124 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. we have all of these huge applications that are gathering all this data uh and it's out there and theoretically is our data sort of but in reality they control it and you can't actually link the data to each other you only link to accessing the data through their application

      for - quote - silos - internet limitations - location addressed server architecture limitations - silos - cannot link data from each silo - Juan Benet - IPFS

    2. let's go and and create all this great software to deploy it and kind of equalize the the the disparity of wealth across the world and ends up being locked out for by stupid issues like latency and bandwidth

      for - internet limitations - server-based location addressing - limits software's capacity to uplift people and address inequality - bandwidth and latency issues affect those who need it most at the edge

  2. Oct 2024
    1. I control my emails. I can grep them, migrate them, back them up however I want, I can choose who gets through the spam filter. And this is my most sensitive data - password resets, personal emails, personal info - honestly I'm surprised more selfhosters don't do it.
  3. Jul 2024
  4. Jun 2024
  5. May 2024
    1. signing the message in the context of the graph for integrity

      That's weird. User's not in chare of creating an event (as user-generated event is not a complete event in Matrix model, it lacks causal history).

      Relying for creation of an event on a server means you need to be online in order to use apps.

      Better: let user's device be enough, so user can create events offline, sync it later. Server is dumb - just relaying it to user's friends.

    2. Managing user accounts (registration, login, logout)

      Better: always log in with a server, unless you choose to migrate.

  6. Dec 2023
    1. To enable servers to push data to web pages over HTTP or using dedicated server-push protocols, this specification introduces the EventSource interface.

      So they're kind of like webhooks, but from the server to the client instead of one server to another server?

    1. Note that because this request uses your app secret, it must never be made in client-side code or in an app binary that could be decompiled. It is important that your app secret is never shared with anyone. Therefore, this API call should only be made using server-side code.
  7. Sep 2023
    1. Kamatera is a very good option to run a mail server because They don’t block port 25, so you can send unlimited emails (transactional email and newsletters) without spending money on SMTP relay service. Kamatera doesn’t have any SMTP limits. You can send a million emails per day. The IP address isn’t on any email blacklist. (At least this is true in my case. I chose the Dallas data center.) You definitely don’t want to be listed on the dreaded Microsoft Outlook IP blacklist or the spamrats blacklist. Some blacklists block an entire IP range and you have no way to delist your IP address from this kind of blacklist. You can edit PTR record to improve email deliverability. They allow you to send newsletters to your email subscribers with no hourly limits or daily limits, whatsoever. You can order multiple IP addresses for a single server. This is very useful for folks who need to send a large volume of emails. You can spread email traffic on multiple IP addresses to achieve better email deliverability.
    1. Modoboa is an alternative to those 3 options. It frees you from dependence on email providers and makes accessible to all the creation his own secure email server.
  8. Jul 2023
    1. Çoğu IP araması, tek noktaya yayın yönlendirme şemasını kullanır. DNS, bir URL'yi sizi belirli bir sunucuya götüren bir IP adresine çözümler. Ancak Deno Deploy ve Cloudflare , bir IP adresinin bir bilgisayar havuzuyla eşlendiği herhangi bir yayını kullanır. Ağ (en azından bir WAN'da, yani internette) daha sonra adresi en yakın bilgisayara çözer. Genel olarak, bir istemci bir uç çalışandan bir uç işlevi aracılığıyla veya konuşlandırılmış bir kod paketinde bir şey istediğinde, ince bir ters proxy sunucusuna ulaşır. Bu proxy onu istemciye yakın bir sunucuya yönlendirir (bu durumda yakın, o konum için en hızlı anlamına gelir) ve istenen işlevi yürütür. Kodun gerçekten yürütüldüğü sunucu, kaynak olarak bilinir. Orada tipik sunucu tarafı işlevleri sağlayabilir: veritabanlarından veri çekin, dinamik bilgileri doldurun ve istemciyi ağır JavaScript yükleriyle yormaktan kaçınmak için bölümleri statik HTML olarak işleyin. Ubl, "Yerel makinenizde çalışan şeyi çevirin ve altyapıya yerleştirdiğimizde tam olarak aynı şekilde davranacak şekilde sarın" dedi. "Bu, uç fonksiyonları ürünümüzü daha soyut bir kavram haline getiriyor çünkü onları doğrudan kullanmıyorsunuz.

