- Last 7 days
Na gwarancji wymieniają na nowy a później to już nikt nie naprawia. Niedowiarki mogą same sprawdzić pisząc email z zapytaniem … Odpowiedź Was zaskoczy.Bosch jest dużo bardziej naprawialny i dużo więcej kilometrów robi bez awarii.
Sounds like it's better to look for Bosch engines than Shimano in e-bikes
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
He sought out a church in Chicago and settled in, following a trajectory described by the 20th-century sociologist E. Digby Baltzell: The typical American is born a Baptist or Methodist, becomes a Presbyterian once he is educated, and then, after ascending to the heights of economic success, “joins a fashionable Episcopal church in order to satisfy his wife’s social ambitions.”
- Mar 2025
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Überblicksartikel von 2019 zu den Angriffen auf die Wissenschaft während der ersten Trump-Regierung und ihre kurz- und langfristigen Folgen. Forschungen zur Klimakrise und öffentlichen Gesundheit wurden behindert, weil sie den Interessen der fossilen Industrien schaden. Der Kampf gegen Foschung, die Interessen bestimmter Unternehmen und Branchen bedroht, ging aber weit über die Klimathematik hinaus und dient u.a. auch der Chemie- und Agroindustrien. Zu den Maßnahmen gehörten: - Beendigung von Forschungsprojekten - Abbau des Einflusses von Wissenschaftler:innen auf regulatorische Entscheidungen - Verhinderung von öffentlichen Stellungnahmen von Wissenschaftler:innen - Behinderung von Forschungen zum menschengemachten Klimawandel - Vorschreiben erwünschter Forschungsergebnisse - Overruling von Experten durch politische Funktionäre bei Begutachtungen und Regulierungen - Einstellungsstopps und Entlassungen - Entfernung bestimmter Wissenschaftler:innen aus Beratungsgremien - Verbot der Berücksichtigung bestimmter Wissenschaftstypen bei Regulierungen - Druck auf Forschende, unwissenschaftliche Aussagen des Präsidenten zu unterstützen - Schließung von Forschungszentren und -büros und Auflösung von Ausschüssen - Umsiedlungen von Behörden und Forschungseinrichtungen in unattraktive Gegenden
- Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
- Matthew Davis
- National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- 2019-12-28
- Joel Clement
- National Institutes of Health
- Kavlock
- by: Brad Plumer
- Wendy E. Wagner
- Heritage Foundation
- Scott Pruitt
- Silencing Science Tracker
- Patrick Gonzales
- Whose science? A new era in regulatory “science wars”
- Trump administration 1
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Betsy Smith
- War on Science
- Elizabeth Southerland
- Michale Gerrard
- by: Coral Davenport
- Feb 2025
edge-punched cards sold in theUnited States under the trademarks "Keysort," "E-Z Sort" and "Rocket"and in England as "Paramount" or "Cope-Chat" cards.
Brand names of some common edge-notched cards
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
- Jan 2025
feministai.pubpub.org feministai.pubpub.org
three essential recommendations for building equality from scratch when designing e-procurement systems: civic participation, automation of reparation rules, and the constant improvement of the e-procurement platforms:
En Colombia, las comunidades indígenas, afrodescendientes y campesinas enfrentan barreras estructurales que limitan su acceso a la participación económica y política, agravadas por la desigualdad en la distribución de recursos tecnológicos.
La implementación de sistemas de contratación pública automatizados (e-procurement) en Colombia podría:
Promover la participación activa de mujeres, personas con discapacidades y grupos étnicos en la lista de proveedores.
Compensar desigualdades históricas al aplicar reglas de reparación que prioricen a las comunidades marginalizadas en la asignación de contratos.
Por ejemplo, podrían diseñarse mecanismos para priorizar la contratación de mujeres rurales y pequeñas cooperativas lideradas por minorías en sectores como la agricultura o la tecnología.
Colombia tiene una rica diversidad lingüística con lenguas indígenas, criollas y el español. Para que la Inteligencia Artificial sea verdaderamente inclusiva, es crucial desarrollar datasets localizados y traducir contenidos a lenguas como el wayuunaiki, emberá o nasa yuwe.
Garantizar que las comunidades no hispanohablantes puedan participar en procesos de contratación pública.
Reducir el sesgo en la Inteligencia Artificial al incorporar datos lingüísticos y culturales diversos en el entrenamiento de algoritmos.
Tal como se observa en iniciativas como la plataforma Common Voice en África, Colombia podría promover proyectos similares para recopilar y digitalizar lenguas locales, fortaleciendo la inclusión en sistemas automatizados de gobernanza.
Inspirándose en el enfoque presentado, Colombia puede utilizar Inteligencia Artificial y e-procurement para mejorar los procesos de contratación pública con énfasis en equidad e inclusión:
- Participación cívica
Crear plataformas abiertas donde las comunidades puedan participar activamente en el diseño y mejora de los sistemas.
Incluir mecanismos de retroalimentación para que las decisiones sean transparentes y respondan a las necesidades locales.
- Reglas de reparación automatizadas:
Implementar medidas temporales que prioricen a mujeres, minorías étnicas y personas con discapacidad en los procesos de contratación.
Diseñar incentivos económicos para cooperativas lideradas por mujeres y comunidades indígenas, promoviendo la redistribución equitativa de recursos públicos.
- Mejora constante de los sistemas:
Garantizar que las plataformas sean de código abierto para permitir auditorías y mejoras colaborativas.
Documentar públicamente los cambios realizados en los sistemas, asegurando que respondan a las demandas ciudadanas.
Principios feministas en la tecnología gubernamental
Adoptar un enfoque feminista en la implementación de tecnologías emergentes en Colombia puede:
Promover la igualdad de género al incorporar principios de equidad desde el diseño de Inteligencia Artificial.
Aumentar la transparencia diseñar sistemas que prioricen los derechos humanos y eviten prácticas discriminatorias.
Fortalecer la gobernanza democrática al integrar la perspectiva de género en las políticas públicas de contratación.
Por ejemplo, los sistemas de contratación pública podrían evaluar automáticamente la representación de género entre los proveedores, asegurando una distribución justa de oportunidades.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Youtube - Digital Drip: The Imperceptible Flows of E-Waste - Filip Vedra - WS23 Planet B UMPRUM - 2025, Jan - adjacency - Deep Humanity - sensory bubble - social norm of producer-consumer split and alienation - spread by Industrial Revolution - hyperobjects - source - Youtube - Digital Drip: The Imperceptible Flows of E-Waste - Filip Vedra - WS23 Planet B UMPRUM - 2025, Jan
// - comment - An insightful documentary that examines the social norm amplified by the Industrial Revolution, - the producer-consumer split and resulting alienation - Globalization has further exasperated this as global supply chains are hyperobjects which no individual can truly sense the scale of
- Youtube - Digital Drip: The Imperceptible Flows of E-Waste - Filip Vedra - WS23 Planet B UMPRUM - 2025, Jan
- adjacency - Deep Humanity - sensory bubble - social norm of producer-consumer split and alienation - spread by Industrial Revolution - hyperobjects - source - Youtube - Digital Drip: The Imperceptible Flows of E-Waste - Filip Vedra - WS23 Planet B UMPRUM - 2025, Jan
- Dec 2024
Monitor, Report andEvaluate Progress
Puntos de acción
Emplear métodos participativos e inclusivos para desarrollar mecanismos de seguimiento y evaluación ex ante y ex post para evaluar y mitigar el sesgo en los sistemas y procesos de IA.
