527 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. "If he [Musk] is concerned about competitors getting there first, it doesn't matter as uncontrolled superintelligence is equally bad, no matter who makes it come into existence."

      for - quote - Response to Elon Musk - competition is moot - whoever creates superintelligence first week also create the progress trap that comes along with it - Roman Yampolskiy

      quote - Response to Elon Musk - competition is moot - whoever creates superintelligence first week also create the progress trap that comes along with it - Roman Yampolskiy

      • If he [Musk] is concerned about competitors getting there first,
        • it doesn't matter as uncontrolled superintelligence is equally bad, no matter who makes it come into existence.
    1. But once you can write things down, then that mental realm suddenly starts looking timeless and radically different from the world around us. And I think that’s what really created this sense of an interior, what became, with the Greeks and the Christians, a kind of soul; this thing that’s actually made of different stuff. It’s made of spirit stuff instead of matter

      for - new insight - second cause of human separation - after settling down, it was WRITING! intriguing! - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton - adjacency - sense of separation - first - settling down - human place - second - writing - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton

      adjacency - between - sense of separation - first - settling down - human place - second - transition from oral to written language - adjacency relationship - Interesting that I was just reading an article on language and perception from the General Semantics organization: General Semantics and non-verbal awareness - The claim is that the transition from oral language to written language created the feeling of interiority and of a separate "soul". - This is definitely worth exploring!

      explore claim - the transition from oral language traditions to writing led us to form the sense of interiority and of a "soul" separate from the body - This claim, if we can validate it, can have profound implications - Writing definitely led us to create much more complex words but we were able to do much more efficient timebinding - transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next. - We didn't have to depend on just a few elders to pass the knowledge on. With the invention of the printing press, written language got an exponential acceleration in intergenerational knowledge transmission. - This had a huge feedback effect on the oral language itself, increase the number of words and meanings exponentially. - There are complex recipes for everything and written words allow us to capture the complex recipes or instructions in ways that would overwhelm oral traditions.

      to - article - General Semantics and Non-Verbal Awareness - https://hyp.is/BePQhLvTEe-wYD_MPM9N3Q/www.time-binding.org/Article-Database

    1. Pasqua Rosée opened the first coffee house in London in 1652, prompting a revolution in London society. “British culture was intensely hierarchical and structured. The idea that you could go and sit next to someone as an equal was radical,” says Markman Ellis, author of The Coffee House: A Cultural History.

      for - trivia / history - first coffee house in London - opened in 1652 by - Pasqua Rosee - revolution in London society - broke through hierarchy of British society

    1. We believe that, for the first time in recorded history, human culture has produced at the least an outline of all the capacities required for us to begin to consciously direct our own cultural evolution for the better.

      for - cultural evolution - first time in history we can have intentional cultural evolution towards a holistic wellbeing-based civilization - Dil Green

    1. why is it that we’re not focusing on those movements as the source of our strength and our organizing? It’s because we have a discourse framed around elite policy institutions that make them the primary actors and the coordination of mostly market mechanisms

      for - climate crisis - climate communications - large social movements fizzle out - first framing element - elite policy institutions and businesses are seen as the primary actors - Joe Brewer

    1. the first one is the paradox of pronouncement. And here we recognize that language is both incredibly useful for us and is evocative and helps us create and and see and be in this reciprocal exchange. And we also are trying to open to a non dual embodied cognition that is beyond the written word and beyond the hegemony of the written word, and indeed the hegemony of the English written word

      for - paradoxes - first one - pronouncement - the written word - evocative - but also hegemonic - especially the English language - there are other oral traditions - try to open nondual embodied cognition using English - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladna - Lynn Murphy - 2023

  2. Nov 2024
    1. To effectively combat the roots of fascism, it is crucial to integrate both horizontal and vertical decentralized decision-making structures.

