333 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2019
    1. I have already said that we give high priority to those standards, including animal welfare standards.
    2. To further that agenda, we will also be exploring how those values should be reflected in the design and provisions of future trade and investment agreements. We are absolutely clear in our policy that any future deals must ensure high food safety, animal welfare standards and environmental protections and maintain our excellent labour standards. The Government are committed to ensuring that this House and people across the country will have the opportunity to scrutinise such commitments in any future free trade agreements—a subject on which I will elaborate later.
    3. The United Kingdom has proud and long-standing domestic commitments to protect the environment, to fight against climate change and to uphold high labour standards. We have clear commitments to sustainable development and the protection and advancement of human rights, as mentioned by the hon. Member for Glasgow East (David Linden), who is no longer in his place. We have a proud and long-standing tradition of promoting those values throughout the world, and the Government remain determined to meet our international commitments in that regard. That will not change as we leave the European Union.
    4. The Government have been clear that more trade does not and cannot come at ​the expense of the deterioration of our world-class regulations and standards, whether they relate to the recognised quality and safety of our products, our labour laws or our environmental protections.
  2. Dec 2018
    1. Standards Classifications and standards are closely related, but not identical. \-Vhile this book focuses on classificalion, standards are crucial compo­nents of the larger argument. The systems we discuss often do become standardized; in addition, a standard is in part a way of classifying the world. What then are standards? The term as we use it in the book has several dimensions:

      Definition of standards

      "What are standards?" Cited verbatim from the book

      1. A set of agreed-upon rules for the production of objects
      2. Spans more than one community of practice. It has temporal reach since it persists over time.
      3. Deployed in making things work together over distance and heterogeneous metrics
      4. Standards are enforced by some legal/regulatory/professional/government body.
      5. There is no natural law that the best standard wins
      6. Standards can be difficult and expensive to change
    2. Classifications may or may not become standardized. If they do not, they are ad hoc, limited to an individual or a local community, and/or of Limited duration. At the same time, every successful standard imposes a classification system, al the very least between good and bad ways of organizing acLions or things. And the work-arounds involved in the practical use of standards frequently entail the use of ad hoc nonstandard categories.

      This is an important point for classifying and standardizing modes of time and temporal representations in information systems. What comes first? The class or the standard?

  3. Oct 2018
  4. Jul 2018
    1. Since the words Internet or online never appear in the reading standards of the United States and since we are only beginning to develop our knowledge of online reading, we run the risk of interpreting nearly all of the stan-dards in reading with a lens to our past, implementing them only within traditional print contexts. Such an outcome will limit instruction, deny-ing important learning opportunities to our students.

      This is such a great point! Teachers may look at standards with a lens from the past, instead of looking at the same standards with a lens to the future.

      • "The words internet or online never appear in the reading standards of the United States"
    2. Interestingly, the word Internet is never used in the CCSS reading stan-dards (Leu et al., 2011), despite the fact that the writing standards specify the use of “digital sources,” “technology,” and the “Internet” repeatedly (CCSS, 2010, p.41). Because of this, many will ignore instruction in online reading, thinking that the CCSS only references traditional, offline read-ing comprehension. Many may also fail to integrate reading and writing instruction, an important part of any literacy program.

      There is a lot wrong with the Common Core standards, so I'm glad this article pointed this out. That is a perspective in the standards I had never thought of before and this gave me a new lens to look at it with

    1. I can demonstrate a relationship between music and another subject in my schoo

      music standard to integrate into digestive system lesson (the class creates a song plus sings it for the digestive system)

    2. I can collaborate with others to composeor arrange a musical work for a specific purpose.

      Music standard " I can collaborate with others to compose or arrange a musical work for a specific purpose"

    1. we also consider the needs of our students when designing learning experiences

      Needs of our students more important than standards

    1. Identify the major parts of the digestive system(e.g., esophagus, intestine, mouth, stomach

      SC State Standard G-3.1.4 One of main lesson topics (digestive system)

    2. D-3.1.1Identify the basic parts of the respiratory system (e.g., lungs, bronchioles, diaphragm)

      1 of 2 Main Science/Health Objectives 3rd Grade health standard

    1. D3.1-7Demonstrate accurate memorization and replication of brief movement sequences

      Movement dance/activity for respiratory and digestive systems. (one dance/mime combination for each body system)