  9. Mar 2023
  10. Feb 2023
    1. "languageServerExample.trace.server": "verbose"

      This is in the contributes part of the package.json

      json "contributes": { "configuration": { "type": "object", "title": "Example configuration", "properties": { "languageServerExample.maxNumberOfProblems": { "scope": "resource", "type": "number", "default": 100, "description": "Controls the maximum number of problems produced by the server." }, "languageServerExample.trace.server": { "scope": "window", "type": "string", "enum": [ "off", "messages", "verbose" ], "default": "off", "description": "Traces the communication between VS Code and the language server." } } } },

    1. Searching is the #1 task that a user has to do. I will say this again:Searching is the #1 task that a user has to do.

      Keep reading. Maybe this has to do with server filtering. I don't know. But it seems interesting so ...

    1. In the example(s), Mypass is a SQL pass-through query you created. You simply create one working PT query, and then you can (usually) then use that one PT query anytime you want raw T-SQL or to run a store procedure 100% server side. So we are in effect overwriting and re-using that one PT query anytime we want raw SQL to run server side.

      This tells how Access has changed over the years and how different it is from the version I worked with ages ago.

    2. Now for running and executing store procedures, or say a sql update to “many” rows, then you most certainly want to use a pass through query, since processing of records does occur local client side.

      So, it's important to research and learn about pass-through queries.

    3. And AGAIN a SIMPLE USE of the “where” clause will result in sql server view ONLY sending down records that meet the criteria you set via the Access built in “where” clause.

      So, building the where clause when opening forms/report is one of the best ways to go.

    4. So placing forms! Expressions inside of a query always been a bad idea since then the query is now “married” to some silly form.

      Wouldn't myself imagined this. But it's very the very truth. The query becomes attached to the form. You can not use it anywhere else!!! And this is the way I was doing this ...

    5. You can change the SQL string in the pass-through QueryDef and specify the Form field:

      So, this is a way to execute that query on the sql server side. Would it be difficult to implement?

    6. Second, would be to pass a SQL string from Access to SQL Server (pass-through query) and have it execute on the SQL Server side.

      Ok, so we need to do some research about pass-trhrough queries. Do they execute on the server?

    7. You can make these changes 100% inside of Access, and not have to really use anything SQL server side to achieve this goal.

      This is just wonderful. Just need to work on the Access (client) side. No need to affect the server side (always more difficult to work with)

    1. WhereCondition Optional Variant A string expression that's a valid SQL WHERE clause without the word WHERE.

      According to what I read, this Where clause goes to the server and applies there. So, we just have to do what we do in js: open a filter form first, build a filter from there and then open the form with that filter (with no Where word).

      Doing that, it's sql server who picks up that filter and applies it server side!!! Just what we need ...

  11. Dec 2022
    1. In the Containers pane, expand all nodes of the package container hierarchy, and then clear all check boxes, including the Extract Sample Currency Data check box. Now select the check box for Extract Sample Currency Data to get only the events for this node.

      When I completed this step, the nodes of the package container hierarchy did not have checkboxes. Also, the Extract Sample Currency Data checkbox did not respond to my clicks.

      There was a message to clear the parent, but since the parent had no checkbox, I was unable to do so.

      Drilling down resulted in checkboxes that "appear dimmed" as in the note below.

      This appears to be a bug or at least a lapse in the documentation.

      EDIT: We found a work-around. You can highlight the checkbox and tick it with the spacebar - but you can't select it with the mouse.

      On the Lesson 3 root node, under Select the logs to use for the container: I was able to select the checkbox.

      When I navigate deeper though, this option is unchecked and muted or grayed out with a message at the bottom reading:

      "⚠️ To configure unique logging options for this container, enable logging for it in the tree view."

    1. Postgres itself is a database “server.” There are several ways to connect to Postgres via “clients,” including GUIs, CLIs, and programming languages often via ORMs
  12. Oct 2022
  13. Jul 2022
    1. What is Istio Service Mesh? Let's take a quick look at Istio internals. The Istio architecture can be classified into two distinct planes. Control plane: It consists of the istiod demon, and it manages and configures the envoy proxies to route traffic. The control plane also enforces policies and collects telemetry, and includes components like Pilot for traffic management, Citadel to manage security, and Galley to manage configurations. Data plane: It's made of Envoy proxies deployed as sidecars to our application containers. Envoy is a high-performance, lightweight distributed proxy. It controls all the incoming and outgoing traffic to the container it is attached to. We can use tools like Grafana, Prometheus, Kiali and Zipkin for monitoring and observability as they work well with the telemetry provided by Istio. You can use these or use your existing monitoring stack as well.

      What is Istio Service Mesh?

