry and then we import the manufactured goods from elsewhere in the 00:13:22 world and then we turn around to those parts of the world and then we blame them for the emissions in manufacturing the goods that we are enjoying and that's everything from our electronic goods to parts for our cars as our clothes so you know the uk is 00:13:35 effectively moved to a bar and banking culture and and and offshore virtually everything else and so we when we looking at our total amount of emissions we have to take account of the carbon footprint of our lifestyles and that 00:13:47 does include the emissions that we associated with things that we import and export i mean you take that into account you tend to find that most wealthy countries have a much larger carbon footprint than when you just look at the energy they use within their 00:14:00 boundaries and i think it's really key again when we think about these issues of equity we we that we take this what's often referred to as a consumption-based accounting method we take that into account because it is unfair to be 00:14:12 penalizing poor parts of the world for them making things to help us have a better quality of life over here and when we do that then the challenges get even more striking in terms of what we have to do and it also also brings out 00:14:25 even further the issues of equity the disparity between the richer parts of the world and the poorer parts of the world but i also think on the equity point it's really worth bringing out that it's not as if everyone in the uk is even 00:14:37 there isn't just one public in the uk there are multiple publics there were those of us who are the wealthy ones in our own country that are responsible for the lion's share of missions within the uk that will be true chain for the u.s for germany for japan australia and so 00:14:50 within all of our countries there are large swathes of the country who are the average and below average consumers and for them the response to climate change is very different from those of us who are in our own countries are responsible for the lion's share of 00:15:03 emissions so i think we have to differentiate not just between countries but even within our countries and my concern there is that who are the people that frame the climate dubai debate they're the climate scientists and the academics they're the 00:15:14 entrepreneurs the business leaders the journalists the barristers they're all the people that are in the very high emitting category so we frame the debate and we never ever frame the debate with equity at its core and with regardless 00:15:26 of our maths or our moral sorry regardless of our moral position the maths tell us if we are to deliver on the commitments then equity has to be a key part of our responses but we never talk about that because we are in that 00:15:38 high emitting group
Kevin points out why a CONSUMPTION-BASED METRIC is more accurate than PER CAPITA metric, as the PER CAPITA metric does not include the embodied carbon emissions of the manufactured goods that consumers purchase. Per Capita metric reflects that the manufacture is responsible, not the consumer, an inaccurate moral indication.
We have also noticed that wealthy and poor exist in ALL countries of the world and the more nuanced terminology we employ based on a Country-Wealth Sector classification matrix as described here:
Using this new terminology, Monbiot and Anderson are referring to the North-North and South-North class as all the elites of the world has having the highest personal carbon footprint whilst the North-South and South-South class are the victims.
- Oct 2021
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.org
Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer
- Micronesia
- Zambia
- data
- Ecuador
- Ireland
- Bermuda
- Bulgaria
- Uganda
- Belarus
- Ukraine
- Nepal
- Yemen
- Tanzania
- Cote d'ivoire
- Kyrgyzstan
- UK
- Liberia
- Luxembourg
- Czechia
- map
- Macao
- Qatar
- Serbia
- World
- Mongolia
- Solomon Islands
- Greece
- Vatican
- Laos
- vaccine
- Cayman Islands
- Niger
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- Bahrain
- Barbados
- Europe
- Vietnam
- Costa Rica
- Ghana
- Panama
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- case
- Sao Tome and Principe
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- Honduras
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- Trinidad
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- Kazakhstan
- China
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- North Macedonia
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- Anguilla
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- South America
- United Arab Emirates
- Saudi Arabia
- Zimbabwe
- South Sudan
- Papua New Guinea
- Dominician Republic
- death
- Albania
- Africa
- Falkland Islands
- France
- Malta
- India
- Burkina Faso
- Algeria
- lang:en
- Congo
- Hungary
- Northern Cyprus
- Somalia
- Israel
- Romania
- Pakistan
- Samoa
- test
- Taiwan
- Bolivia
- Sierra Leone
- Faeroe Islands
- case fatality rate
- Isle of Man
- Herzegovina
- Gabon
- Eritrea
- Antigua
- Eswatini
- Jamaica
- Nigeria
- Tobago
- Germany
- Libya
- Denmark
- Netherlands
- Togo
- Cameroon
- Gambia
- is:webpage
- Croatia
- graph
- Thailand
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- Mauritania
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- Equatorial Guinea
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- Sudan
- Iceland
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- Georgia
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Mali
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- Italy
- Central African Republic
- Oman
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- Lebanon
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- Rwanda
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- Syria
- Australia
- Senegal
- Bangladesh
- Singapore
- Iraq
- New Zealand
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Tunisia
- Cuba
- Russia
- Djobouti
- chart
- Dominica
- Norway
- Finland
- COVID-19
- Andorra
- Grenada
- Bosnia
- Armenia
- Egypt
- mortality
- South Korea
- Guatemala
- Japan
- Montenegro
- Jersey
- Seychelles
- Cape Verde
- Kenya
- Peru
- Saint Helena
- Afghanistan
- Malawi
- table
- Nicaragua
- Sri Lanka
- Oceania
- Liechtenstein
- Monaco
- Kuwait
- Timor
- Bahamas
- Guinea
- Mashall Islands
- Barbuda
- Guernsey
- Madagascar
- Mar 2021
Ravelo, J. L. (2021). ‘Jeremy Farrar: COVID-19 Pandemic “Is Nowhere near Its End”’. Devex. https://www.devex.com/news/sponsored/jeremy-farrar-covid-19-pandemic-is-nowhere-near-its-end-99484.
