287 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
  2. Jan 2025
    1. 4.3 Geopolitics- study of the effects of geography on politics and relations among states.<br /> Territoriality - a willingness by a person or group of people to defend space they claim. A people's connection to a particular piece of land.

      Neocolonialism- Process which powerful countries attempt to control weaker countries because of economic or cultural pressures. Control was indirectly exerted over developing countries. Ex. Transnational corporations based in European countries continued to control the extractions of natural resources through mining and the export of natural resources

  3. Nov 2024
    1. why do our journalists feel they' got to fly to other parts of the world with the camera crew to film some disaster that's elsewhere that's occurred elsewhere why can't those people be training to use the cameras and Report you we we've embedded this sort of colonial view of the world and this Elite view of the world and we like to think of ourselves as good people in this and there's something deeply problematic in all of this and we have to start to unpick this if we're going to be serious about climate change

      for - climate crisis - hypocrisy - example - colonialism - journalists in Global North fly to Global South with full film crew - alternative - hire journalists in Global South to do the film work - Kevin Anderson

    2. why is it when colleagues do field work they feel they have to fly backwards and forwards to do their field work often say in the southern hemisphere

      for - climate crisis - hypocrisy - example - colonialism - scientists in Global North fly to Global South - alternative - hire scientists in Global South to do the field work - Kevin Anderson

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXK89PYXoa4

      Description: This is a fan restoration of a scene from South Park Season 14 Ep 6 titled "201." The original censored both depiction as well as mention of Muhammad after threats from radicals lead to fear and concern from Comedy Central. The episode was banned after the initial broadcast. The uncensored audio leaked online in 2014.

  4. Oct 2024
    1. The research finds

      for - stats - green growth - 2024 - Global South vs Global North

      stats - green growth - 2024 - Global South has - 60% of world population - 20% of fossil fuel production - fossil fuel production in decline - 70% of global renewable resource potential - In 2024, 87% of capex of electricity generation is renewable - From 2019 to 2024, renewable energy has grown 23% annually and now supplies 9% of its electricity - 17% of Global South has already overtaken Global North in % of renewable electricty generation

    2. for - Report - Powering Up the Global South - Rocky Mountain Institute - RMI - 2024 - Vikram Singh - Kingsmill Bond

      Summary - This report shows that the Global South is adopting cleantech faster than the Global North

    1. Clash of the Cartels: Unmasking the global drug kingpins stalking South Africa.

      for - book - Clash of the Cartels: Unmasking the global drug kingpins stalking South Africa - Caryn Dolley - Columbia drug trafficking in South Africa

    2. Why you don’t see it is because it’s subtle, very sophisticated and it is a massive business.

      for - quote - organized crime in Cape Town

      quote - organized crime in Cape Town - Andre Lincoln - Caryn Dolley - (see below) - Why you don’t see it is because it’s subtle, very sophisticated and it is a massive business. - How many restaurants and clubs on these famous streets are paying protection money to criminals? It's pretty startling - And what about construction shakedowns? 63 billion Rand of projects impacted in 2019 - https://hyp.is/Smjb3I5CEe-fXHsx-Sy8kQ/www.inclusivesociety.org.za/post/overview-of-the-construction-mafia-crisis-in-south-africa

    3. for - polycrisis - organized crime - Daily Maverick article - organized crime - Cape Town - How the state colludes with SA’s underworld in hidden web of organised crime – an expert view - Victoria O’Regan - 2024, Oct 18 - book - Man Alone: Mandela’s Top Cop – Exposing South Africa’s Ceaseless Sabotage - Daily Maverick journalist Caryn Dolley - 2024 - https://viahtml.hypothes.is/proxy/https://shop.dailymaverick.co.za/product/man-alone-mandelas-top-cop-exposing-south-africas-ceaseless-sabotage/?_gl=11mkyl5s_gcl_auODI2MTMxODEuMTcyNjI0MDAwMg.._gaNzQ5NDM3NzE0LjE3MjMxODY0NzY._ga_Y7XD5FHQVG*MTcyOTM1MjgwOS4xLjAuMTcyOTM1MjgxOS41MC4wLjkyNTE5MDk2OA..