Realizar auditorías de los sistemas de IA para detectar y abordar la discriminación directa e indirecta que afecta especialmente a las comunidades marginadas.
Asegurarse de que los sistemas de IA se sometan a pruebas rigurosas para detectar sesgos y que se los controle de forma continua y sistemática para detectar resultados discriminatorios.
- Nov 2024
www.falter.at www.falter.at
Für Wien schätzt die E-Control, die Regulierungsbehörde für den Strom- und Gasmarkt, die durchschnittlichen Mehrkosten auf rund 400 Euro pro Jahr.
www.mortati.com www.mortati.com
- Oct 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Natural resources (like fossil fuels), are treated as expendable income, when in fact they should be treated as capital, since they are not renewable, and thus subject to eventual depletion.
libraryfutures.net libraryfutures.net
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Office Etiquette. 16 mm, Industrial. E B Films, 1950. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLF1STKnBTU.
EBF Human Relations Film<br /> Produced by Encyclopedia Britannica Films Inc.<br /> In collaboration with Hamden L. Forkner, Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Eustace Hamilton Miles
- vegetarianism activists
- Howards End (1910)
- Olympians
- E. M. Forster
- memory
- tennis player
- concentration
- Dorothy Beatrice Harriet "Hallie" Killick
- vegetarianism
- real tennis
- health
- diets
- fad diets
- Edward Frederic Benson
- fitness
- restaurateurs
- physical education
- memory and history
docdrop.org docdrop.orgview1
With an income of more than $300,000, Alexander's family was able to spend far more money on Alexander's education, lessons, and other enrichment activities than Anthony's parents could devote to their son's needs.
When it comes to education, one's socioeconomic status plays a big influence in their educational journey. Education is an area where the government cannot control equal opportunities because people will always be looking for the "best ways" for their children to learn. Even with public schools, living in richer areas will raise a students chances of going to college based on the facilities being offered.
- Sep 2024
github.com github.com
seems to auto-add this header:
header['List-Unsubscribe'] = "<#{Caffeinate::UrlHelpers.caffeinate_subscribe_url(mailing.subscription)}>"
myoldtypewriter.com myoldtypewriter.com
Adler's have a quirky locking mechanism for helping to lock the machines into their cases and after decades of storage, the rubber can compress thereby locking the typewriter into the case permanently. Removing the e-clips internally will unlock them at which point the rubber compression locks can be replaced.
The article mentions other incidences of this. Another example at https://new.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1fckg8f/removing_triumph_gabriele_1_from_case_base_plate/
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Mary E. Rudin: "Set theory and General Topology" by [[UM-Milwaukee Department of Mathematical Sciences]]
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
- Shell
- Stellantis
- Eni
- BP
- Volkswagen
- Enel
- Unicredit
- SeaCorridor
- Intesa Sanpaolo
- Volvo
- Greenpeace
- T&E
- Kia
- Reclaim Finance
- Snam
- Ford
- ReCommon
- Citigroup
The architecture covers both easy unsubscribe options, mailto and URL. This is because not all mailbox providers support the List-Unsubscribe-Post header.
Amazon SES unsubscribe method: The Amazon SES subscription management feature, which provides subscription management via the List-Unsubscribe header and ListManagementOptions footer links.
Unsubscribe method header: A hyperlink that is rendered by the mailbox provider based on the List-Unsubscribe email header. Recipients can use this link to unsubscribe from that sender.
Unsubscribe method footer: An unsubscribe link in the email footer, which redirects recipients to a landing page, where they can unsubscribe or edit their communication preferences.
www.uscis.gov www.uscis.gov
한 학생이 평생 두 번 이상의 STEM OPT 연장을 받을 수는 없습니다.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
2024 werden 6% mehr Menschen auf Kreuzfahrtschiffen unterwegs sein als vor der Pandemie. Neue Studie von Transport & Environment zum Wachstum dieses besonders energieintensiven Teils der Tourismusindustrie. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/aug/07/cruisezilla-passenger-ships-have-doubled-in-size-since-2000-campaigners-warn
- Jul 2024
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
Trump Media Quietly Enters Deal With a Republican Donor Who Could Benefit From a Second Trump Administration by [[Justin Elliott]], [[Robert Faturechi]] and [[Alex Mierjeski]]
It’s also worth pointing out that an unfriendly unsubscribe experience is also a major driver of spam complaints. Half of U.S. consumers say they’ve reported a brand’s emails as spam because they couldn’t easily opt out, according to our Adapting to Consumers’ New Definition of Spam report. So putting up opt-out barriers not only jeopardizes your legal compliance but can also hurt your deliverability as well.
ensure you’re following unsubscribe best practices:Don’t charge a fee.Don’t require any other information beyond an email address.Don’t require subscribers to log in.Don’t ask subscribers to visit more than one page to submit their request.
wordtothewise.com wordtothewise.com
This behaviour may affect one-click unsubscribe links. If clicking the link in an email automatically processes the unsubscribe, then Barracuda may unsubscribe users without their knowledge.
www.mailgun.com www.mailgun.com
We want users to unsubscribe to messages they don’t want; we don’t want them to mark them as spam and hurt the reputation of the sender. We have seen by implementing this unsubscribe affordance in the UI that spam marks go down and in some cases are being reduced by 30 to 40%.
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- Compensaid
- Anja Köhne
- Swiss Airlines
- Atmosfair
- Eurowings
- Joachim Curtius
- myclimate
- Transport & Environment Deutschland
- Air France-KLM
- Deutsche Umwelthilfe
- Luftfahrt
- Sustainable Aviation Fuels
- Lufthansa
- Ryanair
- E-Fuels
- KlimaKollekte
- Germanwatch
- carbon offsets
- Marte van der Graaf
- Klimaprozesse
www.domaelist.com www.domaelist.com
Local file Local file
Weller, Charles Edward. The Early History of the Typewriter. Chase & Shepard, printers, 1918. http://archive.org/details/earlyhistorytyp00wellgoog.
The keys beingattached to the type bars and working inunison with the carriage movement enabledus for the first time to test the work ofprinting words and sentences. We werethen in the midst of an exciting politicalcampaign, and it was then for the first timethat the well known sentence was inaugu-rated,—"*Now is the time for all good mento come to the aid of the party;” also theopening sentence of the Declaration of In-dependence, ““When in the course of humanevents,” etc., which sentences were repeat-ed many times in order to test the speed ofthe machine.
While some sources indicate that "Now is the time..." was used as an early typing exercise, Charles Weller in his book on the history of typewriters indicates it, along with the opening of the Declaration of Independence, was "repeated many times in order to test the speed of the [typewriter] machine.
I have been describing the actions of themachine in some of its worst moods. Butdon’t imagine for a moment that this was acontinuous affair. There were times wheneverything worked beautifully, and _ thespeed that could be gotten out of it at suchtimes was something marvelous, especiallywhen we got onto that familiar centence,“Now is the time for all good men to cometo the aid of the party.”