  14. Jan 2022
  15. Nov 2021
    1. It's redundant. The transaction commit or rollback can happen in the C# code or the sproc but not both. 

      c# / SQL transactions

  16. Oct 2021
    1. This function allows you to modify (or replace) a fetch request for an external resource that happens inside a load function that runs on the server (or during pre-rendering). For example, your load function might make a request to a public URL like https://api.yourapp.com when the user performs a client-side navigation to the respective page, but during SSR it might make sense to hit the API directly (bypassing whatever proxies and load balancers sit between it and the public internet).
  17. Sep 2021
    1. You can help make Node.js and browsers more unified. For example, Node.js has util.promisify, which is commonly used. I don’t understand why such an essential method is not also available in browsers. In turn, browsers have APIs that Node.js should have. For example, fetch, Web Streams (The Node.js stream module is awful), Web Crypto (I’ve heard rumors this one is coming), Websockets, etc.
    2. The main reason I love Node.js is that I don’t have to deal with the awfulness that is JS front-end tooling.
    1. Run the Rails server (bin/rails s) and the Webpack Dev Server (bin/webpack-dev-server) via your preferred method. Two terminal tabs will work or create a Procfile and run via overmind or foreman.
  18. Aug 2021
    1. RemoteStorage requires the server to support a subset of OAuth, and that's the only kind of authentication supported. It also requires WebFinger support
  19. Jun 2021
    1. We should think about the number of simultaneous connections (peak and average) and the message rate/payload size. I think, the threshold to start thinking about AnyCable (instead of just Action Cable) is somewhere between 500 and 1000 connections on average or 5k-10k during peak hours.
      • number of simultaneous connections (peak and average)

      • the message rate/payload size.

    1. The globalThis property provides a standard way of accessing the global this value (and hence the global object itself) across environments. Unlike similar properties such as window and self, it's guaranteed to work in window and non-window contexts. In this way, you can access the global object in a consistent manner without having to know which environment the code is being run in.
  20. May 2021
    1. The thing that makes the client-side invocation return the same data as the server-side one is that the results of calling fetch during SSR are serialized and inlined into the page. This ensures consistency when the page hydrates, and saves network round-trips (and also means less data needs to come over the wire, since everything can get compressed using the same gzip dictionary or whatever).
    1. You might even consider a Raspberry Pi to power a lightweight media center or server. These ARM-based systems aren’t as powerful, but they’re inexpensive, customizable, and use a very small amount of power.
  21. Mar 2021
    1. The HTML5 form validation techniques in this post only work on the front end. Someone could turn off JavaScript and still submit jank data to a form with the tightest JS form validation.To be clear, you should still do validation on the server.
    2. With these JavaScript techniques, the display of server validation errors could be a lot simpler if you expect most of your users to have JS enabled. For example, Rails still encourages you to dump all validation errors at the top of a form, which is lulzy in this age of touchy UX. But you could do that minimal thing with server errors, then rely on HTML5 validation to provide a good user experience for the vast majority of your users.
    1. Therefore client side validation should always be treated as a progressive enhancement to the user experience; all forms should be usable even if client side validation is not present.
    2. It's important to remember that even with these new APIs client side validation does not remove the need for server side validation. Malicious users can easily workaround any client side constraints, and, HTTP requests don't have to originate from a browser.
    3. Since you have to have server side validation anyways, if you simply have your server side code return reasonable error messages and display them to the end user you have a built in fallback for browsers that don't support any form of client side validation.
  22. Feb 2021
  23. Jan 2021
  24. Dec 2020
    1. Note that preload will run both on the server side and on the client side. It may therefore not reference any APIs only present in the browser.
    2. Preload functions are typically used to load data that the page depends on, hence its name. This avoids the user seeing the page update as it loads, as is typically the case with client-side loading.
    1. I put together a POC that resembles react-rails and helps with server- and client-side rendering, and provides a view helper (svelte_component):
    2. webpacker-svelte misses server-side rendering, though.
    1. If you are running your own instance of the Hypothesis annotation server

      If you're interested in setting up your own server, start with this guide: https://h.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developing/install/

    1. Because Jamstack projects don’t rely on server-side code, they can be distributed instead of living on a single server. Serving directly from a CDN unlocks speeds and performance that can’t be beat. The more of your app you can push to the edge, the better the user experience.
  25. Nov 2020
  26. Oct 2020
    1. I want to run docker daemon with TLS enabled but client certificate authentication disabled so that clients can verify authenticity of docker daemon but docker daemon doesn't need to verify clients.
    1. Node doesn't have a DOM available. So in order to render HTML we use string concatenation instead. This has the fun benefit of being quite efficient, which in turn means it's great for server rendering!
    1. and serve as pre-prints to work that may live later on, or always exist in their current format

      Thinking of a personal site as a pre-print server is an interesting concept and somewhat similar to the idea of a commonplace book.