      summary - This article revolves around the research of South African crime reporter Caryn Dolley on the organized web of crime in South Africa - She discusses the nexus of - trans-national drug cartels - local Cape Town gangs - South African state collusion with gangs - in her new book: Man Alone: Mandela's Top Cop - Exposing South Africa's Ceaseless Sabotage - It illustrates how on-the-ground efforts to fight crime are failing because they do not effectively address this criminal nexus - The book follows the life of retired top police investigator Andre Lincoln whose expose paints the deep level of criminal activity spanning government, trans-national criminal networks and local gangs - Such organized crime takes a huge toll on society and is an important contributor to the polycrisis. - Non-linear approaches are necessary to tackle this systemic problem - One possibility is a trans-national citizen-led effort

  5. Jun 2024
    1. Oral tradition, too, entangled national identity and religion.

      I can't help but wonder how this is currently working in the deep South with respect to political identity (far right, Trump, MAGA) and religious identity (born again, ultra-nationalist Christians, etc.)

  6. May 2024
    1. Dichter und sehr gut dokumentierter Überblicksratikel über die Expansionspläne der Öl- und Gasindustrie. Aus unerschlossenen Feldern sollen 230 Milliarden Barrel Öläquivalent gefördert werden - im klaren Widerspruch zum Pariser Abkommen. Durch Ausbeutung neuer Lager werden bis 2025 voraussichtlich 70 Gt CO<sub>2</sub> und damit 17% des Budgets für das 1,5° Ziel ausgestoßen. Eingegangen wird auch auf den Ausstiegsplan des Tyndall Centre. https://taz.de/Run-auf-fossile-Brennstoffe/!5973686/

  7. Apr 2024
    1. Dreyfuss Henry (Doris) ind designer h500 Columbia SY9-7151 Riana huyeace oe +» « MU2-1500

      address and phone numbers for Henry Dreyfuss, the industrial designer responsible for the The Western Electric model 500 telephone series and the later princess phone.

      South Pasadena City Directory, 1961-1962<br /> by California Directory Publishing Co. https://archive.org/details/csp_000062/page/n21/mode/2up?view=theater

    1. QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSISPerceived fears and concerns of educatorsSome concerns and fears, which ar

      P 574 to 582 cited in Literacy review as part of OBe failing for teachers and students.

  8. Mar 2024
    1. He marveled at how the SouthCarolinians deluded themselves in believing they were safe, burdened asthey were with a large slave population—“stupid security,” he called it.
    1. for - Elon Musk Don Lemon interview - Elon Musk - cancels Don Lemon - Elon Musk - South Africa, early childhood trauma

      Summary - Lemon points out Musk's consequential role in the world and that people who invest in his various projects have a right to know about the wellbeing of the leader of the company they are investing in. - Actions speak louder than words and his cancelation of Lemon's show demonstrates he was very uncomfortable with Lemon's questions. It was obvious from Musk's defensive body language.

      Reference - https://fortune.com/well/2023/09/17/does-elon-musk-have-ptsd-walter-isaacson-biography/ - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/05/world/africa/elon-musk-south-africa.html

  9. Jan 2024
    1. Mit South Force Wind hat die erste große Offfshore-Windfarm der USA mit der Stromproduktion begonnen. Eine von 12 Turbinen wurde in Betrieb genommen. Vorangegangen waren mehr als 20 Jahre Auseinandersetzungen über das Projekt. Interactive der New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/01/11/nyregion/ny-wind-farm-south-fork.html

  10. Dec 2023
    2. The basic SoNeC framework is designed with European values, e.g. tolerance, mutual respect,non-discrimination, solidarity and gender equality in mind.
      • for: SONEC - expanding globally, Global North South sister city program

      • comment

        • For globally expanding SONEC, it is also important to consider other cultural values outside the European lens and to also address the structural inequalities of colonialism
        • For a globalized SONEC, one suggestion is to create a sister city program based on reparation from colonial injustice and integrating a climate justice component
    1. There is now as big a disparity in carbon emissions within countries as there is between them
      • for: carbon emissions - within and between countries, Southern-North, Northern-South, Local North, Local South, Global North - Global South terminology - improving

      • comment

        • The wealth and carbon inequality both between and within countries can be better articulated using terminology developed by Stop Reset Go
          • Southern-North
          • Northern-South
          • Local North
          • Local South
      • reference