More recent typing books use a variant: “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country”. This version fills out a 70-space line if you count the period at the end.
General lore has it that Charles Weller used the phrase as a typing exercise in the early 1900s.
www.straightdope.com www.straightdope.com
Who originated, “Now is the time for all good men …” by [[Cecil Adams]] dated 1977-09-15 in The Straight Dope
- Jun 2024
www.lrb.co.uk www.lrb.co.uk
In 1880 Britain could with some justification be called the ‘workshop of the world’: it produced more than 20 per cent of global industrial output and about 40 per cent of the world’s manufactured exports. In the nearly half-century since Samuel published his essay of that name, historians have done much to undermine the narrative of an ‘industrial revolution’ bookended by the invention of the spinning jenny in 1764 and the New Poor Law of 1834.
There's an interesting linkage going on here between the industrial revolution (and thus possibly Capitalism) with the creation and even litigation of "the poor" classes in Britain.
Did "the poor" exist in the same way they do today prior to the Industrial Revolution? What are the subtle differences? (Compare with Thompson, E. P. “Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism.” Past & Present, no. 38 (1967): 56–97.)
dtc-wsuv.org dtc-wsuv.org
Electronic Literature is an emergent literary form and academic field, whose genesis in the U.S. can be traced, as mentioned elsewhere on this website, to the work by Michael Joyce, afternoon: a story. As a form, it can be described as "literary works created with the use of a computer for the electronic medium such that they cannot be experienced in any meaningful way without the mediation of an electronic device"
Electronic literature refers to all literature creations that can be reading digitally, an electronic device is needed.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
This book, in contrast to Beam and in spite of Adler’s known flaws,is revisionary in that it rescues Adler from what E. P. Thompson called“the enormous condescension of posterity.” 3
ref: E. P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (New York: Pantheon Books, 1964), 12.
sakai.duke.edu sakai.duke.edu
Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism - Author(s): E. P. Thompson - Source: Past & Present, No. 38 (Dec., 1967), pp. 56-97 - Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of The Past and Present Society - Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/649749
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Dan Allosso (@danallosso)</span> in Howard Zinn's A People's History, Part 1 (YouTube) (<time class='dt-published'>09/16/2021 09:28:56</time>)</cite></small>
- May 2024
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
They use the term e-immediacy and explain that online instructors cancreate it by using humor, addressing students by name, or using emoticonsin correspondence. This helps foster a more personal relationship withstudents and ultimately allows students to feel connected to the instructorand to the classroom community.
e-immediacy - psychological distance in online environments
Die Zeit: Interview mit Leonore Gewessler zur Abhängigkeit Österreichs von russischem Gas. Es wird deutlich, dass der Umstieg auf andere Lieferanten bisher an der OMV und ihren Verbündeten wie der Wirtschaftskammer und der Industriellenvereinigung scheitert. https://www.zeit.de/2024/22/gasimporte-russland-oesterreich-leonore-gewessler-gazprom/komplettansicht
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Emanuel macron und die französische Regierung setzen zum Ersatz fossiler Energien auf modulare Atomreaktoren eines neuen Typs. Eine Studie ergibt nun, dass unter dem Aspekt unter den Aspekten der Kosten der Risiko und der technologischen ausgereiftheit diese Reaktoren die in sie gesetzten Erwartungen nicht erfüllt werden. Sie seien technisch, weniger ausgereift, teurer und unsichere als großreaktoren und könnten nicht mit einer und Sonnenenergie konkreten. Der Autor der Studie Antoine, hält die SMR für ein Versprechen der Nuklearindustrie, um den scheitern älterer Prognosen über die Vorteile der Atomenergie abzulenken.
documentLinks do: [:link | thisSnippet database importDocumentFrom: link ].
smalltalk myPages := documentLinks collect: [:link | thisSnippet database importDocumentFrom: link ].
En lugar dedo:
es uncollect:
para que la nueva colección quede asignada a la variablemyPages
. Una vez esto funcione, el resto de las intrucciones permite exportar sólo las nuevas páginas, en lugar de todas.
~~documentLinks~~ ~> myPages
Con este nuevo iterador, es posible trabajar con la colección deseada:
Una vez se trabaja con la colección correcta, el resto del código funciona y las páginas se pueden exportar.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Cop-E-Eez Metal Typists Copy Holder by [[Analogue Papa]]
- Apr 2024
davekarpf.substack.com davekarpf.substack.com
Schattschneider tells us that contentious politics can be best understand through a lens of conflict expansion. Those in power will (and, strategically, should) try to maintain and contain the scope of a conflict. Those arrayed against them will (and should) attempt to expand the scope of the conflict. If you want to understand an episode of contentious politics, don’t evaluate the substance of the arguments as though you are judging an intercollegiate debate. Instead, watch the crowd.
One book that I have my students read every semester is E.E. Schattschneider’s 1960 classic, The Semi-Sovereign People. The book is a tight 180 pages.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
3.6. CONCLUSÃOE-atividade é a designação que normalmente se aplica à estrutura de umaformação ativa e interativa online. As e-atividades podem ser utilizadas devárias formas, mas têm algumas características comuns.As e-atividades permitem uma aprendizagem online ativa, participativa,individual ou em grupo. São importantes porque empregam princípios úteispara a aprendizagem bem como uma escolha de tecnologias adequadas.CAPÍTULO 3
Saud@ções a todos os colegas!
Ora, Pontos-chave que retiro após uma leitura um bocado diagonal donde "vejo" como mais importantes no que concerne ao tema das e-actividades.
As e-actividades devem ser cuidadosamente projetadas para: * Alcançar os objetivos de aprendizagem da unidade/tópico em questão. * Motivar os alunos e envolvê-los ativamente no processo de aprendizagem. * Considerar as características individuais dos alunos e seus ritmos de aprendizagem. * Utilizar recursos digitais adequados e promover a interação entre os participantes.
As e-actividades podem ser classificadas em diferentes categorias, como: * Socialização: para quebrar o gelo e promover a interação entre os participantes. * Aquisição de conceitos: para aprender novos conceitos ou vocabulário específico. * Aprofundamento: para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre um determinado tema. * Transferência: para aplicar o conhecimento aprendido em diferentes contextos. * Aplicação: para aplicar o conhecimento aprendido em contextos profissionais.
As e-actividades podem ser realizadas de forma assíncrona (cada um no seu ritmo) ou síncrona (em tempo real, com todos online ao mesmo tempo).
O papel do professor nas e-actividades é fundamental para:
- Orientar e acompanhar os alunos durante todo o processo.
- Fornecer feedback construtivo sobre o desempenho dos alunos.
- Facilitar a interação entre os participantes.
- Avaliar o aprendizagem dos alunos.
Ao projetar e-atividades, é importante considerar os seguintes aspectos:
- Contexto: a contextualização da atividade nos conteúdos a serem aprendidos.
- Planeamento: o período em que a atividade está inserida no calendário do curso e sua duração.
- Objetivos: os objetivos da atividade e as competências que se espera que os alunos alcancem.
- Estrutura: como a atividade será desenvolvida, em quantas fases e qual o produto final esperado.
- Recursos: os recursos que serão utilizados para o desenvolvimento da atividade.
- Ações: o tipo e os momentos das intervenções dos participantes.
