- Dec 2022
link.springer.com link.springer.com
In this work, we develop the “Multi-Agent, Multi-Attitude” (MAMA) model which incorporates several key factors of attitude diffusion: (1) multiple, interacting attitudes; (2) social influence between individuals; and (3) media influence. All three components have strong support from the social science community.
several key factors of attitude diffusion: 1. multiple, interacting attitudes 2. social influence between individuals 3. media influence
- Nov 2021
www.menshealth.com www.menshealth.com
Caulfield, T. (2021, October 18). The Golden Age of Junk Science Is Killing Us. Men’s Health. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a37910261/how-junk-science-and-misinformation-hurt-us/
- discrimination
- wellbeing
- media
- scientific community
- wellness
- conspiracy theory
- vaccine
- negativity bias
- is:webpage
- misinformation
- news
- vaccine-safety
- worldview
- pseudoscience
- science
- stigma
- ideology
- health
- COVID-19
- social media
- infodemic
- policy
- lang:en
- popular culture
- fake news
- vaccine hesitancy
- trust
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Wiseman, E. (2021, October 17). The dark side of wellness: The overlap between spiritual thinking and far-right conspiracies. The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/oct/17/eva-wiseman-conspirituality-the-dark-side-of-wellness-how-it-all-got-so-toxic
- wellbeing
- psychology
- wellness
- conspiracy theory
- wellness industry
- disinformation
- right wing
- misinformation
- debunking
- is:news
- worldview
- pseudoscience
- uncertainty
- mental health
- science
- online community
- ideology
- QAnon
- health
- spirituality
- influencer
- social media
- policy
- Center for Countering Digital Hate
- infodemic
- lang:en
- anti-vaccine
- conspirituality
- trust
- Jul 2021
Yasseri, T., & Menczer, F. (2021). Can the Wikipedia moderation model rescue the social marketplace of ideas? ArXiv:2104.13754 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2104.13754
- Aug 2020
Khanam, K. Z., Srivastava, G., & Mago, V. (2020). The Homophily Principle in Social Network Analysis. ArXiv:2008.10383 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.10383
- Jul 2020
docs.google.com docs.google.com
COVID-19 Social Science Tracker - Google Sheets
- community
- tracker
- conspiracy theory
- social norm
- analysis
- sheets
- is:other
- isolation
- misinformation
- unofficial
- international
- preprint
- medicine
- spreadsheet
- research
- uncertainty
- mental health
- social distancing
- behavior
- COVID-19
- infection
- social media
- healthcare
- policy
- social science
- lang:en
- data collection
- government
- publication
- Jun 2020
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
Farr, C. (2020, May 23). Why scientists are changing their minds and disagreeing during the coronavirus pandemic. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/23/why-scientists-change-their-mind-and-disagree.html
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Weinberger-Litman, S. L., Litman, L., Rosen, Z., Rosmarin, D. H., & Rosenzweig, C. (2020, June 8). A look at the first quarantined community in the United States: Response of religious communal organizations and implications for public health during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ujns9
- May 2020
anr.fr anr.fr
Call for proposals details. (n.d.). Agence Nationale de La Recherche. Retrieved April 15, 2020, from https://anr.fr/en/call-for-proposals-details/call/flash-call-covid-19/