  11. Nov 2023
    1. Die englische Regierung hat in der letzten Oktoberwoche 27 Lizenzen zur Öl- und Gasförderung in der Nordsee vergeben. George Monbiot konfrontiert diese Entscheidung mit aktuellen Erkenntnissen zum sechsten Massenaussterben und dem drohenden Zusammenbruch lebensunterstützender Systeme des Planeten https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/31/flickering-earth-systems-warning-act-now-rishi-sunak-north-sea

  12. Oct 2023
  13. Sep 2023
    1. Im bisher größten Prozess der schwedischen Rechtsgeschichte stehen zwei Manager der Firma Lundin-Oil vor Gericht. Sie sollen veranlasst haben, dass die sudanesische Regierung durch Säuberungsaktionen die Voraussetzungen für Ölförderung schaffte. Dabei kamen ca 12.000 Menschen ums Leben. Ein Partner von Lundin-Oil im Sudan war die OMV. https://taz.de/Historischer-Prozess-gegen-Oelkonzern/!5955113/

      • for: climate financing, JETP, Just Energy Transition Partnerships
      • summary
        • Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP) are happening in South Africa and also Indonesia, Vietnam, Senegal and possibly India.
        • Will these actually happen? Will they be enough to avoid the highest risk of planetary tipping points?
    1. “Given the high unemployment rate in South Africa as well … you cannot sell it as a climate change intervention,” says Deborah Ramalope, head of climate policy analysis at the policy institute Climate Analytics in Berlin. “You really need to sell it as a socioeconomic intervention.”
      • for: quote, quote - climate change intervention, Trojan horse, Deborah Ramalope
      • quote
        • Given the high unemployment rate in South Africa as well … you cannot sell it as a climate change intervention, you really need to sell it as a socioeconomic intervention.
      • author: Deborah Ramalop
      • date: Aug. 15, 2023
      • source: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/just-energy-transition-partnerships-south-africa-cop
      • comment
        • A Trojan horse strategy
    2. climate finance expert Malango Mughogho, who is managing director of ZeniZeni Sustainable Finance Limited in South Africa and a member of the United Nations High-Level Expert Group on net-zero emissions commitments.
      • for: climate change financing - South Africa, Malango Mughogho, ZeniZeni, net-zero
  14. Aug 2023
    1. Views 0 CrossRef citations to date 32 Altmetric Research Article The spatial and social logic of the Minibus Taxi network: how access may support social inclusion in Cape Town, South Africa
      • for: cape town transportation, minibus industry South Africa , Cape Town, sustainable transportation, informal transport
      • title
        • Views 0 CrossRef citations to date 32 Altmetric Research Article The spatial and social logic of the Minibus Taxi network: how access may support social inclusion in Cape Town, South Africa
      • date
        • May 24, 2021
      • author
        • Ruth Joan Nelson
      • source
    1. Eine Winter-Hitzewelle hat in den Anden zu Temperaturen bis zu 37° geführt. Der vergangene Dienstag war in Chile vermutlich der wärmste Wintertag seit 72 Jahren. Befürchtet wird, dass sich dadurch Dürren intensivieren. Die ersten sechs Monate des Jahres waren in ganz Südamerika ungewöhnlich warm und an vielen Stellen niederschlagsarm. Die Hitze wird sich im Lauf des Jahres voraussichtlich unter El Niño-Einwirkung verstärken. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/06/winter-heatwave-andes-sign-things-come-scientists-warn

  15. Jul 2023
    1. Die Erhitzung durch Treibhausgase führt zu einer Steigerung von häuslicher und sexueller Gewalt. Eine in Indien Nepal und Pakistan durchgeführte Studie ergibt dass ein Grad Temperaturerhöhung zu etwa 6% mehr Gewalttaten gegen Frauen führt. Hitze führt zu Störungen in der Lebensmittelversorgung, Schäden an der Infrastruktur und dem Zwang, sich mehr in geschlossenen Räumen aufzuhalten Punkt damit vergrößert sich der Stress in Familien besonders betroffen sind Menschen mit niedrigem Einkommen und im ländlichen Gebieten. Untersuchungen zeigen das auch der hitzestress selbst die Bereitschaft zur Gewalt vergrößert. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/28/climate-crisis-linked-to-rising-domestic-violence-in-south-asia-study-finds

