- Jan 2025
www.robotscooking.com www.robotscooking.com
Transitioning to structured HTML earlier in the workflow would have transformativeeffect
this seems key: HTML is far closer to a good digital lingua franca than PDFs, and can be effectively transformed for print if needed
frontendmasters.com frontendmasters.com
Browsers can’t just all the sudden make every aspect of a <select> and <option>s styleable, otherwise historical CSS that didn’t apply to them all the sudden does and it would wreak untold havoc on websites. The web doesn’t like to roll like that, and I applaud it for that backwards compatibility. So… there needed to be an opt-in to make it work. A new element can work for that, which for a hot minute seemed like it would be <selectmenu>. But the progressive enhancement story for that basically sucked. So the new opt-in looks like it will be CSS triggered
Select the elements look like they will be style-able in HML in 2025.
- Oct 2024
alexwlchan.net alexwlchan.net
For a long time, I thought of HTML as a tool for publishing on the web, a way to create websites that other people can look at. But all these websites I’m creating are my local, personal archives – just for me. I’m surprised it took me this long to realise HTML isn’t just for sharing on the web.
Yes. I use lots of small local html/php pages. Also webforms to search websites elsewhere, without going there. I had local pages to browse local image files in the 90s. I started writing html by hand in '93 and still do for local stuff. I do use a local on-device webserver though, as I include php.
I like this idea of having static html as page to explore folders, I had that in the 90s to better search for image files. Author offers no clues as to how he uses the affordance it provides though, in terms of 'showing the metadata' they care for and the little bits of extra functionality. And I wonder about the effort involved when adding new files. Presumably new files are added manually too, otherwise it's not 'static html'. Stores files by year, type and first letter of file name. That makes no immediate sense to me in terms of finding things back. Then again I never understood why you would have folders for file types. It's like sorting items on the type of box it came in. Good example though of making your computer your own.
- Jul 2024
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
For some reason, Microsoft decided to use the MS Word HTML rendering engine in Outlook 2007 to 2013 (desktop version) – this was even worse than the IE5/IE6 rendering engine which I believe was used in Outlook 2000, 2002 and 2003! As most large corporate businesses force their staff to use a version of desktop Outlook that hasn’t been updated in years, email is stuck in this hell of being held back in worse-than-IE6 web.
- Jun 2024
www.phpclasses.org www.phpclasses.org
This package can convert files between different document formats.
It provides several classes that can take files from one document format to another document format.
Currently, it can convert document files between:
Microsoft Excel to PDF
Image to PDF
Markdown to PDF
PDF to Microsoft Excel
PDF to Image
PDF to Markdown
PDF to Text
PDF Word
Text to PDF
- Apr 2024
html.spec.whatwg.org html.spec.whatwg.org
An example of the latter would be something like keeping track of the precise coordinate from which a popup div was made to animate, so that if the user goes back, it can be made to animate to the same location. Or alternatively, it could be used to keep a pointer into a cache of data that would be fetched from the server based on the information in the URL, so that when going back and forward, the information doesn't have to be fetched again.
" Session history entries" doesn't mention whether focus is saved, only scroll has dedicated "attributes" in a history entry, but what this paragraph seems to allude to is that focus can be saved too (and indeed it can).
- Nov 2023
devpractical.com devpractical.com
Autor wymienia 10 stron, przygotowanych w prostym języku HTML bez większego stylowania czy skryptowania.
Te 10 stron to: 1. First HTML Website(The WWW project) http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html 2. Berkshire Hathaway Inc. https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/ 3. X.COM http://x.com 4. The mother**website.com http://motherfuckingwebsite.com/ 5. Toad.com http://www.toad.com/ 6. Fluffbucket http://www.fluffbucket.co.uk/howto/htmlonlypg.htm 7.ACME Laboratories https://acme.com 8. Txti http://txti.es/ 9. Simplified Web Design https://jgthms.com/web-design-in-4-minutes/ 10. Personal Blog https://fatih-erikli.com
Nie wszystkie strony są aktywne czy warte uwagi. Według mnie warto zwrócić tylko na dwie z nich: - https://motherfuckingwebsite.com/ - https://jgthms.com/web-design-in-4-minutes/
www.theodinproject.com www.theodinproject.com
Validations allow us to set specific constraints or rules that determine what data users can enter into an input. When a user enters data that breaks the rules, a message will appear, providing feedback on what was wrong with the entered data and how to fix it.
HTML forms have an internal validation mechanism.