- Avaliação: os critérios e a ponderação da avaliação da atividade.
Finalizo destacando a importância da seleção criteriosa de e-atividades que atendam às necessidades dos alunos e promovam uma aprendizagem ativa, significativa e colaborativa. Ricardo Silveira
scienceandnonduality.com scienceandnonduality.com
Clark E. Moustakas in his delightful and seminal book Loneliness
follow up - book - Loneliness - author - Clark E. Moustakas
chiselapp.com chiselapp.com
myBoard show: i*2 "asString"; cr
Lo que quiero hacer con ese elmento en particular
elemento de la colección donde estoy ubicado dentro de la colección
mensaje: qué es lo que quiero hacer en esa colección.
Otros mensajes son:
: coleccionar elementos que satisfagan una condición.reject:
rechazar elementos que satisfagan una condición.select:
seleccionar elementos que satisfagan una condición.- `detect: detectar el primer elemento que satisfaga una condición.
hacer algo con los elementos teniendo en cuenta también la posición del elemento en el arreglo.
1 to: 10
colección: la secuencia de objetos que quiero recorrer.
chiselapp.com chiselapp.com
thisSnippet database importDocumentFrom: link
intrucción*: qué quiero hacer con cada elemento donde estoy ubicado (y eventualmente con su índice).
en cual elemento de la colección estoy ubicado. Y eventualmente, su índice, es decir su posición dentro de la colección.
Esta es una colección de informacón (usualmente son arreglos)..
El mensaje: Qué quiero hacer con esta colección.
Otros mensajes pueden ser:
hacer con los elementos.doWithIndex:
hacer con los elementos, teniendo en cuenta su posición.collect:
coleccionar elementos.select:
coleccionar elementos.detect:
detectar el primer elemento que satisfaga una condición.reject:
rechazar elementos.
piaui.folha.uol.com.br piaui.folha.uol.com.br
Isabela Lourenço Nascimento também depende da ajuda de outras pessoas para alimentar os filhos. Mãe de quatro crianças entre 3 a 11 anos de idade, ela está acampada num terreno na Asa Norte, próximo à sede da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT), do Iate Clube e da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), para buscar ajuda.
Pensar em como essas vulnerabilidade está próxima de "pontos de interesses" (econômico, político e dentre outros), demonstrando essa invisibilidade social.
zhuanlan.zhihu.com zhuanlan.zhihu.com
真正监听 Entity 变化的是通过 EntityCollection 的事件机制完成的,EntityCollection 无论发生什么变化,都会传递给 Visualizer
EntityCollection 中发生的变化都会告知给 Visualizer 。
抽象一下: A 中发生的改变都会告知给 B , A 会吧改变的事物传递给 B ,让 B 来对这个改变的事物进行处理。
1、是告知给 对应的 Visualizer 还是 Visualizers 数组? 2、如何告知的?
- Mar 2024
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
As soon as he was born, he cried not as other babes use to do, Miez, miez, miez, miez, but with a high, sturdy, and big voice
Showing the parallel between him and other babies of his age, he describes that he did not shout "Miez, Miez, Miez, Miez", which translates to "no, no, no, no" in old germanic dialects like the other children. But instead, in a polar opposite manor, yelled "high, sturdy and big voice" shouted drink, drink, drink. Showing from an early age leadership, confidence, and "greatness".
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Die Abhängigkeit Europas von russischem Pipelinegas ist in zwei Jahren von 40% auf 10% gesunken. Die Importe von LNG haben um 40% zugenommen, wobei auch da ein erheblicher Anteil aus Russland stammt. Die USA sind der weltgrößte LNG-Exporteur. Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit werden bei LNG Überkapazitäten aufgebaut. In Österreich ist die Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas noch immer hoch, weil rein betriebswirtschaftlich entscheiden wird. Die OMV war 2023 verpflichtet, Gas für gut 60 TWh aus Russland zu beziehen und jedenfalls zu bezahlen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000206989/warum-der-abschied-von-russischem-gas-noch-immer-so-schwer-faellt
- by: Günther Strobl
- country: EU
- country: Austria
- process: LNG expansion
- actor: OMV
- topic: Natural gas
- institution: Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEFFA)
- expert: Michael Böheim
- actor: E-Control
- expert: Christoph Dolna-Gruber
- institution: Österreichische Energieagentur
- institution: WiFo
- 2024-02-12
- expert: Ana Maria Jaller-Makarewitz
derstandard.at/story/3000000206989/warum-der-abschied-von-russischem-gas-noch-immer-so-schwer-faellt -
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Österreich könnte auf russisches Gas verzichten, allerdings sind dazu u.a. Ausbaumaßnahmen (West-Austria Gaspipeline) nötig. Über Deutschland transportiertes Gas verteuert sich durch die Speicherumlage. Die Hauptalternative zu russischem Gas ist LNG aus den USA. Der Artikel, der viele Detailinformationen enthält, erwähnt, dass die Probleme mit der Definition von Erdgas als „Übergangsenergie“ zusammenhängen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000209552/abkehr-von-russischem-gas-erfordert-investitionen-in-vorgelagertes-netz
web.archive.org web.archive.org
pine64.org pine64.orgPineNote1
hackaday.com hackaday.com
With the rising popularity of ebooks, it’s more important than ever that we have open hardware and software readers that work on our terms.
www.crowdsupply.com www.crowdsupply.com
hackaday.com hackaday.com
- Feb 2024
www.welt.de www.welt.de
Interview mit dem OMV-Chef Alfred Stern. Die OMV hat von der Energiekrise durch den Ukraine-Krieg profitiert, setzt internatiional auf Petrochemie im Joint Venture mit der Adnoc und sieht keine Veranlassung, russische Gaslierferungen nach Österreich zu stoppen. (Das österreichische Ministerium für Klimaschutz und Energie hat wegen der Kontrolle der ÖBAG durch das Finanzministerium und der gemeisamen Kontrolle der OMV durch ÖBAG und Adnoc offenbar kaum Einfluss.) https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article248647270/OMV-Chef-Ist-auch-vernuenftig-russisches-Gas-weiterhin-abzunehmen.html
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Anders als unter anderem vom deutschen Bundeskanzler Scholz angekündigt, ist es bisher auf EU-Ebene nicht zu einer Entscheidung über mit E-Fuels betriebene Kraftfahrzeuge mit Verbrennungsmotoren gekommen. Die EU-Kommission will ab 2035 nur solche Fahrzeuge zulassen, die komplett klimaneutral sind. Der Streit vor allem mit Österreich, Deutschland und Italien darüber wird sich fortsetzen. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000205714/das-verbrenner-aus-ist-fixiert-aber-was-ist-mit-der-ausnahme-fuer-e-fuels
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Zahlen der E-Control zu Strom- und Gasverbrauch und -Produktion in Österreich 2023: Im vergangenen Jahr wurden in Österreich 5% weniger Strom und 12,5% weniger Gas verbraucht als 2022. Österreich exportierte erstmal seit längerer Zeit mehr Strom, als es importierte. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000205543/verbrauch-von-strom-und-gas-ist-2023-in-oesterreich-deutlich-gesunken
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I've yet to run across anyone excited about zettelkasten on their e-ink device. The note taking experience for writing/capturing seems to be there, but a user interface for sorting, searching, and interlinking seems to be wholly missing.
