- Nov 2024
www.desmog.com www.desmog.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Peterson criticises Eckhart Tolle in one of his videos, mistaking him to be a humanist (he is more of a mystic, though...). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEnQ78FkdaE
Funnily enough, Eckhart did mention the humanist movement, in one of his videos. He related this to a period of more awareness and awakening that was brought to the masses.
- Oct 2024
klik.gr klik.gr
Η Ιορδανία, χρόνια εχθρός με το Ισραήλ
Απο δεκαετιες ειναι το πιστοτερο σκυλακι της CIA και αρα του Ισραηλ.
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we form naturally Collective intelligences as just human groups and we can see this show up in for example the way that a group of of of sports like a team of sports people will come together and they will produce something which clearly has a quality of intelligence that is different than um just you five or 12 people showing up randomly
for - collective intelligence - properties of the higher level whole - that are missing in the lower level individuals that constitute it - example sports team - Jordan Hall
a set of policies and mechanisms that allow competent subunits to form together into some kind of a an emergent Collective that's more than the sum of its parts
for - definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin
definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin - a set of policies and mechanisms that allow competent subunits to form together into some kind of an emergent Collective that's more than the sum of its parts
Adjacency - between - cognitive glue - multi scale competency architecture - human species - Jordan Hall - cognitive glue destresses goal seeking activities - adjacency relationship - Cognitive glue is a general concept that applies to the entire spectrum of the biosphere - Michael goes on to give examples with rats and other biological contexts like cells - This is an important question for humans at two levels: - first, at the level of the individual human - second, at the level of human groups - Jordan Hall brings the conversation to the cognitive glue at the human social level in which - anyone who has worked in a group context knows that when there is a flow, there is signaling taking place - that is at a higher group level not present at the level of the individual that destresses goal seeking activity
what would happen if I begin to self-referentially and try to embody a part of a collective intelligence including the three of us in such a fashion that we were actually leveraging that qualitatively distinct um mind to inform the conversation we're having to get us there
for - Jordan Hall - gedanken - collective intelligence of a group - Michael Levin & Jordan Hall conversation
what would it look like to put together an engineering program or an experimental program um orienting towards the question of what would be the form of embodiment in collective intelligence that includes human beings as at least one primary element at ontological level one that would give rise to a collective intelligence at ontological level two
for - Jordan Hall question - engineering an intentional social superorganism - collective intelligence - Michael Levin & Jordan Hall conversation
I don't think you can prove it but I wonder if what what it would feel like I think is is um synchronicity
for - topic for further research - higher level of living system - indicator of - Micheal Levin - synchronicity
Adjacency - between - Jordan Hall / Michael Levin conversation - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - lower level indicator of higher level - enlightenment / awakening Frederico Faggin experience - meditation - adjacency statement - Federico Faggin's experience of inter level awareness was - his profound awakening experience transcending even oneness - That was an indicator event that shattered his belief that he was alone, shuttered in existential isolation - and showed him that he was a part of a much larger system - In general, at the level of humans and human consciousness, - awakening and enlightenment experiences described throughout human history in many different - times and - places - could be interpreted as reaching upwards to a higher level in our lower level cognitive light cone
are you familiar with the concept of hyper object
for - Indyweb dev - tracking the evolution of individual / collective learning of social learning - hyperobject -example of - perspectival knowing - conversation - Micheal Levin - Jordan Hall
Comment - Both Jordan Hall and I are familiar with the concept of hyperobject but in this part of the conversation, Jordan introduced the idea to Micheal for the first time - This illustrates to me that truism that our perspectival knowledge of reality is unique - Our individual meaningverses and lebenswelt are uniquely located and situated in life - And whenever a multi meaningverse events, the ensuing conversation is collectively - consciousness expanding - expanding the - semantic fingerprint and - symmathesetic fingerprint - of all conversants
for - conversation - Michael Levin - Jordan Hall
- Indyweb dev - tracking the evolution of individual / collective learning of social learning - hyperobject -example of - perspectival knowing - conversation - Micheal Levin - Jordan Hall