      for - commons - new definition - pathological conservatism - new definition - benign conservatism - new definition - beneficial conservatism - adjacency - citizen assemblies - cosmolocal - community organization - horizontal and vertical decision-making as cosmolocal - Fair Share Commons - FSC - pathological conservatism - hypocrisy of modern conservatism that cannot acknowledge first nations - TPF as a vehicle for citizen assembly in each ward and district of a city - to - Youtube - Trump won, now what? - Roger Hallam - to - Substack article - - A global history of societal regulation - metacrisis, polycrisis - role of the commons and cosmolocal coordination - Michel Bauwens

      adjacency - between - citizen assemblies - cosmolocal - community organization - citizen assemblies - horizontal and vertical - Fair Share Commons - FSC - town anywhere - TPF - one per city ward or district - progress traps - wicked problem - pathological conservatism - deep conservatism - ECOnomy is a subset of ECOlogy - Modernity has many forms of shallow, pathological conservatism - Indigenous and first nations peoples practice deep, beneficial conservatism - adjacency relationship - One of the biggest progress traps is pathological conservatism when - a technology has become popular and ubiquitous but an unintended consequence becomes exposed - In that case, incumbents who profit from the established supply chain will defend it at great cost, even if the harm it causes becomes increasingly obvious. - They will do this until it reaches a point that the harm is so great that it can no longer be defended. - Often, great harm is done before that point is reached, if it is reached. - Misinformation, gaslighting and fascism can emerge as a form of pathological conservatism in an attempt to preserve the harmful aspect of the status quo. - Fossil fuels, internal combustion engines and the climate change they cause are an example of this, creating a wicked problem in which those trying to solve the problem are also contributing to it - Citizen assemblies are a bottom up response and counterweight to centralized power that is driving pathological conservatism - In contrast to the pathological conservatism, environmental awareness is a practice of benign and beneficial conservatism - the conservation of our natural environment - In fact, many who call themselves conservatives and nationalists are hypocritical because - if they went further in their conservativism logic, they would have to acknowledge the first nations people who came before them - The natural resources that were part of indigenous peoples lives for millenia that colonialists have built their entire fortune on represents even greater degree of conservatism, yet the hypocrisy is that - modern conservatives often cannot acknowledge this reality of a deeper form of conservatism as it threatens their false entitlement - This brings into question their claim of practicing conservatism - pathological conservatives act as if the ECOlogy is subordinate to the ECOnomy when in fact, the ECOnomy cannot exist without a functioning ECOlogy - citizen assemblies can be implemented in each ward and district of a large city - On top of these, Fair Share Commons and community cooperatives can be built as formal structures to drive specific projects - In order for participatory democracy to work effectively requires education on Deep Humanity and conflict resolution, otherwise risks low resiliency due to internal conflicts and derailment of vision - In order to scale, it requires both horizontal and vertical components or organization. This implies a cosmolocal strategy: - horizontal decision-making with local group is local, whilst - vertical decision-making with non-local groups based on broader issues is cosmo - A global Tipping Point Festival that employs social tipping point theory to emerge a global network of citizen assemblies / commons assemblies / people's assemblies in each ward and district of a city to relocate healthy power back to the people

      to - Youtube - Trump won, now what? - a love-based approach to replace power-based approach for dealing with fascism and polarization - Roger Hallam - https://hyp.is/wUDpaKsAEe-DM9fteMUtzw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiKWCHAcS7E - Substack article - A global history of societal regulation - metacrisis, polycrisis - role of the commons and cosmolocal coordination - Michel Bauwens - https://hyp.is/wlywbqkTEe-ROXfhSmA3bA/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/a-global-history-of-societal-regulation

    1. if you built buildings you'll know that what's worse a dysfunctional seven stage or dysfunctional first stage it's all the footings it's all the foundations

      for - developmental journey - building metaphor - most important problem to fix is foundational - first level problems - John Churchill

    2. little Johnny feel held we internalize the experience of Safety and Security okay so to the extent that you've done that you have a sense of faith and trust

      for - psychological infrastructure - attachment system - first quality - internalizing safety generates faith and trust - John Churchill

    3. the first level of that deity the first level of initiation the first chakra the most important thing of that first chakra is safety

      for - healthy psychological infrastructure - first stage - first deity - first chakra - first stage - safety - attachment - from healthy relationship in childhood - John Churchill

    4. the first thing to understand is human beings are relational beings

      for - quote - first thing to understand is that humans are relational beings - John Churchill - adjacency - humans are relational beings John Churchill - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt - self / other gestalt