- Jan 2024
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
35 drawer modular card catalog in light mid century modern design. Table with stick legs a 5x6 section including two pull out writing drawers, a 5x1 section and a top. Likely maple, in great shape. All wood and metal, includes all rods.
Listed in 2024-01-29 for $3995.00 with freight shipping extra from South Bend, IN
Labeled as a Centura 400 (model?)
Cost per drawer: $114.00
This is the first time I've seen a catalog from Sjöström on the market though on searching there are a handful floating around.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
ime to start anno
docutopia.sustrato.red docutopia.sustrato.red
“escribir e investigar es prototipar”. En otras palabras,la investigación en sí misma es un prototipo porque sus elementos y su conjunto es suceptible de iteración constante: la pregunta, la justificación, los objetivos, los diseños metodológicos y de análisis de datos, etc.
web-p-ebscohost-com.oregontech.idm.oclc.org web-p-ebscohost-com.oregontech.idm.oclc.org
Web assimilation is the extent of organizational use of web technologies in facilitating e-commerce strategies and activities. Our definition focuses on the relative success of firms (as compared to other firms in the industry) in incorporating the Web technology into its e-commerce strategies and activities. This definition is consistent with perspectives on Type III IS innovations, with earlier treatments of IT assimilation at the organizational level (Armstrong and Sambamurthy 1999), and reflects our interest in understanding firms as innovation systems for attaining differential levels of technology assimilation success (Fichman 2001). We regard the level of assimilation to be one of the visible outcomes of the stream of structuring actions across the firm. Further, we anticipate the differential level of assimilation success across firms to be linked to the nature of the institutional enablers or the metastructuring actions within those firms.
Definition and further explanation of the mean of Web Asssimilation.
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
In Österreich steigen außer dem CO2-Preis auch Steuern für Autos mit höheren Emissionen leicht an. Elektroautos werden weiterhin beim Kauf gefördert. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000201748/mit-teurerem-autofahren-zur-grueneren-mobilitaet
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
[Studying Japanese with a Kindle?]
site:: [[Reddit]] author:: u/SparkleGothGirl date:: 2023-12-27 url:: https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/zwvlin/studying_japanese_with_a_kindle/ accessed:: 2024-01-04
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
In Österreich verzögert sich der geplante Ausbau der Wes-Ost-Verbindung der Westaustria-Gasleitung mit der Begründung der Betreiber, dass sich aufgrund der Klimaziele das Projekt möglicherweise nicht amortisieren werde. Im Standard-Artikel dazu wird diese Begründung nicht ernst genommen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000201330/in-oberoesterreich-fehlt-eine-enorm-wichtige-pipeline-warum-besteht-diese-luecken
www.internetsociety.org www.internetsociety.org
A simple survey should be offered during the unsubscribe process to allow customers to provide feedback about why they are leaving.
Do not send a confirmation email as it can be a violation of CAN-SPAM and you risk further alienating consumers.
Es ist noch unklar, ob die Rekordtemperaturen des vergangenen Jahres – vermutlich war es das wärmste seit 125.000 Jahren – Anlass zu einer Revision der zur Zeit benutzten Klimamodelle werden. Die Hypothese James Hansens, dass sich die Erhitzung der Erde beschleunige. wird von vielen Klimaforschenden nicht geteilt. Es gibt noch keine allgemein anerkannte Erklärung der Temperatur-Anomalien 2023. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/26/climate/global-warming-accelerating.html
Infografik zu den monatlichen Durchschnittstemperaturen seit 1900: https://static01.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/2023-12-18-record-hot-year-embed/4055787d-f3af-401d-b252-1dfdff4811f4/_assets/chart_annotated-Artboard-945.png
- Nov 2023
www.weforum.org www.weforum.org
Get it right and we will see a lot less of our precious minerals, metals and resources dumped into landfill
This line specifically stood out to me in this article because it is hard to hear, but also very true to the world we live in. As a world, we toss things out the moment they are no longer viewed as valuable to us but we dont toss things when they are "precious". For example, we buy a new iphone and hold it to a high value but then a year later a new iphone comes out and the old one gets tossed away like it is invaluable. Instead of just tossing things like this we need to be more proactive in recycling valuable and difficult resources that one day we may not have.
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Anlässlich eines Berichts über Klimafolgen in Europa und im Vorfeld eines Kongresses über Landwirtschaft und Ernährung in Rom geht die Repubblica auf die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung für die italienische Landwirtschaft ein. Wassermangel, verschärft durch gravierende Mängel der Infrastruktur gehört zu den Hauptproblemen. https://www.repubblica.it/economia/2023/11/20/news/clima_impazzito_italia_danni-420440725/
Bericht: https://www.divulgastudi.it/prodotti/emergenza-clima/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
What he's talking about when he says "by arithmetic" is what they mean by solving something by inspection. I can tell by just looking at it that x is 4 in the equation 16-x =12. I don't need to "subtract 16 from both sides" and then "divide both sides by negative 1" to solve for x. I can do it by inspection rather than by plodding, pedestrian, algebraic steps. The problem is that as equations get bigger and more complicated, you have to use these mindless algebraic steps. You can't see intuitively what x is by "using arithmetic." You need the mechanics and the discipline of algebra. It's actually really cool to see it work (to solve word problems, for example) sometimes, especially when you'd have no fucking clue what x might be and then algebra works like magic. It's a powerful tool we use, not because we "don't understand what we're doing" (i.e. deducing an unknown's value), but because the task is far too big for our intuition and "inspection" alone.
- Oct 2023
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
With regards to Social Presence results, it can be noted that the highest reported E-tivity designing principles were those that aligned with the Affective Expression (39.46%).
Os resultados da investigação são interessantes e reforçam, entre outros aspetos, o carácter e importância da sociabilidade no seio do grupo. Se aceitarmos que a educação é uma questão de coração (Dom Bosco) ficamos mais conscientes que a tarefa do professor vai muito além das fronteiras metodológicas e será, com certeza, o seguro de um processo de ensino/aprendizagem, inserido num determinado contexto e conjunto de objetivos. Para o desenho das e-atividades considerar, a partir dos objetivos, os recursos necessários, as atividades a desenvolver propriamente ditas, a duração das mesmas, o processo de avaliação, não esquecendo o feedback que apoiará o aprendente durante todo o processo, reforçando-se que é imperativo as instruções de realização serem claras e objetivas. É igualmente importante, do lado do docente, a planificação de todo o processo através de um documento que funcione como guia orientador.
@ Microcredencial em Educação a Distância e Digital 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Stallings said, “Does Emily’s clarity betray that element of the epic register that Matthew Arnold calls ‘nobility’? Some critics think a certain grandeur is missing. But every translation is a compromise, even a great one.”
esp. the last portion
every translation is a compromise, even a great one.
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Eher unkritischer, aber informativer Bericht über eine Studie zur Wassernutzung in Italien, an der die Gruppe A2A beteiligt ist. Extremwetter und Trockenheit haben gravierende Konsequenzen. So sank die Stromprodutktion durch Wasserkraftwerke im vergangenen Jahr auf die Werte von 1954. 18% des Bruttoinlandprodukts Italiens hängen von der ausreichenden Verfügbarkeit von Süßwasser ab.
