- Jun 2016
agency.governmentjobs.com agency.governmentjobs.com
Director, E-Learning Services
www.jobs.cmich.edu www.jobs.cmich.edu
Create a room and invite up to 8 friends
web conference
teachingcommons.us teachingcommons.us
The Teaching Commons brings together high-quality open educational resources from leading colleges and universities. Curated by librarians and their institutions, the Teaching Commons includes open access textbooks, course materials, lesson plans, multimedia, and more.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
New Hampshire System Plans Open Education Push
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
www.dailymaverick.co.za www.dailymaverick.co.za
If the limitations are acknowledged and accounted for, there is no reason why open education should not offer genuine opportunities for promoting equity of access to higher education
open.umn.edu open.umn.edu
Think Java: How To Think Like a Computer Scientist
clintlalonde.net clintlalonde.net
My first pull request
classroom-aid.com classroom-aid.com
Free #OER Mobile Course Is Available Online Now
windowsitpro.com windowsitpro.com
I am no great fan of Yammer and have written in the past about the confusion that exists between it and Office 365 Groups.
en.share-gate.com en.share-gate.com
Groups for Office 365: How It Works & How to Manage Them [Webinar Recording]
support.office.com support.office.com
What's the difference between an Office 365 group and a distribution list?
cran.r-project.org cran.r-project.org
Package ‘hypothesisr
pahsit.com pahsit.com
I Annotate 2016 Presentation
Colleges should teach it
It is called interdisciplinary studies and is being taught by more progressive universities.
d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net d3c33hcgiwev3.cloudfront.net
Looking forward to digging into this!
www.academia.edu www.academia.edu
Connected Course Design at Virginia Commonwealth University
nodexl.codeplex.com nodexl.codeplex.com
NodeXL Basic is a free, open-source template for Microsoft® Excel®
Making sense of online conversations
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
www.digitalpedagogylab.com www.digitalpedagogylab.com
www.digitalpedagogylab.com www.digitalpedagogylab.com
Defining making in education in terms of tools, spaces, or disciplines is insufficient. Learning through making is a philosophical approach that can affect classes across the curriculum and schools across the globe. It’s time to change the paradigm.
otterscotter.wordpress.com otterscotter.wordpress.com
Adam Croom
Contact Adam....
OER repositories are great, but in some ways, they are silos.
I recognize we don’t quite yet have the tools, workflows, and infrastructure in place to efficiently leverage all that OER permit us to do
Adam Croom
Call him for more info...
ery occasionally
Having some time to reflect
Here we go.
jimmcgrath.us jimmcgrath.us
I have Serious Rant-y Thoughts on requiring that students inhabit public spaces in professional contexts, and I do wonder how much a class hashtag is useful beyond self-promotion of the course and its amazing instructor.
You may consult input from amazing people like @GoogleGuacamole and @actualham who have very intentionally integrated (not just mentioning or requiring) Twitter use in their courses and implicated its value in students' connections with their professional network.
arstechnica.co.uk arstechnica.co.uk
Open access: All human knowledge is there—so why can’t everybody access it?
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
Robin DeRosa
homonym.wordpress.com homonym.wordpress.com
the LMS’s institutionally friendly attributes have an important role in shaping our thinking about teaching and learning.
But should it?
In considering considerations, I think it’s important to begin with a thinking (or erasing?) exercise that asks you to forget everything you know or think you know about ed tech and start over.
www.oeconsortium.org www.oeconsortium.org
Designing for Open Pedagogy with CCCOER
reclaimingouruniversity.wordpress.com reclaimingouruniversity.wordpress.com
The Manifesto
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
If you want people to find and read your research, build up a digital presence in your discipline, and use it to promote your work when you have something interesting to share. It’s pretty darn obvious, really: If (social media interaction is often) then (Open access + social media = increased downloads).
- May 2016
googleguacamole.wordpress.com googleguacamole.wordpress.com
What’s the difference between a hashtag and a mention?