  16. May 2023
  17. Apr 2023
  18. Mar 2023
    1. Some scholars argue that in the Global North, the view tends to be ‘no humanity without nature’, while in the Global South, the focus is on ‘no nature without social justice’
      • Differences between Global North and Global south perspectives on earth system justice:
      • Some scholars argue that in the Global North, the view tends to be ‘no humanity without nature’,
      • while in the Global South, the focus is on ‘no nature without social justice’.
  19. Feb 2023
    1. The complexities of the response of South Africans to the war in Ukraine are discussed in this story. On the one hand, the South African ANC government has had a historical political and economic relationship with Russia that continues up to the invasion of Ukraine. On the other hand, the ANCs struggle against apartheid puts it in a paradoxical situation with the huge atrocities Russia is now perpetrating upon Ukraine.

      Violations of early NATO treaty and alleged corruption within the Ukraine government cannot justify Putin's continued human rights atrocities.

      In this day and age, does national sovereignty justify war? In this day and age, the need for Mutually Assured Destruction is indeed MADness .

      With climate change breathing down our necks as well as the 6th mass extinction, we appear to be a world gone mad.

    1. people on low incomes within developed countries are contributing less to the climate crisis, while rich people in developing countries have much bigger carbon footprints than was previously acknowledged.

      = comment - It has been a research claim for SRG for years that this is the case, - and is also rather obvious that - carbon inequality exists wherever there is wealth inequality - our more interesting analysis is the historical connection between colonialism and capitalism - As the explicit form of colonialism began to disappear for to progressive action, globalised, industrial capitalism began to emerge - the North/South divide created by colonialism began to plant the seed of the extractive logic of democratically into opportunist minds of every creed - in effect, the traditional colonialist perpetrator club, swung their doors wide open, inclusive now of non-white exploiters - there is now a North /South divide within each country

  20. Jan 2023
  21. Sep 2022
  22. Aug 2022
    1. Kustin, T., Harel, N., Finkel, U., Perchik, S., Harari, S., Tahor, M., Caspi, I., Levy, R., Leschinsky, M., Dror, S. K., Bergerzon, G., Gadban, H., Gadban, F., Eliassian, E., Shimron, O., Saleh, L., Ben-Zvi, H., Amichay, D., Ben-Dor, A., … Stern, A. (2021). Evidence for increased breakthrough rates of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in BNT162b2 mRNA vaccinated individuals. MedRxiv, 2021.04.06.21254882. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.06.21254882

    1. John Burn-Murdoch. (2021, November 25). Five quick tweets on the new variant B.1.1.529 Caveat first: Data here is very preliminary, so everything could change. Nonetheless, better safe than sorry. 1) Based on the data we have, this variant is out-competing others far faster than Beta and even Delta did 🚩🚩 https://t.co/R2Ac4e4N6s [Tweet]. @jburnmurdoch. https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1463956686075580421

    1. neighborhood of Campelloemerged as a hub of shoe production, especially with the establishmentand growth of the Walk-Over Shoe Company, founded by the Keith family

      Walk-Over Shoes Company in Brockton's Campello Neighborhood

  23. Jun 2022
    1. First, the majority population in eastern Virginia were enslaved blacks. Whites lived in constant fear of slave insurrection. Everyone knew about the 1739 slave rebellion in Stono, S.C., when blacks broke into a store, decapitated the shopkeepers, seized guns and powder, and marched with flying banners, beating drums and cries of “Liberty!” Up to 100 joined the rebellion before being engaged by a contingent of armed, mounted militiamen. Scores died in the ensuing battle.
  24. May 2022
    1. Accordingly, to allow for a peaceful solution, payment in the form of reparations or a substantial commitment to support the global hyper-response burden on the part of the Western world may hasten a geopolitical shift toward an era of cooperation around the shared threat.