- Jun 2016
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
Title: The Reluctant Memoirist | New Republic
Keywords: south korea, north korea, korean origin, investigative journalism, gathering information, push back, adoptive home, returned home
Summary: After six months, I returned home with 400 pages of notes and began writing.<br>Something caught my eye: Below the title—Without You, There Is No Us: My Time With the Sons of North Korea’s Elite—were the words, “A Memoir.”<br>I immediately emailed my editor.<br>I later learned that memoirs in general sell better than investigative journalism.<br>I tried to push back.<br>“You only wish,” my agent laughed.<br>As the only journalist to live undercover in North Korea, I had risked imprisonment to tell a story of international importance by the only means possible.<br>The content of my work was what really mattered, I told myself.<br>The evangelical organization wanted to protect its close ties to the North Korean regime and the country’s future leaders.<br>The code of ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists states that reporters should “avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information unless traditional, open methods will not yield information vital to the public.” It is hard to imagine any subject more vital to the public, or more impervious to open methods, than the secretive, nuclear North Korea; its violations against humanity, the United Nations has declared, “reveal a State that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world.” My greatest concern had been for my students, and I had followed well-established journalistic practices to ensure that they would not be harmed.<br>They called me “deeply dishonest” for going undercover.<br>My inbox began to be bombarded with messages from strangers: “Shame on you for putting good people in harm’s way for your gain.” One morning, I woke up to a Twitter message that read, simply: “Go fuck yourself.”<br>The ethics of her choice cast doubt on her reliability (another de facto peril of memoir), and her fear of discovery appears to have colored her impressions and descriptions with paranoia and distrust.”<br>My book was being dismissed for the very element that typically wins acclaim for narrative accounts of investigative journalism.<br>The backlash extended well beyond the media.<br>Why did people with no real experience of North Korea feel such a passionate need to dismiss my firsthand reporting and defend one of the world’s most murderous dictatorships?<br>Orientalism reigns.<br>What struck me was not whether the review was positive, but the selection of the reviewer, a former TV columnist of Korean origin, whose only past book-length nonfiction was on South Korean popular culture.<br>As an Asian female, I find that people rarely assume I’m an investigative journalist; even after I tell them, they often forget.<br>Such gender discrimination can manifest either positively or negatively.<br>“If I had written a highly detailed book about being embedded with a troop,” she said, “the magnitude of the actual legwork would have been recognized.” Yet she also believes that great literary journalism combines the heart and the brain.<br>I would like to report that I took the reaction to my book in stride, that I weathered all the accusations and dismissals with patience, that I understood their causes and effects.<br>In immigrant ghettos, I learned that in my adoptive home, my skin was considered yellow, the color of the forsythia that had bloomed around my childhood home back in South Korea.<br>This is why I risked going into North Korea undercover: because I could not be consoled while the injustice of 25 million voiceless people trapped in a modern-day gulag remains part of our society.<br>Here I am telling my story to you, the reader, essentially to beg for acknowledgment: I am an investigative journalist, please take me seriously.<br>