    5. first second third fourth you can look at those as perspectives

      for - definition - first person to eightth person perspectives - John Churchill

      definition - first person to eighth person perspective - John Churchill - The different perspectives are: - first person - the physical body - second person - the emotional body - third person - the mental body - fourth - the systems perspective - contextual - interconnected field - fifth to seventh - holonic consciousness - synchronized to the planetary field itself - Like a Buddha, bodhisattva or Christ - As you unfold, your unfolding changes the planetary field itself

    6. if you go to like and if you go to the yoga studios where you see people who are like obsessing with their physical body and obsessing with their diets that's kind of Po people who are like First beginning that first initiation phase that's what's at play that's what's at play or they're doing that practice but some people just stay there they spend their whole life obsessed about their physical body and and the green juice

      for - spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation first stage body - John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - first stage - body - John Churchill - initiation - first stage - body - example - yoga and green juice - getting stuck here is possible - John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - first stage - body - John Churchill

    7. once you realize that the world isn't what you think it is it's very easy to grab onto something else and grab onto some kind of weird conspiracy well that's the thing you've been describing thus far as well sorry to in just say but like the openness requires structure

      for - quote conspiracy theories - lizard people - first stage of initiation - if reality isn't as it appears, it's easy to latch onto something else - John Churchill

    8. we go from first person to second person to third person to Fourth to fifth to sixth person perspective those are actual cognitive structures

      for - question - what is meant by first to sixth person perspective? Can he give examples of each? - John Churchill

  3. Oct 2024
    1. Levels of understanding genres: - 0) No understanding Like the song, never heard anything like it before, but no idea about anything. - 1) Basic Understanding Knowing a bit about the name of the genre and subgenres, but you can be wrong. - 2) Immersion Really dive into subgenres and flavors of the main genre... Also a bit of history about the genre. Research. - 3) Structure Breaking down the structure of the tracks in the genre. For example through DAW. Basically first-principles thinking.

      To level 1: Song Analyzer tools (for example musicstax or AI). The author recommends everynoise.com too to gain a basic understanding of genres.

      To level 2: Find similar songs and artists for your playlists with that genre. Perhaps playlists. Important to understand the origin of the genre.

    1. But, the more heexamines the subject, and the more he goes by hispersonal experience, the more he will find it worthwhile to spend time on, and to practise carefully,fthisfirst department of Composition, as opposed to the mereExpression^] Indeed one might almost say that, if thisfirst department has been thoroughly well done, that isto say, if the Scheme of Headings and Sub-Headingshas been well prepared, the Expression will be a com-paratively easy matter.

      Definition of the "first department of composition": <br /> The preparation (mise en place) for writing as opposed to the actual expression of the writing. By this he likely means the actions of Part II (collecting, selecting, arranging) of this book versus Part III.

  4. Sep 2024
    1. yes it certainly broke the Monopoly of the Catholic church but again not in favor of science but in favor of more and more extreme religious sects

      for - publication of the first bible - Yuval Noah Harari

    1. but PR is not updated somewhy

      Did he just make up a new word? :)

      I get what it means though, pretty easily: somewhy = for some reason

      (by non-native English speaker)

  5. Aug 2024
    1. Typewriter Video Series - Episode 147: Font Sizes and the Writing Process by [[Joe Van Cleave]]

      typewriters for note making

      double or 1 1/2 spacing with smaller typefaces may be more efficient for drafting documents, especially first drafts

      editing on actual paper can be more useful for some

      Drafting on a full sheet folded in half provides a book-like reading experience for reading/editing and provides an automatic backing sheet

      typewritten (or printed) sheets may be easier to see and revise than digital formats which may hide text the way ancient scrolls did for those who read them.

      Jack Kerouac used rolls of paper to provide continuous writing experience. Doesn't waste the margins of paper at the top/bottom. This may be very useful for first drafts.

      JVC likes to thread rolls of paper into typewriters opposite to the original curl so as to flatten the paper out in the end.