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
In short, students would build a personal cyberinfrastructure, one they would continue to modify and extend throughout their college career — and beyond.
tagteam.harvard.edu tagteam.harvard.edu
Input feed: lkfitz's bookmarks
www.elearnspace.org www.elearnspace.org
What does it mean to be human in a digital age?
www.researchinformation.info www.researchinformation.info
Using open tools such as hypothes.is can support integration of commentary into peer review workflows. When scholars begin to use this innovative technology, new needs and applications will arise. An open approach will enable more rapid evolution across systems.
learning.instructure.com learning.instructure.com
All pedagogy is digital pedagogy. Unless it has blinders on.
notdead.trubox.ca notdead.trubox.ca
notdead.trubox.ca notdead.trubox.ca
Limitations of any Learning Management System
bdrinternationalgroup.com bdrinternationalgroup.com
Sit and click. Sit and click.
www.elearnspace.org www.elearnspace.org
Both Udacity and Knewton require the human, the learner, to become a technology, to become a component within their well-architected software system. Sit and click. Sit and click.
elearningwiki.com elearningwiki.com
Competency-based learning
Both Udacity and Knewton require the human, the learner, to become a technology, to become a component within their well-architected software system. Sit and click. Sit and click.
curt-rice.com curt-rice.com
5 billion reasons for open access
“Our whole reason for doing this is a social justice reason,” he said. The organization wants to make high-quality material available for free to all students.
johnastewart.org johnastewart.org
Hypothes.is Collector
My Love Letter to Interdisciplinary Studies
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
FLEXspace is a repository and open online education resource institutions can use to research and share information about successful learning space design.
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
We are very interested in thinking about the values of the open Web, in which an interest-driven, peer-supported, inquiry-based kind of learning — connected learning — really does situate our students here at VCU for a lifetime of learning that matters.
www.elearnspace.org www.elearnspace.org
The Godfather: Gardner Campbell
larrycuban.wordpress.com larrycuban.wordpress.com
The case for print
Not either/or for sure. Continuing to equate OER with traditional textbooks vastly constrains the power of OER and open education. How about helping students develop the skills and use the tools to work with digital media in much more powerful ways than is possible with paper?
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
How Blockchain Will Disrupt the Higher Education Transcript
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Open access is not fully realized without open peer review, which would provide opportunities for scholarly dialogue and critique throughout the writing process and beyond, argues Alex Mueller.
www.donnalanclos.com www.donnalanclos.com
To borrow a phrase from libraries and archives, how do we get to a point where we curate connections rather than curating content?
connections over content. yes!
www.bookbusinessmag.com www.bookbusinessmag.com
Some in attendance voiced concerns about moderating annotations and limiting the “trolling” of authors. Whaley noted that this is an important point, and one that the W3C Web Annotation Working Group is discussing now. They are weighing how much power to give to creators of a piece of content versus the annotators. Whaley said publishers will have the power to police the layers that they create over an ebook, but there may need to be another policing power created to moderate user-created annotation groups.
Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
The Future of Ebook Annotations Is Near & the Possibilities Are Endless
Imagine an educational system in which we based our understanding of student potential and achievement upon individual interests and passions, developed and nurtured throughout the years of schooling. This is what most teachers intuitively seek to do. Imagine, then, how amazing schools could be without the false conventions of examinations and tests that are philosophically at variance with all that we know about learning and humanity. Imagine the traditionalist bereft of the Examination Excuse. The fact is, we know that we don’t need examinations for students to get into good colleges and we don’t even need good colleges to learn and be successful, so why is this absurdity still the unchallenged tail that wags the dog of our school systems?
commons.gc.cuny.edu commons.gc.cuny.edu
A public must allow for new members to join as the old fade away. A public must not die every semester.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Much of the discussion centered around ancillary materials -- tests, quizzes, worksheets. Commercial publishers now are starting to build ancillary materials to supplement OER textbooks. Get the book for free, but pay, say, $25 for other stuff to round it out. I had to admit being impressed at the ingenuity of the publishers.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
make it harder for those wanting to major in the liberal arts at nonelite institutions to obtain loans.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Study by faculty members at West Point finds students perform better academically when laptops and tablets are banned from the classroom.