      A bottom up approach can be tried instead in which trust bonds are automatically stronger - form citizen sister city groups between the global north and the global south of each state as well as local north and local south within each city

  25. Apr 2022
    1. (((Howard Forman))) [@thehowie]. (2021, December 26). South Africa Hospitalizations⬆️15% week over week⬆️0.3% from yesterday Gauteng Province⬆️2.4% week over week⬆️0.7% Long plateau: Ventilators are last to peak (17% of Delta peak) Should see meaningful declines later this week. Https://t.co/qNv1l5hNcv [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1475095305297268740

    1. Kai Kupferschmidt. (2021, December 1). If you’re curious how likely #omicron is to have spread from South Africa or Botswana to different places, @DirkBrockmann and colleagues have done some interesting calculations based on the world aviation network from 08/2021 You can see that US seems a very likely destination https://t.co/OSnZ6ZNble [Tweet]. @kakape. https://twitter.com/kakape/status/1466107074585239568

    1. Ravi K Gupta [@ravgup33_ravi]. (2021, November 24). This one is worrying and I’ve not said that since delta. Please get vaccinated and boosted and mask up in public as the mutations in this virus likely result in high level escape from neutralising antibodies [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/ravgup33_ravi/status/1463626745651806208

    1. Dr Dominic Pimenta [@DrDomPimenta]. (2021, December 15). An illustration of communicating risk with “less severe” variants: [Thread] Assume Omicron is 4x more transmissible than Delta. [1] Assume Omicron leads to 1/3 less admissions than Delta. [Figure below] Assume 1 in 100 cases of Delta are admitted to hospital. Https://t.co/XtnVwoOrUo [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/DrDomPimenta/status/1471094002808242177

    1. Prof. Christina Pagel 🇺🇦 [@chrischirp]. (2021, November 24). As well as Tom’s new one (B.1.1.529), C.1.2 seems to be spreading in S Africa—C.1.2 was the one with lots of worrying mutations first reported in August... Plus cases in S Africa suddenly increasing again in the middle of their summer. Https://t.co/fCqfOMcO83 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1463504890530086917

    1. Dr Emma Hodcroft [@firefoxx66]. (2021, November 26). We now have B.1.1.529 sequences (designed at @nextstrain clade 21K) up in our Africa build. You can check them out below. These are from South Africa & Botswana—You can see the high number of mutations. CoVariants focal build & updates will come ASAP. https://t.co/fqBldneF5U [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/firefoxx66/status/1464145615571623938

    1. South Africa has nearly 26 000 schools, 400 000 teachers and close to 13-million learners.

      South Africa has an interesting number of school and learners. with a big number of learners in the country.

  26. Mar 2022
    1. so if i have to summarize quickly as to what are the reasons that led to the 00:17:31 decline of silicon economy they are massive external debt then rapidly depleting foreign exchange reserves because of heavy imports then decline in tourism due to the pandemic after that high level corruption in the government 00:17:43 and banning of chemical fertilizers which hampered agricultural production

      5-point Summary of SriLankan Economic crisis 2022

    2. Srilanka worst Financial crisis 2022

    1. Get the popular south asian classical music

      south asian classical music are a sort of South Asian music, the other being film, different groupings of pop, local society, extreme and aware music. In south asian classical music, the raga and the tala are two fundamental parts. The raga structures the outer layer of a melodic turn of events, and the tala keeps the time cycle. Both raga and tala are open structures for imagination and award an incredibly gigantic number of potential outcomes, regardless, the preparation of a few hundred ragas and talas as key. Raga is really identified with tala or course about "division of time", with every unit called a matra (beat, and term between beats).

      south asian classical music are the classical music of the Indian subcontinent. These customs were not explicit until about the fifteenth century. During the hour of Mughal rule of the Indian subcontinent, the customs disengaged and advanced into explicit developments. Hindustani music underlines extemporization and assessment of all bits of a raga, while Carnatic introductions will generally speaking be short blueprint based. Regardless, south asian classical music and two frameworks keep having more run of the mill highlights than contrasts.