  6. Jul 2024
    1. The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled, on July 3, 2012, that it is indeed permissible to resell software licenses even if the digital good has been downloaded directly from the Internet, and that the first sale doctrine applied whenever software was originally sold to a customer for an unlimited amount of time, as such sale involves a transfer of ownership, thus prohibiting any software maker from preventing the resale of their software by any of their legitimate owners.
  7. Jun 2024
    1. there are many um and that that pulls us into 00:00:26 reaction mode that has been long steeped in industrial responsiveness which is to the first order

      for - quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson

      quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - (see below) - it's really easy to get distracted by the alarms that are ringing - and like you said, there are many that pulls us into reaction mode - that has been long steeped in industrial responsiveness - which is to the first order - that is, if something is happening we want to stop that thing from happening - whatever it is, whether it's - a refugee crisis or - a nuclear war threat or a this or a that - and that first order response does not take into account - the next and the next and the next order of consequences - so it's a kind of thinking that is very much appropriate for - engineering, - for building machines - but it's not appropriate for complex living systems

      adjacency - between - Nora Bateson comment on first order industrial responsiveness - progress trap - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping - Deep Humanity - progress trap - emptiness/shunyata - adjacency relationship - What Nora is saying is articulated within the Deep Humanity praxis using the language of progress traps - Dan O'Leary - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=dan+o%27leary - Ronald Wright - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=ronald+wright - which are the unintended consequences of progress - Deep Humanity praxis relates progress traps to the intertwingled Eastern philosophical ideas of - emptiness (shunyata) - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=emptiness - dependent arising and - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=dependent+arising - interdependent origination - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=interdependent+origination - In the context of the Stop Reset Go complexity mapping process, - to be integrated into the Indyweb / Indranet web 3 software ecosystem, - is designed to map multiple perspectives of how to solve a problem - so that we can see the many different solutions and avoid simply adopting a first order response solution - in so doing, it integrates complexity into our problem solving process and helps to mitigate - future progress traps in our solutions - The Indyweb / Indranet is a technology ecosystem designed to reflect the two pillars of emptiness: - (evolutionary) change and - interdependent origination / intertwingularity, - reflecting a universe that is fractally connected in all - dimensions and - scales - Stop Reset Go will be integrated into the Indyweb/Indranet as a specific Markin notation.

  8. May 2024
    1. it means that you can change the course of history for your Offspring based on your exercise and your diet and whether you're drinking or not and what 00:35:59 kind of habits

      for - explanation - lay - natural selection happens by epigenetic change first

      explanation - lay - natural selection happens by epigenetic change first - The change in narrative has enormous ramifications. - It means that you can change the course of history for your offspring based on: - your exercise - your diet - your drinking habits - and many other behavioral and lifestyle choices and environmental explosure you exist in

    1. One way to look at it is that corporations are never your friend. They love talking about building communities and ecosystems, but eventually they need to monetize user-generated content and change licensing to make your content their property. When their policies and promises change overnight 180° all you get "we are sorry you feel that way", "our hopes and prayers" and "that was a deliberate business decision we had to make with a heavy heart". And then they laugh all the way to the bank.
  9. Apr 2024
    1. Forrester: No thinking - that comes later. You must write your first draft with your heart. You rewrite with your head. The first key to writing is... to write, not to think!


      In this quote from Finding Forrester (Columbia Pictures, 2000) Forrester (portrayed by Sean Connery) turns the idea that writing is thinking on its head.

    1. which is the national curriculum,emphasises the importance of student proficiency in at least two languages and being ableto communicate in others. The language-specific curricula follows an additive approach tomultilingualism, namely, all students learn a language on a “home language” level (which formost would be their home language) and at least one additional offi cial language, and becomecompetent in their additional language on a second-language level, while the home languageis maintained and developed.

      Why home language is important to learn first

  10. Mar 2024
    1. John Blackthorne, also known as Anjin-san, is the protagonist of James Clavell's 1975 novel Shōgun. The character is loosely based on the life of the 17th-century English navigator William Adams, who was the first Englishman to visit Japan. The character appears in the 1980 TV miniseries Shōgun, played by Richard Chamberlain,[1] and by Cosmo Jarvis in a 2024 series based on the book.
    1. William Adams (Japanese: ウィリアム・アダムス, kyūjitai: ウヰリアム・アダムス, Hepburn: Uwiriamu Adamusu) (24 September 1564 – 16 May 1620), better known in Japan as Miura Anjin (Japanese: 三浦按針, "the pilot of Miura"), was an English navigator who, in 1600, was the first Englishman to reach Japan.