    1. VA3-6.1Identify similarities and connections between the visual arts and other subjects in the school curriculum

      Standard VA3-6.1

    2. the ways that his or her use of organizational principles and expressive features evoke the ideas he or she intended to convey in a work of visual art

      For Unit Plan- connecting health/science lesson to visual arts

  5. Jun 2018
    1. Abstract

      Hydrology is the main reason for the carbon balance of wetlands by controlling the uptake of CO₂ and CH4. Determining the effect of droughts on CO2, fluxes and CH4 emission was stimulated by hydroperiod with three scenarios. These three scenarios affect the rate of drought from being gradual, intermediate, and rapid transition into drought. It resulted in higher net CO2 losses net ecosystem exchange (NEE) over a 22-week manipulation. Due to drought vegetation dieback, it increased ecosystem respiration (Reco), and it also reduced carbon uptake gross ecosystem exchange (GEE). The NEE did not offset methane production during periods of flooding. Changes in precipitation patterns and drought occurrence altered the carbon storage of freshwater marshes. We can determine that with the change in the climate will modify the storage capacity of freshwater marshes by influencing the water availability.

  6. May 2018
    1. In the SICU, we have been examining the experience oftemporality in the context of workers’ searching for, managing, and pro-viding information.

      This seems like a particular flash point for the SBTF work. The data is temporal and the collection work is temporal but there seems to be a gap between structuring the two temporalities into the final data product. Harvesting date/timestamps and agreeing to formats/standards are rarely incorporated into the initial deployment instructions. The value of temporality often seems implied when it might need to be made more explicit for making sense of the data and the constant need for updating/filtering/sorting/analysis.

      Yeah, I've got some thoughts here.

  7. Apr 2018
    1. Asshewroteshefeltsomepower(rememberwearedealingwiththemostobscuremanifestationsofthehumanspirit)readingoverhershoulder,andwhenshehadwritten'Egyptiangirls',thepowertoldhertostop.Grass,thepowerseemedtosay,goingbackwitharulersuchasgovernessesusetothebeginning,isallright;thehangingcupsoffritillaries--admirable;thesnakyflower--athought,strongfromalady'spen,perhaps,butWordsworthnodoubt,sanctionsit;but--girls?Aregirlsnecessary?YouhaveahusbandattheCape,yousay?Ah,well,that'lldo.Andsothespiritpassedon.

      Here, Orlando is being interrogated by a figurative manifestation of the spirit of the age while she trying to write. The figure questions her writing and the appropriability of writing about things that go against the accepted thoughts and opinions of the time period. Once the figure realizes that she has a husband, it leaves her alone. This section of the Chapter is essentially calling attention to how, although she is now married, Orlando still feels the same when it comes to her writing. She questions what the age would approve of her marriage and, in the end, decides that she does not feel the need to submit to the standards of the age. This idea can be closely associated with the theme of identity and gender because we see that Orlando is trying to navigate through her role as a married woman at the time. I find this passage to be interesting because in the beginning of Chapter 5, Orlando felt a strong pressure to conform to the standards of the age which resulted in buying a marriage ring for herself. But in this Chapter, she no longer feels pressured to adhere to those standards.

  8. Mar 2018
    1. We worked with the industry to launch the open-source Accelerated Mobile Pages Project to improve the mobile web

      There was some collaborative outreach, but AMP is really a Google-driven spec without significant outside input.

      See also: http://ampletter.org/

    2. With AMP Stories, which is now in beta, publishers can combine the speed of AMP with the rich, immersive storytelling of the open web.

      "With AMP Stories, which is now in beta, publishers can combine the speed of AMP with the rich, immersive storytelling of the open web."

      Is this sentence's structure explicitly saying that AMP is not "open web"?!

  9. Jan 2018
    1. The analysis found that those organizations using separate standards showed greater integration performance compared with organizations that did not use combined standards.

      Companies that try to make the same standards across their organization, will cause their people to get bogged down in trying to to make the standards fit their job function. This causes to many constraints and will lower project performance.

  10. Dec 2017
    1. climate protection


      HS-LS2-7 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

      This paper investigates a means to optimize carbon storage potential through knowledge of biodiversity mechanics and the idea of sinking carbon into plant life in order to lower atmospheric CO2.


      MS-LS1-7 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

      It is important to understand the nature of the carbon cycle, and how carbon is utilized within organisms as biomass.