      The foundations of sufiscore south asian classical music of India are found in the Vedic piece of Hinduism and the old Natyashastra, the laudable Sanskrit text on execution explanations by Bharata Muni.

      south asian classical music have two essential parts, raga and tala. The raga, considering a changed collection of swara (notes including microtones), structures the outer layer of an essentially bewildering melodic arrangement, while the tala evaluates the time cycle. The raga gives an expert a scope to assemble the song from sounds, while the tala gives them an innovative structure for musical extemporization utilizing time. In sufiscore south asian classical music the space between the notes is in many cases more tremendous than the genuine notes, and it all things considered avoids Western classical contemplations like congruity, separation, harmonies, or change.

      south asian classical music

  27. Feb 2022
    1. இந்திய அளவில் என் பிரியத்துக்குரிய பயணக்கட்டுரையாளர்கள் மூவர். முதன்மையானவர் தாகூர். அன்றும் இன்றும் இந்தியமொழிகளின் மகத்தான பயணக்கட்டுரையாளர் அவரே. அவருடைய செல்வ வளம் அவரை தொடர் பயணியாக வாழ வழிவகுத்தது. இமையமலைகளில் ஆப்ரிக்க பழங்குடி நிலங்களில் அரேபிய பாலையில் என அவர் பயணம் செய்துகொண்டே இருந்தார். குறிப்பாக அவருடைய ஆவிக்கப்பல் பயணங்கள் எனக்கு பெரும் கனவென நினைவில் நீடிக்கின்றன. இரண்டாமவர் காகா காலேல்கர். இந்தியாவின் அத்தனை ஆறுகளையும் ஏரிகளையும் நேரில் சென்று பார்த்து அவர் எழுதிய ‘ஜீவன்லீலா’ என்ற நூல் ஒரு பெரும்படைப்பு. மலையாளத்தில் ஞானபீடப் பரிசுபெற்ற எழுத்தாளரான எஸ்.கே.பொற்றேக்காட் எழுதிய பயணக்கட்டுரைகள் எல்லாம் பெரும்புனைவுகளுக்கு நிகராக உளம் கவர்பவை.

      Tagore as itinerary travel writer

    1. Adele Groyer. (2022, January 8). Friday report is now out. Https://covidactuaries.org/2022/01/07/the-friday-report-issue-58/ I am struck that perception of a “mild” Covid situation is relative. In SA natural deaths were >30% higher than predicted in Dec. The last time weekly death rates in E&W were more than 30% above 2015-19 levels was in Jan 2021. Https://t.co/S9fkn2WFVk [Tweet]. @AdeleGroyer. https://twitter.com/AdeleGroyer/status/1479760460589191170

  28. Jan 2022
    1. Tom Wenseleers. (2022, January 30). Seems that the second Omicron subvariant BA.2 may soon be about to cause cases to start rising again in South Africa... Or at least to stop the decline in new infections. Shows how fast immunity wanes & evolution can catch up. Https://t.co/3y4xqPgZ0L [Tweet]. @TWenseleers. https://twitter.com/TWenseleers/status/1487919837670219781

    1. But why is this blank? One interpretation  is that they left it blank to show that God,   the Supreme power has no definite shape, size  or form. Many people think Hinduism is only   about Idol worship and polytheism, but even during  ancient times, Hinduism acknowledged and discussed   00:05:19 other philosophies like God is formless, this is  called Nirakara & Nirguna during ancient times.   Hinduism even discusses atheism, theosophy

      Hinduism evidence for nirguna and atheism

      • rotating-pillar
      • empty space
    1. Dr. Cecília Tomori. (2022, January 25). Maryland 24,183 new cases South Korea 8,571 new cases Maryland population 6.2 million South Korea population 51.82 million Perspective, even w SK sharply rising & MD headed down (hope it continues). [Tweet]. @DrTomori. https://twitter.com/DrTomori/status/1485792047252520962

    1. Dr Satoshi Akima. (2022, January 8). I’ve had people mention rising case numbers in Japan and South Korea. But let’s really put that rise into perspective. Nations that have early accepted that #COVIDisAirborne simply fair better https://t.co/KaoE26gQ0N [Tweet]. @ToshiAkima. https://twitter.com/ToshiAkima/status/1479724180840988673

  29. Dec 2021
    1. An American Geologist has stated about this mountain thus:- “Arunachala should have been thrown up by the earth under the stress of some violent volcanic eruption in the dim ages before even the coal-bearing strata were formed.