      Adams was the first Englishman to reach Japan

    1. Its a powerful software, Adobe is a Horrid company though, and they make everything subscription base, Buy out and monopolize software sweets whenever they can, Generally they are the absolute worst. I recommend learning how to use blender painting or the open source software ARMORPAINT as soon as its available so you don't have to support this scumwater company.In the mean time its the only thing that is widely supported, The united states just needs better consumer protection laws. it all comes down to america's horrid consumer protection laws that make companies like this possible.
  11. Feb 2024
    1. The Kharijites,[a] also called al-Shurat,[b] were an Islamic sect which emerged during the First Fitna (656–661).
    1. Die Selbstverpflichtungen der Regierungen zur Dekarbonisierung reichen bei weitem nicht aus. Ein Bericht, der von den Vereinten Nationen als Grundlage für die kommende COP28 publiziert wurde, ergibt, dass 2030 etwa 20 bis 23 Gigatonnen mehr CO<sub>2</sub> emittiert werden sollen, als mit dem 1,5 °-Ziel verträglich wäre. Zum ersten Mal wird in einem offiziellen UN-Dokument das Ende der Nutzung fossiler Brennstoffe gefordert. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/08/un-report-calls-for-phasing-out-of-fossil-fuels-as-paris-climate-goals-being-missed

      Bericht: https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/EMBARGOED_DRAFT_Sythesis-report-of-the-technical-dialogue-of-the-first-global-stocktake.pdf

      Bericht: https://unfccc.int/documents/631600

    1. Der CO<sub>2</sub>-Gehalt der Atmosphäre wird 2024 weiter steigen, so dass die vom IPCC erarbeiteten Pfade, um das 1,5°-Ziel einzuhalten, nicht mehr eingehalten werden können. Das ergibt sich aus einer Studie des britischen Met Office, die sich auf die Daten des Mauna Loa-Observatoriums in Hawai stützt. (Die obere Grenze der Unsicherheitsbereiche dieser Pfade ist erreicht, selbst wenn der El-Niño-Einfluss abgezogen wird. Ein Einhalten der Pfade würde ein sofortiges Absinken des CO<sub>2</sub>-Gehalts erfordern.) https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat-les-concentrations-de-co2-cette-annee-menacent-la-limite-de-15c-daugmentation-globale-des-temperatures-20240119_6JIALPQDBNADFGNHS4MVDXR5QA/?redirected=1

      Animation: https://youtu.be/RYPDvTWDi0E?si=wWEUnypFxQO8M9D7

      Bericht: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/climate/seasonal-to-decadal/long-range/forecasts/co2-forecast-for-2024

    1. Across the entry for T. W. Tonkin of Barnes, who had sent in nothingfor a sixteenth-century polemical work against female monarchs, The FirstBlast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women by theScottish Protestant Reformer John Knox, he wrote in blue pencil, ‘Impostor –Stole the Book’
  12. Jan 2024
    1. you quote Dr. King in the book where he also said, you don't need to know the pit, the layout of the entire staircase to take the first step.
      • for: quote - Martin Luther King Jr., quote - first steps

      • quote: Martin Luther King Jr.

        • You don't need to know the layout of the entire staircase to take the first step
  13. Dec 2023
    1. first meeting
      • for: SoNeC first meeting items, SoNeC - first meeting - SRG/TPF additions

      • comment

        • add all the SRG / TPF framework and projects
        • polycrisis with specific urgency of climate crisis
        • gamify bend-the-curve
        • indyweb / indranet system
        • First meeting is also a good opportunity to familiarize people with the SRG mapping and cascading tipping point mapping tools
    1. It has its roots in the Rash (specifically the rash_alt flavor), which is a special Mash, made popular by the hashie gem.
    1. Readwise Reader

      A great article on the history of reading online that might just nudge me into trying out and eventually becoming a Reader paid subscriber.

    1. && nil

      first sighting: I don't think I've seen someone write exactly && nil before.