- Jordan Hall - gedanken - collective intelligence of a group - Michael Levin & Jordan Hall conversation
- adjacency -Jordan Hall / Michael Levin conversation - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - lower level indicator of higher level - enlightenment /awakening - Frederico Faggin experience - meditation
- Jordan Hall question - engineering an intentional social superorganism - collective intelligence - Michael Levin & Jordan Hall conversation
- conversation - Michael Levin - Jordan Hall
- topic for further research - higher level of living system - indicator of - Micheal Levin - synchronicity
- definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin
- collective intelligence - properties of the higher level whole - that are missing in the lower level individuals that constitute it - example sports team - Jordan Hall
- adjacency - cognitive glue - multi scale competency architecture - human species - Jordan Hall - cognitive glue destresses goal seeking activities
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
from - Michael Levin & Jordan Hall conversation - https://hyp.is/5_liZHc1Ee-zpYv8m1u2VQ/www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQHaGhOrnug
- Aug 2024
web.archive.org web.archive.org
Portable Typewriter Relabeling...how and why by [[Will Davis]]
- Jun 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Donald Trump hat 20 Spitzenmanagern der amerikanischen Ölindustrie angeboten, für Wahlkampfspenden in Höhe von einer Milliarde Dollar alle Regulierungen der Biden-Administration, die die Förderung von Öl und Gas behindern, zu Beginn seiner Amtszeit außer Kraft zu setzen. Die Washington Post berichtet über das Treffen in Mar-a-Lago. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/09/trump-oil-ceo-donation
Bericht der Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/09/trump-oil-industry-campaign-money/l
- ExxonMobil
- logseq: true
- Inflation Reduction Act
- Climate Power
- Christina Polizzi
- Pete Maysmith
- Moratorium für LNG-Exporte aus den USA
- by: Ed Pilkington
- 2024-08-09
- Korruption
- Chevron
- Spenden-Dinner Donald Trumps mit Big Oil-Managern
- Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (Crew)
- actor: Biden administration
- Occidental Petroleum
- Jordan Libowitz
- League of Conservation Voters (LCV)
- Apr 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
In Jordanien ist die Landwirtschaft auf die Verlängerung des Abkommens mit Israel über die Wasserversorgung angewiesen. Jordanien ist eines der Länder, die am stärksten unter Wassermangel leiden. Pro Person fehlen im Jahr ca 400 Kubikmeter Wasser. https://www.liberation.fr/international/moyen-orient/crise-de-leau-israel-et-la-jordanie-vont-ils-renouveler-leur-contrat-20240429_T5AOM5SXSVHG5NA2VQI2LW4AHE/
- Feb 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Jordan Peterson - The Mask You Wear In Public - The False Persona
- Jan 2024
lionsberg.wiki lionsberg.wiki
Jordan Nicholas Sukut's Lionsberg Wiki has approximately 1.3M words which could be turned into a NeoBook. He calls it a "wiki book".
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Die Desinformation zur globalen Erhitzung hat sich von der Klimaleugnung hin zum Säen von Zweifeln an möglichen Lösungen verschoben. Einer neuer Studie zufolge sind wichtige Strategien auf Youdas Tube das Herunterspielen der negativen Konsequenzen, Erzeugen von Misstrauen in die Klimaforschung und vor allem die Behauptung, dass vorhandene technische Lösungen nicht praktikabel sind. Außerdem werden Verschwörungstheorien wie die vom Grand Reset bemüht. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/17/news/negazionismo_climatico_youtube-421894897/
Studie: https://counterhate.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/CCDH-The-New-Climate-Denial_FINAL.pdf
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The intellectual dark web (IDW) is a term used to describe some commentators who oppose identity politics, political correctness, and cancel culture in higher education and the news media within Western countries.
- Nov 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
20:47 take on responsibility even if you are wronged or you didn't do anything particularly wrong
- Oct 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The story starts with the creation of the world, and ends with Moses dying on the wrong side of the Jordan and being buried in an unmarked grave.
"Wrong side of the Jordan" almost has the flavor of a biblical version of "the wrong side of the tracks".
- Sep 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
02:22:00 stories as aligning emotions
- see idea of using media for inspiration and visualisation after
- Aug 2023
hub.jhu.edu hub.jhu.edu
"But there's a very famous theorem in topology called the Jordan curve theorem. You have a plane and on it a simple curve that doesn't intersect and closes—in other words, a loop. There's an inside and an outside to the loop." As Riehl draws this, it seems obvious enough, but here's the problem: No matter how much your intuition tells you that there must be an inside and an outside, it's very hard to prove mathematically that this holds true for any loop that can be drawn.
How does one concretely define "inside" and "outside"? This definition is part of the missing space between the intuition and the mathematical proof.