Studie: https://www.ambrosetti.eu/news/acqua-azioni-e-investimenti-per-lenergia-le-persone-e-i-territori/
- Sep 2023
mysqldump-secure.org mysqldump-secure.org
cron mode (--cron) which only produces stderr output to prevent cron from sending mails on sucessful run
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Der revidierte Plan für Energie und Klima (NECP) , den Italien wie die anderen EU-Staaten der EU-Kommission in diesem Jahr vorlegen musste, reicht bei weitem nicht aus, um die EU-Klimaziele zu erreichen. Chiara die Mambo, die für den italienischen think Tank Ecco arbeitet, kritisiert ihn in der Repubblica.
docs.sendgrid.com docs.sendgrid.com
You must include at least the mailto portion of the List-Unsubscribe header, since some services only support this portion (iOS, for example). However, many inbox providers and mail clients honor both methods. To ensure that the greatest number of your recipients have the ability to unsubscribe from your emails, thus protecting your reputation as a sender, we recommend including both mailto and http.
You must include at least the mailto portion of the List-Unsubscribe header, since some services only support this portion (iOS, for example). However, many inbox providers and mail clients honor both methods. To ensure that the greatest number of your recipients have the ability to unsubscribe from your emails, thus protecting your reputation as a sender, we recommend including both mailto and http.
List-Unsubscribe is a small piece of text that can be inserted in the header section of your email. The List-Unsubscribe header will insert an “unsubscribe” button, or link, next to the From address at the top of your email. A recipient can click this link to notify you that they would like to unsubscribe from your emails.
List-unsubscribe can help reduce spam complaints.If subscribers can’t find the unsubscribe link, they may click the spam reporting button instead. This could hurt your email deliverability and sender reputation. To mailbox providers, a spam complaint is a spam complaint, regardless of whether the recipient actually perceived the message as malicious.
Support for list-unsubscribe varies across email clients.
answers.microsoft.com answers.microsoft.com
It looks like this is a newsletter, but we aren't sure if it is safe to unsubscribe from it using the information provided by the sender
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Apparently, Google uses some additional heuristics to decide whether the link should be displayed or not. The List-Unsubscribe header could be abused by spammers to validate that their target got the message, and thus, GMail only shows the unsubscribe link if the source of the message has accumulated sufficient trust.
Shouldn't it be controllable by the end user, in the same way that they can press a button to show all images if images are blocked by default for security/privacy reasons??
datawookie.dev datawookie.dev
- Aug 2023
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Jul 2023
force11.org force11.org
Scholars have experienced information overload for more than a century [Vickery, 1999] and the problem is just getting worse. Online access provides much better knowledge discovery and aggregation tools, but these tools struggle with the fragmentation of research communication caused by the rapid proliferation of increasingly specialized and overlapping journals, some with decreasing quality of reviewing [Schultz, 2011].
hypothes.is hypothes.isHipotez1
babel.utc.fr babel.utc.fr
Project by Serge Bouchardon and Erika Fulop
i watched lecture 1A, went through the firstish chapter of the interactive book side by side the web edition, i did the first couple exercises in the interactive one bc i didnt want to set up an environment. ngl i thought by 1.1 - 1.3 you guys meant "literally exercises 1.1-1.3 in chapter 1.1" so i was taking it mega chill but apparently there's like 50 exercises or some shit like that so ill have to step it up this weekend
blog.usmanity.com blog.usmanity.com
The results from both Midjourney and Stable Diffusion seem to be the most convincing and realistic if I was to judge from a human point of view and if I didn't know they were AI generated, I would believe their results.
Midjourney & Stable Diffusion > Dall-E and Adobe Firefly
- Jun 2023
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Eine von der Firma e.venture (im Standard als "Beratungsfirma E-Venture" bezeichnet; Kunden u.a. e.on und Vattenfall) selbstständig durchgeführte Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass Österreich auf absehbare Zeit nicht genug erneuerbaren Strom aus eigenen Quellen herstellen kann. Unter anderem seien dafür die langen Genehmigungsverfahren verantwortlich. Die Studie befürwortet den Bau neuer Gaskraftwerke. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000174397/strompreis-bleibt-laut-studie-wohl-auf-jahre-hinaus-hoch
Die Argumente der FDP in Deutschland für das, was sie unter technologieoffenheit versteht, halten der Überprüfung durch Fachleute nicht stand. Die taz dokumentiert den wissenschaftlichen Stand.
- May 2023
catominor3.medium.com catominor3.medium.com
github.com github.com
Please can we (a) retain case information from the email address the student uses to set up their account (in case their mailbox is case sensitive), and use that when sending password reset emails, etc., but also (b) when checking credentials for login or setting up an account, treat the email address as non-case-sensitive. The upshot would be if someone registered with Student@City.ac.uk, all emails would go to Student@City.ac.uk, but the student would be able to log in with student@city.ac.uk, and if someone later tried to set up an account with student@city.ac.uk they'd be told that the user already exists.
Although there's an argument for keeping case sensitivity for the local mailbox (as they can be case sensitive, depending on how they're set up, though I haven't come across case sensitivity in university emails), the domain part of the email address is not case sensitive and should not be treated as such. Please can we (a) retain case information from the email address the student uses to set up their account (in case their mailbox is case sensitive), and use that when sending password reset emails, etc., but also (b) when checking credentials for login or setting up an account, treat the email address as non-case-sensitive. The upshot would be if someone registered with Student@City.ac.uk, all emails would go to Student@City.ac.uk, but the student would be able to log in with student@city.ac.uk, and if someone later tried to set up an account with student@city.ac.uk they'd be told that the user already exists.
webmasters.stackexchange.com webmasters.stackexchange.com
If you are storing email addresses then you probably should store them in their original case (the recipient at least) to be safe. However, always compare them case-insensitively in order to avoid duplicates.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
However, it's difficult to rely on a case-sensitive email address in the real world because many systems (typically ones that have to handle data merging) don't preserve case. Notably systems that use email addresses for user IDs, or any system that has to collate data from multiple sources (CRMs, email broadcast systems, etc) will either normalise case or treat them case-insensitively.
However, for all practical purposes in the modern age, I believe you can consider email addresses to be case insensitive.
softwareengineering.stackexchange.com softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
a SHOULD is always trumped in RFCs by a MUST. The fact that hosts SHOULD do something means that they might not and I just wanted reassurance that, in reality, the SHOULD is a bit more widely adopted than its definition implies.
www.alphr.com www.alphr.com
While email addresses are only partially case-sensitive, it is generally safe to think of them as case insensitive. All major providers, such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, and others, treat the local parts of email addresses as case insensitive.
According to RFC 5321, the local part of the email address is case sensitive. This means that, in theory, SoMething@something.com is not the same as something@something.com. However, email providers have the liberty to treat the local parts as both case sensitive and case insensitive.
www.outoftheweb.com www.outoftheweb.com
Are Email Addresses Case Sensitive? Technically, the answer is yes. However, email addresses are typically not case sensitive; if you type your email address into a form and accidentally capitalize one or two letters, it probably won’t prevent the sender from emailing you.
The local part does, in fact, take the case into account, as per RFC 5321. However, Email Service Providers (ESPs) are aware of the potential confusion that could result from allowing upper-case letters.