      Apparently to avoid having the return value from errors.add — which should be done solely for its side effect, not to get a return value -- inadvertently being used as a return value for user. It wouldn't make sense to return from user. That should only return a User or nil. And more statically typed languages would allow that to be expressed/enforced from type annotations alone, which would have caught the mistake of returning errors.add if someone had accidentally attempted to return that.

      Having user (and therefore call) return nil is key to the unless @current_user working.

    2. Instead of using private controller methods, simple_command can be used.

      first sighting: simple_command

    1. 本身的格式是以 Markdown 為主,資料也有一份會儲存在本機軟體,未來如果要再匯出、轉移也具備可行性

      Great. I love this local-first, Markdown-based design.

    1. A personalized button gives users a quick indication of the session status, both on Google's side and on your website, before they click the button. This is especially helpful to end users who visit your website only occasionally. They may forget whether an account has been created or not, and in which way. A personalized button reminds them that Sign In With Google has been used before. Thus, it helps to prevent unnecessary duplicate account creation on your website.

      first sighting: sign-in: problem: forgetting whether an account has been created or not, and in which way

  14. Nov 2023
    1. The default user profile is based on the System for Cross-domain Identity Management: Core Schema (opens new window) and has following standard properties
    1. Copyright (c) 2019–ω

      ω (or any indefinite placeholder) used as an end year for a copyright

    1. Eine neue Studie ergibt, dass sich das Abschmelzen des westantarktischen Eisschilds selbst dann fortsetzen wird, wenn die Erderhitzung auf 1,5° begrenzt wird. Das Schelfeis stellt ein Kipppelememt dar. Der Abschmelzvorgang verstärkt sich selbst und führt zu einer unaufhaltsamen Erhöhung des Meeresspiegels, weil er den Weg für das hinter dem Schelfeis gelegene Gletschereis frei macht. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000192327/meterhoher-meeresanstieg-durch-abschmelzen-des-westantarktischen-eisschelfs

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-023-01818-x

      Mehr zur Studie: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%27report%3A+Unavoidable+future+increase+in+West+Antarctic+ice-shelf+melting%27

    1. Local-first software is different: because it keeps the pri-mary copy of the data on the local device, there is never aneed for the user to wait for a request to a server to complete.

      Local-first has most responsive UX due to operations being performed locally, as opposed to sending them to the server.

    1. Database transactions support a weak form of multi-version con-currency control by allowing an uncommitted transaction’s writesto be either committed or rolled back by aborting the transaction [8].However, most databases do not allow one user to share the state ofan uncommitted transaction with another user, and most databasesdo not allow the user to find out what data has changed in anuncommitted transaction (the equivalent of git diff). Moreover,in most database systems, an uncommitted transaction may holdlocks and thus prevent other transactions from making progress.

      I.e., DB-first approach does not have divergent view as first-class citizen.

  15. Oct 2023
    1. so I will explain in more details all these three premises the first one is that consciousness according to the theory is a specific process 00:05:34 while mind is a specific structure and if there is no such structure there is no such process
      • for: structure first, process second, mind first, consciousness second

      • comment

        • claim
          • strictly speaking, all structures are processes. Those structures that seem stable over long periods of time are very stable processes. Pragmatically, however, we can distinguish.
          • example
            • molecules are made of arrangements of atoms but atoms themselves are composed of subatomic particles and these have a particle/wave duality
  16. Sep 2023
    1. I do not disagree, but I would also like to point out that it can confuse newbies, e. g. when they wonder whether they should use class_eval or instance_eval. Some concepts are not trivial to remember offhand.
    1. Customer service 24/5 follow the sun

      first sighting: 24/5 and follow the sun

    1. "Surrendering" by Ocean Vuong

      1. He moved into United State when he was age of five. He first came to United State when he started kindergarten. Seven of them live in the apartment one bedroom and bathroom to share the whole. He learned ABC song and alphabet. He knows the ABC that he forgot the letter is M comes before N.

      2. He went to the library since he was on the recess. He was in the library hiding from the bully. The bully just came in the library doing the slight frame and soft voice in front of the kid where he sit. He left the library, he walked to the middle of the schoolyard started calling him the pansy and fairy. He knows the American flag that he recognize on the microphone against the backdrop.