      Teacher's Resource:

      The removal of atmospheric CO2 reduces pollution, but it comes at the cost of creating plant conservation sites to store the carbon from CO2.

      This paper focuses upon the utilization of biodiversity in order to to increase carbon storage for economic purposes. By increasing the amount of carbon that can be stored in a hectacre of grassland, it will become much cheaper to reduce pollution via carbon sinks.

      Hungate et. al performed their investigations through past experiments that compared the carbon uptakes of grasslands of varying biodiversity over a period of 50 years.

      Findings support a positive correlation between biodiversity and carbon uptake levels. Therefore, increasing biodiversity in carbon sinks will increase efficiency and will make carbon sequestration more affordable as a result.

      While this paper shows a 'soft cap' (decreasing marginal effects) on these carbon uptake gains from biodiversity, this effect might be proven to have synergy with other efforts to improve carbon sequestration in the future.

      Discussion Questions:

      1. Why does adding to the biodiversity not linearly add to the carbon uptake rates?

      2. Is the resource competition (resulting from biodiversity) limiting or benefiting the flora in carbon sequestration?

      3. What is the 'sweet spot' of biodiversity that optimizes highest carbon storage per dollar spent?

      4. Do the results of this study have qualities that could be generalized to a other grasslands or possibly even other types of habitat? SC

  11. Oct 2017
    1. where building a Website that would display equally well in all versions of all browsers was almost impossible.

      Standards like CSS and HTML make it so that any web page will display in any browser.

    1. Researchers should plan for sharing, thus reducing costs
    2. Investment in data curation and governance is essential and often substantial

      important for reuse and reusability, among other things

    3. importance of data discoverability: an informatics issue that was not considered by WWARN's designers in the initial phase, when it was assumed that access for external users would be limited to the summary data shown on the WWARN Explorer. Discoverability - the ability of potential outside users to find the data set and easily understand what it contains - is critical if the data are to be reused by any investigator with a legitimate research question that may be addressed by data held in the resource. WWARN took care to develop data management tools that included a full audit trail for the variables that they standardised.

      tools and standards again

  12. Sep 2017
    1. the fact that open-source software is the best guarantor of open standards

      while I agree, can we substantiate this claim?

  13. Aug 2017
    1. What are standards?

      ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, Standardization and related activities — General vocabulary, http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink/Open/8389141, defines a standard as “a document, established by consensus that provides rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results.

  14. Jul 2017
    1. What Is the Next Generation?

      Michael Feldstein's brief history of the LMS and what NGDLE looks like from there.

  15. May 2017
    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    5. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    6. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    7. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    8. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    5. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    6. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    7. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    8. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    5. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    6. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    7. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    8. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

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  16. Apr 2017
    1. ‘no child left behind

      Dated - replaced with "Every Student Succeeds".... and the demands of Common Core are new since this writing I believe.

    1. Google is adding a Fact Check feature to Google Search and Google News. When fact checks are available from one or more approved publishers, they will appear in the search results.

      One requirement for publishers to be cited is to use the schema.org ClaimReview markup, or the Share the Facts widget.

    1. Dave Winer points out that interoperability of software is important. Don't shun an existing standard just because you think your way is better. If you hate using some standard technology, find or write a module to convert between the standard and your preferred format.

  17. Mar 2017
    1. All views use standards-based HTML templates

      Aurelia's standards focus means our code stays relevant down the road.

    2. One of the strengths of Aurelia is that you can write so much of your application in vanilla JS.

      By sticking close to standards, such as upcoming EcmaScript features, Aurelia code prepares for us for the future. It encourages writing code that will be relevant 2-5 years from now, or perhaps beyond.

  18. Feb 2017
    1. providing standard textbook advice on perspicuity and cor-rectness.

      And they will make a new edition every year until the end of eternity. If one will take the poker equivalent with Doyle Brunson, the problem with writing a book such as this is that you reveal all your secrets.

  19. Jan 2017
  20. Oct 2016
  21. Sep 2016
    1. I’ve found Canvas to be less draconian than I’d been led to expect. More broadly, the LMS ecosystem that’s emerged — based on a standard called Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI), now supported by all the LMS systems — led me to an insight about how the same approach could help unify the emerging ecosystem of annotation systems. Even more broadly, all this has prompted me to reflect on how the modern web platform is both more standardized and more balkanized than ever before.