✅ We can actually use a neat trick which basically consists in making a CSS grid with a single grid item. All we really have to do then, is taking our grid-template-rows and make it transition from 0fr to 1fr: this way, our grid item will transition from 0 to its "natural" height. It's THAT simple:
```css .accordion - body { display: grid; grid - template - rows: 0 fr; transition: 250 ms grid - template - rows ease; }
.accordion: hover.accordion - body { grid - template - rows: 1 fr; }
.accordion - body>div { overflow: hidden; } ```
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
Las acciones que se pueden realizar dentro de un formulario son definidas como form controls. El número de acciones es bastante grande y vale la pena revisar todas las posibilidades.
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
I’m sure you can imagine, the ability to shift an element around based on its regular position is pretty useful. I find myself using this to line up form elements many times that have a tendency to not want to line up how I want them to.
gregorlove.com gregorlove.com
meyerweb.com meyerweb.com
I don't particularly recommend that you just use this in its unaltered state in your own projects. It should be tweaked, edited, extended, and otherwise tuned to match your specific reset baseline.
Aún cuando se trata de un reseteo completo de estilo CSS, proponentes de este método como es the Meyer's Reset recomiendan sobreescribir partes del reseteo con las preferencias personales del diseñador. Esto quiere decir que un reseteo no debe ser un reseteo en blanco, sino un reseteo hacia el estándar o base que el diseñador prefiera.
pencilandpaper.io pencilandpaper.io
Hay una serie de buenas prácticas en la fabricación de tablas que permiten una interacción más eficiente entre el usuario y la data que se busca comunicar. Una buena experiencia entre el usuario y las tablas dentro de una página web dependen en suma del diseño establecido. La fabricación de buenas tablas en la web solo requieren de conocimientos de HTML y CSS.
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
To give you some interesting examples, in the case of a long table you could make the table header and footer repeat on every printed page, and you could make the table body display on a single page and have the contents available by scrolling up and down.
Las etiquetas
, and<tfoot>
proveen a las tablas HTML una fuerte capacidad de personalización a través de selectores CSS.
alan.norbauer.com alan.norbauer.com
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
- Oct 2023
open-ui.org open-ui.orgHome1
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
Now, you can add <hr> (horizontal rule) elements into the list of select options and they will appear as separators to help visually break up the options
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Code"> ```html <label for="major-select">Please select a major:</label> <br/> <select name="majors" id="major-select"> <option value="">Select a major</option>
<option value="arth">Art History</option> <option value="finearts">Fine Arts</option> <option value="gdes">Graphic Design</option> <option value="lit">Literature</option> <option value="music">Music</option>
<option value="aeroeng">Aerospace Engineering</option> <option value="biochemeng">Biochemical Engineering</option> <option value="civileng">Civil Engineering</option> <option value="compeng">Computer Engineering</option> <option value="eleng">Electrical Engineering</option> <option value="mecheng">Mechanical Engineering</option> </select> ``` </div>
research.securitum.com research.securitum.com
www.w3.org www.w3.org
www.sitepoint.com www.sitepoint.com
pugjs.org pugjs.org
spec.commonmark.org spec.commonmark.org
commonmark.org commonmark.org
markdoc.dev markdoc.dev
- Sep 2023
docutils.sourceforge.io docutils.sourceforge.io
docutils.sourceforge.io docutils.sourceforge.io
docutils.sourceforge.io docutils.sourceforge.io
twitter.com twitter.com
Did you know you can now use streaming promises in SvelteKit? No need to import anything - it just works out of the box
Every property of an object returned by the
function can be a promise which itself can return an object that can have a promise as property, and so on.Can build a tree of promises based on data delivery priority.