    1. This science-based, evidence-backed field strives to give everyone a safe place to live, learn, work and play.

      Instead of treating people when they get sick, it should be prevented before it happens. In industrial-era Great Britain in the 19th century, years of protesting led to better work systems and fewer workplace deaths. Reliable health care, and safe drinking water. People without these resources can live up to twenty years less than those with these conditions. Increased education, stricter laws regarding seatbelts, or better building of car seats can prevent car crashes by 41 percent. Multiple solutions, and players address issues from multiple perspectives can fix the issue. creating parks in under resourced community can encourage people to get active and reduce heart disease or other illnesses

  17. Aug 2023
    1. what is second order science and i'm sure we're gonna again go into it in this like fractal convo but and how does everyone play a role in it
      • for: definition, definition - second order science, first order science, second order science, entanglement, complexity
      • definition
        • second order science
          • "Second Order" science contrasts with first order science.
          • In first order science, the scientist is an observer standing apart from that which is observed.
          • Second order science is science in which the scientist is part of the observed phenomena and experiment itself.
          • Second order science is value driven, in contrast to first order science.
      • paraphrase
        • first order science is what we humans have participated in most of our history
        • but second order science is really what's applicable now
        • second order science is reflective and involves both science world and stakeholders
          • a group of stakeholders want something to happen and science is engaged in building towards that aspiration, so it's a bit like engineering
            • this makes it value driven
        • second order science still requires first order science in many cases but it needs a level of transparency that states the desired goal of the science
  18. Jul 2023
  19. Jun 2023
    1. It actually depends on if your class is a data class or a behaviour class.

      first time I've come across this idea of data class vs. behavior class

    1. What's the structure of the URL of a shared link?https://chat.openai.com/share/<conversation-ID>

      I've never seen a website document something like this before... especially as part of a FAQ.

      How/why is this information helpful to people?

  20. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. authenticproblem solving

      This phrase caught my attention and I may need more guidance. How is "authentic problem solving" different from problem solving?

      I'm thinking about the context of this article. Since the title is "Real-World Learning Framework," my guess is that authentic has something to do with the real world.

    1. the first inevitable is AI will happen by the way there is no 00:23:51 stopping it not because of Any technological issues but because of humanities and inability to trust the other
      • the first inevitable
        • AI will happen
        • there's no stopping it
        • why?
        • self does not trust other
          • in other words,
            • OTHERING is the root problem!
          • this is what will cause an AI arms race
            • Western governments do not trust China or Russia or North Korea(and vice versa)
  21. Apr 2023
    1. If the chicken must come before the egg, where do you put the chicken?

      If the chicken must come before the egg, where do you put the chicken?

    1. If the chicken must come before the egg, where do you put the chicken?

      If the chicken must come before the egg, where do you put the chicken?

  22. Mar 2023
    1. The benefit of decentralized moderation is that it can satisfy both thosethose that want to speak and those that don’t want to listen. By empoweringusers, through their choice of instance, to avoid content they find objection-able, the Fediverse operationalizes the principle that freedom of speech is notthe same as freedom of reach

      Decentralized moderation satisfies freedom to speak and freedom not to listen

  23. Feb 2023
    1. When an idea feels like too much work to write down, you just told yourself it wasn’t valuable enough.
    2. They write a bunch of crap down that they wish they’d be able to do (secretly knowing they never will) and then their task manager gets overwhelming and they drop it because there is too much noise. This is why systems like Bullet Journal thrive in a digital world. When something is too hard to migrate to a new page or notebook, you just said it’s not worth doing and you let it go. Bullet Journal is a no-first system.

      Bullet journaling works well in a noisy world because it forces people to confront what they're eventually not going to do anyway and gets them to drop it rather than leaving it on an ever-growing list.

      Carrying forward to do lists manually encourages one to quit things that aren't going to get done.