clintlalonde.net clintlalonde.net
A BC HigherEd WordPress Community
www.swissinfo.ch www.swissinfo.ch
Around 40% of Swiss research is open access
FIU takes an interdisciplinary approach to neuroscience research
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
What I suggest here is a paradigm shift, replacing focus on testing with critical thinking through interdisciplinary learning. To be a successful shift, changes in our education system should be done over time and not through sudden and drastic changes.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
The entirely quantitative methods and variables employed by Academic Analytics -- a corporation intruding upon academic freedom, peer evaluation and shared governance -- hardly capture the range and quality of scholarly inquiry, while utterly ignoring the teaching, service and civic engagement that faculty perform,
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
The more faculty connect tenure to ‘a job for life’ they do serious damage to the value and purpose of tenure.”
Dear teacher: copyright concerns you
patricklowenthal.com patricklowenthal.com
Creating Accessible Video for the Online Classroom
i2insights.org i2insights.org
Six Types of Unknowns in Interdisciplinary Research
gamesandlearning.wordpress.com gamesandlearning.wordpress.com
My experimentation with open pedagogy – and my attempts to guide students’ learning with/in and across open platforms – was a social endeavor that invited reciprocal networking.
dougbelshaw.com dougbelshaw.com
Notes and comments on ‘Digital Badges in Education’: Part I: Trends and Issues
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
that good courses don’t end — can’t end — for a multitude of reasons; that the digital world is embedded in the “real” one; and that networks are promising but very, very hard to make truly public.
Why do we suddenly pretend that the twenty-first century never happened when a child enters an examination room?
rather than having an education system which has been industrialised around content and testing, why not have one that’s based around solving problems, working together, collaborating?
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
A new study builds on that notion, suggesting that one’s “transdisciplinary orientation,” a personal quality predisposing one to engage in cross-disciplinary work, can affect the quality of interdisciplinary research
Are they mixing inter, cross and transdisciplinary terms?
A new study builds on that notion, suggesting that one’s “transdisciplinary orientation,” a personal quality predisposing one to engage in cross-disciplinary work, can affect the quality of interdisciplinary research -- good or bad.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Dammit, the LMS
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
“In fact, our undergraduate and graduate students are our only rationale for doing digital humanities,” Risam wrote. “We couldn’t be farther from the cartoonish fantasy of digital humanities that circulates in the clickbait du jour.”
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Being a Better Online Reader
anrikard.github.io anrikard.github.io
Hypothes.is Workshop With Robin DeRosa
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
OER in Higher Ed: 'Huge Awareness-Raising Effort Needed'
robinderosa.net robinderosa.net
knowledge becomes a community
Community is the content... a la Dave Cormier
Doing it wrong, using ineffective process isn’t really any “faster”. It’s just the appearance of action but without effective or positive change. It’s more theater.
How much theater is in play...
We see the organization as split into supporters and resisters. — Some people are eagerly following the leader’s direction and pushing for action in implementing this solution. But others, those who question the solution and want to look closer at the “problem” are marginalized and discounted as anti-change resisters. We don’t hear them. We think we know what they’re feeling, but we’re wrong.
Paying attention to the few at the margins that have significant questions.
It’s likely not that the people in your institution are resisting your grand vision so much as it’s more likely the uncertainty and the incompleteness of your grand vision engenders fear and concern.
Joyner Library's alternative textbook program benefits faculty and students
rossieronline.usc.edu rossieronline.usc.edu
Toolkit for Digitally-Literate Teachers
www.timeshighereducation.com www.timeshighereducation.com
He added that “one of the reasons” for the 2008 financial crisis was that “people lost their ethics, their judgement, and their wisdom” because they were “too disciplinary siloed”.
He said that “timeless” disciplines, such as the Classics and the humanities, often best “withstand rapid periods of change" because they give students a “skill set of enquiry based on evidence, the ability to assimilate lots of rapidly changing information in a curious way and a hunger for learning that remains for them for the rest of their life”. “If [universities] can impart those things, [they’re] in pretty good shape,” he said.
bryanalexander.org bryanalexander.org
Open education’s long revolution: Cable Green on Future Trends Forum #11
philosophersforchange.org philosophersforchange.org
Derrida: a documantary
libraryguides.lib.iup.edu libraryguides.lib.iup.edu
Punxsutawney Campus Faculty Teaching Resources: Open Educational Resources
dailycampus.com dailycampus.com
After hundreds of emails with developers and peer-reviewers, his open-source book will be ready for use at UConn. Neth began planning for the second version of the book in January and the project has taken more than four months.