In short, while it’s technically possible to make the part before @ case sensitive, most popular email servers do not allow that.
Most big email providers like Gmail, Outlook and even company email address hosted on Google Suite are not case sensitive. Just to avoid any unnecessary confusion. However, in extreme cases, some large companies, implement case sensitivity on their server as some people can often have the same first and last name. But in general, this creates more confusion, than the usability, which is why most standard email providers avoid case sensitivity.
blog.teknkl.com blog.teknkl.com
Either way, at some point almost everyone started treating addresses as case-insensitive.
Despite it being commonplace to “fix up” email addresses by lowercasing them — or, in financial/government contexts, uppercasing them — email addresses are clearly defined as case-sensitive in the only standard that matters.
ux.stackexchange.com ux.stackexchange.com
Since using case insensitivity is so widespread, take their sign up email address and make it lower case. Whenever they try to log in, convert that to lowercase as well, for comparison purposes, when you go to see if the user exists. As far as sign up and sign in go, do a case insensitive comparison. If the person signs up as Steve@example.com, you'll still want to allow them to sign in later with steve@example.com or sTeVE@example.com.
But you should also keep track of the email address that they signed up with in a case sensitive fashion. Any time you send an email to them, be sure to send it with that original casing. This allows the email server to handle it however it feels like it needs to. So even though the person may always be signing in to your site with steve@example.com, if they signed up as Steve@example.com, you'll always send email to Steve@example.com, just to be safe.
The de facto standard is to treat local mailboxes as case insensitive, but the official standard says case matters (though even the official standard mentions the de facto standard).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
So yes, the part before the "@" could be case-sensitive, since it is entirely under the control of the host system. In practice though, no widely used mail systems distinguish different addresses based on case.
In short, you are safe to treat email addresses as case-insensitive.
www.lifewire.com www.lifewire.com
Since the case sensitivity of email addresses can create confusion and delivery problems, most email providers and clients either fix the case if the email address is entered in the wrong case, or they ignore upper-case entries. Not many email services or ISPs enforce case-sensitive email addresses.
www.ploter.io www.ploter.ioPloter1
Modern all-in-one reader Read EPUBs, PDFs and audiobooks on all of your devices. Reading progress and highlights synced seamlessly.
Introducing BOOX Tab Ultra C: Let the Colors Help You Work Better
They're primarily touting one of the few e-ink tablets that does color (beginning in 2023), but it's fascinating to see the Boox marketing department using this video to sell the idea of color on a screen as a tool for thought this way.
It's subtle and something we take for granted, so they have a point, but somehow odd none the less, perhaps because of its ubiquity.
Let the colors help you think, organize, and work better.
Let the colors help you work better.
Colors inspire
pitchfork.com pitchfork.com
“Functional” is a dirty word in dance music. No one wants to be merely functional, nor find themselves on the receiving end of utilitarianism. You don’t want to be invited to a “function,” either—you want to go to a party. Yet culture has been tacking in the direction of the functional for a while now. Music is composed to study or sleep or chill to. Algorithms anticipate our desires. Any creative act can be made into content, which computers then sell ads in front of. There are brand “activations,” which is just another word for functions. All this matters rather a lot for the state of dance music, which, at its core, is meant to serve a specific purpose. Even its name issues a command: Dance.But the best dance music knows all this and blithely ignores it. Instead, it deftly undercuts function with surprise, or pairs it with emotion in sweet harmony.
This is one of those hilariously overdone "highlights" but oh my god.
I need to make a commitment to either seek out more music criticism or figure out once and for all how to effectively communicate to all the different sorts of people in my life who act absurdly justified in demanding I express my thoughts about music ... well
www.domainverification.org www.domainverification.org
www.domainverification.org www.domainverification.org
- Apr 2023
security.stackexchange.com security.stackexchange.com
By default SMTP offers very little protection against interception. Traffic may be encrypted between servers but there are no guarantees.
And how likely is it that the attacker actually owns one of the servers that is a hop on the way from mail sender to mail recipient?? Seems extremely unlikely.
email as a transmission mechanism isn't secure.
Best eReader with annotating capabilities? .t3_12vkt1a._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }
reply to u/mazzios at https://www.reddit.com/r/englishmajors/comments/12vkt1a/best_ereader_with_annotating_capabilities/
I go out of my way to read .pdfs in my browser (laptop and/or mobile/tablet) so that I can use web.hypothes.is as a tool for quickly annotating, note taking, and tagging. (It also works for anything web-based.) It's reasonably easy to pull the data out (even by cut and paste) into other programs and tools like Obsidian if necessary. All of my infrastructure here is free. Hypothes.is makes a fantastic commonplace book set up for research, but I do a more refined zettelkasten structure within Obsidian for advanced thinking, writing, and eventual output.
Another solid option for digital copies is to read them within something like Zotero that will aggregate highlights/notes and allows tagging.
I don't do it as often, but the Calibre program has an e-reader and some annotation functionalities.
Kitt Betts-Masters has some excellent videos comparing some of the best in class e-readers. Try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifDi2SsQjQM. I don't have one yet, but I'm about to get either the Supernote A5X or the Boox Note Air 2 Plus after looking into some of this extensively. I'm not 100% sure that the user interface and data portability will be exactly what I'm hoping for though.
Exporting notes from Kindle manually works for non-pdf e-books, but the interface isn't as quick and easy. Generally I've not found Libby to be useful at all from a UI or data export functionality.
At the end of the day, sometimes a pile of index cards works best. If you've not read Sonke Ahrens (Create Space, 2017) or Umberto Eco (MIT, 2015) yet, they may be highly useful.
www.scielo.org.co www.scielo.org.co
sume los imaginarios desde la perspectiva sociológica e histórica,donde los imaginarios sociales son un magma de significaciones (representacio-nes, afectos, deseos, sentimientos y actuaciones) que constituyen un conjuntoreal de imágenes con las cuales los sujetos construyen, dan sentido al mundo ensu relación permanente y dialógica con el colectivo anónimo
desde que perspectiva se asumen los imaginarios sociales
www.weforum.org www.weforum.org
Extending the life of electronic products and re-using electrical components brings an even larger economic benefit, as working devices are certainly worth more than the materials they contain. A circular electronics system - one in which resources are not extracted, used and wasted, but re-used in countless ways - creates decent, sustainable jobs and retains more value in the industry.
This paragraph caught my attention for several reasons. The first is that it was one of the first paragraphs that I actually understood what it was saying. Additionally, it made me feel like I could do something about it. When it said that reusing electrical components are better, it helped me see a clear way that I can direct effect this. Finally, I thought this paragraph was interesting because it talked about creating jobs. This is important to note because more and more people are going to school for something involving technology. This creates jobs for that specific group of people.
- Mar 2023
archive.org archive.org
ebooks.adelaide.edu.au ebooks.adelaide.edu.au
University of Adelaide digital collection of the Great Books of the Western World using public domain sources within their collection.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Someone's collected digital copies of most of the Great Books of the Western World collection here.
standardebooks.org standardebooks.org
chat.d-id.com chat.d-id.com
https://chat.d-id.com/ DID에서 나온 새로운 서비스 음성으로 채팅을 하고 AI와 얼굴을 보며 대화 20번 무료 사용 가능
https://www.ebay.com/itm/364064561931 Vintage The CE Ward Co. Wood Index Card File Box HTF
www.mailgun.com www.mailgun.com
Our transactional and marketing email services allow you to send emails effortlessly.
github.com github.com
What are transactional emails? Typically any email that is triggered by or sent automatically from your application.