  27. Sep 2020
    1. Some modules, like events or util, are built in to Node.js. If you want to include those (for example, so that your bundle runs in the browser), you may need to include rollup-plugin-node-polyfills.
  28. Aug 2020
    1. It's recommended to put the fetch in onMount rather than at the top level of the <script> because of server-side rendering (SSR). With the exception of onDestroy, lifecycle functions don't run during SSR, which means we can avoid fetching data that should be loaded lazily once the component has been mounted in the DOM.
  29. Jul 2020
  30. May 2020
    1. When is your site not built with the Jamstack? Any project that relies on a tight coupling between client and server is not built with the Jamstack.
  31. Apr 2020
    1. By rendering important parts of the application with the real data on the server-side, an isomorphic application can show a meaningful initial page. On the other hand, client rendering application can’t show any meaningful information until it fetches all external data it needs. In the meantime, the only thing a user will see is a loading indicator.
  32. Dec 2019
    1. This is a non-dom based javascript execution environment. It usually only contains the base javascript language spec libraries and objects along with modules to communicate with OS features (available through commonjs require).
    1. server-side rendering is strict about configuration, and the best way to find out what's wrong is to compare your project to an already working setup. Check out the reference implementations, bit by bit.
  33. Nov 2019
    1. // require('hammerjs') when in a browser. This is safe because Hammer is only // invoked in componentDidMount, which is not executed on the server. var Hammer = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? require('hammerjs') : undefined
  34. Oct 2019
  35. Sep 2019
  36. Jul 2019
    1. Some users have deployed independent Hypothesis servers, and at least one uses an API-compatible reimplementation of the Hypothesis server.

      I'm curious about these. Would someone point me in their direction?

      The prospect of hosting your own server seems intimidating, if not tempting.

  37. Feb 2019
    1. Engineering Challenges
      • Communication 通常的存储都是kv,更新粒度是单个数值,但是ML算法通常的数据集类型是matrix,vector,tensor,更新的是part matrix或者vector,所以可以更进一步优化通信数据类型。

      • Fault tolerance

  38. Jan 2019
    1. Server-Sent Events utilize a regular HTTP octet streams, and therefore are limited to the browser’s connection pool limit of ~6 concurrent HTTP connections per server. But they provide a standard way of pushing data from the server to the clients over HTTP, which load balancers and proxies understand out-of-the-box. The biggest advantage being that, exactly as WebSockets, they utilize only one TCP connection. The biggest disadvantage is that Server-Sent Events don’t provide a mechanism to detect dropped clients until a message is sent.

      Possibly an alternative to using websockets for server-client communication (when the communication does not need to be two ways).

    1. Server-sent Event(SSE) in Python and here is why I thought Python is a great server-side language for SSE

      Server side events in python work well.

  39. Sep 2018
  40. Jun 2018
  41. Oct 2017
  42. Jun 2017
    1. protected platform whereby many expert reviewers could read and comment on submissions, as well as on fellow reviewers’ comments

      Conduct prepeer review during the manuscript development on a web platform. That is what is happening in Therapoid.net.

    2. intelligent crowd reviewing

      Crowdsourcing review? Prepeer review as precursor to preprint server.

  43. May 2017
    1. npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-dev-server react-hot-loader

      You may run into problems if you don't install webpack-dev-server globally. If you must, as you will have to on many Linux systems, the command is as follows:

      sudo npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server -g
  44. Mar 2017
    1. Docker Swarm을 이용한 쉽고 빠른 분산 서버 관리 : Docker Swarm으로 서버 오케스트레이션 하는 방법을 설명한 글이다. 현재 사용 가능한 오케스트레이션 도구들의 장단점도 정리되어 있고 Swarm이 제공하는 기능을 설명한 후 실제로 따라 해 보면서 테스트해볼 수 있게 글이 작성되어 있어서 오케스트레이션 도구를 검토하고 있다면 찬찬히 읽어봐야 할 글이다. 얼마 전에 Docker Swarm을 보고 간단하면서 기능이 강력해서 꽤 좋은 인상을 받았는데 정리된 글이 나와서 반갑다.(한국어)
  45. Oct 2016
  46. Jun 2015