- May 2023
- wikipedia:en=Man-in-the-middle_attack
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- wikipedia:en=Session_hijacking
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- wikipedia:en=Cross-site_request_forgery
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- wikipedia:en=Data_breach
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- Mar 2023
www.smashingmagazine.com www.smashingmagazine.com
www.keycdn.com www.keycdn.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
frederik-braun.com frederik-braun.com
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
www.w3.org www.w3.org
- Sep 2022
1.9 Title: DFAT Country Information Report: Sri Lanka Source: Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Date of Document: 23 December 2021 URL: https://www.dfat.gov.au/sites/default/files/country-information-report-sri-lanka.pdf Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
1.8 Title: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including on detention conditions, access to justice and socio-economic conditions in major cities (2019–May 2021) Code: LKA200596.E Source: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Date of Document: 7 May 2021 URL: https://irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/country-information/rir/Pages/index.aspx?doc=458345 Accessed Date: 26 May 2021
1.7 Title: Présentation de Sri Lanka Source: France. Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. Date of Document: 18 February 2021 URL: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/dossiers-pays/sri-lanka/presentation-du-sri-lanka/ Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
NEW FOR 2022
1.5 Title: Sri Lanka Development Update: Economic and Poverty Impact of COVID-19 Source: The World Bank Date of Document: June 2021 URL: https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/15b8de0edd4f39cc7a82b7aff8430576-0310062021/original/SriLanka-DevUpd-Apr9.pdf Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
NEW FOR 2022
1.4 Title: Sri Lanka. BTI 2022 Country Report. Source: Bertelsmann Stiftung Date of Document: February 2022 URL: https://bti-project.org/en/reports/country-report/LKA Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
1.2 Title: Sri Lanka. The World Factbook. Source: United States. Central Intelligence Agency Date of Document: 10 May 2022
UPDATED Not available as this is a constantly-updated page and no archived version of 10 May 2022 seems to exist - 24 May 2022 is closest: https://web.archive.org/web/20220526114553/https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/sri-lanka/
2.4 Title: Sri Lanka. World Report 2022: Events of 2021. Source: Human Rights Watch Date of Document: January 2022 URL: https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2022/country-chapters/sri-lanka Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
2.3 Title: Sri Lanka. Freedom in the World 2022. Source: Freedom House Date of Document: 2022 URL: https://freedomhouse.org/country/sri-lanka/freedom-world/2022 Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
UPDATED According to ECOI was published 3 March 2022. ECOI link: https://www.ecoi.net/en/document/2046539.html
- Aug 2022
Item 10.6, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 11.4, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 12.15, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 12.10, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
Item 6.3, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 12.16, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 1.9, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 2.4, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 2.13, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 2.3, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31, 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 2.2, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
Item 2.1, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 4.8, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 2.26, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31, 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 12.20, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31, 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 9.11, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 5.4, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 1.12, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 9.13, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 14.7, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31, 2022
- Jul 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Steep payments on international sovereign bonds, which comprised nearly 40 percent of the country’s external debt, put Sirisena’s government in dire fiscal straits almost immediately. When Sirisena took office, Sri Lanka owed more to Japan, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank than to China. Of the $4.5 billion in debt service Sri Lanka would pay in 2017, only 5 percent was because of Hambantota. The Central Bank governors under both Rajapaksa and Sirisena do not agree on much, but they both told us that Hambantota, and Chinese finance in general, was not the source of the country’s financial distress.
In 2012, Sri Lanka borrowed another $757 million from China Eximbank, this time at a reduced, post-financial-crisis interest rate of 2 percent. Rajapaksa took the liberty of naming the port after himself.
This was in 2007, six years before Xi Jinping introduced the Belt and Road Initiative. Sri Lanka was still in the last, and bloodiest, phase of its long civil war, and the world was on the verge of a financial crisis. The details are important: China Eximbank offered a $307 million, 15-year commercial loan with a four-year grace period, offering Sri Lanka a choice between a 6.3 percent fixed interest rate or one that would rise or fall depending on LIBOR, a floating rate. Colombo chose the former, conscious that global interest rates were trending higher during the negotiations and hoping to lock in what it thought would be favorable terms. Phase I of the port project was completed on schedule within three years.
The prime example of this is the Sri Lankan port of Hambantota. As the story goes, Beijing pushed Sri Lanka into borrowing money from Chinese banks to pay for the project, which had no prospect of commercial success. Onerous terms and feeble revenues eventually pushed Sri Lanka into default, at which point Beijing demanded the port as collateral, forcing the Sri Lankan government to surrender control to a Chinese firm.
There was also never a default. Colombo arranged a bailout from the International Monetary Fund, and decided to raise much-needed dollars by leasing out the underperforming Hambantota Port to an experienced company—just as the Canadians had recommended. There was not an open tender, and the only two bids came from China Merchants and China Harbor; Sri Lanka chose China Merchants, making it the majority shareholder with a 99-year lease, and used the $1.12 billion cash infusion to bolster its foreign reserves, not to pay off China Eximbank.
- Jan 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Mike Honey 💉💉💉. (2022, January 22). Here’s the latest variant picture for BA.2 (Omicron). Globally it has been far less common than it’s sibling BA.1 lineage. The frequency of BA.2 is rising rapidly in several countries, notably India, Denmark & Singapore. 🧵 https://t.co/nE926hn9ws [Tweet]. @MikeHoney. https://twitter.com/Mike_Honey_/status/1484707779327950855
- Oct 2021
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.org
Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer
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- May 2021
Mallapaty, S. (2021). India’s neighbours race to sequence genomes as COVID surges. Nature, 593(7860), 485–486. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-01287-2
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Ashraf, B. N. (2020). Economic impact of government interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: International evidence from financial markets. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 27, 100371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbef.2020.100371
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Hossain, M., Rahman, M., Trisha, N. F., Tasnim, S., Nuzhath, T., Hasan, N. T., … Ma, P. (2020, October 31). Prevalence of anxiety and depression in South Asia during COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/q4k5b
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„NZ, Vietnam Top List of Countries with Best Responses to the Pandemic“, 27. Januar 2021. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-01-28/new-zealand-tops-list-as-country-with-best-covid-response/13095758.
- Dec 2018
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Douglas Engelbart's 1962 summary report to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, years before the famous "mother of all demos" in 1968.