Welcome emails Actionable emails Password resets Receipts Monthly invoices Support requests App error alerts Reminders etc.
serversmtp.com serversmtp.com
for instance, when the recipient’s address is full (a soft bounce: just wait and re-send) or worst, when it’s non-existent (a hard bounce: you need to remove the account from your list)
www.downes.ca www.downes.ca
100% human-authored
Kudos! A rare find these days.
New book 'Myth America' examines misinformation in U.S. history<br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLAPfRqBHYs
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Feb 2023
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
goodereader.com goodereader.com
Amazon removing titles from Kindle Unlimited due to ebook piracy issues<br /> by Sovan Mandal
Read at Tue 2023-02-28 6:50 AM
ditchthattextbook.com ditchthattextbook.comHome1
www.colombiaaprende.edu.co www.colombiaaprende.edu.co
el área de T&I contribuye a la formación de niñas, niños y adolescentesen el desarrollo de sus competencias para, principalmente, estudiar, reflexionary comprender la naturaleza, evolución e implicaciones ético-políticas de la Tec-nología y la Informática en la vida cotidiana; así como para resolver problemas,necesidades y deseos de orden tecnológico asociados a la mejora de la calidadde vida de las personas y demás especies que habitan el planeta, procurando laconservación de un mundo sustentable y sostenible para las generaciones actua-les y futuras.
- Comprender la Naturaleza (Área Ciencias Naturales)
- Implicaciones ético-políticas de las TIC
- Resolver problemas de orden tecnológico (Áreas Matemáticas y Ciencias Naturales)
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
R.E Jones in his book Idiomau Cymraeg
- Jan 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Comparing the various e-note/e-reader devices, Kit Betts-Masters ranks them overall as follows: - Boox Note Air 2 - Supernote A5X - Remarkable 2 - Bigme Inknote - Kobo Elipsa - Boyue P10
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
supernote.com supernote.com
By linking notes in a zettelkasten-like way, you can create a relationship between one piece of information and another, forming a more thorough and deeper insight.
The Ratta Supernote e-reader/e-note device indicates that you can link notes "in a zettelkasten-like" way.
Interesting that they say this rather than "wiki-like"...
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Review of variety of Boox e-readers.
- Boox Note 3 - NO (older model)
- Best 7.8" is probably Note Air for $350
- 10" Note Air 2 >> Note Air
- 10" Note Air 2+ is $500 and has a bigger battery and batteries over it's smaller v2
- 13.3" Max Lumi >> Max Lumi2 especially because of price and heavy reflectivity issues with the Lumi 2
forums.zotero.org forums.zotero.org
Cite these as Book/Book Section as appropriate. If you need to specify that it is an ebook (most citation styles don’t require this—there isn’t a real difference from a physical book), specify that in Extra like this:Medium: Kindle ebook
To sub-specify an ebook as opposed to a physical book in Zotero, in the Extra section, add a note like
Medium: Kindle .mobi
@adamprocter @chrisaldrich i really like my boox nova3 color – it’s ✌️ just ✌️ a color-paper android device with a custom integrated launcher/ereader software but it can have f-droid or play store sideloaded on to it. i mostly use it with koreader+wallabag but there surely is an RSS or NNW client that works decently on it in B/W mode via rrix Jan 03, 2023, 12:47 https://notes.whatthefuck.computer/objects/0f1ffdd4-4e27-4962-ae53-0c039494bef9
- Dec 2022
www.springer.com www.springer.com
Humphreys, James E. Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 9.0. Springer, 1972. is one of the first Springer texts in my collection which has a Luhmann-esque sort of numbering system in its table of contents. Surely there must be earlier others though?
www.france.tv www.france.tv
www.allocine.fr www.allocine.fr
standardebooks.org standardebooks.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>awarm.space</span> in Making a modern ebook with Standard Ebooks (<time class='dt-published'>08/02/2021 12:08:19</time>)</cite></small>
blog.csdn.net blog.csdn.net
www.e-flux.com www.e-flux.com
“The invention of the ship,” as Paul Virilio wrote, “was also the invention of the shipwreck.”
Every innovation drags a host of new concepts into existence with it. Ways it can succeed, fail. All clouding around its reputation and providing handles for people to wield it.
postmarkapp.com postmarkapp.com
Let’s say, you’ve set up the list-unsubscribe header to you email campaign. Check out whether it works by sending an email to a test inbox. For Gmail, you’ll see the unsubscribe option in the header right next to the sender name
wordpress.org wordpress.org
Now I just have to figure out why Gmail isn’t showing the Unsubscribe option like everyone says it should.
Most mailing list providers will encourage you to insert a mailto and URL within the header of your emails, or they will be automatically provided.
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
This can lead to the sending of email to the correct address but the wrong recipient.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Errors-To is deprecated, so mail servers will typically ignore this header - most servers will bounce will to the 'envelope sender'. This is the email address that your mail client sends as part of the connection to the SMTP server (not necessarily the From address - though it typically is the same).
postmarkapp.com postmarkapp.com
Postmark separates email traffic through Message Streams, meaning that transactional and broadcast traffic never intersects in Postmark, including IP ranges. This is a longstanding best practice for ensuring optimal deliverability. Transactional message streams are for messages that are usually unique and triggered by a user action like a password reset, opted-into weekly digest, or receipts. Transactional streams do not support bulk messages. Broadcast message streams are for bulk messages that sent to multiple recipients at once like announcements, newsletters, or other application email.
postmarkapp.com postmarkapp.com
The best at transactional email because we never let them mix with bulk messages. You might say that Postmark has serious street cred with inbox providers. To protect the delivery of your transactional emails, it’s crucial to separate them from your bulk or promotional emails. With Message Streams, we’ve built a parallel but completely separate sending infrastructure for these two different types of emails. We don’t let them mix. Ever.
support.google.com support.google.com
List-Unsubscribe-Post: List-Unsubscribe=One-Click List-Unsubscribe: <https://solarmora.com/unsubscribe/example>
Here are some recommended unsubscribe methods: Include a prominent link in the message that takes recipients to a page for unsubscribing. Let recipients review the individual mailing lists they’re subscribed to. Let them unsubscribe from lists individually, or all lists at once. Automatically unsubscribe recipients who have multiple bounced messages. Periodically send a confirmation message to recipients to make sure they still want to get your messages.
Let recipients easily unsubscribe Always give recipients a way to unsubscribe from your messages. Make unsubscribing easy. Letting people opt out of your messages can improve message open rates, click-through rates, and sending efficiency.
Make sure recipients can easily subscribe
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
Many mail systems allow recipients to report mail as spam or junk, and mail streams from senders whose mail is often reported as junk tend to have poor deliverability. Hence, the mailers want to make it as easy as possible for recipients to unsubscribe; if an unsubscription process is too difficult, the recipient's alternative is to report mail from the sender as junk until the mail no longer appears in the recipient's inbox.