      The app I’ve written is a thin layer of glue between two components: Canvas and Hypothes.is. LTI defines how they interact, and I’d be lying if I said it was easy to figure out to get our app to launch inside Canvas and respond back to it. But I didn’t need to be an HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or Python wizard to get the job done.

    1. Develop assessments that measure student progress and attainment of standards or outcomes.

      I don't think there's really a way to assess a student's understanding of a subject. There's a difference between memorizing facts and actual understanding of information. For example, I received an A in my AP Bio class but don't remember anything about Biology. I think the best way to assess understanding is having the student use his/ her knowledge in real-life situations. I saw small attempts at doing this at my high school. They started to implement "common core" which tries to engage students in critical thinking in all subjects.

    1. We commonly look at Ivy League institutions as the standard of higher education in America, but the truth is that the majority of the nation's workforce, innovation identity and manufacturing futures are tied to those institutions which graduate outside of the realm of high achievers from wealthy families. 
  22. Jun 2016
    1. Everyone is aware of that risk, although it is usually not acknowledged with the explicitness that one finds in the opening sentence of Raymond Waddington's essay on books 11 and 12 of Paradise Lost. "Few of us today," Waddington writes, "could risk echoing C. S. Lewis's condemnation of the concluding books of Paradise Lost as an 'untransmuted lump of futurity"' (9). The nature of the risk that Wad- dington is about not to take is made clear in the very next sentence, where we learn that a generation of critics has been busily demonstrating the subtlety and complexity of these books and establishing the fact that they are the product of a controlled poetic design. What this means is that the kind of thing that one can now say about them is constrained in advance, for, given the present state of the art, the critic who is concerned with maintaining his or her professional credentials is obliged to say something that makes them better. Indeed, the safest thing the critic can say (and Waddington proceeds in this es- say to say it) is that, while there is now a general recognition of the excellence of these books, it is still the case that they are faulted for some deficiency that is in fact, if properly understood, a virtue. Of course, this rule (actually a rule of thumb) does not hold across the board. When Waddington observes that "few of us today could risk," he is acknowledging, ever so obliquely, that there are some of us who could. Who are they, and how did they achieve their special status? Well, obviously C. S. Lewis was once one (although it may not have been a risk for him, and if it wasn't why wasn't it?), and if he had not already died in 1972, when Waddington was writing, presumably he could have been one again. That is, Lewis's status as an authority on Renaissance literature was such that he could offer readings with- out courting the risk facing others who might go against the professional grain, the risk of not being listened to, of remaining unpublished, of being unattended to, the risk of producing something that was by definition-a definition derived from prevailing institutional conditions-without me

      on the necessity of discovering virtue in literary work as a professional convention of our discipline.

      This is a really interesting and useful passage for my first year lectures

    2. Instead they would be dismissed as being a waste of a colleague's time, or as beside the point, or as uninformed, or simply as unprofessional. This last judgment would not be a casual one; to be unprofessional is not simply to have violated some external rule or piece of decorum. It is to have ig- nored (and by ignoring flouted) the process by which the institution determines the conditions under which its rewards will be given or withheld. These conditions are nowhere written down, but they are understood by everyone who works in the field and, indeed, any understanding one might have of the field is inseparable from (because it will have been produced by) an awareness, often tacit, of these con- ditions

      On the role of professionalism in enforcing community standards:

      [T]o be unprofessional is not simply to have violated some external rule or piece of decorum. It is to have ignored (and by ignoring flouted) the process by which the institution determines the conditions under which its rewards will be given or withheld. These conditions are nowhere written down, but they are understood by everyone who works in the field and, indeed, any understanding one might have of the field is inseparable from (because it will have been produced by) an awareness, often tacit, of these conditions

      This is very applicable to scientific authorship

    3. convention is a way of acknowledging that we are engaged in a com- munity activity in which the value of one's work is directly related to the work that has been done by others;

      Convention is a way of acknowledging we are engaged in a community activity in which the value of one's work is directly related to the work that has been done by others.

      Interesting riff on professionalism in this whole paragraph.

    1. the learning-analytics industry still lacks the kinds of standards and protocols that would make it easy to extract, organize, and share such data among institutions for research purposes.



  23. Feb 2016
    1. The feed is how stuff enters their content system. But the feed itself is outside, leaving it available for other services to use. It's great when this happens, rather than doing it via a WG that tend to go on for years, and create stuff that's super-complicated, why not design something that works for you, put it out there with no restrictions and let whatever's going to happen happen.