- Jul 2023
In Jordanien leidet die Landwirtschaft im Jordan-Tal unter Wassermangel, der durch die Ableitung von Wasser und durch die Veränderungen des Klimas immer größer wird. Der Fluss Jordan führt nur noch 10% seiner ursprünglichen Menge. Reportage der taz zu den Folgen der Klimakrise in Jordanien und zu unterschiedlichen, oft experimentellen und wissenschaftlich begleiteten Versuchen der Klimaanpassung. https://taz.de/Duerre-in-Jordanien/!5944640/
- Jun 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- writing is thinking
- Apr 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Eine neue Studie zeigt, das plötzliche Dürren, sogenannte flash droughts, in den vergangenen 20 Jahren zugenommen haben. Damit erhöht sich nicht nur die Zahl der Dürren, sondern auch ihr Charakter. Vor allem in den Tropen verdunstet in kurzer Zeit sehr viel Wasser aus dem Boden. Die Studie ergibt auch, dass sich dieser Prozess selbst bei einer moderaten weiteren Erhitzung der Erde fortsetzen wird. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/13/climate/flash-drought-warming.html
- Jul 2022
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Prof. Barkai: "In light of previous studies, our team proposed an original hypothesis that links the two questions: We think that large animals went extinct due to overhunting by humans, and that the change in diet and the need to hunt progressively smaller animals may have propelled the changes in humankind. In this study we tested our hypotheses in light of data from excavations in the Southern Levant covering several human species over a period of 1.5 million years." Jacob Dembitzer adds: "We considered the Southern Levant (Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Southwest Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon) to be an 'archaeological laboratory' due to the density and continuity of prehistoric findings covering such a long period of time over a relatively small area -- a unique database unavailable anywhere else in the world. Excavations, which began 150 years ago, have produced evidence for the presence of humans, beginning with Homo erectus who arrived 1.5 million years ago, through the neandertals who lived here from an unknown time until they disappeared about 45,000 years ago, to modern humans (namely, ourselves) who came from Africa in several waves, starting around 180,000 years ago."
The different hominin species studied in this well defined, archeologically rich region were Homo Erectus, Neandertals and Modern Humans..
- May 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the memory castle that jordan peter peterson described i think it has potentially a risk of inducing 00:58:28 confirmation bias
Jordan Peterson apparently has described using a memory palace (castle?) he used with 12 spaces for writing his book (presumably 12 Rules for life?).
- Oct 2021
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.org
Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer
- Morocco
- Thailand
- Bangladesh
- South America
- Uzbekistan
- Italy
- Gambia
- Angola
- Brazil
- Austria
- Albania
- Hong Kong
- Kyrgyzstan
- Mauritania
- Algeria
- Kuwait
- case fatality rate
- Mozambique
- Georgia
- Madagascar
- Iceland
- Central African Republic
- Botswana
- Peru
- Senegal
- Lebanon
- Benin
- Sri Lanka
- Cote d'ivoire
- Chad
- Portugal
- Ecuador
- Tanzania
- Poland
- Africa
- Slovenia
- New Zealand
- Greece
- Andorra
- Colombia
- Bulgaria
- Anguilla
- Lesotho
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Gibraltar
- Iraq
- Jersey
- Japan
- Czechia
- Honduras
- UK
- Isle of Man
- Singapore
- Cameroon
- Australia
- Argentina
- Malawi
- Niger
- Papua New Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Malta
- Germany
- Uruguay
- chart
- Panama
- San Marino
- Cuba
- Mauritius
- Seychelles
- Spain
- Cape Verde
- Philipines
- Belgium
- Vanuatu
- Eritrea
- Latvia
- Kenya
- map
- North Macedonia
- North America
- graph
- Fiji
- Liberia
- Bolivia
- Nepal
- Oman
- France
- Rwanda
- COVID-19
- Macao
- case
- Syria
- Afghanistan
- lang:en
- Solomon Islands
- Antigua
- Turkey
- Barbuda
- Liechtenstein
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Netherlands
- Estonia
- Guatemala
- Trinidad
- Guinea
- Suriname
- Haiti
- Laos
- Mali
- Hungary
- Europe
- China
- Faeroe Islands
- Chile
- Northern Cyprus
- Denmark
- Dominician Republic
- Saint Vincent
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Bahrain
- Dominica
- Namibia
- Monaco
- Djobouti
- Jamaica
- Greenland
- World
- Russia
- Palestine
- India
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- Egypt
- Norway
- Eswatini
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- Malaysia
- Mongolia
- South Sudan
- Ukraine
- Tajikistan
- Armenia
- Togo
- Cambodia
- Tunisia
- Lithuania
- Paraguay
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Herzegovina
- Finland
- Asia
- Sweden
- Libya
- Zambia
- Pakistan
- Croatia
- El Salvador
- Falkland Islands
- Montenegro
- Uganda
- Guernsey
- table
- Bermuda
- Bosnia
- Congo
- Switzerland
- death
- Romania
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Mashall Islands
- Grenada
- Kazakhstan
- Slovakia
- Nigeria
- Vatican
- Saudi Arabia
- Luxembourg
- Mexico
- Equatorial Guinea
- Burundi
- mortality
- Indonesia
- Bahamas
- Myanmar
- Grenadines
- South Korea
- Azerbaijan
- is:webpage
- Canada
- Kosovo
- Timor
- Sierra Leone
- Belize
- Samoa
- test
- Cayman Islands
- Jordan
- Tobago
- Guyana
- Saint Lucia
- Venezuela
- Moldova
- Cyprus
- data
- Somalia
- Europian Union
- Costa Rica
- Yemen
- Comoros
- Ireland
- Serbia
- Zimbabwe
- Qatar
- Oceania
- Bhutan
- Israel
- United Arab Emirates
- Gabon
- Nicaragua
- Sudan
- Taiwan
- vaccine
- Ethiopia
- Burkina Faso
- Ghana
- South Africa
- Maldives
- Saint Helena
- Jun 2021
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
Sallam, M. (2021). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Worldwide: A Concise Systematic Review of Vaccine Acceptance Rates. Vaccines, 9(2), 160. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines9020160
www.currentaffairs.org www.currentaffairs.org
Malcolm Gladwell calls him “a wonderful psychologist.”