    1. larger than females and have a prominent mane. It is a social species, forming groups called prides. A lion's pride consists of a few adult males, related females, and cubs. Groups of female lions usually hunt together, preying mostly on large ungulates. The lion is an apex and keystone predator; although some lions scavenge when opportunities occur and have b

      this is something

  24. Jan 2023
    1. 1.5 degrees Celsius is the safe boundary this aligns with the intergovernmental panel on climate change with one difference we emphasize that this is a physical limit push it beyond that point 00:05:23 and we risk permanent damage on societies and the world economy

      !- first boundary : 1.5 deg C is a physical boundary - we cannot it it we want to retain a planet safe for human civilization - “ If the world breaches 1.5C, we are likely to trigger at least five tipping points, including the irreversible melting of the Greenland ice sheet and loss of the world’s tropical coral reef systems. This will be devastating for future generations. It will literally change the world, and yet every month we use 1% of the remaining carbon budget for 1.5ºC.” From earth commission website: https://earthcommission.org/news/earth-commission-news/pioneering-science-reveals-set-of-earth-system-boundaries-that-can-secure-a-safe-and-just-planet-for-all/

    1. By way of example, let’s say it’s an average adult day, and you get up in the morning, go to your challenging, white-collar, college-graduate job, and you work hard for eight or ten hours, and at the end of the day you’re tired and somewhat stressed and all you want is to go home and have a good supper and maybe unwind for an hour, and then hit the sack early because, of course, you have to get up the next day and do it all again. But then you remember there’s no food at home. You haven’t had time to shop this week because of your challenging job, and so now after work you have to get in your car and drive to the supermarket. It’s the end of the work day and the traffic is apt to be: very bad. So getting to the store takes way longer than it should, and when you finally get there, the supermarket is very crowded, because of course it’s the time of day when all the other people with jobs also try to squeeze in some grocery shopping. And the store is hideously lit and infused with soul-killing muzak or corporate pop and it’s pretty much the last place you want to be but you can’t just get in and quickly out; you have to wander all over the huge, over-lit store’s confusing aisles to find the stuff you want and you have to manoeuvre your junky cart through all these other tired, hurried people with carts (et cetera, et cetera, cutting stuff out because this is a long ceremony) and eventually you get all your supper supplies, except now it turns out there aren’t enough check-out lanes open even though it’s the end-of-the-day rush. So the checkout line is incredibly long, which is stupid and infuriating. But you can’t take your frustration out on the frantic lady working the register, who is overworked at a job whose daily tedium and meaninglessness surpasses the imagination of any of us here at a prestigious college. But anyway, you finally get to the checkout line’s front, and you pay for your food, and you get told to “Have a nice day” in a voice that is the absolute voice of death. Then you have to take your creepy, flimsy, plastic bags of groceries in your cart with the one crazy wheel that pulls maddeningly to the left, all the way out through the crowded, bumpy, littery parking lot, and then you have to drive all the way home through slow, heavy, SUV-intensive, rush-hour traffic, et cetera et cetera. Everyone here has done this, of course. But it hasn’t yet been part of you graduates’ actual life routine, day after week after month after year.
    1. self-centeredness once i think that i'm a self then i think that i've got a very different relation to me than i have to anybody else that is the relation of 01:01:46 identity and i think that i occupy a very special place in the moral universe namely the center of it where i have a very special concern for me and only an indirect concern for others

      !- first consequence : self centeredness

  25. Dec 2022
    1. the first section i call who do you think you are what a self is and why you really do think you have one no matter how long you've been practicing 00:12:33 second why you really don't have the self you think you have third an exploration of what you are and that's where we'll really talk about personhood

      !- first session : has three sections - who do you think you are -why you so strongly believe you have a self, in spite of years of meditation - why you really don't have the self you so strongly feel you have - what you really are

    1. A provocation is a statement that we know is wrong or impossible but used to create new ideas.

      The idea of expressing the worst possible idea first in brainstorming can often often be helpful.

      Example: when brainstorming restaurant suggestions for a group, suggest McDonalds first to subtly pressure people to create better ideas to prevent the lowest common denominator from winning.

    1. So the four social groups, they're all paradigms. Like when you go meet with like-minded people, so there's four groups. The first group is the group I call the old school

      !- definition : first group - old school - still believe in and invested in the system which brought us to the polycrisis - the crisis is short term and we will solve it using the same approach - BAU dismissive of any major existential problem, no doom mongering and are stubbornly adherent to what has worked in the past - at worst, climate denialism and at best, green growth - currently 66% to 75% of all people

  26. Nov 2022