- Apr 2016
While formal education and universities put us in the brackets of specializing at a certain field for 5 or more straight years
But not most interdisciplinary studies programs...
diverse learning.
interdisciplinary, perhaps?
cogdogblog.com cogdogblog.com
online.creighton.edu online.creighton.edu
Creighton's Ed.D: A Truly Interdisciplinary Program
splot.ca splot.ca
This is the first of what we are calling Smallest Possible Learning Online Tools (SPLOT!)…
anrikard.github.io anrikard.github.io
digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu
Generally the literatures related to transformational learning hinge on active student engagement in the learning process and on students assuming responsibility for their learning. Transformative learning, self-directed learning, experiential learning, and collaborative learning, each of which aims to enhance students’ engagement,are some of the pedagogical approaches that are widely described and evaluated in the literature. In addition to active student engagement, another key feature of transformational learning is transformational teaching. In order for students’ role to change, the role and responsibility of faculty must change as well.
Active learning, engaged learning, experiential learning, and owning the learning best happens with transformational teaching.
www2.gse.upenn.edu www2.gse.upenn.edu
www2.gse.upenn.edu www2.gse.upenn.edu
College Affordability Diagnosis
blog-family-matters.extension.umn.edu blog-family-matters.extension.umn.edu
Internet Colleagues are Colleagues Too
theory.cribchronicles.com theory.cribchronicles.com
Third Places & Third Spaces – #DigPed PEI
Our Changing University: Interdisciplinary Students Share Ideas
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
The machines will need training wheels and the guidance of human minds and hands.
The ways humans decide to make meaningful connections between sources are important to me. I want to know who is connecting content and what those connections look like.
Using annotations layered on top of them, we can begin to make better use of the documents that exist today, while helping us more clearly envision tomorrow’s web of linked data.
Linking documents and then examining those connections feels more powerful than making copies of documents a la Caulfield's federated wiki.
a web where the implicit connections among documents become explicit.
Could this be the next version of searching the web; searching connections rather than content? Mining links between content.
In 1968 Doug Engelbart showed a hypertext system that could link to regions within documents. I
I love the YouTube videos of his demos. I was only recently made aware of them and was blown away by how many of their ideas are now realities.
as the next incarnation of web comments.
As the next incarnation of web searching?
But this idea of a humans and machines working together
Love the work machines can do, but I think I will always value the connections that people, and individuals, establish among each other.
googleguacamole.wordpress.com googleguacamole.wordpress.com
I am #IndieEdTech
I like thinking about IndieEdTech as being a collage of tools, connections, "life bits" rather than being constrained in a corporate product/system. Not that the corporate products (LMS, ePortfolio, etc.) don't or can't play a role on the stage, but the focus is on the many meaningful parts that make up the whole, greater than the sum of its parts.
medium.com medium.com
But I think there is power in the notion of a book, its thingness, and the Web can perhaps learn how to encapsulate, in the way a book does, a discrete thing, a bounded set of ideas.
I really like the notion, especially from a poetic perspective. But I can't stop dwelling on all that is lost if the web is "bounded." That's the huge advantage of the web over an object/book. It is not about the content, it's about the conversation and the community. It's about process over product.
Books can learn from the web how to be bounded, but open.The web can learn from books how to be open, but bounded.
rework.withgoogle.com rework.withgoogle.com
The five keys to a successful Google team
blog.creativecommons.org blog.creativecommons.org
Active OER: Beyond open licensing policies
“free vs. open”
opensource.com opensource.com
Free, high-quality education resources from the National Science Digital Library
hapgood.us hapgood.us
What Are the Close-to-Best Examples of Blog and Wiki-Based Classes in Each Discipline?
inspire-lab.net inspire-lab.net
Gephi https://gephi.org/ that created a visual network/graph,
hapgood.us hapgood.us
The Garden is what I was doing in the wiki as I added the Gun Control articles, building out a network of often conflicting information into a web that can generate insights, iterating it, allowing that to grow into something bigger than a single event, a single narrative, or single meaning.
