- Oct 2023
And we found this greatpsychology term—“psychogenic fugue”—describing an event wherethe mind tricks itself to escape some horror. So, in a way, LostHighway is about that. And also the fact that nothing can stay hiddenforever.
- Mar 2023
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
ts with pressure sores are more likely to die, but this seems to be related to
- Feb 2023
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One can find utility in asking questions of their own note box, but why not also leverage the utility of a broader audience asking questions of it as well?!
One of the values of social media is that it can allow you to practice or rehearse the potential value of ideas and potentially getting useful feedback on individual ideas which you may be aggregating into larger works.
- Sep 2022
stratechery.com stratechery.com
In short, the questions about Google’s behavior are not about free speech; they do, though, touch on other Amendments in the Bill of Rights. For example: The Fourth Amendment bars “unreasonable searches and seizures”; while you can make the case that search warrants were justified once the photos in question were discovered, said photos were only discovered because Mark’s photo library was indiscriminately searched in the first place. The Fifth Amendment says no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; Mark lost all of his data, email account, phone number, and everything else Google touched forever with no due process at all. The Sixth Amendment is about the rights to a trial; Mark was not accused of any crime in the real world, but when it came to his digital life Google was, as I noted, “judge, jury, and executioner” (the Seventh Amendment is, relatedly, about the right to a jury trial for all controversies exceeding $20).
Ben Thompson argues that questions about Google's behavior towards a false positive case of CSAM does not pertain to free speech or to the First Amendment. But it does pertain to other Amendments in the Bill of Rights.
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled4
‘Someithasevntacrossthesea,Someit.hascausedto die injail,”‘Andsomeuponthegollows
argues that the cause of the murder was "drink", and that nothing good may come from it.
en searching Carey they found upon him,‘Mr. Sieenson’s pocket-Knife
shows events from the trial, and provides more information on the reasoning why Pickett and Carey were charged.
d be saw blood upon their clothes
as the son sees blood on Pickett and Carey's clothes, he ran to the police station, leading to the two men being charged with the murder of Stevenson.
O’ then what news was for his som,
the act of the neighbor telling the son is important. the son is then the character who saw Pickett and Carey with blood on their clothes, and accused them of the murder of his father.
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