- Feb 2021
www.currentaffairs.org www.currentaffairs.org
- Oct 2020
snarp.github.io snarp.github.io
Somewhere, underneath that twitching, burrowing mass, is the exterminator. He is screaming.
That exterminator guy
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
reasonml.github.io reasonml.github.io
The language for writing React. Reason's creator also created ReactJS, whose first prototypes were written in SML, a distant cousin of OCaml. We've transcribed ReactML into ReactJS for wide adoption. A few years later, we're now iterating on the future of ReactJS through ReasonReact.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
The story starts off very interesting. The writer speaks about their current situation which is being isolated in homes because of high concentrations of carbon monoxide in the air. She speaks about how Susan’s daily activities-practicing for the marching band and playing flag football- have been halted due to this incident; however, the writer does not speak about how it has reached that stage of severe air pollution. Although the writer slowly speaks about it, a brief summary of it at the beginning would clear up my uncertainty.
Just out of curiosity, who created these ibots? Did this carbon monoxide poisoning happen suddenly or gradually? Initially when the carbon monoxide poisoning happened, what were their main way of surviving? I also found it interesting how they would stay indoors and make the ibots perform their daily outdoor activities. Since the ibots are doing their outdoor activities, is it that they can control their own personal ibot or does each family receive only one ibot?
I enjoyed reading this story because it talks about the future and the use of technology to help mankind. The use of dialogue in this story allowed me to visualize the story in my mind. Furthermore, the plot itself is very interesting, creating a feeling of wanting to read and know more. I enjoyed how the story got more and more intense which spiked up my curiosity and need to know more!
I found the piece engaging, although there were a few points I found confusing. In terms of cohesiveness, the writer was able to put the pieces together, which allowed for better understanding; however, the ending ended abruptly. As a result, it felt as if something was missing. I think providing more information towards the end may assist the reader in understanding the story a bit more. All in all, I enjoyed reading the writer’s story!
- Feb 2019
www.atlasobscura.com www.atlasobscura.com
Here in the Jordanian capital, the 6,000 seats of a 2nd-century Roman amphitheater stand testament to the significance of what was then known as Philadelphia, or “the city of brotherly love.”
So cool to have a picture in front of this amphitheater!
- May 2018
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
In many ways, Peterson is an old-fashioned conservative who mourns the decline of religious faith and the traditional family, but he uses of-the-moment tactics. His YouTube gospel resonates with young white men who feel alienated by the jargon of social-justice discourse and crave an empowering theory of the world in which they are not the designated oppressors. Many are intellectually curious. On Amazon, Peterson’s readers seek out his favourite thinkers: Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Solzhenitsyn, Jung.
The "designated oppressors... crave an empowering theory of the world" wherein "they are not the designated oppressors." Definitely a major challenge currently.
- Apr 2018
www.nbcnews.com www.nbcnews.com
Who is Jordan Peterson, favorite figure of the alt-right
Except alt-right do not like JP. Lying news outlets have no dignity or integrity. That is why no one watches them on youtube. Old media is on its way out. Truth is the future.
- Mar 2018
www.vox.com www.vox.com
Tired of all the authors who start a piece by belittling JBP using the same meaningless words.
quillette.com quillette.com
A leftist dared to confront Peterson's work. Good luck to him. We are supposed to criticize Peterson only on the terms imposed by our critics.
- Feb 2018
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Biblical Series III: God and the Hierarchy of Authority
- May 2017
www.nationalgeographic.com www.nationalgeographic.com
Petra was once a thriving trading center and the capital of the Nabataean empire between 400 B.C. and A.D. 106.
Love it!