Github has taught a generation of programmers that copies are good, not bad, and as we noted, it’s copies that are essential to the Garden.
wiki education
hapgood.us hapgood.us
Clint Lalonde’s Sustainability Plan
bryanalexander.org bryanalexander.org
Why American higher education faculty tend to resist digital materials: new study
ncccelearning.com ncccelearning.com
Open Education Resources and Repositories
OER Repository
philosophersforchange.org philosophersforchange.org
Paulo Freire believed that pedagogy was always a form of intervention in the world because it was impossible to separate the teaching of content, theories, values and stories about one’s relationship to oneself, each other and the world from how one is formed ethically and politically.
democracy begins to fail and political life becomes impoverished in the absence of those vital public spheres, such as public and higher education, in which civic values, public scholarship and social engagement allow for a more imaginative grasp of a future that takes seriously the demands of justice, equity and civic courage.
educators and others should attempt to create the conditions that give students the opportunity to become autonomous actors who have the knowledge and courage to struggle in order to make desolation and cynicism unconvincing and hope practical.
Education is no longer viewed as a public good but a private right, just as critical thinking is devalued as a fundamental necessity for creating an engaged and socially responsible populace.
oerresearchhub.org oerresearchhub.org
OER Data Report
philosophersforchange.org philosophersforchange.org
God as justice.
siriusreflections.org siriusreflections.org
The Student-Centered Lecture
hapgood.us hapgood.us
what we sell in the Open Textbook movement is not just reduced cost.
And it's not just equality of access to "required" materials (though that's important too). It's more about the pedagogical process.
Asking What Students Spend on Textbooks Is the Wrong Question
Cost of textbooks and what students are able to spend.
www.davidson.edu www.davidson.edu
Pedagogy in Public: Open Education Unbound
www.oudaily.com www.oudaily.com
"I actually polled the class one time and said, 'How many of you own this book or rent this book?' and it was maybe 30 percent of the class," Bridge said.
OU's Price College to match grants for faculty who use Alternative Textbook Initiative
googleguacamole.wordpress.com googleguacamole.wordpress.com
In particular, connectivist-based scholars make the argument students must develop the skills necessary to filter, organize, remix, repurpose, and disseminate information.
information management
Why Students Should Blog in Public
E-portfolios: A “filing cabinet in dialogue.”
And something that students can't "buy" from any university.
faculty can use their personal learning networks to connect students with relevant learning opportunities such as events, programs, internships, people, and resources, thereby supporting the ongoing development of students’ personalized, interest-driven learning.
Love this.
A PLN is a self-directed system meant to support lifelong learning through the development, maintenance, and leveraging of digital networks.
gamesandlearning.wordpress.com gamesandlearning.wordpress.com
Glimpsing the Impact of Open Annotation
www.woodburybulletin.com www.woodburybulletin.com
Kent seeks lower textbook costs for college students
collectiveiq.wordpress.com collectiveiq.wordpress.com
Why I think it’s a game changer
collectiveiq.wordpress.com collectiveiq.wordpress.com
we need to be able to glance across with a variety of visual cues about what’s there and how it all relates.
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
Only 1 in 5 Students Obtain All Learning Materials Legally
robinderosa.net robinderosa.net
Thoughts from an Interdisciplinary Starting Gate
robinderosa.net robinderosa.net
The University of New Hampshire Open Educational Resources Ambassador Pilot
library.brooklyn.cuny.edu library.brooklyn.cuny.edu
Student Laptop Loan Program
www.9and10news.com www.9and10news.com
Its goal is to reduce the cost of higher education for students.
www.osvr.org www.osvr.org
Developwith OSVR
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
"I want room for things that are not simply complying," he said. "I think it is important to encourage students to make connections — by that I mean hyperlinks on the web across the courses they are taking. The interaction is not defined as just the student interacting with the teacher, but the students as a community of learners indicating their interest and the relevance of what they are learning."