- Aug 2023
web-platform-tests.org web-platform-tests.org
blog.logrocket.com blog.logrocket.com
kit.svelte.dev kit.svelte.dev
```js // CSP svelte.config.js
/* @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} / const config = { kit: { csp: { directives: { 'script-src': ['self'] }, reportOnly: { 'script-src': ['self'] } } } };
export default config; ```
```js // Create a portal with the wikipedia page, and embed it // (like an iframe). You can also use the <portal> tag instead. portal = document.createElement('portal'); portal.src = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Web'; portal.style = '...'; document.body.appendChild(portal);
// When the user touches the preview (embedded portal): // do fancy animation, e.g. expand … // and finish by doing the actual transition. // For the sake of simplicity, this snippet will navigate // on the
event of the Portals element. portal.addEventListener('load', (evt) => { portal.activate(); });// Adding some styles with transitions const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML =
portal { position:fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0; box-shadow: 0 0 20px 10px #999; transform: scale(0.4); transform-origin: bottom left; bottom: 20px; left: 20px; animation-name: fade-in; animation-duration: 1s; animation-delay: 2s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } .portal-transition { transition: transform 0.4s; } @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { .portal-transition { transition: transform 0.001s; } } .portal-reveal { transform: scale(1.0) translateX(-20px) translateY(20px); } @keyframes fade-in { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } }
; const portal = document.createElement('portal'); // Let's navigate into the WICG Portals spec page portal.src = 'https://wicg.github.io/portals/'; // Add a class that defines the transition. Consider using //prefers-reduced-motion
media query to control the animation. // https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/03/prefers-reduced-motion portal.classList.add('portal-transition'); portal.addEventListener('click', (evt) => { // Animate the portal once user interacts portal.classList.add('portal-reveal'); }); portal.addEventListener('transitionend', (evt) => { if (evt.propertyName == 'transform') { // Activate the portal once the transition has completed portal.activate(); } }); document.body.append(style, portal); ``````js // Feature detection
if ('HTMLPortalElement' in window) { // If this is a platform that have Portals... const portal = document.createElement('portal'); ... } ```
js // Detect whether this page is hosted in a portal if (window.portalHost) { // Customize the UI when being embedded as a portal }
```js // Send message to the portal element const portal = document.querySelector('portal'); portal.postMessage({someKey: someValue}, ORIGIN);
// Receive message via window.portalHost window.portalHost.addEventListener('message', (evt) => { const data = evt.data.someKey; // handle the event }); ```
wicg.github.io wicg.github.ioPortals1
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
According to Mozilla's website, <q cite="https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/history/details/"> Firefox 1.0 was released in 2004 and became a big success. </q>
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
<style> kbd { background-color: #eee; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid #b4b4b4; box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) inset; color: #333; display: inline-block; font-size: 0.85em; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1; padding: 2px 4px; white-space: nowrap; } </style>Please press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>R</kbd> to re-render an MDN page.
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
<title>HTML Standard</title>
<body> <hgroup id="document-title">HTML: Living Standard
Last Updated 12 July 2022
</hgroup>Some intro to the document.
Table of contents
First section
Some intro to the first section.
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
<header>Movie website
<search> <form action="./search/"> <label for="movie">Find a Movie</label> <input type="search" id="movie" name="q" /> <button type="submit">Search</button> </form> </search> </header>```
```html <search> <label> Find and filter your query <input type="search" id="query" /> </label> <label> <input type="checkbox" id="exact-only" /> Exact matches only </label>
</search> ```
cheatsheetseries.owasp.org cheatsheetseries.owasp.org
developers.cloudflare.com developers.cloudflare.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
<body style="visibility: hidden;"> <script>0</script> </body> <noscript> <style>body { visibility: visible; }</style> </noscript>```
- Jul 2023
kit.svelte.dev kit.svelte.dev
svelte.dev svelte.dev
gist.github.com gist.github.com
gist.github.com gist.github.com
```js / * twitter-entities.js * This function converts a tweet with "entity" metadata * from plain text to linkified HTML. * * See the documentation here: http://dev.twitter.com/pages/tweet_entities * Basically, add ?include_entities=true to your timeline call * * Copyright 2010, Wade Simmons * Licensed under the MIT license * http://wades.im/mons * * Requires jQuery /
function escapeHTML(text) { return $('<div/>').text(text).html() }
function linkify_entities(tweet) { if (!(tweet.entities)) { return escapeHTML(tweet.text) }
// This is very naive, should find a better way to parse this var index_map = {} $.each(tweet.entities.urls, function(i,entry) { index_map[entry.indices[0]] = [entry.indices[1], function(text) {return "<a href='"+escapeHTML(entry.url)+"'>"+escapeHTML(text)+"</a>"}] }) $.each(tweet.entities.hashtags, function(i,entry) { index_map[entry.indices[0]] = [entry.indices[1], function(text) {return "<a href='http://twitter.com/search?q="+escape("#"+entry.text)+"'>"+escapeHTML(text)+"</a>"}] }) $.each(tweet.entities.user_mentions, function(i,entry) { index_map[entry.indices[0]] = [entry.indices[1], function(text) {return "<a title='"+escapeHTML(entry.name)+"' href='http://twitter.com/"+escapeHTML(entry.screen_name)+"'>"+escapeHTML(text)+"</a>"}] }) var result = "" var last_i = 0 var i = 0 // iterate through the string looking for matches in the index_map for (i=0; i < tweet.text.length; ++i) { var ind = index_map[i] if (ind) { var end = ind[0] var func = ind[1] if (i > last_i) { result += escapeHTML(tweet.text.substring(last_i, i)) } result += func(tweet.text.substring(i, end)) i = end - 1 last_i = end } } if (i > last_i) { result += escapeHTML(tweet.text.substring(last_i, i)) } return result
} ```
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
```html <img src="invalid_link" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='https://placeimg.com/200/300/animals';"
developers.google.com developers.google.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
www.w3.org www.w3.org
- Jun 2023
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
sketch.systems sketch.systems
sketch.systems sketch.systems
realpython.com realpython.com
<body> <div> {% for chat in chats %} <div>{{ chat.contents }}</div> <button id={{chat.id}} ✅ onClick=getId(id) ✅ > print this chat_id out </button> {% endfor %} </div> ... <script> function getId(id){ console.log(id) } </script> </body>```
jinja.palletsprojects.com jinja.palletsprojects.com
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
Security considerations When inserting HTML into a page by using insertAdjacentHTML(), be careful not to use user input that hasn't been escaped.