      tiruvannamalai formation genesis

      • புவி அண்டத்தில் உருவான பிண்டம்
    2. Tiruvannamalai was a fire (Agni) mountain in Krathayuga, Gold (Swarna) mountain in Thrathayugha, Copper (Thambra) mountain in Duvaparayuga and rock mountain in this Kaliyuga.
      • திருவண்ணாமலை தொன்மம்
    1. city of Arequipa has a significant number of buildings constructed with sillar, resulting in the nickname la ciudad blanca ("the white city").[5]
      • legal capital of Peru
      • Misti stratovolcano
      • my fictitious city like tiruvannamalai will have white buildings made with sillar
    1. Arieh Kovler. (2021, November 26). Israel has identified four cases of the B.1.1.529 variant, all recent travellers. One case, a 32-year-old woman returning from South Africa, was triple vaccinated with Pfizer and had her 3rd dose just two months ago. [Tweet]. @ariehkovler. https://twitter.com/ariehkovler/status/1464190991204859919

    1. Tom Moultrie. (2021, December 17). A 1-figure Gauteng update, bringing in data through Wednesday 15/12 (PCR only; by date of collection). The turn continues. On similar metrics (not shown) ALL northern provinces (NW, GT, MP, LP) seem to have now turned. Https://t.co/6Bh3kZsooK [Tweet]. @tomtom_m. https://twitter.com/tomtom_m/status/1471723711287996416

    1. Tom Moultrie. (2021, December 12). Given the comedic misinterpretation of the South African testing data offered by @BallouxFrancois (and many others!) last night ... I offer some tips having contributed to the analysis of the testing data for the @nicd_sa since April last year. (1/6) [Tweet]. @tomtom_m. https://twitter.com/tomtom_m/status/1469954015932915718

  30. Nov 2021
    1. 18 அடி நீளம் கொண்ட மூலவர் சிலையை 12 ஆயிரம் சாளக்கிராம கற்களைக் கொண்டும், ‘கடுசர்க்கரா’ என்னும் அஷ்டபந்தன கலவையாலும் உருவாக்கியுள்ளனர்.

      Padmanabhaswamy statue specification

    1. Stephen Reicher. (2021, November 26). 55.1% of the worlds population has had one dose of Covid vaccine. 29% in South Africa 10.1% in Africa as a whole Only 6% of Africans are fully vaccinated So is it any surprise new variants are arising from Africa? What doesn’t go around (as vaccine) Comes around (as Covid). Https://t.co/0X0vZ6flmc [Tweet]. @ReicherStephen. https://twitter.com/ReicherStephen/status/1464202267196858380

    1. um kevin anderson 00:12:43 if you can talk more about this issue both you and george assad raymond and so many other climate activists talking about this issue of wealth 00:12:55 you say per capita is a flawed metric as most polluting industries have been moved to developing nations so it's not reflective of the rich nation's emissions take all of this on 00:13:09 yeah i mean that's a really key issue and i think if i focus in here on the uk where i know it's a place obviously i know much better that what we've done in the uk we've closed down a lot of our industry and then we import the manufactured goods from elsewhere in the 00:13:22 world and then we turn around to those parts of the world and then we blame them for the emissions in manufacturing the goods that we are enjoying and that's everything from our electronic goods to parts for our cars as our clothes so you know the uk is 00:13:35 effectively moved to a bar and banking culture and and and offshore virtually everything else and so we when we looking at our total amount of emissions we have to take account of the carbon footprint of our lifestyles and that 00:13:47 does include the emissions that we associated with things that we import and export i mean you take that into account you tend to find that most wealthy countries have a much larger carbon footprint than when you just look at the energy they use within their 00:14:00 boundaries and i think it's really key again when we think about these issues of equity we we that we take this what's often referred to as a consumption-based accounting method we take that into account because it is unfair to be 00:14:12 penalizing poor parts of the world for them making things to help us have a better quality of life over here and when we do that then the challenges get even more striking in terms of what we have to do and it also also brings out 00:14:25 even further the issues of equity the disparity between the richer parts of the world and the poorer parts of the world but i also think on the equity point it's really worth bringing out that it's not as if everyone in the uk is even 00:14:37 there isn't just one public in the uk there are multiple publics there were those of us who are the wealthy ones in our own country that are responsible for the lion's share of missions within the uk that will be true chain for the u.s for germany for japan australia and so 00:14:50 within all of our countries there are large swathes of the country who are the average and below average consumers and for them the response to climate change is very different from those of us who are in our own countries are responsible for the lion's share of 00:15:03 emissions so i think we have to differentiate not just between countries but even within our countries and my concern there is that who are the people that frame the climate dubai debate they're the climate scientists and the academics they're the 00:15:14 entrepreneurs the business leaders the journalists the barristers they're all the people that are in the very high emitting category so we frame the debate and we never ever frame the debate with equity at its core and with regardless 00:15:26 of our maths or our moral sorry regardless of our moral position the maths tell us if we are to deliver on the commitments then equity has to be a key part of our responses but we never talk about that because we are in that 00:15:38 high emitting group