      Interesting approach for hypothes.is to consider?

  24. Jan 2016
    1. The prohibition on reporting bugs in systems with DRM makes those bugs last longer, and get exploited harder before they're patched. Last summer, the US Copyright Office collected evidence about DRM interfering with reporting bugs in tractors, cars, medical implants, and critical national infrastructure.
    2. DRM exists to stop users from doing things they want to do and to stop innovative companies from helping users do things they want to do -- or would want to do, if they had the option. Your cable box, for example, will be designed to stop you from recording your favorite shows for long-term storage and viewing on the go.
    3. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the nonprofit body that maintains the Web's core standards, made a terrible mistake in 2013: they decided to add DRM
    1. For hundreds of years, the most important tools of humanistsand social scientists were pen or brush and paper. Today, scholars require a range of digital tools for research,teaching, and writing, including tools for finding, filtering and reviewing, processing and organizing, anno-tating, analyzing, and visualizing digital information. Even though we can point to current efforts in many ofthese areas, lack of coordination among them is a problem: a great deal of tool building is done on a localscale, and this results in unnecessary redundancy of effort.1

      Another great line about the importance of open standards.

    2. As NSFdirector Ardent L. Bement, Jr., observes, “with today's electrical grid. . . my neighbor and I can use differentappliances to meet our individual needs; as long as the appliances conform to certain electrical standards,they will work reliably,” and a sufficiently advanced cyberinfrastructure will work similarly: researchers willhave “easy access to the computing, communication, and information resources they need, while pursuingdifferent avenues of interest using different tools.”92

      Helpful analogy for thinking about importance of open standards/interoperability.

    3. Access to data should be seamless across repositories. This will require standards-based tools and metadatathat ensure interoperability and enable use for a variety of purposes.

      Open standards written into recommendations.

    4. 7. Develop and maintain open standards and robust tools.


    1. Audio in general is not reliable,

      Wonder if something could be done with MIDI. Actually, maybe there are new standards to replace MIDI in those situations (OSC doesn’t sound like it’d fit).

  25. Dec 2015
    1. the major governing body of the Internet

      Well… The World Wide Web Consortium is really about governing the Web, not the whole Internet. But we do tend to forget that there’s more to the Net than the Web.

    1. The EDUPUB Initiative VitalSource regularly collaborates with independent consultants and industry experts including the National Federation of the Blind (NFB), American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), Tech For All, JISC, Alternative Media Access Center (AMAC), and others. With the help of these experts, VitalSource strives to ensure its platform conforms to applicable accessibility standards including Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Accessibility Guidelines established by the Worldwide Web Consortium known as WCAG 2.0. The state of the platform's conformance with Section 508 at any point in time is made available through publication of Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs).  VitalSource continues to support industry standards for accessibility by conducting conformance testing on all Bookshelf platforms – offline on Windows and Macs; online on Windows and Macs using standard browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari); and on mobile devices for iOS and Android. All Bookshelf platforms are evaluated using industry-leading screen reading programs available for the platform including JAWS and NVDA for Windows, VoiceOver for Mac and iOS, and TalkBack for Android. To ensure a comprehensive reading experience, all Bookshelf platforms have been evaluated using EPUB® and enhanced PDF books.

      Could see a lot of potential for Open Standards, including annotations. What’s not so clear is how they can manage to produce such ePub while maintaining their DRM-focused practice. Heard about LCP (Lightweight Content Protection). But have yet to get a fully-accessible ePub which is also DRMed in such a way.

    1. W3C welcomes technical feedback on its Web Annotation specifications

      This feedback process is key. The barrier to entry can be pretty high, but the effects may be felt widely.

    2. public review of all of our specifications

      Former Web Platform DevOps Renoir Boulanger had nice things to say about Kardell’s Chapters.io.

    1. Among the most useful summaries I have found for Linked Data, generally, and in relationship to libraries, specifically. After first reading it, got to hear of the acronym LODLAM: “Linked Open Data for Libraries, Archives, and Museums”. Been finding uses for this tag, in no small part because it gets people to think about the connections between diverse knowledge-focused institutions, places where knowledge is constructed. Somewhat surprised academia, universities, colleges, institutes, or educational organisations like schools aren’t explicitly tied to those others. In fact, it’s quite remarkable that education tends to drive much development in #OpenData, as opposed to municipal or federal governments, for instance. But it’s still very interesting to think about Libraries and Museums as moving from a focus on (a Web of) documents to a focus on (a Web of) data.