```html <select id="position"> <br /> <option>beforebegin</option>
<option>afterbegin</option> <option>beforeend</option> <option>afterend</option></select>
<button id="insert">Insert HTML</button> <button id="reset">Reset</button>
Some text, with a
code-formatted element
inside it.```
```js const insert = document.querySelector("#insert"); insert.addEventListener("click", () => { const subject = document.querySelector("#subject"); const positionSelect = document.querySelector("#position"); subject.insertAdjacentHTML( positionSelect.value, "inserted text" ); });
const reset = document.querySelector("#reset"); reset.addEventListener("click", () => { document.location.reload(); });
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Use insertAdjacentHTML(). It works with all current browsers, even with IE11.
js var mylist = document.getElementById('mylist'); mylist.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<li>third</li>');
- first
- second
HTML 5 introduced the <template> element which can be used for this purpose (as now described in the WhatWG spec and MDN docs). A <template> element is used to declare fragments of HTML that can be utilized in scripts. The element is represented in the DOM as a HTMLTemplateElement which has a .content property of DocumentFragment type, to provide access to the template's contents. This means that you can convert an HTML string to DOM elements by setting the innerHTML of a <template> element, then reaching into the template's .content property.
```js /* * @param {String} HTML representing a single element * @return {Element} / function htmlToElement(html) { var template = document.createElement('template'); html = html.trim(); // Never return a text node of whitespace as the result template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.firstChild; }
var td = htmlToElement('<td>foo</td>'), div = htmlToElement('<div><span>nested</span> <span>stuff</span></div>');
/* * @param {String} HTML representing any number of sibling elements * @return {NodeList} / function htmlToElements(html) { var template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.childNodes; }
var rows = htmlToElements('<tr><td>foo</td></tr><tr><td>bar</td></tr>'); ```
johnresig.com johnresig.com
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
jasonformat.com jasonformat.com
astro.build astro.build
docs.astro.build docs.astro.build
- May 2023
markojs.com markojs.comMarko1
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
shaneosullivan.wordpress.com shaneosullivan.wordpress.com
- Apr 2023
www.unicode.org www.unicode.org
x.st x.st
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
- Mar 2023
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
blog.giantgeek.com blog.giantgeek.com
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
workers.tools workers.tools
HTML templating and streaming response library for Worker Runtimes such as Cloudflare Workers.
js function handleRequest(event: FetchEvent) { return new HTMLResponse(pageLayout('Hello World!', html` <h1>Hello World!</h1> ${async () => { const timeStamp = new Date( await fetch('https://time.api/now').then(r => r.text()) ); return html`<p>The current time is ${timeEl(timeStamp)}.</p>` }} `)); }
www.mattstobbs.com www.mattstobbs.com
What could be happening is dates being parsed with a different timezone during SSR and CSR for example.
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
```js function makeDocument() { let frame = document.getElementById("theFrame");
let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("New Document"); let p = doc.createElement("p"); p.textContent = "This is a new paragraph.";
try { doc.body.appendChild(p); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
// Copy the new HTML document into the frame
let destDocument = frame.contentDocument; let srcNode = doc.documentElement; let newNode = destDocument.importNode(srcNode, true);
destDocument.replaceChild(newNode, destDocument.documentElement); } ```
blog.dwac.dev blog.dwac.dev
document.implementation.createHTMLDocument() which can stream dynamic HTML content directly into the page DOM
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
linguinecode.com linguinecode.com
You can have multiple nested React.lazy components inside React.Suspense.
const CatAvatar = React.lazy(() => import('./path/to/cat/avatar')); const ThorAvatar = React.lazy(() => import('./path/to/cat/thor-avatar'));
const AppContainer = () => ( <React.Suspense fallback="loading..."> <CatAvatar /> <ThorAvatar /> </React.Suspense> ); ```
remix.run remix.run
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org