      Kevin points out why a CONSUMPTION-BASED METRIC is more accurate than PER CAPITA metric, as the PER CAPITA metric does not include the embodied carbon emissions of the manufactured goods that consumers purchase. Per Capita metric reflects that the manufacture is responsible, not the consumer, an inaccurate moral indication.

      We have also noticed that wealthy and poor exist in ALL countries of the world and the more nuanced terminology we employ based on a Country-Wealth Sector classification matrix as described here:


      Using this new terminology, Monbiot and Anderson are referring to the North-North and South-North class as all the elites of the world has having the highest personal carbon footprint whilst the North-South and South-South class are the victims.

  31. Oct 2021
    1. Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer

      is:webpage lang:en COVID-19 graph case death Germany Sweden UK Afghanistan Africa Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua Barbuda Argentina Armenia Asia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Cote d'ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechia Democratic Republic of Congo Denmark Djobouti Dominica Dominician Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Europe Europian Union Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mashall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North America North Macedonia Northern Cyprus Norway Oceania Oman Pakistan Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philipines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South America South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor Togo Trinidad Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turks and Caicos Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates USA Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe test vaccine chart map table data case fatality rate mortality




  32. Sep 2021
    1. Alex Macheras on Twitter: “UK government confirm tonight that if a person has been vaccinated in Africa, or South America, or countries including UAE, India, Turkey, Jordan, Thailand, Russia… …you are considered ‘unvaccinated’ and must follow ‘unvaccinated’ rules ⛔️ = 10 day home quarantine & tests” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2021, from https://twitter.com/AlexInAir/status/1438991435697639427

  33. Aug 2021
    1. Madhi, S. A., Koen, A. L., Izu, A., Fairlie, L., Cutland, C. L., Baillie, V., Padayachee, S. D., Dheda, K., Barnabas, S. L., Bhorat, Q. E., Briner, C., Aley, P. K., Bhikha, S., Hermanus, T., Horne, E., Jose, A., Kgagudi, P., Lambe, T., Masenya, M., … Kwatra, G. (2021). Safety and immunogenicity of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 in people living with and without HIV in South Africa: An interim analysis of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 1B/2A trial. The Lancet HIV, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-3018(21)00157-0

  34. Jul 2021
    1. Youyang Gu. (2021, June 30). South Dakota has a vaccination rate of 50% (1+ dose). Maine is at 66%. So is Maine better protected? Not quite. If you factor in immunity from natural infection, SD has a total population immunity of ~70%, while ME is at ~62%. I created a calculator: Https://t.co/j4tMI2zN2K [Tweet]. @youyanggu. https://twitter.com/youyanggu/status/1410264061900726283

  35. Jun 2021
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, May 9). RT @Tuliodna: Confirmed Detection of B.1.617.2 and B.1.1.7 in South Africa by NGS-SA This report was sent to our Health Minister @DrZweliM… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1391416831156514817

  36. May 2021
    1. Phil Magness. (2021, April 18). Fixed version: Here’s how the Imperial College model of Neil Ferguson performed over 1 year. I used their most conservative R0 assumption, so this is actually generous to them. Https://t.co/vVJJ629jO0 [Tweet]. @PhilWMagness. https://twitter.com/PhilWMagness/status/1383870801309360135

    1. Eric Topol. (2021, February 17). New reports @NEJM today confirming some immune evasion of the B.1.351 variant (identified in South Africa) to both the mRNA vaccines, in vitro data @BioNTech_Group/@Pfizer and @moderna_tx. Less vaccine efficacy vs B.1.351 has been confirmed in clinical trials for 3 vaccines https://t.co/2N7eKDllso [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1362160675913568256