  26. Nov 2015
  27. Sep 2015
  28. Aug 2015
    1. Shared information

      The “social”, with an embedded emphasis on the data part of knowledge building and a nod to solidarity. Cloud computing does go well with collaboration and spelling out the difference can help lift some confusion.

    1. We found that dispersions of the triblock co-micelles in a decane:toluene (3:5 by volume) solution resulted in the selective dissolution of the central M(PFS60-b-PDMS660) micelle block, leaving short XLM(PI1424-b-PFS63) daughter micelles

      Connects to AP Chemistry Learning Standard 6: Any bond or intermolecular attraction that can be formed can be broken. These two processes are in dynamic competition, sensitive to initial conditions and external perturbations.

      Found on page 71 of the AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description:


    2. BCPs assemble into a variety of different morphologies that are influenced by polymer molecular weights and block ratios, with further control possible through the manipulation of environmental conditions such as temperature, solvent, and concentration

      Connects to AP Chemistry Learning Standard:2.B

      Forces of attraction between particles (including the noble gases and also different parts of some large molecules) are important in determining many macroscopic properties of a substance, including how the observable physical state changes with temperature

      Found on page 27 of the AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description:


    3. solution

      Connects to AP Chemistry Learning Standard:2.A.3: Solutions are homogeneous mixtures in which the physical properties are dependent on the concentration of the solute and the strengths of all interactions among the particles of the solutes and solvent:

      Found on page 25 of the AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description:


  29. Jul 2015
    1. Because dynein inhibition alone did not inhibit IAV uncoating completely, we investigated a possible additional role for the actomyosin system



      Whenever an observation is not fully understood, scientists try to analyze the issue from different angles. Here, the authors observed that the inhibition of dynein wasn't sufficient for inhibiting the viral uncoating completely. Therefore, they deduced that other factors were implicated with uncoating and decided to explore this possibility.

    2. we noticed that another histone deacetylase, HDAC6, was also required for infection

      Connect to Learning Standards: http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=13165&page=69

      Progression for explanation. In a previous study, the authors observed that HDAC6 was required for viral infection. As a consequence, they continued to study the function of HDAC6 in deep detail.

    3. With the risk of an influenza pandemic growing, it is increasingly important to understand virus-host interactions in detail and to develop new antiviral strategies (1).


      Science can contribute to meeting many of the major challenges that confront society today, such as preventing and treating disease.

    1. The motion of probe particles trackedinside cells has been classified as subdiffusive,diffusive, or superdiffusive. Such classifications,however, obscure the distinction between ther-mally driven and nonequilibrium fluctuationsand are inadequate to identify intracellular ma-terial properties



  30. Nov 2014
    1. Still, there are hints that, while the discussion of the group is still being framed, the bitcoin industry could assert itself in the process through greater involvement.

      "Hints"? That's the whole point. Participation is all there is. Do it.

  31. Mar 2014
    1. There are three key elements in terms of new technologies deployed by Tolino: open technology standards, cloud storage, use of hotspots
    2. A traditional bookseller, no matter how large he is, will not be able to justify the investment necessary for creating a consumer proposition in the range of Kindle, Kobo or Nook. But he is able to afford the Tolino white-label Ecosystem. And then suddenly he is able to compete at the same level as the digital global players.

      open standards allow small players to enter the competition!

  32. Jan 2014
    1. Journals and sponsors want you to share your data

      What is the sharing standard? What are the consequences of not sharing? What is the enforcement mechanism?

      There are three primary sharing mechanisms I can think of today: email, usb stick, and dropbox (née ftp).

      The dropbox option is supplanting ftp which comes from another era, but still satisfies an important niche for larger data sets and/or higher-volume or anonymous traffic.

      Dropbox, email and usb are all easily accessible parts of the day-to-day consumer workflow; they are all trivial to set up without institutional support or, importantly, permission.

      An email account is already provisioned by default for everyone or, if the institutional email offerings are not sufficient, a person may easily set up a 3rd-party email account with no permission or hassle.

      Data management alternatives to these three options will have slow or no adoption until the barriers to access and use are as low as email; the cost of entry needs to be no more than *a web browser, an email address, and no special permission required".

    1. The process of tying two items together is the important thing.

      Annotations are at the Web’s core.