www.prnewswire.com www.prnewswire.com
this program provides students with reliable transportation options at any time
hypothes.is hypothes.is
scuss conten
www.theglobeandmail.com www.theglobeandmail.com
“In the last 15 years, we’ve seen a massive transition in the way academic publishing is being done,” said Jules Blais, an environmental scientist at the University of Ottawa and editor of FACETS.
bryanalexander.org bryanalexander.org
Future Trends Forum #8, with Jim Groom: full recording, notes, and Storify
www.pearsoned.com www.pearsoned.com
Preparing Students for Successful Careers: The Science of Maximizing Personal Brand
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
Students Should Demand Their Colleges Produce Free Open Textbooks to End the Textbook Racket
nextthought.com nextthought.com
Connected Learning is based on the notion that learning is about expanding the connections between people and information within a learner's personal network
medium.com medium.com
Providing Transformative Personalized Student Learning Opportunities as a Path Toward Equity
jarche.com jarche.com
Cooperation, sharing with no direct benefit
Cooperation = open sharing = education
We are naturally creative and curious. We just have to build systems that nurture our inherent abilities. Schools do not do that.
Not only do schools not do that, traditionally they have "taught" creativity and curiosity out of students.
christinhelen.com christinhelen.com
Scholarly communication is the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use.” –Association of College and Research Libraries
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
networked discovery of connections would be at the center of both the learning environment as designed by faculty and the learning environment as experienced by students
Would love to hear Campbell or Kuh elaborate on this. Identifying "connections" as more important than identifying content/information? A new way for searching the Internet? Mining connections among content/people? Mining the connections I've made among content/people on the Internet?
medium.com medium.com
When you see young people as agents of change, rather than objects to be changed,
willrichardson.com willrichardson.com
9 Elephants in the (Class)Room That Should “Unsettle” Us
www.opendemocracy.net www.opendemocracy.net
All learning, he argued, is driven by intrinsic interest:
edtechdigest.wordpress.com edtechdigest.wordpress.com
The New Politics of Educational Data
tomprof.stanford.edu tomprof.stanford.edu
Intra- or Interdisciplinary Research, Teaching, and Service in Kinesiology
yammer.psu.edu yammer.psu.edu
Project Management
yammer.psu.edu yammer.psu.edu
Teaching and Learning
yammer.psu.edu yammer.psu.edu
medium.com medium.com
Git for teachers
kctlopened.commons.gc.cuny.edu kctlopened.commons.gc.cuny.edu
Below is an incomplete summary of our first Spring 2016 meeting.
b7jl.org b7jl.org
An Introduction to Open Education Resources
commons.trincoll.edu commons.trincoll.edu
Adding text annotations with hypothes.is
elnamortensen1.wordpress.com elnamortensen1.wordpress.com
Small Blog On Networked Learning
chronicle.com chronicle.com
They create their portfolios, not just in their specialty — which if it’s in software, might be creative-writing software programs or robotics — but it’s well beyond their specialty, their portfolio of writing, their portfolio of creative art projects, their portfolio of speeches they’ve given. When they graduate, instead of saying, "Hey, I have a magna cum laude GPA, blah, blah, blah, blah in this major," you’ll say, "Here’s my portfolio," and your portfolio is going to be one-third just of really well created things that you’re most proud of. There will be some assessment of what are the academic concepts that you’ve truly mastered.
theconversation.com theconversation.com
What skills do employers value most in graduates?
www.stephenporter.org www.stephenporter.org
The Causal Effect of Faculty Unions onInstitutional Decision-Making
www.kcl.ac.uk www.kcl.ac.uk
7 steps to interdisciplinary teaching and learning
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
“It’s worth highlighting that unionization and collective bargaining are related to higher salaries and fringe benefits.”
New Lens on Faculty Salaries
iprh.wordpress.com iprh.wordpress.com
The most recent evidence indicates that there is no statistically significant gain in average faculty salary for unionized faculty in four-year institutions, though there is for faculty in two-year institutions
openpress.usask.ca openpress.usask.ca
USask Open Textbook Authoring Guide – Ver.1.0